{ "_id": "DawBQWRyrM4cKfGI", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/npc.svg", "items": [ { "_id": "HytGc8m6N3nhaxiO", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/spellcastingEntry.svg", "name": "Divine Innate Spells", "sort": 100000, "system": { "autoHeightenLevel": { "value": null }, "description": { "value": "" }, "displayLevels": {}, "prepared": { "flexible": false, "value": "innate" }, "proficiency": { "value": 1 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "showSlotlessLevels": { "value": false }, "showUnpreparedSpells": { "value": true }, "slots": { "slot0": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot1": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot10": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot11": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot2": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot3": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot4": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot5": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot6": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot7": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot8": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot9": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 } }, "slug": null, "spelldc": { "dc": 19, "mod": 0, "value": 11 }, "tradition": { "value": "divine" } }, "type": "spellcastingEntry" }, { "_id": "GMWiXA8zpcvJD4Fp", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4GE2ZdODgIQtg51c" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/darkness.webp", "name": "Darkness (At Will)", "sort": 200000, "system": { "area": { "type": "burst", "value": 20 }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "counteraction": false, "damage": {}, "defense": null, "description": { "value": "

You create a shroud of darkness that prevents light from penetrating or emanating within the area. Light does not enter the area and any non-magical light sources, such as a torch or lantern, do not emanate any light while inside the area, even if their light radius would extend beyond the darkness. This also suppresses magical light of your darkness spell's level or lower. Light can't pass through, so creatures in the area can't see outside. From outside, it appears as a globe of pure darkness.


Heightened (4th) Even creatures with darkvision (but not greater darkvision) can barely see through the darkness. They treat targets seen through the darkness as @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Concealed].

" }, "duration": { "sustained": false, "value": "1 minute" }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 2, "value": "HytGc8m6N3nhaxiO" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "requirements": "", "rules": [], "slug": "darkness", "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "3" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "traditions": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult", "primal" ], "value": [ "concentrate", "darkness", "manipulate" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "c0PlxHB3aGqwm9qD", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.HRb2doyaLtaoCfi3" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/faerie-fire.webp", "name": "Faerie Fire (At Will)", "sort": 300000, "system": { "area": { "type": "burst", "value": 10 }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "counteraction": false, "damage": {}, "defense": null, "description": { "value": "

All creatures in the area when you cast the spell are limned in colorful, heatless fire of a color of your choice for the duration. Visible creatures can't be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Concealed] while affected by faerie fire. If the creatures are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Invisible], they are Concealed while affected by faerie fire, rather than being @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Undetected].

" }, "duration": { "sustained": false, "value": "5 minutes" }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 2, "value": "HytGc8m6N3nhaxiO" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "requirements": "", "rules": [], "slug": "faerie-fire", "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "traditions": [ "divine", "occult", "primal" ], "value": [ "concentrate", "light", "manipulate" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "0P99gBzO6vLthlvB", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kl2q6JvBZwed4B6v" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/dancing-lights.webp", "name": "Dancing Lights", "sort": 400000, "system": { "area": null, "cost": { "value": "" }, "counteraction": false, "damage": {}, "defense": null, "description": { "value": "

You create up to four floating lights, no two of which are more than 10 feet apart. Each sheds light like a torch. When you Sustain the Spell, you can move any number of lights up to 60 feet. Each light must remain within 120 feet of you and within 10 feet of all others, or it winks out.

" }, "duration": { "sustained": true, "value": "sustained" }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "HytGc8m6N3nhaxiO" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "requirements": "", "rules": [], "slug": "dancing-lights", "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "traditions": [ "arcane", "occult", "primal" ], "value": [ "cantrip", "concentrate", "light", "manipulate" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "HEErNSBRauuzEhM2", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.mgrabKkyLmvxgLBK" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/weapons/elven-curve-blade.webp", "name": "Elven Curve Blade", "sort": 500000, "system": { "baseItem": "elven-curve-blade", "bonus": { "value": 0 }, "bonusDamage": { "value": 0 }, "bulk": { "value": 2 }, "category": "martial", "containerId": null, "damage": { "damageType": "slashing", "dice": 1, "die": "d8" }, "description": { "value": "

Essentially a longer version of the scimitar, this traditional elven weapon has a thinner blade than its cousin.

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "held", "handsHeld": 2, "invested": null }, "group": "sword", "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "potencyRune": { "value": null }, "price": { "value": { "gp": 4 } }, "propertyRune1": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune2": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune3": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune4": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 1, "range": null, "reload": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "elven-curve-blade", "splashDamage": { "value": null }, "stackGroup": null, "strikingRune": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "uncommon", "value": [ "elf", "finesse", "forceful" ] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-two-hands" } }, "type": "weapon" }, { "_id": "wxjHKXRE9QrGkcn6", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.XyA6PKV46aNlLXOd" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/weapons/hand-crossbow.webp", "name": "Hand Crossbow", "sort": 600000, "system": { "baseItem": "hand-crossbow", "bonus": { "value": 0 }, "bonusDamage": { "value": 0 }, "bulk": { "value": 0.1 }, "category": "simple", "containerId": null, "damage": { "damageType": "piercing", "dice": 1, "die": "d6" }, "description": { "value": "

Sometimes referred to as an alley bow by rogues or ruffians, this small crossbow fires small bolts that are sometimes used to deliver poison to the target. It's small enough to be shot one-handed, but it still requires two hands to load.

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "held", "handsHeld": 1, "invested": null }, "group": "crossbow", "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "potencyRune": { "value": null }, "price": { "value": { "gp": 3 } }, "propertyRune1": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune2": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune3": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune4": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 1, "range": 60, "reload": { "value": "1" }, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "hand-crossbow", "splashDamage": { "value": 0 }, "stackGroup": null, "strikingRune": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-hand" } }, "type": "weapon" }, { "_id": "THLOVhbz689OxMec", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.Kf4eJEXnFPuAsseP" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/armor/chainmail.webp", "name": "Chain Mail", "sort": 700000, "system": { "acBonus": 4, "baseItem": "chain-mail", "bulk": { "value": 2 }, "category": "medium", "checkPenalty": -2, "containerId": null, "description": { "value": "

A suit of chain mail consists of several pieces of armor composed of small metal rings linked together in a protective mesh. It typically includes a chain shirt, leggings, a pair of arms, and a coif, collectively protecting most of the body.

" }, "dexCap": 1, "equipped": { "carryType": "worn", "inSlot": false, "invested": null }, "group": "chain", "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "potencyRune": { "value": 0 }, "price": { "value": { "gp": 6 } }, "propertyRune1": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune2": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune3": { "value": "" }, "propertyRune4": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 1, "resiliencyRune": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "chain-mail", "speedPenalty": -5, "stackGroup": null, "strength": 3, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "flexible", "noisy" ] }, "usage": { "value": "wornarmor" } }, "type": "armor" }, { "_id": "UZrc0flPzh64rLiz", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.AITVZmakiu3RgfKo" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/weapons/bolts.webp", "name": "Bolts", "sort": 800000, "system": { "autoDestroy": { "value": true }, "baseItem": null, "bulk": { "value": 0.1 }, "charges": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "consumableType": { "value": "ammo" }, "consume": { "value": "" }, "containerId": null, "description": { "value": "

Shorter than traditional arrows but similar in construction, bolts are the ammunition used by crossbows.

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "worn" }, "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "price": { "per": 10, "value": { "sp": 1 } }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 10, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "bolts", "stackGroup": "bolts", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-hand" } }, "type": "consumable" }, { "_id": "zf7A204quLyZnoyw", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.equipment-srd.Item.zo0ophqfKunJFxZN" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/alchemical-items/alchemical-poisons/lethargy-poison.webp", "name": "Lethargy Poison", "sort": 900000, "system": { "autoDestroy": { "value": true }, "baseItem": null, "bulk": { "value": 0.1 }, "charges": { "max": 1, "value": 1 }, "consumableType": { "value": "poison" }, "consume": { "value": "" }, "containerId": null, "description": { "value": "

Lethargy poison is commonly used in hit-and-run tactics by drow and others who want their victims alive; the ambusher retreats until the poison sets in and the victim falls unconscious. Further exposure to lethargy poison does not require the target to attempt additional saving throws; only failing an saving throw against an ongoing exposure can progress its stage.


Activate D Interact (Injury)


Saving Throw @Check[type:fortitude|dc:18]


Maximum Duration 4 hours


Stage 1 @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Slowed]{Slowed 1} (1 round)


Stage 2 slowed 1 (1 minute)


Stage 3 @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Unconscious] with no Perception check to wake up (1 round)


Stage 4 unconscious with no Perception check to wake up ([[/br 1d4 #hours]]{1d4 hours}).

" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "worn", "handsHeld": 0 }, "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "price": { "value": { "gp": 7 } }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "quantity": 3, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": "lethargy-poison", "stackGroup": null, "traits": { "rarity": "uncommon", "value": [ "alchemical", "incapacitation", "injury", "poison", "sleep" ] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-hand" } }, "type": "consumable" }, { "_id": "2lRJXkUSUIu9w7Vg", "flags": { "pf2e": { "linkedWeapon": "HEErNSBRauuzEhM2" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Elven Curve Blade", "sort": 1000000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "hampering-slash" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 14 }, "damageRolls": { "upa4dqdojnn5ii3o7814": { "damage": "1d8+6", "damageType": "slashing" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "forceful" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "OOe8PxQr9xXaWkvc", "flags": { "pf2e": { "linkedWeapon": "wxjHKXRE9QrGkcn6" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Hand Crossbow", "sort": 1100000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "lethargy-poison" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 13 }, "damageRolls": { "0": { "damage": "1d6+2", "damageType": "piercing" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "range-increment-60", "reload-1" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "ranged" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "DGCZumwAduW04eMJ", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.qCCLZhnp2HhP3Ex6" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Darkvision", "sort": 1200000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "darkvision", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "3sSrZrwFGWNyzaIj", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.I0HYG0ctCLP5JRsW" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Light Blindness", "sort": 1300000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "light-blindness", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "GsXsiIe2IQXx1C8I", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.2YRDYVnC1eljaXKK" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "At-Will Spells", "sort": 1400000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "at-will-spells", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "SHNbQciOGHNt8z1c", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.kquBnQ0kObZztnBc" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "+1 Status to All Saves vs. Magic", "sort": 1500000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "FlatModifier", "predicate": [ { "or": [ "magical", "arcane", "divine", "primal", "occult" ] } ], "selector": "saving-throw", "type": "status", "value": 1 } ], "slug": "1-status-to-all-saves-vs-magic", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "iOvO0dFhneixzLvw", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.kquBnQ0kObZztnBc" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "+2 Status to All Saves vs. Mental", "sort": 1600000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "FlatModifier", "predicate": [ "mental" ], "selector": "saving-throw", "type": "status", "value": 2 } ], "slug": "1-status-to-all-saves-vs-magic", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "Lnc74mXrMbKNeEpe", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.hFtNbo1LKYCoDy2O" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Reaction.webp", "name": "Attack of Opportunity", "sort": 1700000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "reaction" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "


" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "attack-of-opportunity", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "Qc2AY3uXl9fGeDBe", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Hampering Slash", "sort": 1800000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

A target damaged by the warden's melee Strike must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:21] save or be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Slowed]{Slowed 1} until the end of the warden's next turn.

" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "hampering-slash", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "Jf35tOxuG3lkWtlq", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.AWvNPE4U0kEJSL1T" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Sneak Attack", "sort": 1900000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

A warden deals an extra 1d6 damage to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Off-Guard] creatures.

" }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "diceNumber": 1, "dieSize": "d6", "key": "DamageDice", "predicate": [ "target:condition:off-guard" ], "selector": "strike-damage" }, { "domain": "all", "key": "RollOption", "label": "PF2E.SpecificRule.TOTMToggle.OffGuard", "option": "target:condition:off-guard", "toggleable": "totm" } ], "slug": "sneak-attack", "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "jWg2zhZaonoktUm9", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Athletics", "sort": 2000000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 12 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "xQpBOJj8Y5n5uQNb", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Intimidation", "sort": 2100000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 8 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "jyZJWby4fal5cZXC", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Stealth", "sort": 2200000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 9 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "lSlb8my7C9NHPHv0", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Survival", "sort": 2300000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 11 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "publication": { "license": "OGL", "remaster": false, "title": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null }, "type": "lore" } ], "name": "Drow Warden", "system": { "abilities": { "cha": { "mod": 0 }, "con": { "mod": 1 }, "dex": { "mod": 3 }, "int": { "mod": 0 }, "str": { "mod": 4 }, "wis": { "mod": 3 } }, "attributes": { "ac": { "details": "", "value": 21 }, "allSaves": { "value": "+1 status to all saves vs. magic, +2 status to all saves vs. mental" }, "hp": { "details": "", "max": 60, "temp": 0, "value": 60 }, "immunities": [ { "type": "sleep" } ], "initiative": { "statistic": "perception" }, "perception": { "value": 11 }, "speed": { "otherSpeeds": [], "value": 30 } }, "details": { "blurb": "", "level": { "value": 4 }, "privateNotes": "", "publicNotes": "

Wardens watch over drow encampments and often work in small groups.


Drow have a reputation for evil due to demon worship in their major settlements. However, like members of any ancestry, drow can have any alignment, especially when removed from the demon lords' sinister influence.

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