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Snipcode Database

This package contains all the entities and data access layer that can be used in the Backend or Lambda functions. We use Prisma as the ORM to create database migrations and entities.

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Make sure you have this tools installed before running the project

Set up the project

Delete the existing folders output from build commands

yarn clean

Install node modules

yarn install

Create the .env file from the template

cp .env.template .env
# open .env file and update it with your local environment configuration
nano .env

Connect to the local database locally

This project uses PlanetScale for database and to connect to the database locally, you must authenticate first (Ask the credentials to @tericcabrel). Once authenticated from the terminal, execute the commands below on two separate terminals.

# On a terminal
yarn db:dev
# On a second terminal (only necessary if you update the prisma schema)
yarn db:shadow

The shadow database run on Docker, so don't forget to stop it when you don't need it

yarn db:shadow:stop

Run the database migration, generate Prisma types and seed the database with default data

yarn db:generate
yarn db:migrate:dev
yarn db:seed

Generate a database migration

To generate a database migration, we run the command below:

yarn db:migrate:dev --name <migration-name>

Once done, make a copy of the file prisma/schema.prisma to prisma/schema.test.prisma.

Open the copied file and remove the line shadowDatabaseUrl = env("SHADOW_DATABASE_URL").

This action is required to make the test executions easier in the package domain (packages/domain).

Others Prisma commands

  • Reset the database without seeding: db:reset:dev
  • Reset the database with seeding: db:reset:dev:seed
  • Open Prisma Studio to browse your DB: db:view
  • Lint the Prisma schema file: db:format

Create a deployment request

To publish the database schema changes in production, you must create a deployment request. Run the command below to do that

yarn db:deploy:create

Build the package to generate types declaration required to provide autocompletion while using the functions in the core or Lambda functions

yarn build

A dist folder will be generated.

Running tests

Run the command below to run all the tests

yarn test

To run a specific test file, append the filename after the command

yarn test id.test.ts

Lint the project

ESLint and Prettier are used to normalize the code style across the project. Linting the code make sure there is no error

yarn lint