Attribute VB_Name = "Vincenty" ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Vincenty's Direct and Inverse Solution of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid ' algorithms by Thaddeus Vincenty (1975) ' ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Ported to VBA by (c) Tomasz Jastrzebski 2018-2022 MIT Licence ' Version: 2022-07-03 ' Latest version available at: ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Based on the implementation by Chris Veness, ver 2.4.0 ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Option Explicit Private Const PI = 3.14159265358979 Private Const EPSILON12 As Double = 0.000000000001 ' 1E-12 Private Const EPSILON24 As Double = 1E-24 Private Const EPSILON16 As Double = 2 ^ -52 ' ~2.2E-16 ' WGS84 ellipsiod Private Const low_a As Double = 6378137 Private Const low_b As Double = 6356752.3142 Private Const f As Double = 1 / 298.257223563 Private Const MaxIterations As Integer = 100 Private Type DirParams sinU1 As Double cosU1 As Double sigma As Double sinSigma As Double cosSigma As Double cosAlpha1 As Double cosSqAlpha As Double cos2sigmaM As Double sinAlpha As Double sinAlpha1 As Double lambda1 As Double End Type Private Type InvParams upper_A As Double sigma As Double sinSqSigma As Double deltaSigma As Double sinU1 As Double cosU1 As Double sinU2 As Double cosU2 As Double cosLambda As Double sinLambda As Double s As Double End Type ' Calculates geodesic latitude (in degrees) based on one point, bearing (in degrees) and distance (in m) using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids Public Function VincentyDirLat(ByVal lat As Double, ByVal lon As Double, ByVal azimuth As Double, ByVal distance As Double) As Variant Attribute VincentyDirLat.VB_Description = "Calculates geodesic latitude (in degrees) based on one point, azimuth and distance using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids." Attribute VincentyDirLat.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: Dim p As DirParams: p = VincentyDir(lat, lon, azimuth, distance) Dim x As Double: x = p.sinU1 * p.sinSigma - p.cosU1 * p.cosSigma * p.cosAlpha1 Dim phi2 As Double: phi2 = Atan2(p.sinU1 * p.cosSigma + p.cosU1 * p.sinSigma * p.cosAlpha1, (1 - f) * Sqr(p.sinAlpha ^ 2 + x ^ 2)) VincentyDirLat = ToDegrees(phi2) Exit Function error: If Err.Number = Excel.xlErrNA Then VincentyDirLat = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Function ' Calculates geodesic longitude (in degrees) based on one point, bearing (in degrees) and distance (in m) using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids. Public Function VincentyDirLon(ByVal lat As Double, ByVal lon As Double, ByVal azimuth As Double, ByVal distance As Double) As Variant Attribute VincentyDirLon.VB_Description = "Calculates geodesic longitude (in degrees) based on one point, azimuth and distance using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids." Attribute VincentyDirLon.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: Dim p As DirParams: p = VincentyDir(lat, lon, azimuth, distance) Dim lambda As Double: lambda = Atan2(p.sinSigma * p.sinAlpha1, p.cosU1 * p.cosSigma - p.sinU1 * p.sinSigma * p.cosAlpha1) Dim C As Double: C = f / 16 * p.cosSqAlpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * p.cosSqAlpha)) Dim fix1 As Double: fix1 = p.cos2sigmaM + C * p.cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * p.cos2sigmaM ^ 2) Dim L As Double: L = lambda - (1 - C) * f * p.sinAlpha * (p.sigma + C * p.sinSigma * fix1) Dim lambda2 As Double: lambda2 = p.lambda1 + L If lambda2 = PI Then VincentyDirLon = 180 Else VincentyDirLon = NormalizeLon(ToDegrees(lambda2)) End If Exit Function error: If Err.Number = Excel.xlErrNA Then VincentyDirLon = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Function ' Calculates geodesic reverse azimuth (in degrees) based on one point, bearing (in degrees) and distance (in m) using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids. Public Function VincentyDirRevAzimuth(ByVal lat As Double, ByVal lon As Double, ByVal azimuth As Double, ByVal distance As Double, Optional returnAzimuth As Boolean = False) As Variant Attribute VincentyDirRevAzimuth.VB_Description = "Calculates geodesic reverse azimuth (in degrees) based on one point, bearing (in degrees) and distance (in m) using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids. Note: by default forward azimuth is returned. For return azimuth (2->1) use returnAzimuth = true." Attribute VincentyDirRevAzimuth.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: Dim p As DirParams: p = VincentyDir(lat, lon, azimuth, distance) Dim x As Double: x = p.sinU1 * p.sinSigma - p.cosU1 * p.cosSigma * p.cosAlpha1 Dim alpha2 As Double: alpha2 = Atan2(p.sinAlpha, -x) If returnAzimuth Then VincentyDirRevAzimuth = NormalizeAzimuth(ToDegrees(alpha2) + 180, True) Else VincentyDirRevAzimuth = NormalizeAzimuth(ToDegrees(alpha2), True) End If Exit Function error: If Err.Number = Excel.xlErrNA Then VincentyDirRevAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Function ' Calculates geodesic distance (in m) between two points specified by latitude/longitude (in numeric degrees) using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids. Public Function VincentyInvDistance(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double) As Variant Attribute VincentyInvDistance.VB_Description = "Calculates geodesic distance in meters between two points specified by latitude/longitude using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids." Attribute VincentyInvDistance.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: Dim p As InvParams: p = VincentyInv(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) If Abs(p.s) < EPSILON16 Then VincentyInvDistance = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function Else VincentyInvDistance = p.s End If Exit Function error: If Err.Number = Excel.xlErrDiv0 Then VincentyInvDistance = 0 ElseIf Err.Number = Excel.xlErrNA Then VincentyInvDistance = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Function ' Calculates geodesic azimuth (in degrees) between two points specified by latitude/longitude (in numeric degrees) using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids. Public Function VincentyInvFwdAzimuth(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double) As Variant Attribute VincentyInvFwdAzimuth.VB_Description = "Calculates geodesic forward azimuth in degrees clockwise from north between two points specified by latitude/longitude using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids." Attribute VincentyInvFwdAzimuth.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: Dim p As InvParams: p = VincentyInv(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) If Abs(p.s) < EPSILON16 Then VincentyInvFwdAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End If Dim fwdAz As Double If Abs(p.sinSqSigma) < EPSILON16 Then ' special handling of exactly antipodal points where sinSigma = 0 fwdAz = 0 Else fwdAz = Atan2(p.cosU2 * p.sinLambda, p.cosU1 * p.sinU2 - p.sinU1 * p.cosU2 * p.cosLambda) End If VincentyInvFwdAzimuth = NormalizeAzimuth(ToDegrees(fwdAz), True) Exit Function error: If Err.Number = Excel.xlErrDiv0 Then VincentyInvFwdAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNull) ElseIf Err.Number = Excel.xlErrNA Then VincentyInvFwdAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Function ' Calculates geodesic reverse azimuth (in degrees) between two points specified by latitude/longitude (in numeric degrees) using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids. Public Function VincentyInvRevAzimuth(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double, Optional returnAzimuth As Boolean = False) As Variant Attribute VincentyInvRevAzimuth.VB_Description = "Calculates geodesic reverse azimuth (in degrees) between two points (latitude/longitude in numeric degrees) using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids. Note: by default forward azimuth is returned. For return azimuth (2->1) use returnAzimuth = true." Attribute VincentyInvRevAzimuth.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: Dim p As InvParams: p = VincentyInv(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) If Abs(p.s) < EPSILON16 Then VincentyInvRevAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End If Dim revAz As Double If Abs(p.sinSqSigma) < EPSILON16 Then ' special handling of exactly antipodal points where sinSigma = 0 revAz = PI Else revAz = Atan2(p.cosU1 * p.sinLambda, -p.sinU1 * p.cosU2 + p.cosU1 * p.sinU2 * p.cosLambda) End If If returnAzimuth Then VincentyInvRevAzimuth = NormalizeAzimuth(ToDegrees(revAz) + 180, True) Else VincentyInvRevAzimuth = NormalizeAzimuth(ToDegrees(revAz), True) End If Exit Function error: If Err.Number = Excel.xlErrDiv0 Then VincentyInvRevAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNull) ElseIf Err.Number = Excel.xlErrNA Then VincentyInvRevAzimuth = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) Else Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext End If End Function Private Function VincentyDir(ByVal lat As Double, ByVal lon As Double, ByVal azimuth As Double, ByVal distance As Double) As DirParams Dim p As DirParams Dim phi1 As Double: phi1 = ToRadians(lat) p.lambda1 = ToRadians(lon) Dim alpha1 As Double: alpha1 = ToRadians(azimuth) Dim s As Double: s = distance Dim fix1 As Double ' temp variable to prevent "formula too complex.." error Dim fix2 As Double ' temp variable to prevent "formula too complex.." error p.sinAlpha1 = Sin(alpha1) p.cosAlpha1 = Cos(alpha1) Dim tanU1 As Double: tanU1 = (1 - f) * Tan(phi1) p.cosU1 = 1 / Sqr((1 + tanU1 ^ 2)) p.sinU1 = tanU1 * p.cosU1 Dim sigma1 As Double: sigma1 = Atan2(tanU1, p.cosAlpha1) ' sigma1 = angular distance on the sphere from the equator to P1 p.sinAlpha = p.cosU1 * p.sinAlpha1 ' Alpha = azimuth of the geodesic at the equator p.cosSqAlpha = 1 - p.sinAlpha ^ 2 fix1 = low_a ^ 2 - low_b ^ 2 Dim uSq As Double: uSq = p.cosSqAlpha * fix1 / (low_b ^ 2) fix1 = -768 + uSq * (320 - 175 * uSq) Dim A As Double: A = 1 + uSq / 16384 * (4096 + uSq * fix1) fix1 = -128 + uSq * (74 - 47 * uSq) Dim B As Double: B = uSq / 1024 * (256 + uSq * fix1) p.sigma = s / (low_b * A) ' sigma = angular distance P1-P2 on the sphere Dim deltaSigma As Double Dim sigma2 As Double Dim iterationCount As Integer: iterationCount = 0 Do p.cos2sigmaM = Cos(2 * sigma1 + p.sigma) ' sigmaM = angular distance on the sphere from the equator to the midpoint of the line p.sinSigma = Sin(p.sigma) p.cosSigma = Cos(p.sigma) fix1 = (-1 + 2 * p.cos2sigmaM ^ 2) fix2 = (-3 + 4 * p.sinSigma ^ 2) * (-3 + 4 * p.cos2sigmaM ^ 2) deltaSigma = B * p.sinSigma * (p.cos2sigmaM + B / 4 * (p.cosSigma * fix1 - B / 6 * p.cos2sigmaM * fix2)) sigma2 = p.sigma p.sigma = s / (low_b * A) + deltaSigma iterationCount = iterationCount + 1 Loop While Abs(p.sigma - sigma2) > EPSILON12 And iterationCount < MaxIterations ' iterate until negligible change in lambdaP (~0.006mm) If iterationCount >= MaxIterations Then ' failed to converge Err.Raise (Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End If VincentyDir = p End Function Private Function VincentyInv(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double) As InvParams Dim p As InvParams Dim sinSigma As Double Dim cosSigma As Double Dim sinAlpha As Double Dim cosSqAlpha As Double Dim cos2sigmaM As Double Dim C As Double Dim uSq As Double Dim upper_B As Double Dim fix2 As Double ' temp variable to prevent "formula too complex.." error Dim fix1 As Double ' temp variable to prevent "formula too complex.." error Dim iterationCount As Integer: iterationCount = 0 lat1 = ToRadians(lat1) lat2 = ToRadians(lat2) Dim L As Double: L = ToRadians(lon2 - lon1) ' L = difference in longitude, U = reduced latitude, defined by tan U=(1-f)*Tan(lat) Dim tanU1 As Double: tanU1 = (1 - f) * Tan(lat1) p.cosU1 = 1 / Sqr(1 + (tanU1 ^ 2)) p.sinU1 = tanU1 * p.cosU1 Dim tanU2 As Double: tanU2 = (1 - f) * Tan(lat2) p.cosU2 = 1 / Sqr(1 + (tanU2 ^ 2)) p.sinU2 = tanU2 * p.cosU2 Dim antipodal As Boolean: antipodal = Abs(L) > PI / 2 Or Abs(lat2 - lat1) > PI / 2 Dim lambda As Double: lambda = L ' lambda = difference in longitude on an auxiliary sphere p.sigma = IIf(antipodal, PI, 0) cosSigma = IIf(antipodal, -1, 1) cos2sigmaM = 1 ' cos2sigmaM = angular distance on the sphere from the equator to the midpoint of the line cosSqAlpha = 1 ' cosSqAlpha = azimuth of the geodesic at the equator Dim lambdaP As Double Do p.sinLambda = Sin(lambda) p.cosLambda = Cos(lambda) p.sinSqSigma = ((p.cosU2 * p.sinLambda) ^ 2) + ((p.cosU1 * p.sinU2 - p.sinU1 * p.cosU2 * p.cosLambda) ^ 2) If Abs(p.sinSqSigma) < EPSILON24 Then Exit Do ' co-incident/antipodal points (Sigma < ~0.006mm) sinSigma = Sqr(p.sinSqSigma) cosSigma = p.sinU1 * p.sinU2 + p.cosU1 * p.cosU2 * p.cosLambda p.sigma = Atan2(sinSigma, cosSigma) sinAlpha = p.cosU1 * p.cosU2 * p.sinLambda / sinSigma cosSqAlpha = 1 - (sinAlpha ^ 2) If cosSqAlpha <> 0 Then cos2sigmaM = cosSigma - 2 * p.sinU1 * p.sinU2 / cosSqAlpha Else cos2sigmaM = 0 ' // on equatorial line cosSqAlpha = 0 (par 6) End If C = f / 16 * cosSqAlpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * cosSqAlpha)) lambdaP = lambda fix1 = cos2sigmaM + C * cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * (cos2sigmaM ^ 2)) lambda = L + (1 - C) * f * sinAlpha * (p.sigma + C * sinSigma * fix1) Dim iterationCheck As Double: iterationCheck = IIf(antipodal, Abs(lambda) - PI, Abs(lambda)) If iterationCheck > PI Then Err.Raise (Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End If iterationCount = iterationCount + 1 Loop While Abs(lambda - lambdaP) > EPSILON12 And iterationCount < MaxIterations ' iterate until negligible change in lambdaP (~0.006mm) If iterationCount >= MaxIterations Then ' failed to converge Err.Raise (Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End If uSq = cosSqAlpha * (low_a ^ 2 - low_b ^ 2) / (low_b ^ 2) fix1 = -768 + uSq * (320 - 175 * uSq) p.upper_A = 1 + uSq / 16384 * (4096 + uSq * fix1) fix1 = -128 + uSq * (74 - 47 * uSq) upper_B = uSq / 1024 * (256 + uSq * fix1) fix1 = cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2sigmaM ^ 2) fix2 = upper_B / 6 * cos2sigmaM * (-3 + 4 * sinSigma ^ 2) * (-3 + 4 * cos2sigmaM ^ 2) p.deltaSigma = upper_B * sinSigma * (cos2sigmaM + upper_B / 4 * (fix1 - fix2)) p.s = low_b * p.upper_A * (p.sigma - p.deltaSigma) ' s = length of the geodesic VincentyInv = p End Function ' Converts decimal latitude, longitude or azimuth value to degrees/minutes/seconds string format. Public Function ConvertDegrees(ByVal decimalDeg As Double, Optional isLongitude As Variant) As String Attribute ConvertDegrees.VB_Description = "Converts latitude, longitude or azimuth string in degrees/minutes/seconds format to decimal value. This function has been designed to parse typical formats." Attribute ConvertDegrees.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" If Not IsMissing(isLongitude) And CBool(isLongitude) Then decimalDeg = NormalizeLon(decimalDeg) ElseIf Not IsMissing(isLongitude) And Not CBool(isLongitude) Then decimalDeg = NormalizeLat(decimalDeg) Else decimalDeg = NormalizeAzimuth(decimalDeg, False) End If Dim s As Integer: s = Sign(decimalDeg) decimalDeg = Abs(decimalDeg) Dim degrees As Integer: degrees = Fix(decimalDeg) Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = Fix((decimalDeg - degrees) * 60) Dim seconds As Double: seconds = Round((decimalDeg - degrees - (minutes / 60)) * 60 * 60, 4) ' 4 digit precision corresponds to ~3mm If Not IsMissing(isLongitude) And Not CBool(isLongitude) Then ConvertDegrees = Format$(degrees, "00") & Chr$(176) & Format$(minutes, "00") & "'" & Format$(seconds, "00.0000") + Chr$(34) Else ConvertDegrees = Format$(degrees, "000") & Chr$(176) & Format$(minutes, "00") & "'" & Format$(seconds, "00.0000") + Chr$(34) End If If decimalDeg = 0 Then ' do nothing ElseIf IsMissing(isLongitude) Then If s = -1 Then ConvertDegrees = "-" + ConvertDegrees ElseIf isLongitude Then If s = 1 Then ConvertDegrees = ConvertDegrees + "E" ElseIf s = -1 Then ConvertDegrees = ConvertDegrees + "W" End If Else If s = 1 Then ConvertDegrees = ConvertDegrees + "N" ElseIf s = -1 Then ConvertDegrees = ConvertDegrees + "S" End If End If End Function ' Converts latitude, longitude or azimuth string in degrees/minutes/seconds format to decimal value. Public Function ConvertDecimal(degreeDeg As String) As Variant Attribute ConvertDecimal.VB_Description = "Converts latitude, longitude or azimuth in degrees/minutes/seconds format to decimal value." Attribute ConvertDecimal.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" On Error GoTo error: degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, "''", " ") ' double single quote degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, """", " ") ' double quote degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, "'", " ") ' single quote degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, ChrW$(8242), " ") ' Prime degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, ChrW$(8243), " ") ' Double Prime degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, Chr$(167), " ") ' Section Sign degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, Chr$(176), " ") ' Degree Sign degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, Chr$(186), " ") ' Masculine Ordinal Indicator degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, Chr$(248), " ") ' Latin Small Letter O With Stroke degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, ":", " ") degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, "*", " ") degreeDeg = Trim$(degreeDeg) Dim lc As String: lc = Right$(degreeDeg, 1) ' the last character Dim fc As String: fc = Left$(degreeDeg, 1) ' the first character Dim s As Integer: s = 1 ' sign If Not IsNumeric(fc) And Not IsNumeric(lc) And fc <> "-" Then ConvertDecimal = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function ElseIf Not IsNumeric(lc) Then degreeDeg = Left$(degreeDeg, Len(degreeDeg) - 1) ' trim the last char degreeDeg = Trim$(degreeDeg) Select Case lc Case "W", "w", "S", "s" s = -1 Case "E", "e", "N", "n" s = 1 Case Else ConvertDecimal = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End Select ElseIf Not IsNumeric(fc) And fc <> "-" Then degreeDeg = Right$(degreeDeg, Len(degreeDeg) - 1) ' trim the first char degreeDeg = Trim$(degreeDeg) Select Case fc Case "W", "w", "S", "s" s = -1 Case "E", "e", "N", "n" s = 1 Case Else ConvertDecimal = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA): Exit Function End Select End If Dim temp As String ' remove multiple spaces Do temp = degreeDeg degreeDeg = Replace$(degreeDeg, Space(2), Space(1)) Loop Until Len(temp) = Len(degreeDeg) Dim A() As String: A = Split(degreeDeg, " ") Dim L As Integer: L = UBound(A) ' length Dim degrees As Double: degrees = val(A(0)) Dim minutes As Double: If L > 0 Then minutes = val(A(1)): minutes = minutes / 60 Dim seconds As Double: If L > 1 Then seconds = val(A(2)): seconds = seconds / 3600 ConvertDecimal = (degrees + (Sign(degrees) * minutes) + (Sign(degrees) * Sign(minutes) * seconds)) * s Exit Function error: ConvertDecimal = CVErr(Excel.xlErrNA) End Function Private Function Sign(val As Double) As Integer Sign = IIf(val >= 0, 1, -1) End Function Private Function ToRadians(ByVal degrees As Double) As Double ToRadians = degrees * (PI / 180) End Function Private Function ToDegrees(ByVal radians As Double) As Double ToDegrees = (radians * 180) / PI End Function Private Function ModDouble(ByVal dividend As Double, ByVal divisor As Double, Optional sameSignAsDivisor As Boolean = False) As Double ' If sameSignAsDivisor Then ModDouble = dividend - (divisor * Int(dividend / divisor)) Else ModDouble = dividend - (divisor * Fix(dividend / divisor)) End If ' this function can only be accurate when (a / b) is outside [-2.22E-16,+2.22E-16] ' without this correction, ModDouble(.66, .06) = 5.55111512312578E-17 when it should be 0 ' If ModDouble >= -EPSILON16 And ModDouble <= EPSILON16 Then '+/- 2.22E-16 ModDouble = 0 End If End Function ' Normalizes latitude to -90..+90 range Public Function NormalizeLat(ByVal lat As Double) As Double Attribute NormalizeLat.VB_Description = "Normalizes latitude to -90..+90 range." Attribute NormalizeLat.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" NormalizeLat = Abs(ModDouble(lat - 90, 360, True) - 180) - 90 End Function ' Normalizes longitude to -180..+180 range Public Function NormalizeLon(ByVal lon As Double) As Double Attribute NormalizeLon.VB_Description = "Normalizes longitude to -180..+180 range." Attribute NormalizeLon.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" NormalizeLon = 2 * ModDouble((lon / 2) + 90, 180, True) - 180 End Function ' Normalizes azimuth to 0..360 range. Note: by default input and return values have the same sign. To obtain only positive values pass positiveOnly = true Public Function NormalizeAzimuth(ByVal azimuth As Double, Optional positiveOnly As Boolean = False) As Double Attribute NormalizeAzimuth.VB_Description = "Normalizes azimuth to 0..360 range. Note: by default input and return values have the same sign. To obtain only positive values pass positiveOnly = true." Attribute NormalizeAzimuth.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n20" NormalizeAzimuth = ModDouble(azimuth, 360, positiveOnly) End Function ' source: ' note: x & y are in reverse order to match JavaScript Math.atan2() params order Private Function Atan2(ByVal y As Double, ByVal x As Double) As Double If y > 0 Then If x >= y Then Atan2 = Atn(y / x) ElseIf x <= -y Then Atan2 = Atn(y / x) + PI Else Atan2 = PI / 2 - Atn(x / y) End If Else If x >= -y Then Atan2 = Atn(y / x) ElseIf x <= y Then Atan2 = Atn(y / x) - PI Else Atan2 = -Atn(x / y) - PI / 2 End If End If End Function Private Sub Workbook_Open() ' note: Description is 255 chars max Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VincentyDirLat", Description:="Calculates geodesic latitude (in degrees) based on one point, azimuth and distance using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("latitude in degrees", "longitude in degrees", "azimuth in degrees", "distance in meters"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VincentyDirLon", Description:="Calculates geodesic longitude (in degrees) based on one point, azimuth and distance using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("latitude in degrees", "longitude in degrees", "azimuth in degrees", "distance in meters"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VincentyDirRevAzimuth", Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="", _ Description:="Calculates geodesic reverse azimuth (in degrees) based on one point, bearing (in degrees) and distance (in m) using Vincenty's direct formula for ellipsoids. Note: by default forward azimuth is returned. For return azimuth (2->1) use returnAzimuth = true.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("latitude in degrees", "longitude in degrees", "azimuth in degrees", "distance in meters", "is return azimuth, default false") Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VincentyInvDistance", Description:="Calculates geodesic distance in meters between two points specified by latitude/longitude using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("latitude 1 in degrees", "longitude 1 in degrees", "latitude 2 in degrees", "longitude 2 in degrees"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VincentyInvFwdAzimuth", Description:="Calculates geodesic forward azimuth in degrees clockwise from north between two points specified by latitude/longitude using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("latitude 1 in degrees", "longitude 1 in degrees", "latitude 2 in degrees", "longitude 2 in degrees"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="VincentyInvRevAzimuth", Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="", _ Description:="Calculates geodesic reverse azimuth (in degrees) between two points (latitude/longitude in numeric degrees) using Vincenty's inverse formula for ellipsoids. Note: by default forward azimuth is returned. For return azimuth (2->1) use returnAzimuth = true.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("latitude 1 in degrees", "longitude 1 in degrees", "latitude 2 in degrees", "longitude 2 in degrees", "is return azimuth, default false") Application.MacroOptions Macro:="ConvertDecimal", Description:="Converts latitude, longitude or azimuth in degrees/minutes/seconds format to decimal value.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("string in degrees/minutes/seconds format"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="ConvertDegrees", Description:="Converts latitude, longitude or azimuth string in degrees/minutes/seconds format to decimal value. This function has been designed to parse typical formats.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("decimal degrees", "optional: longitude (true) or latitude (false)"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="NormalizeLat", Description:="Normalizes latitude to -90..+90 range.", _ Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="NormalizeLon", Description:="Normalizes longitude to -180..+180 range.", _ Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" Application.MacroOptions Macro:="NormalizeAzimuth", Description:="Normalizes azimuth to 0..360 range. Note: by default input and return values have the same sign. To obtain only positive values pass positiveOnly = true.", _ ArgumentDescriptions:=Array("azimuth", "optional: positive only, default true"), Category:="Geodesic", HelpFile:="" End Sub