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This shortbow is made from horn, wood, and sinew laminated together to increase the power of its pull and the force of its projectile. Its compact size and power make it a favorite of mounted archers. Any time an ability is specifically restricted to a shortbow, it also applies to composite shortbows unless otherwise stated.

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "held", "handsHeld": 1, "invested": null }, "group": "bow", "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "potencyRune": { "value": 1 }, "price": { "value": { "gp": 14 } }, "propertyRune1": { "value": null }, "propertyRune2": { "value": null }, "propertyRune3": { "value": null }, "propertyRune4": { "value": null }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 1, "range": 60, "reload": { "value": "0" }, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "composite-shortbow", "splashDamage": { "value": 0 }, "stackGroup": null, "strikingRune": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "deadly-d10", "propulsive" ] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-plus-hands" } }, "type": "weapon" }, { "_id": "4tat8stpB3Q8gsxD", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.7tKkkF8eZ4iCLJtp" } }, "img": "icons/weapons/swords/sword-guard-purple.webp", "name": "Shortsword", "sort": 200000, "system": { "baseItem": "shortsword", "bonus": { "value": 0 }, "bonusDamage": { "value": 0 }, "bulk": { "value": 0.1 }, "category": "martial", "containerId": null, "damage": { "damageType": "piercing", "dice": 1, "die": "d6" }, "description": { "value": "

These blades come in a variety of shapes and styles, but they are typically 2 feet long.

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "held", "handsHeld": 1, "invested": null }, "group": "sword", "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "potencyRune": { "value": null }, "price": { "value": { "sp": 9 } }, "propertyRune1": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune2": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune3": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune4": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 1, "range": null, "reload": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "shortsword", "splashDamage": { "value": 0 }, "stackGroup": null, "strikingRune": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "agile", "finesse", "versatile-s" ] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-hand" } }, "type": "weapon" }, { "_id": "nMrjjrW4q3ui6tWU", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.w2ENw2VMPcsbif8g" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/weapons/arrows.webp", "name": "Arrows", "sort": 300000, "system": { "autoDestroy": { "value": true }, "baseItem": null, "bulk": { "value": 0.1 }, "charges": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "consumableType": { "value": "ammo" }, "consume": { "value": "" }, "containerId": null, "description": { "value": "

These projectiles are the ammunition for bows. The shaft of an arrow is made of wood. It is stabilized in flight by fletching at one end and bears a metal head on the other.

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "held", "handsHeld": 1 }, "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "price": { "per": 10, "value": { "sp": 1 } }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 60, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "arrows", "stackGroup": "arrows", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-hand" } }, "type": "consumable" }, { "_id": "z9bTah65DoASEDhP", "flags": { "pf2e": { "linkedWeapon": "4tat8stpB3Q8gsxD" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Shortsword", "sort": 400000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "serpent-venom" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 18 }, "damageRolls": { "8vifthuqwag8dw6e4xnl": { "damage": "1d6+8", "damageType": "piercing" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "agile", "finesse", "versatile-s" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "ltvMN7K0itu2l3WZ", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Snake Fangs", "sort": 500000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "serpent-venom" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 16 }, "damageRolls": { "6ofsourtuiris927jxiu": { "damage": "1d4+8", "damageType": "piercing" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "agile", "finesse" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "F8wXzsUNliJVU8bv", "flags": { "pf2e": { "linkedWeapon": "G0WFBGJRBnL3fapV" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Composite Shortbow", "sort": 600000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "serpent-venom" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 19 }, "damageRolls": { "vk7p3e37uiwdoit8louy": { "damage": "1d6+7", "damageType": "piercing" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "deadly-d10", "magical", "propulsive", "range-increment-60", "reload-0" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "ranged" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "NcZMn3pf8nbMeY8x", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.qCCLZhnp2HhP3Ex6" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Darkvision", "sort": 700000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


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Trigger A creature ends its turn adjacent to the medusa.


Effect The medusa makes a snake fangs Strike against the creature.

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@Template[type:emanation|distance:30]{30 feet} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.Aura]


When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:25] save. If the creature fails, it becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Slowed]{Slowed 1} for 1 minute. The medusa can deactivate or activate this aura by using a single action, which has the concentrate trait.

" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "Aura", "predicate": [ "petrifying" ], "radius": 30, "slug": "petrifying-gaze", "traits": [ "arcane", "visual" ] }, { "domain": "all", "key": "RollOption", "option": "petrifying", "toggleable": true, "value": true } ], "slug": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "arcane", "aura", "visual" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "FuDdgAP7wwq6LCFO", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Serpent Venom", "sort": 1100000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

Saving Throw @Check[type:fortitude|dc:25]


Maximum Duration 6 rounds


Stage 1 @Damage[1d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Enfeebled]{Enfeebled 1} (1 round)


Stage 2 @Damage[2d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Enfeebled]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round)

" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "serpent-venom", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "poison" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "aB3Eiwm7lKulxfZ4", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Deception", "sort": 1200000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 16 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "0AVXTu0IQeCK9qy9", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Diplomacy", "sort": 1300000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 14 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "1V6Ipqd0JqILUKar", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Stealth", "sort": 1400000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 16 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" } ], "name": "Murmur", "system": { "abilities": { "cha": { "mod": -5 }, "con": { "mod": 4 }, "dex": { "mod": 5 }, "int": { "mod": -5 }, "str": { "mod": 2 }, "wis": { "mod": -5 } }, "attributes": { "ac": { "details": "all-around vision", "value": 25 }, "allSaves": { "value": "" }, "hp": { "details": "", "max": 105, "temp": 0, "value": 105 }, "initiative": { "statistic": "perception" }, "perception": { "value": 10 }, "speed": { "otherSpeeds": [], "value": 25 } }, "details": { "blurb": "Female feebleminded medusa (Pathfinder Bestiary 234)", "level": { "value": 7 }, "privateNotes": "", "publicNotes": "

Monstrous humanoids that resemble humans with snakes instead of hair, medusas are best known for their petrifying gazes that-if lingered upon-can permanently transform mortals to stone. Medusas are shrewd and manipulative adversaries who collect and covet secrets, and who use threats and guile to exploit the fears of weaker creatures. A medusa may seek out powerful magic items, use divination magic to discover secret knowledge and unlock forbidden power, or infiltrate a society to beguile influential politicians. Their ability to worm their way into powerful organizations makes them natural leaders of criminal outfits and thieves' guilds, and their interest in magical phenomena leads some to pursue careers as oracles who offer to help adventurers find what they seek-for a price. Of course, if wit and deception proves insufficient, a medusa can always simply turn rivals into ornate stone decorations with little more than a glare.


Exceptionally agile and surprisingly hardy, a medusa rarely backs down from a conflict even when cornered. Many adventurers who thought themselves readied to resist the effects of a medusa's gaze have nevertheless fallen to a medusa, as these creatures are also often deadly archers able to riddle their foes with venom-coated arrows from a distance. Still, a medusa may barter for their life if no alternatives remain, and the secrets carried by these powerful villains often make it more than worth sparing the monster's life.

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