# Adobe Discord Rich Presence ![](https://github.com/teeteeteeteetee/adobe-discord-rpc/raw/master/demo/demo.gif "Preview of Discord x Adobe Rich Presence.") # special thanks to Stxyl for helping me test macOS compatibility! # Information This extension works on **CEP 8+ (2018+)** # How to ![](https://github.com/teeteeteeteetee/adobe-discord-rpc/raw/master/demo/installation1.gif "Quick Demo of the Extension being installed") ## Method 1 [video guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZUnG9jf9RI) [earlier versions](https://youtu.be/oHytdpcVlJ8) - you can ignore the %appdata%/adobe step _([If you don't have a zip extractor you can install one **here**](https://7-zip.org))_ 1. Unzip the file using your preferred .zip extractor and extract the folder `discord rpc` into: - **Windows:** - `C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/CEP/extensions` OR - Hold `Windows + R` and enter **%appdata%** - `%appdata%/Adobe/CEP/extensions` _(User only)_ \n (only if program files folder didn't work) - **MacOS:** - `~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions` 2. - **Windows:**: In regedit, go to one of these paths depending on your version - 2021(late): `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.11` - 2021(early)/2020(late): `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.10` - 2020(early)/2019: `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.9` - (If there's multiple CSX numbers in Registry Editor then create one for them for all) - Create a string value called "PlayerDebugMode" and put "1" as value - **MacOS:**: In the terminal write - 2021(late): `defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.11 PlayerDebugMode 1` - 2021(early)/2020(late): `defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.10 PlayerDebugMode 1` - 2020(early)/2019: `defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.9 PlayerDebugMode 1` - I recommend writing all of them in terminal ~~- Application should be added into accessibility under the system preference [ref](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861647140937400380/861740220869640233/unknown.png)~~ 3. Open any Adobe app that supports this extension. 4. On the top of the window, go to `Window > Extensions > Discord Rich Presence` And there you go! You should see the Rich Presence on your profile, if it doesn't, go to [Troubleshooting](#Troubleshooting "Scrolls you down to the troubleshooting section"), and if that still doesn't work, Go to [Support](#Support "Scrolls you down to the Support Section"). ## Method 2 1. Install any app that supports `.zxp` files - Or you can use Adobe's Extension Manager 2. Import the `.zxp` file. # Troubleshooting - **Windows:** - If there is no `/CEP/` folder then you might have a bad Adobe Installation. - If the extension doesn't show up in `Window > Extensions`, then re-check if `PlayerDebugMode` is set to `1` in Registry Editor - If **nothing above** works, then there's most likely an issue on Adobe's side, most likely that your app is outdated or the extension itself is broken. I recommend updating your app. # Support If __NOTHING__ on the troubleshooting section works. Or you need extra assistance to install the extension, feel free to join the help server [here.](https://discord.gg/RGtxbuFtzb "Redirects you to the Adobe Discord Rich Presence Support Server.") ### Support Server **[discord.gg/RGtxbuFtzb](https://discord.gg/RGtxbuFtzb "Join for Support")**