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Lightweight, energy-efficient, easily auditable threadpool


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This implements a lightweight, energy-efficient, easily auditable multithreaded taskpools.

This taskpools will be used in a highly security-sensitive blockchain application targeted at resource-restricted devices hence desirable properties are:

  • Ease of auditing and maintenance.
    • Formally verified synchronization primitives are highly-sought after.
    • Otherwise primitives are implemented from papers or ported from proven codebases that can serve as reference for auditors.
  • Resource-efficient. Threads spindown to save power, low memory use.
  • Decent performance and scalability. The CPU should spent its time processing user workloads and not dealing with threadpool contention, latencies and overheads.

Example usage

# Demo of API using a very inefficient π approcimation algorithm.

  std/[strutils, math, cpuinfo],

# From
# Leibniz Formula
proc term(k: int): float =
  if k mod 2 == 1:
    -4'f / float(2*k + 1)
    4'f / float(2*k + 1)

proc piApprox(tp: Taskpool, n: int): float =
  var pendingFuts = newSeq[FlowVar[float]](n)
  for k in 0 ..< pendingFuts.len:
    pendingFuts[k] = tp.spawn term(k) # Schedule a task on the threadpool a return a handle to retrieve the result.
  for k in 0 ..< pendingFuts.len:
    result += sync pendingFuts[k]     # Block until the result is available.

proc main() =
  var n = 1_000_000
  var nthreads = countProcessors()

  var tp = = nthreads) # Default to the number of hardware threads.

  echo formatFloat(tp.piApprox(n))

  tp.syncAll()                                  # Block until all pending tasks are processed (implied in tp.shutdown())

# Compile with nim c -r -d:release --threads:on --outdir:build example.nim


The API follows the spec proposed here nim-lang/RFCs#347 (comment)

The following types and procedures are exposed:

  • Taskpool:
    • type Taskpool* = ptr object
        ## A taskpool schedules procedures to be executed in parallel
    • proc new(T: type Taskpool, numThreads = countProcessor()): T
        ## Initialize a threadpool that manages `numThreads` threads.
        ## Default to the number of logical processors available.
    • proc syncAll*(pool: Taskpool) =
        ## Blocks until all pending tasks are completed.
        ## This MUST only be called from
        ## the root thread that created the taskpool
    • proc shutdown*(tp: var TaskPool) =
        ## Wait until all tasks are completed and then shutdown the taskpool.
        ## This MUST only be called from
        ## the root scope that created the taskpool.
    • macro spawn*(tp: TaskPool, fnCall: typed): untyped =
        ## Spawns the input function call asynchronously, potentially on another thread of execution.
        ## If the function calls returns a result, spawn will wrap it in a Flowvar.
        ## You can use `sync` to block the current thread and extract the asynchronous result from the flowvar.
        ## You can use `isReady` to check if result is available and if subsequent
        ## `spawn` returns immediately.
        ## Tasks are processed approximately in Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order
      In practice the signature is one of the following
      proc spawn*(tp: TaskPool, fnCall(args) -> T): Flowvar[T]
      proc spawn*(tp: TaskPool, fnCall(args) -> void): void
  • Flowvar, a handle on an asynchronous computation scheduled on the threadpool
    • type Flowvar*[T] = object
        ## A Flowvar is a placeholder for a future result that may be computed in parallel
    • func isSpawned*(fv: Flowvar): bool =
        ## Returns true if a flowvar is spawned
        ## This may be useful for recursive algorithms that
        ## may or may not spawn a flowvar depending on a condition.
        ## This is similar to Option or Maybe types
    • func isReady*[T](fv: Flowvar[T]): bool =
        ## Returns true if the result of a Flowvar is ready.
        ## In that case `sync` will not block.
        ## Otherwise the current will block to help on all the pending tasks
        ## until the Flowvar is ready.
    • proc sync*[T](fv: sink Flowvar[T]): T =
        ## Blocks the current thread until the flowvar is available
        ## and returned.
        ## The thread is not idle and will complete pending tasks.


The following are non-goals:

  • Supporting GC-ed types with Nim default GC (sequences and strings). Using no GC or --gc:arc, --gc:orc or --gc:boehm (any GC that doesn't have thread-local heaps).
  • Having async-awaitable tasks
  • Running on environments without dynamic memory allocation
  • High-Performance Computing specificities (distribution on many machines or GPUs or machines with 200+ cores or multi-sockets)

Comparison with Weave

Compared to Weave, here are the tradeoffs:

  • Taskpools only provide spawn/sync (task parallelism).
    There is no (extremely) optimized parallel for (data parallelism)
    or precise in/out dependencies (events / dataflow parallelism).
  • Weave can handle trillions of small tasks that require only 10µs per task. (Load Balancing overhead)
  • Weave maintains an adaptive memory pool to reduce memory allocation overhead, Taskpools allocations are as-needed. (Scheduler overhead)


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