# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license """ AbstractChannel{T} Representation of a channel passing objects of type `T`. """ abstract type AbstractChannel{T} end push!(c::AbstractChannel, v) = (put!(c, v); c) popfirst!(c::AbstractChannel) = take!(c) """ Channel{T=Any}(size::Int=0) Constructs a `Channel` with an internal buffer that can hold a maximum of `size` objects of type `T`. [`put!`](@ref) calls on a full channel block until an object is removed with [`take!`](@ref). `Channel(0)` constructs an unbuffered channel. `put!` blocks until a matching `take!` is called. And vice-versa. Other constructors: * `Channel()`: default constructor, equivalent to `Channel{Any}(0)` * `Channel(Inf)`: equivalent to `Channel{Any}(typemax(Int))` * `Channel(sz)`: equivalent to `Channel{Any}(sz)` !!! compat "Julia 1.3" The default constructor `Channel()` and default `size=0` were added in Julia 1.3. """ mutable struct Channel{T} <: AbstractChannel{T} cond_take::Threads.Condition # waiting for data to become available cond_wait::Threads.Condition # waiting for data to become maybe available cond_put::Threads.Condition # waiting for a writeable slot state::Symbol excp::Union{Exception, Nothing} # exception to be thrown when state !== :open data::Vector{T} sz_max::Int # maximum size of channel function Channel{T}(sz::Integer = 0) where T if sz < 0 throw(ArgumentError("Channel size must be either 0, a positive integer or Inf")) end lock = ReentrantLock() cond_put, cond_take = Threads.Condition(lock), Threads.Condition(lock) cond_wait = (sz == 0 ? Threads.Condition(lock) : cond_take) # wait is distinct from take iff unbuffered return new(cond_take, cond_wait, cond_put, :open, nothing, Vector{T}(), sz) end end function Channel{T}(sz::Float64) where T sz = (sz == Inf ? typemax(Int) : convert(Int, sz)) return Channel{T}(sz) end Channel(sz=0) = Channel{Any}(sz) # special constructors """ Channel{T=Any}(func::Function, size=0; taskref=nothing, spawn=false) Create a new task from `func`, bind it to a new channel of type `T` and size `size`, and schedule the task, all in a single call. `func` must accept the bound channel as its only argument. If you need a reference to the created task, pass a `Ref{Task}` object via the keyword argument `taskref`. If `spawn = true`, the Task created for `func` may be scheduled on another thread in parallel, equivalent to creating a task via [`Threads.@spawn`](@ref). Return a `Channel`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> chnl = Channel() do ch foreach(i -> put!(ch, i), 1:4) end; julia> typeof(chnl) Channel{Any} julia> for i in chnl @show i end; i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4 ``` Referencing the created task: ```jldoctest julia> taskref = Ref{Task}(); julia> chnl = Channel(taskref=taskref) do ch println(take!(ch)) end; julia> istaskdone(taskref[]) false julia> put!(chnl, "Hello"); Hello julia> istaskdone(taskref[]) true ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.3" The `spawn=` parameter was added in Julia 1.3. This constructor was added in Julia 1.3. In earlier versions of Julia, Channel used keyword arguments to set `size` and `T`, but those constructors are deprecated. ```jldoctest julia> chnl = Channel{Char}(1, spawn=true) do ch for c in "hello world" put!(ch, c) end end Channel{Char}(1) (1 item available) julia> String(collect(chnl)) "hello world" ``` """ function Channel{T}(func::Function, size=0; taskref=nothing, spawn=false) where T chnl = Channel{T}(size) task = Task(() -> func(chnl)) task.sticky = !spawn bind(chnl, task) if spawn schedule(task) # start it on (potentially) another thread else yield(task) # immediately start it, yielding the current thread end isa(taskref, Ref{Task}) && (taskref[] = task) return chnl end Channel(func::Function, args...; kwargs...) = Channel{Any}(func, args...; kwargs...) # This constructor is deprecated as of Julia v1.3, and should not be used. # (Note that this constructor also matches `Channel(::Function)` w/out any kwargs, which is # of course not deprecated.) # We use `nothing` default values to check which arguments were set in order to throw the # deprecation warning if users try to use `spawn=` with `ctype=` or `csize=`. function Channel(func::Function; ctype=nothing, csize=nothing, taskref=nothing, spawn=nothing) # The spawn= keyword argument was added in Julia v1.3, and cannot be used with the # deprecated keyword arguments `ctype=` or `csize=`. if (ctype !== nothing || csize !== nothing) && spawn !== nothing throw(ArgumentError("Cannot set `spawn=` in the deprecated constructor `Channel(f; ctype=Any, csize=0)`. Please use `Channel{T=Any}(f, size=0; taskref=nothing, spawn=false)` instead!")) end # Set the actual default values for the arguments. ctype === nothing && (ctype = Any) csize === nothing && (csize = 0) spawn === nothing && (spawn = false) return Channel{ctype}(func, csize; taskref=taskref, spawn=spawn) end closed_exception() = InvalidStateException("Channel is closed.", :closed) isbuffered(c::Channel) = c.sz_max==0 ? false : true function check_channel_state(c::Channel) if !isopen(c) excp = c.excp excp !== nothing && throw(excp) throw(closed_exception()) end end """ close(c::Channel[, excp::Exception]) Close a channel. An exception (optionally given by `excp`), is thrown by: * [`put!`](@ref) on a closed channel. * [`take!`](@ref) and [`fetch`](@ref) on an empty, closed channel. """ function close(c::Channel, excp::Exception=closed_exception()) lock(c) try c.state = :closed c.excp = excp notify_error(c.cond_take, excp) notify_error(c.cond_wait, excp) notify_error(c.cond_put, excp) finally unlock(c) end nothing end isopen(c::Channel) = (c.state === :open) """ bind(chnl::Channel, task::Task) Associate the lifetime of `chnl` with a task. `Channel` `chnl` is automatically closed when the task terminates. Any uncaught exception in the task is propagated to all waiters on `chnl`. The `chnl` object can be explicitly closed independent of task termination. Terminating tasks have no effect on already closed `Channel` objects. When a channel is bound to multiple tasks, the first task to terminate will close the channel. When multiple channels are bound to the same task, termination of the task will close all of the bound channels. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> c = Channel(0); julia> task = @async foreach(i->put!(c, i), 1:4); julia> bind(c,task); julia> for i in c @show i end; i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4 julia> isopen(c) false ``` ```jldoctest julia> c = Channel(0); julia> task = @async (put!(c, 1); error("foo")); julia> bind(c, task); julia> take!(c) 1 julia> put!(c, 1); ERROR: TaskFailedException Stacktrace: [...] nested task error: foo [...] ``` """ function bind(c::Channel, task::Task) T = Task(() -> close_chnl_on_taskdone(task, c)) _wait2(task, T) return c end """ channeled_tasks(n::Int, funcs...; ctypes=fill(Any,n), csizes=fill(0,n)) A convenience method to create `n` channels and bind them to tasks started from the provided functions in a single call. Each `func` must accept `n` arguments which are the created channels. Channel types and sizes may be specified via keyword arguments `ctypes` and `csizes` respectively. If unspecified, all channels are of type `Channel{Any}(0)`. Returns a tuple, `(Array{Channel}, Array{Task})`, of the created channels and tasks. """ function channeled_tasks(n::Int, funcs...; ctypes=fill(Any,n), csizes=fill(0,n)) @assert length(csizes) == n @assert length(ctypes) == n chnls = map(i -> Channel{ctypes[i]}(csizes[i]), 1:n) tasks = Task[ Task(() -> f(chnls...)) for f in funcs ] # bind all tasks to all channels and schedule them foreach(t -> foreach(c -> bind(c, t), chnls), tasks) foreach(schedule, tasks) yield() # Allow scheduled tasks to run return (chnls, tasks) end function close_chnl_on_taskdone(t::Task, c::Channel) isopen(c) || return lock(c) try isopen(c) || return if istaskfailed(t) close(c, TaskFailedException(t)) return end close(c) finally unlock(c) end nothing end struct InvalidStateException <: Exception msg::AbstractString state::Symbol end """ put!(c::Channel, v) Append an item `v` to the channel `c`. Blocks if the channel is full. For unbuffered channels, blocks until a [`take!`](@ref) is performed by a different task. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" `v` now gets converted to the channel's type with [`convert`](@ref) as `put!` is called. """ function put!(c::Channel{T}, v) where T check_channel_state(c) v = convert(T, v) return isbuffered(c) ? put_buffered(c, v) : put_unbuffered(c, v) end function put_buffered(c::Channel, v) lock(c) try while length(c.data) == c.sz_max check_channel_state(c) wait(c.cond_put) end push!(c.data, v) # notify all, since some of the waiters may be on a "fetch" call. notify(c.cond_take, nothing, true, false) finally unlock(c) end return v end function put_unbuffered(c::Channel, v) lock(c) taker = try while isempty(c.cond_take.waitq) check_channel_state(c) notify(c.cond_wait) wait(c.cond_put) end # unfair scheduled version of: notify(c.cond_take, v, false, false); yield() popfirst!(c.cond_take.waitq) finally unlock(c) end schedule(taker, v) yield() # immediately give taker a chance to run, but don't block the current task return v end """ fetch(c::Channel) Wait for and get the first available item from the channel. Does not remove the item. `fetch` is unsupported on an unbuffered (0-size) channel. """ fetch(c::Channel) = isbuffered(c) ? fetch_buffered(c) : fetch_unbuffered(c) function fetch_buffered(c::Channel) lock(c) try while isempty(c.data) check_channel_state(c) wait(c.cond_take) end return c.data[1] finally unlock(c) end end fetch_unbuffered(c::Channel) = throw(ErrorException("`fetch` is not supported on an unbuffered Channel.")) """ take!(c::Channel) Remove and return a value from a [`Channel`](@ref). Blocks until data is available. For unbuffered channels, blocks until a [`put!`](@ref) is performed by a different task. """ take!(c::Channel) = isbuffered(c) ? take_buffered(c) : take_unbuffered(c) function take_buffered(c::Channel) lock(c) try while isempty(c.data) check_channel_state(c) wait(c.cond_take) end v = popfirst!(c.data) notify(c.cond_put, nothing, false, false) # notify only one, since only one slot has become available for a put!. return v finally unlock(c) end end # 0-size channel function take_unbuffered(c::Channel{T}) where T lock(c) try check_channel_state(c) notify(c.cond_put, nothing, false, false) return wait(c.cond_take)::T finally unlock(c) end end """ isready(c::Channel) Determine whether a [`Channel`](@ref) has a value stored to it. Returns immediately, does not block. For unbuffered channels returns `true` if there are tasks waiting on a [`put!`](@ref). """ isready(c::Channel) = n_avail(c) > 0 n_avail(c::Channel) = isbuffered(c) ? length(c.data) : length(c.cond_put.waitq) isempty(c::Channel) = isbuffered(c) ? isempty(c.data) : isempty(c.cond_put.waitq) lock(c::Channel) = lock(c.cond_take) unlock(c::Channel) = unlock(c.cond_take) trylock(c::Channel) = trylock(c.cond_take) function wait(c::Channel) isready(c) && return lock(c) try while !isready(c) check_channel_state(c) wait(c.cond_wait) end finally unlock(c) end nothing end eltype(::Type{Channel{T}}) where {T} = T show(io::IO, c::Channel) = print(io, typeof(c), "(", c.sz_max, ")") function show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", c::Channel) show(io, c) if !(get(io, :compact, false)::Bool) if !isopen(c) print(io, " (closed)") else n = n_avail(c) if n == 0 print(io, " (empty)") else s = n == 1 ? "" : "s" print(io, " (", n_avail(c), " item$s available)") end end end end function iterate(c::Channel, state=nothing) try return (take!(c), nothing) catch e if isa(e, InvalidStateException) && e.state === :closed return nothing else rethrow() end end end IteratorSize(::Type{<:Channel}) = SizeUnknown()