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Releases: surrealdb/surrealist


14 Dec 14:02
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  • Added designer view SVG snapshots (#150)
  • Improved record link detection to support complex ids
  • Improved support for escaped table names (#155)
  • Display query time correctly in combined mode (#157)
  • Fixed error caused by failing to find an available port (#137)
  • Fixed explorer view pagination issues (#133)
  • Fixed user selection on Linux (#148)
  • Fixed overflow issues in the authentication view
  • Fixed editor zooming not working

Click here to view the previous changelog for Surrealist 1.11

Compatible with SurrealDB 1.0

Looking to use Surrealist with SurrealDB 1.1 beta 1? Please use this release instead.


26 Oct 23:16
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Introducing Surrealist 1.11. This release implements the highly requested feature of starting and connecting to an embedded SurrealDB instance among other improvements.

Sandbox sessions

Sessions can now be configured to connect to the sandbox, an embedded instance of SurrealDB that is automatically managed by Surrealist. This is useful for rapid testing without requiring a local or remote SurrealDB instance. Currently, only in-memory and non-persistent databases are supported, however this may be expanded upon in the future.

Keep in mind the sandbox database is currently not available outside of Surrealist due to limitations of SurrealDB.

Improved query responses

Thanks to improvements in SurrealDB queries now once again display accurately instead of always displaying wrapped in an array. This means statements such as RETURN and SELECT * FROM ONLY now display single values as expected.

Additionally, query execution times are once again displayed in the top right of the response panel.

Full changelog

  • Added sandbox connections
    • Connect to an internally embedded SurrealDB instance
    • Useful for rapid testing without requiring a local or remote SurrealDB instance
    • Currently only in-memory and non-persistent
  • Query results are now more accurate (#115)
    • No longer always displayed as an array
  • Query time value is displayed again (#113)
  • Fixed incorrect explorer pagination (#133)
  • Fixed situations in which connections incorrectly appeared closed
  • Slightly adjust minimum window size and splitter sizes

Compatible with SurrealDB 1.0


24 Oct 08:04
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Note: this release fixes a critical issue in 1.10.2, please update if you are still using it

  • Implement internal view routing
    • The current view is now displayed in the URL
    • This means you can bookmark and share specific views on the web app
  • Improved explorer inspector
    • Can now be opened manually by pressing the wrench button
  • Changed explorer table pinning
    • You can now toggle a table pin by double clicking a table
  • Improved overal performance
  • Improved JSON syntax highlighting
  • Re-enable JSON syntax validation
  • Replaced most "refresh" buttons with a single universal refresh in the address bar
  • Store active view globally instead of per session
  • Fixed record ids passed as variable not working as expected
  • Fixed strange query editor behavior when holding shift
  • Fixed incorrect panel sizes in the authentication view
  • Fixed incorrect wrapping behavior in explorer view (#129)
  • Refactored the code base to be more future proof
  • Minor UI improvements

Click here to view the previous changelog for Surrealist 1.10

Compatible with SurrealDB 1.0


29 Sep 18:57
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  • Added auto closing bracket support in SurrealQL editors
  • Added the ability to rename query tabs on double click
  • Updated surrealql grammar to the latest version
  • Updated live query editor UI
  • Updated console toggle button layout
  • Updated editor focus and tab removal handling
  • Fixed desktop app not being able to connect to http endpoints (#117)
  • Fixed combined query result mode incorrectly handling empty and error results (#118)
  • Fixed authentication view not updating on session change
  • Fixed some surrealql editors not taking up any height (#119)

Click here to view the previous changelog for Surrealist 1.10

Compatible with SurrealDB 1.0


24 Sep 22:52
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Introducing Surrealist 1.10, our latest major release filled with exciting new features and enhancements to existing ones. This update includes highly requested additions, extended support for SurrealDB 1.0, improved web app compatibility, and much more!

Improved Web App

The Web App has received a major update and now contains support for the Designer View, Authentication View, and the new Live Query View. Due to the use of WebAssembly, most functionality in Surrealist now works identically in both the desktop app and the web app.

Keep in mind certain features such as launching the database executable from Surrealist are not possible to support in the web app, hence the desktop app will continue to be the most feature rich version.

New Live Query View

New in this release is the Live Query view, a useful sandbox where you can build and test live queries. You can define one or more queries per session, and will be persisted across restarts. Press queries to start and stop them, and view their combined incoming messages in the inbox panel on the right. Messages can be expanded to view their contents.

Note: live query functionality is not currently available to Surrealist in the conventional way, hence a workaround is implemented. Live queries will open a secondary connection alongside the main connection, however this may not work in all environments. I hope to be able to resolve this as soon as full support for live queries is available.

Query View Tabs

The Query View now supports creating multiple tabs per session. Press the + button to open a new tab, after which you can switch between them seamlessly. Variables you have defined will apply to any tab.

Improved Database Exporter

The schema exporter previously found in the Designer View has been replaced with a significantly more powerful database exporter, always accessible from the toolbar. The new exporter allows you to customize your export contents, supports additional schema elements, and includes support for exporting table records.

Overhauled SurrealQL Highlighting

The SurrealQL editors now support a more advanced syntax highlighting powered by the official SurrealQL grammar. Besides being more accurate, this new method supports highlighting of additional elements such as record ids and JavaScript functions, with working JavaScript highlighting!

New "Combined" Query Result Mode

The Query View results panel supports a new "Combined" mode which will concatenate all results into a single editor, separated by comments. This is useful in situations where you want to view all results in a single glance, copy multiple results in one go, or taking screenshots.

Additionally, the UI for switching result modes has been altered slightly to make it easier to switch between them.

Full changelog

  • Improved feature parity between the desktop and web app
    • Designer view is now available in the web app
    • Authentication view is now available in the web app
    • Connections are now handled the same way
  • Added new Live Query view
    • Can be used to listen to one or more live queries
    • Combines all incoming live query messages into a single feed
    • Live query messages can be expanded to view their contents
  • Added support for Query View tabs (#70)
    • Query tabs are stored per session
    • Tabs are saved and persisted
  • Designer View improvements
    • Field names and types are now truncated when they are too long
    • Limit tables to displaying 7 fields, with a button to view more
  • Overhaul exporting functionality
    • Now supports exporting table records
    • Select which elements to export in the new exporter dialog
    • Add support for analyzers, scopes, params, and functions
  • Overhaul syntax highlighting
    • Highlighting is now based on the official SurrealQL grammar
    • JavaScript is now correctly highlighted
    • Modified color scheme
  • Added a new "Combined" query result mode
    • Combines the results of multiple queries into a single list
    • Useful for when you want to copy or view all results without switching tabs
  • The config file is now stored in a new location
    • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config/surrealist.json
    • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/surrealist.json
    • Windows: %AppData%\surrealist.json
  • Added a convenience button to load a query from disk
  • Surrealist now warns you when you connect to an outdated version of SurrealDB
  • The web app now more reliably connects to localhost endpoints
  • Replaced the window pinning toolbar button with a settings entry and hotkey (F11)
  • Expand all designer view sections by default
  • Fixed web app always starting in light theme for a split second
  • Fixed query error highlighting not working since beta 12
  • Fixed certain errors not displaying in the result panel

Compatible with SurrealDB 1.0

Show Your Support for Surrealist! ⭐

Sustaining and evolving Surrealist with each new release demands significant effort. If you find this tool valuable, kindly consider making a donation to aid ongoing development. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!


20 Sep 08:19
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This release adds full support for the latest version of SurrealDB

  • Update to SurrealDB 1.0

Compatible with SurrealDB 1.0


09 Sep 12:46
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  • Update to SurrealDB beta 11
  • Fixed query errors not displaying on the web app
  • Highlight the new ONLY keyword
  • Respect the query timeout setting on desktop
  • Endpoints with "ws:https://" will no longer break
  • Correctly validate connection details
  • Support improved SurrealDB error messages (#103)

Compatible with SurrealDB Beta 11


04 Sep 13:51
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With Surrealist 1.9 we now have full support for SurrealDB beta 10. This release attempts to support many new features introduced in beta 10 while also iterating further on the revamped designer view introduced in the last major release.

  • Full support for SurrealDB beta 10
  • Local database now launches with --allow-all and --auth
  • Updated syntax highlighting with new keywords
  • Designer view updates
    • Added designer related options
      • Accessed from the gear icon in the top right of the table graph
      • Configurable per session, however default values can be set in the settings dialog
      • Table Layout controls how tables are positioned within the graph. Currently supports "Diagram" and "Grid"
      • Node Appearance controls how nodes are rendered. Currently supports "Fields", "Summary", and "Simple"
    • Added support for default field values
    • Added support for changefeeds
    • Improved handling of table views
    • Field kind can now be set to any value, however a table can still be quickly selected
    • Fixed schema export not working
    • Fixed certain index and event properties not being required
  • Authentication view updates
    • Added support for managing root logins
    • Added support for user comments
  • Fixed font zoom shortcuts not always working
  • Fixed multiple editor related issues (#97)
  • Fixed being unable to use spaces when renaming sessions (#101)
  • Minor UI improvements

Compatible with SurrealDB Beta 10

v1.8.0 for SurrealDB Nightly (Hotfix 1)

14 Aug 18:58
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⚠️ This release is only for use with SurrealDB Nightly, Use this release if you are using Beta 9. Due to an issue in SurrealDB connecting to a Beta 9 database will cause it to crash ⚠️

This hotfix release fixes the broken connection behavior due to recent changes in SurrealDB. View this release for the latest changelog.

Compatible with SurrealDB Nightly (Commit d9eaf0e)

v1.8.0 for SurrealDB Nightly

10 Aug 22:30
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⚠️ This release is only for use with SurrealDB Nightly, Use this release if you are using Beta 9. Due to an issue in SurrealDB connecting to a Beta 9 database will cause it to crash ⚠️

This release introduces a complete overhaul to the Designer view, which now visualizes your tables in a graph, replacing the original visualizer view functionality. Additionally this version implements an array of user experience improvements and bug fixes.

  • Overhauled the designer view
    • Displays tables in a visual graph
    • Select a table to view and modify its schema
    • Save the graph as a PNG image
  • Added editor font zooming
    • Ctrl + Alt/Option + + to zoom in
    • Ctrl + Alt/Option + - to zoom out
    • Ctrl + Alt/Option + 0 to reset
    • To use these shortcuts you must not have any editor focused, this is a limitation at the moment
  • Added explorer view table pinning
    • Pinned tables will appear first in the list
  • Removed visualizer view in favor of the new designer view
  • Fixed instances of cursor misplacement within editors
  • Fixed various schema parsing issues
  • Fixed light theme issues (#82)
  • Fixed UI freezing when writing large queries (#87)
  • Fixed variables pane rarely resetting it's size
  • Fixed console panel rendering in the web app
  • Fixed light theme not always using the right editor color scheme
  • Fixed explorer contents persisting after disconnect

Compatible with SurrealDB Nightly (Commit 860796b)