sudo: required language: objective-c osx_image: xcode8.1 cache: directories: - $HOME/.m2 - $HOME/.ivy2 - $HOME/.gradle/caches/ - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/ - $HOME/.stack - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/php/SwaggerClient-php/vendor - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/ruby/venodr/bundle - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/python/.venv/ - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-node/npm/node_modules - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-node/npm/typings/ - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/tests/default/node_modules - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/tests/default/typings - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/builds/default/node_modules - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/builds/default/typings - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/builds/es6-target/node_modules - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/builds/es6-target/typings - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/builds/with-npm-version/node_modules - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-fetch/npm/with-npm-version/typings - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angularjs/node_modules - $HOME/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angularjs/typings - $HOME/.cocoapods/repos/master timeout: 1000 # comment out the host table change to use the public petstore server addons: hosts: - before_install: - export SW=`pwd` - rvm list - rvm use 2.3.3 - gem environment - gem install bundler -N --no-ri --no-rdoc - gem install cocoapods -v 1.2.1 -N --no-ri --no-rdoc - gem install xcpretty -N --no-ri --no-rdoc - pod --version # comment out below to avoid errors #- pod repo update - pod setup --silent > /dev/null - mkdir -p ~/.local/bin - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH # start local petstore server - git clone -b docker --single-branch - cd swagger-samples/java/java-jersey-jaxrs - sudo mvn jetty:run & - cd $SW # show host table to confirm is mapped to localhost - cat /etc/hosts # show java version - java -version # show brew version - brew --version # show xcpretty version - xcpretty -v # show go version - go version script: # run integration tests defined in maven pom.xml - mvn -q --batch-mode verify -Psamples