A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in Python code
A simple code complexity analyser without caring about the C/C++ header files or Java imports, supports most of the popular languages.
Static call graph generator. The official Python 3 version. Development repo.
Provide a simple (but may be effective) way to draw static call diagram of Python code
Programs for producing static and dynamic (runtime) call graphs for Java programs
JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern
A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
Generate SQL Statements from the MyBatis3 Mapper XML file
Uses tokenized query returned by python-sqlparse and generates query metadata
Record the CPU and memory activity of a process 📈
A Python memory profiler for data processing and scientific computing applications
A new version of Soot with a completely overhauled architecture
Tool for helping developers keep their code bases clean and decoupled. It allows visualising a code base complexity using a 3d force-directed graph of files and the dependencies between them.