R6 based utilities for 3D meshes.
Stanford bunny:
Stanford dragon:
Dummy head:
Octahedron + sphere:
Tetrahedron + truncated icosahedron:
Septuaginta + great stellated dodecahedron:
Stanford bunny + sphere:
Volume, area, centroid, distance between a point and a mesh, connected components, Haussdorf distance, random sampling on the surface of a mesh.
There are more features in the github branch, to install with:
remotes::install_github("stla/cgalMeshes@github", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE)
Spider cage:
Here is a series of three images which show the effect of this spacing
parameter (0.05, 0.02, 0.005):
Stanford bunny:
Stanford dragon:
Hopf torus:
Stanford bunny:
This package is provided under the GPL-3 license but it uses the C++ library CGAL. If you wish to use CGAL for commercial purposes, you must obtain a license from the GeometryFactory.