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PyHealth is designed for both ML researchers and medical practitioners. We can make your healthcare AI applications easier to develop, test and validate. Your development process becomes more flexible and more customizable. [GitHub]

[News!] Current PyHealth is a brand-new version with more flexible and independent function calls (such as users may only use the data preprocessing parts or only the ML model layers as convenient as torch.nn.Linear). The old documents are no longer maintained.


PyHealth can support diverse electronic health records (EHRs) such as MIMIC and eICU and all OMOP-CDM based databases and provide various advanced deep learning algorithms for handling important healthcare tasks such as diagnosis-based drug recommendation, patient hospitalization and mortality prediction, and ICU length stay forecasting, etc.

Build a healthcare AI pipeline can be as short as 10 lines of code in PyHealth.


All healthcare tasks in our package follow a five-stage pipeline:

load dataset -> define task function -> build ML/DL model -> model training -> inference

! We try hard to make sure each stage is as separate as possibe, so that people can customize their own pipeline by only using our data processing steps or the ML models. Each step will call one module and we introduce them using an example.

An ML Pipeline Example

  • STEP 1: <pyhealth.datasets> provides a clean structure for the dataset, independent from the tasks. We support MIMIC-III, MIMIC-IV and eICU, as well as the standard OMOP-formatted data. The dataset is stored in a unified Patient-Visit-Event structure.
from pyhealth.datasets import MIMIC3Dataset
mimic3dataset = MIMIC3Dataset(
    code_mapping={"NDC": "ATC"}, # map all NDC codes to ATC codes in these tables
  • STEP 2: <pyhealth.tasks> inputs the <pyhealth.datasets> object and defines how to process each pateint's data into a set of samples for the tasks. In the package, we provide several task examples, such as drug recommendation and length of stay prediction.
from pyhealth.tasks import drug_recommendation_mimic3_fn
from pyhealth.datasets.splitter import split_by_patient
from import DataLoader
from pyhealth.datasets.utils import collate_fn_dict

mimic3dataset.set_task(task_fn=drug_recommendation_mimic3_fn) # use default drugrec task
train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = split_by_patient(mimic3dataset, [0.8, 0.1, 0.1])

# create dataloaders
train_loader = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=64, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_fn_dict)
val_loader = DataLoader(val_ds, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_fn_dict)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_ds, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_fn_dict)
  • STEP 3: <pyhealth.models> provides the healthcare ML models using <pyhealth.datasets>. This module also provides model layers, such as pyhealth.models.RETAINLayer for building customized ML architectures. Our model layers can used as easily as torch.nn.Linear.
from pyhealth.models import Transformer

device = "cuda:0"
model = Transformer(
    tables=["conditions", "procedures"],
  • STEP 4: <pyhealth.trainer> is the training manager with train_loader, the val_loader, val_metric, and specify other arguemnts, such as epochs, optimizer, learning rate, etc. The trainer will automatically save the best model and output the path in the end.
from pyhealth.trainer import Trainer
from pyhealth.metrics import pr_auc_multilabel
import torch

trainer = Trainer(enable_logging=True, output_path="../output", device=device),
    optimizer_params={"lr": 1e-3, "weight_decay": 1e-5},
# Best model saved to: ../output/221004-015401/best.ckpt
  • STEP 5: <pyhealth.metrics> provides: (i) common evaluation metrics and the usage is the same as <pyhealth.metrics>; (ii) metrics (weighted by patients) for patient-level tasks; (iii) special metrics in healthcare, such as drug-drug interaction (DDI) rate.
from pyhealth.evaluator import evaluate
from pyhealth.metrics import accuracy_multilabel, jaccard_multilabel, f1_multilabel

# load best model and do inference
model = trainer.load_best_model(model)
y_gt, y_prob, y_pred = evaluate(model, test_loader, device)

jaccard = jaccard_multilabel(y_gt, y_pred)
accuracy = accuracy_multilabel(y_gt, y_pred)
f1 = f1_multilabel(y_gt, y_pred)
prauc = pr_auc_multilabel(y_gt, y_prob)

print("jaccard: ", jaccard)
print("accuracy: ", accuracy)
print("f1: ", f1)
print("prauc: ", prauc)

Medical Code Map

  • <pyhealth.codemap> provides two core functionalities: (i) looking up information for a given medical code (e.g., name, category, sub-concept); (ii) mapping codes across coding systems (e.g., ICD9CM to CCSCM). This module can be easily applied to your research.
  • For code mapping between two coding systems
from pyhealth.medcode import CrossMap
codemap = CrossMap("ICD9CM", "CCSCM")"82101") # use it like a dict

codemap = CrossMap("NDC", "ATC", level=3)"00527051210")
  • For code ontology lookup within one system
from pyhealth.medcode import InnerMap
ICD9CM = InnerMap("ICD9CM")
ICD9CM.lookup("428.0") # get detailed info
ICD9CM.get_ancestors("428.0") # get parents

Medical Code Tokenizer

  • <pyhealth.tokenizer> is used for transformations between string-based tokens and integer-based indices, based on the overall token space. We provide flexible functions to tokenize 1D, 2D and 3D lists. This module can be used in many other scenarios.
from pyhealth.tokenizer import Tokenizer

# Example: we use a list of ATC3 code as the token
token_space = ['A01A', 'A02A', 'A02B', 'A02X', 'A03A', 'A03B', 'A03C', 'A03D', \
        'A03F', 'A04A', 'A05A', 'A05B', 'A05C', 'A06A', 'A07A', 'A07B', 'A07C', \
        'A12B', 'A12C', 'A13A', 'A14A', 'A14B', 'A16A']
tokenizer = Tokenizer(tokens=token_space, special_tokens=["<pad>", "<unk>"])

# 2d encode
tokens = [['A03C', 'A03D', 'A03E', 'A03F'], ['A04A', 'B035', 'C129']]
indices = tokenizer.batch_encode_2d(tokens) # [[8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 1, 1, 0]]

# 2d decode
indices = [[8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 1, 1, 0]]
tokens = tokenizer.batch_decode_2d(indices) # [['A03C', 'A03D', 'A03E', 'A03F'], ['A04A', '<unk>', '<unk>']]

Users can customize their healthcare AI pipeline as simply as calling one module

  • process your OMOP data via pyhealth.datasets
  • process the open eICU (e.g., MIMIC) data via pyhealth.datasets
  • define your own task on existing databases via pyhealth.tasks
  • use existing healthcare models or build upon it (e.g., RETAIN) via pyhealth.models.
  • code map between for conditions and medicaitons via pyhealth.codemap.


We provide the following datasets for general purpose healthcare AI research:

Dataset Module Year Information
MIMIC-III pyhealth.datasets.MIMIC3BaseDataset 2016 MIMIC-III Clinical Database
MIMIC-IV pyhealth.datasets.MIMIC4BaseDataset 2020 MIMIC-IV Clinical Database
eICU pyhealth.datasets.eICUBaseDataset 2018 eICU Collaborative Research Database
OMOP pyhealth.datasets.OMOPBaseDataset   OMOP-CDM schema based dataset

Machine/Deep Learning Models

Model Name Type Module Year Reference
Logistic Regression (LR) classifical ML pyhealth.models.MLModel   sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
Random Forest (RF) classifical ML pyhealth.models.MLModel   sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier
Neural Networks (NN) classifical ML pyhealth.models.MLModel   sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) deep learning pyhealth.models.CNN 1989 Handwritten Digit Recognition with a Back-Propagation Network
Recurrent Neural Nets (RNN) deep Learning pyhealth.models.RNN 2011 Recurrent neural network based language model
Transformer deep Learning pyhealth.models.Transformer 2017 Atention is All you Need
RETAIN deep Learning pyhealth.models.RETAIN 2016 RETAIN: An Interpretable Predictive Model for Healthcare using Reverse Time Attention Mechanism
GAMENet deep Learning pyhealth.models.GAMENet 2019 GAMENet: Graph Attention Mechanism for Explainable Electronic Health Record Prediction
MICRON deep Learning pyhealth.models.MICRON 2021 Change Matters: Medication Change Prediction with Recurrent Residual Networks
SafeDrug deep Learning pyhealth.models.SafeDrug 2021 SafeDrug: Dual Molecular Graph Encoders for Recommending Effective and Safe Drug Combinations

Benchmark on Healthcare Tasks

  • Here is our benchmark doc on healthcare tasks. You can also check this below.

We also provide function for leaderboard generation, check it out in our github repo.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4
   :caption: Getting Started

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 3
   :caption: Documentation


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Additional Information
