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Easy uploads for Rails application

Code Climate

Early Beta

This is still an early beta version and will change a lot until it reaches API stability. That said, it's already being used on production projects.


Make sure you have ImageMagick installed.

Add to Gemfile

gem 'uploadbox', '0.2.0'

Run generators

rails g uploadbox:image

Migrate database

rake db:migrate

Add jquery and uploadbox to application.js

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require uploadbox

Add uploadbox to application.css

 *= require uploadbox

Create a development bucket on Amazon S3

Edit CORS config for the bucket


Get S3 Key and Secret from Amazon S3 Credentials and update your secrets.yml file.

  s3_bucket: your-bucket-name
  s3_key: your-s3-key
  s3_secret: your-s3-secret



Add uploads_one to your model

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  uploads_one :picture, thumb: [100, 100], regular: [600, 300], placeholder: 'default.png'

If placeholder is set posts without uploads will render the placeholder. Empty @post.picture.thumb will render app/assets/images/thumb_default.png

Add field to form

<%= f.uploads_one :picture %>

You can pass a :preview option, so that the field will have the dimensions specified in the model.

<%= f.uploads_one :picture, preview: :thumb %>

Allow attribute on controller

def post_params
  params.require(:post).permit(:title, :body, :picture)

Show image

<%= img @post.picture.regular if @post.picture? %>


Add uploads_many to your model

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  uploads_many :pictures, thumb: [100, 100], regular: [600, 600], placeholder: 'default.png'

Add field to form

<%= f.uploads_many :pictures %>

You can pass a :preview option, so that the field will have the dimensions specified in the model.

<%= f.uploads_one :pictures, preview: :thumb %>

Allow attributes on controller

def post_params
  params.require(:user).permit(..., pictures: [])

Show images

<% do |pic| %>
  <%= img pic.regular %>
<% end %>

Set background_processing to false if you're using Heroku

Go to config/initializers/uploadbox.rb, find the line where background_processing is being set and set it to false.

Uploadbox.background_processing  = false

Recreate versions

You might come to a situation where you want to retroactively change a version or add a new one. You can use the update_#{upload_name}_versions! method to recreate the versions from the base file. For a post with a picture:



Create a production bucket on S3 (Don't use your development bucket)


Set environment variables

heroku config:add \
HEROKU_API_KEY=ab12acvc12 \
HEROKU_APP=your-app-name \
S3_SECRET=abc123ABcEffgee122 \

Update your secrets.yml file

  s3_key:  <%= ENV["S3_KEY"] %>
  s3_secret: <%= ENV["S3_SECRET"] %>
  s3_bucket: <%= ENV["S3_BUCKET"] %>

Add Redis

heroku addons:add rediscloud

Upgrade from 0.1.x

If are upgrading from 0.1.x you will need to create a migration to add a column named original_file to the images table

rails g migration add_original_file_to_images original_file:string
rake db:migrate