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What is OmegaT?

OmegaT is a free and open source multiplatform Computer Assisted Translation
tool with fuzzy matching, translation memory, keyword search, glossaries, and
translation leveraging into updated projects.

Licensing information

OmegaT is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. You can find the text of the license in

OmegaT uses a number of librairies. The license of each library is mentionned
in /lib/licenses/Licenses.txt.

Prerequisites for installing OmegaT

OmegaT requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 or higher to be
installed on your system.

We recommend using OmegaT packages that include the JRE, to save you the
trouble of selecting, obtaining and installing it.

Installing OmegaT (Windows)

Launch the installation program.

Installing OmegaT (Mac)

Unpack the OmegaT .zip archive to obtain a folder that contains a
documentation file and the OmegaT application. Move the folder to an
appropriate location such as the Applications folder.

Installing OmegaT (Linux)

Place the archive in any suitable folder and unpack it. OmegaT is then ready
to be launched.

You can however obtain a neater and more user-friendly installation by using
the installation script ( To use this script, open a
terminal window (console), change folder to the folder containing OmegaT.jar
and the script, and execute the script with ./linux-

Installing OmegaT (Solaris, FreeBSD, ...)

Place the archive in any suitable folder and unpack it. OmegaT is then ready
to be launched.

Using Java Web Start for installing OmegaT (all platforms)

If you have already Java installed on your system, one way to install OmegaT
is to use Java Web Start.

For this purpose download the following file and then execute it:


It will install the correct environment for your computer and the application
itself on the first run. Later calls do not need to be online.

Launching OmegaT (Windows)

If, during installation, you have created a shortcut on the desktop, double-
click on that shortcut.

The install program can create shortcuts for you in the start menu, on the
desktop and in the quick launch area. You can also manually drag the file
OmegaT.exe to the start menu, the desktop or the quick launch area to link it
from there.

If you can see the file OmegaT but not OmegaT.exe in your File Manager
(Windows Explorer), change the settings so that file extensions are displayed.

Launching OmegaT (Mac)

Double-click on the OmegaT application.

You may drag the OmegaT application to your dock or to the tool bar of a
Finder window to be able to launch it from any location. You can also launch
it from the Spotlight search field.

Launching OmegaT (Linux)

If you used script, you should be able to launch OmegaT with:


and then:


For a more user-friendly way of launching OmegaT, you can use the Kaptain
script provided (omegat.kaptn). To use this script you must first install
Kaptain. You can then launch the Kaptain launch script with:


and then:


Launching OmegaT from the command line (all systems)

The command to launch OmegaT is:

cd <folder where the file OmegaT.jar is located>

<name and path of the Java executable file> -jar OmegaT.jar

(The Java executable file is the file java on Linux and java.exe on Windows.
If Java is installed at system level and is in the command path, the full path
need not be entered.)


OmegaT is the original work of Keith Godfrey.

Didier Briel is the OmegaT project manager.

Previous contributors include:
(alphabetical order)

Contributions to the code are documented in contributors.txt.

Other contributions by
  Vincent Bidaux (documentation manager)
  Alex Buloichik (lead developer)
  Sabine Cretella
  Dmitri Gabinski
  Jean-Christophe Helary (localization manager)
  Aaron Madlon-Kay (integration manager)
  Samuel Murray
  Marc Prior (webmaster)
  and many, many more very helpful people

(If you think you have significantly contributed to the OmegaT Project but you
(don't see your name on the lists, feel free to contact us.)

Useful links

The most current info about OmegaT can be found at:


User support, at the Yahoo user group (multilingual), where the archives are
searchable without subscription:


Requests for Enhancements (in English), at the SourceForge site:

Bug reports (in English), at the SourceForge site: