## Version 2.4.0 (2020-05-16) This release drops special Web browser requirements to access dasht-server(1), improves error messages in dasht-docset-install(1), ensures clean up of stale files that contain whitespace in their names, and resolves a few other issues. ### Minor: * dasht-server-http(1): serve local `file://` URLs through `http://` URLs. Users no longer have to use special browsers or special configurations that allow the loading of `file://` links from `` URLs. All browsers can now natively access the dasht-server(1) search engine. See https://github.com/sunaku/dasht/issues/45 ### Patch: * dasht-docsets-update(1): remove stale files with whitespace in names. Thanks to @frodeaa for reporting this issue and contributing a patch: > Replace `xargs` with `while read` and avoid globbing. The same could be > achived by using `xargs -0` (GNU/BSD) if newline is replaced with `\0`. > > tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 sh -e -u -c ' See https://github.com/sunaku/dasht/issues/35 * dasht-server-http(1): escape "C++" docset name as `^C\+\+$` regex. When the "C++" docset was selected from the "in docsets" dropdown menu in dasht-server(1), the plus signs weren't properly escaped per regex syntax. See https://github.com/sunaku/dasht/issues/49 * dasht-docsets-install(1): validate gzip(1) integrity before extraction. This avoids cryptic errors from tarball extraction: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now By pointing out the cause of the error to the user: gzip: Apple_Guides_and_Sample_Code.tgz: unexpected end of file * dasht-docsets-install(1): restore support for older wget(1) versions. Older wget versions don't support the `--show-progress` option: wget: unrecognized option '--show-progress' Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]... Try ‘wget --help’ for more options. * dasht-query-line(1): update URI fragments for HTML and CSS docsets. ## Version 2.3.0 (2018-10-09) This release provides better error messaging for first-time users who try to search immediately after installing dasht but before they install any docsets. It also fixes some HTML rendering issues and improves portability under macOS. ### Minor: * Notify user when no docsets installed for searching. * wget: don't be verbose but show download progress. ### Patch: * GH-28: some docsets embed `` XML in URL fields. * GH-25: HTML 4 browsers don't support `'` entity. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/2083770 which refers to this spec: C.16. The Named Character Reference `'` https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_16 The named character reference `'` (the apostrophe, U+0027) was introduced in XML 1.0 but does not appear in HTML. Authors should therefore use `'` instead of `'` to work as expected in HTML 4 user agents. * GH-31: macOS error upon rmdir: illegal option -- v. Thanks to Frode Aannevik (@frodeaa) for reporting this issue. ### Other: * README: add installation method for macOS Homebrew. * README: require gawk; Debian's default mawk hangs. ## Version 2.2.0 (2017-08-15) This release fixes the ability to install new docsets (which was broken since July 2017 due to unannounced, incompatible upstream changes in docset hosting), improves portability, search form usability, and saves space updating docsets. ### Minor: * When a docset is updated, any obsolete files left behind by the previous version of the docset's installation are now deleted to save disk space. * `dasht-server`: update styling for a more user-friendly search form: * Make submit button as tall as the entire form so it's easy to hit. * Use monospace font throughout the form to enhance ilIO0o variance. * Shorten placeholder text to fit default width of popular browsers. ### Patch: * GH-23: Kapeli moved docset download links into Git, breaking our ability to install new docsets (because the download links page no longer exists). https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal/issues/294#issuecomment-84435400 * POSIX sed(1) reserves the right to reject the semicolon command separator. Per http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/sed.html > Historically, the sed ! and } editing commands did not permit multiple > commands on a single line using a semicolon as a command delimiter. > Implementations are permitted, but not required, to support this > extension. ### Other: * `dasht-server`: recommend Chrome browser with [LocalLinks extension]( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/locallinks/jllpkdkcdjndhggodimiphkghogcpida ). * README: show how to set up $MANPATH for easy man(1). * tar: use UNIX-style invocation syntax: -z after -f. * sed: use pipe delimiters when dealing with slashes. ## Version 2.1.0 (2016-05-28) This release improves the feedback users and scripts get from dasht scripts, fixes the ability to run dasht from non-setpgid() environments like (Neo)Vim, adds TAB completion for ZSH, and provides screencasts for prospective users. ### Minor: * dasht(1) now automatically opens the first search result if only one. * dasht-query-\* scripts now exit with status 44 when no results found. * TAB completion for ZSH (see `etc/zsh/` folder) for all dasht scripts. Pressing TAB at the first argument completes `''` and puts you on the second argument, which is perfect for skipping the pattern altogether. Pressing TAB at the second argument completes installed docset names. Thanks to Tobias Mersmann (@tmerse) for suggesting this feature and providing starter code at . * dasht-server-http(1) now shows "no results found" message in browser. ### Patch: * dasht-query-line(1) now sets default URI fragment for Erlang docset. This affects modules, like the "dets" result in `dasht dets erlang`. * dasht-server-http(1) now opens search result links in the same window. w3m(1) opens search result links in the _same_ window, so don't make the experience any different in browsers connected to dasht-server(1). * dasht(1) has revised pipefail emulation since Vim doesn't setpgid(). When `:!dasht some_query_that_has_no_results_here` is run inside Vim, the w3m(1) instance still lives on, even though no results were found, because the child processes of dasht(1) don't inherit its pid as pgid. That's why terminating all children with kill(1) on pgid doesn't work. Instead, the new strategy is to selectively kill w3m(1) first and then dasht(1) to achieve the desired effect: no more w3m(1) and nonzero exit. * dasht(1) now avoids `/bin/sh: line 1: Terminated` warning under BASH. To ensure normal SIGTERM propagation to children, trap SIGUSR1 instead. * Revised "no results found" messages for HTML and text user interfaces. ### Other: * README: add screencasts of dasht in the terminal and browser: Watch the "[dasht in a terminal](https://vimeo.com/159462598)" and "[dasht in a browser](https://vimeo.com/159462774)" screencasts. * README: add link to vim-dasht plugin for (Neo)Vim integration: https://github.com/sunaku/vim-dasht ## Version 2.0.0 (2016-03-17) This release improves the local search engine's responsiveness, usability, and appearance (especially on small displays, like those found in mobile devices); improves search term highlighting; and fixes escaping bugs and HTML5 validity. ### Major: * dasht-query-exec(1) now groups by first letter when nothing is searched. This gives you a better overview of the breadth of available topics (A-Z) than the previous approach of simply returning the first 100 topics did. * dasht-query-html(1) now wraps its HTML output, if any, in `` tags. This moves the printing of HTML `
` tags into dasht-query-html(1) and makes dasht(1) run w3m(1) eagerly, which provides visual feedback to the user when a large HTML document is being read and buffered, and in the case where no results are found: terminate with a message on stderr. ### Minor: * dasht-server-http(1) now streams search results to you as they are found. Serve the HTML header and search form immediately---before the search is even performed---so that the user instantly (and at the very least) sees the search form in case they decide to abort the HTTP transfer partway. * dasht-server-http(1) now provides a drop-down menu for docset selection. Drop the HTML5 `` because it can only suggest a single item, and that too only when the text field is empty! Instead, provide a `