stackbitVersion: ~0.2.0 ssgName: unibit buildCommand: unibit build publishDir: output staticDir: static uploadDir: images dataDir: data pagesDir: content pageLayoutKey: layout metadata: title: Construct description: a multipage theme author: Pixelarity authorURL: '' palettes: blue: images: small: images/demo-blue-256x192.png large: images/demo-blue-1024x768.png cyan: images: small: images/demo-cyan-256x192.png large: images/demo-cyan-1024x768.png green: images: small: images/demo-green-256x192.png large: images/demo-green-1024x768.png red: images: small: images/demo-red-256x192.png large: images/demo-red-1024x768.png models: config: type: config label: Config fields: - type: enum name: palette label: Color Palette options: - blue - cyan - green - red required: true default: blue - type: object name: palettes label: Palettes hidden: true fields: - type: palette name: blue label: Blue - type: palette name: cyan label: Cyan - type: palette name: green label: Green - type: palette name: red label: Red footer: type: data label: Footer Configuration file: footer.yml fields: - type: list name: social_icons label: Social Media Icons description: A list of social media icons displayed in the site footer items: type: object labelField: title fields: - type: string name: title label: Icon Title required: true - type: string name: url label: URL widget: url - type: string name: icon label: Icon required: true description: Font Awesome icon - type: string name: copyright label: Copyright Text description: The copyright text displayed at the bottom of the page footer - type: list name: links label: Links description: A list of links displayed in the footer. items: type: object labelField: text fields: - type: string name: text label: Link text - type: string name: url label: URL widget: url - type: boolean name: new_window label: Open in new window default: true home: type: page label: Home hideContent: true singleInstance: true file: template: home fields: - type: string name: title label: Page Title required: true - type: object name: banner label: Page Banner description: The banner displayed at the top of the landing page fields: - type: string name: title label: Banner Title required: true description: The first line of text displayed in the page banner - type: markdown name: subtitle label: Banner Subtitle description: The text displayed below the banner title - type: boolean name: show_scroll_button label: Show Scroll Button default: false description: >- Displays a button at the bottom of the page banner that scrolls down to the page content when clicked - type: list name: sections label: Sections description: Home sections items: type: reference labelField: title models: - icons - highlights - features - spotlights - type: object name: cta label: CTA description: The CTA displayed at the bottom of the landing page fields: - type: boolean name: enabled label: Enabled default: false description: displays the CTA at the bottom of the landing page - type: string name: title label: CTA Title description: the first line of text displayed in the CTA - type: markdown name: text label: CTA Text description: The text displayed below the CTA title - type: enum name: background_style label: Background Style options: - style1 - style2 - style3 default: style1 description: Controls the CTA background color - type: list name: actions label: CTA Action Buttons items: type: action page: type: page label: Page template: page fields: - type: string name: title label: Page Title required: true description: The bold first line of text in the page content area - type: boolean name: display_header label: Display Page Header default: false description: Displays the site title at the top of the page - type: markdown name: subtitle label: Page Subtitle description: The text displayed below the page title - type: image name: content_img label: Content Image description: The image displayed below the page subtitle - type: object name: home label: Home Sections description: >- Configures the page sections for the home highlights and spotlights sections fields: - type: object name: highlights label: Highlights Section fields: - type: boolean name: enabled label: Enabled default: false description: displays the page highlight in the home highlights section - type: number name: weight label: Weight required: true default: 1 description: The index of the page highlight in the home highlights section - type: markdown name: excerpt label: Page Excerpt description: The excerpt displayed in the home highlights section - type: object name: home_img label: Home Highlight Image description: The image displayed in the home highlights section fields: - type: image name: path label: Image - type: string name: data_position label: Data Position default: center right description: >- The position of the image in its container (center, center left, right, etc.) - type: object name: spotlights label: Spotlights Section fields: - type: boolean name: enabled label: Enabled default: false description: displays the page highlight in the home spotlights section - type: number name: weight label: Weight required: true default: 1 description: The index of the page highlight in the home spotlights section - type: markdown name: excerpt label: Page Excerpt description: The excerpt displayed in the home spotlights section - type: image name: home_img_path label: Home Spotlight Image description: The image displayed in the home spotlights section elements: type: page label: Elements hideContent: true singleInstance: true file: template: elements fields: - type: string name: title label: Page Title required: true palette: type: object label: Palette fields: - type: object name: sass label: Sass fields: - type: color name: color label: Color section: type: object label: Section labelField: title fields: - type: string name: title label: Section Title required: true description: >- The text displayed at the top of the section (Also used by the CMS, even if no title is displayed in the section) - type: string name: section_id label: Section ID required: true - type: string name: component label: Section Component required: true hidden: true icons: type: object label: Icons Section extends: - section fields: - name: title default: Icons Section - type: markdown name: subtitle label: Section Subtitle description: The text displayed below the section title - name: section_id default: one - type: list name: icons label: Icons description: The icons displayed along the bottom of the section items: type: object labelField: icon fields: - type: string name: icon label: Icon required: true description: Font Awesome icon - name: component const: icons.html highlights: type: object label: Highlights Section extends: - section fields: - name: title default: Highlights Section - name: section_id default: two - name: component const: highlights.html features: type: object label: Features Section extends: - section fields: - name: title default: Features Section - type: markdown name: subtitle label: Section Subtitle description: the text displayed below the page title - name: section_id default: three - type: list name: features label: Features description: A list of features to be displayed in the section items: type: object labelField: title fields: - type: string name: title label: Feature Title required: true description: The first line of text displayed in the feature - type: markdown name: text label: Feature Text description: The text displayed below the feature title - type: string name: icon label: Feature Icon description: (Font Awesome icon) The icon displayed above the feature title - type: list name: actions label: Section Action Buttons items: type: action - name: component const: features.html spotlights: type: object label: Spotlights Section extends: - section fields: - name: title default: Spotlights Section - name: section_id default: four - name: component const: spotlights.html action: type: object label: Action labelField: label fields: - type: string name: label label: Button Label required: true description: The text displayed inside the button - type: string name: url label: Button URL widget: url - type: boolean name: is_scrolly label: Is Scrolly default: false description: >- Gives the button a scroll animation (if the button url is a section ID) - type: boolean name: is_primary label: Is Primary default: false description: Gives the button a primary color scheme stackbit_banner: show_banner: true name: Construct create_url: '' github_url: ''