module Help export help, apropos, @help CATEGORY_LIST = nothing CATEGORY_DICT = nothing MODULE_DICT = nothing FUNCTION_DICT = nothing function clear_cache() global CATEGORY_LIST = nothing global CATEGORY_DICT = nothing global MODULE_DICT = nothing global FUNCTION_DICT = nothing end function decor_help_desc(func::String, mfunc::String, desc::String) sd = split(desc, '\n') for i = 1:length(sd) if beginswith(sd[i], func) sd[i] = mfunc * sd[i][length(func)+1:end] else break end end return join(sd, '\n') end function helpdb_filename() root = "$JULIA_HOME/../share/julia" file = "helpdb.jl" for loc in [Base.locale()] fn = joinpath(root, loc, file) if isfile(fn) return fn end end joinpath(root, file) end function init_help() global CATEGORY_LIST, CATEGORY_DICT, MODULE_DICT, FUNCTION_DICT if CATEGORY_DICT == nothing println("Loading help data...") helpdb = evalfile(helpdb_filename()) CATEGORY_LIST = {} CATEGORY_DICT = Dict() MODULE_DICT = Dict() FUNCTION_DICT = Dict() for (cat,mod,func,desc) in helpdb if !haskey(CATEGORY_DICT, cat) push!(CATEGORY_LIST, cat) CATEGORY_DICT[cat] = {} end if !isempty(mod) mfunc = mod * "." * func desc = decor_help_desc(func, mfunc, desc) else mfunc = func end push!(CATEGORY_DICT[cat], mfunc) if !haskey(FUNCTION_DICT, mfunc) FUNCTION_DICT[mfunc] = {} end push!(FUNCTION_DICT[mfunc], desc) if !haskey(MODULE_DICT, func) MODULE_DICT[func] = {} end if !contains(MODULE_DICT[func], mod) push!(MODULE_DICT[func], mod) end end end end function help() init_help() print( """ Welcome to Julia. The full manual is available at To get help, try help(function), help("@macro"), or help("variable"). To search all help text, try apropos("string"). To see available functions, try help(category), for one of the following categories: """) for cat = CATEGORY_LIST if !isempty(CATEGORY_DICT[cat]) print(" ") show(cat); println() end end end function help(cat::String) init_help() if !haskey(CATEGORY_DICT, cat) # if it's not a category, try another named thing return help_for(cat) end println("Help is available for the following items:") for func = CATEGORY_DICT[cat] print(func, " ") end println() end function print_help_entries(entries) first = true for desc in entries if !first println() end println(strip(desc)) first = false end end help_for(s::String) = help_for(s, 0) function help_for(fname::String, obj) init_help() found = false if haskey(FUNCTION_DICT, fname) print_help_entries(FUNCTION_DICT[fname]) found = true else if haskey(MODULE_DICT, fname) allmods = MODULE_DICT[fname] alldesc = {} for mod in allmods mfname = isempty(mod) ? fname : mod * "." * fname append!(alldesc, FUNCTION_DICT[mfname]) end print_help_entries(alldesc) found = true end end if !found if isa(obj, DataType) print("DataType : ") repl_show(obj) println() println(" supertype: ", super(obj)) if obj.abstract st = subtypes(obj) if length(st) > 0 print(" subtypes : ") showcompact(st) println() end end if length(obj.names) > 0 println(" fields : ", obj.names) end elseif isgeneric(obj) repl_show(obj); println() else println("No help information found.") end end end function apropos(txt::String) init_help() n = 0 r = Regex("\\Q$txt", Base.PCRE.CASELESS) for (cat, _) in CATEGORY_DICT if ismatch(r, cat) println("Category: \"$cat\"") end end for (func, entries) in FUNCTION_DICT if ismatch(r, func) || any(e->ismatch(r,e), entries) for desc in entries nl = search(desc,'\n') if nl != 0 println(desc[1:(nl-1)]) else println(desc) end end n+=1 end end if n == 0 println("No help information found.") end end function help(f::Function) if is(f,help) return help() end help_for(string(f), f) end help(t::DataType) = help_for(string(,t) help(t::Module) = help(string(t)) function help(x) show(x) t = typeof(x) if isa(t,DataType) println(" is of type") help(t) else println(" is of type $t") end end # check whether an expression is a qualified name, e.g. Base.FFTW.FORWARD isname(n::Symbol) = true isname(ex::Expr) = ((ex.head == :. && isname(ex.args[1]) && isname(ex.args[2])) || (ex.head == :quote && isname(ex.args[1]))) macro help(ex) if !isa(ex, Expr) || isname(ex) return Expr(:call, :help, esc(ex)) elseif ex.head == :macrocall && length(ex.args) == 1 # e.g., "julia> @help @printf" return Expr(:call, :help, string(ex.args[1])) else return Expr(:macrocall, symbol("@which"), esc(ex)) end end end # module