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Strapi Article Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Strapi Blog! We welcome everyone in the Strapi community to share their experiences, insights, and expertise with fellow developers worldwide. By writing on the Strapi blog, you can educate, inspire, and engage other Strapi users worldwide.

Generale Guidelines

To ensure that our blog meets the highest standards of quality and relevance, we ask that all contributors adhere to the following guidelines. The process is divided into the following steps:

1. Propose a topic
2. Get it approved 
3. Create the 1st draft
4. Review by the Strapi team
5. Upload your content to the admin panel
6. Share it on other platforms i.e, etc

Become a Writer

Simply propose a topic on the community content repository

We encourage all writers to join the Strapi Discord. We have a dedicated WFC channel and Open Office hours Mon - Friday 6AM CST and 12:30 PM CST where writers can come to ask questions and get good ideas for articles.


Your blog post should be focused on a topic related to JavaScript, TypeScript, API, Headless CMS, Frontend Frameworks and of course Strapi, such as a tutorial, best practices, customization, integrations, etc.

Can I use AI to write articles?

You can use ChatGPT or other genAI tool to write outline but not the actual article. Authors will be banned from the program if we detect AI content.

How to identify the best topics?

  • Best practices or tutorials that deep-dive into a Strapi feature or customization.
  • The community raises questions or topics on different places like GitHub, Reddit, Forum, Discord. You can use them to get some inspiration.

Your content request must be based on a source that justifies why that content is necessary for the community. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

Before writing an article for the Strapi blog, ensure that the topic you have chosen has not already been covered in the Strapi blog or documentation. You must confirm that the topic has not been covered before. If the Strapi team finds that the topic has already been covered or does not meet the standards, they may reject the draft without providing compensation.

How can I identify the level of my article?

  • Beginner: A beginner tutorial or article shares with users what are the fundamentals of Strapi, best practices of native features, the basics of Strapi combined with other technologies, general use cases, and guides explaining the basics of the ecosystem (e.g.: “What is JavaScript?”). This type of blog post answers questions like “what is” and “how-to’s” that include one or two technologies diving into getting started with Strapi with other frameworks.
  • Intermediate: An intermediate tutorial or article that dives into Strapi’s customization capabilities, implementation best practices, and development using Strapi with other technologies. This type of blog post answers questions like “how-to’s” that include three or more technologies diving into a more complex development of Strapi beyond back-end customization and deployment.
  • Advanced: An advanced tutorial or article that dives into more extensive expertise on Strapi’s customization, building blocks/primitives. This type of blog post introduces users to complex concepts and provides different solutions to uncommon scenarios.

Note: The Strapi team will assign a tag during the outline process and confirm on the article draft submission that it is still in line with the label given. This will be determined after the outline has been submitted.

How much and how do I get paid?

Compensation is based on the complexity level and length i.e Beginner: $100, Intermediate: $200 and Advanced: $300. Please submit invoices via this form.

How can I submit a topic?

You should open a GitHub issue here as a Submit your article proposal and submit it with the following information:

  1. Content Brief:
  • Target audience
  • Keywords
  • Industries this content will target
  • Source: Your content request must be based on a source that justifies why that content is necessary for the community. Otherwise, it will be rejected. The community raises questions or topics on different places like GitHub, Reddit, Forum, Discord. You can use them to get some inspiration.
  • Content objective:
  • Content requirements: Word count, keyword density, formatting guidelines, authority links.
  • Content outline:

Content Creation

Duplicate this template and create a new file in a HackMD file.

Writing Guidelines

Here are guidelines that you should follow to write an SEO-performant article:

  1. Headline: Use a clear and concise headline that includes target keywords and accurately reflects the article's content. Capitalize the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns, but otherwise, use sentence case (i.e., capitalize only the first letter of the first word). You can check how performant your headline would be here.
  2. Introduction: Begin with a strong introduction that hooks readers and briefly overviews the article's cover.
  3. Prerequisites: If you are writing a tutorial, it is very important to list the prerequisites. The reader must know what he needs to start the tutorial correctly.
  4. Main content: Use subheadings and bullet points to break up the content and make it easier to read. Here are some important things you should consider:
    1. Use keywords throughout the article to improve SEO ranking—especially the primary keyword.
    2. Make sure to follow Oxford Style Guide to write. We strongly suggest you read that guide if you constantly write for the Strapi blog.
    3. The only h1 in your content should be the headline.
    4. Always include the GitHub source code.
    5. Important and common terms style: e-commerce, open-source, front-end, back-end.
  5. Images and videos: Including relevant images and videos can help break up text and make the article more engaging. You should also create two covers for each article; find the templates and instructions in this Figma file.
    1. Admin Panel Screenshots: When showcasing content in the admin panel, it's important to include relevant information. If you do not create the images, include the source.
    2. Demo Product: If possible, we encourage you to provide a demo of your final application.
  6. Conclusion: End with a strong conclusion summarizing the article's main points and encouraging readers to take action. You must include at least two references of resources used when researching this article. And encourage readers to join the Discord community.
  7. Meta-title & meta-description: A meta-title is the title that appears in search engine results and at the top of the browser tab when someone visits your blog post. It should be concise, descriptive, and include relevant keywords. Ideally, it should be no more than 60 characters long. And the meta-description is a summary of your blog post that appears below the meta-title in search engine results. It should be no more than 155 characters long and provide a clear overview of your post's content. Use primary keywords and compelling language to encourage readers to read your post.

Before you submit, make sure you:

✅ Follow writing guidelines

✅ Proofread your article for errors in grammar, spelling, and typography.

✅ Run and test your code before pushing it to GitHub.

✅ Provide a GitHub link to complete code examples and at least two resources.

✅ Include links to other Strapi pages i.e docs, etc and highlight keywords in bold.

We do not post articles that don't follow our guidelines.