# Snipcode Snipcode is an open-source code-sharing platform that makes it easy to create code snippets and sharing it with the world. [![Website](https://snipcode.dev/assets/og.png)](https://snipcode.dev) ## Key Features * Create private or public code snippets with tags * Browse and search into public code snippets * Create folder to group your code snippets by category * Generate a link to share a code snippet * Import code snippet from GitHub Gist * Add comments to a code snippet ## Tech Stack * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) * [Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) * [GraphQL](https://graphql.org/) * [MySQL 8 through PlanetScale](https://planetscale.com/) * [Prisma](https://www.prisma.io/) * [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) * [AWS](https://aws.amazon.com) ## Project Structure ```text snipcode ├─ apps │ ├─ core │ ├─ functions │ │ ├─ code-embed │ ├─ web ├─ packages │ ├─ database │ ├─ embed │ ├─ domain │ ├─ front │ ├─ logger │ ├─ utils package.json tsconfig.base.json tsconfig.json turbo.json vercel.json ``` ## Contributing Kindly read our [Contributing Guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn and understand about our development process, how to propose bug fixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to Snipcode. ## License This project is developed under the [MIT License](/LICENSE)