Portable C libraries which provide APIs to build applications with u-blox products and services. Delivered as add-on to existing microcontroller and RTOS SDKs.
Arduino library for SSD1306 monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs
Arduino library for Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Controller Breakout
Program for writing to Newhaven Display's Monochrome Graphic OLED NHD-3.12-25664UC Series with SSD1322 controller.
Embedded Base Boot Requirements Specification
DISKSPD is a storage load generator / performance test tool from the Windows/Windows Server and Cloud Server Infrastructure Engineering teams
An open-source AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi. Supports iOS 9 and up.
Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64 Linux devices
A Tutorial how to get started with Linux Kernel Modules and Linux Drivers.
Yocto receipes to generate a swupdate rootfilesystem as initrd
The perfect emulation setup to study and develop the Linux kernel v5.4.3, kernel modules, QEMU, gem5 and x86_64, ARMv7 and ARMv8 userland and baremetal assembly, ANSI C, C++ and POSIX. GDB step deb…
buildroot external for rockchip boards
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
Business card running / showing the internals of a CNN to classify 5x5 digits
fatigue detect rknn/onnx model deploy in rk3568 npu(ROCK 3A)
Linux Library for low speed IO Communication in C with bindings for C++, Python, Node.js & Java. Supports generic io platforms, as well as Intel Edison, Intel Joule, Raspberry Pi and many more.
A bare metal programming guide (ARM microcontrollers)
A complete guide for network programming on microcontroller devices