Front-end Tools: Handling CSS & JavaScript ========================================== Symfony gives you the flexibility to choose any front-end tools you want. There are generally two approaches: #. :ref:`building your HTML with PHP & Twig `; #. :ref:`building your frontend with a JavaScript framework ` like React, Vue, Svelte, etc. Both work great - and are discussed below. .. _frontend-twig-php: Using PHP & Twig ---------------- Symfony comes with two powerful options to help you build a modern and fast frontend: * :ref:`AssetMapper ` (recommended for new projects) runs entirely in PHP, doesn't require any build step and leverages modern web standards. * :ref:`Webpack Encore ` is built with `Node.js`_ on top of `Webpack`_. ================================ ================================== ========== AssetMapper Encore ================================ ================================== ========== Production Ready? yes yes Stable? yes yes Requirements none Node.js Requires a build step? no yes Works in all browsers? yes yes Supports `Stimulus/UX`_ yes yes Supports Sass/Tailwind :ref:`yes ` yes Supports React, Vue, Svelte? yes :ref:`[1] ` yes Supports TypeScript :ref:`yes ` yes Removes comments from JavaScript no yes Removes comments from CSS no no Versioned assets always optional Can update 3rd party packages yes no :ref:`[2] ` ================================ ================================== ========== .. _ux-note-1: **[1]** Using JSX (React), Vue, etc with AssetMapper is possible, but you'll need to use their native tools for pre-compilation. Also, some features (like Vue single-file components) cannot be compiled down to pure JavaScript that can be executed by a browser. .. _ux-note-2: **[2]** If you use ``npm``, there are update checkers available (e.g. ``npm-check``). .. _frontend-asset-mapper: AssetMapper (Recommended) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AssetMapper is the recommended system for handling your assets. It runs entirely in PHP with no complex build step or dependencies. It does this by leveraging the ``importmap`` feature of your browser, which is available in all browsers thanks to a polyfill. :doc:`Read the AssetMapper Documentation ` .. _frontend-webpack-encore: Webpack Encore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. screencast:: Do you prefer video tutorials? Check out the `Webpack Encore screencast series`_. `Webpack Encore`_ is a simpler way to integrate `Webpack`_ into your application. It wraps Webpack, giving you a clean & powerful API for bundling JavaScript modules, pre-processing CSS & JS and compiling and minifying assets. :doc:`Read the Encore Documentation ` Switch from AssetMapper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, new Symfony webapp projects (created with ``symfony new --webapp myapp``) use AssetMapper. If you still need to use Webpack Encore, use the following steps to switch. This is best done on a new project and provides the same features (Turbo/Stimulus) as the default webapp. .. code-block:: terminal # Remove AssetMapper & Turbo/Stimulus temporarily $ composer remove symfony/ux-turbo symfony/asset-mapper symfony/stimulus-bundle # Add Webpack Encore & Turbo/Stimulus back $ composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle symfony/ux-turbo symfony/stimulus-bundle # Install & Build Assets $ npm install $ npm run dev Stimulus & Symfony UX Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you've installed AssetMapper or Webpack Encore, it's time to start building your front-end. You can write your JavaScript however you want, but we recommend using `Stimulus`_, `Turbo`_ and a set of tools called `Symfony UX`_. To learn about Stimulus & the UX Components, see the `StimulusBundle Documentation`_ .. _frontend-js: Using a Front-end Framework (React, Vue, Svelte, etc) ----------------------------------------------------- If you want to use a front-end framework (Next.js, React, Vue, Svelte, etc), we recommend using their native tools and using Symfony as a pure API. A wonderful tool to do that is `API Platform`_. Their standard distribution comes with a Symfony-powered API backend, frontend scaffolding in Next.js (other frameworks are also supported) and a React admin interface. It comes fully Dockerized and even contains a web server. Other Front-End Articles ------------------------ * :doc:`/frontend/create_ux_bundle` * :doc:`/frontend/custom_version_strategy` * :doc:`/frontend/server-data` .. _`Webpack Encore`: .. _`Webpack`: .. _`Node.js`: .. _`Webpack Encore screencast series`: .. _`StimulusBundle Documentation`: .. _`Stimulus/UX`: .. _`Stimulus`: .. _`Turbo`: .. _`Symfony UX`: .. _`API Platform`: