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The source files of my completed TryHackMe challenges and walkthroughs with links to their respective rooms


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About TryHackMe

TryHackMe is an online platform for learning and teaching cybersecurity, which is beginner-friendly and versatile in different topics.

It consists of tons of rooms, which are virtual classrooms dedicated to particular cybersecurity topics, with different difficulties.

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TryHackMe rooms completed

Room Tags Difficulty Description
Advent of Cyber ctf, challenge, advent Easy Get started with Cybersecurity in 25 days. Learn the basics by doing a new beginner friendly security challenge everyday leading to Christmas
Agent Sudo enumerate. exploit, brute-force, hash cracking Easy You found a secret server located under the deep sea. Your task is to hack into the server and reveal the truth
Basic Pentesting security, webapp, boot2root, cracking Easy This is a machine that allows you to practice web app hacking and privilege escalation
Blaster retro, windows, redux, privesc Easy A blast from the past
Blue windows, eternalblue, ms17-010, cve-2017-0144 Easy Deploy and hack into a Windows machine, leveraging common misconfiguration issues
Bounty hacker linux, tar, privesc, security Easy A talked a big game about being the most elite hacker in the solar system. Prove it and earn your right to the status of bounty hunter
Brooklyn99 security, nmap, gobuster, pentest Easy This room is aimed at beginner level hackers but anyone can try to hack this box
Brute It security, bruteforce, hash cracking, privilege escalation Easy Learn how to brute, hash cracking and privilege escalation in this box
CC: Steganography security, steg, secret, steganography Easy A crash course on the topic of steganography
CC: Pentesting security, pentesting, beginner Easy A crash course on various topics in penetration testing
CTF Collection Vol. 1 capture the flag, stego, crypto, binary Easy Sharpening up your CTF skills with the collection. The first volume is designed for beginners
Cod caper security, pwn, pwntools, reversing Easy A guided room taking you through infiltrating and exploiting a Linux system
Crypto 101 security, crypto, 101, encryption Easy An Introduction to cryptography as part of a series on Crypto
Golden Eye hydra, email, enumeration, nmap Medium Bond, James Bond. A guided CTF
Hash cracking hash, hashcat, johntheripper, cracking Easy Cracking hashes challenge
Hydra hydra, bruteforce Easy Learn about and use hydra, a fast network logon cracker, to bruteforce and obtain a website's credentials
Ice windows, nmap, mimikatz, metasploit Easy Deploy and hack into a Windows machine, exploiting a very poorly secured media server
Ignite ctf, boot2root, privesc, exploit Easy A new startup has some issues with their servers
Injection security, linux, web, os command injection Easy Walkthrough of OS command injection. Demonstrate OS command injection and how to prevent it on your servers
Intro to Assembly security, assembly, reverse engineering, radare2 Easy This room teaches the basics of x86-64 assembly language
Intro to Django security, django, python, web Easy How it works and why should I learn it
Intro to Networking networking, osi, beginner path, networking tools Easy An introduction to basic networking and basic networking tools
Intro to the Internet of Things internet of things, iot, netgear, ap Easy A beginner friendly walkthrough for Internet of Things(IoT) pentesting
Javascript Basics javascript, web development, beginner, accessible Easy Learn Javascript, the high level, multi-paradigm language of the web
LFI Basics security, learning, lfi, basics Easy Learn the basics of Local File Inclusion
LFI Inclusion web, file inclusion, lfi, sudo Easy A beginner level Local File inclusion challenge
Lazy Administrator security, linux Medium Easy linux machine to practice your skills
Linux Privilege Escalation privesc, privilege escalation, linux, linux privilege escalation Medium Practice your Linux Privilege escalation skills on an intentionally misconfigured Debian VM with multiple ways to get root
Linux Privilege Escalation arena security, linux, privesc Medium Students will learn how to escalate privileges using a very vulnerable Linux VM. SSH is open
Mr. Robot CTF mrrobot, root, beginner Medium Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box?
Musical Steganography steganography, audio, qr, morse Medium This audio file is hiding some things, are you able to extract enough data to obtain the flag?
OWASP Juice Shop owasp, web, juiceshop, burp Easy This room uses the OWASP Juice Shop vulnerable application to learn how to identify and exploit common web vulnerabilities
OWASP Top 10 owasp, top 10, injection, web, broken authentication Medium Learn about and exploit each of the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, the 10 most critical web security risks
OhSINT osint, internet, dorks Easy Are you able to use Open Source Intelligence to solve this challenge?
CC: Radare 2 radare2, assembly, crackme Easy An in-depth crash course on Radare2
Simple CTF security, enumeration, privesc Easy Beginner level CTF
Tomghost tomcat, zip, pgp, cve-2020-1938 Easy Identify recent vulnerabilities to try exploit the system or read files that you should not have access to
Vulnversity recon, privesc, webappsec Easy Learn about active recon, web app attacks and privilege escalation
Web Fundamentals web, http, ctf, beginner Easy Learn how the web works
Web Scanning security, web, app, scanning Easy Learn the basics of automated web scanning
WiFi Hacking 101 security, wifi, wireless, wpa2 Easy Learn to attack WiFi Protected Access(2) networks
Wireshark pcap analysis, forensics, wireshark, threat hunting Easy Learn the basics of Wireshark and how to analyze various protocols and PCAPs
Root me security, web, linux, privilege-escalation Easy A CTF for beginners, can you root me?