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---- ## :book: Table of Content - [Table of Content](#book-Table-of-Content) - [Features](#tangerine-Features) - [APIs](#APIs) - [Usage](#tangerine-Usage) - [Usage examples](#tangerine-Usage-examples) - [Thanks & Credits](#tangerine-Thanks--Credits) - [Related open source projects](#tangerine-Related-open-source-projects) ---- ## :tangerine: Features * :mag_right: Email pattern matching (reg exp), useful for reading from other tool outputs * :earth_africa: Pass URLs to directly find and target emails in pages * :dizzy: Loosey patterns for local searchs ("john.smith", "evilcorp") * :package: Painless install. Available through `pip`, only requires `requests` * :white_check_mark: Bulk file-reading for targeting * :memo: Output to CSV file or JSON * :muscle: Compatible with the "Breach Compilation" torrent scripts * :house: Search cleartext and compressed .gz files locally using multiprocessing * :cyclone: Compatible with "Collection#1" * :fire: Get related emails * :dragon_face: Chase related emails by adding them to the ongoing search * :crown: Supports premium lookup services for advanced users * :factory: Custom query premium APIs. Supports username, hash, ip, domain and password and more * :books: Regroup breach results for all targets and methods * :eyes: Includes option to hide passwords for demonstrations * :rainbow: Delicious colors --- ### :package: `pip3 install h8mail` ----- #### APIs | Service | Functions | Status | |-|-|-| | [HaveIBeenPwned(v3)](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) | Number of email breaches | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [HaveIBeenPwned Pastes(v3)](https://haveibeenpwned.com/Pastes) | URLs of text files mentioning targets | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [Hunter.io](https://hunter.io/) - Public | Number of related emails | :white_check_mark: | | [Hunter.io](https://hunter.io/) - Service (free tier) | Cleartext related emails, Chasing | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [Snusbase](https://api.snusbase.com/admin/purchase) - Service | Cleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs - Fast :zap: | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [Leak-Lookup](https://leak-lookup.com/) - Public | Number of search-able breach results | :white_check_mark: (:key:) | | [Leak-Lookup](https://leak-lookup.com/) - Service | Cleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs, domain | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [Emailrep.io](https://emailrep.io/) - Service (free) | Last seen in breaches, social media profiles | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [scylla.so](https://scylla.so/) - Service (free) | Cleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs, domain | :construction: | | [Dehashed.com](https://dehashed.com/) - Service | Cleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs, domain | :white_check_mark: :key: | | [IntelX.io](https://intelx.io/signup) - Service (free trial) | Cleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs, domain, Bitcoin Wallets, IBAN | :white_check_mark: :key: | | :new: [Breachdirectory.org](https://breachdirectory.org) - Service (free) | Cleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, domain | :construction: :key: | *:key: - API key required* ----- ## :tangerine: Usage ```bash usage: h8mail [-h] [-t USER_TARGETS [USER_TARGETS ...]] [-u USER_URLS [USER_URLS ...]] [-q USER_QUERY] [--loose] [-c CONFIG_FILE [CONFIG_FILE ...]] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-j OUTPUT_JSON] [-bc BC_PATH] [-sk] [-k CLI_APIKEYS [CLI_APIKEYS ...]] [-lb LOCAL_BREACH_SRC [LOCAL_BREACH_SRC ...]] [-gz LOCAL_GZIP_SRC [LOCAL_GZIP_SRC ...]] [-sf] [-ch [CHASE_LIMIT]] [--power-chase] [--hide] [--debug] [--gen-config] Email information and password lookup tool optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t USER_TARGETS [USER_TARGETS ...], --targets USER_TARGETS [USER_TARGETS ...] Either string inputs or files. Supports email pattern matching from input or file, filepath globing and multiple arguments -u USER_URLS [USER_URLS ...], --url USER_URLS [USER_URLS ...] Either string inputs or files. Supports URL pattern matching from input or file, filepath globing and multiple arguments. Parse URLs page for emails. Requires http:// or https:// in URL. -q USER_QUERY, --custom-query USER_QUERY Perform a custom query. Supports username, password, ip, hash, domain. Performs an implicit "loose" search when searching locally --loose Allow loose search by disabling email pattern recognition. Use spaces as pattern seperators -c CONFIG_FILE [CONFIG_FILE ...], --config CONFIG_FILE [CONFIG_FILE ...] Configuration file for API keys. Accepts keys from Snusbase, WeLeakInfo, Leak-Lookup, HaveIBeenPwned, Emailrep, Dehashed and hunterio -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output OUTPUT_FILE File to write CSV output -j OUTPUT_JSON, --json OUTPUT_JSON File to write JSON output -bc BC_PATH, --breachcomp BC_PATH Path to the breachcompilation torrent folder. Uses the query.sh script included in the torrent -sk, --skip-defaults Skips Scylla and HunterIO check. Ideal for local scans -k CLI_APIKEYS [CLI_APIKEYS ...], --apikey CLI_APIKEYS [CLI_APIKEYS ...] Pass config options. Supported format: "K=V,K=V" -lb LOCAL_BREACH_SRC [LOCAL_BREACH_SRC ...], --local-breach LOCAL_BREACH_SRC [LOCAL_BREACH_SRC ...] Local cleartext breaches to scan for targets. Uses multiprocesses, one separate process per file, on separate worker pool by arguments. Supports file or folder as input, and filepath globing -gz LOCAL_GZIP_SRC [LOCAL_GZIP_SRC ...], --gzip LOCAL_GZIP_SRC [LOCAL_GZIP_SRC ...] Local tar.gz (gzip) compressed breaches to scans for targets. Uses multiprocesses, one separate process per file. Supports file or folder as input, and filepath globing. Looks for 'gz' in filename -sf, --single-file If breach contains big cleartext or tar.gz files, set this flag to view the progress bar. Disables concurrent file searching for stability -ch [CHASE_LIMIT], --chase [CHASE_LIMIT] Add related emails from hunter.io to ongoing target list. Define number of emails per target to chase. Requires hunter.io private API key if used without power-chase --power-chase Add related emails from ALL API services to ongoing target list. Use with --chase --hide Only shows the first 4 characters of found passwords to output. Ideal for demonstrations --debug Print request debug information --gen-config, -g Generates a configuration file template in the current working directory & exits. Will overwrite existing h8mail_config.ini file ``` ----- ## :tangerine: Usage examples ###### Query for a single target ```bash $ h8mail -t target@example.com ``` ###### Query for list of targets, indicate config file for API keys, output to `pwned_targets.csv` ```bash $ h8mail -t targets.txt -c config.ini -o pwned_targets.csv ``` ###### Query a list of targets against local copy of the Breach Compilation, pass API key for [Snusbase](https://snusbase.com/) from the command line ```bash $ h8mail -t targets.txt -bc ../Downloads/BreachCompilation/ -k "snusbase_token=$snusbase_token" ``` ###### Query without making API calls against local copy of the Breach Compilation ```bash $ h8mail -t targets.txt -bc ../Downloads/BreachCompilation/ -sk ``` ###### Search every .gz file for targets found in targets.txt locally, skip default checks ```bash $ h8mail -t targets.txt -gz /tmp/Collection1/ -sk ``` ###### Check a cleartext dump for target. Add the next 10 related emails to targets to check. Read keys from CLI ```bash $ h8mail -t admin@evilcorp.com -lb /tmp/4k_Combo.txt -ch 10 -k "hunterio=ABCDE123" ``` ###### Query username. Read keys from CLI ```bash $ h8mail -t JSmith89 -q username -k "dehashed_email=user@email.com" "dehashed_key=ABCDE123" ``` ###### Query IP. Chase all related targets. Read keys from CLI ```bash $ h8mail -t -q ip -c h8mail_config_priv.ini -ch 2 --power-chase ``` ###### Fetch URL content (CLI + file). Target all found emails ```bash $ h8mail -u "https://pastebin.com/raw/kQ6WNKqY" "list_of_urls.txt" ``` ----- ## :tangerine: Thanks & Credits * [Snusbase](https://snusbase.com/) for being developer friendly * [kodykinzie](https://twitter.com/kodykinzie) for making a nice [introduction and walkthrough article](https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/exploit-recycled-credentials-with-h8mail-break-into-user-accounts-0188600/) and [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8G_vBBHtfA) on installing and using h8mail * [Leak-Lookup](https://leak-lookup.com/) for being developer friendly * [Dehashed](https://dehashed.com/) for being developer friendly * h8mail's Pypi integration is strongly based on the work of audreyr's [CookieCutter PyPackage](https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage) * Logo generated using Hatchful by Shopify * [Jake Creps](https://twitter.com/jakecreps) for his [h8mail v2 introduction](https://jakecreps.com/2019/06/21/h8mail/) * [Alejandro Caceres](https://twitter.com/_hyp3ri0n) for making scylla.so available. Be sure to [support](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Eiw47ImnT) him if you can * [IntelX](https://intelx.io) for being developer friendly * [Breachdirectory.tk](https://breachdirectory.tk) for being developer friendly :purple_heart: **h8mail can be found in:** * [BlackArch Linux](https://blackarch.org/recon.html) * [Tsurugi DFIR VM](https://tsurugi-linux.org/) * [CSI Linux](https://csilinux.com) * [Trace Labs OSINT VM](https://www.tracelabs.org/trace-labs-osint-vm/) ----- ## :tangerine: Related open source projects * [WhatBreach](https://github.com/Ekultek/WhatBreach) by Ekultek * [HashBuster](https://github.com/s0md3v/Hash-Buster) by s0md3v * [BaseQuery](https://github.com/g666gle/BaseQuery) by g666gle * [LeakLooker](https://github.com/woj-ciech/LeakLooker) by woj-ciech * [buster](https://github.com/sham00n/buster) by sham00n * [Scavenger](https://github.com/rndinfosecguy/Scavenger) by ndinfosecguy * [pwndb](https://github.com/davidtavarez/pwndb) by davidtavarez ----- ## :tangerine: Notes * Service providers that wish being integrated can send me an email at `k at khast3x dot club` (PGP friendly) * h8mail is maintained on my free time. Feedback and war stories are welcomed. * Licence is BSD 3 clause * My code is [signed](https://help.github.com/en/articles/signing-commits) with my [Keybase](https://keybase.io/ktx) PGP key. You can get it using: ```bash # curl + gpg pro tip: import ktx's keys curl https://keybase.io/ktx/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import # the Keybase app can push to gpg keychain, too keybase pgp pull ktx ``` ___ *If you wish to stay updated on this project:*