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Spam Classifier using Python NLTK and Flask web app

Step by step approach to the web application

  • Creating python project
  • Machine Learning model building
  • Export trained model
  • Export Tfidf object used to create training dataset
  • Set-up Flask environment
  • creating which will have routes of index and other html files.
  • creating or using templates for attractive user interface.
  • create two directories namely templates and static in root directory of the project.
    • templates directory will have html files.
    • static directory will have css and javascript files.
  • Finally, create nltk.txt, requirements.txt and Procfile(shell script file.) in root directory.

Steps to deploy the flask web app on heroku platform.

  • First of all, we need to create git repository for our project.
  • Upload all the project files inside github repository.
  • Go to Heroku platform and login or create your account. It's free platform where we can host our ML/DL project web application.
  • Create your free Heroku project
  • Integrate your github profile
  • Search for the github repository within provided search bar.
  • Finally, deploy your machine learning Flask web application.