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To train your own GloVe vectors, first you'll need to prepare your corpus as a single text file with all words separated by a single space. If your corpus has multiple documents, simply concatenate documents together with a single space. If your documents are particularly short, it's possible that padding the gap between documents with e.g. 5 "dummy" words will produce better vectors. Once you create your corpus, you can train GloVe vectors using the following 4 tools. An example is included in, which you can modify as necessary.

This four main tools in this package are:

1) vocab_count

This tool requires an input corpus that should already consist of whitespace-separated tokens. Use something like the Stanford Tokenizer first on raw text. From the corpus, it constructs unigram counts from a corpus, and optionally thresholds the resulting vocabulary based on total vocabulary size or minimum frequency count.

2) cooccur

Constructs word-word cooccurrence statistics from a corpus. The user should supply a vocabulary file, as produced by vocab_count, and may specify a variety of parameters, as described by running ./build/cooccur.

3) shuffle

Shuffles the binary file of cooccurrence statistics produced by cooccur. For large files, the file is automatically split into chunks, each of which is shuffled and stored on disk before being merged and shuffled togther. The user may specify a number of parameters, as described by running ./build/shuffle.

4) glove

Train the GloVe model on the specified cooccurrence data, which typically will be the output of the shuffle tool. The user should supply a vocabulary file, as given by vocab_count, and may specify a number of other parameters, which are described by running ./build/glove.