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RCTD and C-SIDE Documentation

Dylan Cable 12/22/2021


The spacexr manual can be found here.

Here, we will provide additional documentation on the spacexr R package. Other sources of spacexr documentation include the vignettes and the Github issues. Another great option for help on particular functions is to use the R manual files, which can be accessed with ? or help. For example:


This page is intended to be a resource for frequently asked questions, tips and tricks, and odds and ends that are not addressed in other sources. Here, we will not be running code on real data as that is covered by the vignettes.


  • pixel, synonymous with spot or bead, a measurement unit for spatial transcriptomics data that measures gene expression at a fixed location. We do not use the term cell because single pixels can sometimes contain mixtures of multiple cells.
  • explanatory variable, synonymous with covariate or predictive variable, a vector with values at each pixel that can be used to explain gene expression.
  • design matrix, the matrix containing all explanatory variables for explaining gene expression. Each explanatory variable appears as a single column in the matrix.

Inputting data

Creating a RCTD object

Both RCTD and C-SIDE require the construction of an RCTD object. In order to construct an RCTD object, you should use the create.RCTD function:

myRCTD <- create.RCTD(spaceRNA, reference)

Here, spaceRNA represents the spatial transcriptomics dataset as a SpatialRNA object, described below. Also, reference is a Reference object (also described below) containing annotated cell types from a scRNA-seq dataset.

Important options for the create.RCTD function include (see ?create.RCTD for details):

  • max_cores: (default 4) number of cores used for running RCTD (and later C-SIDE). A rule of thumb is to use half the maximum number of cores on your machine.
  • MAX_MULTI_TYPES: (default 4) if using RCTD multi mode, the maximum number of cell types per pixel.

In general, we will only highlight a subset of parameters/features, but curious users should always use the help function to find more information about the capabilities of a function.

We will now discuss how to create the Reference and SpatialRNA objects needed above.

Creating a Reference object

The reference is created using the RCTD Reference constructor function:

reference <- Reference(counts, cell_types, nUMI)

The function Reference requires 3 parameters:
1. counts: A matrix (or dgCmatrix) representing Digital Gene Expression (DGE). Rownames should be genes and colnames represent barcodes/cell names. Counts should be untransformed count-level data.
2. cell_types:
A named (by cell barcode) factor of cell type for each cell. The ‘levels’ of the factor would be the possible cell type identities.
3. nUMI:
Optional, a named (by cell barcode) list of total counts or UMI’s appearing at each pixel. If not provided, nUMI will be assumed to be the total counts appearing on each pixel.

An option for the Reference function is n_max_cells (default 10000), which determines the maximum number of cells used from each cell type.

Creating a SpatialRNA object

Similarly to the reference, first load the data into R, and then pass the data into the RCTD SpatialRNA constructor function.

spaceRNA <- SpatialRNA(coords, counts, nUMI)

This function requires 3 parameters:
1. coords: A numeric data.frame (or matrix) representing the spatial pixel locations. rownames are barcodes/pixel names, and there should be two columns for ‘x’ and for ‘y’.
2. counts: A matrix (or dgCmatrix) representing Digital Gene Expression (DGE). Rownames should be genes and colnames represent barcodes/pixel names. Counts should be untransformed count-level data.
3. nUMI:
Optional, a named (by pixel barcode) list of total counts or UMI’s appearing at each pixel. If not provided, nUMI will be assumed to be the total counts appearing on each pixel.


Running RCTD

We now show how to run RCTD to assign cell types.

myRCTD <- run.RCTD(myRCTD, doublet_mode = 'doublet')

Here, we have three options for doublet_mode: *doublet mode: at most 1-2 cell types per pixel, recommended for high spatial resolution technologies such as Slide-seq or MERFISH. *full mode: no restrictions on number of cell types, recommended for low spatial resolution technologies such as Visium. *multi mode: finitely many cell types per pixel, e.g. 3 or 4.

RCTD results structure

The results of RCTD are located in the @results field.

Full mode results: @results$weights, a data frame of cell type weights for each pixel for full mode. Weights should subsequently be normalized using the normalized_weights <- normalize_weights(weights) function. Weights will then add up to one for each pixel, representing cell type proportions.

Doublet mode results: The results of ‘doublet_mode’ are stored in @results$results_df. More specifically, the results_df object contains one column per pixel (barcodes as rownames). Important columns are: * spot_class, a factor variable representing RCTD’s classification in doublet mode: “singlet” (1 cell type on pixel), “doublet_certain” (2 cell types on pixel), “doublet_uncertain” (2 cell types on pixel, but only confident of 1), “reject” (no prediction given for pixel). Typically, reject pixels should not be used, and doublet_uncertain pixels can only be used for applications that do not require knowledge of all cell types on a pixel. * Next, the first_type column gives the first cell type predicted on the bead (for all spot_class conditions except “reject”). * The second_type column gives the second cell type predicted on the bead for doublet spot_class conditions (not a confident prediction for “doublet_uncertain”).

Additionally, @results$weights_doublet contains the doublet proportions for each cell type (first_type and second_type), respectively. One can use get_doublet_weights to convert the doublet mode weights to a matrix across all cell types.

Multi mode results: results consists of a list of results for each pixel, which contains all_weights (weights from full-mode), cell_type_list (cell types on multi-mode), conf_list (which cell types are confident on multi-mode) and sub_weights (proportions of cell types on multi-mode).


Constructing design matrix / explanatory variables and running C-SIDE

In order to learn cell type-specific differential expression, one must first define one or multiple axis along which to expect differential gene expression. These axis are termed explanatory variables. Each explanatory variable is a vector of values, constrained between 0 and 1, with names matching the pixel names of the myRCTD object. For example, in the C-SIDE vignettes, many examples are provided of using e.g. spatial position, cell-to-cell interactions, or discrete regions as explanatory variables.

In the most common case, if a single explanatory variable is present, C-SIDE can be run using the run.CSIDE.single function:

myRCTD <- run.CSIDE.single(myRCTD, explanatory.variable)

If multiple explanatory variables are present, then one can contruct the design matrix X directly. Several functions are provided in order to aid with design matrix construction including build.designmatrix.single, build.designmatrix.regions, and build.designmatrix.nonparametric. For example, for the case where one desires to test for differential expression across multiple (e.g. four) regions, one can construct X by organizing pixel barcodes into region_list, which is a list of character vectors, where each vector contains pixel names, or barcodes, for a single region:

X <- build.designmatrix.regions(myRCTD, region_list)

After constructing the design matrix, one can use the general purpose run.CSIDE as follows:

myRCTD <- run.CSIDE(myRCTD, X, barcodes, cell_types)

Here, barcodes represents a list of pixel names that should be included, while cell_types is a list of cell types that should be included in the model.

In addition to using run.CSIDE, one can also consider run.CSIDE.regions, which can detect DE across multiple regions, and run.CSIDE.nonparametric for running nonparametric C-SIDE to fit smooth functions.

Consider also the following options for any of the run.CSIDE.x family of functions: * gene_threshold: (default 5e-5) the minimum expression of genes to be included in the C-SIDE model. * doublet_mode: (default TRUE) whether doublet mode or full mode weights are used in C-SIDE. * test_mode: (default individual) if individual, tests DE coefficients individually for significant DE. If categorical (e.g. in case of multiple regions), then tests for differences across categories. * cell_type_threshold: (default 125): minimum pixel occurrences of each cell type. We recommend that each cell type that is included occur at least on 50-100 pixels (see count_cell_types or aggregate_cell_types for counting cell type pixels). * cell_types_present: List of other cell types that could be present in the dataset that could contaminate the measurements for cell types being analyzed. * params_to_test: List of indices for which parameters should be tested. * test_genes_sig: Whether C-SIDE should test genes for significance. * fdr: False discovery rate for C-SIDE gene testing.

C-SIDE results structure

C-SIDE results are stored in myRCTD@de_results. All gene expression results are computed in the natural log. The first object of interest containing C-SIDE results for all genes is myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits, referred to henceforth as gene_fits. This object is itself a list of several vectors and matrices of interest, including:

  • gene_fits$mean_val: A genes by cell types matrix representing the C-SIDE point estimate of the differential expression coefficient of the explanatory variable. For example, if the explanatory variable represents two regions (0 and 1 variable), the mean_val represents the log-fold-change between regions. For example, mean_val['geneA', 'Neuron' would represent estimated DE for geneA in cell type Neuron. If multiple explanatory variables are present, one should consult the all_vals table instead, as described below.
  • gene_fits$all_vals: All coefficients estimated by the C-SIDE model. Dimensions: genes X explanatory variables X cell types. For example, consider the case where the design matrix has categorical variables for four regions. In this case, all_vals['geneA', 3, 'Neuron'] would represent the estimated coefficient (log gene expression) for geneA in cell type Neuron in region 3.
  • con_mat: A genes by cell types logical matrix representing convergence for each gene and for each cell type. For example, con_mat['geneA', 'Neuron' would represent convergence of the model on geneA in cell type Neuron. It is possible to converge for some cell types but not others, which occurs most commonly if one cell type is much more lowly expressed.
  • s_mat: A genes by coefficients matrix representing the standard errors for each coefficient for each gene. We represent reshaping the matrix into a three dimensional tensor with s_mat_3d <- get_standard_errors(s_mat). Dimensions: genes X explanatory variables X cell types. Then, e.g. s_mat_3d['geneA', 3, 'Neuron'] would represent the coefficient standard error (log gene expression) for geneA in cell type Neuron and the third explanatory variable.
  • sigma_g: A vector, across genes, of the estimated standard deviation (magnitude) of pixel-specific overdispersion. A higher value of sigma_g indicates a higher level of noise compared to the Poisson distribution.

C-SIDE significant gene results are stored in myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits, which is a list of dataframes for each cell type. For example the following extracts the significant gene dataframe for the ‘Neuron’ cell type:

sig_df_neuron <- myRCTD@de_results$sig_gene_list[['Neuron']]

This dataframe has rows for each significant gene. Columns will vary depending on C-SIDE mode, and one should consult the vignette of each mode for specific information. In most cases the following columns will be present:

  • log_fc: the estimated differential expression, along the explanatory variable of interest, in natural log space.
  • se: the standard error of this differential expression estimate.
  • paramindex_best: the index of the coefficient that was tested for differential expression for this gene. This is relevant if multiple explanatory variables need to be distinguished.
  • Z_score: the Z-score for a statistical Z-test, if applicable.
  • p_val: the p-value for the statistical test of DE for this gene.
  • conv: whether C-SIDE converged for this gene (required to achieve significance).

Multiple replicates

RCTD and C-SIDE can be run in batch mode on multiple replicates. This involves the creation of an RCTD.replicates object, which stores multiple SpatialRNA experimental replicates. Then, one can use run.RCTD.replicates and run.CSIDE.replicates to run RCTD and C-SIDE, respectively. This procedure is documented in detail in the Population-level RCTD and C-SIDE vignette.