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Dash Single Page Application (SPA) Framework

pip install -r requirements.txt

When you sign in to the demo app for the first time you will be asked to create an admin account. Enter any email address and password you fancy. To manage users, as admin, select Users from the My Account drop-down on the nav-bar.

Dash/SPA is a minimal template and component suite that allows you to build complex Dash based multi-page applications with ease. The demo application includes several well known Dash demos that have been pasted into the SPA framework to show how easy it is to transition to SPA.

Dash/SPA supports Flask style Blueprints and route decorators:

import dash_html_components as html
from dash_spa import Blueprint

greetings = Blueprint('greetings')

def hello():
    return html.H2('Dash/SPA says HELLO!')

def goodby():
    return html.H2('Dash/SPA says GOODBY!')


app.register_blueprint(greetings, url_prefix='/test/greetings')

Dash/SPA manages component IDs using blueprint/route based namespaces. This greatly reduces Dash component ID conflicts. A component ID is only defined once when the component is created. It is then used by reference in associated Dash callbacks:

    user_name = spa.Input(id='user', placeholder="Enter name")
    password = spa.PasswordInput("Password", name='password', id='password', placeholder="Enter password")

    btn = spa.Button('Enter', id='enter', disabled=True)

    @app.callback(btn.output.disabled, [user_name.input.value, password.input.value])
    def _cb_enter(user_name, password):
        return not db_validate_user(user_name, password)

Dash/SPA includes an optional NAVBAR, configured by a simple dictionary:

    'brand' : spa.NavbarBrand('Dash/SPA','/'),
    'left' : [
        spa.NavbarLink('Global Warming','/demo/warming'),
        spa.NavbarLink('State Solar', '/demo/solar'),
        spa.NavbarLink('Ticker', '/demo/ticker?tickers=COKE'),
        spa.NavbarLink('Profile', '/user/profile'),
        spa.NavbarLink('Admin', '/admin/users'),
    'right': [

    'footer': spa.Footer('SPA/Examples'),

Dash/SPA Allows easy creation of interactive forms

        email = spa.Input('Email', name='email', type='email', placeholder="Enter email")
        password = spa.PasswordInput("Password", name='password', placeholder="Enter password")
        button = button = spa.Button('Sign In', type='submit')

        form = spa.Form([
        ], title='Sign In'),

        @spa.callback(form.output.children, [form.input.form_data])
        def _form_submit(values):
            return spa.NOUPDATE


An example of a multi-page app with navbar and footer in less than sixty lines of code.

    python -m examples.multipage

Then visit http:https://localhost:8050/demo/page1

checkbox table row selection

    python -m examples.table

Then visit http:https://localhost:8050/table/page1

Admin Blueprint

Dash/SPA Includes an optional admin blueprint that supports user registration, email authentication and login. This is provided as a demonstrator, careful consideration to the security implications should be undertaken before using it in a public website.

Views are provided that allow:

  • Register, name, email, password. Verification code send by email.

  • Enter the email verification code.

  • Normal user login.

  • Reset forgotten password, Password reset code sent by email.

  • Enter password reset code.

  • Enter new password, confirm new password.

  • Login using new password.

  • User admin table with Add, Edit and Delete. Accessible only when signed in with admin rights.

User DB

User details are held in a local sqlite db. The SQLAlchemy model and all DB interaction is defined in It should be straight forward to modify this for other databases.

Authentication mailer

The authentication mailer is configured in config/default.json this will need to be modified to include the details for your email agent, see below.

If you use gmail just change the user/password details in the gmail options. To use a specific mailer edit the field. Emails sent by the mailer will have come from mail_options.sender edit this field as required. Gmail will flag unknown emails as a security risk.


Configuration details are held in the json file ./config/default.json. The environmental variable DASH_SPA_ENV can be configured to instruct Dash/SPA to use a different configuration file.



Will import the file ./config/production.json. An example configuration is shown below:

  "logging": {
    "level" : "WARNING"
  "flask" : {
    "secret_key" : "my secret flask password"
  "user_db" : {
    "database_uri" : "sqlite:https:///db.sqlite"
  "mail_options": {
    "sender" : "[email protected]",
    "active" : "gmail",
    "gmail": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 465,
      "secure": true,
      "auth": {
        "user": "[email protected]",
        "password": "bigjoespassword"
    "plusnet": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 587,
      "secure": false,
      "auth": {
        "user": "bigjoe",
        "password": "bigjoesotherpassword"

Build the project

Create tarball, first change the release version in package.json, then:

rm -rf dist dash_spa.egg-info build

python sdist bdist_wheel

The tarball is in dist/dash_spa-.tar.gz

To install the tarball in a dash project:

pip install dash_spa-<version>.tar.gz


Pytest and Dash Duo are used for testing. To run these tests both the Chrome browser and Chrome driver must be installed. These are already installed in the VSCode Docker container. If you are not using remote containers you must be install them first.

To run the tests:



See [Create a production build and publish]

twine upload dist/*