Simplified access to the system clipboard in Emacs.
A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim!
An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included
Optimize your Emacs experience with emacs-leuven -- a pre-configured package with improved defaults for enhanced productivity. #emacs #texteditor #coding #productivity #configuration #orgmode
A collection of functions for note taking based on `org` and `org-roam`.
ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells + Org babel 🦄 + a shell maker for other providers
Organize and send HTTP requests from Emacs
Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
Show current command and its key in the mode line
The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.
Be great at emacs in one year