String cron_string = BRANCH_NAME == "master" ? "H 12 * * 1,3,5" : "" pipeline { agent { label 'ephemeral-linux' } options { // The Build GPU stage depends on the image from the Push CPU stage disableConcurrentBuilds() } triggers { cron(cron_string) } environment { GIT_COMMIT_SHORT = sh(returnStdout: true, script:"git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD").trim() GIT_COMMIT_SUBJECT = sh(returnStdout: true, script:"git log --format=%s -n 1 HEAD").trim() GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR = sh(returnStdout: true, script:"git log --format='%an' -n 1 HEAD").trim() GIT_COMMIT_SUMMARY = "`` ${GIT_COMMIT_SUBJECT} - ${GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR}" SLACK_CHANNEL = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "if [[ \"${GIT_BRANCH}\" == \"master\" ]]; then echo \"#kernelops\"; else echo \"#builds\"; fi").trim() PRETEST_TAG = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "if [[ \"${GIT_BRANCH}\" == \"master\" ]]; then echo \"ci-pretest\"; else echo \"${GIT_BRANCH}-pretest\"; fi").trim() STAGING_TAG = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "if [[ \"${GIT_BRANCH}\" == \"master\" ]]; then echo \"staging\"; else echo \"${GIT_BRANCH}-staging\"; fi").trim() } stages { stage('Docker CPU Build') { options { timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail ./build | ts ./push ${PRETEST_TAG} ''' } } stage('Test CPU Image') { options { timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail date ./test --image${PRETEST_TAG} ''' } } stage('Docker GPU Build') { // A GPU is not required to build this image. However, in our current setup, // the default runtime is set to nvidia (as opposed to runc) and there // is no option to specify a runtime for the `docker build` command. // // TODO(rosbo) don't set `nvidia` as the default runtime and use the // `--runtime=nvidia` flag for the `docker run` command when GPU support is needed. agent { label 'ephemeral-linux-gpu' } options { timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail # Remove images (dangling or not) created more than 120h (5 days ago) to prevent disk from filling up. docker image prune --all --force --filter "until=120h" --filter "label=kaggle-lang=python" # Remove any dangling images (no tags). # All builds for the same branch uses the same tag. This means a subsequent build for the same branch # will untag the previously built image which is safe to do. Builds for a single branch are performed # serially. docker image prune -f ./build --gpu --base-image-tag ${PRETEST_TAG} | ts ./push --gpu ${PRETEST_TAG} ''' } } stage('Test GPU Image') { agent { label 'ephemeral-linux-gpu' } options { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail date ./test --gpu --image${PRETEST_TAG} ''' } } stage('Package Versions') { parallel { stage('CPU Diff') { steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail docker pull${PRETEST_TAG} ./diff --target${PRETEST_TAG} ''' } } stage('GPU Diff') { agent { label 'ephemeral-linux-gpu' } steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail docker pull${PRETEST_TAG} ./diff --gpu --target${PRETEST_TAG} ''' } } } } stage('Label CPU/GPU Staging Images') { steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -exo pipefail gcloud container images add-tag${PRETEST_TAG}${STAGING_TAG} gcloud container images add-tag${PRETEST_TAG}${STAGING_TAG} ''' } } } post { failure { slackSend color: 'danger', message: "*<${env.BUILD_URL}console|${JOB_NAME} failed>* ${GIT_COMMIT_SUMMARY} @kernels-backend-ops", channel: env.SLACK_CHANNEL } success { slackSend color: 'good', message: "*<${env.BUILD_URL}console|${JOB_NAME} passed>* ${GIT_COMMIT_SUMMARY}", channel: env.SLACK_CHANNEL } aborted { slackSend color: 'warning', message: "*<${env.BUILD_URL}console|${JOB_NAME} aborted>* ${GIT_COMMIT_SUMMARY}", channel: env.SLACK_CHANNEL } } }