🐟 azure
☁️ Azure summary in bullet points
Code samples and extended documentation to support the guidance provided in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework
Repo for the Azure Master Class
AWESOME-Azure-Architecture - https://aka.ms/AwesomeAzureArchitecture
This repo contains code and examples to operationalize Azure review checklists.
Enterprise-ready Azure Policy-as-Code (PaC) solution (includes Az DevOps pipeline)
This repository is a public-facing source of information for FastTrack for Azure Live sessions.
Azure monitor workbook focusing on reliability recommendations for deployed resources on Azure
The Azure Optimization Engine is an extensible solution designed to generate optimization recommendations for your Azure environment. See it like a fully customizable Azure Advisor.
Resources created by Microsoft's GPS (Global Partner Solutions) team
Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz is a PowerShell script that captures Azure Governance related information such as Azure Policy, RBAC (a lot more) by polling Azure ARM, Storage and Microsof…
This repository is the central repository for all MicroHacks from customers, partners or Microsoft.
Repository for collaboration on monitor baselines for ALZ
AzOps is a PowerShell module which deploys (Push) ARM Resource Templates & Bicep files at all Azure scope levels and exports (Pull) ARM resource hierarchy.
Welcome to the Continuous Cloud Optimization Power BI Dashboard GitHub Project. In this repository you will find all the guidance and files needed to deploy the Dashboard in your environment to tak…
A tool to bring existing Azure resources under Terraform's management
Azure Governance Visualizer aka AzGovViz is a PowerShell script that captures Azure Governance related information such as Azure Policy, RBAC (a lot more) by polling Azure ARM, Storage and Microsof…
Tools for the Well-Architected Framework
Rules to validate Azure resources and infrastructure as code (IaC) using PSRule.
A suite of rules to validate Azure resources against the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) using PSRule.
Centralize orphan resources in Azure environments
This repository is part of the Azure Mission-Critical open source project that provides a prescriptive architectural approach to building highly-reliable cloud-native applications on Microsoft Azur…
Oracle workloads for Azure infrastructure as a service (Oracle Azure IaaS)
The script and configuration files in this repository provide an easy method to customize and apply performance related settings to virtual desktop environments.
CLI tool to perform cost analysis on your Azure subscription