michidk / rost
Forked from bnjbvr/rouilleRust programming in German.
An Alternative (Unofficial) Marlin Firmware for AlephObjects Printers
ZNC module for client specific buffers
fseidel / HuC6280
Forked from hoglet67/verilog-6502A Verilog HDL model of the Hudson Soft HuC6280 CPU
An open source version of a game engine developed by Croteam for the classic Serious Sam games.
douglasbakkum / mcu
Forked from BitBoxSwiss/mcuMCU code for the Digital Bitbox hardware wallet
jvkassi / node-snapchat
Forked from lucasad/node-snapchatA SnapChat client in Node.js
andreasn / gecko-dev
Forked from mozilla/gecko-devRead-only Git mirror of the Mercurial gecko repositories at https://hg.mozilla.org. Please don't submit PRs, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mercurial_FAQ#I%27m_all_used_to_git.2C_but…
austriancoder / linux
Forked from torvalds/linuxLinux kernel source tree
robotastic / gr-dsd
Forked from argilo/gr-dsdGNU Radio block for Digital Speech Decoder
tdaede / railgen
Forked from alienacorn/railgenA script that generates an HTML listing of rails on a Minecraft server.
alienacorn / railgen
Forked from leafstorm/railgenA script that generates an HTML listing of rails on a Minecraft server.