# Forensics ## Disk Forensics ### Basic useful CLI tools: #### ps Show the processes for all users (a), displaying the process's user/ownser (u), and the processes that are not attached to a terminal (x): ```shell $ ps aux ``` Display the full listing of all processes (useful for finding underisable processes): ```shell $ ps ef ``` #### lsof Display a specific pricess in more details, by displaying the files and ports associated with that process. ```shell $ lsof -p ``` Display processes running form or acessing files that have been unlinked: ```shell $ lsof +L1 ``` #### find ```shell $ find / -uid 0 ``` ### arp Display all MAC to IP address mapping of the system (useful for finding addresses of systems that are not part of the network. ```shell $ arp -a ``` Others: uptime, free, df. ### dd ### strings ```shell $ strings /tmp/mem.dump | grep BOOT_ $ BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.5.0-23-generic ``` ### scalpel ### TrID ### binwalk ### foremost ### ExifTool ### dff ### CAINE ### The Sleuth Kit ---------- ## Memory Forensics ### memdump ### Volatility: Analysing Dumps * [Lots of material on Volatility and Memory Forensics here](volatility.md) * [On OSX Memory Forensics](osx_memory_forensics.md) ## Scripts #### PDFs Tools to test a PDF file: - pdfid - pdf-parser ## References * [File system analysis](http://wiki.sleuthkit.org/index.php?title=FS_Analysis) * [TSK Tool Overview](http://wiki.sleuthkit.org/index.php?title=Mactime)