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R interface for the STATcube REST API and


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R Interface for the STATcube REST API


See the setup article for instructions on how to install the package and set your API key.

Usecase: JSON-Request

In the following example, a table will be exported from STATcube into an R session. This process involves four steps

  • create a table with the STATcube GUI (table view)
  • download an “API request” for the table (format: *.json).
  • send the json file to the API using STATcubeR.
  • convert the return value into a data.frame

create a table with the STATcube GUI

Use the graphical user interface of STATcube to create a table. Visit http:https://sdbext:8081/

Download an API request

Choose “Open Data API Abfrage (.json)” in the download options. This will save a json file on your local file system.

Send the json to the API

Provide the path to the downloaded file in sc_get_response().

my_response <- sc_get_response("path/to/api_request.json")

The object my_response contains the raw API response from httr::post(). Printing the object will summarize the request.

(json_path <- sc_example("bev_seit_1982.json"))
#> [1] "/data/home/decill/projects/STATcubeR/inst/json_examples/bev_seit_1982.json"
my_response <- sc_get_response(json_path)
#> An object of class STATcube_response
#> Database:      Bevölkerung zu Jahresbeginn ab 1982 
#> Measures:      Fallzahl 
#> Fields:        Jahr, Bundesland, Geburtsland 
#> Request:       2020-09-17 10:09:59 
#> STATcubeR:     0.1.0

Convert into a data frame

The return value of sc_get_response() can be converted into a data.frame using the generic function


This will produce a tidy table, which contains a column for each field of the table. Furthermore, two columns will be present for each measure %>% .[c(1:4, 19:24), ]
#>    Jahr                Bundesland Geburtsland Fallzahl Fallzahl_a
#> 1  2020         Burgenland <AT11>  Österreich   260354           
#> 2  2020         Burgenland <AT11>     Ausland    34082           
#> 3  2020            Kärnten <AT21>  Österreich   489262           
#> 4  2020            Kärnten <AT21>     Ausland    72031           
#> 19 2020 Nicht klassifizierbar <0>  Österreich        0           
#> 20 2020 Nicht klassifizierbar <0>     Ausland        0           
#> 21 1982         Burgenland <AT11>  Österreich       NA          X
#> 22 1982         Burgenland <AT11>     Ausland       NA          X
#> 23 1982            Kärnten <AT21>  Österreich       NA          X
#> 24 1982            Kärnten <AT21>     Ausland       NA          X

The column Fallzahl_a contains annotations for the column Fallzahl. In order to get explanations about those annotations, use the function sc_annotation_legend().

#> $Q
#> [1] "STATcube – Statistische Datenbank von STATISTIK AUSTRIA"
#> $X
#> [1] "Verkreuzung nicht erlaubt"

In this case, we see that row 21 contains a value NA (Not Available) because the value is not disclosed (“Verkreuzung nicht erlaubt”). However, the zero value in row 20 can be considered a “real zero value” because no annotations are provided.

Usecase: Saved Table

If saved tables are present in STATcube, those can be imported without downloading a json file. All saved tables can be shown with sc_saved_tables_list().

#>               label                                             id
#> 1        ts_tourism str:table:cfc581ca-dd88-44e7-9ec2-cca153365dd5
#> 2 krankenbewegungen str:table:c7902e8d-5165-44e9-b17e-34ae20e2d1d4
#> 3        tourism_ts str:table:eec7dd70-25c4-4e5a-a6ae-1a9cd15d3c4c
#> 4      entlassungen str:table:f63f0713-155f-4d1d-8d41-4a50f0815fc7

Subsequently the id of a saved table can be used to import the table into R.

tourism_ts <- sc_saved_table("str:table:eec7dd70-25c4-4e5a-a6ae-1a9cd15d3c4c")
#> An object of class STATcube_response
#> Database:      Nächtigungsstatistik ab 1974 nach Saison 
#> Measures:      Übernachtungen 
#> Fields:        Regionale Gliederung [teilw. SPE], Saison/Tourismusmonat, Herkunftsland 
#> Request:       2020-09-17 10:10:14 
#> STATcubeR:     0.1.0

To make the table available for other users of STATcubeR, the response can be exported into a json.

sc_write_json(tourism_ts, "tourism_ts.json")

The generated json file contains an API request that can be used in sc_get_response().

my_response <- sc_get_response("tourism_ts.json")


To get the raw API response content, use sc_content(). This function returns a nested list, containing data and metadata about the table.

my_content <- sc_content(my_response)
#> [1] "query"         "database"      "measures"      "fields"       
#> [5] "cubes"         "annotationMap"
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$uri
#> [1] "str:statfn:debevstandjb:F-BEVSTANDJB:F-ISIS-1:SUM"
#> [[1]]$label
#> [1] "Fallzahl"
#> [[1]]$measure
#> [1] "str:measure:debevstandjb:F-BEVSTANDJB:F-ISIS-1"
#> [[1]]$`function`
#> [1] "SUM"

There is experimental support for the endpoints /info, /schema and /rate_limit. However, those endpoints are not exported by now.

STATcubeR:::sc_get_info() %>% httr::content()
STATcubeR:::sc_get_schema() %>% httr::content()
STATcubeR:::sc_get_rate_limit() %>% httr::content()

STATcube uses caching for the /table endpoint by default. If the same request to sc_get_response() is sent several times, this will not count towards the rate-limit (100 requests per hour).

API documentation