![Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spaulll/HashLens/main/assets/logo.svg) # HashLens A simple hash identifier made with basic HTML, CSS and pyscript ## PyScript PyScript is a framework to run simple as well as rich python programs directly in a web browser. It uses HTML's interface and the power of Pyodide, MicroPython and WASM, and modern web technologies. PyScript can be used in replacement of Java Script. But keep in mind that PyScript is very slow. ## Tech Stack **Client:** HTML, CSS, PyScript **Server:** Nothing! Magic happens on the clint side ## Features - Supports almost all hash types - Auto Light/dark mode toggle - Cross platform ## Run Locally Clone the project ```bash git clone https://github.com/spaulll/HashLens.git ``` Go to the project directory ```bash cd HashLens ``` Start the server as per your convenience ```bash python3 -m http.server ``` ## FAQ #### Why The Website is slow HashLens took a few seconds to fully load as it uses PyScript which itselt is very slow. ## Authors - [@spaulll](https://www.github.com/spaulll)