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The working ML pipeline in the package

dataset instance -> task-specific dataset -> ML model -> trainer -> evaluator

1. Introduction

All healthcare tasks in our package follow this pipeline. We have implements one module for each of the steps in the package, and any task should call five modules in order to complete the pipeline by default. We have tried hard to make these modules independent, such that users can use part of the pipeline. We will explain it later after introducing these modules.

  • pyhealth.datasets provides a clean structure for the dataset. Any instance from this module is independent from downstream tasks. We support the processing scripts for three open datasets, MIMIC-III, MIMIC-IV and eICU, as well as the standard OMOP-formatted data. The output instance contains a unified dictionary-based structure.
  • pyhealth.tasks inputs the <pyhealth.datasets> object and further processes it (clean up irrelevant info.) and finally provides another structure for the specific task. This module bridges the dataset instance and the downstream models.
  • pyhealth.models provides the state-of-the-art healthcare ML models
  • We use from pytorch_lightning import Trainer as our model trainer
  • pyhealth.evaluator lists the evaluator for each healthcare tasks with detailed metrics specification.

For use cases, users can either use our package for the entire ML pipeline or borrow part of it, such as (i) process your own OMOP data via pyhealth.datasets.omop; (ii) using our pre-processed MIMIC-III, MIMIC-IV, eICU via pyhealth.datasets (for generating your own task dataset); (iii) using our pre-processed task-specific dataset via pyhealth.datasets and pyhealth.tasks; (iv) using the healthcare ML models only via pyhealth.models.

2. Demo - drug recommendation

Step 1: Load the dataset instance

from pyhealth.datasets import MIMIC3BaseDataset
base_ds = MIMIC3BaseDataset(root="...", files=['conditions', ...])

Step 2: Process for obtaining task-specific instance

from pyhealth.tasks import DrugRecDataset
drug_rec_ds = DrugRecDataset(base_ds)

# task-specific artifacts for each downstream model
voc_size = drug_rec_dataset.voc_size
params = drug_rec_dataset.params

Step 3: load the healthcare predictive model

from pyhealth.models import RETAIN
model = RETAIN(voc_size, params).train(drug_rec_ds)

Step 4: Model training

# prepare for train / val / test
from import split
from import DataLoader
drug_rec_trainset, drug_rec_valset, drug_rec_testset = split.random_split(drug_rec_dataset, [0.8, 0.1, 0.1])
drug_rec_train_loader = DataLoader(drug_rec_trainset, batch_size=1, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0])
drug_rec_val_loader = DataLoader(drug_rec_valset, batch_size=1, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0])
drug_rec_test_loader = DataLoader(drug_rec_testset, batch_size=1, collate_fn=lambda x: x[0])

# training
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
trainer = Trainer(gpus=1, max_epochs=3, progress_bar_refresh_rate=5), train_dataloaders=drug_rec_train_loader, val_dataloaders=drug_rec_val_loader)

Step 5: Model evaluation

from pyhealth.evaluator import DrugRecEvaluator
evaluator = DrugRecEvaluator(model)

Step 6: Code mappings

from pyhealth.codemap import InnerMap
ICD = InnerMap('icd-10')
ICD['I50. 9'] # heart failure
ICD.patient('I50. 9')
ICD.siblings('I50. 9')
ICD.children('I50. 9')

from pyhealth.codemap import CrossMap
NDC_to_RxNorm = CrossMap('NDC', 'RxNorm')
>> ['68084027801', '59762306003']

3. Google Colab

We also have an accessible Google Colab demo: Link

For example, to read the file 'admissions.csv' as a dataframe, you can simply do as follows:

import pandas as pd
df_admissions = pd.read_csv("")

You can also set the storage path as the root to preprocess datasets:

from pyhealth.datasets import MIMIC3BaseDataset
base_dataset = MIMIC3BaseDataset(root="")

4. Leaderboard

Current results on drug recommendation

  • 2/3 : 1/6 : 1/6 split on MIMIC-III, five-fold cross validation
Model DDI Jaccard PRAUC macro-F1
Logistic Regression (LR) 0.0734 0.4979 0.7673 0.6550
Random Forest (RF) 0.0783 0.4482 0.7295 0.6119
Neural Network (NN) 0.0732 0.4756 0.7394 0.6355
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 0.0785 0.4721 0.7445 0.6313
Transformer 0.0791 0.4991 0.7692 0.6552
RETAIN 0.0770 0.5068 0.7727 0.6627
GAMENet 0.0760 0.4620 0.7378 0.6221
MICRON 0.0733 0.5042 0.7693 0.6599
SafeDrug (0.08) 0.0792 0.4709 0.7413 0.6299
SafeDrug (0.06) 0.0614 0.4682 0.7420 0.6276
SafeDrug (0.04) 0.0513 0.4594 0.7390 0.6189
SafeDrug (0.02) 0.0376 0.4448 0.7290 0.6051
  • LR best model path: ../output/221003-002013/best.ckpt
  • RF best model path: ../output/221003-002349/best.ckpt
  • NN best model path: ```../output/221003-235538/best.ckpt``
  • RNN best model path: ../output/221004-000740/best.ckpt
  • Transformer best model path: ../output/221004-001053/best.ckpt
  • RETAIN best model path: ../output/221004-001505/best.ckpt
  • GAMENet best model path: ../output/221004-012231/best.ckpt
  • MICRON best model path: ../output/221004-020027/best.ckpt
  • SafeDrug (DDI-controllable 0.08) best model path: ../output/221004-012739/best.ckpt
  • SafeDrug (DDI-controllable 0.06) best model path: ../output/221004-013652/best.ckpt
  • SafeDrug (DDI-controllable 0.04) best model path: ../output/221004-014537/best.ckpt
  • SafeDrug (DDI-controllable 0.02) best model path: ../output/221004-015401/best.ckpt