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Zomato Interview Questions

Coding round questions

  • Find total number of set bit in numbers upto n.
  • Reverse the each word of the given paragraph.
  • WAP to find height of BST.
  • Form the maximum number from the elements of the array.
  • Detect if two line segments intersect each other.
  • Write a code for a 2-D array such that it there’s a zero, it overwrites all the elements of the corresponding row and column as zero.
  • Write a code to find the previous shorter element in an array.
  • Given a world map such that all the places covered via land are represented by ‘L’ and rest by ‘W’. Since world is spherical hence rows and columns are cyclic (before row 1 row n comes and after row n row 1 same for column). Count the number of islands.

Technical Interview Questions

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Detect and remove loop in linked list. Proof of hare and tortoise algo.
  • Detect if two line segments intersect each other.
  • A cylinder is rolled in the form of a sheet. Given two points find out the distance between them.
  • WAP to find k nearest points.
  • Design LRU cache.
  • Find the minimum number of switches you have to press to turn on all the bulbs.
  • Delete a node with a pointer in linked list.
  • Given a dictionary list possible approaches for finding whether key exists in the dictionary or not.
  • Create a stack in java.
  • Longest palindromic substring.
  • WAP to check whether tree is symmetric or not.
  • Find the sum of odd positioned nodes of a BST.


  • What is indexing and how is it implemented internally.
  • Given two DBs A and B and one table T ( Columns C1, C2)in both DBs, C1 was primary key in them and C2 was another indexed column in DB B. Select query will run on both DBs i.e Select C2 from T where C1=X. Which DB will serve faster data?


  • If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands?