The definition of plugins to configure a multimodule Gradle project uses the current good practices for a Gradle project.
We use the newer central configuration feature for all plugins and libraries used in the project.
The configuration file is libs.versions.toml
- Java Common Conventions
Configuration and dependencies used in all Java modules
The other plugins could be eliminated by using the Java Common Conventions plugin and streamlining the project setup. |
The set of Gradle command line special commands we seldom use:
To publish all modules in local maven repository
./gradlew publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal -Pvaadin.productionMode
To publish all modules in maven central repository
./gradlew publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenRepository -Pvaadin.productionMode
To generate static and aggregate code coverage metrics
./gradlew test testCodeCoverageReport testAggregateTestReport -Pvaadin.productionMode
To detect newer versions of libraries
./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release
To update sonar cloud
./gradlew sonarqube -Dsonar.login=<login token>
To run all tests locally as sanity check
./gradlew clean build test javadoc -Pvaadin.productionMode
To create a production release
./gradlew net.tangly.erp.ui:installDist -Pvaadin.productionMode
To detect vulnerabilities
./gradlew ossIndexAudit --info
To check licenses of dependencies
./gradlew checkLicense
Run these commands from the root folder of the project.