In the notebook data_prep_tutorial.ipynb
, we provide the code for preparing all the necessary data for estimating the total object count in a region.
The notebook will prepare following data are needed to run IS-Count:
- A binary mask with the same resolution as the covariate raster for the region of interest
- An "all-pixel" file that contains
[all_lats, all_lons, all_s_pix, all_probs['nl'], all_probs['pop']]
of the region of interest
Before running the notebook, make sure you have all the required data downloaded and have a directory under the root path named sample_data/
- The covariate raster data could be downloaded here.
- The Microsoft Building Footprints data is available to download here.
- The country-wise Google Open Buildings data is available to download here.
The sample_data/
folder needs to be structured as follows before you run the code in the notebook:
├── covariates
│ ├── NL_raster.tif
│ └── population_raster.tif
├── ms_building_footprint
│ ├── us
│ │ ├── NewYork.geojson
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── open_buildings
│ ├── us
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── shapefiles
└── us_states
├── cb_2018_us_state_20m.cpg
├── cb_2018_us_state_20m.dbf
├── cb_2018_us_state_20m.prj
├── cb_2018_us_state_20m.shp
└── ...
In the notebook count_estimation_tutorial.ipynb
, we provide the code for actually estimating object count in a given region, using the data we prepared in the previous step.