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executable file
121 lines (74 loc) · 3.51 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
121 lines (74 loc) · 3.51 KB user panel (

Registration and login

For register need insert your information in registration page. After registration API send confirming message.

After confirming API create user_role and user_notificaions tabs in DB. All notifications defolt is activw. Beore thet us service (without role) is inpaseble.

If you dont take message you can send new.

Password reset

For reset password ckick button "Return password" on login page. After insert your mail. Service check if user of this mail is isset it send mail on this mail

After user need click to message and insetr new password

Social login

Poseble login with google and facebook

Configuration for social login can find in .env file (check .env example file)

Go out

If server return only 1 request with 419 or 401 error, user dumpd in login page and mist sesion and cucie

Permissions & Roles

This project use standard laravel permissions structure.

Roles and permissions are inserted in DB tabs

Laravel role and permission

Visit laravel official site for more information

Roles on front

For permissions in front-end use VUE plugin -> "casl-vue".

More information about this plugin show in official documentation.

casl-vue oficial site

User and services followers notification


English documentatione here Russion documentatione here

For sending lot of messages project us "Laravel Queues". It make notification quenes in DB and confirm it on event data. This is done so that you do not wait until all messages are sent, they will be sent in the background!

In DB use tab "jobs".

Config in .env => "QUEUE_CONNECTION=jobs".

For run email queue use (whith prefix onQueue('emails')) command ->

php artisan queue:work --queue=emails

Runing command ->

php artisan queue:work
  • run for all time watch,
php artisan queue:work –timeout=60
  • run all 60 secund,

Laravel Advanced - Task Scheduling

English documentatione here Russion documentatione here

For send event notificatione automatcly project use "Laravel Advanced". It keeps track of the send time and execute it at the given time.

You can fined all this objects in "app/Console/Kernel.php", in function "schedule". After function in "app/Console/Comands/UserAutoNotificatione" create queues (file -> app/Jobs/EventAutoNotificatione.php)

For corect working necessary inser corect timexone in "config/app.php" and check parameter "timezone". (For Georgia "'Asia/Tbilisi'")

For run sending from comand line ->


For check all taks run command in consol ->

php artisan schedule:list

Run command for watch tasks->

php artisan schedule:work

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