import dspy from dspy.datasets import HotPotQA # Load the dataset. dataset = HotPotQA(train_seed=1, train_size=200, eval_seed=2023, dev_size=200, test_size=0, keep_details=True) # Tell DSPy that the 'question' field is the input. Any other fields are labels and/or metadata. trainset = [x.without('id', 'type').with_inputs('question') for x in dataset.train] devset = [x.without('id', 'type').with_inputs('question') for x in] valset, devset = devset[:50], devset[50:] # Define the signature for automatic assessments. class Assess(dspy.Signature): """Assess the quality of a tweet along the specified dimension.""" context = dspy.InputField(desc='ignore if N/A') assessed_text = dspy.InputField() assessment_question = dspy.InputField() assessment_answer = dspy.OutputField(desc="Yes or No") gpt4T = dspy.OpenAI(model='gpt-4-1106-preview', max_tokens=1000, model_type='chat') retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=5) METRIC = None def metric(gold, pred, trace=None): question, answer, tweet = gold.question, gold.answer, pred.output context = retrieve(question).passages engaging = "Does the assessed text make for a self-contained, engaging tweet?" faithful = "Is the assessed text grounded in the context? Say no if it includes significant facts not in the context." correct = f"The text above is should answer `{question}`. The gold answer is `{answer}`." correct = f"{correct} Does the assessed text above contain the gold answer?" with dspy.context(lm=gpt4T): faithful = dspy.Predict(Assess)(context=context, assessed_text=tweet, assessment_question=faithful) correct = dspy.Predict(Assess)(context='N/A', assessed_text=tweet, assessment_question=correct) engaging = dspy.Predict(Assess)(context='N/A', assessed_text=tweet, assessment_question=engaging) correct, engaging, faithful = (m.assessment_answer.split()[0].lower() == 'yes' for m in [correct, engaging, faithful]) score = (correct + engaging + faithful) if correct and (len(tweet) <= 280) else 0 if METRIC is not None: if METRIC == 'correct': return correct if METRIC == 'engaging': return engaging if METRIC == 'faithful': return faithful if trace is not None: return score >= 3 return score / 3.0