- Pro
Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and Rust.
A Uniform API and OS support for QoS-aware Accelerated Host Networking as a Service
This repo aims to offer a packet flow tracer based on bpf
CaT: Content-aware Tracing and Analysis for Distributed Systems (Middleware'21)
Observe any stack, any service and any data, using any UI components you prefer, never missing any X factors and resolve them before they become real problems.
Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication
Enabling High Quality Real-Time Communications with Adaptive Frame-Rate (USENIX NSDI 2023)
hostCC is a congestion control architecture which handles host congestion, along with in-network congestion
A collection of tools, code, and documentation to understand the host network on real server hardware.
NetLock: Fast, Centralized Lock Management Using Programmable Switches
The open-source artifact code of NetClone in SIGCOMM'23
Draconis is a centralized network-accelerated scheduler which uses P4 programmable switches to support microsecond-scale scheduling.
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.