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File metadata and controls

108 lines (81 loc) · 3.72 KB

Sharingan code snippet renderer

This project take a snippet ID and generate the HTML content to be embedded in a web page.

Tech stack

  • Node.js
  • Typescript
  • MySQL 8 through PlanetScale
  • Prisma


Make sure you have this tools installed before running the project

  • Node.js 16+
  • NPM or Yarn
  • AWS CLI v2

Packages dependencies

We use Yarn workspace to create packages we can share with other applications. These packages are located in the folder packages, so you might need to change the code of one or many packages to implement a feature. Here are the packages used in this project:

Set up

Note: This repo requires a connection to the database, follow the instructions in the database packages before going to the next step.

Delete the existing folders output from build commands

yarn clean

Install node modules

yarn install

Create configuration file from the template

cp .env.template .env

# Edit configuration to match your local environment and save
nano .env

Environment variables list

Variable Description
ENV Node.js environment (default: development)
DATABASE_URL The database connection string
EMBED_STYLE_URL The CDN URL of the style to embed in the generated HTML
EMBED_JS_URL The CDN URL of the Javascript to embed in the generated HTML
WEB_APP_URL URL of the frontend the application that communicates with this app

Test locally

There are two ways to test the Lambda function local:

  • Invocation in the CLI You can invoke the function locally for that
  1. Edit the pathParameters property in the file src/functions/renderer/mock.json to set the ID of snippet you want to render
  2. run the command below the see to result:
yarn invoke:local

This command will output the HTML content generated.

  • Preview in the browser If you want to see a visual result of the generated HTML, run the command below:
yarn offline

Open your brwoser and navigate to http:https://localhost:3000/dev/snippets/{id}

Replace the parameter {id} with the ID of snippet you want to preview.

Note: There is no live reload support so, if you edit the code, you must stop the CLI and rerun yarn offline.

Deploy in dev

  • Method 1

To deploy from your computer, run the command below:

yarn deploy:dev

The deployment will fail if no value is provided for the property SENTRY_DSN so, make sure you provided this value.

  • Method 2 If you don't want to manage environment variable locally, you can:
  1. Commit your changes on your branch
  2. Rebase to the main branch
  3. Create a branch named dev from your current branch
  4. Force push and the code will be automagically deployed in dev for you

Lambda Layers

This function use two Lambda layers:

  • Prisma layer: contain the Prisma client with the models to interact to our database
  • Shiki layer: contains the node_modules dependencies for highlighting the code

Using them as layers reduce the bundle size of the Lambda and thus improve the cold start.

Advanced usage

Any tsconfig.json can be used, but if you do, set the environment variable TS_NODE_CONFIG for building the application, eg TS_NODE_CONFIG=./ npx serverless webpack