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Ghost: Agnostic GSAP and Tailwind Framework


Dependencies: none


Note: Tailwind's spacing utilities must be extended to use pb aspect ratios


Gallery.js is a collection of agnostic gallery objects built for use with GSAP and Tailwind. Gallery.js was built to allow for entirely different functionality at different window sizes.

import {Gallery} from './ghost/components/Gallery.js'

const gallery = new Gallery(container, {})

1. Basic HTML Structure

@gallery is used to target the container of the gallery. @panels is used to target the container of the hover panel elements where event listeners will be added. Both of these targets can be customized.

<div class="@gallery relative w-1/4 my-48 mx-auto">
    <div class="@panels absolute flex items-stretch w-full h-full">
        <!-- Panels will be generated here -->

    <div class="relative overflow-hidden w-full pb-full pointer-events-none">
        <img class="absolute object-cover h-full w-full" src="">
        <!-- Images -->

    <div class="@nav relative">
        <div class="w-4 h-8 bg-black">
        <!-- Declare the button style -->

2. Create a new Gallery

const container = document.querySelector(".\\@gallery")

const gallery = new Gallery(container, {
    panels: '.\\@panels',
    nav: '.\\@nav',
    prev: '.\\@prev',
    next: '.\\@next',
    onPlay: (self) => {
        self.images.forEach((image, i) => {
            if(self.bullets !== undefined) {self.bullets[i].classList.remove('active')}

   = 0
        if(self.bullets !== undefined) {self.bullets[self.current].classList.add('active')}
        self.images[self.current].style.opacity = 1
Key Type Default Description
panels string undefined Container element for hover panels
current num false Start position for the gallery
onPlay function undefined Callback triggered on play event
nav string undefined Query string for nav bullet container
navAction Function .classList.add('active') Action to take when a nav bullet is active
next string undefined Query string for next button
prev string undefined Query string for next button
loop boolean undefined Determines if the gallery loops when breaching max or min
touch {} undefined Enables touch event listeners
autoplay num undefined Enables autoplay
zoom* boolean undefined Enables pinch zooming on mobile

*Proposed feature

Ex: Touch Events

const gallery = new Gallery(container, {
    panels: '.\\@panels',
    nav: '.\\@nav',
    prev: '.\\@prev',
    next: '.\\@next',
    onPlay: (self) => {
        self.images.forEach((image, i) => {
            if(self.bullets !== undefined) {self.bullets[i].classList.remove('active')}

   = 0
        if(self.bullets !== undefined) {self.bullets[self.current].classList.add('active')}
        self.images[self.current].style.opacity = 1
    touch: {
        container: '.\\@images',
        startDelay: 100,
        endDelay: 500,
        onStart: () => {
        onEnd: () => {
Key Type Default Description
container string undefined Container element for touch events
startDelay num undefined Delay before running onStart()
endDelay num undefined Delay before running onEnd()
onStart function undefined Callback for touchstart
onEnd function undefined Callback for touchend

Responsive design

To make Gallery.js responsive, you can build different gallery instances depending on the size of the window.

// 1. Imports
import { WindowQuery } from './components/WindowQuery.js'
import { Gallery } from './components/Gallery.js'

// 2. Define query sizes
const app = new WindowQuery({
    mobile: '375px',
    desktop: '768px',

// 3. Define gallery instances for each query size = () => {
    const gallery = new Gallery(container, {})
app.desktop = () => {
    const gallery = new Gallery(container, {})


Gallery.js is a part of Terrain's Ghost library, and is currently in development. Ghost is a library of foundational code blocks, designed for practical use on projects built with GSAP and Tailwind.

Ghost's code is non-obtrusive, and does not create any actions without your direction. It is designed to be as agnostic as possible, allowing it to function freely accross a large variety of applications.


  • Basic multi-state gallery
  • Enable type change at breakpoints
  • Event callbacks for advanced animation
  • Panel-based touch events
  • Touch event callbacks


  • Pinch to zoom
  • Hide prev/next instead of all

Thumbnail v0.1:

  • Bullets as generated thumbnails
  • Max bullets (auto scrolling)

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