From 19517076d26a326bd34d102f145c8cf83550914a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Dr. Tom Murphy VII Ph.D" <> Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 15:30:19 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] started exemplar; add ANN library --- ann/Copyright.txt | 47 + ann/License.txt | 450 +++ ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln | 46 + ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln.old | 48 + ann/MS_Win32/Makefile | 53 + ann/MS_Win32/ann2fig/ann2fig.vcproj | 202 ++ ann/MS_Win32/dll/dll.vcproj | 589 ++++ ann/MS_Win32/sample/sample.vcproj | 271 ++ ann/MS_Win32/test/test.vcproj | 302 ++ ann/Make-config | 194 ++ ann/ReadMe.txt | 68 + ann/ann2fig/Makefile | 87 + ann/ann2fig/ann2fig.cpp | 585 ++++ ann/doc/ANNmanual.pdf | Bin 0 -> 357854 bytes ann/include/ANN/ANN.h | 833 +++++ ann/include/ANN/ANNperf.h | 223 ++ ann/include/ANN/ANNx.h | 167 + ann/sample/Makefile | 90 + ann/sample/ann_sample.cpp | 198 ++ ann/sample/data.pts | 20 + ann/sample/query.pts | 10 + ann/sample/ | 51 + ann/src/ANN.cpp | 198 ++ ann/src/Makefile | 121 + ann/src/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp | 61 + ann/src/bd_pr_search.cpp | 62 + ann/src/bd_search.cpp | 61 + ann/src/bd_tree.cpp | 417 +++ ann/src/bd_tree.h | 100 + ann/src/brute.cpp | 109 + ann/src/kd_dump.cpp | 444 +++ ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp | 183 + ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.h | 44 + ann/src/kd_pr_search.cpp | 219 ++ ann/src/kd_pr_search.h | 49 + ann/src/kd_search.cpp | 210 ++ ann/src/kd_search.h | 48 + ann/src/kd_split.cpp | 428 +++ ann/src/kd_split.h | 85 + ann/src/kd_tree.cpp | 405 +++ ann/src/kd_tree.h | 197 ++ ann/src/kd_util.cpp | 439 +++ ann/src/kd_util.h | 124 + ann/src/perf.cpp | 134 + ann/src/pr_queue.h | 125 + ann/src/pr_queue_k.h | 118 + ann/test/Makefile | 96 + ann/test/ann_test.cpp | 1640 +++++++++ ann/test/rand.cpp | 594 ++++ ann/test/rand.h | 131 + ann/test/test1-data.pts | 20 + ann/test/test1-query.pts | 10 + ann/test/ | 15 + ann/test/ | 76 + ann/test/test2-data.pts | 5000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ann/test/test2-query.pts | 100 + ann/test/ | 21 + ann/test/ | 156 + brokenfft/brokenfft.cpp | 2 +- dfx-library/dfxmidi.cpp | 6 +- exemplar/exemplar.cpp | 360 ++ exemplar/exemplar.h | 103 + exemplar/exemplardefs.h | 23 + slowft/slowft.cpp | 10 +- 64 files changed, 17272 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 ann/Copyright.txt create mode 100644 ann/License.txt create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln.old create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/Makefile create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/ann2fig/ann2fig.vcproj create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/dll/dll.vcproj create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/sample/sample.vcproj create mode 100644 ann/MS_Win32/test/test.vcproj create mode 100644 ann/Make-config create mode 100644 ann/ReadMe.txt create mode 100644 ann/ann2fig/Makefile create mode 100644 ann/ann2fig/ann2fig.cpp create mode 100644 ann/doc/ANNmanual.pdf create mode 100644 ann/include/ANN/ANN.h create mode 100644 ann/include/ANN/ANNperf.h create mode 100644 ann/include/ANN/ANNx.h create mode 100644 ann/sample/Makefile create mode 100644 ann/sample/ann_sample.cpp create mode 100644 ann/sample/data.pts create mode 100644 ann/sample/query.pts create mode 100644 ann/sample/ create mode 100644 ann/src/ANN.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/Makefile create mode 100644 ann/src/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/bd_pr_search.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/bd_search.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/bd_tree.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/bd_tree.h create mode 100644 ann/src/brute.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_dump.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.h create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_pr_search.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_pr_search.h create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_search.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_search.h create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_split.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_split.h create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_tree.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_tree.h create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_util.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/kd_util.h create mode 100644 ann/src/perf.cpp create mode 100644 ann/src/pr_queue.h create mode 100644 ann/src/pr_queue_k.h create mode 100644 ann/test/Makefile create mode 100644 ann/test/ann_test.cpp create mode 100644 ann/test/rand.cpp create mode 100644 ann/test/rand.h create mode 100644 ann/test/test1-data.pts create mode 100644 ann/test/test1-query.pts create mode 100644 ann/test/ create mode 100644 ann/test/ create mode 100644 ann/test/test2-data.pts create mode 100644 ann/test/test2-query.pts create mode 100644 ann/test/ create mode 100644 ann/test/ create mode 100644 exemplar/exemplar.cpp create mode 100644 exemplar/exemplar.h create mode 100644 exemplar/exemplardefs.h diff --git a/ann/Copyright.txt b/ann/Copyright.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bdc3193 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/Copyright.txt @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +Version: 1.1.1 +Release Date: Aug 4, 2006 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and David +Mount All Rights Reserved. + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the +Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your +option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser Public License for more details. + +A copy of the terms and conditions of the license can be found in +License.txt or online at + + + +To obtain a copy, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +Disclaimer +---------- +The University of Maryland and the authors make no representations about +the suitability or fitness of this software for any purpose. It is +provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. +--------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Authors +------- +David Mount +Dept of Computer Science +University of Maryland, +College Park, MD 20742 USA + + +Sunil Arya +Dept of Computer Science +Hong University of Science and Technology +Clearwater Bay, HONG KONG + diff --git a/ann/License.txt b/ann/License.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..456ea978 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/License.txt @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +The ANN Library (all versions) is provided under the terms and +conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public Library, which is stated +below. It can also be found at: + + + +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + +Version 2.1, February 1999 + +Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts +as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence the +version number 2.1.] + +Preamble + +The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to +share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are +intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to +make sure the software is free for all its users. + +This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free +Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use +it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether this +license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to +use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + +When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if +you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in +new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these +things. + +To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you +if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + +For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or +for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. +You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. +If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete +object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the +library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you +must show them these terms so they know their rights. + +We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + +To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is +no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by +someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they +have is not the original version, so that the original author's +reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by +others. + +Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any +free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively +restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license +from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license +obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full +freedom of use specified in this license. + +Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary +GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public +License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different +from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for +certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into +non-free programs. + +When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a +shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire +combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public +License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the +library. + +We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does +Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public +License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an +advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages are the +reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. +However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special +circumstances. + +For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage +the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a +de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to +use the library. A more frequent case is that a free library does the +same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is +little to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we +use the Lesser General Public License. + +In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free +software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free +programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, +as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system. + +Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked +with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program +using a modified version of the Library. + +The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + +TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + +0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other +authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this +Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). Each +licensee is addressed as "you". + +A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + +The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which +has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the Library" +means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either +verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into +another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without +limitation in the term "modification".) + +"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making +modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the +source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface +definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and +installation of the library. + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running +a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a +program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing +it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the +program that uses the Library does. + +1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices +that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and +distribute a copy of this License along with the Library. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + +2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of +it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute +such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided +that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has +a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. +Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function +or table used by this function must be optional: if the application does +not supply it, the square root function must still compute square +roots.) + + These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and +can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on +the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this +License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire +whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + + Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or +contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent +is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + + In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the +Library with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a +volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work +under the scope of this License. + +3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that +they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these +notices. + +Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that +copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + +This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the +Library into a program that is not a library. + +4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative +of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the +terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the +complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be +distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium +customarily used for software interchange. + +If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a +designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source +code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the +source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the +source along with the object code. + +5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, +but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked +with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in +isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls +outside the scope of this License. + +However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates +an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains +portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". +The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states +terms for distribution of such executables. + +When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked +without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold +for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + +If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten +lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is +unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. +(Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library +will still fall under Section 6.) + +Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether +or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + +6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a +"work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work +containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms +of your choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work +for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such +modifications. + +You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during +execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright +notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the +user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that + the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least + three years, to give the same user the materials specified in + Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of + performing this distribution. + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + +For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" +must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the +executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be +distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in +either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, +kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, +unless that component itself accompanies the executable. + +It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions +of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the +operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them +and the Library together in an executable that you distribute. + +7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library +side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities +not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, +provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library +and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided +that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + +8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the +Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the +Library is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this +License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you +under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as +such parties remain in full compliance. + +9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all +its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the +Library or works based on it. + +10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + +11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute +so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and +any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not +distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would +not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who +receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you +could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from +distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented +by public license practices. Many people have made generous +contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that +system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to +the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute +software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that +choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be +a consequence of the rest of this License. + +12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may +add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those +countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries +not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the +limitation as if written in the body of this License. + +13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license +version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free +Software Foundation. + +14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software +Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be +guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives +of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software +generally. + +NO WARRANTY + +15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER +EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE +ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH +YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL +NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR +DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY +(INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED +INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF +THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR +OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln b/ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87018899 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00 +# Visual Studio 2005 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "dll", "dll\dll.vcproj", "{A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "sample", "sample\sample.vcproj", "{C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} = {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "test", "test\test.vcproj", "{6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} = {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ann2fig", "ann2fig\ann2fig.vcproj", "{622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} = {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln.old b/ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln.old new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a0913129 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/Ann.sln.old @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 8.00 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "dll", "dll\dll.vcproj", "{A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "sample", "sample\sample.vcproj", "{C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} = {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "test", "test\test.vcproj", "{6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} = {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ann2fig", "ann2fig\ann2fig.vcproj", "{622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} = {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfiguration) = preSolution + Debug = Debug + Release = Release + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration) = postSolution + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {A7D00B21-CB9C-4BBB-8DEE-51025104F867}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C76F5A10-7A4A-4546-9414-296DB38BE825}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {6AC673C7-7B3F-4520-A761-647B212A4BEF}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {622DD7D8-0C0A-4303-9176-C9A8AF467E70}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/Makefile b/ann/MS_Win32/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9f5ca10 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile for Windows Versions. +# +# ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +# Version: 1.1.1 08/04/06 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +# David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +# +# This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +# Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +# the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +# file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +# +# The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +# representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +# any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +# warranty. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Revision 1.0 05/03/05 +# Initial release +# Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +# Added copyright/license +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# This is not used for compiling the dll. It is just used for cleaning +# things up for distribution. For compilcation, open the Ann.sln +# solution file in Microsoft Windows Visual Studio.NET. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +default: + @echo "Enter one of the following:" + @echo " make clean remove object files" + @echo " make realclean remove library and executable files" + @echo " " + @echo "See file Makefile for other compilation options." + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Remove .o files and core files +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +clean: + -rm -f -r ann2fig/Debug ann2fig/Release + -rm -f -r dll/Debug dll/Release + -rm -f -r sample/Debug sample/Release + -rm -f -r test/Debug test/Release + -rm -f Ann.ncb Ann.suo + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Remove everthing that can be remade +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +realclean: clean + -rm -f bin/* diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/ann2fig/ann2fig.vcproj b/ann/MS_Win32/ann2fig/ann2fig.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..feafc7ca --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/ann2fig/ann2fig.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/dll/dll.vcproj b/ann/MS_Win32/dll/dll.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..377ecf21 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/dll/dll.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,589 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/sample/sample.vcproj b/ann/MS_Win32/sample/sample.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a94e9d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/sample/sample.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/ann/MS_Win32/test/test.vcproj b/ann/MS_Win32/test/test.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9746011e --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/MS_Win32/test/test.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/ann/Make-config b/ann/Make-config new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aab7bfd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/Make-config @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile variations depending on different configurations +# +# ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +# Version: 1.1 05/03/05 +# +# (This Make-config structure is based on the one used by Mesa by Brian +# Paul. If you succeed in porting ANN to your favorite system, please +# send email to, and I'll try to include it in this +# list.) +# +#---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# The following configuration-dependent variables are passed to each +# the Makefile in subdirectories: +# +# ANNLIB The name of the ANN library file (usually libANN.a) +# C++ The C compiler (usually CC or g++) +# MAKELIB The command and flags to make a library file (usually +# "ar ...") +# CFLAGS Flags to C++ compiler +# RANLIB For "ranlib" = use ranlib, "true" = don't use ranlib +#---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Revision 0.1 09/06/97 +# Initial release +# Revision 0.2 06/24/98 +# Minor changes to fix compilation errors on SGI systems. +# Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +# Modifications for alpha with cxx +# Removed CFLAGS2 options (just write your own) +# Removed -DUSING... (Compilers are pretty consistent these days) +# Added linux-g++ target +# Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +# Added macosx-g++ target +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Compilation options (add these, as desired, to the CFLAGS variable +# in the desired compilation target below). For example, +# +# "CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall -DANN_PERF" +# +# -g Debugging. +# -O? Run-time optimization. +# -Wall Be verbose about warnings. +# +# -DANN_PERF Enable performance evaluation. (This may slow execution +# slightly.) +# +# -DANN_NO_LIMITS_H +# Use this if limits.h or float.h does not exist on your +# system. (Also see include/ANN/ANN.h for other changes +# needed.) +# +# -DANN_NO_RANDOM +# Use this option if srandom()/random() are not available +# on your system. Pseudo-random number generation is used +# in the utility program test/ann_test. The combination +# srandom()/random() is considered the best pseudo-random +# number generator, but is not available on all systems. +# If they are not available on your system (for example, +# Visual C++) then srand()/rand() will be used instead by +# setting this parameter. +# +# -DWIN32 +# This is used only for compilation under windows systems +# (but instead of using this, use the various .vcproj +# files in the MS_WIN32 directory). +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Linux using g++ +linux-g++: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# Mac OS X using g++ +macosx-g++: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = libtool -static -o " \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# SunOS5 +sunos5: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = CC" \ + "CFLAGS = -O" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# SunOS5 with shared libraries +sunos5-sl: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = CC" \ + "CFLAGS = -Kpic -O" \ + "MAKELIB = ld -G -o" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# SunOS5 with g++ +sunos5-g++: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# SunOS5 with g++ and shared libraries +sunos5-g++-sl: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB =" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -fpic -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = ld -G -o" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Used for the author's testing and debugging only +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# debugging version for authors +authors-debug: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -g -DANN_PERF -Wall" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# performance testing version for authors +authors-perf: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -O3 -DANN_PERF -Wall" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Some older ones that I have not tested with the latest version. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +sgi: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = CC -ansi" \ + "CFLAGS = -O2" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = true" + +# DEC Alpha with g++ +alpha-g++: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = ranlib" + +# SunOS4 +sunos4: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = CC" \ + "CFLAGS = -O" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = ranlib" + +# SunOS4 with g++ +sunos4-g++: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ + "RANLIB = ranlib" + +# SunOS4 with g++ and shared libraries +sunos4-g++-sl: + $(MAKE) targets \ + "ANNLIB =" \ + "C++ = g++" \ + "CC = g++" \ + "CFLAGS = -fPIC -O3" \ + "MAKELIB = ld -assert pure-text -o" \ + "RANLIB = true" + diff --git a/ann/ReadMe.txt b/ann/ReadMe.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50b7664b --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/ReadMe.txt @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +Version: 1.1.1 +Release date: Aug 4, 2006 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and David +Mount. All Rights Reserved. See Copyright.txt and License.txt for +complete information on terms and conditions of use and distribution of +this software. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Authors +------- +David Mount +Dept of Computer Science +University of Maryland, +College Park, MD 20742 USA + + +Sunil Arya +Dept of Computer Science +Hong University of Science and Technology +Clearwater Bay, HONG KONG + + +Introduction +------------ +ANN is a library written in the C++ programming language to support both +exact and approximate nearest neighbor searching in spaces of various +dimensions. It was implemented by David M. Mount of the University of +Maryland, and Sunil Arya of the Hong Kong University of Science and +Technology. ANN (pronounced like the name ``Ann'') stands for +Approximate Nearest Neighbors. ANN is also a testbed containing +programs and procedures for generating data sets, collecting and +analyzing statistics on the performance of nearest neighbor algorithms +and data structures, and visualizing the geometric structure of these +data structures. + +The ANN source code and documentation is available from the following +web page: + + + +For more information on ANN and its use, see the ``ANN Programming +Manual,'' which is provided with the software distribution. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +History + Version 0.1 03/04/98 + Preliminary release + Version 0.2 06/24/98 + Changes for SGI compiler. + Version 1.0 04/01/05 + Fixed a number of small bugs + Added dump/load operations + Added annClose to eliminate minor memory leak + Improved compatibility with current C++ compilers + Added compilation for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET + Added compilation for Linux 2.x + Version 1.1 05/03/05 + Added make target for Mac OS X + Added fixed-radius range searching and counting + Added instructions on compiling/using ANN on Windows platforms + Fixed minor output bug in ann2fig + Version 1.1.1 08/04/06 + Added "planted" distribution + Updated old source comments for GNU LPL. diff --git a/ann/ann2fig/Makefile b/ann/ann2fig/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0644d170 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/ann2fig/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile for ann2fig +# +# ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +# Version: 1.1.1 08/04/06 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +# David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +# +# This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +# Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +# the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +# file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +# +# The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +# representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +# any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +# warranty. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +# Initial release +# Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +# Added copyright/license +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Basic definitions +# BASEDIR where include, src, lib, ... are +# INCDIR include directory +# LIBDIR library directory +# BINDIR bin directory +# LDFLAGS loader flags +# ANNLIB ANN library +# OTHERLIB other libraries +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BASEDIR = .. +INCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/include +LIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)/lib +BINDIR = $(BASEDIR)/bin +LDFLAGS = -L$(LIBDIR) +ANNLIBS = -lANN +OTHERLIBS = -lm + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Some more definitions +# ANN2FIG name of executable +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANN2FIG = ann2fig +SOURCES = ann2fig.cpp +OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Make the program +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +default: + @echo "Specify a target configuration" + +targets: $(BINDIR)/$(ANN2FIG) + +$(BINDIR)/$(ANN2FIG): $(OBJECTS) + $(C++) $(OBJECTS) -o $(ANN2FIG) $(LDFLAGS) $(ANNLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS) + mv $(ANN2FIG) $(BINDIR) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration definitions +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +include ../Make-config + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Objects +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ann2fig.o: ann2fig.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) ann2fig.cpp + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Cleaning +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +clean: + -rm -f *.o core + +realclean: clean diff --git a/ann/ann2fig/ann2fig.cpp b/ann/ann2fig/ann2fig.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d2c62fb --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/ann2fig/ann2fig.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,585 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: ann2fig.cpp +// Programmer: David Mount +// Last modified: 05/03/05 +// Description: convert ann dump file to fig file +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Changed dump file suffix from .ann to .dmp. +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Fixed usage output string. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// This program inputs an ann dump file of a search structure +// perhaps along with point coordinates, and outputs a fig (Ver 3.1) +// file (see fig2dev (1)) displaying the tree. The fig file may +// then be displayed using xfig, or converted to any of a number of +// other formats using fig2dev. +// +// If the dimension is 2 then the entire tree is display. If the +// dimension is larger than 2 then the user has the option of +// selecting which two dimensions will be displayed, and the slice +// value for each of the remaining dimensions. All leaf cells +// intersecting the slice are shown along with the points in these +// cells. See the procedure getArgs() below for the command-line +// arguments. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // C standard I/O +#include // file I/O +#include // string manipulation +#include // all ANN includes + +using namespace std; // make std:: accessible + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Globals and their defaults +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const int STRING_LEN = 500; // string lengths +const int MAX_DIM = 1000; // maximum dimension +const double DEF_SLICE_VAL = 0; // default slice value +const char FIG_HEAD[] = {"#FIG 3.1"}; // fig file header +const char DUMP_SUFFIX[] = {".dmp"}; // suffix for dump file +const char FIG_SUFFIX[] = {".fig"}; // suffix for fig file + +char file_name[STRING_LEN]; // (root) file name (say xxx) +char infile_name[STRING_LEN];// input file name (xxx.dmp) +char outfile_name[STRING_LEN];// output file name (xxx.fig) +char caption[STRING_LEN]; // caption line (= command line) +ofstream ofile; // output file stream +ifstream ifile; // input file stream +int dim_x = 0; // horizontal dimension +int dim_y = 1; // vertical dimension +double slice_val[MAX_DIM]; // array of slice values +double u_per_in = 1200; // fig units per inch (version 3.1) +double in_size = 5; // size of figure (in inches) +double in_low_x = 1; // fig upper left corner (in inches) +double in_low_y = 1; // fig upper left corner (in inches) +double u_size = 6000; // size of figure (in units) +double u_low_x = 1200; // fig upper left corner (in units) +double u_low_y = 1200; // fig upper left corner (in units) +int pt_size = 10; // point size (in fig units) + +int dim; // dimension +int n_pts; // number of points +ANNpointArray pts = NULL; // point array + +double scale; // scale factor for transformation +double offset_x; // offsets for transformation +double offset_y; + + // transformations +#define TRANS_X(p) (offset_x + scale*(p[dim_x])) +#define TRANS_Y(p) (offset_y - scale*(p[dim_y])) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Error handler +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void Error(char *msg, ANNerr level) +{ + if (level == ANNabort) { + cerr << "ann2fig: ERROR------->" << msg << "<-------------ERROR\n"; + exit(1); + } + else { + cerr << "ann2fig: WARNING----->" << msg << "<-------------WARNING\n"; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// set_slice_val - set all slice values to given value +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void set_slice_val(double val) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DIM; i++) { + slice_val[i] = val; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// getArgs - get input arguments +// +// Syntax: +// ann2fig [-upi scale] [-x low_x] [-y low_y] +// [-sz size] [-dx dim_x] [-dy dim_y] [-sl dim value]* +// [-ps pointsize] +// file +// +// where: +// -upi scale fig units per inch (default = 1200) +// -x low_x x and y offset of upper left corner (inches) +// -y low_y ...(default = 1) +// -sz size maximum side length of figure (in inches) +// ...(default = 5) +// -dx dim_x horizontal dimension (default = 0) +// -dy dim_y vertical dimension (default = 1) +// -sv value default slice value (default = 0) +// -sl dim value each such pair defines the value along the +// ...given dimension at which to slice. This +// ...may be supplied for all dimensions except +// ...dim_x and dim_y. +// -ps pointsize size of points in fig units (def = 10) +// file file (input=file.dmp, output=file.fig) +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void getArgs(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int i; + int sl_dim; // temp slice dimension + double sl_val; // temp slice value + + set_slice_val(DEF_SLICE_VAL); // set initial slice-values + + if (argc <= 1) { + cerr << "Syntax:\n\ + ann2fig [-upi scale] [-x low_x] [-y low_y]\n\ + [-sz size] [-dx dim_x] [-dy dim_y] [-sl dim value]*\n\ + file\n\ + \n\ + where:\n\ + -upi scale fig units per inch (default = 1200)\n\ + -x low_x x and y offset of upper left corner (inches)\n\ + -y low_y ...(default = 1)\n\ + -sz size maximum side length of figure (in inches)\n\ + ...(default = 5)\n\ + -dx dim_x horizontal dimension (default = 0)\n\ + -dy dim_y vertical dimension (default = 1)\n\ + -sv value default slice value (default = 0)\n\ + -sl dim value each such pair defines the value along the\n\ + ...given dimension at which to slice. This\n\ + ...may be supplied for each dimension except\n\ + ...dim_x and dim_y.\n\ + -ps pointsize size of points in fig units (def = 10)\n\ + file file (input=file.dmp, output=file.fig)\n"; + exit(0); + } + + ANNbool fileSeen = ANNfalse; // file argument seen? + + for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-upi")) { // process -upi option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &u_per_in); + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-x")) { // process -x option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &in_low_x); + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-y")) { // process -y option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &in_low_y); + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sz")) { // process -sz option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &in_size); + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dx")) { // process -dx option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &dim_x); + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dy")) { // process -dy option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &dim_y); + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sv")) { // process -sv option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &sl_val); + set_slice_val(sl_val); // set slice values + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sl")) { // process -sl option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &sl_dim); + if (sl_dim < 0 || sl_dim >= MAX_DIM) { + Error("Slice dimension out of bounds", ANNabort); + } + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &slice_val[sl_dim]); + } + if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ps")) { // process -ps option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &pt_size); + } + else { // must be file name + fileSeen = ANNtrue; + sscanf(argv[i], "%s", file_name); + strcpy(infile_name, file_name); // copy to input file name + strcat(infile_name, DUMP_SUFFIX); + strcpy(outfile_name, file_name); // copy to output file name + strcat(outfile_name, FIG_SUFFIX); + } + } + + if (!fileSeen) { // no file seen + Error("File argument is required", ANNabort); + } + +, ios::in); // open for reading + if (!ifile) { + Error("Cannot open input file", ANNabort); + } +, ios::out); // open for writing + if (!ofile) { + Error("Cannot open output file", ANNabort); + } + + u_low_x = u_per_in * in_low_x; // convert inches to fig units + u_low_y = u_per_in * in_low_y; + u_size = u_per_in * in_size; + + strcpy(caption, argv[0]); // copy command line to caption + for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + strcat(caption, " "); + strcat(caption, argv[i]); + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Graphics utilities for fig output +// +// writeHeader write header for fig file +// writePoint write a point +// writeBox write a box +// writeLine write a line +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void writeHeader() +{ + ofile << FIG_HEAD << "\n" // fig file header + << "Portrait\n" + << "Center\n" + << "Inches\n" + << (int) u_per_in << " 2\n"; +} + +void writePoint(ANNpoint p) // write a single point +{ + // filled black point object + ofile << "1 3 0 1 -1 7 0 0 0 0.000 1 0.0000 "; + int cent_x = (int) TRANS_X(p); // transform center coords + int cent_y = (int) TRANS_Y(p); + ofile << cent_x << " " << cent_y << " " // write center, radius, bounds + << pt_size << " " << pt_size << " " + << cent_x << " " << cent_y << " " + << cent_x + pt_size << " " << cent_y + pt_size << "\n"; +} + +void writeBox(const ANNorthRect &r) // write box +{ + // unfilled box object + ofile << "2 2 0 1 -1 7 0 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5\n"; + + int p0_x = (int) TRANS_X(r.lo); // transform endpoints + int p0_y = (int) TRANS_Y(r.lo); + int p1_x = (int) TRANS_X(r.hi); + int p1_y = (int) TRANS_Y(r.hi); + ofile << "\t" + << p0_x << " " << p0_y << " " // write vertices + << p1_x << " " << p0_y << " " + << p1_x << " " << p1_y << " " + << p0_x << " " << p1_y << " " + << p0_x << " " << p0_y << "\n"; +} + +void writeLine(ANNpoint p0, ANNpoint p1) // write line +{ + // unfilled line object + ofile << "2 1 0 1 -1 7 0 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; + + int p0_x = (int) TRANS_X(p0); // transform endpoints + int p0_y = (int) TRANS_Y(p0); + int p1_x = (int) TRANS_X(p1); + int p1_y = (int) TRANS_Y(p1); + ofile << "\t" + << p0_x << " " << p0_y << " " // write vertices + << p1_x << " " << p1_y << "\n"; +} + +void writeCaption( // write caption text + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box + char *caption) // caption +{ + if (!strcmp(caption, "\0")) return; // null string? + int px = (int) TRANS_X(bnd_box.lo); // put .5 in. lower left + int py = (int) (TRANS_Y(bnd_box.lo) + 0.50 * u_per_in); + ofile << "4 0 -1 0 0 0 20 0.0000 4 255 2000 "; + ofile << px << " " << py << " " << caption << "\\001\n"; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// overlap - test whether a box overlap slicing region +// +// The slicing region is a 2-dimensional plane in space +// which contains points (x1, x2, ..., xn) satisfying the +// n-2 linear equalities: +// +// xi == slice_val[i] for i != dim_x, dim_y +// +// This procedure returns true of the box defined by +// corner points box.lo and box.hi overlap this plane. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNbool overlap(const ANNorthRect &box) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + if (i != dim_x && i != dim_y && + (box.lo[i] > slice_val[i] || box.hi[i] < slice_val[i])) + return ANNfalse; + } + return ANNtrue; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// readTree, recReadTree - inputs tree and outputs figure +// +// readTree procedure initializes things and then calls recReadTree +// which does all the work. +// +// recReadTree reads in a node of the tree, makes any recursive +// calls as needed to input the children of this node (if internal) +// and maintains the bounding box. Note that the bounding box +// is modified within this procedure, but it is the responsibility +// of the procedure that it be restored to its original value +// on return. +// +// Recall that these are the formats. The tree is given in +// preorder. +// +// Leaf node: +// leaf ... +// Splitting nodes: +// split +// Shrinking nodes: +// shrink +// +// +// ... (repeated n_bnds times) +// +// On reading a leaf we determine whether we should output the +// cell's points (if dimension = 2 or this cell overlaps the +// slicing region). For splitting nodes we check whether the +// current cell overlaps the slicing plane and whether the +// cutting dimension coincides with either the x or y drawing +// dimensions. If so, we output the corresponding splitting +// segment. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void recReadTree(ANNorthRect &box) +{ + char tag[STRING_LEN]; // tag (leaf, split, shrink) + int n_pts; // number of points in leaf + int idx; // point index + int cd; // cut dimension + ANNcoord cv; // cut value + ANNcoord lb; // low bound + ANNcoord hb; // high bound + int n_bnds; // number of bounding sides + int sd; // which side + + ifile >> tag; // input node tag + if (strcmp(tag, "leaf") == 0) { // leaf node + + ifile >> n_pts; // input number of points + // check for overlap + if (dim == 2 || overlap(box)) { + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // yes, write the points + ifile >> idx; + writePoint(pts[idx]); + } + } + else { // input but ignore points + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { + ifile >> idx; + } + } + } + else if (strcmp(tag, "split") == 0) { // splitting node + + ifile >> cd >> cv >> lb >> hb; + if (lb != box.lo[cd] || hb != box.hi[cd]) { + Error("Bounding box coordinates are fishy", ANNwarn); + } + + ANNcoord lv = box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dim + ANNcoord hv = box.hi[cd]; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------- + // The following code is rather fragile so modify at your + // own risk. We first decrease the high-end of the bounding + // box down to the cutting plane and then read the left subtree. + // Then we increase the low-end of the bounding box up to the + // cutting plane (thus collapsing the bounding box to a d-1 + // dimensional hyperrectangle). Then we draw the projection of + // its diagonal if it crosses the slicing plane. This will have + // the effect of drawing its intersection on the slicing plane. + // Then we restore the high-end of the bounding box and read + // the right subtree. Finally we restore the low-end of the + // bounding box, before returning. + //-------------------------------------------------------------- + box.hi[cd] = cv; // decrease high bounds + recReadTree(box); // read left subtree + // check for overlap + box.lo[cd] = cv; // increase low bounds + if (dim == 2 || overlap(box)) { // check for overlap + if (cd == dim_x || cd == dim_y) { // cut through slice plane + writeLine(box.lo, box.hi); // draw cutting line + } + } + box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore high bounds + + recReadTree(box); // read right subtree + box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore low bounds + } + else if (strcmp(tag, "shrink") == 0) { // splitting node + + ANNorthRect inner(dim, box); // copy bounding box + ifile >> n_bnds; // number of bounding sides + for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { + ifile >> cd >> cv >> sd; // input bounding halfspace + ANNorthHalfSpace hs(cd, cv, sd); // create orthogonal halfspace + hs.project(inner.lo); // intersect by projecting + hs.project(inner.hi); + } + if (dim == 2 || overlap(inner)) { + writeBox(inner); // draw inner rectangle + } + recReadTree(inner); // read inner subtree + recReadTree(box); // read outer subtree + } + else { + Error("Illegal node type in dump file", ANNabort); + } +} + +void readTree(ANNorthRect &bnd_box) +{ + writeHeader(); // output header + writeBox(bnd_box); // draw bounding box + writeCaption(bnd_box, caption); // write caption + recReadTree(bnd_box); // do it +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// readANN - read the ANN dump file +// +// This procedure reads in the dump file. See the format below. +// It first reads the header line with version number. If the +// points section is present it reads them (otherwise just leaves +// points = NULL), and then it reads the tree section. It inputs +// the bounding box and determines the parameters for transforming +// the image to figure units. It then invokes the procedure +// readTree to do all the real work. +// +// Dump File Format: = coordinate value (ANNcoord) +// +// #ANN [END_OF_LINE] +// points (point coordinates: this is optional) +// 0 ... (point indices and coordinates) +// 1 ... +// ... +// tree +// ... (lower end of bounding box) +// ... (upper end of bounding box) +// If the tree is null, then a single line "null" is +// output. Otherwise the nodes of the tree are printed +// one per line in preorder. Leaves and splitting nodes +// have the following formats: +// Leaf node: +// leaf ... +// Splitting nodes: +// split +// Shrinking nodes: +// shrink +// +// +// ... (repeated n_bnds times) +// +// Note: Infinite lo_ and hi_bounds are printed as the special +// values "-INF" and "+INF", respectively. We do not +// check for this, because the current version of ANN +// starts with a finite bounding box if the tree is +// nonempty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void readANN() +{ + int j; + char str[STRING_LEN]; // storage for string + char version[STRING_LEN]; // storage for version + int bkt_size; // bucket size + + ifile >> str; // input header + if (strcmp(str, "#ANN") != 0) { // incorrect header + Error("Incorrect header for dump file", ANNabort); + } + ifile.getline(version, STRING_LEN); // get version (ignore) + ifile >> str; // get major heading + if (strcmp(str, "points") == 0) { // points section + ifile >> dim; // read dimension + ifile >> n_pts; // number of points + pts = annAllocPts(n_pts, dim); // allocate points + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // input point coordinates + int idx; // point index + ifile >> idx; // input point index + if (idx < 0 || idx >= n_pts) { + Error("Point index is out of range", ANNabort); + } + for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { + ifile >> pts[idx][j]; // read point coordinates + } + } + ifile >> str; // get next major heading + } + if (strcmp(str, "tree") == 0) { // tree section + ifile >> dim; // read dimension + if (dim_x > dim || dim_y > dim) { + Error("Dimensions out of bounds", ANNabort); + } + ifile >> n_pts; // number of points + ifile >> bkt_size; // bucket size (ignored) + // read bounding box + ANNorthRect bnd_box(dim); // create bounding box + for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { + ifile >> bnd_box.lo[j]; // read box low coordinates + } + for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { + ifile >> bnd_box.hi[j]; // read box high coordinates + } + // compute scaling factors + double box_len_x = bnd_box.hi[dim_x] - bnd_box.lo[dim_x]; + double box_len_y = bnd_box.hi[dim_y] - bnd_box.lo[dim_y]; + // longer side determines scale + if (box_len_x > box_len_y) scale = u_size/box_len_x; + else scale = u_size/box_len_y; + // compute offsets + offset_x = u_low_x - scale*bnd_box.lo[dim_x]; + offset_y = u_low_y + scale*bnd_box.hi[dim_y]; + readTree(bnd_box); // read the tree and process + } + else if (strcmp(str, "null") == 0) return; // empty tree + else { + cerr << "Input string: " << str << "\n"; + Error("Illegal ann format. Expecting section heading", ANNabort); + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Main program +// +// Gets the command-line arguments and invokes the main scanning +// procedure. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + getArgs(argc, argv); // get input arguments + readANN(); // read the dump file +} diff --git a/ann/doc/ANNmanual.pdf b/ann/doc/ANNmanual.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00e9e909bb87561a9b7972d4aee6c11083939e82 GIT binary patch literal 357854 zcma&NL$oN%wyiyF+qP}nHrKRm+qP}nb4}Z}ZJYnzr@i~X!YRC4ifE&j*`jBDqema4 z3L;{(jC9OUq@!1Hg-~n+3g}`1qiloE=RJY@pn;TU2H376lM^?H}vbh$WoYGrmtiP~th73rX$UkjOC%xm~Ok zhV#r^|0bp0B0msLOu3(2Z?ey_3rQkS@gBQvtFkXASrNOAUWf_E-OqL+)2k&H_wJDf zwive5q`nH|M>3gHXE!NP)2rz|-@P9n7cG}fP+$^^QEA&$hS`l8u&?N@zH}u=D_T~` zO6o27Kv|Lo-S>c;dgcYPXhH*E)`YOU!w^W62xcpGfK9c~U#dWfVMWz;|CVeY5dezR 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1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Added copyright and revision information +// Added ANNcoordPrec for coordinate precision. +// Added methods theDim, nPoints, maxPoints, thePoints to ANNpointSet. +// Cleaned up C++ structure for modern compilers +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Added fixed-radius k-NN searching +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANN - approximate nearest neighbor searching +// ANN is a library for approximate nearest neighbor searching, +// based on the use of standard and priority search in kd-trees +// and balanced box-decomposition (bbd) trees. Here are some +// references to the main algorithmic techniques used here: +// +// kd-trees: +// Friedman, Bentley, and Finkel, ``An algorithm for finding +// best matches in logarithmic expected time,'' ACM +// Transactions on Mathematical Software, 3(3):209-226, 1977. +// +// Priority search in kd-trees: +// Arya and Mount, ``Algorithms for fast vector quantization,'' +// Proc. of DCC '93: Data Compression Conference, eds. J. A. +// Storer and M. Cohn, IEEE Press, 1993, 381-390. +// +// Approximate nearest neighbor search and bbd-trees: +// Arya, Mount, Netanyahu, Silverman, and Wu, ``An optimal +// algorithm for approximate nearest neighbor searching,'' +// 5th Ann. ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, +// 1994, 573-582. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_H +#define ANN_H + +#ifdef WIN32 +/* XXX for Destroy FX, since we don't build ANN as a DLL but instead + include it within our own DLLs, perhaps we should turn off ANN exports? */ + //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // For Microsoft Visual C++, externally accessible symbols must be + // explicitly indicated with DLL_API, which is somewhat like "extern." + // + // The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros + // which make exporting from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL + // are compiled with the DLL_EXPORTS preprocessor symbol defined on the + // command line. In contrast, projects that use (or import) the DLL + // objects do not define the DLL_EXPORTS symbol. This way any other + // project whose source files include this file see DLL_API functions as + // being imported from a DLL, wheras this DLL sees symbols defined with + // this macro as being exported. + //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + #ifdef DLL_EXPORTS + #define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport) + #else + #define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport) + #endif + //---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // DLL_API is ignored for all other systems + //---------------------------------------------------------------------- +#else + #define DLL_API +#endif + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// basic includes +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // math includes +#include // I/O streams + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Limits +// There are a number of places where we use the maximum double value as +// default initializers (and others may be used, depending on the +// data/distance representation). These can usually be found in limits.h +// (as LONG_MAX, INT_MAX) or in float.h (as DBL_MAX, FLT_MAX). +// +// Not all systems have these files. If you are using such a system, +// you should set the preprocessor symbol ANN_NO_LIMITS_H when +// compiling, and modify the statements below to generate the +// appropriate value. For practical purposes, this does not need to be +// the maximum double value. It is sufficient that it be at least as +// large than the maximum squared distance between between any two +// points. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef ANN_NO_LIMITS_H // limits.h unavailable + #include // replacement for limits.h + const double ANN_DBL_MAX = MAXDOUBLE; // insert maximum double +#else + #include + #include + const double ANN_DBL_MAX = DBL_MAX; +#endif + +#define ANNversion "1.1.1" // ANN version and information +#define ANNversionCmt "(destroyfx minifork)" +#define ANNcopyright "David M. Mount and Sunil Arya" +#define ANNlatestRev "Aug 4, 2006" + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANNbool +// This is a simple boolean type. Although ANSI C++ is supposed +// to support the type bool, some compilers do not have it. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +enum ANNbool {ANNfalse = 0, ANNtrue = 1}; // ANN boolean type (non ANSI C++) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANNcoord, ANNdist +// ANNcoord and ANNdist are the types used for representing +// point coordinates and distances. They can be modified by the +// user, with some care. It is assumed that they are both numeric +// types, and that ANNdist is generally of an equal or higher type +// from ANNcoord. A variable of type ANNdist should be large +// enough to store the sum of squared components of a variable +// of type ANNcoord for the number of dimensions needed in the +// application. For example, the following combinations are +// legal: +// +// ANNcoord ANNdist +// --------- ------------------------------- +// short short, int, long, float, double +// int int, long, float, double +// long long, float, double +// float float, double +// double double +// +// It is the user's responsibility to make sure that overflow does +// not occur in distance calculation. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +/* For Destroy FX, we rarely need double precision, since + samples are only single precision in the first place. + Plus DFX is lo-fi. +*/ +typedef float ANNcoord; // coordinate data type +typedef float ANNdist; // distance data type + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANNidx +// ANNidx is a point index. When the data structure is built, the +// points are given as an array. Nearest neighbor results are +// returned as an integer index into this array. To make it +// clearer when this is happening, we define the integer type +// ANNidx. Indexing starts from 0. +// +// For fixed-radius near neighbor searching, it is possible that +// there are not k nearest neighbors within the search radius. To +// indicate this, the algorithm returns ANN_NULL_IDX as its result. +// It should be distinguishable from any valid array index. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +typedef int ANNidx; // point index +const ANNidx ANN_NULL_IDX = -1; // a NULL point index + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Infinite distance: +// The code assumes that there is an "infinite distance" which it +// uses to initialize distances before performing nearest neighbor +// searches. It should be as larger or larger than any legitimate +// nearest neighbor distance. +// +// On most systems, these should be found in the standard include +// file or possibly . If you do not have these +// files, some suggested values are listed below, assuming 64-bit +// long, 32-bit int and 16-bit short. +// +// ANNdist ANN_DIST_INF Values (see or ) +// ------- ------------ ------------------------------------ +// double DBL_MAX 1.79769313486231570e+308 +// float FLT_MAX 3.40282346638528860e+38 +// long LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffff +// int INT_MAX 0x7fffffff +// short SHRT_MAX 0x7fff +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const ANNdist ANN_DIST_INF = FLT_MAX; // ANN_DBL_MAX; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Significant digits for tree dumps: +// When floating point coordinates are used, the routine that dumps +// a tree needs to know roughly how many significant digits there +// are in a ANNcoord, so it can output points to full precision. +// This is defined to be ANNcoordPrec. On most systems these +// values can be found in the standard include files or +// . For integer types, the value is essentially ignored. +// +// ANNcoord ANNcoordPrec Values (see or ) +// -------- ------------ ------------------------------------ +// double DBL_DIG 15 +// float FLT_DIG 6 +// long doesn't matter 19 +// int doesn't matter 10 +// short doesn't matter 5 +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifdef DBL_DIG // number of sig. bits in ANNcoord + const int ANNcoordPrec = FLT_DIG; +#else + const int ANNcoordPrec = 6; // default precision +#endif + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Self match? +// In some applications, the nearest neighbor of a point is not +// allowed to be the point itself. This occurs, for example, when +// computing all nearest neighbors in a set. By setting the +// parameter ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH to ANNfalse, the nearest neighbor +// is the closest point whose distance from the query point is +// strictly positive. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +/* false here might make sense for Destroy FX, depending on the effect... */ + +const ANNbool ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH = ANNtrue; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Norms and metrics: +// ANN supports any Minkowski norm for defining distance. In +// particular, for any p >= 1, the L_p Minkowski norm defines the +// length of a d-vector (v0, v1, ..., v(d-1)) to be +// +// (|v0|^p + |v1|^p + ... + |v(d-1)|^p)^(1/p), +// +// (where ^ denotes exponentiation, and |.| denotes absolute +// value). The distance between two points is defined to be the +// norm of the vector joining them. Some common distance metrics +// include +// +// Euclidean metric p = 2 +// Manhattan metric p = 1 +// Max metric p = infinity +// +// In the case of the max metric, the norm is computed by taking +// the maxima of the absolute values of the components. ANN is +// highly "coordinate-based" and does not support general distances +// functions (e.g. those obeying just the triangle inequality). It +// also does not support distance functions based on +// inner-products. +// +// For the purpose of computing nearest neighbors, it is not +// necessary to compute the final power (1/p). Thus the only +// component that is used by the program is |v(i)|^p. +// +// ANN parameterizes the distance computation through the following +// macros. (Macros are used rather than procedures for +// efficiency.) Recall that the distance between two points is +// given by the length of the vector joining them, and the length +// or norm of a vector v is given by formula: +// +// |v| = ROOT(POW(v0) # POW(v1) # ... # POW(v(d-1))) +// +// where ROOT, POW are unary functions and # is an associative and +// commutative binary operator mapping the following types: +// +// ** POW: ANNcoord --> ANNdist +// ** #: ANNdist x ANNdist --> ANNdist +// ** ROOT: ANNdist (>0) --> double +// +// For early termination in distance calculation (partial distance +// calculation) we assume that POW and # together are monotonically +// increasing on sequences of arguments, meaning that for all +// v0..vk and y: +// +// POW(v0) #...# POW(vk) <= (POW(v0) #...# POW(vk)) # POW(y). +// +// Incremental Distance Calculation: +// The program uses an optimized method of computing distances for +// kd-trees and bd-trees, called incremental distance calculation. +// It is used when distances are to be updated when only a single +// coordinate of a point has been changed. In order to use this, +// we assume that there is an incremental update function DIFF(x,y) +// for #, such that if: +// +// s = x0 # ... # xi # ... # xk +// +// then if s' is equal to s but with xi replaced by y, that is, +// +// s' = x0 # ... # y # ... # xk +// +// then the length of s' can be computed by: +// +// |s'| = |s| # DIFF(xi,y). +// +// Thus, if # is + then DIFF(xi,y) is (yi-x). For the L_infinity +// norm we make use of the fact that in the program this function +// is only invoked when y > xi, and hence DIFF(xi,y)=y. +// +// Finally, for approximate nearest neighbor queries we assume +// that POW and ROOT are related such that +// +// v*ROOT(x) = ROOT(POW(v)*x) +// +// Here are the values for the various Minkowski norms: +// +// L_p: p even: p odd: +// ------------------------- ------------------------ +// POW(v) = v^p POW(v) = |v|^p +// ROOT(x) = x^(1/p) ROOT(x) = x^(1/p) +// # = + # = + +// DIFF(x,y) = y - x DIFF(x,y) = y - x +// +// L_inf: +// POW(v) = |v| +// ROOT(x) = x +// # = max +// DIFF(x,y) = y +// +// By default the Euclidean norm is assumed. To change the norm, +// uncomment the appropriate set of macros below. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Use the following for the Euclidean norm +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +#define ANN_POW(v) ((v)*(v)) +#define ANN_ROOT(x) sqrt(x) +#define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) + (y)) +#define ANN_DIFF(x,y) ((y) - (x)) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Use the following for the L_1 (Manhattan) norm +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// #define ANN_POW(v) fabs(v) +// #define ANN_ROOT(x) (x) +// #define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) + (y)) +// #define ANN_DIFF(x,y) ((y) - (x)) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Use the following for a general L_p norm +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// #define ANN_POW(v) pow(fabs(v),p) +// #define ANN_ROOT(x) pow(fabs(x),1/p) +// #define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) + (y)) +// #define ANN_DIFF(x,y) ((y) - (x)) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Use the following for the L_infinity (Max) norm +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// #define ANN_POW(v) fabs(v) +// #define ANN_ROOT(x) (x) +// #define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) +// #define ANN_DIFF(x,y) (y) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Array types +// The following array types are of basic interest. A point is +// just a dimensionless array of coordinates, a point array is a +// dimensionless array of points. A distance array is a +// dimensionless array of distances and an index array is a +// dimensionless array of point indices. The latter two are used +// when returning the results of k-nearest neighbor queries. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +typedef ANNcoord* ANNpoint; // a point +typedef ANNpoint* ANNpointArray; // an array of points +typedef ANNdist* ANNdistArray; // an array of distances +typedef ANNidx* ANNidxArray; // an array of point indices + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Basic point and array utilities: +// The following procedures are useful supplements to ANN's nearest +// neighbor capabilities. +// +// annDist(): +// Computes the (squared) distance between a pair of points. +// Note that this routine is not used internally by ANN for +// computing distance calculations. For reasons of efficiency +// this is done using incremental distance calculation. Thus, +// this routine cannot be modified as a method of changing the +// metric. +// +// Points (somewhat like strings in C) are stored as +// pointers. Consequently, creating and destroying copies of +// points may require storage allocation. These procedures do +// this. +// +// annAllocPt() and annDeallocPt(): +// Allocate and deallocate storage for a single point, and +// return a pointer to it. The argument to AllocPt() is +// used to initialize all components. +// +// annAllocPts() and annDeallocPts(): +// Allocate and deallocate an array of points as well a +// place to store their coordinates, and initializes the +// points to point to their respective coordinates. It +// allocates point storage in a contiguous block large +// enough to store all the points. It performs no +// initialization. +// +// annCopyPt(): +// Creates a copy of a given point, allocating space for +// the new point. It returns a pointer to the newly +// allocated copy. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DLL_API ANNdist annDist( + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNpoint p, // points + ANNpoint q); + +DLL_API ANNpoint annAllocPt( + int dim, // dimension + ANNcoord c = 0); // coordinate value (all equal) + +DLL_API ANNpointArray annAllocPts( + int n, // number of points + int dim); // dimension + +DLL_API void annDeallocPt( + ANNpoint &p); // deallocate 1 point + +DLL_API void annDeallocPts( + ANNpointArray &pa); // point array + +DLL_API ANNpoint annCopyPt( + int dim, // dimension + ANNpoint source); // point to copy + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +//Overall structure: ANN supports a number of different data structures +//for approximate and exact nearest neighbor searching. These are: +// +// ANNbruteForce A simple brute-force search structure. +// ANNkd_tree A kd-tree tree search structure. ANNbd_tree +// A bd-tree tree search structure (a kd-tree with shrink +// capabilities). +// +// At a minimum, each of these data structures support k-nearest +// neighbor queries. The nearest neighbor query, annkSearch, +// returns an integer identifier and the distance to the nearest +// neighbor(s) and annRangeSearch returns the nearest points that +// lie within a given query ball. +// +// Each structure is built by invoking the appropriate constructor +// and passing it (at a minimum) the array of points, the total +// number of points and the dimension of the space. Each structure +// is also assumed to support a destructor and member functions +// that return basic information about the point set. +// +// Note that the array of points is not copied by the data +// structure (for reasons of space efficiency), and it is assumed +// to be constant throughout the lifetime of the search structure. +// +// The search algorithm, annkSearch, is given the query point (q), +// and the desired number of nearest neighbors to report (k), and +// the error bound (eps) (whose default value is 0, implying exact +// nearest neighbors). It returns two arrays which are assumed to +// contain at least k elements: one (nn_idx) contains the indices +// (within the point array) of the nearest neighbors and the other +// (dd) contains the squared distances to these nearest neighbors. +// +// The search algorithm, annkFRSearch, is a fixed-radius kNN +// search. In addition to a query point, it is given a (squared) +// radius bound. (This is done for consistency, because the search +// returns distances as squared quantities.) It does two things. +// First, it computes the k nearest neighbors within the radius +// bound, and second, it returns the total number of points lying +// within the radius bound. It is permitted to set k = 0, in which +// case it effectively answers a range counting query. If the +// error bound epsilon is positive, then the search is approximate +// in the sense that it is free to ignore any point that lies +// outside a ball of radius r/(1+epsilon), where r is the given +// (unsquared) radius bound. +// +// The generic object from which all the search structures are +// dervied is given below. It is a virtual object, and is useless +// by itself. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class DLL_API ANNpointSet { +public: + virtual ~ANNpointSet() {} // virtual distructor + + virtual void annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search + ANNpoint q, // query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0 // error bound + ) = 0; // pure virtual (defined elsewhere) + + virtual int annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search + ANNpoint q, // query point + ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius + int k = 0, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx = NULL, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd = NULL, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0 // error bound + ) = 0; // pure virtual (defined elsewhere) + + virtual int theDim() = 0; // return dimension of space + virtual int nPoints() = 0; // return number of points + // return pointer to points + virtual ANNpointArray thePoints() = 0; +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Brute-force nearest neighbor search: +// The brute-force search structure is very simple but inefficient. +// It has been provided primarily for the sake of comparison with +// and validation of the more complex search structures. +// +// Query processing is the same as described above, but the value +// of epsilon is ignored, since all distance calculations are +// performed exactly. +// +// WARNING: This data structure is very slow, and should not be +// used unless the number of points is very small. +// +// Internal information: +// --------------------- +// This data structure bascially consists of the array of points +// (each a pointer to an array of coordinates). The search is +// performed by a simple linear scan of all the points. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class DLL_API ANNbruteForce: public ANNpointSet { + int dim; // dimension + int n_pts; // number of points + ANNpointArray pts; // point array +public: + ANNbruteForce( // constructor from point array + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + int n, // number of points + int dd); // dimension + + ~ANNbruteForce(); // destructor + + void annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search + ANNpoint q, // query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0); // error bound + + int annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search + ANNpoint q, // query point + ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius + int k = 0, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx = NULL, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd = NULL, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0); // error bound + + int theDim() // return dimension of space + { return dim; } + + int nPoints() // return number of points + { return n_pts; } + + ANNpointArray thePoints() // return pointer to points + { return pts; } +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd- and bd-tree splitting and shrinking rules +// kd-trees supports a collection of different splitting rules. +// In addition to the standard kd-tree splitting rule proposed +// by Friedman, Bentley, and Finkel, we have introduced a +// number of other splitting rules, which seem to perform +// as well or better (for the distributions we have tested). +// +// The splitting methods given below allow the user to tailor +// the data structure to the particular data set. They are +// are described in greater details in the source +// file. The method ANN_KD_SUGGEST is the method chosen (rather +// subjectively) by the implementors as the one giving the +// fastest performance, and is the default splitting method. +// +// As with splitting rules, there are a number of different +// shrinking rules. The shrinking rule ANN_BD_NONE does no +// shrinking (and hence produces a kd-tree tree). The rule +// ANN_BD_SUGGEST uses the implementors favorite rule. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +enum ANNsplitRule { + ANN_KD_STD = 0, // the optimized kd-splitting rule + ANN_KD_MIDPT = 1, // midpoint split + ANN_KD_FAIR = 2, // fair split + ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT = 3, // sliding midpoint splitting method + ANN_KD_SL_FAIR = 4, // sliding fair split method + ANN_KD_SUGGEST = 5}; // the authors' suggestion for best +const int ANN_N_SPLIT_RULES = 6; // number of split rules + +enum ANNshrinkRule { + ANN_BD_NONE = 0, // no shrinking at all (just kd-tree) + ANN_BD_SIMPLE = 1, // simple splitting + ANN_BD_CENTROID = 2, // centroid splitting + ANN_BD_SUGGEST = 3}; // the authors' suggested choice +const int ANN_N_SHRINK_RULES = 4; // number of shrink rules + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd-tree: +// The main search data structure supported by ANN is a kd-tree. +// The main constructor is given a set of points and a choice of +// splitting method to use in building the tree. +// +// Construction: +// ------------- +// The constructor is given the point array, number of points, +// dimension, bucket size (default = 1), and the splitting rule +// (default = ANN_KD_SUGGEST). The point array is not copied, and +// is assumed to be kept constant throughout the lifetime of the +// search structure. There is also a "load" constructor that +// builds a tree from a file description that was created by the +// Dump operation. +// +// Search: +// ------- +// There are two search methods: +// +// Standard search (annkSearch()): +// Searches nodes in tree-traversal order, always visiting +// the closer child first. +// Priority search (annkPriSearch()): +// Searches nodes in order of increasing distance of the +// associated cell from the query point. For many +// distributions the standard search seems to work just +// fine, but priority search is safer for worst-case +// performance. +// +// Printing: +// --------- +// There are two methods provided for printing the tree. Print() +// is used to produce a "human-readable" display of the tree, with +// indenation, which is handy for debugging. Dump() produces a +// format that is suitable reading by another program. There is a +// "load" constructor, which constructs a tree which is assumed to +// have been saved by the Dump() procedure. +// +// Performance and Structure Statistics: +// ------------------------------------- +// The procedure getStats() collects statistics information on the +// tree (its size, height, etc.) See ANNperf.h for information on +// the stats structure it returns. +// +// Internal information: +// --------------------- +// The data structure consists of three major chunks of storage. +// The first (implicit) storage are the points themselves (pts), +// which have been provided by the users as an argument to the +// constructor, or are allocated dynamically if the tree is built +// using the load constructor). These should not be changed during +// the lifetime of the search structure. It is the user's +// responsibility to delete these after the tree is destroyed. +// +// The second is the tree itself (which is dynamically allocated in +// the constructor) and is given as a pointer to its root node +// (root). These nodes are automatically deallocated when the tree +// is deleted. See the file src/kd_tree.h for further information +// on the structure of the tree nodes. +// +// Each leaf of the tree does not contain a pointer directly to a +// point, but rather contains a pointer to a "bucket", which is an +// array consisting of point indices. The third major chunk of +// storage is an array (pidx), which is a large array in which all +// these bucket subarrays reside. (The reason for storing them +// separately is the buckets are typically small, but of varying +// sizes. This was done to avoid fragmentation.) This array is +// also deallocated when the tree is deleted. +// +// In addition to this, the tree consists of a number of other +// pieces of information which are used in searching and for +// subsequent tree operations. These consist of the following: +// +// dim Dimension of space +// n_pts Number of points currently in the tree +// n_max Maximum number of points that are allowed +// in the tree +// bkt_size Maximum bucket size (no. of points per leaf) +// bnd_box_lo Bounding box low point +// bnd_box_hi Bounding box high point +// splitRule Splitting method used +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Some types and objects used by kd-tree functions +// See src/kd_tree.h and src/kd_tree.cpp for definitions +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +class ANNkdStats; // stats on kd-tree +class ANNkd_node; // generic node in a kd-tree +typedef ANNkd_node* ANNkd_ptr; // pointer to a kd-tree node + +class DLL_API ANNkd_tree: public ANNpointSet { +protected: + int dim; // dimension of space + int n_pts; // number of points in tree + int bkt_size; // bucket size + ANNpointArray pts; // the points + ANNidxArray pidx; // point indices (to pts array) + ANNkd_ptr root; // root of kd-tree + ANNpoint bnd_box_lo; // bounding box low point + ANNpoint bnd_box_hi; // bounding box high point + + void SkeletonTree( // construct skeleton tree + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs, // bucket size + ANNpointArray pa = NULL, // point array (optional) + ANNidxArray pi = NULL); // point indices (optional) + +public: + ANNkd_tree( // build skeleton tree + int n = 0, // number of points + int dd = 0, // dimension + int bs = 1); // bucket size + + ANNkd_tree( // build from point array + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs = 1, // bucket size + ANNsplitRule split = ANN_KD_SUGGEST); // splitting method + + ANNkd_tree( // build from dump file + std::istream& in); // input stream for dump file + + ~ANNkd_tree(); // tree destructor + + void annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search + ANNpoint q, // query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0); // error bound + + void annkPriSearch( // priority k near neighbor search + ANNpoint q, // query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0); // error bound + + int annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search + ANNpoint q, // the query point + ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius of query ball + int k, // number of neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx = NULL, // nearest neighbor array (modified) + ANNdistArray dd = NULL, // dist to near neighbors (modified) + double eps=0.0); // error bound + + int theDim() // return dimension of space + { return dim; } + + int nPoints() // return number of points + { return n_pts; } + + ANNpointArray thePoints() // return pointer to points + { return pts; } + + virtual void Print( // print the tree (for debugging) + ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well? + std::ostream& out); // output stream + + virtual void Dump( // dump entire tree + ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well? + std::ostream& out); // output stream + + virtual void getStats( // compute tree statistics + ANNkdStats& st); // the statistics (modified) +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Box decomposition tree (bd-tree) +// The bd-tree is inherited from a kd-tree. The main difference +// in the bd-tree and the kd-tree is a new type of internal node +// called a shrinking node (in the kd-tree there is only one type +// of internal node, a splitting node). The shrinking node +// makes it possible to generate balanced trees in which the +// cells have bounded aspect ratio, by allowing the decomposition +// to zoom in on regions of dense point concentration. Although +// this is a nice idea in theory, few point distributions are so +// densely clustered that this is really needed. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class DLL_API ANNbd_tree: public ANNkd_tree { +public: + ANNbd_tree( // build skeleton tree + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs = 1) // bucket size + : ANNkd_tree(n, dd, bs) {} // build base kd-tree + + ANNbd_tree( // build from point array + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs = 1, // bucket size + ANNsplitRule split = ANN_KD_SUGGEST, // splitting rule + ANNshrinkRule shrink = ANN_BD_SUGGEST); // shrinking rule + + ANNbd_tree( // build from dump file + std::istream& in); // input stream for dump file +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Other functions +// annMaxPtsVisit Sets a limit on the maximum number of points +// to visit in the search. +// annClose Can be called when all use of ANN is finished. +// It clears up a minor memory leak. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DLL_API void annMaxPtsVisit( // max. pts to visit in search + int maxPts); // the limit + +DLL_API void annClose(); // called to end use of ANN + +#endif diff --git a/ann/include/ANN/ANNperf.h b/ann/include/ANN/ANNperf.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33fa849a --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/include/ANN/ANNperf.h @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: ANNperf.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Last modified: 03/04/98 (Release 0.1) +// Description: Include file for ANN performance stats +// +// Some of the code for statistics gathering has been adapted +// from the SmplStat.h package in the g++ library. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Added ANN_ prefix to avoid name conflicts. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANNperf_H +#define ANNperf_H + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// basic includes +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // basic ANN includes + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd-tree stats object +// This object is used for collecting information about a kd-tree +// or bd-tree. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNkdStats { // stats on kd-tree +public: + int dim; // dimension of space + int n_pts; // no. of points + int bkt_size; // bucket size + int n_lf; // no. of leaves (including trivial) + int n_tl; // no. of trivial leaves (no points) + int n_spl; // no. of splitting nodes + int n_shr; // no. of shrinking nodes (for bd-trees) + int depth; // depth of tree + float sum_ar; // sum of leaf aspect ratios + float avg_ar; // average leaf aspect ratio + // + // reset stats + void reset(int d=0, int n=0, int bs=0) + { + dim = d; n_pts = n; bkt_size = bs; + n_lf = n_tl = n_spl = n_shr = depth = 0; + sum_ar = avg_ar = 0.0; + } + + ANNkdStats() // basic constructor + { reset(); } + + void merge(const ANNkdStats &st); // merge stats from child +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANNsampStat +// A sample stat collects numeric (double) samples and returns some +// simple statistics. Its main functions are: +// +// reset() Reset to no samples. +// += x Include sample x. +// samples() Return number of samples. +// mean() Return mean of samples. +// stdDev() Return standard deviation +// min() Return minimum of samples. +// max() Return maximum of samples. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +class DLL_API ANNsampStat { + int n; // number of samples + double sum; // sum + double sum2; // sum of squares + double minVal, maxVal; // min and max +public : + void reset() // reset everything + { + n = 0; + sum = sum2 = 0; + minVal = ANN_DBL_MAX; + maxVal = -ANN_DBL_MAX; + } + + ANNsampStat() { reset(); } // constructor + + void operator+=(double x) // add sample + { + n++; sum += x; sum2 += x*x; + if (x < minVal) minVal = x; + if (x > maxVal) maxVal = x; + } + + int samples() { return n; } // number of samples + + double mean() { return sum/n; } // mean + + // standard deviation + double stdDev() { return sqrt((sum2 - (sum*sum)/n)/(n-1));} + + double min() { return minVal; } // minimum + double max() { return maxVal; } // maximum +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Operation count updates +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifdef ANN_PERF + #define ANN_FLOP(n) {ann_Nfloat_ops += (n);} + #define ANN_LEAF(n) {ann_Nvisit_lfs += (n);} + #define ANN_SPL(n) {ann_Nvisit_spl += (n);} + #define ANN_SHR(n) {ann_Nvisit_shr += (n);} + #define ANN_PTS(n) {ann_Nvisit_pts += (n);} + #define ANN_COORD(n) {ann_Ncoord_hts += (n);} +#else + #define ANN_FLOP(n) + #define ANN_LEAF(n) + #define ANN_SPL(n) + #define ANN_SHR(n) + #define ANN_PTS(n) + #define ANN_COORD(n) +#endif + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Performance statistics +// The following data and routines are used for computing performance +// statistics for nearest neighbor searching. Because these routines +// can slow the code down, they can be activated and deactiviated by +// defining the ANN_PERF variable, by compiling with the option: +// -DANN_PERF +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global counters for performance measurement +// +// visit_lfs The number of leaf nodes visited in the +// tree. +// +// visit_spl The number of splitting nodes visited in the +// tree. +// +// visit_shr The number of shrinking nodes visited in the +// tree. +// +// visit_pts The number of points visited in all the +// leaf nodes visited. Equivalently, this +// is the number of points for which distance +// calculations are performed. +// +// coord_hts The number of times a coordinate of a +// data point is accessed. This is generally +// less than visit_pts*d if partial distance +// calculation is used. This count is low +// in the sense that if a coordinate is hit +// many times in the same routine we may +// count it only once. +// +// float_ops The number of floating point operations. +// This includes all operations in the heap +// as well as distance calculations to boxes. +// +// average_err The average error of each query (the +// error of the reported point to the true +// nearest neighbor). For k nearest neighbors +// the error is computed k times. +// +// rank_err The rank error of each query (the difference +// in the rank of the reported point and its +// true rank). +// +// data_pts The number of data points. This is not +// a counter, but used in stats computation. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +extern int ann_Ndata_pts; // number of data points +extern int ann_Nvisit_lfs; // number of leaf nodes visited +extern int ann_Nvisit_spl; // number of splitting nodes visited +extern int ann_Nvisit_shr; // number of shrinking nodes visited +extern int ann_Nvisit_pts; // visited points for one query +extern int ann_Ncoord_hts; // coordinate hits for one query +extern int ann_Nfloat_ops; // floating ops for one query +extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_lfs; // stats on leaf nodes visits +extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_spl; // stats on splitting nodes visits +extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_shr; // stats on shrinking nodes visits +extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_nds; // stats on total nodes visits +extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_pts; // stats on points visited +extern ANNsampStat ann_coord_hts; // stats on coordinate hits +extern ANNsampStat ann_float_ops; // stats on floating ops +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The following need to be part of the public interface, because +// they are accessed outside the DLL in ann_test.cpp. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +DLL_API extern ANNsampStat ann_average_err; // average error +DLL_API extern ANNsampStat ann_rank_err; // rank error + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Declaration of externally accessible routines for statistics +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DLL_API void annResetStats(int data_size); // reset stats for a set of queries + +DLL_API void annResetCounts(); // reset counts for one queries + +DLL_API void annUpdateStats(); // update stats with current counts + +DLL_API void annPrintStats(ANNbool validate); // print statistics for a run + +#endif diff --git a/ann/include/ANN/ANNx.h b/ann/include/ANN/ANNx.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c64cdeb --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/include/ANN/ANNx.h @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: ANNx.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Last modified: 03/04/98 (Release 0.1) +// Description: Internal include file for ANN +// +// These declarations are of use in manipulating some of +// the internal data objects appearing in ANN, but are not +// needed for applications just using the nearest neighbor +// search. +// +// Typical users of ANN should not need to access this file. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Changed LO, HI, IN, OUT to ANN_LO, ANN_HI, etc. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANNx_H +#define ANNx_H + +#include // I/O manipulators +#include // ANN includes + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global constants and types +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +enum {ANN_LO=0, ANN_HI=1}; // splitting indices +enum {ANN_IN=0, ANN_OUT=1}; // shrinking indices + // what to do in case of error +enum ANNerr {ANNwarn = 0, ANNabort = 1}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Maximum number of points to visit +// We have an option for terminating the search early if the +// number of points visited exceeds some threshold. If the +// threshold is 0 (its default) this means there is no limit +// and the algorithm applies its normal termination condition. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +extern int ANNmaxPtsVisited; // maximum number of pts visited +extern int ANNptsVisited; // number of pts visited in search + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global function declarations +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annError( // ANN error routine + char *msg, // error message + ANNerr level); // level of error + +void annPrintPt( // print a point + ANNpoint pt, // the point + int dim, // the dimension + std::ostream &out); // output stream + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Orthogonal (axis aligned) rectangle +// Orthogonal rectangles are represented by two points, one +// for the lower left corner (min coordinates) and the other +// for the upper right corner (max coordinates). +// +// The constructor initializes from either a pair of coordinates, +// pair of points, or another rectangle. Note that all constructors +// allocate new point storage. The destructor deallocates this +// storage. +// +// BEWARE: Orthogonal rectangles should be passed ONLY BY REFERENCE. +// (C++'s default copy constructor will not allocate new point +// storage, then on return the destructor free's storage, and then +// you get into big trouble in the calling procedure.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNorthRect { +public: + ANNpoint lo; // rectangle lower bounds + ANNpoint hi; // rectangle upper bounds +// + ANNorthRect( // basic constructor + int dd, // dimension of space + ANNcoord l=0, // default is empty + ANNcoord h=0) + { lo = annAllocPt(dd, l); hi = annAllocPt(dd, h); } + + ANNorthRect( // (almost a) copy constructor + int dd, // dimension + const ANNorthRect &r) // rectangle to copy + { lo = annCopyPt(dd, r.lo); hi = annCopyPt(dd, r.hi); } + + ANNorthRect( // construct from points + int dd, // dimension + ANNpoint l, // low point + ANNpoint h) // hight point + { lo = annCopyPt(dd, l); hi = annCopyPt(dd, h); } + + ~ANNorthRect() // destructor + { annDeallocPt(lo); annDeallocPt(hi); } + + ANNbool inside(int dim, ANNpoint p);// is point p inside rectangle? +}; + +void annAssignRect( // assign one rect to another + int dim, // dimension (both must be same) + ANNorthRect &dest, // destination (modified) + const ANNorthRect &source); // source + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Orthogonal (axis aligned) halfspace +// An orthogonal halfspace is represented by an integer cutting +// dimension cd, coordinate cutting value, cv, and side, sd, which is +// either +1 or -1. Our convention is that point q lies in the (closed) +// halfspace if (q[cd] - cv)*sd >= 0. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNorthHalfSpace { +public: + int cd; // cutting dimension + ANNcoord cv; // cutting value + int sd; // which side +// + ANNorthHalfSpace() // default constructor + { cd = 0; cv = 0; sd = 0; } + + ANNorthHalfSpace( // basic constructor + int cdd, // dimension of space + ANNcoord cvv, // cutting value + int sdd) // side + { cd = cdd; cv = cvv; sd = sdd; } + + ANNbool in(ANNpoint q) const // is q inside halfspace? + { return (ANNbool) ((q[cd] - cv)*sd >= 0); } + + ANNbool out(ANNpoint q) const // is q outside halfspace? + { return (ANNbool) ((q[cd] - cv)*sd < 0); } + + ANNdist dist(ANNpoint q) const // (squared) distance from q + { return (ANNdist) ANN_POW(q[cd] - cv); } + + void setLowerBound(int d, ANNpoint p)// set to lower bound at p[i] + { cd = d; cv = p[d]; sd = +1; } + + void setUpperBound(int d, ANNpoint p)// set to upper bound at p[i] + { cd = d; cv = p[d]; sd = -1; } + + void project(ANNpoint &q) // project q (modified) onto halfspace + { if (out(q)) q[cd] = cv; } +}; + + // array of halfspaces +typedef ANNorthHalfSpace *ANNorthHSArray; + +#endif diff --git a/ann/sample/Makefile b/ann/sample/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360579e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/sample/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile for the sample program +# +# ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +# Version: 1.1.1 08/04/06 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +# David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +# +# This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +# Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +# the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +# file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +# +# The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +# representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +# any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +# warranty. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +# Initial release +# Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +# Added copyright/license +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Note: For full performance measurements, it is assumed that the library +# and this program have both been compiled with the -DPERF flag. See the +# Makefile in the ANN base directory for this flag. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Basic definitions +# BASEDIR where include, src, lib, ... are +# INCDIR include directory +# LIBDIR library directory +# BINDIR bin directory +# LDFLAGS loader flags +# ANNLIBS libraries +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BASEDIR = .. +INCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/include +LIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)/lib +BINDIR = $(BASEDIR)/bin +LDFLAGS = -L$(LIBDIR) +ANNLIBS = -lANN -lm + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Some more definitions +# ANNSAMP name of sample program +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNSAMP = ann_sample + +SAMPSOURCES = ann_sample.cpp +SAMPOBJECTS = $(SAMPSOURCES:.cpp=.o) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Make the program +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +default: + @echo "Specify a target configuration" + +targets: $(BINDIR)/$(ANNSAMP) + +$(BINDIR)/$(ANNSAMP): $(SAMPOBJECTS) $(LIBDIR)/$(ANNLIB) + $(C++) $(SAMPOBJECTS) -o $(ANNSAMP) $(LDFLAGS) $(ANNLIBS) + mv $(ANNSAMP) $(BINDIR) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration definitions +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +include ../Make-config + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Objects +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ann_sample.o: ann_sample.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) ann_sample.cpp + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Cleaning +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +clean: + -rm -f *.o *.out core + +realclean: clean diff --git a/ann/sample/ann_sample.cpp b/ann/sample/ann_sample.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5506376f --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/sample/ann_sample.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: ann_sample.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Last modified: 03/04/98 (Release 0.1) +// Description: Sample program for ANN +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // C standard library +#include // C I/O (for sscanf) +#include // string manipulation +#include // file I/O +#include // ANN declarations + +using namespace std; // make std:: accessible + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ann_sample +// +// This is a simple sample program for the ANN library. After compiling, +// it can be run as follows. +// +// ann_sample [-d dim] [-max mpts] [-nn k] [-e eps] [-df data] [-qf query] +// +// where +// dim is the dimension of the space (default = 2) +// mpts maximum number of data points (default = 1000) +// k number of nearest neighbors per query (default 1) +// eps is the error bound (default = 0.0) +// data file containing data points +// query file containing query points +// +// Results are sent to the standard output. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Parameters that are set in getArgs() +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +void getArgs(int argc, char **argv); // get command-line arguments + +int k = 1; // number of nearest neighbors +int dim = 2; // dimension +double eps = 0; // error bound +int maxPts = 1000; // maximum number of data points + +istream* dataIn = NULL; // input for data points +istream* queryIn = NULL; // input for query points + +bool readPt(istream &in, ANNpoint p) // read point (false on EOF) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + if(!(in >> p[i])) return false; + } + return true; +} + +void printPt(ostream &out, ANNpoint p) // print point +{ + out << "(" << p[0]; + for (int i = 1; i < dim; i++) { + out << ", " << p[i]; + } + out << ")\n"; +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int nPts; // actual number of data points + ANNpointArray dataPts; // data points + ANNpoint queryPt; // query point + ANNidxArray nnIdx; // near neighbor indices + ANNdistArray dists; // near neighbor distances + ANNkd_tree* kdTree; // search structure + + getArgs(argc, argv); // read command-line arguments + + queryPt = annAllocPt(dim); // allocate query point + dataPts = annAllocPts(maxPts, dim); // allocate data points + nnIdx = new ANNidx[k]; // allocate near neigh indices + dists = new ANNdist[k]; // allocate near neighbor dists + + nPts = 0; // read data points + + cout << "Data Points:\n"; + while (nPts < maxPts && readPt(*dataIn, dataPts[nPts])) { + printPt(cout, dataPts[nPts]); + nPts++; + } + + kdTree = new ANNkd_tree( // build search structure + dataPts, // the data points + nPts, // number of points + dim); // dimension of space + + while (readPt(*queryIn, queryPt)) { // read query points + cout << "Query point: "; // echo query point + printPt(cout, queryPt); + + kdTree->annkSearch( // search + queryPt, // query point + k, // number of near neighbors + nnIdx, // nearest neighbors (returned) + dists, // distance (returned) + eps); // error bound + + cout << "\tNN:\tIndex\tDistance\n"; + for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // print summary + dists[i] = sqrt(dists[i]); // unsquare distance + cout << "\t" << i << "\t" << nnIdx[i] << "\t" << dists[i] << "\n"; + } + } + delete [] nnIdx; // clean things up + delete [] dists; + delete kdTree; + annClose(); // done with ANN + + return EXIT_SUCCESS; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// getArgs - get command line arguments +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void getArgs(int argc, char **argv) +{ + static ifstream dataStream; // data file stream + static ifstream queryStream; // query file stream + + if (argc <= 1) { // no arguments + cerr << "Usage:\n\n" + << " ann_sample [-d dim] [-max m] [-nn k] [-e eps] [-df data]" + " [-qf query]\n\n" + << " where:\n" + << " dim dimension of the space (default = 2)\n" + << " m maximum number of data points (default = 1000)\n" + << " k number of nearest neighbors per query (default 1)\n" + << " eps the error bound (default = 0.0)\n" + << " data name of file containing data points\n" + << " query name of file containing query points\n\n" + << " Results are sent to the standard output.\n" + << "\n" + << " To run this demo use:\n" + << " ann_sample -df data.pts -qf query.pts\n"; + exit(0); + } + int i = 1; + while (i < argc) { // read arguments + if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { // -d option + dim = atoi(argv[++i]); // get dimension to dump + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-max")) { // -max option + maxPts = atoi(argv[++i]); // get max number of points + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nn")) { // -nn option + k = atoi(argv[++i]); // get number of near neighbors + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-e")) { // -e option + sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &eps); // get error bound + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-df")) { // -df option +[++i], ios::in);// open data file + if (!dataStream) { + cerr << "Cannot open data file\n"; + exit(1); + } + dataIn = &dataStream; // make this the data stream + } + else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-qf")) { // -qf option +[++i], ios::in);// open query file + if (!queryStream) { + cerr << "Cannot open query file\n"; + exit(1); + } + queryIn = &queryStream; // make this query stream + } + else { // illegal syntax + cerr << "Unrecognized option.\n"; + exit(1); + } + i++; + } + if (dataIn == NULL || queryIn == NULL) { + cerr << "-df and -qf options must be specified\n"; + exit(1); + } +} diff --git a/ann/sample/data.pts b/ann/sample/data.pts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..191790d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/sample/data.pts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +-0.297462 0.176102 +0.565538 -0.361496 +0.909313 -0.182785 +0.920712 0.478408 +0.167682 0.0499836 +0.305223 -0.0805835 +0.114973 0.882453 +0.742916 0.16376 +0.0724605 -0.826775 +0.690960 -0.559284 +0.188485 -0.643934 +0.749427 -0.942415 +-0.970662 -0.223466 +0.916110 0.879597 +0.927417 -0.382593 +-0.711327 0.278713 +-0.519172 0.986146 +0.135338 0.924588 +-0.0837537 0.61687 +0.0520465 0.896306 diff --git a/ann/sample/query.pts b/ann/sample/query.pts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c04dbc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/sample/query.pts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0.0902484 -0.207129 +-0.419567 0.485743 +0.826225 -0.30962 +0.694758 0.987088 +-0.410807 -0.465182 +-0.836501 0.490184 +0.588289 0.656408 +0.325807 0.38721 +-0.532226 -0.727036 +-0.52506 -0.853508 diff --git a/ann/sample/ b/ann/sample/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8173a27 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/sample/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +Data Points: +(-0.297462, 0.176102) +(0.565538, -0.361496) +(0.909313, -0.182785) +(0.920712, 0.478408) +(0.167682, 0.0499836) +(0.305223, -0.0805835) +(0.114973, 0.882453) +(0.742916, 0.16376) +(0.0724605, -0.826775) +(0.69096, -0.559284) +(0.188485, -0.643934) +(0.749427, -0.942415) +(-0.970662, -0.223466) +(0.91611, 0.879597) +(0.927417, -0.382593) +(-0.711327, 0.278713) +(-0.519172, 0.986146) +(0.135338, 0.924588) +(-0.0837537, 0.61687) +(0.0520465, 0.896306) +Query point: (0.0902484, -0.207129) + NN: Index Distance + 0 5 0.249455 +Query point: (-0.419567, 0.485743) + NN: Index Distance + 0 0 0.332847 +Query point: (0.826225, -0.30962) + NN: Index Distance + 0 14 0.124759 +Query point: (0.694758, 0.987088) + NN: Index Distance + 0 13 0.246071 +Query point: (-0.410807, -0.465182) + NN: Index Distance + 0 8 0.60357 +Query point: (-0.836501, 0.490184) + NN: Index Distance + 0 15 0.245741 +Query point: (0.588289, 0.656408) + NN: Index Distance + 0 3 0.37708 +Query point: (0.325807, 0.38721) + NN: Index Distance + 0 4 0.372458 +Query point: (-0.532226, -0.727036) + NN: Index Distance + 0 8 0.612857 +Query point: (-0.52506, -0.853508) + NN: Index Distance + 0 8 0.598118 diff --git a/ann/src/ANN.cpp b/ann/src/ANN.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82f90f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/ANN.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: ANN.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Methods for ANN.h and ANNx.h +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Added performance counting to annDist() +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // all ANN includes +#include // ANN performance + +using namespace std; // make std:: accessible + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Point methods +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Distance utility. +// (Note: In the nearest neighbor search, most distances are +// computed using partial distance calculations, not this +// procedure.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNdist annDist( // interpoint squared distance + int dim, + ANNpoint p, + ANNpoint q) +{ + register int d; + register ANNcoord diff; + register ANNcoord dist; + + dist = 0; + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + diff = p[d] - q[d]; + dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(diff)); + } + ANN_FLOP(3*dim) // performance counts + ANN_PTS(1) + ANN_COORD(dim) + return dist; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annPrintPoint() prints a point to a given output stream. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annPrintPt( // print a point + ANNpoint pt, // the point + int dim, // the dimension + std::ostream &out) // output stream +{ + for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { + out << pt[j]; + if (j < dim-1) out << " "; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Point allocation/deallocation: +// +// Because points (somewhat like strings in C) are stored +// as pointers. Consequently, creating and destroying +// copies of points may require storage allocation. These +// procedures do this. +// +// annAllocPt() and annDeallocPt() allocate a deallocate +// storage for a single point, and return a pointer to it. +// +// annAllocPts() allocates an array of points as well a place +// to store their coordinates, and initializes the points to +// point to their respective coordinates. It allocates point +// storage in a contiguous block large enough to store all the +// points. It performs no initialization. +// +// annDeallocPts() should only be used on point arrays allocated +// by annAllocPts since it assumes that points are allocated in +// a block. +// +// annCopyPt() copies a point taking care to allocate storage +// for the new point. +// +// annAssignRect() assigns the coordinates of one rectangle to +// another. The two rectangles must have the same dimension +// (and it is not possible to test this here). +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNpoint annAllocPt(int dim, ANNcoord c) // allocate 1 point +{ + ANNpoint p = new ANNcoord[dim]; + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) p[i] = c; + return p; +} + +ANNpointArray annAllocPts(int n, int dim) // allocate n pts in dim +{ + ANNpointArray pa = new ANNpoint[n]; // allocate points + ANNpoint p = new ANNcoord[n*dim]; // allocate space for coords + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + pa[i] = &(p[i*dim]); + } + return pa; +} + +void annDeallocPt(ANNpoint &p) // deallocate 1 point +{ + delete [] p; + p = NULL; +} + +void annDeallocPts(ANNpointArray &pa) // deallocate points +{ + delete [] pa[0]; // dealloc coordinate storage + delete [] pa; // dealloc points + pa = NULL; +} + +ANNpoint annCopyPt(int dim, ANNpoint source) // copy point +{ + ANNpoint p = new ANNcoord[dim]; + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) p[i] = source[i]; + return p; +} + + // assign one rect to another +void annAssignRect(int dim, ANNorthRect &dest, const ANNorthRect &source) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + dest.lo[i] = source.lo[i]; + dest.hi[i] = source.hi[i]; + } +} + + // is point inside rectangle? +ANNbool ANNorthRect::inside(int dim, ANNpoint p) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + if (p[i] < lo[i] || p[i] > hi[i]) return ANNfalse; + } + return ANNtrue; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Error handler +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annError(char *msg, ANNerr level) +{ + if (level == ANNabort) { + cerr << "ANN: ERROR------->" << msg << "<-------------ERROR\n"; + exit(1); + } + else { + cerr << "ANN: WARNING----->" << msg << "<-------------WARNING\n"; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Limit on number of points visited +// We have an option for terminating the search early if the +// number of points visited exceeds some threshold. If the +// threshold is 0 (its default) this means there is no limit +// and the algorithm applies its normal termination condition. +// This is for applications where there are real time constraints +// on the running time of the algorithm. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int ANNmaxPtsVisited = 0; // maximum number of pts visited +int ANNptsVisited; // number of pts visited in search + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global function declarations +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annMaxPtsVisit( // set limit on max. pts to visit in search + int maxPts) // the limit +{ + ANNmaxPtsVisited = maxPts; +} diff --git a/ann/src/Makefile b/ann/src/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c8ec273 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile for ANN library +#---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +# David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +# +# This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +# Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +# the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +# file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +# +# The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +# representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +# any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +# warranty. +#---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# History: +# Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +# Initial release +# Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +# Renamed files from .cc to .cpp for Microsoft Visual C++ +# Added kd_dump.cpp +# Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +# Added kd_fix_rad_search.cpp and bd_fix_rad_search.cpp +#---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Some basic definitions: +# BASEDIR where include, src, lib, ... are +# INCLIB include directory +# LIBLIB library directory +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +BASEDIR = .. +INCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/include +LIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)/lib + +SOURCES = ANN.cpp brute.cpp kd_tree.cpp kd_util.cpp kd_split.cpp \ + kd_dump.cpp kd_search.cpp kd_pr_search.cpp kd_fix_rad_search.cpp \ + bd_tree.cpp bd_search.cpp bd_pr_search.cpp bd_fix_rad_search.cpp \ + perf.cpp + +HEADERS = kd_tree.h kd_split.h kd_util.h kd_search.h \ + kd_pr_search.h kd_fix_rad_search.h perf.h pr_queue.h pr_queue_k.h + +OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Make the library +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +default: + @echo "Specify a target configuration" + +targets: $(LIBDIR)/$(ANNLIB) + +$(LIBDIR)/$(ANNLIB): $(OBJECTS) + $(MAKELIB) $(ANNLIB) $(OBJECTS) + $(RANLIB) $(ANNLIB) + mv $(ANNLIB) $(LIBDIR) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Make object files +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANN.o: ANN.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) ANN.cpp + +brute.o: brute.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) brute.cpp + +kd_tree.o: kd_tree.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_tree.cpp + +kd_util.o: kd_util.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_util.cpp + +kd_split.o: kd_split.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_split.cpp + +kd_search.o: kd_search.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_search.cpp + +kd_pr_search.o: kd_pr_search.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_pr_search.cpp + +kd_fix_rad_search.o: kd_fix_rad_search.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_fix_rad_search.cpp + +kd_dump.o: kd_dump.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) kd_dump.cpp + +bd_tree.o: bd_tree.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) bd_tree.cpp + +bd_search.o: bd_search.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) bd_search.cpp + +bd_pr_search.o: bd_pr_search.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) bd_pr_search.cpp + +bd_fix_rad_search.o: bd_fix_rad_search.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) bd_fix_rad_search.cpp + +perf.o: perf.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) perf.cpp + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration definitions +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +include ../Make-config + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Cleaning +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +clean: + -rm -f *.o core + +realclean: clean + diff --git a/ann/src/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp b/ann/src/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dea3f6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: bd_fix_rad_search.cpp +// Programmer: David Mount +// Description: Standard bd-tree search +// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations +#include "kd_fix_rad_search.h" // kd-tree FR search declarations + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Approximate searching for bd-trees. +// See the file kd_FR_search.cpp for general information on the +// approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm. Here we +// include the extensions for shrinking nodes. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// bd_shrink::ann_FR_search - search a shrinking node +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNbd_shrink::ann_FR_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + // check dist calc term cond. + if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return; + + ANNdist inner_dist = 0; // distance to inner box + for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { // is query point in the box? + if (bnds[i].out(ANNkdFRQ)) { // outside this bounding side? + // add to inner distance + inner_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(inner_dist, bnds[i].dist(ANNkdFRQ)); + } + } + if (inner_dist <= box_dist) { // if inner box is closer + child[ANN_IN]->ann_FR_search(inner_dist);// search inner child first + child[ANN_OUT]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// ...then outer child + } + else { // if outer box is closer + child[ANN_OUT]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// search outer child first + child[ANN_IN]->ann_FR_search(inner_dist);// ...then outer child + } + ANN_FLOP(3*n_bnds) // increment floating ops + ANN_SHR(1) // one more shrinking node +} diff --git a/ann/src/bd_pr_search.cpp b/ann/src/bd_pr_search.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d16d6329 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/bd_pr_search.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: bd_pr_search.cpp +// Programmer: David Mount +// Description: Priority search for bd-trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +//History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations +#include "kd_pr_search.h" // kd priority search declarations + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Approximate priority searching for bd-trees. +// See the file for general information on the +// approximate nearest neighbor priority search algorithm. Here +// we include the extensions for shrinking nodes. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// bd_shrink::ann_search - search a shrinking node +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNbd_shrink::ann_pri_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + ANNdist inner_dist = 0; // distance to inner box + for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { // is query point in the box? + if (bnds[i].out(ANNprQ)) { // outside this bounding side? + // add to inner distance + inner_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(inner_dist, bnds[i].dist(ANNprQ)); + } + } + if (inner_dist <= box_dist) { // if inner box is closer + if (child[ANN_OUT] != KD_TRIVIAL) // enqueue outer if not trivial + ANNprBoxPQ->insert(box_dist,child[ANN_OUT]); + // continue with inner child + child[ANN_IN]->ann_pri_search(inner_dist); + } + else { // if outer box is closer + if (child[ANN_IN] != KD_TRIVIAL) // enqueue inner if not trivial + ANNprBoxPQ->insert(inner_dist,child[ANN_IN]); + // continue with outer child + child[ANN_OUT]->ann_pri_search(box_dist); + } + ANN_FLOP(3*n_bnds) // increment floating ops + ANN_SHR(1) // one more shrinking node +} diff --git a/ann/src/bd_search.cpp b/ann/src/bd_search.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f057018a --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/bd_search.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: bd_search.cpp +// Programmer: David Mount +// Description: Standard bd-tree search +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations +#include "kd_search.h" // kd-tree search declarations + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Approximate searching for bd-trees. +// See the file kd_search.cpp for general information on the +// approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm. Here we +// include the extensions for shrinking nodes. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// bd_shrink::ann_search - search a shrinking node +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNbd_shrink::ann_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + // check dist calc term cond. + if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return; + + ANNdist inner_dist = 0; // distance to inner box + for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { // is query point in the box? + if (bnds[i].out(ANNkdQ)) { // outside this bounding side? + // add to inner distance + inner_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(inner_dist, bnds[i].dist(ANNkdQ)); + } + } + if (inner_dist <= box_dist) { // if inner box is closer + child[ANN_IN]->ann_search(inner_dist); // search inner child first + child[ANN_OUT]->ann_search(box_dist); // ...then outer child + } + else { // if outer box is closer + child[ANN_OUT]->ann_search(box_dist); // search outer child first + child[ANN_IN]->ann_search(inner_dist); // ...then outer child + } + ANN_FLOP(3*n_bnds) // increment floating ops + ANN_SHR(1) // one more shrinking node +} diff --git a/ann/src/bd_tree.cpp b/ann/src/bd_tree.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0977dea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/bd_tree.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: bd_tree.cpp +// Programmer: David Mount +// Description: Basic methods for bd-trees. +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision l.0 04/01/05 +// Fixed centroid shrink threshold condition to depend on the +// dimension. +// Moved dump routine to kd_dump.cpp. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities +#include "kd_split.h" // kd-tree splitting rules + +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Printing a bd-tree +// These routines print a bd-tree. See the analogous procedure +// in kd_tree.cpp for more information. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNbd_shrink::print( // print shrinking node + int level, // depth of node in tree + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + child[ANN_OUT]->print(level+1, out); // print out-child + + out << " "; + for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) // print indentation + out << ".."; + out << "Shrink"; + for (int j = 0; j < n_bnds; j++) { // print sides, 2 per line + if (j % 2 == 0) { + out << "\n"; // newline and indentation + for (int i = 0; i < level+2; i++) out << " "; + } + out << " ([" << bnds[j].cd << "]" + << (bnds[j].sd > 0 ? ">=" : "< ") + << bnds[j].cv << ")"; + } + out << "\n"; + + child[ANN_IN]->print(level+1, out); // print in-child +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_tree statistics utility (for performance evaluation) +// This routine computes various statistics information for +// shrinking nodes. See file kd_tree.cpp for more information. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNbd_shrink::getStats( // get subtree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // stats (modified) + ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding box +{ + ANNkdStats ch_stats; // stats for children + ANNorthRect inner_box(dim); // inner box of shrink + + annBnds2Box(bnd_box, // enclosing box + dim, // dimension + n_bnds, // number of bounds + bnds, // bounds array + inner_box); // inner box (modified) + // get stats for inner child + ch_stats.reset(); // reset + child[ANN_IN]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, inner_box); + st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them + // get stats for outer child + ch_stats.reset(); // reset + child[ANN_OUT]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, bnd_box); + st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them + + st.depth++; // increment depth + st.n_shr++; // increment number of shrinks +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// bd-tree constructor +// This is the main constructor for bd-trees given a set of points. +// It first builds a skeleton kd-tree as a basis, then computes the +// bounding box of the data points, and then invokes rbd_tree() to +// actually build the tree, passing it the appropriate splitting +// and shrinking information. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_ptr rbd_tree( // recursive construction of bd-tree + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int bsp, // bucket space + ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node + ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting routine + ANNshrinkRule shrink); // shrinking rule + +ANNbd_tree::ANNbd_tree( // construct from point array + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (with at least n pts) + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs, // bucket size + ANNsplitRule split, // splitting rule + ANNshrinkRule shrink) // shrinking rule + : ANNkd_tree(n, dd, bs) // build skeleton base tree +{ + pts = pa; // where the points are + if (n == 0) return; // no points--no sweat + + ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd); // bounding box for points + // construct bounding rectangle + annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box); + // copy to tree structure + bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo); + bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi); + + switch (split) { // build by rule + case ANN_KD_STD: // standard kd-splitting rule + root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split, shrink); + break; + case ANN_KD_MIDPT: // midpoint split + root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split, shrink); + break; + case ANN_KD_SUGGEST: // best (in our opinion) + case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT: // sliding midpoint split + root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split, shrink); + break; + case ANN_KD_FAIR: // fair split + root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split, shrink); + break; + case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR: // sliding fair split + root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, + bnd_box, sl_fair_split, shrink); + break; + default: + annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort); + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Shrinking rules +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +enum ANNdecomp {SPLIT, SHRINK}; // decomposition methods + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// trySimpleShrink - Attempt a simple shrink +// +// We compute the tight bounding box of the points, and compute +// the 2*dim ``gaps'' between the sides of the tight box and the +// bounding box. If any of the gaps is large enough relative to +// the longest side of the tight bounding box, then we shrink +// all sides whose gaps are large enough. (The reason for +// comparing against the tight bounding box, is that after +// shrinking the longest box size will decrease, and if we use +// the standard bounding box, we may decide to shrink twice in +// a row. Since the tight box is fixed, we cannot shrink twice +// consecutively.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +const float BD_GAP_THRESH = 0.5; // gap threshold (must be < 1) +const int BD_CT_THRESH = 2; // min number of shrink sides + +ANNdecomp trySimpleShrink( // try a simple shrink + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // current bounding box + ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box if shrinking (returned) +{ + int i; + // compute tight bounding box + annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dim, inner_box); + + ANNcoord max_length = 0; // find longest box side + for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + ANNcoord length = inner_box.hi[i] - inner_box.lo[i]; + if (length > max_length) { + max_length = length; + } + } + + int shrink_ct = 0; // number of sides we shrunk + for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { // select which sides to shrink + // gap between boxes + ANNcoord gap_hi = bnd_box.hi[i] - inner_box.hi[i]; + // big enough gap to shrink? + if (gap_hi < max_length*BD_GAP_THRESH) + inner_box.hi[i] = bnd_box.hi[i]; // no - expand + else shrink_ct++; // yes - shrink this side + + // repeat for high side + ANNcoord gap_lo = inner_box.lo[i] - bnd_box.lo[i]; + if (gap_lo < max_length*BD_GAP_THRESH) + inner_box.lo[i] = bnd_box.lo[i]; // no - expand + else shrink_ct++; // yes - shrink this side + } + + if (shrink_ct >= BD_CT_THRESH) // did we shrink enough sides? + return SHRINK; + else return SPLIT; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// tryCentroidShrink - Attempt a centroid shrink +// +// We repeatedly apply the splitting rule, always to the larger subset +// of points, until the number of points decreases by the constant +// fraction BD_FRACTION. If this takes more than dim*BD_MAX_SPLIT_FAC +// splits for this to happen, then we shrink to the final inner box +// Otherwise we split. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const float BD_MAX_SPLIT_FAC = 0.5; // maximum number of splits allowed +const float BD_FRACTION = 0.5; // reduce points by this fraction + // ...This must be < 1. + +ANNdecomp tryCentroidShrink( // try a centroid shrink + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // current bounding box + ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting procedure + ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box if shrinking (returned) +{ + int n_sub = n; // number of points in subset + int n_goal = (int) (n*BD_FRACTION); // number of point in goal + int n_splits = 0; // number of splits needed + // initialize inner box to bounding box + annAssignRect(dim, inner_box, bnd_box); + + while (n_sub > n_goal) { // keep splitting until goal reached + int cd; // cut dim from splitter (ignored) + ANNcoord cv; // cut value from splitter (ignored) + int n_lo; // number of points on low side + // invoke splitting procedure + (*splitter)(pa, pidx, inner_box, n_sub, dim, cd, cv, n_lo); + n_splits++; // increment split count + + if (n_lo >= n_sub/2) { // most points on low side + inner_box.hi[cd] = cv; // collapse high side + n_sub = n_lo; // recurse on lower points + } + else { // most points on high side + inner_box.lo[cd] = cv; // collapse low side + pidx += n_lo; // recurse on higher points + n_sub -= n_lo; + } + } + if (n_splits > dim*BD_MAX_SPLIT_FAC)// took too many splits + return SHRINK; // shrink to final subset + else + return SPLIT; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// selectDecomp - select which decomposition to use +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNdecomp selectDecomp( // select decomposition method + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // current bounding box + ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting procedure + ANNshrinkRule shrink, // shrinking rule + ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box if shrinking (returned) +{ + ANNdecomp decomp = SPLIT; // decomposition + + switch (shrink) { // check shrinking rule + case ANN_BD_NONE: // no shrinking allowed + decomp = SPLIT; + break; + case ANN_BD_SUGGEST: // author's suggestion + case ANN_BD_SIMPLE: // simple shrink + decomp = trySimpleShrink( + pa, pidx, // points and indices + n, dim, // number of points and dimension + bnd_box, // current bounding box + inner_box); // inner box if shrinking (returned) + break; + case ANN_BD_CENTROID: // centroid shrink + decomp = tryCentroidShrink( + pa, pidx, // points and indices + n, dim, // number of points and dimension + bnd_box, // current bounding box + splitter, // splitting procedure + inner_box); // inner box if shrinking (returned) + break; + default: + annError("Illegal shrinking rule", ANNabort); + } + return decomp; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// rbd_tree - recursive procedure to build a bd-tree +// +// This is analogous to rkd_tree, but for bd-trees. See the +// procedure rkd_tree() in kd_split.cpp for more information. +// +// If the number of points falls below the bucket size, then a +// leaf node is created for the points. Otherwise we invoke the +// procedure selectDecomp() which determines whether we are to +// split or shrink. If splitting is chosen, then we essentially +// do exactly as rkd_tree() would, and invoke the specified +// splitting procedure to the points. Otherwise, the selection +// procedure returns a bounding box, from which we extract the +// appropriate shrinking bounds, and create a shrinking node. +// Finally the points are subdivided, and the procedure is +// invoked recursively on the two subsets to form the children. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_ptr rbd_tree( // recursive construction of bd-tree + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int bsp, // bucket space + ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node + ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting routine + ANNshrinkRule shrink) // shrinking rule +{ + ANNdecomp decomp; // decomposition method + + ANNorthRect inner_box(dim); // inner box (if shrinking) + + if (n <= bsp) { // n small, make a leaf node + if (n == 0) // empty leaf node + return KD_TRIVIAL; // return (canonical) empty leaf + else // construct the node and return + return new ANNkd_leaf(n, pidx); + } + + decomp = selectDecomp( // select decomposition method + pa, pidx, // points and indices + n, dim, // number of points and dimension + bnd_box, // current bounding box + splitter, shrink, // splitting/shrinking methods + inner_box); // inner box if shrinking (returned) + + if (decomp == SPLIT) { // split selected + int cd; // cutting dimension + ANNcoord cv; // cutting value + int n_lo; // number on low side of cut + // invoke splitting procedure + (*splitter)(pa, pidx, bnd_box, n, dim, cd, cv, n_lo); + + ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dimension + ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cd]; + + bnd_box.hi[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for left subtree + ANNkd_ptr lo = rbd_tree( // build left subtree + pa, pidx, n_lo, // ...from pidx[0..n_lo-1] + dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink); + bnd_box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore bounds + + bnd_box.lo[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for right subtree + ANNkd_ptr hi = rbd_tree( // build right subtree + pa, pidx + n_lo, n-n_lo,// ...from pidx[n_lo..n-1] + dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink); + bnd_box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore bounds + // create the splitting node + return new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi); + } + else { // shrink selected + int n_in; // number of points in box + int n_bnds; // number of bounding sides + + annBoxSplit( // split points around inner box + pa, // points to split + pidx, // point indices + n, // number of points + dim, // dimension + inner_box, // inner box + n_in); // number of points inside (returned) + + ANNkd_ptr in = rbd_tree( // build inner subtree pidx[0..n_in-1] + pa, pidx, n_in, dim, bsp, inner_box, splitter, shrink); + ANNkd_ptr out = rbd_tree( // build outer subtree pidx[n_in..n] + pa, pidx+n_in, n - n_in, dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink); + + ANNorthHSArray bnds = NULL; // bounds (alloc in Box2Bnds and + // ...freed in bd_shrink destroyer) + + annBox2Bnds( // convert inner box to bounds + inner_box, // inner box + bnd_box, // enclosing box + dim, // dimension + n_bnds, // number of bounds (returned) + bnds); // bounds array (modified) + + // return shrinking node + return new ANNbd_shrink(n_bnds, bnds, in, out); + } +} diff --git a/ann/src/bd_tree.h b/ann/src/bd_tree.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..408889a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/bd_tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: bd_tree.h +// Programmer: David Mount +// Description: Declarations for standard bd-tree routines +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Changed IN, OUT to ANN_IN, ANN_OUT +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_bd_tree_H +#define ANN_bd_tree_H + +#include // all ANN includes +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree includes + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// bd-tree shrinking node. +// The main addition in the bd-tree is the shrinking node, which +// is declared here. +// +// Shrinking nodes are defined by list of orthogonal halfspaces. +// These halfspaces define a (possibly unbounded) orthogonal +// rectangle. There are two children, in and out. Points that +// lie within this rectangle are stored in the in-child, and the +// other points are stored in the out-child. +// +// We use a list of orthogonal halfspaces rather than an +// orthogonal rectangle object because typically the number of +// sides of the shrinking box will be much smaller than the +// worst case bound of 2*dim. +// +// BEWARE: Note that constructor just copies the pointer to the +// bounding array, but the destructor deallocates it. This is +// rather poor practice, but happens to be convenient. The list +// is allocated in the bd-tree building procedure rbd_tree() just +// prior to construction, and is used for no other purposes. +// +// WARNING: In the near neighbor searching code it is assumed that +// the list of bounding halfspaces is irredundant, meaning that there +// are no two distinct halfspaces in the list with the same outward +// pointing normals. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNbd_shrink : public ANNkd_node // splitting node of a kd-tree +{ + int n_bnds; // number of bounding halfspaces + ANNorthHSArray bnds; // list of bounding halfspaces + ANNkd_ptr child[2]; // in and out children +public: + ANNbd_shrink( // constructor + int nb, // number of bounding halfspaces + ANNorthHSArray bds, // list of bounding halfspaces + ANNkd_ptr ic=NULL, ANNkd_ptr oc=NULL) // children + { + n_bnds = nb; // cutting dimension + bnds = bds; // assign bounds + child[ANN_IN] = ic; // set children + child[ANN_OUT] = oc; + } + + ~ANNbd_shrink() // destructor + { + if (child[ANN_IN]!= NULL && child[ANN_IN]!= KD_TRIVIAL) + delete child[ANN_IN]; + if (child[ANN_OUT]!= NULL&& child[ANN_OUT]!= KD_TRIVIAL) + delete child[ANN_OUT]; + if (bnds != NULL) + delete [] bnds; // delete bounds + } + + virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // statistics + ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding box + virtual void print(int level, ostream &out);// print node + virtual void dump(ostream &out); // dump node + + virtual void ann_search(ANNdist); // standard search + virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist); // priority search + virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist); // fixed-radius search +}; + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/brute.cpp b/ann/src/brute.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7cba2c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/brute.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: brute.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Brute-force nearest neighbors +// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Added fixed-radius kNN search +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // all ANN includes +#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k element priority queue + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Brute-force search simply stores a pointer to the list of +// data points and searches linearly for the nearest neighbor. +// The k nearest neighbors are stored in a k-element priority +// queue (which is implemented in a pretty dumb way as well). +// +// If ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH is ANNfalse then data points at distance +// zero are not considered. +// +// Note that the error bound eps is passed in, but it is ignored. +// These routines compute exact nearest neighbors (which is needed +// for validation purposes in ann_test.cpp). +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNbruteForce::ANNbruteForce( // constructor from point array + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + int n, // number of points + int dd) // dimension +{ + dim = dd; n_pts = n; pts = pa; +} + +ANNbruteForce::~ANNbruteForce() { } // destructor (empty) + +void ANNbruteForce::annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search + ANNpoint q, // query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (returned) + double eps) // error bound (ignored) +{ + ANNmin_k mk(k); // construct a k-limited priority queue + int i; + + if (k > n_pts) { // too many near neighbors? + annError("Requesting more near neighbors than data points", ANNabort); + } + // run every point through queue + for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { + // compute distance to point + ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q); + if (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0) + mk.insert(sqDist, i); + } + for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k closest points + dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i); + nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i); + } +} + +int ANNbruteForce::annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search + ANNpoint q, // query point + ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (returned) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (returned) + double eps) // error bound +{ + ANNmin_k mk(k); // construct a k-limited priority queue + int i; + int pts_in_range = 0; // number of points in query range + // run every point through queue + for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { + // compute distance to point + ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q); + if (sqDist <= sqRad && // within radius bound + (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0)) { // ...and no self match + mk.insert(sqDist, i); + pts_in_range++; + } + } + for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k closest points + if (dd != NULL) + dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i); + if (nn_idx != NULL) + nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i); + } + + return pts_in_range; +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_dump.cpp b/ann/src/kd_dump.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7015efe --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_dump.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: +// Programmer: David Mount +// Description: Dump and Load for kd- and bd-trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Moved dump out of into this file. +// Added kd-tree load constructor. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// This file contains routines for dumping kd-trees and bd-trees and +// reloading them. (It is an abuse of policy to include both kd- and +// bd-tree routines in the same file, sorry. There should be no problem +// in deleting the bd- versions of the routines if they are not +// desired.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations +#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations + +using namespace std; // make std:: available + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Constants +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const int STRING_LEN = 500; // maximum string length +const double EPSILON = 1E-5; // small number for float comparison + +enum ANNtreeType {KD_TREE, BD_TREE}; // tree types (used in loading) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Procedure declarations +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +static ANNkd_ptr annReadDump( // read dump file + istream &in, // input stream + ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected + ANNpointArray &the_pts, // new points (if applic) + ANNidxArray &the_pidx, // point indices (returned) + int &the_dim, // dimension (returned) + int &the_n_pts, // number of points (returned) + int &the_bkt_size, // bucket size (returned) + ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_lo, // low bounding point + ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_hi); // high bounding point + +static ANNkd_ptr annReadTree( // read tree-part of dump file + istream &in, // input stream + ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected + ANNidxArray the_pidx, // point indices (modified) + int &next_idx); // next index (modified) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANN kd- and bd-tree Dump Format +// The dump file begins with a header containing the version of +// ANN, an optional section containing the points, followed by +// a description of the tree. The tree is printed in preorder. +// +// Format: +// #ANN [END_OF_LINE] +// points (point coordinates: this is optional) +// 0 ... (point indices and coordinates) +// 1 ... +// ... +// tree +// ... (lower end of bounding box) +// ... (upper end of bounding box) +// If the tree is null, then a single line "null" is +// output. Otherwise the nodes of the tree are printed +// one per line in preorder. Leaves and splitting nodes +// have the following formats: +// Leaf node: +// leaf ... +// Splitting nodes: +// split +// +// For bd-trees: +// +// Shrinking nodes: +// shrink +// +// +// ... (repeated n_bnds times) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_tree::Dump( // dump entire tree + ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well? + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + out << "#ANN " << ANNversion << "\n"; + out.precision(ANNcoordPrec); // use full precision in dumping + if (with_pts) { // print point coordinates + out << "points " << dim << " " << n_pts << "\n"; + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { + out << i << " "; + annPrintPt(pts[i], dim, out); + out << "\n"; + } + } + out << "tree " // print tree elements + << dim << " " + << n_pts << " " + << bkt_size << "\n"; + + annPrintPt(bnd_box_lo, dim, out); // print lower bound + out << "\n"; + annPrintPt(bnd_box_hi, dim, out); // print upper bound + out << "\n"; + + if (root == NULL) // empty tree? + out << "null\n"; + else { + root->dump(out); // invoke printing at root + } + out.precision(0); // restore default precision +} + +void ANNkd_split::dump( // dump a splitting node + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + out << "split " << cut_dim << " " << cut_val << " "; + out << cd_bnds[ANN_LO] << " " << cd_bnds[ANN_HI] << "\n"; + + child[ANN_LO]->dump(out); // print low child + child[ANN_HI]->dump(out); // print high child +} + +void ANNkd_leaf::dump( // dump a leaf node + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + if (this == KD_TRIVIAL) { // canonical trivial leaf node + out << "leaf 0\n"; // leaf no points + } + else{ + out << "leaf " << n_pts; + for (int j = 0; j < n_pts; j++) { + out << " " << bkt[j]; + } + out << "\n"; + } +} + +void ANNbd_shrink::dump( // dump a shrinking node + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + out << "shrink " << n_bnds << "\n"; + for (int j = 0; j < n_bnds; j++) { + out << bnds[j].cd << " " << bnds[j].cv << " " << bnds[j].sd << "\n"; + } + child[ANN_IN]->dump(out); // print in-child + child[ANN_OUT]->dump(out); // print out-child +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Load kd-tree from dump file +// This rebuilds a kd-tree which was dumped to a file. The dump +// file contains all the basic tree information according to a +// preorder traversal. We assume that the dump file also contains +// point data. (This is to guarantee the consistency of the tree.) +// If not, then an error is generated. +// +// Indirectly, this procedure allocates space for points, point +// indices, all nodes in the tree, and the bounding box for the +// tree. When the tree is destroyed, all but the points are +// deallocated. +// +// This routine calls annReadDump to do all the work. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree( // build from dump file + istream &in) // input stream for dump file +{ + int the_dim; // local dimension + int the_n_pts; // local number of points + int the_bkt_size; // local number of points + ANNpoint the_bnd_box_lo; // low bounding point + ANNpoint the_bnd_box_hi; // high bounding point + ANNpointArray the_pts; // point storage + ANNidxArray the_pidx; // point index storage + ANNkd_ptr the_root; // root of the tree + + the_root = annReadDump( // read the dump file + in, // input stream + KD_TREE, // expecting a kd-tree + the_pts, // point array (returned) + the_pidx, // point indices (returned) + the_dim, the_n_pts, the_bkt_size, // basic tree info (returned) + the_bnd_box_lo, the_bnd_box_hi); // bounding box info (returned) + + // create a skeletal tree + SkeletonTree(the_n_pts, the_dim, the_bkt_size, the_pts, the_pidx); + + bnd_box_lo = the_bnd_box_lo; + bnd_box_hi = the_bnd_box_hi; + + root = the_root; // set the root +} + +ANNbd_tree::ANNbd_tree( // build bd-tree from dump file + istream &in) : ANNkd_tree() // input stream for dump file +{ + int the_dim; // local dimension + int the_n_pts; // local number of points + int the_bkt_size; // local number of points + ANNpoint the_bnd_box_lo; // low bounding point + ANNpoint the_bnd_box_hi; // high bounding point + ANNpointArray the_pts; // point storage + ANNidxArray the_pidx; // point index storage + ANNkd_ptr the_root; // root of the tree + + the_root = annReadDump( // read the dump file + in, // input stream + BD_TREE, // expecting a bd-tree + the_pts, // point array (returned) + the_pidx, // point indices (returned) + the_dim, the_n_pts, the_bkt_size, // basic tree info (returned) + the_bnd_box_lo, the_bnd_box_hi); // bounding box info (returned) + + // create a skeletal tree + SkeletonTree(the_n_pts, the_dim, the_bkt_size, the_pts, the_pidx); + bnd_box_lo = the_bnd_box_lo; + bnd_box_hi = the_bnd_box_hi; + + root = the_root; // set the root +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annReadDump - read a dump file +// +// This procedure reads a dump file, constructs a kd-tree +// and returns all the essential information needed to actually +// construct the tree. Because this procedure is used for +// constructing both kd-trees and bd-trees, the second argument +// is used to indicate which type of tree we are expecting. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +static ANNkd_ptr annReadDump( + istream &in, // input stream + ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected + ANNpointArray &the_pts, // new points (returned) + ANNidxArray &the_pidx, // point indices (returned) + int &the_dim, // dimension (returned) + int &the_n_pts, // number of points (returned) + int &the_bkt_size, // bucket size (returned) + ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_lo, // low bounding point (ret'd) + ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_hi) // high bounding point (ret'd) +{ + int j; + char str[STRING_LEN]; // storage for string + char version[STRING_LEN]; // ANN version number + ANNkd_ptr the_root = NULL; + + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Input file header + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + in >> str; // input header + if (strcmp(str, "#ANN") != 0) { // incorrect header + annError("Incorrect header for dump file", ANNabort); + } + in.getline(version, STRING_LEN); // get version (ignore) + + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Input the points + // An array the_pts is allocated and points are read from + // the dump file. + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + in >> str; // get major heading + if (strcmp(str, "points") == 0) { // points section + in >> the_dim; // input dimension + in >> the_n_pts; // number of points + // allocate point storage + the_pts = annAllocPts(the_n_pts, the_dim); + for (int i = 0; i < the_n_pts; i++) { // input point coordinates + ANNidx idx; // point index + in >> idx; // input point index + if (idx < 0 || idx >= the_n_pts) { + annError("Point index is out of range", ANNabort); + } + for (j = 0; j < the_dim; j++) { + in >> the_pts[idx][j]; // read point coordinates + } + } + in >> str; // get next major heading + } + else { // no points were input + annError("Points must be supplied in the dump file", ANNabort); + } + + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Input the tree + // After the basic header information, we invoke annReadTree + // to do all the heavy work. We create our own array of + // point indices (so we can pass them to annReadTree()) + // but we do not deallocate them. They will be deallocated + // when the tree is destroyed. + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + if (strcmp(str, "tree") == 0) { // tree section + in >> the_dim; // read dimension + in >> the_n_pts; // number of points + in >> the_bkt_size; // bucket size + the_bnd_box_lo = annAllocPt(the_dim); // allocate bounding box pts + the_bnd_box_hi = annAllocPt(the_dim); + + for (j = 0; j < the_dim; j++) { // read bounding box low + in >> the_bnd_box_lo[j]; + } + for (j = 0; j < the_dim; j++) { // read bounding box low + in >> the_bnd_box_hi[j]; + } + the_pidx = new ANNidx[the_n_pts]; // allocate point index array + int next_idx = 0; // number of indices filled + // read the tree and indices + the_root = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx); + if (next_idx != the_n_pts) { // didn't see all the points? + annError("Didn't see as many points as expected", ANNwarn); + } + } + else { + annError("Illegal dump format. Expecting section heading", ANNabort); + } + return the_root; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annReadTree - input tree and return pointer +// +// annReadTree reads in a node of the tree, makes any recursive +// calls as needed to input the children of this node (if internal). +// It returns a pointer to the node that was created. An array +// of point indices is given along with a pointer to the next +// available location in the array. As leaves are read, their +// point indices are stored here, and the point buckets point +// to the first entry in the array. +// +// Recall that these are the formats. The tree is given in +// preorder. +// +// Leaf node: +// leaf ... +// Splitting nodes: +// split +// +// For bd-trees: +// +// Shrinking nodes: +// shrink +// +// +// ... (repeated n_bnds times) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +static ANNkd_ptr annReadTree( + istream &in, // input stream + ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected + ANNidxArray the_pidx, // point indices (modified) + int &next_idx) // next index (modified) +{ + char tag[STRING_LEN]; // tag (leaf, split, shrink) + int n_pts; // number of points in leaf + int cd; // cut dimension + ANNcoord cv; // cut value + ANNcoord lb; // low bound + ANNcoord hb; // high bound + int n_bnds; // number of bounding sides + int sd; // which side + + in >> tag; // input node tag + + if (strcmp(tag, "null") == 0) { // null tree + return NULL; + } + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Read a leaf + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + if (strcmp(tag, "leaf") == 0) { // leaf node + + in >> n_pts; // input number of points + int old_idx = next_idx; // save next_idx + if (n_pts == 0) { // trivial leaf + return KD_TRIVIAL; + } + else { + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // input point indices + in >> the_pidx[next_idx++]; // store in array of indices + } + } + return new ANNkd_leaf(n_pts, &the_pidx[old_idx]); + } + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Read a splitting node + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + else if (strcmp(tag, "split") == 0) { // splitting node + + in >> cd >> cv >> lb >> hb; + + // read low and high subtrees + ANNkd_ptr lc = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx); + ANNkd_ptr hc = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx); + // create new node and return + return new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lb, hb, lc, hc); + } + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Read a shrinking node (bd-tree only) + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + else if (strcmp(tag, "shrink") == 0) { // shrinking node + if (tree_type != BD_TREE) { + annError("Shrinking node not allowed in kd-tree", ANNabort); + } + + in >> n_bnds; // number of bounding sides + // allocate bounds array + ANNorthHSArray bds = new ANNorthHalfSpace[n_bnds]; + for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { + in >> cd >> cv >> sd; // input bounding halfspace + // copy to array + bds[i] = ANNorthHalfSpace(cd, cv, sd); + } + // read inner and outer subtrees + ANNkd_ptr ic = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx); + ANNkd_ptr oc = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx); + // create new node and return + return new ANNbd_shrink(n_bnds, bds, ic, oc); + } + else { + annError("Illegal node type in dump file", ANNabort); + exit(0); // to keep the compiler happy + } +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp b/ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87eb757d --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_fix_rad_search.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Standard kd-tree fixed-radius kNN search +// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_fix_rad_search.h" // kd fixed-radius search decls + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Approximate fixed-radius k nearest neighbor search +// The squared radius is provided, and this procedure finds the +// k nearest neighbors within the radius, and returns the total +// number of points lying within the radius. +// +// The method used for searching the kd-tree is a variation of the +// nearest neighbor search used in kd_search.cpp, except that the +// radius of the search ball is known. We refer the reader to that +// file for the explanation of the recursive search procedure. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// To keep argument lists short, a number of global variables +// are maintained which are common to all the recursive calls. +// These are given below. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int ANNkdFRDim; // dimension of space +ANNpoint ANNkdFRQ; // query point +ANNdist ANNkdFRSqRad; // squared radius search bound +double ANNkdFRMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error +ANNpointArray ANNkdFRPts; // the points +ANNmin_k* ANNkdFRPointMK; // set of k closest points +int ANNkdFRPtsVisited; // total points visited +int ANNkdFRPtsInRange; // number of points in the range + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annkFRSearch - fixed radius search for k nearest neighbors +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int ANNkd_tree::annkFRSearch( + ANNpoint q, // the query point + ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius search bound + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned) + ANNdistArray dd, // the approximate nearest neighbor + double eps) // the error bound +{ + ANNkdFRDim = dim; // copy arguments to static equivs + ANNkdFRQ = q; + ANNkdFRSqRad = sqRad; + ANNkdFRPts = pts; + ANNkdFRPtsVisited = 0; // initialize count of points visited + ANNkdFRPtsInRange = 0; // ...and points in the range + + ANNkdFRMaxErr = ANN_POW(1.0 + eps); + ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating op count + + ANNkdFRPointMK = new ANNmin_k(k); // create set for closest k points + // search starting at the root + root->ann_FR_search(annBoxDistance(q, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi, dim)); + + for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k-th closest points + if (dd != NULL) + dd[i] = ANNkdFRPointMK->ith_smallest_key(i); + if (nn_idx != NULL) + nn_idx[i] = ANNkdFRPointMK->ith_smallest_info(i); + } + + delete ANNkdFRPointMK; // deallocate closest point set + return ANNkdFRPtsInRange; // return final point count +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_split::ann_FR_search - search a splitting node +// Note: This routine is similar in structure to the standard kNN +// search. It visits the subtree that is closer to the query point +// first. For fixed-radius search, there is no benefit in visiting +// one subtree before the other, but we maintain the same basic +// code structure for the sake of uniformity. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_split::ann_FR_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + // check dist calc term condition + if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNkdFRPtsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return; + + // distance to cutting plane + ANNcoord cut_diff = ANNkdFRQ[cut_dim] - cut_val; + + if (cut_diff < 0) { // left of cutting plane + child[ANN_LO]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first + + ANNcoord box_diff = cd_bnds[ANN_LO] - ANNkdFRQ[cut_dim]; + if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore + box_diff = 0; + // distance to further box + box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist, + ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff))); + + // visit further child if in range + if (box_dist * ANNkdFRMaxErr <= ANNkdFRSqRad) + child[ANN_HI]->ann_FR_search(box_dist); + + } + else { // right of cutting plane + child[ANN_HI]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first + + ANNcoord box_diff = ANNkdFRQ[cut_dim] - cd_bnds[ANN_HI]; + if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore + box_diff = 0; + // distance to further box + box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist, + ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff))); + + // visit further child if close enough + if (box_dist * ANNkdFRMaxErr <= ANNkdFRSqRad) + child[ANN_LO]->ann_FR_search(box_dist); + + } + ANN_FLOP(13) // increment floating ops + ANN_SPL(1) // one more splitting node visited +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_leaf::ann_FR_search - search points in a leaf node +// Note: The unreadability of this code is the result of +// some fine tuning to replace indexing by pointer operations. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_leaf::ann_FR_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + register ANNdist dist; // distance to data point + register ANNcoord* pp; // data coordinate pointer + register ANNcoord* qq; // query coordinate pointer + register ANNcoord t; + register int d; + + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket + + pp = ANNkdFRPts[bkt[i]]; // first coord of next data point + qq = ANNkdFRQ; // first coord of query point + dist = 0; + + for(d = 0; d < ANNkdFRDim; d++) { + ANN_COORD(1) // one more coordinate hit + ANN_FLOP(5) // increment floating ops + + t = *(qq++) - *(pp++); // compute length and adv coordinate + // exceeds dist to k-th smallest? + if( (dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t))) > ANNkdFRSqRad) { + break; + } + } + + if (d >= ANNkdFRDim && // among the k best? + (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || dist!=0)) { // and no self-match problem + // add it to the list + ANNkdFRPointMK->insert(dist, bkt[i]); + ANNkdFRPtsInRange++; // increment point count + } + } + ANN_LEAF(1) // one more leaf node visited + ANN_PTS(n_pts) // increment points visited + ANNkdFRPtsVisited += n_pts; // increment number of points visited +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.h b/ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b3f5c5c --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_fix_rad_search.h @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_fix_rad_search.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Standard kd-tree fixed-radius kNN search +// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_kd_fix_rad_search_H +#define ANN_kd_fix_rad_search_H + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities +#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k-element priority queue + +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global variables +// These are active for the life of each call to +// annRangeSearch(). They are set to save the number of +// variables that need to be passed among the various search +// procedures. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +extern ANNpoint ANNkdFRQ; // query point (static copy) + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/kd_pr_search.cpp b/ann/src/kd_pr_search.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edb0479f --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_pr_search.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_pr_search.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Priority search for kd-trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_pr_search.h" // kd priority search declarations + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Approximate nearest neighbor searching by priority search. +// The kd-tree is searched for an approximate nearest neighbor. +// The point is returned through one of the arguments, and the +// distance returned is the SQUARED distance to this point. +// +// The method used for searching the kd-tree is called priority +// search. (It is described in Arya and Mount, ``Algorithms for +// fast vector quantization,'' Proc. of DCC '93: Data Compression +// Conference}, eds. J. A. Storer and M. Cohn, IEEE Press, 1993, +// 381--390.) +// +// The cell of the kd-tree containing the query point is located, +// and cells are visited in increasing order of distance from the +// query point. This is done by placing each subtree which has +// NOT been visited in a priority queue, according to the closest +// distance of the corresponding enclosing rectangle from the +// query point. The search stops when the distance to the nearest +// remaining rectangle exceeds the distance to the nearest point +// seen by a factor of more than 1/(1+eps). (Implying that any +// point found subsequently in the search cannot be closer by more +// than this factor.) +// +// The main entry point is annkPriSearch() which sets things up and +// then call the recursive routine ann_pri_search(). This is a +// recursive routine which performs the processing for one node in +// the kd-tree. There are two versions of this virtual procedure, +// one for splitting nodes and one for leaves. When a splitting node +// is visited, we determine which child to continue the search on +// (the closer one), and insert the other child into the priority +// queue. When a leaf is visited, we compute the distances to the +// points in the buckets, and update information on the closest +// points. +// +// Some trickery is used to incrementally update the distance from +// a kd-tree rectangle to the query point. This comes about from +// the fact that which each successive split, only one component +// (along the dimension that is split) of the squared distance to +// the child rectangle is different from the squared distance to +// the parent rectangle. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// To keep argument lists short, a number of global variables +// are maintained which are common to all the recursive calls. +// These are given below. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +double ANNprEps; // the error bound +int ANNprDim; // dimension of space +ANNpoint ANNprQ; // query point +double ANNprMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error +ANNpointArray ANNprPts; // the points +ANNpr_queue *ANNprBoxPQ; // priority queue for boxes +ANNmin_k *ANNprPointMK; // set of k closest points + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annkPriSearch - priority search for k nearest neighbors +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_tree::annkPriSearch( + ANNpoint q, // query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned) + ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (returned) + double eps) // error bound (ignored) +{ + // max tolerable squared error + ANNprMaxErr = ANN_POW(1.0 + eps); + ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating ops + + ANNprDim = dim; // copy arguments to static equivs + ANNprQ = q; + ANNprPts = pts; + ANNptsVisited = 0; // initialize count of points visited + + ANNprPointMK = new ANNmin_k(k); // create set for closest k points + + // distance to root box + ANNdist box_dist = annBoxDistance(q, + bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi, dim); + + ANNprBoxPQ = new ANNpr_queue(n_pts);// create priority queue for boxes + ANNprBoxPQ->insert(box_dist, root); // insert root in priority queue + + while (ANNprBoxPQ->non_empty() && + (!(ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited))) { + ANNkd_ptr np; // next box from prior queue + + // extract closest box from queue + ANNprBoxPQ->extr_min(box_dist, (void *&) np); + + ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating ops + if (box_dist*ANNprMaxErr >= ANNprPointMK->max_key()) + break; + + np->ann_pri_search(box_dist); // search this subtree. + } + + for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k-th closest points + dd[i] = ANNprPointMK->ith_smallest_key(i); + nn_idx[i] = ANNprPointMK->ith_smallest_info(i); + } + + delete ANNprPointMK; // deallocate closest point set + delete ANNprBoxPQ; // deallocate priority queue +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_split::ann_pri_search - search a splitting node +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_split::ann_pri_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + ANNdist new_dist; // distance to child visited later + // distance to cutting plane + ANNcoord cut_diff = ANNprQ[cut_dim] - cut_val; + + if (cut_diff < 0) { // left of cutting plane + ANNcoord box_diff = cd_bnds[ANN_LO] - ANNprQ[cut_dim]; + if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore + box_diff = 0; + // distance to further box + new_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist, + ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff))); + + if (child[ANN_HI] != KD_TRIVIAL)// enqueue if not trivial + ANNprBoxPQ->insert(new_dist, child[ANN_HI]); + // continue with closer child + child[ANN_LO]->ann_pri_search(box_dist); + } + else { // right of cutting plane + ANNcoord box_diff = ANNprQ[cut_dim] - cd_bnds[ANN_HI]; + if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore + box_diff = 0; + // distance to further box + new_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist, + ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff))); + + if (child[ANN_LO] != KD_TRIVIAL)// enqueue if not trivial + ANNprBoxPQ->insert(new_dist, child[ANN_LO]); + // continue with closer child + child[ANN_HI]->ann_pri_search(box_dist); + } + ANN_SPL(1) // one more splitting node visited + ANN_FLOP(8) // increment floating ops +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_leaf::ann_pri_search - search points in a leaf node +// +// This is virtually identical to the ann_search for standard search. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_leaf::ann_pri_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + register ANNdist dist; // distance to data point + register ANNcoord* pp; // data coordinate pointer + register ANNcoord* qq; // query coordinate pointer + register ANNdist min_dist; // distance to k-th closest point + register ANNcoord t; + register int d; + + min_dist = ANNprPointMK->max_key(); // k-th smallest distance so far + + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket + + pp = ANNprPts[bkt[i]]; // first coord of next data point + qq = ANNprQ; // first coord of query point + dist = 0; + + for(d = 0; d < ANNprDim; d++) { + ANN_COORD(1) // one more coordinate hit + ANN_FLOP(4) // increment floating ops + + t = *(qq++) - *(pp++); // compute length and adv coordinate + // exceeds dist to k-th smallest? + if( (dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t))) > min_dist) { + break; + } + } + + if (d >= ANNprDim && // among the k best? + (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || dist!=0)) { // and no self-match problem + // add it to the list + ANNprPointMK->insert(dist, bkt[i]); + min_dist = ANNprPointMK->max_key(); + } + } + ANN_LEAF(1) // one more leaf node visited + ANN_PTS(n_pts) // increment points visited + ANNptsVisited += n_pts; // increment number of points visited +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_pr_search.h b/ann/src/kd_pr_search.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39e04841 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_pr_search.h @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_pr_search.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Priority kd-tree search +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_kd_pr_search_H +#define ANN_kd_pr_search_H + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities +#include "pr_queue.h" // priority queue declarations +#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k-element priority queue + +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global variables +// Active for the life of each call to Appx_Near_Neigh() or +// Appx_k_Near_Neigh(). +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +extern double ANNprEps; // the error bound +extern int ANNprDim; // dimension of space +extern ANNpoint ANNprQ; // query point +extern double ANNprMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error +extern ANNpointArray ANNprPts; // the points +extern ANNpr_queue *ANNprBoxPQ; // priority queue for boxes +extern ANNmin_k *ANNprPointMK; // set of k closest points + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/kd_search.cpp b/ann/src/kd_search.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5004ef79 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_search.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_search.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Standard kd-tree search +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Changed names LO, HI to ANN_LO, ANN_HI +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_search.h" // kd-search declarations + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Approximate nearest neighbor searching by kd-tree search +// The kd-tree is searched for an approximate nearest neighbor. +// The point is returned through one of the arguments, and the +// distance returned is the squared distance to this point. +// +// The method used for searching the kd-tree is an approximate +// adaptation of the search algorithm described by Friedman, +// Bentley, and Finkel, ``An algorithm for finding best matches +// in logarithmic expected time,'' ACM Transactions on Mathematical +// Software, 3(3):209-226, 1977). +// +// The algorithm operates recursively. When first encountering a +// node of the kd-tree we first visit the child which is closest to +// the query point. On return, we decide whether we want to visit +// the other child. If the box containing the other child exceeds +// 1/(1+eps) times the current best distance, then we skip it (since +// any point found in this child cannot be closer to the query point +// by more than this factor.) Otherwise, we visit it recursively. +// The distance between a box and the query point is computed exactly +// (not approximated as is often done in kd-tree), using incremental +// distance updates, as described by Arya and Mount in ``Algorithms +// for fast vector quantization,'' Proc. of DCC '93: Data Compression +// Conference, eds. J. A. Storer and M. Cohn, IEEE Press, 1993, +// 381-390. +// +// The main entry points is annkSearch() which sets things up and +// then call the recursive routine ann_search(). This is a recursive +// routine which performs the processing for one node in the kd-tree. +// There are two versions of this virtual procedure, one for splitting +// nodes and one for leaves. When a splitting node is visited, we +// determine which child to visit first (the closer one), and visit +// the other child on return. When a leaf is visited, we compute +// the distances to the points in the buckets, and update information +// on the closest points. +// +// Some trickery is used to incrementally update the distance from +// a kd-tree rectangle to the query point. This comes about from +// the fact that which each successive split, only one component +// (along the dimension that is split) of the squared distance to +// the child rectangle is different from the squared distance to +// the parent rectangle. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// To keep argument lists short, a number of global variables +// are maintained which are common to all the recursive calls. +// These are given below. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int ANNkdDim; // dimension of space +ANNpoint ANNkdQ; // query point +double ANNkdMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error +ANNpointArray ANNkdPts; // the points +ANNmin_k *ANNkdPointMK; // set of k closest points + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annkSearch - search for the k nearest neighbors +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_tree::annkSearch( + ANNpoint q, // the query point + int k, // number of near neighbors to return + ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned) + ANNdistArray dd, // the approximate nearest neighbor + double eps) // the error bound +{ + + ANNkdDim = dim; // copy arguments to static equivs + ANNkdQ = q; + ANNkdPts = pts; + ANNptsVisited = 0; // initialize count of points visited + + if (k > n_pts) { // too many near neighbors? + annError("Requesting more near neighbors than data points", ANNabort); + } + + ANNkdMaxErr = ANN_POW(1.0 + eps); + ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating op count + + ANNkdPointMK = new ANNmin_k(k); // create set for closest k points + // search starting at the root + root->ann_search(annBoxDistance(q, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi, dim)); + + for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k-th closest points + dd[i] = ANNkdPointMK->ith_smallest_key(i); + nn_idx[i] = ANNkdPointMK->ith_smallest_info(i); + } + delete ANNkdPointMK; // deallocate closest point set +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_split::ann_search - search a splitting node +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_split::ann_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + // check dist calc term condition + if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return; + + // distance to cutting plane + ANNcoord cut_diff = ANNkdQ[cut_dim] - cut_val; + + if (cut_diff < 0) { // left of cutting plane + child[ANN_LO]->ann_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first + + ANNcoord box_diff = cd_bnds[ANN_LO] - ANNkdQ[cut_dim]; + if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore + box_diff = 0; + // distance to further box + box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist, + ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff))); + + // visit further child if close enough + if (box_dist * ANNkdMaxErr < ANNkdPointMK->max_key()) + child[ANN_HI]->ann_search(box_dist); + + } + else { // right of cutting plane + child[ANN_HI]->ann_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first + + ANNcoord box_diff = ANNkdQ[cut_dim] - cd_bnds[ANN_HI]; + if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore + box_diff = 0; + // distance to further box + box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist, + ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff))); + + // visit further child if close enough + if (box_dist * ANNkdMaxErr < ANNkdPointMK->max_key()) + child[ANN_LO]->ann_search(box_dist); + + } + ANN_FLOP(10) // increment floating ops + ANN_SPL(1) // one more splitting node visited +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_leaf::ann_search - search points in a leaf node +// Note: The unreadability of this code is the result of +// some fine tuning to replace indexing by pointer operations. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_leaf::ann_search(ANNdist box_dist) +{ + register ANNdist dist; // distance to data point + register ANNcoord* pp; // data coordinate pointer + register ANNcoord* qq; // query coordinate pointer + register ANNdist min_dist; // distance to k-th closest point + register ANNcoord t; + register int d; + + min_dist = ANNkdPointMK->max_key(); // k-th smallest distance so far + + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket + + pp = ANNkdPts[bkt[i]]; // first coord of next data point + qq = ANNkdQ; // first coord of query point + dist = 0; + + for(d = 0; d < ANNkdDim; d++) { + ANN_COORD(1) // one more coordinate hit + ANN_FLOP(4) // increment floating ops + + t = *(qq++) - *(pp++); // compute length and adv coordinate + // exceeds dist to k-th smallest? + if( (dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t))) > min_dist) { + break; + } + } + + if (d >= ANNkdDim && // among the k best? + (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || dist!=0)) { // and no self-match problem + // add it to the list + ANNkdPointMK->insert(dist, bkt[i]); + min_dist = ANNkdPointMK->max_key(); + } + } + ANN_LEAF(1) // one more leaf node visited + ANN_PTS(n_pts) // increment points visited + ANNptsVisited += n_pts; // increment number of points visited +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_search.h b/ann/src/kd_search.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1adcdd40 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_search.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_search.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Standard kd-tree search +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_kd_search_H +#define ANN_kd_search_H + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities +#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k-element priority queue + +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// More global variables +// These are active for the life of each call to annkSearch(). They +// are set to save the number of variables that need to be passed +// among the various search procedures. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +extern int ANNkdDim; // dimension of space (static copy) +extern ANNpoint ANNkdQ; // query point (static copy) +extern double ANNkdMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error +extern ANNpointArray ANNkdPts; // the points (static copy) +extern ANNmin_k *ANNkdPointMK; // set of k closest points +extern int ANNptsVisited; // number of points visited + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/kd_split.cpp b/ann/src/kd_split.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d5b3d87 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_split.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_split.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Methods for splitting kd-trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree definitions +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities +#include "kd_split.h" // splitting functions + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Constants +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const double ERR = 0.001; // a small value +const double FS_ASPECT_RATIO = 3.0; // maximum allowed aspect ratio + // in fair split. Must be >= 2. + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_split - Bentley's standard splitting routine for kd-trees +// Find the dimension of the greatest spread, and split +// just before the median point along this dimension. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void kd_split( + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (permuted on return) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned) +{ + // find dimension of maximum spread + cut_dim = annMaxSpread(pa, pidx, n, dim); + n_lo = n/2; // median rank + // split about median + annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo); +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// midpt_split - midpoint splitting rule for box-decomposition trees +// +// This is the simplest splitting rule that guarantees boxes +// of bounded aspect ratio. It simply cuts the box with the +// longest side through its midpoint. If there are ties, it +// selects the dimension with the maximum point spread. +// +// WARNING: This routine (while simple) doesn't seem to work +// well in practice in high dimensions, because it tends to +// generate a large number of trivial and/or unbalanced splits. +// Either kd_split(), sl_midpt_split(), or fair_split() are +// recommended, instead. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void midpt_split( + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned) +{ + int d; + + ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0]; + for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (length > max_length) { + max_length = length; + } + } + ANNcoord max_spread = -1; // find long side with most spread + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + // is it among longest? + if (double(bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]) >= (1-ERR)*max_length) { + // compute its spread + ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d); + if (spr > max_spread) { // is it max so far? + max_spread = spr; + cut_dim = d; + } + } + } + // split along cut_dim at midpoint + cut_val = (bnds.lo[cut_dim] + bnds.hi[cut_dim]) / 2; + // permute points accordingly + int br1, br2; + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // On return: pa[0..br1-1] < cut_val + // pa[br1..br2-1] == cut_val + // pa[br2..n-1] > cut_val + // + // We can set n_lo to any value in the range [br1..br2]. + // We choose split so that points are most evenly divided. + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + if (br1 > n/2) n_lo = br1; + else if (br2 < n/2) n_lo = br2; + else n_lo = n/2; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// sl_midpt_split - sliding midpoint splitting rule +// +// This is a modification of midpt_split, which has the nonsensical +// name "sliding midpoint". The idea is that we try to use the +// midpoint rule, by bisecting the longest side. If there are +// ties, the dimension with the maximum spread is selected. If, +// however, the midpoint split produces a trivial split (no points +// on one side of the splitting plane) then we slide the splitting +// (maintaining its orientation) until it produces a nontrivial +// split. For example, if the splitting plane is along the x-axis, +// and all the data points have x-coordinate less than the x-bisector, +// then the split is taken along the maximum x-coordinate of the +// data points. +// +// Intuitively, this rule cannot generate trivial splits, and +// hence avoids midpt_split's tendency to produce trees with +// a very large number of nodes. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void sl_midpt_split( + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned) +{ + int d; + + ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0]; + for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (length > max_length) { + max_length = length; + } + } + ANNcoord max_spread = -1; // find long side with most spread + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + // is it among longest? + if ((bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]) >= (1-ERR)*max_length) { + // compute its spread + ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d); + if (spr > max_spread) { // is it max so far? + max_spread = spr; + cut_dim = d; + } + } + } + // ideal split at midpoint + ANNcoord ideal_cut_val = (bnds.lo[cut_dim] + bnds.hi[cut_dim])/2; + + ANNcoord min, max; + annMinMax(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, min, max); // find min/max coordinates + + if (ideal_cut_val < min) // slide to min or max as needed + cut_val = min; + else if (ideal_cut_val > max) + cut_val = max; + else + cut_val = ideal_cut_val; + + // permute points accordingly + int br1, br2; + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // On return: pa[0..br1-1] < cut_val + // pa[br1..br2-1] == cut_val + // pa[br2..n-1] > cut_val + // + // We can set n_lo to any value in the range [br1..br2] to satisfy + // the exit conditions of the procedure. + // + // if ideal_cut_val < min (implying br2 >= 1), + // then we select n_lo = 1 (so there is one point on left) and + // if ideal_cut_val > max (implying br1 <= n-1), + // then we select n_lo = n-1 (so there is one point on right). + // Otherwise, we select n_lo as close to n/2 as possible within + // [br1..br2]. + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + if (ideal_cut_val < min) n_lo = 1; + else if (ideal_cut_val > max) n_lo = n-1; + else if (br1 > n/2) n_lo = br1; + else if (br2 < n/2) n_lo = br2; + else n_lo = n/2; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// fair_split - fair-split splitting rule +// +// This is a compromise between the kd-tree splitting rule (which +// always splits data points at their median) and the midpoint +// splitting rule (which always splits a box through its center. +// The goal of this procedure is to achieve both nicely balanced +// splits, and boxes of bounded aspect ratio. +// +// A constant FS_ASPECT_RATIO is defined. Given a box, those sides +// which can be split so that the ratio of the longest to shortest +// side does not exceed ASPECT_RATIO are identified. Among these +// sides, we select the one in which the points have the largest +// spread. We then split the points in a manner which most evenly +// distributes the points on either side of the splitting plane, +// subject to maintaining the bound on the ratio of long to short +// sides. To determine that the aspect ratio will be preserved, +// we determine the longest side (other than this side), and +// determine how narrowly we can cut this side, without causing the +// aspect ratio bound to be exceeded (small_piece). +// +// This procedure is more robust than either kd_split or midpt_split, +// but is more complicated as well. When point distribution is +// extremely skewed, this degenerates to midpt_split (actually +// 1/3 point split), and when the points are most evenly distributed, +// this degenerates to kd-split. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void fair_split( + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned) +{ + int d; + ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0]; + cut_dim = 0; + for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (length > max_length) { + max_length = length; + cut_dim = d; + } + } + + ANNcoord max_spread = 0; // find legal cut with max spread + cut_dim = 0; + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + // is this side midpoint splitable + // without violating aspect ratio? + if (((double) max_length)*2.0/((double) length) <= FS_ASPECT_RATIO) { + // compute spread along this dim + ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d); + if (spr > max_spread) { // best spread so far + max_spread = spr; + cut_dim = d; // this is dimension to cut + } + } + } + + max_length = 0; // find longest side other than cut_dim + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (d != cut_dim && length > max_length) + max_length = length; + } + // consider most extreme splits + ANNcoord small_piece = max_length / FS_ASPECT_RATIO; + ANNcoord lo_cut = bnds.lo[cut_dim] + small_piece;// lowest legal cut + ANNcoord hi_cut = bnds.hi[cut_dim] - small_piece;// highest legal cut + + int br1, br2; + // is median below lo_cut ? + if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, lo_cut) >= 0) { + cut_val = lo_cut; // cut at lo_cut + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + n_lo = br1; + } + // is median above hi_cut? + else if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, hi_cut) <= 0) { + cut_val = hi_cut; // cut at hi_cut + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + n_lo = br2; + } + else { // median cut preserves asp ratio + n_lo = n/2; // split about median + annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo); + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// sl_fair_split - sliding fair split splitting rule +// +// Sliding fair split is a splitting rule that combines the +// strengths of both fair split with sliding midpoint split. +// Fair split tends to produce balanced splits when the points +// are roughly uniformly distributed, but it can produce many +// trivial splits when points are highly clustered. Sliding +// midpoint never produces trivial splits, and shrinks boxes +// nicely if points are highly clustered, but it may produce +// rather unbalanced splits when points are unclustered but not +// quite uniform. +// +// Sliding fair split is based on the theory that there are two +// types of splits that are "good": balanced splits that produce +// fat boxes, and unbalanced splits provided the cell with fewer +// points is fat. +// +// This splitting rule operates by first computing the longest +// side of the current bounding box. Then it asks which sides +// could be split (at the midpoint) and still satisfy the aspect +// ratio bound with respect to this side. Among these, it selects +// the side with the largest spread (as fair split would). It +// then considers the most extreme cuts that would be allowed by +// the aspect ratio bound. This is done by dividing the longest +// side of the box by the aspect ratio bound. If the median cut +// lies between these extreme cuts, then we use the median cut. +// If not, then consider the extreme cut that is closer to the +// median. If all the points lie to one side of this cut, then +// we slide the cut until it hits the first point. This may +// violate the aspect ratio bound, but will never generate empty +// cells. However the sibling of every such skinny cell is fat, +// and hence packing arguments still apply. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void sl_fair_split( + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned) +{ + int d; + ANNcoord min, max; // min/max coordinates + int br1, br2; // split break points + + ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0]; + cut_dim = 0; + for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (length > max_length) { + max_length = length; + cut_dim = d; + } + } + + ANNcoord max_spread = 0; // find legal cut with max spread + cut_dim = 0; + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + // is this side midpoint splitable + // without violating aspect ratio? + if (((double) max_length)*2.0/((double) length) <= FS_ASPECT_RATIO) { + // compute spread along this dim + ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d); + if (spr > max_spread) { // best spread so far + max_spread = spr; + cut_dim = d; // this is dimension to cut + } + } + } + + max_length = 0; // find longest side other than cut_dim + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (d != cut_dim && length > max_length) + max_length = length; + } + // consider most extreme splits + ANNcoord small_piece = max_length / FS_ASPECT_RATIO; + ANNcoord lo_cut = bnds.lo[cut_dim] + small_piece;// lowest legal cut + ANNcoord hi_cut = bnds.hi[cut_dim] - small_piece;// highest legal cut + // find min and max along cut_dim + annMinMax(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, min, max); + // is median below lo_cut? + if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, lo_cut) >= 0) { + if (max > lo_cut) { // are any points above lo_cut? + cut_val = lo_cut; // cut at lo_cut + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + n_lo = br1; // balance if there are ties + } + else { // all points below lo_cut + cut_val = max; // cut at max value + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + n_lo = n-1; + } + } + // is median above hi_cut? + else if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, hi_cut) <= 0) { + if (min < hi_cut) { // are any points below hi_cut? + cut_val = hi_cut; // cut at hi_cut + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + n_lo = br2; // balance if there are ties + } + else { // all points above hi_cut + cut_val = min; // cut at min value + annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2); + n_lo = 1; + } + } + else { // median cut is good enough + n_lo = n/2; // split about median + annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo); + } +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_split.h b/ann/src/kd_split.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef80461e --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_split.h @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_split.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Methods for splitting kd-trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_KD_SPLIT_H +#define ANN_KD_SPLIT_H + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree definitions + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// External entry points +// These are all splitting procedures for kd-trees. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void kd_split( // standard (optimized) kd-splitter + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned) + +void midpt_split( // midpoint kd-splitter + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned) + +void sl_midpt_split( // sliding midpoint kd-splitter + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned) + +void fair_split( // fair-split kd-splitter + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned) + +void sl_fair_split( // sliding fair-split kd-splitter + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned) + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/kd_tree.cpp b/ann/src/kd_tree.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2828fd2c --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_tree.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_tree.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Basic methods for kd-trees. +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Increased aspect ratio bound (ANN_AR_TOOBIG) from 100 to 1000. +// Fixed leaf counts to count trivial leaves. +// Added optional pa, pi arguments to Skeleton kd_tree constructor +// for use in load constructor. +// Added annClose() to eliminate KD_TRIVIAL memory leak. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations +#include "kd_split.h" // kd-tree splitting rules +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global data +// +// For some splitting rules, especially with small bucket sizes, +// it is possible to generate a large number of empty leaf nodes. +// To save storage we allocate a single trivial leaf node which +// contains no points. For messy coding reasons it is convenient +// to have it reference a trivial point index. +// +// KD_TRIVIAL is allocated when the first kd-tree is created. It +// must *never* deallocated (since it may be shared by more than +// one tree). +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +static int IDX_TRIVIAL[] = {0}; // trivial point index +ANNkd_leaf *KD_TRIVIAL = NULL; // trivial leaf node + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Printing the kd-tree +// These routines print a kd-tree in reverse inorder (high then +// root then low). (This is so that if you look at the output +// from the right side it appear from left to right in standard +// inorder.) When outputting leaves we output only the point +// indices rather than the point coordinates. There is an option +// to print the point coordinates separately. +// +// The tree printing routine calls the printing routines on the +// individual nodes of the tree, passing in the level or depth +// in the tree. The level in the tree is used to print indentation +// for readability. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_split::print( // print splitting node + int level, // depth of node in tree + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + child[ANN_HI]->print(level+1, out); // print high child + out << " "; + for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) // print indentation + out << ".."; + out << "Split cd=" << cut_dim << " cv=" << cut_val; + out << " lbnd=" << cd_bnds[ANN_LO]; + out << " hbnd=" << cd_bnds[ANN_HI]; + out << "\n"; + child[ANN_LO]->print(level+1, out); // print low child +} + +void ANNkd_leaf::print( // print leaf node + int level, // depth of node in tree + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + + out << " "; + for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) // print indentation + out << ".."; + + if (this == KD_TRIVIAL) { // canonical trivial leaf node + out << "Leaf (trivial)\n"; + } + else{ + out << "Leaf n=" << n_pts << " <"; + for (int j = 0; j < n_pts; j++) { + out << bkt[j]; + if (j < n_pts-1) out << ","; + } + out << ">\n"; + } +} + +void ANNkd_tree::Print( // print entire tree + ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well? + ostream &out) // output stream +{ + out << "ANN Version " << ANNversion << "\n"; + if (with_pts) { // print point coordinates + out << " Points:\n"; + for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { + out << "\t" << i << ": "; + annPrintPt(pts[i], dim, out); + out << "\n"; + } + } + if (root == NULL) // empty tree? + out << " Null tree.\n"; + else { + root->print(0, out); // invoke printing at root + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_tree statistics (for performance evaluation) +// This routine compute various statistics information for +// a kd-tree. It is used by the implementors for performance +// evaluation of the data structure. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) + +void ANNkdStats::merge(const ANNkdStats &st) // merge stats from child +{ + n_lf += st.n_lf; n_tl += st.n_tl; + n_spl += st.n_spl; n_shr += st.n_shr; + depth = MAX(depth, st.depth); + sum_ar += st.sum_ar; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Update statistics for nodes +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const double ANN_AR_TOOBIG = 1000; // too big an aspect ratio + +void ANNkd_leaf::getStats( // get subtree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // stats (modified) + ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding box +{ + st.reset(); + st.n_lf = 1; // count this leaf + if (this == KD_TRIVIAL) st.n_tl = 1; // count trivial leaf + double ar = annAspectRatio(dim, bnd_box); // aspect ratio of leaf + // incr sum (ignore outliers) + st.sum_ar += float(ar < ANN_AR_TOOBIG ? ar : ANN_AR_TOOBIG); +} + +void ANNkd_split::getStats( // get subtree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // stats (modified) + ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding box +{ + ANNkdStats ch_stats; // stats for children + // get stats for low child + ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cut_dim]; // save box bounds + bnd_box.hi[cut_dim] = cut_val; // upper bound for low child + ch_stats.reset(); // reset + child[ANN_LO]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, bnd_box); + st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them + bnd_box.hi[cut_dim] = hv; // restore bound + // get stats for high child + ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cut_dim]; // save box bounds + bnd_box.lo[cut_dim] = cut_val; // lower bound for high child + ch_stats.reset(); // reset + child[ANN_HI]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, bnd_box); + st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them + bnd_box.lo[cut_dim] = lv; // restore bound + + st.depth++; // increment depth + st.n_spl++; // increment number of splits +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// getStats +// Collects a number of statistics related to kd_tree or +// bd_tree. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_tree::getStats( // get tree statistics + ANNkdStats &st) // stats (modified) +{ + st.reset(dim, n_pts, bkt_size); // reset stats + // create bounding box + ANNorthRect bnd_box(dim, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi); + if (root != NULL) { // if nonempty tree + root->getStats(dim, st, bnd_box); // get statistics + st.avg_ar = st.sum_ar / st.n_lf; // average leaf asp ratio + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_tree destructor +// The destructor just frees the various elements that were +// allocated in the construction process. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_tree::~ANNkd_tree() // tree destructor +{ + if (root != NULL) delete root; + if (pidx != NULL) delete [] pidx; + if (bnd_box_lo != NULL) annDeallocPt(bnd_box_lo); + if (bnd_box_hi != NULL) annDeallocPt(bnd_box_hi); +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// This is called with all use of ANN is finished. It eliminates the +// minor memory leak caused by the allocation of KD_TRIVIAL. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +void annClose() // close use of ANN +{ + if (KD_TRIVIAL != NULL) { + delete KD_TRIVIAL; + KD_TRIVIAL = NULL; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd_tree constructors +// There is a skeleton kd-tree constructor which sets up a +// trivial empty tree. The last optional argument allows +// the routine to be passed a point index array which is +// assumed to be of the proper size (n). Otherwise, one is +// allocated and initialized to the identity. Warning: In +// either case the destructor will deallocate this array. +// +// As a kludge, we need to allocate KD_TRIVIAL if one has not +// already been allocated. (This is because I'm too dumb to +// figure out how to cause a pointer to be allocated at load +// time.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ANNkd_tree::SkeletonTree( // construct skeleton tree + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs, // bucket size + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pi) // point indices +{ + dim = dd; // initialize basic elements + n_pts = n; + bkt_size = bs; + pts = pa; // initialize points array + + root = NULL; // no associated tree yet + + if (pi == NULL) { // point indices provided? + pidx = new ANNidx[n]; // no, allocate space for point indices + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + pidx[i] = i; // initially identity + } + } + else { + pidx = pi; // yes, use them + } + + bnd_box_lo = bnd_box_hi = NULL; // bounding box is nonexistent + if (KD_TRIVIAL == NULL) // no trivial leaf node yet? + KD_TRIVIAL = new ANNkd_leaf(0, IDX_TRIVIAL); // allocate it +} + +ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree( // basic constructor + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs) // bucket size +{ SkeletonTree(n, dd, bs); } // construct skeleton tree + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// rkd_tree - recursive procedure to build a kd-tree +// +// Builds a kd-tree for points in pa as indexed through the +// array pidx[0..n-1] (typically a subarray of the array used in +// the top-level call). This routine permutes the array pidx, +// but does not alter pa[]. +// +// The construction is based on a standard algorithm for constructing +// the kd-tree (see Friedman, Bentley, and Finkel, ``An algorithm for +// finding best matches in logarithmic expected time,'' ACM Transactions +// on Mathematical Software, 3(3):209-226, 1977). The procedure +// operates by a simple divide-and-conquer strategy, which determines +// an appropriate orthogonal cutting plane (see below), and splits +// the points. When the number of points falls below the bucket size, +// we simply store the points in a leaf node's bucket. +// +// One of the arguments is a pointer to a splitting routine, +// whose prototype is: +// +// void split( +// ANNpointArray pa, // complete point array +// ANNidxArray pidx, // point array (permuted on return) +// ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounds of current cell +// int n, // number of points +// int dim, // dimension of space +// int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension +// ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value +// int &n_lo) // no. of points on low side of cut +// +// This procedure selects a cutting dimension and cutting value, +// partitions pa about these values, and returns the number of +// points on the low side of the cut. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_ptr rkd_tree( // recursive construction of kd-tree + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int bsp, // bucket space + ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node + ANNkd_splitter splitter) // splitting routine +{ + if (n <= bsp) { // n small, make a leaf node + if (n == 0) // empty leaf node + return KD_TRIVIAL; // return (canonical) empty leaf + else // construct the node and return + return new ANNkd_leaf(n, pidx); + } + else { // n large, make a splitting node + int cd; // cutting dimension + ANNcoord cv; // cutting value + int n_lo; // number on low side of cut + ANNkd_node *lo, *hi; // low and high children + + // invoke splitting procedure + (*splitter)(pa, pidx, bnd_box, n, dim, cd, cv, n_lo); + + ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dimension + ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cd]; + + bnd_box.hi[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for left subtree + lo = rkd_tree( // build left subtree + pa, pidx, n_lo, // ...from pidx[0..n_lo-1] + dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter); + bnd_box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore bounds + + bnd_box.lo[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for right subtree + hi = rkd_tree( // build right subtree + pa, pidx + n_lo, n-n_lo,// ...from pidx[n_lo..n-1] + dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter); + bnd_box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore bounds + + // create the splitting node + ANNkd_split *ptr = new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi); + + return ptr; // return pointer to this node + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd-tree constructor +// This is the main constructor for kd-trees given a set of points. +// It first builds a skeleton tree, then computes the bounding box +// of the data points, and then invokes rkd_tree() to actually +// build the tree, passing it the appropriate splitting routine. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree( // construct from point array + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (with at least n pts) + int n, // number of points + int dd, // dimension + int bs, // bucket size + ANNsplitRule split) // splitting method +{ + SkeletonTree(n, dd, bs); // set up the basic stuff + pts = pa; // where the points are + if (n == 0) return; // no points--no sweat + + ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd); // bounding box for points + annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);// construct bounding rectangle + // copy to tree structure + bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo); + bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi); + + switch (split) { // build by rule + case ANN_KD_STD: // standard kd-splitting rule + root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split); + break; + case ANN_KD_MIDPT: // midpoint split + root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split); + break; + case ANN_KD_FAIR: // fair split + root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split); + break; + case ANN_KD_SUGGEST: // best (in our opinion) + case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT: // sliding midpoint split + root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split); + break; + case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR: // sliding fair split + root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_fair_split); + break; + default: + annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort); + } +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_tree.h b/ann/src/kd_tree.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81284b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_tree.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Declarations for standard kd-tree routines +// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Added fixed radius kNN search +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_kd_tree_H +#define ANN_kd_tree_H + +#include // all ANN includes + +using namespace std; // make std:: available + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Generic kd-tree node +// +// Nodes in kd-trees are of two types, splitting nodes which contain +// splitting information (a splitting hyperplane orthogonal to one +// of the coordinate axes) and leaf nodes which contain point +// information (an array of points stored in a bucket). This is +// handled by making a generic class kd_node, which is essentially an +// empty shell, and then deriving the leaf and splitting nodes from +// this. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNkd_node{ // generic kd-tree node (empty shell) +public: + virtual ~ANNkd_node() {} // virtual distroyer + + virtual void ann_search(ANNdist) = 0; // tree search + virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist) = 0; // priority search + virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist) = 0; // fixed-radius search + + virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // statistics + ANNorthRect &bnd_box) = 0; // bounding box + // print node + virtual void print(int level, ostream &out) = 0; + virtual void dump(ostream &out) = 0; // dump node + + friend class ANNkd_tree; // allow kd-tree to access us +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd-splitting function: +// kd_splitter is a pointer to a splitting routine for preprocessing. +// Different splitting procedures result in different strategies +// for building the tree. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +typedef void (*ANNkd_splitter)( // splitting routine for kd-trees + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return) + const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned) + ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned) + int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Leaf kd-tree node +// Leaf nodes of the kd-tree store the set of points associated +// with this bucket, stored as an array of point indices. These +// are indices in the array points, which resides with the +// root of the kd-tree. We also store the number of points +// that reside in this bucket. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNkd_leaf: public ANNkd_node // leaf node for kd-tree +{ + int n_pts; // no. points in bucket + ANNidxArray bkt; // bucket of points +public: + ANNkd_leaf( // constructor + int n, // number of points + ANNidxArray b) // bucket + { + n_pts = n; // number of points in bucket + bkt = b; // the bucket + } + + ~ANNkd_leaf() { } // destructor (none) + + virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // statistics + ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding box + virtual void print(int level, ostream &out);// print node + virtual void dump(ostream &out); // dump node + + virtual void ann_search(ANNdist); // standard search + virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist); // priority search + virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist); // fixed-radius search +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// KD_TRIVIAL is a special pointer to an empty leaf node. Since +// some splitting rules generate many (more than 50%) trivial +// leaves, we use this one shared node to save space. +// +// The pointer is initialized to NULL, but whenever a kd-tree is +// created, we allocate this node, if it has not already been +// allocated. This node is *never* deallocated, so it produces +// a small memory leak. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +extern ANNkd_leaf *KD_TRIVIAL; // trivial (empty) leaf node + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// kd-tree splitting node. +// Splitting nodes contain a cutting dimension and a cutting value. +// These indicate the axis-parellel plane which subdivide the +// box for this node. The extent of the bounding box along the +// cutting dimension is maintained (this is used to speed up point +// to box distance calculations) [we do not store the entire bounding +// box since this may be wasteful of space in high dimensions]. +// We also store pointers to the 2 children. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNkd_split : public ANNkd_node // splitting node of a kd-tree +{ + int cut_dim; // dim orthogonal to cutting plane + ANNcoord cut_val; // location of cutting plane + ANNcoord cd_bnds[2]; // lower and upper bounds of + // rectangle along cut_dim + ANNkd_ptr child[2]; // left and right children +public: + ANNkd_split( // constructor + int cd, // cutting dimension + ANNcoord cv, // cutting value + ANNcoord lv, ANNcoord hv, // low and high values + ANNkd_ptr lc=NULL, ANNkd_ptr hc=NULL) // children + { + cut_dim = cd; // cutting dimension + cut_val = cv; // cutting value + cd_bnds[ANN_LO] = lv; // lower bound for rectangle + cd_bnds[ANN_HI] = hv; // upper bound for rectangle + child[ANN_LO] = lc; // left child + child[ANN_HI] = hc; // right child + } + + ~ANNkd_split() // destructor + { + if (child[ANN_LO]!= NULL && child[ANN_LO]!= KD_TRIVIAL) + delete child[ANN_LO]; + if (child[ANN_HI]!= NULL && child[ANN_HI]!= KD_TRIVIAL) + delete child[ANN_HI]; + } + + virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNkdStats &st, // statistics + ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding box + virtual void print(int level, ostream &out);// print node + virtual void dump(ostream &out); // dump node + + virtual void ann_search(ANNdist); // standard search + virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist); // priority search + virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist); // fixed-radius search +}; + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// External entry points +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNkd_ptr rkd_tree( // recursive construction of kd-tree + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered) + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + int bsp, // bucket space + ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node + ANNkd_splitter splitter); // splitting routine + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/kd_util.cpp b/ann/src/kd_util.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06d65b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_util.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_util.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Common utilities for kd-trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "kd_util.h" // kd-utility declarations + +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The following routines are utility functions for manipulating +// points sets, used in determining splitting planes for kd-tree +// construction. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// NOTE: Virtually all point indexing is done through an index (i.e. +// permutation) array pidx. Consequently, a reference to the d-th +// coordinate of the i-th point is pa[pidx[i]][d]. The macro PA(i,d) +// is a shorthand for this. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + // standard 2-d indirect indexing +#define PA(i,d) (pa[pidx[(i)]][(d)]) + // accessing a single point +#define PP(i) (pa[pidx[(i)]]) + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annAspectRatio +// Compute the aspect ratio (ratio of longest to shortest side) +// of a rectangle. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +double annAspectRatio( + int dim, // dimension + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding cube +{ + ANNcoord length = bnd_box.hi[0] - bnd_box.lo[0]; + ANNcoord min_length = length; // min side length + ANNcoord max_length = length; // max side length + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + length = bnd_box.hi[d] - bnd_box.lo[d]; + if (length < min_length) min_length = length; + if (length > max_length) max_length = length; + } + return max_length/min_length; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annEnclRect, annEnclCube +// These utilities compute the smallest rectangle and cube enclosing +// a set of points, respectively. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annEnclRect( + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + ANNorthRect &bnds) // bounding cube (returned) +{ + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // find smallest enclosing rectangle + ANNcoord lo_bnd = PA(0,d); // lower bound on dimension d + ANNcoord hi_bnd = PA(0,d); // upper bound on dimension d + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + if (PA(i,d) < lo_bnd) lo_bnd = PA(i,d); + else if (PA(i,d) > hi_bnd) hi_bnd = PA(i,d); + } + bnds.lo[d] = lo_bnd; + bnds.hi[d] = hi_bnd; + } +} + +void annEnclCube( // compute smallest enclosing cube + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + ANNorthRect &bnds) // bounding cube (returned) +{ + int d; + // compute smallest enclosing rect + annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dim, bnds); + + ANNcoord max_len = 0; // max length of any side + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // determine max side length + ANNcoord len = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + if (len > max_len) { // update max_len if longest + max_len = len; + } + } + for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // grow sides to match max + ANNcoord len = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]; + ANNcoord half_diff = (max_len - len) / 2; + bnds.lo[d] -= half_diff; + bnds.hi[d] += half_diff; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annBoxDistance - utility routine which computes distance from point to +// box (Note: most distances to boxes are computed using incremental +// distance updates, not this function.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNdist annBoxDistance( // compute distance from point to box + const ANNpoint q, // the point + const ANNpoint lo, // low point of box + const ANNpoint hi, // high point of box + int dim) // dimension of space +{ + register ANNdist dist = 0.0; // sum of squared distances + register ANNdist t; + + for (register int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + if (q[d] < lo[d]) { // q is left of box + t = ANNdist(lo[d]) - ANNdist(q[d]); + dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t)); + } + else if (q[d] > hi[d]) { // q is right of box + t = ANNdist(q[d]) - ANNdist(hi[d]); + dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t)); + } + } + ANN_FLOP(4*dim) // increment floating op count + + return dist; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annSpread - find spread along given dimension +// annMinMax - find min and max coordinates along given dimension +// annMaxSpread - find dimension of max spread +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNcoord annSpread( // compute point spread along dimension + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d) // dimension to check +{ + ANNcoord min = PA(0,d); // compute max and min coords + ANNcoord max = PA(0,d); + for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { + ANNcoord c = PA(i,d); + if (c < min) min = c; + else if (c > max) max = c; + } + return (max - min); // total spread is difference +} + +void annMinMax( // compute min and max coordinates along dim + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension to check + ANNcoord &min, // minimum value (returned) + ANNcoord &max) // maximum value (returned) +{ + min = PA(0,d); // compute max and min coords + max = PA(0,d); + for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { + ANNcoord c = PA(i,d); + if (c < min) min = c; + else if (c > max) max = c; + } +} + +int annMaxSpread( // compute dimension of max spread + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim) // dimension of space +{ + int max_dim = 0; // dimension of max spread + ANNcoord max_spr = 0; // amount of max spread + + if (n == 0) return max_dim; // no points, who cares? + + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // compute spread along each dim + ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d); + if (spr > max_spr) { // bigger than current max + max_spr = spr; + max_dim = d; + } + } + return max_dim; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annMedianSplit - split point array about its median +// Splits a subarray of points pa[0..n] about an element of given +// rank (median: n_lo = n/2) with respect to dimension d. It places +// the element of rank n_lo-1 correctly (because our splitting rule +// takes the mean of these two). On exit, the array is permuted so +// that: +// +// pa[0..n_lo-2][d] <= pa[n_lo-1][d] <= pa[n_lo][d] <= pa[n_lo+1..n-1][d]. +// +// The mean of pa[n_lo-1][d] and pa[n_lo][d] is returned as the +// splitting value. +// +// All indexing is done indirectly through the index array pidx. +// +// This function uses the well known selection algorithm due to +// C.A.R. Hoare. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + // swap two points in pa array +#define PASWAP(a,b) { int tmp = pidx[a]; pidx[a] = pidx[b]; pidx[b] = tmp; } + +void annMedianSplit( + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension along which to split + ANNcoord &cv, // cutting value + int n_lo) // split into n_lo and n-n_lo +{ + int l = 0; // left end of current subarray + int r = n-1; // right end of current subarray + while (l < r) { + register int i = (r+l)/2; // select middle as pivot + register int k; + + if (PA(i,d) > PA(r,d)) // make sure last > pivot + PASWAP(i,r) + PASWAP(l,i); // move pivot to first position + + ANNcoord c = PA(l,d); // pivot value + i = l; + k = r; + for(;;) { // pivot about c + while (PA(++i,d) < c) ; + while (PA(--k,d) > c) ; + if (i < k) PASWAP(i,k) else break; + } + PASWAP(l,k); // pivot winds up in location k + + if (k > n_lo) r = k-1; // recurse on proper subarray + else if (k < n_lo) l = k+1; + else break; // got the median exactly + } + if (n_lo > 0) { // search for next smaller item + ANNcoord c = PA(0,d); // candidate for max + int k = 0; // candidate's index + for (int i = 1; i < n_lo; i++) { + if (PA(i,d) > c) { + c = PA(i,d); + k = i; + } + } + PASWAP(n_lo-1, k); // max among pa[0..n_lo-1] to pa[n_lo-1] + } + // cut value is midpoint value + cv = (PA(n_lo-1,d) + PA(n_lo,d))/2.0; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annPlaneSplit - split point array about a cutting plane +// Split the points in an array about a given plane along a +// given cutting dimension. On exit, br1 and br2 are set so +// that: +// +// pa[ 0 ..br1-1] < cv +// pa[br1..br2-1] == cv +// pa[br2.. n -1] > cv +// +// All indexing is done indirectly through the index array pidx. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annPlaneSplit( // split points by a plane + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension along which to split + ANNcoord cv, // cutting value + int &br1, // first break (values < cv) + int &br2) // second break (values == cv) +{ + int l = 0; + int r = n-1; + for(;;) { // partition pa[0..n-1] about cv + while (l < n && PA(l,d) < cv) l++; + while (r >= 0 && PA(r,d) >= cv) r--; + if (l > r) break; + PASWAP(l,r); + l++; r--; + } + br1 = l; // now: pa[0..br1-1] < cv <= pa[br1..n-1] + r = n-1; + for(;;) { // partition pa[br1..n-1] about cv + while (l < n && PA(l,d) <= cv) l++; + while (r >= br1 && PA(r,d) > cv) r--; + if (l > r) break; + PASWAP(l,r); + l++; r--; + } + br2 = l; // now: pa[br1..br2-1] == cv < pa[br2..n-1] +} + + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annBoxSplit - split point array about a orthogonal rectangle +// Split the points in an array about a given orthogonal +// rectangle. On exit, n_in is set to the number of points +// that are inside (or on the boundary of) the rectangle. +// +// All indexing is done indirectly through the index array pidx. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annBoxSplit( // split points by a box + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNorthRect &box, // the box + int &n_in) // number of points inside (returned) +{ + int l = 0; + int r = n-1; + for(;;) { // partition pa[0..n-1] about box + while (l < n && box.inside(dim, PP(l))) l++; + while (r >= 0 && !box.inside(dim, PP(r))) r--; + if (l > r) break; + PASWAP(l,r); + l++; r--; + } + n_in = l; // now: pa[0..n_in-1] inside and rest outside +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annSplitBalance - compute balance factor for a given plane split +// Balance factor is defined as the number of points lying +// below the splitting value minus n/2 (median). Thus, a +// median split has balance 0, left of this is negative and +// right of this is positive. (The points are unchanged.) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int annSplitBalance( // determine balance factor of a split + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension along which to split + ANNcoord cv) // cutting value +{ + int n_lo = 0; + for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // count number less than cv + if (PA(i,d) < cv) n_lo++; + } + return n_lo - n/2; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annBox2Bnds - convert bounding box to list of bounds +// Given two boxes, an inner box enclosed within a bounding +// box, this routine determines all the sides for which the +// inner box is strictly contained with the bounding box, +// and adds an appropriate entry to a list of bounds. Then +// we allocate storage for the final list of bounds, and return +// the resulting list and its size. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annBox2Bnds( // convert inner box to bounds + const ANNorthRect &inner_box, // inner box + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box + int dim, // dimension of space + int &n_bnds, // number of bounds (returned) + ANNorthHSArray &bnds) // bounds array (returned) +{ + int i; + n_bnds = 0; // count number of bounds + for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + if (inner_box.lo[i] > bnd_box.lo[i]) // low bound is inside + n_bnds++; + if (inner_box.hi[i] < bnd_box.hi[i]) // high bound is inside + n_bnds++; + } + + bnds = new ANNorthHalfSpace[n_bnds]; // allocate appropriate size + + int j = 0; + for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { // fill the array + if (inner_box.lo[i] > bnd_box.lo[i]) { + bnds[j].cd = i; + bnds[j].cv = inner_box.lo[i]; + bnds[j].sd = +1; + j++; + } + if (inner_box.hi[i] < bnd_box.hi[i]) { + bnds[j].cd = i; + bnds[j].cv = inner_box.hi[i]; + bnds[j].sd = -1; + j++; + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annBnds2Box - convert list of bounds to bounding box +// Given an enclosing box and a list of bounds, this routine +// computes the corresponding inner box. It is assumed that +// the box points have been allocated already. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annBnds2Box( + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box + int dim, // dimension of space + int n_bnds, // number of bounds + ANNorthHSArray bnds, // bounds array + ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box (returned) +{ + annAssignRect(dim, inner_box, bnd_box); // copy bounding box to inner + + for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { + bnds[i].project(inner_box.lo); // project each endpoint + bnds[i].project(inner_box.hi); + } +} diff --git a/ann/src/kd_util.h b/ann/src/kd_util.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b434304 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/kd_util.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: kd_util.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Common utilities for kd- trees +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef ANN_kd_util_H +#define ANN_kd_util_H + +#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// externally accessible functions +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +double annAspectRatio( // compute aspect ratio of box + int dim, // dimension + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding cube + +void annEnclRect( // compute smallest enclosing rectangle + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + ANNorthRect &bnds); // bounding cube (returned) + +void annEnclCube( // compute smallest enclosing cube + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + ANNorthRect &bnds); // bounding cube (returned) + +ANNdist annBoxDistance( // compute distance from point to box + const ANNpoint q, // the point + const ANNpoint lo, // low point of box + const ANNpoint hi, // high point of box + int dim); // dimension of space + +ANNcoord annSpread( // compute point spread along dimension + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d); // dimension to check + +void annMinMax( // compute min and max coordinates along dim + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension to check + ANNcoord& min, // minimum value (returned) + ANNcoord& max); // maximum value (returned) + +int annMaxSpread( // compute dimension of max spread + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim); // dimension of space + +void annMedianSplit( // split points along median value + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension along which to split + ANNcoord &cv, // cutting value + int n_lo); // split into n_lo and n-n_lo + +void annPlaneSplit( // split points by a plane + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension along which to split + ANNcoord cv, // cutting value + int &br1, // first break (values < cv) + int &br2); // second break (values == cv) + +void annBoxSplit( // split points by a box + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension of space + ANNorthRect &box, // the box + int &n_in); // number of points inside (returned) + +int annSplitBalance( // determine balance factor of a split + ANNpointArray pa, // points to split + ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices + int n, // number of points + int d, // dimension along which to split + ANNcoord cv); // cutting value + +void annBox2Bnds( // convert inner box to bounds + const ANNorthRect &inner_box, // inner box + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box + int dim, // dimension of space + int &n_bnds, // number of bounds (returned) + ANNorthHSArray &bnds); // bounds array (returned) + +void annBnds2Box( // convert bounds to inner box + const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box + int dim, // dimension of space + int n_bnds, // number of bounds + ANNorthHSArray bnds, // bounds array + ANNorthRect &inner_box); // inner box (returned) + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/perf.cpp b/ann/src/perf.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91bb0444 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/perf.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: perf.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Methods for performance stats +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Changed names to avoid namespace conflicts. +// Added flush after printing performance stats to fix bug +// in Microsoft Windows version. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // basic ANN includes +#include // performance includes + +using namespace std; // make std:: available + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Performance statistics +// The following data and routines are used for computing +// performance statistics for nearest neighbor searching. +// Because these routines can slow the code down, they can be +// activated and deactiviated by defining the PERF variable, +// by compiling with the option: -DPERF +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Global counters for performance measurement +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int ann_Ndata_pts = 0; // number of data points +int ann_Nvisit_lfs = 0; // number of leaf nodes visited +int ann_Nvisit_spl = 0; // number of splitting nodes visited +int ann_Nvisit_shr = 0; // number of shrinking nodes visited +int ann_Nvisit_pts = 0; // visited points for one query +int ann_Ncoord_hts = 0; // coordinate hits for one query +int ann_Nfloat_ops = 0; // floating ops for one query +ANNsampStat ann_visit_lfs; // stats on leaf nodes visits +ANNsampStat ann_visit_spl; // stats on splitting nodes visits +ANNsampStat ann_visit_shr; // stats on shrinking nodes visits +ANNsampStat ann_visit_nds; // stats on total nodes visits +ANNsampStat ann_visit_pts; // stats on points visited +ANNsampStat ann_coord_hts; // stats on coordinate hits +ANNsampStat ann_float_ops; // stats on floating ops +// +ANNsampStat ann_average_err; // average error +ANNsampStat ann_rank_err; // rank error + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Routines for statistics. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DLL_API void annResetStats(int data_size) // reset stats for a set of queries +{ + ann_Ndata_pts = data_size; + ann_visit_lfs.reset(); + ann_visit_spl.reset(); + ann_visit_shr.reset(); + ann_visit_nds.reset(); + ann_visit_pts.reset(); + ann_coord_hts.reset(); + ann_float_ops.reset(); + ann_average_err.reset(); + ann_rank_err.reset(); +} + +DLL_API void annResetCounts() // reset counts for one query +{ + ann_Nvisit_lfs = 0; + ann_Nvisit_spl = 0; + ann_Nvisit_shr = 0; + ann_Nvisit_pts = 0; + ann_Ncoord_hts = 0; + ann_Nfloat_ops = 0; +} + +DLL_API void annUpdateStats() // update stats with current counts +{ + ann_visit_lfs += ann_Nvisit_lfs; + ann_visit_nds += ann_Nvisit_spl + ann_Nvisit_lfs; + ann_visit_spl += ann_Nvisit_spl; + ann_visit_shr += ann_Nvisit_shr; + ann_visit_pts += ann_Nvisit_pts; + ann_coord_hts += ann_Ncoord_hts; + ann_float_ops += ann_Nfloat_ops; +} + + // print a single statistic +void print_one_stat(char *title, ANNsampStat s, double div) +{ + cout << title << "= [ "; + cout.width(9); cout << s.mean()/div << " : "; + cout.width(9); cout << s.stdDev()/div << " ]<"; + cout.width(9); cout << s.min()/div << " , "; + cout.width(9); cout << s.max()/div << " >\n"; +} + +DLL_API void annPrintStats( // print statistics for a run + ANNbool validate) // true if average errors desired +{ + cout.precision(4); // set floating precision + cout << " (Performance stats: " + << " [ mean : stddev ]< min , max >\n"; + print_one_stat(" leaf_nodes ", ann_visit_lfs, 1); + print_one_stat(" splitting_nodes ", ann_visit_spl, 1); + print_one_stat(" shrinking_nodes ", ann_visit_shr, 1); + print_one_stat(" total_nodes ", ann_visit_nds, 1); + print_one_stat(" points_visited ", ann_visit_pts, 1); + print_one_stat(" coord_hits/pt ", ann_coord_hts, ann_Ndata_pts); + print_one_stat(" floating_ops_(K) ", ann_float_ops, 1000); + if (validate) { + print_one_stat(" average_error ", ann_average_err, 1); + print_one_stat(" rank_error ", ann_rank_err, 1); + } + cout.precision(0); // restore the default + cout << " )\n"; + cout.flush(); +} diff --git a/ann/src/pr_queue.h b/ann/src/pr_queue.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f4b75c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/pr_queue.h @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: pr_queue.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Include file for priority queue and related +// structures. +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef PR_QUEUE_H +#define PR_QUEUE_H + +#include // all ANN includes +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Basic types. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +typedef void *PQinfo; // info field is generic pointer +typedef ANNdist PQkey; // key field is distance + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Priority queue +// A priority queue is a list of items, along with associated +// priorities. The basic operations are insert and extract_minimum. +// +// The priority queue is maintained using a standard binary heap. +// (Implementation note: Indexing is performed from [1..max] rather +// than the C standard of [0..max-1]. This simplifies parent/child +// computations.) User information consists of a void pointer, +// and the user is responsible for casting this quantity into whatever +// useful form is desired. +// +// Because the priority queue is so central to the efficiency of +// query processing, all the code is inline. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNpr_queue { + + struct pq_node { // node in priority queue + PQkey key; // key value + PQinfo info; // info field + }; + int n; // number of items in queue + int max_size; // maximum queue size + pq_node *pq; // the priority queue (array of nodes) + +public: + ANNpr_queue(int max) // constructor (given max size) + { + n = 0; // initially empty + max_size = max; // maximum number of items + pq = new pq_node[max+1]; // queue is array [1..max] of nodes + } + + ~ANNpr_queue() // destructor + { delete [] pq; } + + ANNbool empty() // is queue empty? + { if (n==0) return ANNtrue; else return ANNfalse; } + + ANNbool non_empty() // is queue nonempty? + { if (n==0) return ANNfalse; else return ANNtrue; } + + void reset() // make existing queue empty + { n = 0; } + + inline void insert( // insert item (inlined for speed) + PQkey kv, // key value + PQinfo inf) // item info + { + if (++n > max_size) annError("Priority queue overflow.", ANNabort); + register int r = n; + while (r > 1) { // sift up new item + register int p = r/2; + ANN_FLOP(1) // increment floating ops + if (pq[p].key <= kv) // in proper order + break; + pq[r] = pq[p]; // else swap with parent + r = p; + } + pq[r].key = kv; // insert new item at final location + pq[r].info = inf; + } + + inline void extr_min( // extract minimum (inlined for speed) + PQkey &kv, // key (returned) + PQinfo &inf) // item info (returned) + { + kv = pq[1].key; // key of min item + inf = pq[1].info; // information of min item + register PQkey kn = pq[n--].key;// last item in queue + register int p = 1; // p points to item out of position + register int r = p<<1; // left child of p + while (r <= n) { // while r is still within the heap + ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating ops + // set r to smaller child of p + if (r < n && pq[r].key > pq[r+1].key) r++; + if (kn <= pq[r].key) // in proper order + break; + pq[p] = pq[r]; // else swap with child + p = r; // advance pointers + r = p<<1; + } + pq[p] = pq[n+1]; // insert last item in proper place + } +}; + +#endif diff --git a/ann/src/pr_queue_k.h b/ann/src/pr_queue_k.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2f01c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/src/pr_queue_k.h @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: pr_queue_k.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Include file for priority queue with k items. +// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef PR_QUEUE_K_H +#define PR_QUEUE_K_H + +#include // all ANN includes +#include // performance evaluation + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Basic types +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +typedef ANNdist PQKkey; // key field is distance +typedef int PQKinfo; // info field is int + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Constants +// The NULL key value is used to initialize the priority queue, and +// so it should be larger than any valid distance, so that it will +// be replaced as legal distance values are inserted. The NULL +// info value must be a nonvalid array index, we use ANN_NULL_IDX, +// which is guaranteed to be negative. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +const PQKkey PQ_NULL_KEY = ANN_DIST_INF; // nonexistent key value +const PQKinfo PQ_NULL_INFO = ANN_NULL_IDX; // nonexistent info value + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ANNmin_k +// An ANNmin_k structure is one which maintains the smallest +// k values (of type PQKkey) and associated information (of type +// PQKinfo). The special info and key values PQ_NULL_INFO and +// PQ_NULL_KEY means that thise entry is empty. +// +// It is currently implemented using an array with k items. +// Items are stored in increasing sorted order, and insertions +// are made through standard insertion sort. (This is quite +// inefficient, but current applications call for small values +// of k and relatively few insertions.) +// +// Note that the list contains k+1 entries, but the last entry +// is used as a simple placeholder and is otherwise ignored. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class ANNmin_k { + struct mk_node { // node in min_k structure + PQKkey key; // key value + PQKinfo info; // info field (user defined) + }; + + int k; // max number of keys to store + int n; // number of keys currently active + mk_node *mk; // the list itself + +public: + ANNmin_k(int max) // constructor (given max size) + { + n = 0; // initially no items + k = max; // maximum number of items + mk = new mk_node[max+1]; // sorted array of keys + } + + ~ANNmin_k() // destructor + { delete [] mk; } + + PQKkey ANNmin_key() // return minimum key + { return (n > 0 ? mk[0].key : PQ_NULL_KEY); } + + PQKkey max_key() // return maximum key + { return (n == k ? mk[k-1].key : PQ_NULL_KEY); } + + PQKkey ith_smallest_key(int i) // ith smallest key (i in [0..n-1]) + { return (i < n ? mk[i].key : PQ_NULL_KEY); } + + PQKinfo ith_smallest_info(int i) // info for ith smallest (i in [0..n-1]) + { return (i < n ? mk[i].info : PQ_NULL_INFO); } + + inline void insert( // insert item (inlined for speed) + PQKkey kv, // key value + PQKinfo inf) // item info + { + register int i; + // slide larger values up + for (i = n; i > 0; i--) { + if (mk[i-1].key > kv) + mk[i] = mk[i-1]; + else + break; + } + mk[i].key = kv; // store element here + mk[i].info = inf; + if (n < k) n++; // increment number of items + ANN_FLOP(k-i+1) // increment floating ops + } +}; + +#endif diff --git a/ann/test/Makefile b/ann/test/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3e0233e --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile for the test and evaluation program +# +# ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbors +# Version: 1.1.1 08/04/06 +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +# David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +# +# This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +# Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +# the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +# file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +# +# The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +# representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +# any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +# warranty. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +# Initial release +# Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +# Added copyright/license +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Note: For full performance measurements, it is assumed that the library +# and this program have both been compiled with the -DANN_PERF flag. See +# the Makefile in the ANN base directory for this flag. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Basic definitions +# BASEDIR where include, src, lib, ... are +# INCDIR include directory +# LIBDIR library directory +# BINDIR bin directory +# LDFLAGS loader flags +# ANNLIBS ANN library +# OTHERLIBS other libraries +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BASEDIR = .. +INCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/include +LIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)/lib +BINDIR = $(BASEDIR)/bin +LDFLAGS = -L$(LIBDIR) +ANNLIBS = -lANN +OTHERLIBS = -lm + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Some more definitions +# ANNTEST name of test program +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ANNTEST = ann_test + +HEADERS = rand.h +TESTSOURCES = ann_test.cpp rand.cpp +TESTOBJECTS = $(TESTSOURCES:.cpp=.o) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Make the program +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +default: + @echo "Specify a target configuration" + +targets: $(BINDIR)/$(ANNTEST) + +$(BINDIR)/$(ANNTEST): $(TESTOBJECTS) $(LIBDIR)/$(ANNLIB) + $(C++) $(TESTOBJECTS) -o $(ANNTEST) $(LDFLAGS) $(ANNLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS) + mv $(ANNTEST) $(BINDIR) + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration definitions +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +include ../Make-config + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Objects +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ann_test.o: ann_test.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) ann_test.cpp + +rand.o: rand.cpp + $(C++) -c -I$(INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) rand.cpp + +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Cleaning +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +clean: + -rm -f *.o *.out core + +realclean: clean diff --git a/ann/test/ann_test.cpp b/ann/test/ann_test.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bee44d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/ann_test.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1640 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: ann_test.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: test program for ANN (approximate nearest neighbors) +// Last modified: 08/04/06 (Version 1.1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 0.2 06/26/98 +// Added CLOCKS_PER_SEC definition if needed +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Added comments (from "#" to eol) +// Added clus_orth_flats and clus_ellipsoids distributions +// Fixed order of fair and midpt in split_table +// Added dump/load operations +// Cleaned up C++ for modern compilers +// Revision 1.1 05/03/05 +// Added fixed radius kNN search +// Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +// Added planted distribution +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include // clock +#include // math routines +#include // C string ops +#include // file I/O + +#include // ANN declarations +#include // more ANN declarations +#include // performance evaluation + +#include "rand.h" // random point generation + +#ifndef CLOCKS_PER_SEC // define clocks-per-second if needed + #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000 +#endif + +using namespace std; // make std:: available + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ann_test +// +// This program is a driver for testing and evaluating the ANN library +// for computing approximate nearest neighbors. It allows the user to +// generate data and query sets of various sizes, dimensions, and +// distributions, to build kd- and bbd-trees of various types, and then +// run queries and outputting various performance statistics. +// +// Overview: +// --------- +// The test program is run as follows: +// +// ann_test < test_input > test_output +// +// where the test_input file contains a list of directives as described +// below. Directives consist of a directive name, followed by list of +// arguments (depending on the directive). Arguments and directives are +// separated by white space (blank, tab, and newline). String arguments +// are not quoted, and consist of a string of nonwhite chacters. A +// character "#" denotes a comment. The following characters up to +// the end of line are ignored. Comments may only be inserted between +// directives (not within the argument list of a directive). +// +// Basic operations: +// ----------------- +// The test program can perform the following operations. How these +// operations are performed depends on the options which are described +// later. +// +// Data Generation: +// ---------------- +// read_data_pts Create a set of data points whose +// coordinates are input from file . +// gen_data_pts Create a set of data points whose +// coordinates are generated from the +// current point distribution. +// +// Building the tree: +// ------------------ +// build_ann Generate an approximate nearest neighbor +// structure for the current data set, using +// the selected splitting rules. Any existing +// tree will be destroyed. +// +// Query Generation/Searching: +// --------------------------- +// read_query_pts Create a set of query points whose +// coordinates are input from file . +// gen_query_pts Create a set of query points whose +// coordinates are generated from the +// current point distribution. +// run_queries Apply nearest neighbor searching to the +// query points using the approximate nearest +// neighbor structure and the given search +// strategy. Possible strategies are: +// standard = standard kd-tree search +// priority = priority search +// +// Miscellaneous: +// -------------- +// output_label Output a label to the output file. +// dump Dump the current structure to given file. +// (The dump format is explained further in +// the source file +// load Load a tree from a data file which was +// created by the dump operation. Any +// existing tree will be destroyed. +// +// Options: +// -------- +// How these operations are performed depends on a set of options. +// If an option is not specified, a default value is used. An option +// retains its value until it is set again. String inputs are not +// enclosed in quotes, and must contain no embedded white space (sorry, +// this is C++'s convention). +// +// Options affecting search tree structure: +// ---------------------------------------- +// split_rule Type of splitting rule to use in building +// the search tree. Choices are: +// kd = optimized kd-tree +// midpt = midpoint split +// fair = fair split +// sl_midpt = sliding midpt split +// sl_fair = sliding fair split +// suggest = authors' choice for best +// The default is "suggest". See the file +// for more detailed information. +// +// shrink_rule Type of shrinking rule to use in building +// a bd-tree data structure. If "none" is +// given, then no shrinking is performed and +// the result is a kd-tree. Choices are: +// none = perform no shrinking +// simple = simple shrinking +// centroid = centroid shrinking +// suggest = authors' choice for best +// The default is "none". See the file +// for more information. +// bucket_size Bucket size, that is, the maximum number of +// points stored in each leaf node. +// +// Options affecting data and query point generation: +// -------------------------------------------------- +// dim Dimension of space. +// seed Seed for random number generation. +// data_size Number of data points. When reading data +// points from a file, this indicates the +// maximum number of points for storage +// allocation. Default = 100. +// query_size Same as data_size for query points. +// std_dev Standard deviation (used in gauss, +// planted, and clustered distributions). +// This is the "small" distribution for +// clus_ellipsoids. Default = 1. +// std_dev_lo Low and high standard deviations (used in +// std_dev_hi clus_ellipsoids). Default = 1. +// corr_coef Correlation coefficient (used in co-gauss +// and co_lapace distributions). Default = 0.05. +// colors Number of color classes (clusters) (used +// in the clustered distributions). Default = 5. +// new_clust Once generated, cluster centers are not +// normally regenerated. This is so that both +// query points and data points can be generated +// using the same set of clusters. This option +// forces new cluster centers to be generated +// with the next generation of either data or +// query points. +// max_clus_dim Maximum dimension of clusters (used in +// clus_orth_flats and clus_ellipsoids). +// Default = 1. +// distribution Type of input distribution +// uniform = uniform over cube [-1,1]^d. +// gauss = Gaussian with mean 0 +// laplace = Laplacian, mean 0 and var 1 +// co_gauss = correlated Gaussian +// co_laplace = correlated Laplacian +// clus_gauss = clustered Gaussian +// clus_orth_flats = clusters of orth flats +// clus_ellipsoids = clusters of ellipsoids +// planted = planted distribution +// See the file rand.cpp for further information. +// +// Options affecting nearest neighbor search: +// ------------------------------------------ +// epsilon Error bound for approx. near neigh. search. +// near_neigh Number of nearest neighbors to compute. +// max_pts_visit Maximum number of points to visit before +// terminating. (Used in applications where +// real-time performance is important.) +// (Default = 0, which means no limit.) +// radius_bound Sets an upper bound on the nearest +// neighbor search radius. If the bound is +// positive, then fixed-radius nearest +// neighbor searching is performed, and the +// count of the number of points in the +// range is returned. If the bound is +// zero, then standard search is used. +// This can only be used with standard, not +// priority, search. (Default = 0, which +// means standard search.) +// +// Options affection general program behavior: +// ------------------------------------------- +// stats Level of statistics output +// silent = no output, +// exec_time += execution time only +// prep_stats += preprocessing statistics +// query_stats += query performance stats +// query_res += results of queries +// show_pts += show the data points +// show_struct += print search structure +// validate Validate experiment and compute average +// error. Since validation causes exact +// nearest neighbors to be computed by the +// brute force method, this can take a long +// time. Valid arguments are: +// on = turn validation on +// off = turn validation off +// true_near_neigh Number of true nearest neighbors to compute. +// When validating, we compute the difference +// in rank between each reported nearest neighbor +// and the true nearest neighbor of the same +// rank. Thus it is necessary to compute a +// few more true nearest neighbors. By default +// we compute 10 more than near_neigh. With +// this option the exact number can be set. +// (Used only when validating.) +// +// Example: +// -------- +// output_label test_run_0 # output label for this run +// validate off # do not perform validation +// dim 16 # points in dimension 16 +// stats query_stats # output performance statistics for queries +// seed 121212 # random number seed +// data_size 1000 +// distribution uniform +// gen_data_pts # 1000 uniform data points in dim 16 +// query_size 100 +// std_dev 0.05 +// distribution clus_gauss +// gen_query_pts # 100 points in 10 clusters with std_dev 0.05 +// bucket_size 2 +// split_rule kd +// shrink_rule none +// build_ann # kd-tree, bucket size 2 +// epsilon 0.1 +// near_neigh 5 +// max_pts_visit 100 # stop search if more than 100 points seen +// run_queries standard # run queries; 5 nearest neighbors, 10% error +// data_size 500 +// read_data_pts # read up to 500 points from file +// split_rule sl_midpt +// shrink_rule simple +// build_ann # bd-tree; simple shrink, sliding midpoint split +// epsilon 0 +// run_queries priority # run same queries; 0 allowable error +// +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Constants +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +const int STRING_LEN = 500; // max string length +const double ERR = 0.00001; // epsilon (for float compares) + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Enumerated values and conversions +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +typedef enum {DATA, QUERY} PtType; // point types + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Statistics output levels +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +typedef enum { // stat levels + SILENT, // no output + EXEC_TIME, // just execution time + PREP_STATS, // preprocessing info + QUERY_STATS, // query performance + QUERY_RES, // query results + SHOW_PTS, // show data points + SHOW_STRUCT, // show tree structure + N_STAT_LEVELS} // number of levels + StatLev; + +const char stat_table[N_STAT_LEVELS][STRING_LEN] = { + "silent", // SILENT + "exec_time", // EXEC_TIME + "prep_stats", // PREP_STATS + "query_stats", // QUERY_STATS + "query_res", // QUERY_RES + "show_pts", // SHOW_PTS + "show_struct"}; // SHOW_STRUCT + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Distributions +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +typedef enum { // distributions + UNIFORM, // uniform over cube [-1,1]^d. + GAUSS, // Gaussian with mean 0 + LAPLACE, // Laplacian, mean 0 and var 1 + CO_GAUSS, // correlated Gaussian + CO_LAPLACE, // correlated Laplacian + CLUS_GAUSS, // clustered Gaussian + CLUS_ORTH_FLATS, // clustered on orthog flats + CLUS_ELLIPSOIDS, // clustered on ellipsoids + PLANTED, // planted distribution + N_DISTRIBS} + Distrib; + +const char distr_table[N_DISTRIBS][STRING_LEN] = { + "uniform", // UNIFORM + "gauss", // GAUSS + "laplace", // LAPLACE + "co_gauss", // CO_GAUSS + "co_laplace", // CO_LAPLACE + "clus_gauss", // CLUS_GAUSS + "clus_orth_flats", // CLUS_ORTH_FLATS + "clus_ellipsoids", // CLUS_ELLIPSOIS + "planted"}; // PLANTED + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Splitting rules for kd-trees (see ANN.h for types) +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +const int N_SPLIT_RULES = 6; +const char split_table[N_SPLIT_RULES][STRING_LEN] = { + "standard", // standard optimized kd-tree + "midpt", // midpoint split + "fair", // fair split + "sl_midpt", // sliding midpt split + "sl_fair", // sliding fair split + "suggest"}; // authors' choice for best + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Shrinking rules for bd-trees (see ANN.h for types) +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +const int N_SHRINK_RULES = 4; +const char shrink_table[N_SHRINK_RULES][STRING_LEN] = { + "none", // perform no shrinking (kd-tree) + "simple", // simple shrinking + "centroid", // centroid shrinking + "suggest"}; // authors' choice for best + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Short utility functions +// Error - general error routine +// printPoint - print a point to standard output +// lookUp - look up a name in table and return index +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void Error( // error routine + char *msg, // error message + ANNerr level) // abort afterwards +{ + if (level == ANNabort) { + cerr << "ann_test: ERROR------->" << msg << "<-------------ERROR\n"; + exit(1); + } + else { + cerr << "ann_test: WARNING----->" << msg << "<-------------WARNING\n"; + } +} + +void printPoint( // print point + ANNpoint p, // the point + int dim) // the dimension +{ + cout << "["; + for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { + cout << p[i]; + if (i < dim-1) cout << ","; + } + cout << "]"; +} + +int lookUp( // look up name in table + const char *arg, // name to look up + const char (*table)[STRING_LEN], // name table + int size) // table size +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + if (!strcmp(arg, table[i])) return i; + } + return i; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Function declarations +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +void generatePts( // generate data/query points + ANNpointArray &pa, // point array (returned) + int n, // number of points + PtType type, // point type + ANNbool new_clust, // new cluster centers desired? + ANNpointArray src = NULL, // source array (for PLANTED) + int n_src = 0); // source size (for PLANTED) + +void readPts( // read data/query points from file + ANNpointArray &pa, // point array (returned) + int &n, // number of points + char *file_nm, // file name + PtType type); // point type (DATA, QUERY) + +void doValidation(); // perform validation +void getTrueNN(); // compute true nearest neighbors + +void treeStats( // print statistics on kd- or bd-tree + ostream &out, // output stream + ANNbool verbose); // print stats + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Default execution parameters +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +const int extra_nn = 10; // how many extra true nn's? + +const int def_dim = 2; // def dimension +const int def_data_size = 100; // def data size +const int def_query_size = 100; // def number of queries +const int def_n_color = 5; // def number of colors +const ANNbool def_new_clust = ANNfalse; // def new clusters flag +const int def_max_dim = 1; // def max flat dimension +const Distrib def_distr = UNIFORM; // def distribution +const double def_std_dev = 1.00; // def standard deviation +const double def_corr_coef = 0.05; // def correlation coef +const int def_bucket_size = 1; // def bucket size +const double def_epsilon = 0.0; // def error bound +const int def_near_neigh = 1; // def number of near neighbors +const int def_max_visit = 0; // def number of points visited +const int def_rad_bound = 0; // def radius bound + // def number of true nn's +const int def_true_nn = def_near_neigh + extra_nn; +const int def_seed = 0; // def seed for random numbers +const ANNbool def_validate = ANNfalse; // def validation flag + // def statistics output level +const StatLev def_stats = QUERY_STATS; +const ANNsplitRule // def splitting rule + def_split = ANN_KD_SUGGEST; +const ANNshrinkRule // def shrinking rule + def_shrink = ANN_BD_NONE; + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Global variables - Execution options +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +int dim; // dimension +int data_size; // data size +int query_size; // number of queries +int n_color; // number of colors +ANNbool new_clust; // generate new clusters? +int max_dim; // maximum flat dimension +Distrib distr; // distribution +double corr_coef; // correlation coef +double std_dev; // standard deviation +double std_dev_lo; // low standard deviation +double std_dev_hi; // high standard deviation +int bucket_size; // bucket size +double epsilon; // error bound +int near_neigh; // number of near neighbors +int max_pts_visit; // max number of points to visit +double radius_bound; // maximum radius search bound +int true_nn; // number of true nn's +ANNbool validate; // validation flag +StatLev stats; // statistics output level +ANNsplitRule split; // splitting rule +ANNshrinkRule shrink; // shrinking rule + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// More globals - pointers to dynamically allocated arrays and structures +// +// It is assumed that all these values are set to NULL when nothing +// is allocated. +// +// data_pts, query_pts The data and query points +// the_tree Points to the kd- or bd-tree for +// nearest neighbor searching. +// apx_nn_idx, apx_dists Record approximate near neighbor +// indices and distances +// apx_pts_in_range Counts of the number of points in +// the in approx range, for fixed- +// radius NN searching. +// true_nn_idx, true_dists Record true near neighbor +// indices and distances +// min_pts_in_range, max_... Min and max counts of the number +// of points in the in approximate +// range. +// valid_dirty To avoid repeated validation, +// we only validate query results +// once. This validation becomes +// invalid, if a new tree, new data +// points or new query points have +// been generated. +// tree_data_size The number of points in the +// current tree. (This will be the +// same a data_size unless points have +// been added since the tree was +// built.) +// +// The approximate and true nearest neighbor results are stored +// in: apx_nn_idx, apx_dists, and true_nn_idx, true_dists. +// They are really flattened 2-dimensional arrays. Each of these +// arrays consists of query_size blocks, each of which contains +// near_neigh (or true_nn) entries, one for each of the nearest +// neighbors for a given query point. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +ANNpointArray data_pts; // data points +ANNpointArray query_pts; // query points +ANNbd_tree* the_tree; // kd- or bd-tree search structure +ANNidxArray apx_nn_idx; // storage for near neighbor indices +ANNdistArray apx_dists; // storage for near neighbor distances +int* apx_pts_in_range; // storage for no. of points in range +ANNidxArray true_nn_idx; // true near neighbor indices +ANNdistArray true_dists; // true near neighbor distances +int* min_pts_in_range; // min points in approx range +int* max_pts_in_range; // max points in approx range + +ANNbool valid_dirty; // validation is no longer valid + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Initialize global parameters +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +void initGlobals() +{ + dim = def_dim; // init execution parameters + data_size = def_data_size; + query_size = def_query_size; + distr = def_distr; + corr_coef = def_corr_coef; + std_dev = def_std_dev; + std_dev_lo = def_std_dev; + std_dev_hi = def_std_dev; + new_clust = def_new_clust; + max_dim = def_max_dim; + n_color = def_n_color; + bucket_size = def_bucket_size; + epsilon = def_epsilon; + near_neigh = def_near_neigh; + max_pts_visit = def_max_visit; + radius_bound = def_rad_bound; + true_nn = def_true_nn; + validate = def_validate; + stats = def_stats; + split = def_split; + shrink = def_shrink; + annIdum = -def_seed; // init. global seed for ran0() + + data_pts = NULL; // initialize storage pointers + query_pts = NULL; + the_tree = NULL; + apx_nn_idx = NULL; + apx_dists = NULL; + apx_pts_in_range = NULL; + true_nn_idx = NULL; + true_dists = NULL; + min_pts_in_range = NULL; + max_pts_in_range = NULL; + + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // (validation must be done) +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// getDirective - skip comments and read next directive +// Returns ANNtrue if directive read, and ANNfalse if eof seen. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +ANNbool skipComment( // skip any comments + istream &in) // input stream +{ + char ch = 0; + // skip whitespace + do { in.get(ch); } while (isspace(ch) && !in.eof()); + while (ch == '#' && !in.eof()) { // comment? + // skip to end of line + do { in.get(ch); } while(ch != '\n' && !in.eof()); + // skip whitespace + do { in.get(ch); } while(isspace(ch) && !in.eof()); + } + if (in.eof()) return ANNfalse; // end of file + in.putback(ch); // put character back + return ANNtrue; +} + +ANNbool getDirective( + istream &in, // input stream + char *directive) // directive storage +{ + if (!skipComment(in)) // skip comments + return ANNfalse; // found eof along the way? + in >> directive; // read directive + return ANNtrue; +} + + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// main program - driver +// The main program reads input options, invokes the necessary +// routines to process them. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +int main(int argc, char** argv) +{ + long clock0; // clock time + char directive[STRING_LEN]; // input directive + char arg[STRING_LEN]; // all-purpose argument + + cout << "------------------------------------------------------------\n" + << "ann_test: Version " << ANNversion << " " << ANNversionCmt << "\n" + << " Copyright: " << ANNcopyright << ".\n" + << " Latest Revision: " << ANNlatestRev << ".\n" + << "------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; + + initGlobals(); // initialize global values + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Main input loop + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // read input directive + while (getDirective(cin, directive)) { + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // Read options + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + if (!strcmp(directive,"dim")) { + cin >> dim; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"colors")) { + cin >> n_color; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"new_clust")) { + new_clust = ANNtrue; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"max_clus_dim")) { + cin >> max_dim; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"std_dev")) { + cin >> std_dev; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"std_dev_lo")) { + cin >> std_dev_lo; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"std_dev_hi")) { + cin >> std_dev_hi; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"corr_coef")) { + cin >> corr_coef; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive, "data_size")) { + cin >> data_size; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"query_size")) { + cin >> query_size; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"bucket_size")) { + cin >> bucket_size; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"epsilon")) { + cin >> epsilon; + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"max_pts_visit")) { + cin >> max_pts_visit; + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"radius_bound")) { + cin >> radius_bound; + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"near_neigh")) { + cin >> near_neigh; + true_nn = near_neigh + extra_nn; // also reset true near neighs + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + } + else if (!strcmp(directive,"true_near_neigh")) { + cin >> true_nn; + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // seed option + // The seed is reset by setting the global annIdum to the + // negation of the seed value. See rand.cpp. + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"seed")) { + cin >> annIdum; + annIdum = -annIdum; + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // validate option + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"validate")) { + cin >> arg; // input argument + if (!strcmp(arg, "on")) { + validate = ANNtrue; + cout << "validate = on " + << "(Warning: this may slow execution time.)\n"; + } + else if (!strcmp(arg, "off")) { + validate = ANNfalse; + } + else { + cerr << "Argument: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("validate argument must be \"on\" or \"off\"", ANNabort); + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // distribution option + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"distribution")) { + cin >> arg; // input name and translate + distr = (Distrib) lookUp(arg, distr_table, N_DISTRIBS); + if (distr >= N_DISTRIBS) { // not something we recognize + cerr << "Distribution: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Unknown distribution", ANNabort); + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // stats option + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"stats")) { + cin >> arg; // input name and translate + stats = (StatLev) lookUp(arg, stat_table, N_STAT_LEVELS); + if (stats >= N_STAT_LEVELS) { // not something we recognize + cerr << "Stats level: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Unknown statistics level", ANNabort); + } + if (stats > SILENT) + cout << "stats = " << arg << "\n"; + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // split_rule option + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"split_rule")) { + cin >> arg; // input split_rule name + split = (ANNsplitRule) lookUp(arg, split_table, N_SPLIT_RULES); + if (split >= N_SPLIT_RULES) { // not something we recognize + cerr << "Splitting rule: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Unknown splitting rule", ANNabort); + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // shrink_rule option + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"shrink_rule")) { + cin >> arg; // input split_rule name + shrink = (ANNshrinkRule) lookUp(arg, shrink_table, N_SHRINK_RULES); + if (shrink >= N_SHRINK_RULES) { // not something we recognize + cerr << "Shrinking rule: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Unknown shrinking rule", ANNabort); + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // label operation + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"output_label")) { + cin >> arg; + if (stats > SILENT) + cout << "<" << arg << ">\n"; + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // gen_data_pts operation + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"gen_data_pts")) { + if (distr == PLANTED) { // planted distribution + Error("Cannot use planted distribution for data points", ANNabort); + } + generatePts( // generate data points + data_pts, // data points + data_size, // data size + DATA, // data points + new_clust); // new clusters flag + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + new_clust = ANNfalse; // reset flag + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // gen_query_pts operation + // If the distribution is PLANTED, then the query points + // are planted near the data points (which must already be + // generated). + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"gen_query_pts")) { + if (distr == PLANTED) { // planted distribution + if (data_pts == NULL) { + Error("Must generate data points before query points for planted distribution", ANNabort); + } + generatePts( // generate query points + query_pts, // point array + query_size, // number of query points + QUERY, // query points + new_clust, // new clusters flag + data_pts, // plant around data pts + data_size); + } + else { // all other distributions + generatePts( // generate query points + query_pts, // point array + query_size, // number of query points + QUERY, // query points + new_clust); // new clusters flag + } + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + new_clust = ANNfalse; // reset flag + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // read_data_pts operation + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"read_data_pts")) { + cin >> arg; // input file name + readPts( + data_pts, // point array + data_size, // number of points + arg, // file name + DATA); // data points + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // read_query_pts operation + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"read_query_pts")) { + cin >> arg; // input file name + readPts( + query_pts, // point array + query_size, // number of points + arg, // file name + QUERY); // query points + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // build_ann operation + // We always invoke the constructor for bd-trees. Note + // that when the shrinking rule is NONE (which is true by + // default), then this constructs a kd-tree. + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"build_ann")) { + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Build the tree + //------------------------------------------------------------ + if (the_tree != NULL) { // tree exists already + delete the_tree; // get rid of it + } + clock0 = clock(); // start time + + the_tree = new ANNbd_tree( // build it + data_pts, // the data points + data_size, // number of points + dim, // dimension of space + bucket_size, // maximum bucket size + split, // splitting rule + shrink); // shrinking rule + + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Print summary + //------------------------------------------------------------ + long prep_time = clock() - clock0; // end of prep time + + if (stats > SILENT) { + cout << "[Build ann-structure:\n"; + cout << " split_rule = " << split_table[split] << "\n"; + cout << " shrink_rule = " << shrink_table[shrink] << "\n"; + cout << " data_size = " << data_size << "\n"; + cout << " dim = " << dim << "\n"; + cout << " bucket_size = " << bucket_size << "\n"; + + if (stats >= EXEC_TIME) { // output processing time + cout << " process_time = " + << double(prep_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec\n"; + } + + if (stats >= PREP_STATS) // output or check tree stats + treeStats(cout, ANNtrue); // print tree stats + else + treeStats(cout, ANNfalse); // check stats + + if (stats >= SHOW_STRUCT) { // print the whole tree + cout << " (Structure Contents:\n"; + the_tree->Print(ANNfalse, cout); + cout << " )\n"; + } + cout << "]\n"; + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // dump operation + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"dump")) { + cin >> arg; // input file name + if (the_tree == NULL) { // no tree + Error("Cannot dump. No tree has been built yet", ANNwarn); + } + else { // there is a tree + // try to open file + ofstream out_dump_file(arg); + if (!out_dump_file) { + cerr << "File name: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Cannot open dump file", ANNabort); + } + // dump the tree and points + the_tree->Dump(ANNtrue, out_dump_file); + if (stats > SILENT) { + cout << "(Tree has been dumped to file " << arg << ")\n"; + } + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // load operation + // Since this not only loads a tree, but loads a new set + // of data points. + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"load")) { + cin >> arg; // input file name + if (the_tree != NULL) { // tree exists already + delete the_tree; // get rid of it + } + if (data_pts != NULL) { // data points exist already + delete data_pts; // get rid of them + } + + ifstream in_dump_file(arg); // try to open file + if (!in_dump_file) { + cerr << "File name: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Cannot open file for loading", ANNabort); + } + // build tree by loading + the_tree = new ANNbd_tree(in_dump_file); + + dim = the_tree->theDim(); // new dimension + data_size = the_tree->nPoints(); // number of points + data_pts = the_tree->thePoints(); // new points + + valid_dirty = ANNtrue; // validation must be redone + + if (stats > SILENT) { + cout << "(Tree has been loaded from file " << arg << ")\n"; + } + if (stats >= SHOW_STRUCT) { // print the tree + cout << " (Structure Contents:\n"; + the_tree->Print(ANNfalse, cout); + cout << " )\n"; + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // run_queries operation + // This section does all the query processing. It consists + // of the following subsections: + // + // ** input the argument (standard or priority) and output + // the header describing the essential information. + // ** allocate space for the results to be stored. + // ** run the queries by invoking the appropriate search + // procedure on the query points. Print nearest neighbor + // if requested. + // ** print final summaries + // + // The approach for processing multiple nearest neighbors is + // pretty crude. We allocate an array whose size is the + // product of the total number of queries times the number of + // nearest neighbors (k), and then use each k consecutive + // entries to store the results of each query. + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else if (!strcmp(directive,"run_queries")) { + + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Input arguments and print summary + //------------------------------------------------------------ + enum {STANDARD, PRIORITY} method; + + cin >> arg; // input argument + if (!strcmp(arg, "standard")) { + method = STANDARD; + } + else if (!strcmp(arg, "priority")) { + method = PRIORITY; + } + else { + cerr << "Search type: " << arg << "\n"; + Error("Search type must be \"standard\" or \"priority\"", + ANNabort); + } + if (data_pts == NULL || query_pts == NULL) { + Error("Either data set and query set not constructed", ANNabort); + } + if (the_tree == NULL) { + Error("No search tree built.", ANNabort); + } + + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Set up everything + //------------------------------------------------------------ + + #ifdef ANN_PERF // performance only + annResetStats(data_size); // reset statistics + #endif + + clock0 = clock(); // start time + // deallocate existing storage + if (apx_nn_idx != NULL) delete [] apx_nn_idx; + if (apx_dists != NULL) delete [] apx_dists; + if (apx_pts_in_range != NULL) delete [] apx_pts_in_range; + // allocate apx answer storage + apx_nn_idx = new ANNidx[near_neigh*query_size]; + apx_dists = new ANNdist[near_neigh*query_size]; + apx_pts_in_range = new int[query_size]; + + annMaxPtsVisit(max_pts_visit); // set max points to visit + + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Run the queries + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // pointers for current query + ANNidxArray curr_nn_idx = apx_nn_idx; + ANNdistArray curr_dists = apx_dists; + + for (int i = 0; i < query_size; i++) { + #ifdef ANN_PERF + annResetCounts(); // reset counters + #endif + apx_pts_in_range[i] = 0; + + if (radius_bound == 0) { // no radius bound + if (method == STANDARD) { + the_tree->annkSearch( + query_pts[i], // query point + near_neigh, // number of near neighbors + curr_nn_idx, // nearest neighbors (returned) + curr_dists, // distance (returned) + epsilon); // error bound + } + else if (method == PRIORITY) { + the_tree->annkPriSearch( + query_pts[i], // query point + near_neigh, // number of near neighbors + curr_nn_idx, // nearest neighbors (returned) + curr_dists, // distance (returned) + epsilon); // error bound + } + else { + Error("Internal error - invalid method", ANNabort); + } + } + else { // use radius bound + if (method != STANDARD) { + Error("A nonzero radius bound assumes standard search", + ANNwarn); + } + apx_pts_in_range[i] = the_tree->annkFRSearch( + query_pts[i], // query point + ANN_POW(radius_bound), // squared radius search bound + near_neigh, // number of near neighbors + curr_nn_idx, // nearest neighbors (returned) + curr_dists, // distance (returned) + epsilon); // error bound + } + curr_nn_idx += near_neigh; // increment current pointers + curr_dists += near_neigh; + + #ifdef ANN_PERF + annUpdateStats(); // update stats + #endif + } + + long query_time = clock() - clock0; // end of query time + + if (validate) { // validation requested + if (valid_dirty) getTrueNN(); // get true near neighbors + doValidation(); // validate + } + + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Print summaries + //------------------------------------------------------------ + + if (stats > SILENT) { + cout << "[Run Queries:\n"; + cout << " query_size = " << query_size << "\n"; + cout << " dim = " << dim << "\n"; + cout << " search_method = " << arg << "\n"; + cout << " epsilon = " << epsilon << "\n"; + cout << " near_neigh = " << near_neigh << "\n"; + if (max_pts_visit != 0) + cout << " max_pts_visit = " << max_pts_visit << "\n"; + if (radius_bound != 0) + cout << " radius_bound = " << radius_bound << "\n"; + if (validate) + cout << " true_nn = " << true_nn << "\n"; + + if (stats >= EXEC_TIME) { // print exec time summary + cout << " query_time = " << + double(query_time)/(query_size*CLOCKS_PER_SEC) + << " sec/query"; + #ifdef ANN_PERF + cout << " (biased by perf measurements)"; + #endif + cout << "\n"; + } + + if (stats >= QUERY_STATS) { // output performance stats + #ifdef ANN_PERF + cout.flush(); + annPrintStats(validate); + #else + cout << " (Performance statistics unavailable.)\n"; + #endif + } + + if (stats >= QUERY_RES) { // output results + cout << " (Query Results:\n"; + cout << " Pt\tANN\tDist\n"; + curr_nn_idx = apx_nn_idx; // subarray pointers + curr_dists = apx_dists; + // output nearest neighbors + for (int i = 0; i < query_size; i++) { + cout << " " << setw(4) << i; + for (int j = 0; j < near_neigh; j++) { + // exit if no more neighbors + if (curr_nn_idx[j] == ANN_NULL_IDX) { + cout << "\t[no other pts in radius bound]\n"; + break; + } + else { // output point info + cout << "\t" << curr_nn_idx[j] + << "\t" << ANN_ROOT(curr_dists[j]) + << "\n"; + } + } + // output range count + if (radius_bound != 0) { + cout << " pts_in_radius_bound = " + << apx_pts_in_range[i] << "\n"; + } + // increment subarray pointers + curr_nn_idx += near_neigh; + curr_dists += near_neigh; + } + cout << " )\n"; + } + cout << "]\n"; + } + } + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // Unknown directive + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + else { + cerr << "Directive: " << directive << "\n"; + Error("Unknown directive", ANNabort); + } + } + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // End of input loop (deallocate stuff that was allocated) + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + if (the_tree != NULL) delete the_tree; + if (data_pts != NULL) annDeallocPts(data_pts); + if (query_pts != NULL) annDeallocPts(query_pts); + if (apx_nn_idx != NULL) delete [] apx_nn_idx; + if (apx_dists != NULL) delete [] apx_dists; + if (apx_pts_in_range != NULL) delete [] apx_pts_in_range; + + annClose(); // close ANN + + return EXIT_SUCCESS; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// generatePts - call appropriate routine to generate points of a +// given distribution. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +void generatePts( + ANNpointArray &pa, // point array (returned) + int n, // number of points to generate + PtType type, // point type + ANNbool new_clust, // new cluster centers desired? + ANNpointArray src, // source array (if distr=PLANTED) + int n_src) // source size (if distr=PLANTED) +{ + if (pa != NULL) annDeallocPts(pa); // get rid of any old points + pa = annAllocPts(n, dim); // allocate point storage + + switch (distr) { + case UNIFORM: // uniform over cube [-1,1]^d. + annUniformPts(pa, n, dim); + break; + case GAUSS: // Gaussian with mean 0 + annGaussPts(pa, n, dim, std_dev); + break; + case LAPLACE: // Laplacian, mean 0 and var 1 + annLaplacePts(pa, n, dim); + break; + case CO_GAUSS: // correlated Gaussian + annCoGaussPts(pa, n, dim, corr_coef); + break; + case CO_LAPLACE: // correlated Laplacian + annCoLaplacePts(pa, n, dim, corr_coef); + break; + case CLUS_GAUSS: // clustered Gaussian + annClusGaussPts(pa, n, dim, n_color, new_clust, std_dev); + break; + case CLUS_ORTH_FLATS: // clustered on orthog flats + annClusOrthFlats(pa, n, dim, n_color, new_clust, std_dev, max_dim); + break; + case CLUS_ELLIPSOIDS: // clustered ellipsoids + annClusEllipsoids(pa, n, dim, n_color, new_clust, std_dev, + std_dev_lo, std_dev_hi, max_dim); + break; + case PLANTED: // planted distribution + annPlanted(pa, n, dim, src, n_src, std_dev); + break; + default: + Error("INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown distribution", ANNabort); + break; + } + + if (stats > SILENT) { + if(type == DATA) cout << "[Generating Data Points:\n"; + else cout << "[Generating Query Points:\n"; + cout << " number = " << n << "\n"; + cout << " dim = " << dim << "\n"; + cout << " distribution = " << distr_table[distr] << "\n"; + if (annIdum < 0) + cout << " seed = " << annIdum << "\n"; + if (distr == GAUSS || distr == CLUS_GAUSS + || distr == CLUS_ORTH_FLATS) + cout << " std_dev = " << std_dev << "\n"; + if (distr == CLUS_ELLIPSOIDS) { + cout << " std_dev = " << std_dev << " (small) \n"; + cout << " std_dev_lo = " << std_dev_lo << "\n"; + cout << " std_dev_hi = " << std_dev_hi << "\n"; + } + if (distr == CO_GAUSS || distr == CO_LAPLACE) + cout << " corr_coef = " << corr_coef << "\n"; + if (distr == CLUS_GAUSS || distr == CLUS_ORTH_FLATS + || distr == CLUS_ELLIPSOIDS) { + cout << " colors = " << n_color << "\n"; + if (new_clust) + cout << " (cluster centers regenerated)\n"; + } + if (distr == CLUS_ORTH_FLATS || distr == CLUS_ELLIPSOIDS) { + cout << " max_dim = " << max_dim << "\n"; + } + } + // want to see points? + if ((type == DATA && stats >= SHOW_PTS) || + (type == QUERY && stats >= QUERY_RES)) { + if(type == DATA) cout << "(Data Points:\n"; + else cout << "(Query Points:\n"; + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + cout << " " << setw(4) << i << "\t"; + printPoint(pa[i], dim); + cout << "\n"; + } + cout << " )\n"; + } + cout << "]\n"; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// readPts - read a collection of data or query points. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +void readPts( + ANNpointArray &pa, // point array (returned) + int &n, // number of points + char *file_nm, // file name + PtType type) // point type (DATA, QUERY) +{ + int i; + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Open input file and read points + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + ifstream in_file(file_nm); // try to open data file + if (!in_file) { + cerr << "File name: " << file_nm << "\n"; + Error("Cannot open input data/query file", ANNabort); + } + // allocate storage for points + if (pa != NULL) annDeallocPts(pa); // get rid of old points + pa = annAllocPts(n, dim); + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // read the data + if (!(in_file >> pa[i][0])) break; + for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) { + in_file >> pa[i][d]; + } + } + + char ignore_me; // character for EOF test + in_file >> ignore_me; // try to get one more character + if (!in_file.eof()) { // exhausted space before eof + if (type == DATA) + Error("`data_size' too small. Input file truncated.", ANNwarn); + else + Error("`query_size' too small. Input file truncated.", ANNwarn); + } + n = i; // number of points read + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Print summary + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + if (stats > SILENT) { + if (type == DATA) { + cout << "[Read Data Points:\n"; + cout << " data_size = " << n << "\n"; + } + else { + cout << "[Read Query Points:\n"; + cout << " query_size = " << n << "\n"; + } + cout << " file_name = " << file_nm << "\n"; + cout << " dim = " << dim << "\n"; + // print if results requested + if ((type == DATA && stats >= SHOW_PTS) || + (type == QUERY && stats >= QUERY_RES)) { + cout << " (Points:\n"; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + cout << " " << i << "\t"; + printPoint(pa[i], dim); + cout << "\n"; + } + cout << " )\n"; + } + cout << "]\n"; + } +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// getTrueNN +// Computes the true nearest neighbors. For purposes of validation, +// this intentionally done in a rather dumb (but safe way), by +// invoking the brute-force search. +// +// The number of true nearest neighbors is somewhat larger than +// the number of nearest neighbors. This is so that the validation +// can determine the expected difference in element ranks. +// +// This procedure is invoked just prior to running queries. Since +// the operation takes a long time, it is performed only if needed. +// In particular, once generated, it will be regenerated only if +// new query or data points are generated, or if the requested number +// of true near neighbors or approximate near neighbors has changed. +// +// To validate fixed-radius searching, we compute two counts, one +// with the original query radius (trueSqRadius) and the other with +// a radius shrunken by the error factor (minSqradius). We then +// check that the count of points inside the approximate range is +// between these two bounds. Because fixed-radius search is +// allowed to ignore points within the shrunken radius, we only +// compute exact neighbors within this smaller distance (for we +// cannot guarantee that we will even visit the other points). +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +void getTrueNN() // compute true nearest neighbors +{ + if (stats > SILENT) { + cout << "(Computing true nearest neighbors for validation. This may take time.)\n"; + } + // deallocate existing storage + if (true_nn_idx != NULL) delete [] true_nn_idx; + if (true_dists != NULL) delete [] true_dists; + if (min_pts_in_range != NULL) delete [] min_pts_in_range; + if (max_pts_in_range != NULL) delete [] max_pts_in_range; + + if (true_nn > data_size) { // can't get more nn than points + true_nn = data_size; + } + + // allocate true answer storage + true_nn_idx = new ANNidx[true_nn*query_size]; + true_dists = new ANNdist[true_nn*query_size]; + min_pts_in_range = new int[query_size]; + max_pts_in_range = new int[query_size]; + + ANNidxArray curr_nn_idx = true_nn_idx; // current locations in arrays + ANNdistArray curr_dists = true_dists; + + // allocate search structure + ANNbruteForce *the_brute = new ANNbruteForce(data_pts, data_size, dim); + // compute nearest neighbors + for (int i = 0; i < query_size; i++) { + if (radius_bound == 0) { // standard kNN search + the_brute->annkSearch( // compute true near neighbors + query_pts[i], // query point + true_nn, // number of nearest neighbors + curr_nn_idx, // where to put indices + curr_dists); // where to put distances + } + else { // fixed radius kNN search + // search radii limits + ANNdist trueSqRadius = ANN_POW(radius_bound); + ANNdist minSqRadius = ANN_POW(radius_bound / (1+epsilon)); + min_pts_in_range[i] = the_brute->annkFRSearch( + query_pts[i], // query point + minSqRadius, // shrunken search radius + true_nn, // number of near neighbors + curr_nn_idx, // nearest neighbors (returned) + curr_dists); // distance (returned) + max_pts_in_range[i] = the_brute->annkFRSearch( + query_pts[i], // query point + trueSqRadius, // true search radius + 0, NULL, NULL); // (ignore kNN info) + } + curr_nn_idx += true_nn; // increment nn index pointer + curr_dists += true_nn; // increment nn dist pointer + } + delete the_brute; // delete brute-force struct + valid_dirty = ANNfalse; // validation good for now +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// doValidation +// Compares the approximate answers to the k-nearest neighbors +// against the true nearest neighbors (computed earlier). It is +// assumed that the true nearest neighbors and indices have been +// computed earlier. +// +// First, we check that all the results are within their allowed +// limits, and generate an internal error, if not. For the sake of +// performance evaluation, we also compute the following two +// quantities for nearest neighbors: +// +// Average Error +// ------------- +// The relative error between the distance to a reported nearest +// neighbor and the true nearest neighbor (of the same rank), +// +// Rank Error +// ---------- +// The difference in rank between the reported nearest neighbor and +// its position (if any) among the true nearest neighbors. If we +// cannot find this point among the true nearest neighbors, then +// it assumed that the rank of the true nearest neighbor is true_nn+1. +// +// Because of the possibility of duplicate distances, this is computed +// as follows. For the j-th reported nearest neighbor, we count the +// number of true nearest neighbors that are at least this close. Let +// this be rnk. Then the rank error is max(0, j-rnk). (In the code +// below, j is an array index and so the first item is 0, not 1. Thus +// we take max(0, j+1-rnk) instead.) +// +// For the results of fixed-radious range count, we verify that the +// reported number of points in the range lies between the actual +// number of points in the shrunken and the true search radius. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +void doValidation() // perform validation +{ + int* curr_apx_idx = apx_nn_idx; // approx index pointer + ANNdistArray curr_apx_dst = apx_dists; // approx distance pointer + int* curr_tru_idx = true_nn_idx; // true index pointer + ANNdistArray curr_tru_dst = true_dists; // true distance pointer + int i, j; + + if (true_nn < near_neigh) { + Error("Cannot validate with fewer true near neighbors than actual", ANNabort); + } + + for (i = 0; i < query_size; i++) { // validate each query + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // Compute result errors + // In fixed radius search it is possible that not all k + // nearest neighbors were computed. Because the true + // results are computed over the shrunken radius, we should + // have at least as many true nearest neighbors as + // approximate nearest neighbors. (If not, an infinite + // error will be generated, and so an internal error will + // will be generated. + // + // Because nearest neighbors are sorted in increasing order + // of distance, as soon as we see a null index, we can + // terminate the distance checking. The error in the + // result should not exceed epsilon. However, if + // max_pts_visit is nonzero (meaning that the search is + // terminated early) this might happen. + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + for (j = 0; j < near_neigh; j++) { + if (curr_tru_idx[j] == ANN_NULL_IDX)// no more true neighbors? + break; + // true i-th smallest distance + double true_dist = ANN_ROOT(curr_tru_dst[j]); + // reported i-th smallest + double rept_dist = ANN_ROOT(curr_apx_dst[j]); + // better than optimum? + if (rept_dist < true_dist*(1-ERR)) { + Error("INTERNAL ERROR: True nearest neighbor incorrect", + ANNabort); + } + + double resultErr; // result error + if (true_dist == 0.0) { // let's not divide by zero + if (rept_dist != 0.0) resultErr = ANN_DBL_MAX; + else resultErr = 0.0; + } + else { + resultErr = (rept_dist - true_dist) / ((double) true_dist); + } + + if (resultErr > epsilon && max_pts_visit == 0) { + Error("INTERNAL ERROR: Actual error exceeds epsilon", + ANNabort); + } + #ifdef ANN_PERF + ann_average_err += resultErr; // update statistics error + #endif + } + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Compute rank errors (only needed for perf measurements) + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + #ifdef ANN_PERF + for (j = 0; j < near_neigh; j++) { + if (curr_tru_idx[i] == ANN_NULL_IDX) // no more true neighbors? + break; + + double rnkErr = 0.0; // rank error + // reported j-th distance + ANNdist rept_dist = curr_apx_dst[j]; + int rnk = 0; // compute rank of this item + while (rnk < true_nn && curr_tru_dst[rnk] <= rept_dist) + rnk++; + if (j+1-rnk > 0) rnkErr = (double) (j+1-rnk); + ann_rank_err += rnkErr; // update average rank error + } + #endif + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + // Check range counts from fixed-radius query + //---------------------------------------------------------------- + if (radius_bound != 0) { // fixed-radius search + if (apx_pts_in_range[i] < min_pts_in_range[i] || + apx_pts_in_range[i] > max_pts_in_range[i]) + Error("INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid fixed-radius range count", + ANNabort); + } + + curr_apx_idx += near_neigh; + curr_apx_dst += near_neigh; + curr_tru_idx += true_nn; // increment current pointers + curr_tru_dst += true_nn; + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// treeStats +// Computes a number of statistics related to kd_trees and +// bd_trees. These statistics are printed if in verbose mode, +// and otherwise they are only printed if they are deemed to +// be outside of reasonable operating bounds. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define log2(x) (log(x)/log(2.0)) // log base 2 + +void treeStats( + ostream &out, // output stream + ANNbool verbose) // print stats +{ + const int MIN_PTS = 20; // min no. pts for checking + const float MAX_FRAC_TL = 0.50; // max frac of triv leaves + const float MAX_AVG_AR = 20; // max average aspect ratio + + ANNkdStats st; // statistics structure + + the_tree->getStats(st); // get statistics + // total number of nodes + int n_nodes = st.n_lf + st.n_spl + st.n_shr; + // should be O(n/bs) + int opt_n_nodes = (int) (2*(float(st.n_pts)/st.bkt_size)); + int too_many_nodes = 10*opt_n_nodes; + if (st.n_pts >= MIN_PTS && n_nodes > too_many_nodes) { + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + out << "Warning: The tree has more than 10x as many nodes as points.\n"; + out << "You may want to consider a different split or shrink method.\n"; + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + verbose = ANNtrue; + } + // fraction of trivial leaves + float frac_tl = (st.n_lf == 0 ? 0 : ((float) st.n_tl)/ st.n_lf); + if (st.n_pts >= MIN_PTS && frac_tl > MAX_FRAC_TL) { + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + out << "Warning: A significant fraction of leaves contain no points.\n"; + out << "You may want to consider a different split or shrink method.\n"; + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + verbose = ANNtrue; + } + // depth should be O(dim*log n) + int too_many_levels = (int) (2.0 * st.dim * log2((double) st.n_pts)); + int opt_levels = (int) log2(double(st.n_pts)/st.bkt_size); + if (st.n_pts >= MIN_PTS && st.depth > too_many_levels) { + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + out << "Warning: The tree is more than 2x as deep as (dim*log n).\n"; + out << "You may want to consider a different split or shrink method.\n"; + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + verbose = ANNtrue; + } + // average leaf aspect ratio + if (st.n_pts >= MIN_PTS && st.avg_ar > MAX_AVG_AR) { + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + out << "Warning: Average aspect ratio of cells is quite large.\n"; + out << "This may slow queries depending on the point distribution.\n"; + out << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; + verbose = ANNtrue; + } + + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Print summaries if requested + //------------------------------------------------------------------ + if (verbose) { // output statistics + out << " (Structure Statistics:\n"; + out << " n_nodes = " << n_nodes + << " (opt = " << opt_n_nodes + << ", best if < " << too_many_nodes << ")\n" + << " n_leaves = " << st.n_lf + << " (" << st.n_tl << " contain no points)\n" + << " n_splits = " << st.n_spl << "\n" + << " n_shrinks = " << st.n_shr << "\n"; + out << " empty_leaves = " << frac_tl*100 + << " percent (best if < " << MAX_FRAC_TL*100 << " percent)\n"; + out << " depth = " << st.depth + << " (opt = " << opt_levels + << ", best if < " << too_many_levels << ")\n"; + out << " avg_aspect_ratio = " << st.avg_ar + << " (best if < " << MAX_AVG_AR << ")\n"; + out << " )\n"; + } +} diff --git a/ann/test/rand.cpp b/ann/test/rand.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9bf6204e --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/rand.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: rand.cpp +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Routines for random point generation +// Last modified: 08/04/06 (Version 1.1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 0.2 03/26/98 +// Changed random/srandom declarations for SGI's. +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// annClusGauss centers distributed over [-1,1] rather than [0,1] +// Added annClusOrthFlats distribution +// Changed procedure names to avoid namespace conflicts +// Added annClusFlats distribution +// Added rand/srand option and fixed annRan0() initialization. +// Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +// Added planted distribution +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include "rand.h" // random generator declarations + +using namespace std; // make std:: accessible + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Globals +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +int annIdum = 0; // used for random number generation + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// annRan0 - (safer) uniform random number generator +// +// The code given here is taken from "Numerical Recipes in C" by +// William Press, Brian Flannery, Saul Teukolsky, and William +// Vetterling. The task of the code is to do an additional randomizing +// shuffle on the system-supplied random number generator to make it +// safer to use. +// +// Returns a uniform deviate between 0.0 and 1.0 using the +// system-supplied routine random() or rand(). Set the global +// annIdum to any negative value to initialise or reinitialise +// the sequence. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +double annRan0() +{ + const int TAB_SIZE = 97; // table size: any large number + int j; + + static double y, v[TAB_SIZE]; + static int iff = 0; + const double RAN_DIVISOR = double(ANN_RAND_MAX + 1UL); + if (RAN_DIVISOR < 0) { + cout << "RAN_DIVISOR " << RAN_DIVISOR << endl; + exit(0); + } + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // As a precaution against misuse, we will always initialize on the + // first call, even if "annIdum" is not set negative. Determine + // "maxran", the next integer after the largest representable value + // of type int. We assume this is a factor of 2 smaller than the + // corresponding value of type unsigned int. + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + + if (annIdum < 0 || iff == 0) { // initialize + iff = 1; + ANN_SRAND(annIdum); // (re)seed the generator + annIdum = 1; + + for (j = 0; j < TAB_SIZE; j++) // exercise the system routine + ANN_RAND(); // (values intentionally ignored) + + for (j = 0; j < TAB_SIZE; j++) // then save TAB_SIZE-1 values + v[j] = ANN_RAND(); + y = ANN_RAND(); // generate starting value + } + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // This is where we start if not initializing. Use the previously + // saved random number y to get an index j between 1 and TAB_SIZE-1. + // Then use the corresponding v[j] for both the next j and as the + // output number. + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + + j = int(TAB_SIZE * (y / RAN_DIVISOR)); + y = v[j]; + v[j] = ANN_RAND(); // refill the table entry + return y / RAN_DIVISOR; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// annRanInt - generate a random integer from {0,1,...,n-1} +// +// If n == 0, then -1 is returned. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +static int annRanInt( + int n) +{ + int r = (int) (annRan0()*n); + if (r == n) r--; // (in case annRan0() == 1 or n == 0) + return r; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// annRanUnif - generate a random uniform in [lo,hi] +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +static double annRanUnif( + double lo, + double hi) +{ + return annRan0()*(hi-lo) + lo; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// annRanGauss - Gaussian random number generator +// Returns a normally distributed deviate with zero mean and unit +// variance, using annRan0() as the source of uniform deviates. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +static double annRanGauss() +{ + static int iset=0; + static double gset; + + if (iset == 0) { // we don't have a deviate handy + double v1, v2; + double r = 2.0; + while (r >= 1.0) { + //------------------------------------------------------------ + // Pick two uniform numbers in the square extending from -1 to + // +1 in each direction, see if they are in the circle of radius + // 1. If not, try again + //------------------------------------------------------------ + v1 = annRanUnif(-1, 1); + v2 = annRanUnif(-1, 1); + r = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2; + } + double fac = sqrt(-2.0 * log(r) / r); + //----------------------------------------------------------------- + // Now make the Box-Muller transformation to get two normal + // deviates. Return one and save the other for next time. + //----------------------------------------------------------------- + gset = v1 * fac; + iset = 1; // set flag + return v2 * fac; + } + else { // we have an extra deviate handy + iset = 0; // so unset the flag + return gset; // and return it + } +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// annRanLaplace - Laplacian random number generator +// Returns a Laplacian distributed deviate with zero mean and +// unit variance, using annRan0() as the source of uniform deviates. +// +// prob(x) = b/2 * exp(-b * |x|). +// +// b is chosen to be sqrt(2.0) so that the variance of the Laplacian +// distribution [2/(b^2)] becomes 1. +//------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +static double annRanLaplace() +{ + const double b = 1.4142136; + + double laprand = -log(annRan0()) / b; + double sign = annRan0(); + if (sign < 0.5) laprand = -laprand; + return(laprand); +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annUniformPts - Generate uniformly distributed points +// A uniform distribution over [-1,1]. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annUniformPts( // uniform distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim) // dimension +{ + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) (annRanUnif(-1,1)); + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annGaussPts - Generate Gaussian distributed points +// A Gaussian distribution with zero mean and the given standard +// deviation. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annGaussPts( // Gaussian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double std_dev) // standard deviation +{ + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) (annRanGauss() * std_dev); + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annLaplacePts - Generate Laplacian distributed points +// Generates a Laplacian distribution (zero mean and unit variance). +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annLaplacePts( // Laplacian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim) // dimension +{ + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) annRanLaplace(); + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annCoGaussPts - Generate correlated Gaussian distributed points +// Generates a Gauss-Markov distribution of zero mean and unit +// variance. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annCoGaussPts( // correlated-Gaussian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double correlation) // correlation +{ + double std_dev_w = sqrt(1.0 - correlation * correlation); + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + double previous = annRanGauss(); + pa[i][0] = (ANNcoord) previous; + for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) { + previous = correlation*previous + std_dev_w*annRanGauss(); + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) previous; + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annCoLaplacePts - Generate correlated Laplacian distributed points +// Generates a Laplacian-Markov distribution of zero mean and unit +// variance. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annCoLaplacePts( // correlated-Laplacian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double correlation) // correlation +{ + double wn; + double corr_sq = correlation * correlation; + + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + double previous = annRanLaplace(); + pa[i][0] = (ANNcoord) previous; + for (int d = 1; d < dim; d++) { + double temp = annRan0(); + if (temp < corr_sq) + wn = 0.0; + else + wn = annRanLaplace(); + previous = correlation * previous + wn; + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) previous; + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annClusGaussPts - Generate clusters of Gaussian distributed points +// Cluster centers are uniformly distributed over [-1,1], and the +// standard deviation within each cluster is fixed. +// +// Note: Once cluster centers have been set, they are not changed, +// unless new_clust = true. This is so that subsequent calls generate +// points from the same distribution. It follows, of course, that any +// attempt to change the dimension or number of clusters without +// generating new clusters is asking for trouble. +// +// Note: Cluster centers are not generated by a call to uniformPts(). +// Although this could be done, it has been omitted for +// compatibility with annClusGaussPts() in the colored version, +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annClusGaussPts( // clustered-Gaussian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + int n_clus, // number of colors + ANNbool new_clust, // generate new clusters. + double std_dev) // standard deviation within clusters +{ + static ANNpointArray clusters = NULL;// cluster storage + + if (clusters == NULL || new_clust) {// need new cluster centers + if (clusters != NULL) // clusters already exist + annDeallocPts(clusters); // get rid of them + clusters = annAllocPts(n_clus, dim); + // generate cluster center coords + for (int i = 0; i < n_clus; i++) { + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + clusters[i][d] = (ANNcoord) annRanUnif(-1,1); + } + } + } + + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + int c = annRanInt(n_clus); // generate cluster index + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) (std_dev*annRanGauss() + clusters[c][d]); + } + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annClusOrthFlats - points clustered along orthogonal flats +// +// This distribution consists of a collection points clustered +// among a collection of axis-aligned low dimensional flats in +// the hypercube [-1,1]^d. A set of n_clus orthogonal flats are +// generated, each whose dimension is a random number between 1 +// and max_dim. The points are evenly distributed among the clusters. +// For each cluster, we generate points uniformly distributed along +// the flat within the hypercube. +// +// This is done as follows. Each cluster is defined by a d-element +// control vector whose components are either: +// +// CO_FLAG indicating that this component is to be generated +// uniformly in [-1,1], +// x a value other than CO_FLAG in the range [-1,1], +// which indicates that this coordinate is to be +// generated as x plus a Gaussian random deviation +// with the given standard deviation. +// +// The number of zero components is the dimension of the flat, which +// is a random integer in the range from 1 to max_dim. The points +// are disributed between clusters in nearly equal sized groups. +// +// Note: Once cluster centers have been set, they are not changed, +// unless new_clust = true. This is so that subsequent calls generate +// points from the same distribution. It follows, of course, that any +// attempt to change the dimension or number of clusters without +// generating new clusters is asking for trouble. +// +// To make this a bad scenario at query time, query points should be +// selected from a different distribution, e.g. uniform or Gaussian. +// +// We use a little programming trick to generate groups of roughly +// equal size. If n is the total number of points, and n_clus is +// the number of clusters, then the c-th cluster (0 <= c < n_clus) +// is given floor((n+c)/n_clus) points. It can be shown that this +// will exactly consume all n points. +// +// This procedure makes use of the utility procedure, genOrthFlat +// which generates points in one orthogonal flat, according to +// the given control vector. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +const double CO_FLAG = 999; // special flag value + +static void genOrthFlat( // generate points on an orthog flat + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double *control, // control vector + double std_dev) // standard deviation +{ + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // generate each point + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // generate each coord + if (control[d] == CO_FLAG) // dimension on flat + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) annRanUnif(-1,1); + else // dimension off flat + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) (std_dev*annRanGauss() + control[d]); + } + } +} + +void annClusOrthFlats( // clustered along orthogonal flats + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + int n_clus, // number of colors + ANNbool new_clust, // generate new clusters. + double std_dev, // standard deviation within clusters + int max_dim) // maximum dimension of the flats +{ + static ANNpointArray control = NULL; // control vectors + + if (control == NULL || new_clust) { // need new cluster centers + if (control != NULL) { // clusters already exist + annDeallocPts(control); // get rid of them + } + control = annAllocPts(n_clus, dim); + + for (int c = 0; c < n_clus; c++) { // generate clusters + int n_dim = 1 + annRanInt(max_dim); // number of dimensions in flat + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // generate side locations + // prob. of picking next dim + double Prob = ((double) n_dim)/((double) (dim-d)); + if (annRan0() < Prob) { // add this one to flat + control[c][d] = CO_FLAG; // flag this entry + n_dim--; // one fewer dim to fill + } + else { // don't take this one + control[c][d] = annRanUnif(-1,1);// random value in [-1,1] + } + } + } + } + int offset = 0; // offset in pa array + for (int c = 0; c < n_clus; c++) { // generate clusters + int pick = (n+c)/n_clus; // number of points to pick + // generate the points + genOrthFlat(pa+offset, pick, dim, control[c], std_dev); + offset += pick; // increment offset + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annClusEllipsoids - points clustered around axis-aligned ellipsoids +// +// This distribution consists of a collection points clustered +// among a collection of low dimensional ellipsoids whose axes +// are alligned with the coordinate axes in the hypercube [-1,1]^d. +// The objective is to model distributions in which the points are +// distributed in lower dimensional subspaces, and within this +// lower dimensional space the points are distributed with a +// Gaussian distribution (with no correlation between the +// dimensions). +// +// The distribution is given the number of clusters or "colors" +// (n_clus), maximum number of dimensions (max_dim) of the lower +// dimensional subspace, a "small" standard deviation +// (std_dev_small), and a "large" standard deviation range +// (std_dev_lo, std_dev_hi). +// +// The algorithm generates n_clus cluster centers uniformly from +// the hypercube [-1,1]^d. For each cluster, it selects the +// dimension of the subspace as a random number r between 1 and +// max_dim. These are the dimensions of the ellipsoid. Then it +// generates a d-element std dev vector whose entries are the +// standard deviation for the coordinates of each cluster in the +// distribution. Among the d-element control vector, r randomly +// chosen values are chosen uniformly from the range [std_dev_lo, +// std_dev_hi]. The remaining values are set to std_dev_small. +// +// Note that annClusGaussPts is a special case of this in which +// max_dim = 0, and std_dev = std_dev_small. +// +// If the flag new_clust is set, then new cluster centers are +// generated. +// +// This procedure makes use of the utility procedure genGauss +// which generates points distributed according to a Gaussian +// distribution. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +static void genGauss( // generate points on a general Gaussian + ANNpointArray pa, // point array + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double *center, // center vector + double *std_dev) // standard deviation vector +{ + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) (std_dev[d]*annRanGauss() + center[d]); + } + } +} + +void annClusEllipsoids( // clustered around ellipsoids + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + int n_clus, // number of colors + ANNbool new_clust, // generate new clusters. + double std_dev_small, // small standard deviation + double std_dev_lo, // low standard deviation for ellipses + double std_dev_hi, // high standard deviation for ellipses + int max_dim) // maximum dimension of the flats +{ + static ANNpointArray centers = NULL; // cluster centers + static ANNpointArray std_dev = NULL; // standard deviations + + if (centers == NULL || new_clust) { // need new cluster centers + if (centers != NULL) // clusters already exist + annDeallocPts(centers); // get rid of them + if (std_dev != NULL) // std deviations already exist + annDeallocPts(std_dev); // get rid of them + + centers = annAllocPts(n_clus, dim); // alloc new clusters and devs + std_dev = annAllocPts(n_clus, dim); + + for (int i = 0; i < n_clus; i++) { // gen cluster center coords + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + centers[i][d] = (ANNcoord) annRanUnif(-1,1); + } + } + for (int c = 0; c < n_clus; c++) { // generate cluster std dev + int n_dim = 1 + annRanInt(max_dim); // number of dimensions in flat + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // generate std dev's + // prob. of picking next dim + double Prob = ((double) n_dim)/((double) (dim-d)); + if (annRan0() < Prob) { // add this one to ellipse + // generate random std dev + std_dev[c][d] = annRanUnif(std_dev_lo, std_dev_hi); + n_dim--; // one fewer dim to fill + } + else { // don't take this one + std_dev[c][d] = std_dev_small;// use small std dev + } + } + } + } + + int offset = 0; // next slot to fill + for (int c = 0; c < n_clus; c++) { // generate clusters + int pick = (n+c)/n_clus; // number of points to pick + // generate the points + genGauss(pa+offset, pick, dim, centers[c], std_dev[c]); + offset += pick; // increment offset in array + } +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// annPlanted - Generates points from a "planted" distribution +// In high dimensional spaces, interpoint distances tend to be +// highly clustered around the mean value. Approximate nearest +// neighbor searching makes little sense in this context, unless it +// is the case that each query point is significantly closer to its +// nearest neighbor than to other points. Thus, the query points +// should be planted close to the data points. Given a source data +// set, this procedure generates a set of query points having this +// property. +// +// We are given a source data array and a standard deviation. We +// generate points as follows. We select a random point from the +// source data set, and we generate a Gaussian point centered about +// this random point and perturbed by a normal distributed random +// variable with mean zero and the given standard deviation along +// each coordinate. +// +// Note that this essentially the same a clustered Gaussian +// distribution, but where the cluster centers are given by the +// source data set. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annPlanted( // planted nearest neighbors + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + ANNpointArray src, // source point array + int n_src, // source size + double std_dev) // standard deviation about source +{ + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + int c = annRanInt(n_src); // generate source index + for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { + pa[i][d] = (ANNcoord) (std_dev*annRanGauss() + src[c][d]); + } + } +} diff --git a/ann/test/rand.h b/ann/test/rand.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b87cb418 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/rand.h @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// File: rand.h +// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount +// Description: Basic include file for random point generators +// Last modified: 08/04/06 (Version 1.1.1) +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and +// David Mount. All Rights Reserved. +// +// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate +// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under +// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the +// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information. +// +// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no +// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for +// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied +// warranty. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// History: +// Revision 0.1 03/04/98 +// Initial release +// Revision 1.0 04/01/05 +// Added annClusOrthFlats distribution +// Changed procedure names to avoid namespace conflicts +// Added annClusFlats distribution +// Revision 1.1.1 08/04/06 +// Added planted distribution +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef rand_H +#define rand_H + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Basic includes +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +#include // standard includes (rand/random) +#include // math routines +#include // basic ANN includes + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Although random/srandom is a more reliable random number generator, +// many systems do not have it. If it is not available, set the +// preprocessor symbol ANN_NO_RANDOM, and this will substitute the use +// of rand/srand for them. +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef ANN_NO_RANDOM // for systems not having random() + #define ANN_RAND rand + #define ANN_SRAND srand + #define ANN_RAND_MAX RAND_MAX +#else // otherwise use rand() + #define ANN_RAND random + #define ANN_SRAND srandom + #define ANN_RAND_MAX 2147483647UL // 2**{31} - 1 + // #define ANN_RAND_MAX 1073741824UL // 2**{30} +#endif + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Globals +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +extern int annIdum; // random number seed + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- +// External entry points +//---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void annUniformPts( // uniform distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim); // dimension + +void annGaussPts( // Gaussian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double std_dev); // standard deviation + +void annCoGaussPts( // correlated-Gaussian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double correlation); // correlation + +void annLaplacePts( // Laplacian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim); // dimension + +void annCoLaplacePts( // correlated-Laplacian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + double correlation); // correlation + +void annClusGaussPts( // clustered-Gaussian distribution + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + int n_clus, // number of colors (clusters) + ANNbool new_clust, // generate new cluster centers + double std_dev); // standard deviation within clusters + +void annClusOrthFlats( // clustered along orthogonal flats + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + int n_clus, // number of colors + ANNbool new_clust, // generate new clusters. + double std_dev, // standard deviation within clusters + int max_dim); // maximum dimension of the flats + +void annClusEllipsoids( // clustered around ellipsoids + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + int n_clus, // number of colors + ANNbool new_clust, // generate new clusters. + double std_dev_small, // small standard deviation + double std_dev_lo, // low standard deviation for ellipses + double std_dev_hi, // high standard deviation for ellipses + int max_dim); // maximum dimension of the flats + +void annPlanted( // planted nearest neighbors + ANNpointArray pa, // point array (modified) + int n, // number of points + int dim, // dimension + ANNpointArray src, // source point array + int n_src, // source size + double std_dev); // standard deviation about source + +#endif diff --git a/ann/test/test1-data.pts b/ann/test/test1-data.pts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..191790d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/test1-data.pts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +-0.297462 0.176102 +0.565538 -0.361496 +0.909313 -0.182785 +0.920712 0.478408 +0.167682 0.0499836 +0.305223 -0.0805835 +0.114973 0.882453 +0.742916 0.16376 +0.0724605 -0.826775 +0.690960 -0.559284 +0.188485 -0.643934 +0.749427 -0.942415 +-0.970662 -0.223466 +0.916110 0.879597 +0.927417 -0.382593 +-0.711327 0.278713 +-0.519172 0.986146 +0.135338 0.924588 +-0.0837537 0.61687 +0.0520465 0.896306 diff --git a/ann/test/test1-query.pts b/ann/test/test1-query.pts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c04dbc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/test1-query.pts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +0.0902484 -0.207129 +-0.419567 0.485743 +0.826225 -0.30962 +0.694758 0.987088 +-0.410807 -0.465182 +-0.836501 0.490184 +0.588289 0.656408 +0.325807 0.38721 +-0.532226 -0.727036 +-0.52506 -0.853508 diff --git a/ann/test/ b/ann/test/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f3255f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + validate on + stats query_stats + dim 2 + data_size 20 + query_size 10 +read_data_pts test1-data.pts +read_query_pts test1-query.pts + bucket_size 1 + near_neigh 3 + split_rule suggest + shrink_rule none +build_ann + epsilon 0.0 +run_queries standard +run_queries priority diff --git a/ann/test/ b/ann/test/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f92a2f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------ +ann_test: Version 1.0 + Copyright: David M. Mount and Sunil Arya. + Latest Revision: Mar 1, 2005. +------------------------------------------------------------ + +validate = on (Warning: this may slow execution time.) +stats = query_stats +[Read Data Points: + data_size = 20 + file_name = test1-data.pts + dim = 2 +] +[Read Query Points: + query_size = 10 + file_name = test1-query.pts + dim = 2 +] +[Build ann-structure: + split_rule = suggest + shrink_rule = none + data_size = 20 + dim = 2 + bucket_size = 1 + process_time = 0 sec + (Structure Statistics: + n_nodes = 39 (opt = 40, best if < 400) + n_leaves = 20 (0 contain no points) + n_splits = 19 + n_shrinks = 0 + empty_leaves = 0 percent (best if < 50 percent) + depth = 6 (opt = 4, best if < 17) + avg_aspect_ratio = 1.48847 (best if < 20) + ) +] +(Computing true nearest neighbors for validation. This may take time.) +[Run Queries: + query_size = 10 + dim = 2 + search_method = standard + epsilon = 0 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 6.3 : 2.751 ]< 4 , 11 > + splitting_nodes = [ 8.8 : 3.676 ]< 5 , 15 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 15.1 : 6.35 ]< 9 , 26 > + points_visited = [ 6.3 : 2.751 ]< 4 , 11 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.57 : 0.2201 ]< 0.35 , 0.95 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 0.156 : 0.0563 ]< 0.101 , 0.254 > + average_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] +[Run Queries: + query_size = 10 + dim = 2 + search_method = priority + epsilon = 0 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 5.9 : 2.025 ]< 4 , 9 > + splitting_nodes = [ 8.7 : 3.498 ]< 5 , 15 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 14.6 : 5.42 ]< 9 , 24 > + points_visited = [ 5.9 : 2.025 ]< 4 , 9 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.535 : 0.1667 ]< 0.35 , 0.8 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 0.1719 : 0.05861 ]< 0.114 , 0.267 > + average_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] diff --git a/ann/test/test2-data.pts b/ann/test/test2-data.pts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..beca833b --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/test2-data.pts @@ -0,0 +1,5000 @@ +-0.297462 0.176102 0.565538 -0.361496 0.909313 -0.182785 0.920712 0.478408 +0.167682 0.0499836 0.305223 -0.0805835 0.114973 0.882453 0.742916 0.16376 +0.0724605 -0.826775 0.69096 -0.559284 0.188485 -0.643934 0.749427 -0.942415 +-0.970662 -0.223466 0.91611 0.879597 0.927417 -0.382593 -0.711327 0.278713 +-0.519172 0.986146 0.135338 0.924588 -0.0837537 0.61687 0.0520465 0.896306 +0.901473 -0.325291 0.0652063 -0.120574 -0.488327 0.751363 -0.697499 -0.947413 +-0.987624 0.963139 0.369289 -0.211379 -0.883509 -0.708899 0.600525 -0.582872 +-0.643506 0.71497 0.575093 0.00459678 0.539812 -0.258652 0.869204 -0.00241996 +0.772744 -0.676832 -0.897886 -0.196002 -0.628767 0.30896 0.570148 0.26033 +-0.386577 -0.874337 -0.259992 0.312917 -0.0935399 0.573666 0.239825 0.85421 +-0.796208 0.678532 -0.642731 -0.143502 -0.381581 0.356034 0.65693 0.401868 +-0.218174 0.780909 0.499682 0.523531 0.214211 -0.29589 -0.291622 0.0764825 +0.091177 0.447957 -0.848885 -0.752714 -0.40904 0.733853 0.721019 0.0583175 +0.663434 -0.344447 0.696992 0.511178 0.723191 0.159443 -0.988504 -0.898227 +-0.972966 -0.467816 -0.756507 -0.00932436 0.665708 -0.215697 0.193261 -0.73054 +-0.503446 -0.623009 0.0161417 -0.0152601 -0.586458 0.358857 0.480893 -0.481899 +0.231917 -0.216164 -0.302167 0.938651 -0.337667 -0.550426 0.304921 0.733026 +0.881044 -0.953436 0.468168 0.290473 0.624624 -0.88191 -0.173327 0.594642 +-0.616391 0.222285 0.780042 0.915883 0.152626 0.500683 0.679114 0.974283 +0.111703 -0.193509 -0.932136 0.47911 -0.99438 -0.865367 -0.0967407 -0.375721 +0.876059 0.397368 0.90637 -0.91502 -0.254416 -0.770248 -0.95772 0.192315 +0.543171 0.18398 -0.605726 -0.108319 0.366217 -0.226911 -0.46079 0.683085 +0.337 -0.447926 0.728826 -0.72444 0.25202 0.201194 0.2288 -0.595918 +-0.989507 -0.323679 0.812735 -0.786256 -0.498072 -0.386284 0.049872 0.0345352 +0.575 0.358321 -0.63589 0.0972841 -0.205853 0.931691 -0.638675 0.374053 +0.335957 -0.223622 -0.627704 0.37217 -0.994567 -0.557683 -0.57658 -0.701232 +0.0755894 0.974534 0.715631 -0.206894 -0.526541 0.501268 0.571862 0.212854 +-0.869894 -0.151379 0.296696 0.616219 0.804961 0.216442 0.169456 -0.387354 +-0.417341 -0.677607 -0.101949 0.336936 0.759843 -0.780843 0.118637 -0.563597 +0.0711953 0.678427 -0.291873 0.388899 -0.369805 -0.543637 -0.272861 0.757796 +0.164091 0.2259 0.593925 -0.60811 -0.876473 -0.859748 -0.555799 -0.0760664 +-0.0258962 0.842516 -0.273949 0.755465 0.718062 0.698204 0.411453 0.57304 +-0.718382 0.878294 0.340659 -0.866202 -0.842228 -0.358782 -0.0827611 0.19 +0.195705 0.702977 -0.139206 0.49806 0.292129 -0.711906 0.460747 0.415933 +0.0301255 -0.0247891 0.655832 -0.28719 -0.980266 0.0435323 -0.218995 -0.328763 +0.152072 0.101915 -0.733531 0.979024 -0.402967 0.996893 -0.0937599 0.560043 +-0.146347 0.638532 -0.455591 0.757517 0.736552 -0.402962 0.279153 0.392166 +0.935555 -0.435862 -0.220478 -0.216536 -0.486893 -0.999307 0.870995 -0.219688 +0.874182 0.687041 0.818154 0.888706 -0.409832 -0.0864898 0.548772 -0.2601 +0.634894 0.752933 0.694626 0.568505 -0.53463 0.823661 -0.128738 0.589029 +0.876153 -0.936599 0.558147 0.461222 0.83707 -0.394617 0.293574 0.397603 +-0.605902 0.147833 0.883365 0.934395 -0.517984 -0.518272 0.15289 -0.197287 +-0.841908 -0.189046 -0.687789 -0.400047 -0.0059939 0.636801 -0.926915 0.456876 +0.895508 -0.273416 0.809081 -0.91928 -0.203844 0.216291 0.863094 -0.268931 +-0.0429209 0.67578 -0.352266 0.411506 0.81286 0.68938 0.852793 -0.629614 +-0.339257 0.526827 0.531975 0.187766 0.22966 0.453669 -0.662857 0.298569 +-0.710394 0.81991 -0.0218645 0.713223 -0.531523 0.0181046 -0.152334 -0.116328 +-0.907862 -0.406953 0.925716 -0.539728 0.785887 -0.971309 -0.413071 0.975195 +-0.648158 -0.12306 0.122396 -0.524215 -0.586375 0.803927 -0.1532 -0.714185 +0.393997 -0.147598 0.309933 0.780862 0.756713 -0.275399 -0.333717 0.65411 +-0.0393073 0.238394 0.329379 -0.529649 0.338274 0.355714 -0.0642789 0.790386 +0.854227 -0.538818 -0.137987 -0.352855 -0.438209 0.0361346 0.277982 -0.831233 +-0.619246 0.342369 0.641529 -0.388092 -0.0129252 0.649824 0.407042 0.60878 +-0.555105 -0.682711 0.150686 0.73807 0.164439 -0.579306 0.417745 -0.585381 +-0.338461 -0.483024 -0.726698 0.0718554 -0.107977 -0.182788 -0.390668 0.342764 +-0.0275691 -0.962499 0.7334 -0.106491 0.297794 -0.33725 -0.17166 -0.638197 +0.586193 0.352238 -0.0854822 0.654726 -0.476064 0.656265 0.66643 0.852146 +0.616724 -0.709663 0.684614 -0.148603 0.354114 -0.230582 0.277798 -0.631456 +-0.905237 0.403059 -0.699449 -0.898671 0.31476 0.878856 0.336509 -0.387219 +0.45696 0.0752823 -0.171288 0.555415 0.596403 0.901777 -0.441202 0.194817 +-0.192999 -0.88183 -0.254202 0.053615 0.441121 -0.094888 -0.225595 0.658495 +0.956766 -0.897565 -0.387446 0.444515 0.300364 0.864927 -0.74361 0.263379 +0.612994 -0.854378 0.0613588 0.837108 -0.535565 0.461418 -0.412153 -0.995443 +-0.649823 -0.976708 -0.188926 -0.456246 0.364738 0.0958001 -0.581642 0.271749 +-0.367256 -0.110651 0.723649 0.948672 0.824979 0.173978 -0.804377 -0.529976 +0.700675 -0.839077 0.211385 0.781518 -0.98416 0.0010383 -0.735942 -0.820944 +-0.21899 -0.698457 0.0323291 0.358671 -0.237131 0.766883 0.722428 -0.615278 +0.925019 0.477009 0.0929154 -0.963981 -0.770475 -0.66034 -0.412604 -0.989395 +0.188951 -0.899547 0.659488 0.000167491 0.241788 -0.833199 0.890115 -0.51071 +-0.567007 0.171081 -0.313735 0.263977 -0.452386 0.058921 0.245298 -0.681204 +-0.706525 0.541778 0.337212 0.527072 0.25638 -0.199825 0.935215 -0.303665 +-0.671715 0.928582 0.382235 -0.747164 -0.70352 -0.833457 0.486566 -0.880991 +0.00239932 -0.303997 -0.580476 0.159374 -0.766379 0.662052 -0.406566 0.247808 +0.72319 0.154886 -0.681147 -0.136651 -0.658755 0.119839 -0.396113 0.341413 +-0.846152 -0.765456 0.305871 0.317983 -0.416314 -0.0165978 0.579588 0.628929 +0.214003 0.0627324 -0.375235 0.0384183 -0.543795 -0.525115 -0.335451 -0.343502 +0.373437 -0.99614 -0.29953 0.819305 -0.350093 0.623615 -0.298837 0.593464 +-0.528475 0.623557 -0.0741295 0.437527 -0.145454 -0.915441 0.63253 -0.803763 +-0.106869 -0.0737426 -0.446327 0.475409 0.626033 -0.963294 -0.299805 0.942468 +0.892964 0.170889 0.311687 0.716786 -0.39085 -0.986859 0.484436 0.995274 +-0.706496 -0.537461 -0.762442 -0.904428 -0.433185 0.564872 0.470109 0.123817 +-0.262784 0.902148 0.774335 0.663736 -0.624472 -0.0984558 -0.337614 -0.720203 +-0.866238 -0.375162 -0.278362 -0.900335 0.530593 -0.519309 0.947509 -0.864766 +0.541422 -0.517111 0.969367 -0.00489309 -0.999942 -0.813808 -0.232481 -0.546827 +0.72111 0.500202 0.225871 0.601391 -0.530886 0.0662849 0.25603 0.0269803 +-0.55402 -0.733515 -0.474599 0.293354 -0.830255 -0.632472 0.591209 -0.958008 +0.190085 -0.953903 -0.102418 -0.31927 -0.808489 -0.0164479 0.965921 0.859736 +-0.045593 0.0761261 0.815027 0.0726849 -0.739992 -0.324571 0.37797 0.766814 +-0.53319 0.870626 0.882681 0.876645 0.335389 -0.91757 -0.645386 0.695575 +-0.654247 0.936453 0.3427 -0.897004 -0.631964 0.645085 -0.722994 0.782582 +-0.596276 -0.969859 -0.379385 0.862274 -0.162028 -0.78108 -0.779214 0.657125 +-0.389549 -0.139342 -0.226078 -0.629354 0.658266 0.749323 -0.712046 -0.463735 +-0.515695 -0.590335 -0.260976 0.836529 -0.43391 0.992155 -0.372528 0.256853 +-0.728294 -0.545911 -0.932695 0.607095 0.252943 0.679097 0.357944 -0.544717 +-0.522439 -0.597402 0.789478 0.216115 0.308621 0.906395 -0.446619 0.311532 +-0.354402 0.859965 0.73919 0.564627 0.799822 0.0650698 0.796785 0.0643813 +-0.822488 0.356159 0.73162 -0.950163 0.0307983 0.707154 -0.0150776 0.768888 +0.293397 0.470361 0.999707 -0.105452 0.265617 -0.0899393 -0.139308 0.247726 +-0.814213 0.000165209 0.743174 0.723423 -0.495665 -0.569869 0.20464 0.226699 +0.797078 -0.910643 0.638684 0.708226 -0.473388 -0.682395 0.937041 0.962691 +-0.599728 -0.0115274 0.0426607 0.77116 0.0906074 -0.225591 -0.476268 0.435468 +-0.825989 0.96699 0.402459 0.746756 0.0971159 0.960465 0.734328 -0.616388 +0.120195 -0.770287 0.700157 -0.362726 -0.977723 0.801883 0.572893 -0.86369 +-0.640466 0.160692 -0.0868509 0.337732 -0.365243 0.287518 0.00417294 -0.221229 +0.808683 0.9046 -0.714129 -0.142761 -0.885229 -0.491364 0.0646426 0.46698 +-0.639558 0.162556 0.261822 -0.785512 0.621871 -0.173387 0.57077 0.885758 +0.937931 -0.895746 -0.424813 0.396573 0.119719 -0.777125 0.503697 -0.929197 +0.317781 -0.437269 0.905695 -0.233495 0.531483 -0.117484 -0.433652 -0.210996 +0.237316 0.870417 0.499755 0.154555 -0.855437 0.993596 0.606112 -0.484495 +-0.871784 -0.00282462 -0.999517 -0.404143 0.332888 -0.401976 0.917133 -0.062792 +0.984408 0.979356 0.444104 -0.22763 0.780517 -0.335999 0.996501 -0.312278 +-0.959262 0.424283 -0.860627 -0.0694463 -0.733332 0.24356 0.704195 -0.629933 +-0.568364 -0.926862 -0.660816 -0.717476 -0.430908 0.312 0.0532743 0.621865 +-0.604698 -0.195759 -0.528853 -0.0751889 0.634449 0.376064 0.0408941 -0.233978 +0.86435 0.881091 -0.381823 0.415693 0.329333 0.533571 -0.472293 0.0100355 +-0.848382 -0.421601 0.325856 0.0402104 0.0375616 0.160701 -0.0488019 -0.821447 +-0.830876 -0.577031 0.668062 0.244227 0.786971 0.641181 0.185922 0.557849 +-0.222176 0.873644 -0.842672 0.0822688 0.1352 -0.720617 -0.753538 0.351144 +0.33882 -0.69687 0.670628 0.854046 0.0373551 -0.245094 -0.685852 0.465421 +-0.255688 -0.533918 -0.636433 0.782628 -0.908956 0.257956 0.127924 0.176628 +0.346114 -0.825391 -0.798756 -0.673796 0.0464586 -0.564756 -0.649834 -0.93799 +-0.872198 -0.525028 0.655929 -0.33057 0.578602 -0.0980388 0.18996 0.624275 +0.0377116 0.20725 0.534533 0.941527 -0.49673 -0.302692 -0.305545 -0.434091 +-0.892842 0.272028 0.621542 0.880808 0.461609 -0.575953 0.00533898 0.407816 +0.798509 -0.652709 -0.953708 0.363563 -0.6924 -0.506284 -0.854446 -0.900739 +0.42303 0.140742 -0.982719 -0.486268 0.619562 0.242502 -0.691598 -0.82573 +0.281322 0.738703 -0.745971 -0.921568 -0.0965933 -0.458791 -0.0239777 -0.391412 +0.737994 0.506724 0.408581 0.914318 0.944033 0.470169 0.517512 -0.582022 +0.854393 0.638642 0.925928 -0.266903 0.249463 0.348856 -0.373119 -0.272758 +0.359209 -0.00257437 -0.0371977 -0.0566714 -0.104687 -0.927367 -0.878102 0.915497 +-0.980826 -0.831506 -0.392008 0.98813 -0.796466 0.932677 0.751053 -0.268263 +-0.931643 -0.837905 0.246372 0.244269 -0.894743 -0.789657 0.791453 -0.811077 +0.354346 -0.970716 -0.632394 -0.321787 0.00575287 -0.309555 -0.0123187 0.175477 +0.180362 -0.284787 0.777856 0.93745 0.839013 0.184939 0.102242 0.0720602 +0.256497 -0.470638 -0.507036 -0.321465 0.848751 -0.745974 -0.921839 -0.743009 +0.393878 -0.842621 0.0562395 0.922845 0.141543 0.0318582 0.0349252 -0.0904675 +-0.229106 0.696157 0.770312 0.0376088 -0.673544 -0.282075 -0.90807 0.162741 +-0.926558 -0.74316 -0.55728 0.278791 -0.497663 -0.893535 0.3457 -0.395518 +-0.336464 -0.829243 -0.711496 0.136823 -0.599154 0.237323 -0.18359 0.770229 +-0.145921 0.482492 -0.71054 0.987273 0.741452 0.729582 -0.0281977 0.917108 +-0.458362 0.0658424 -0.0279174 0.856926 0.709681 -0.783696 -0.961252 0.688503 +0.973118 0.849728 -0.814271 -0.469361 -0.653283 -0.104521 -0.960699 0.245302 +-0.911346 0.999177 -0.148402 -0.549248 -0.128112 -0.0623094 0.602351 0.0236946 +-0.766632 -0.244277 0.434017 -0.175912 0.530235 0.51945 0.933491 0.795817 +0.135716 0.0875148 -0.117921 -0.964061 -0.884529 -0.444931 -0.113143 -0.49756 +-0.155353 0.381952 -0.549882 0.304886 0.085705 0.409697 0.326658 -0.401568 +0.661057 0.785486 -0.682437 -0.371898 -0.47805 -0.545586 0.349588 0.0399875 +0.283964 0.117143 -0.388108 -0.0946642 0.73372 0.41185 -0.117624 0.269631 +0.665895 -0.170339 -0.367877 -0.134399 -0.338441 -0.0982146 0.128465 -0.30942 +-0.588202 -0.901838 0.206724 0.15348 0.906219 -0.990114 0.668819 -0.942605 +-0.367757 0.180424 -0.472094 0.731779 -0.329447 -0.332298 -0.0121267 0.29385 +-0.739351 -0.68326 -0.789779 0.293027 0.248523 0.574044 0.282377 -0.654182 +-0.327741 0.769444 -0.45172 -0.485067 -0.687509 0.712137 -0.245604 -0.802737 +0.462452 0.287437 -0.862168 -0.0115283 0.180286 -0.0755134 0.00532817 -0.314071 +0.299825 0.304382 0.790399 0.539985 -0.132184 -0.116863 -0.450487 0.177349 +0.46726 -0.497682 -0.919405 -0.136883 -0.239881 0.38042 -0.657034 -0.58277 +0.408087 -0.352302 0.533597 -0.221728 -0.401964 -0.468149 -0.582847 0.0768009 +0.698612 0.482192 -0.863302 -0.848353 -0.637903 0.889848 0.338528 -0.121574 +-0.57544 0.386562 0.196173 -0.395793 -0.658929 -0.0862365 -0.134087 -0.503467 +-0.596217 -0.889683 -0.297276 -0.228813 0.0438439 -0.57411 -0.615104 0.398265 +0.723855 -0.750041 -0.539976 -0.936613 0.355356 0.352291 0.839291 -0.88281 +0.299302 -0.219931 0.0672785 -0.288995 -0.218354 0.800048 0.754672 0.318256 +0.572547 0.260125 0.792013 0.244274 -0.640165 -0.595878 0.403371 -0.188557 +-0.894039 -0.638266 -0.856429 0.24191 -0.296712 0.976669 0.609767 0.573067 +-0.445127 -0.973205 0.388411 0.603933 0.853165 -0.441861 0.0535785 -0.648563 +0.770047 -0.82881 -0.295716 0.465457 0.538209 0.157396 0.730344 0.786522 +-0.275821 -0.913917 0.839515 0.0459649 -0.20751 -0.125001 -0.805479 -0.657282 +-0.851585 0.989703 0.947285 -0.727628 0.831814 0.625855 -0.63615 -0.381488 +-0.0655911 -0.808206 0.600867 0.899066 -0.278109 0.910354 0.473494 0.142634 +0.808929 -0.168982 -0.847232 0.459863 -0.910526 0.656583 -0.285735 -0.404819 +-0.0320648 -0.825178 -0.387763 0.0331624 -0.946075 0.551552 0.328367 -0.520419 +0.664296 0.307382 0.78977 0.998128 -0.784913 -0.623012 -0.855921 -0.38578 +0.417838 -0.0115991 -0.188635 0.546942 0.0187048 -0.513309 0.0977445 0.683181 +-0.654691 -0.707864 -0.655903 -0.27102 0.494584 -0.64251 -0.822701 0.948065 +0.0520526 -0.7392 0.301475 -0.367139 0.0226178 0.3656 0.493187 -0.833477 +0.546452 0.25182 -0.240083 0.663908 0.233792 -0.40176 -0.523707 -0.958207 +0.637881 -0.434266 0.937711 -0.884153 0.967427 -0.2417 0.423966 0.338289 +0.580809 0.251979 -0.627208 -0.799636 0.556872 -0.367169 0.251983 0.792732 +-0.976935 0.0116265 0.982995 -0.792821 -0.951236 -0.669607 -0.580612 0.69541 +-0.477557 -0.462184 -0.940225 -0.358341 -0.908887 0.453559 0.248522 -0.777471 +-0.445277 0.195476 0.00953749 -0.637083 0.666037 -0.318406 -0.510122 0.157887 +-0.233629 0.404874 0.757236 0.73776 0.885794 0.604826 -0.0677713 -0.572471 +0.77151 0.61707 0.415902 0.310543 -0.580839 0.489709 -0.650273 -0.325419 +0.412893 -0.955568 0.956084 0.130488 0.0726098 -0.569455 0.596294 0.839599 +-0.298585 0.246649 0.950922 -0.735803 -0.0357101 -0.0360352 -0.260508 -0.817461 +0.216787 -0.426844 0.107673 -0.515836 0.249557 -0.532994 -0.352223 0.62053 +-0.0782868 -0.00041177 -0.100859 -0.0858553 0.847271 0.689137 0.170866 -0.47497 +0.0473733 0.288673 0.984627 -0.675146 -0.767599 -0.305889 -0.727514 -0.0746797 +0.443565 0.113971 -0.128798 0.689816 0.331141 0.878447 -0.0820185 -0.685195 +0.152155 0.232343 0.620349 0.810755 0.805267 -0.645301 0.371111 0.999969 +0.771033 -0.518711 -0.46167 -0.778356 -0.303337 0.338897 -0.788653 -0.641049 +-0.601934 -0.331875 -0.356332 -0.97196 -0.428272 0.489866 0.815942 -0.0266128 +-0.827429 -0.195289 0.949786 0.0602482 0.614102 -0.629974 -0.88504 -0.797522 +0.092041 0.467493 -0.907994 0.859784 0.514958 0.195214 0.533135 0.443255 +0.373345 -0.834546 -0.990051 0.482633 -0.576983 -0.78488 0.258782 0.143983 +0.0252336 -0.35831 0.267115 0.602956 0.567865 -0.0744821 0.350106 -0.965662 +-0.0995878 -0.0662973 -0.403141 0.363913 0.0576992 -0.778704 -0.0906451 0.132037 +0.901541 0.193029 0.958542 -0.279989 0.748255 0.523988 -0.178916 -0.122212 +0.662571 0.599512 -0.692118 -0.140859 0.943946 0.374829 -0.577019 -0.317454 +-0.569703 -0.421185 0.209724 -0.0272069 -0.825385 -0.299885 -0.702465 -0.841303 +-0.625022 -0.939014 -0.646478 -0.929883 -0.872406 0.240342 0.329466 0.982431 +-0.548367 -0.233095 -0.934782 0.563045 0.458769 0.805903 -0.395638 -0.335692 +0.0298147 0.93917 -0.641635 -0.93952 0.808355 0.0620558 0.272624 0.91682 +0.685732 -0.454605 0.895198 0.535367 -0.195084 0.798437 0.78036 0.0728712 +0.748921 0.613001 -0.586845 -0.368276 0.607438 0.44901 -0.860836 0.0710699 +0.160246 -0.912767 0.793088 -0.0789475 0.86137 -0.646717 -0.418569 -0.504365 +-0.714887 -0.158707 -0.312812 0.0879129 0.150715 0.0164083 -0.488934 0.0938861 +-0.671302 0.831696 0.215217 -0.394584 0.86001 -0.41718 -0.584042 -0.28624 +-0.493184 0.740163 -0.570726 -0.0863252 0.396933 0.379573 0.761653 -0.529462 +-0.0744424 0.903038 -0.587916 -0.666138 -0.602562 0.580486 -0.0215209 0.610203 +-0.0184679 0.767602 -0.617271 -0.70958 -0.401369 0.76296 0.730919 -0.0675959 +0.202507 0.0970708 0.813517 -0.379081 0.500343 -0.891592 -0.947009 -0.130569 +-0.3293 0.0190248 0.130283 0.0215455 0.468149 0.487996 -0.91982 0.263618 +0.166966 0.257769 -0.870823 -0.742854 0.347766 -0.517503 0.0991567 -0.937943 +0.177273 0.654459 -0.12014 0.0798352 0.328079 -0.41541 -0.981877 0.650573 +-0.416929 0.864492 -0.616631 -0.543461 -0.816447 0.627673 0.12846 -0.0171272 +-0.00616636 -0.927528 0.748037 0.627434 -0.763391 -0.43345 -0.631288 0.529012 +0.283554 -0.648569 0.872216 -0.546691 0.576309 0.996444 -0.243198 -0.933623 +-0.930564 0.547018 0.18931 -0.698586 0.151469 -0.842365 0.637498 -0.163121 +-0.00261068 0.704759 0.27449 -0.242241 -0.607262 0.580741 0.245604 0.92185 +0.582213 -0.823424 -0.10619 -0.990174 -0.0735172 -0.909104 0.520764 -0.820255 +0.900447 -0.94827 0.155163 0.417331 0.0114175 -0.00628024 -0.910574 -0.283187 +-0.187358 -0.139705 0.562407 0.292244 0.890497 -0.977713 -0.0115719 -0.0382545 +-0.690194 -0.0973353 -0.155404 0.0832844 0.162616 0.568383 -0.753987 0.435038 +0.291621 -0.5899 0.396798 -0.0742157 0.0331849 0.684662 0.655881 -0.261075 +0.872796 0.850441 0.888413 -0.469705 -0.100169 -0.416602 0.926549 0.101557 +-0.873468 -0.197107 -0.675292 0.49963 0.365601 -0.429868 0.132738 0.0865636 +-0.103572 -0.0652441 0.763867 -0.803298 0.438389 0.0059869 0.961121 0.149466 +0.156736 -0.240026 -0.016764 0.493385 0.197859 0.959152 -0.559036 -0.355299 +-0.129929 -0.100494 -0.324997 -0.932065 -0.439955 -0.908395 -0.815456 -0.0763179 +-0.51843 -0.429505 -0.404266 0.773386 0.669001 0.405253 -0.362474 -0.657479 +-0.326284 0.91793 -0.113967 0.27732 0.0900128 -0.0141997 -0.101568 -0.177652 +0.253364 0.944982 -0.981293 0.681051 0.220457 0.678805 0.117425 0.81758 +0.76245 0.882228 0.588842 -0.0966178 0.0846132 -0.814894 -0.599803 -0.157418 +0.602957 0.776127 0.436864 -0.0315237 -0.380279 -0.577336 -0.687014 -0.40178 +-0.138798 -0.105822 0.841678 -0.0263646 0.640965 -0.921257 -0.787924 0.262715 +-0.332249 0.699275 0.160189 -0.277205 -0.0486838 -0.735237 -0.00192763 0.880213 +-0.0118682 -0.907686 -0.196037 0.14673 -0.583138 0.602316 0.174741 -0.242854 +0.128001 0.0702017 -0.520309 0.950693 0.983046 0.976974 -0.696315 0.339818 +-0.220227 0.959419 -0.447921 0.772382 0.245944 -0.231034 0.781869 0.566132 +-0.739302 0.827347 0.564051 -0.450396 0.131851 -0.627369 0.0814461 0.792095 +-0.707655 0.761645 -0.347376 0.952777 -0.782499 0.000215353 0.130336 -0.123162 +0.200002 -0.651541 0.765025 -0.502356 -0.000344623 -0.349748 -0.700109 -0.847312 +0.636117 -0.129245 0.676774 -0.576404 0.0827873 -0.203879 0.701524 -0.809694 +0.434977 0.179651 -0.290366 -0.0791204 0.263298 0.639721 0.629461 0.670814 +0.00186741 -0.432625 -0.00158293 -0.831541 -0.823676 0.472602 -0.961719 -0.66056 +-0.984705 0.190091 0.565003 -0.884111 -0.559499 0.233506 -0.713269 0.547719 +0.355859 -0.245797 -0.742472 -0.677628 -0.970212 0.149376 -0.392426 0.544144 +-0.147631 0.907208 0.391922 -0.312962 0.963317 0.973541 0.291944 0.448386 +0.29835 -0.982196 0.707691 0.449114 0.460402 -0.526763 -0.993272 -0.782804 +0.304143 0.122948 0.493004 -0.717811 -0.37569 0.844869 -0.788104 0.617283 +0.743039 0.955465 0.235476 0.707989 -0.066996 0.420538 -0.721263 0.825603 +0.0494904 0.559394 -0.670968 -0.191983 -0.0920988 0.22054 0.580336 0.547939 +-0.188052 0.239844 0.27005 -0.188772 0.592379 -0.193501 0.501971 0.892349 +0.859846 0.604318 0.715631 -0.0350142 -0.386098 -0.253564 0.626177 -0.227681 +-0.867934 -0.332436 0.279554 -0.389763 0.528261 0.264091 0.292911 -0.265678 +0.566285 -0.180326 0.809413 0.526826 0.941549 0.383176 -0.515368 -0.477709 +0.965153 0.397489 0.82954 -0.696508 -0.64787 -0.324891 0.614777 -0.965558 +-0.0796109 -0.790563 -0.845366 -0.650756 -0.956735 -0.616139 0.246225 0.633251 +-0.0871428 -0.472832 -0.105659 0.22979 0.375183 0.486171 0.119254 0.872361 +0.681773 -0.0360835 0.262123 0.0616381 0.530013 -0.916977 -0.0935366 0.980232 +0.132328 -0.570867 -0.10049 -0.327286 0.515566 -0.46658 -0.539151 -0.91762 +0.296509 -0.4306 0.212748 -0.819735 0.863 0.396073 -0.804393 0.938419 +0.301962 0.126031 -0.422601 -0.538843 -0.730788 -0.672684 0.357379 0.19197 +0.0436512 0.947901 -0.200379 0.294212 -0.263388 0.889449 -0.158338 0.742788 +-0.857164 -0.794924 0.960183 0.462791 0.909592 0.621129 -0.979916 -0.483498 +-0.950737 0.509248 -0.415408 0.339305 0.0395366 0.326865 -0.0173424 -0.184521 +0.926779 -0.695107 0.178422 -0.0335427 0.558427 0.873586 -0.798514 0.59477 +0.0116028 -0.639165 -0.99498 -0.817078 -0.75414 0.997985 -0.149242 -0.757341 +-0.854019 -0.0510839 0.0171485 -0.499207 0.312593 0.354565 -0.726875 -0.509954 +-0.0973036 -0.97082 0.686793 -0.523589 -0.0157376 0.782279 0.692317 0.0632247 +0.778373 0.749199 -0.288588 -0.125306 0.483981 0.692396 0.0789724 0.616047 +0.563043 -0.109978 0.236749 -0.460316 -0.0637256 -0.939167 -0.218829 0.671097 +0.96692 0.293831 -0.285168 -0.125799 0.760805 0.894275 0.417545 -0.673229 +0.768438 0.955127 0.752221 0.554419 0.586243 -0.299753 0.0538873 0.857052 +-0.251428 -0.178101 0.598394 -0.783113 -0.312652 0.751426 -0.327546 -0.417581 +-0.373495 0.580349 -0.671673 0.191876 -0.524553 0.480578 -0.697009 0.121584 +0.940414 -0.420872 -0.399819 -0.734092 0.228542 0.438589 -0.656298 -0.94457 +-0.215194 -0.255169 0.305846 -0.796909 0.983606 -0.502691 0.736112 -0.0623938 +0.40672 -0.387792 0.688816 0.498798 -0.450368 0.732224 -0.592412 0.104975 +-0.81188 0.208479 0.16719 -0.649639 0.912674 0.644033 0.714323 -0.332735 +-0.58738 0.069026 0.281932 -0.93151 0.11176 -0.847874 -0.907921 -0.618208 +-0.0166421 0.32995 -0.413312 0.987446 -0.663446 -0.848917 -0.660166 0.918778 +-0.472898 -0.619355 0.081946 0.977692 0.424855 -0.698976 -0.247465 -0.414872 +-0.709575 0.437799 0.819009 -0.603688 0.911107 -0.0593075 0.6424 -0.841602 +-0.301987 0.0139387 0.703714 -0.142194 0.346217 0.886637 0.351668 0.0953612 +-0.798206 0.515067 0.350112 -0.118378 0.627946 -0.196216 -0.119848 -0.666486 +-0.0960841 -0.0905893 -0.401865 0.367503 0.522487 0.172046 0.405863 -0.703013 +0.681311 0.251237 0.726527 -0.788047 0.608837 0.87006 0.19911 -0.756488 +-0.367448 0.847017 -0.483341 -0.934484 0.484957 0.310926 -0.141077 0.799676 +0.129294 -0.939129 0.434043 0.928614 -0.784234 -0.155421 0.56559 0.42488 +-0.81969 -0.365195 -0.0990222 -0.659092 0.935576 0.997549 0.261516 0.479096 +-0.30282 0.597882 -0.0400856 -0.359952 0.65592 0.0900222 0.526692 0.387967 +-0.106283 0.985081 0.479074 0.825846 0.485159 0.432059 0.825164 0.975166 +-0.629375 -0.271564 -0.865987 -0.513429 -0.363984 -0.760674 -0.725854 -0.883243 +-0.724934 -0.00115233 -0.800608 -0.585264 -0.854157 -0.767145 -0.503937 -0.859145 +-0.437062 0.218128 0.339113 0.777923 -0.129217 -0.45072 -0.694891 0.195081 +0.253737 -0.0208482 -0.0750381 -0.924029 0.996339 0.482457 -0.625736 -0.844848 +-0.536997 -0.122948 -0.952199 0.298501 -0.572839 0.803669 0.846795 -0.204753 +-0.814245 0.856752 -0.854549 0.0121502 -0.244473 -0.477249 -0.926179 0.38471 +-0.622075 0.950099 -0.234329 -0.635224 0.689427 -0.242433 0.887506 -0.363187 +-0.268139 -0.997729 -0.0682811 0.697112 0.717812 0.817084 0.821962 0.354532 +0.281839 0.122168 -0.872511 -0.0787717 -0.433926 -0.297339 0.234911 -0.700059 +-0.442467 0.964492 -0.434611 0.75884 -0.90507 -0.0809998 -0.123331 -0.486963 +0.629516 -0.671634 -0.667595 -0.680669 0.00628531 -0.0160714 -0.0682033 0.404433 +0.493993 -0.5621 -0.300429 -0.541774 -0.609693 0.477616 -0.611964 0.777714 +-0.820392 -0.194439 -0.843868 0.548159 0.933125 0.0682794 0.90077 -0.912988 +0.346994 0.460742 0.0711625 0.143112 -0.322344 0.706363 0.581826 0.85121 +-0.340411 0.13449 -0.340575 -0.846684 -0.478047 0.177675 -0.409092 0.334076 +-0.944282 -0.814166 -0.83139 0.548307 0.512799 0.51377 -0.977379 -0.256738 +0.327306 0.449161 -0.589384 -0.377997 -0.980277 -0.317601 -0.825479 0.668345 +0.476947 -0.231503 -0.230226 0.291133 0.867569 -0.483659 -0.699588 -0.866898 +-0.417091 0.0796027 0.74786 0.663857 0.495741 0.14875 0.834061 -0.406024 +0.473261 0.140245 -0.84201 -0.513092 0.173684 -0.171047 -0.270411 -0.740897 +-0.279202 0.242499 -0.0531898 0.01875 -0.368387 0.11644 -0.22019 -0.844834 +-0.183708 -0.737165 0.850556 -0.345713 0.653315 0.773672 0.645283 0.926115 +0.505334 0.348271 0.312431 -0.0445571 -0.329575 -0.271828 0.0056622 -0.666408 +-0.649974 -0.683124 -0.000972694 0.317819 0.0950826 -0.979677 -0.816691 -0.619386 +0.679926 0.0729124 -0.823981 0.2991 0.448544 0.0401972 -0.756171 0.371164 +-0.840083 0.959263 -0.830681 -0.598575 0.0837273 -0.733904 -0.79105 0.484256 +0.412114 -0.407305 0.943331 0.608559 -0.323736 -0.0952373 -0.456893 0.464353 +-0.670586 -0.865889 -0.40852 -0.0711989 -0.0330043 0.374488 -0.747553 -0.00226158 +0.751611 0.0783874 0.80301 0.184682 -0.327936 0.246717 -0.910611 0.264174 +0.514412 -0.473595 0.6392 0.668385 0.84815 0.827681 0.222833 -0.37884 +-0.180982 -0.361258 0.407307 0.744511 0.469552 -0.544188 -0.780816 0.833719 +-0.665318 0.209095 0.0774345 -0.130712 -0.763488 0.624944 -0.350726 0.0769057 +0.703306 0.147031 -0.108821 0.0217217 -0.441957 -0.235285 -0.946216 0.0952471 +0.468648 0.922992 0.32141 0.611106 -0.828832 0.329353 0.0698133 -0.0894808 +-0.682444 0.155833 -0.76055 -0.926175 0.552841 -0.127039 0.215525 -0.129632 +0.928951 -0.145428 -0.983338 -0.242727 0.570928 0.484034 -0.372604 -0.0987295 +-0.373366 -0.583479 0.00910048 -0.678305 0.168452 0.754081 0.646345 -0.499036 +-0.17539 0.263483 0.988656 0.322723 -0.732819 -0.532137 0.0227312 -0.635047 +0.525417 0.0649438 0.6975 0.0404561 -0.544791 0.620582 -0.709808 -0.477295 +-0.334942 0.324497 0.847588 0.662796 -0.132046 -0.482696 0.991537 0.923082 +-0.20068 0.74449 -0.489799 0.63289 -0.866579 -0.282239 -0.625266 0.843382 +-0.135319 0.873575 -0.561836 -0.576817 0.0431551 -0.848525 -0.335841 0.774156 +-0.649615 0.740492 -0.645749 -0.361132 -0.205354 -0.675642 0.931562 -0.533698 +0.192217 0.0832572 0.543377 0.408635 -0.943419 -0.646391 -0.967457 -0.481755 +0.281202 0.868417 -0.114176 0.671657 -0.153338 0.73452 0.574116 -0.955257 +0.557163 -0.223188 0.962339 0.452624 0.613705 0.900581 0.645901 0.329851 +-0.598393 -0.487692 -0.602136 -0.472586 0.881521 -0.883675 0.537421 0.0677523 +0.263266 0.203235 -0.829731 0.189255 0.102929 -0.79814 0.254124 0.612319 +-0.0713455 -0.375519 0.419743 -0.225415 0.964394 0.109494 -0.709433 -0.331222 +0.843804 -0.183654 -0.341667 0.537221 0.250964 0.701849 0.730312 0.0704345 +0.284205 -0.673898 -0.298678 -0.468715 -0.997889 0.732829 -0.825887 -0.94121 +0.904557 -0.0467022 0.475033 0.270049 -0.736836 0.470416 0.0970923 -0.598756 +-0.424076 0.136916 0.524596 0.374663 0.203456 -0.681284 0.0263966 -0.699673 +0.0130246 -0.0532326 -0.0615701 -0.339619 -0.852729 -0.0357394 -0.83475 -0.89354 +0.987203 -0.0959013 0.0851994 -0.724039 -0.26461 -0.682084 -0.47515 -0.177745 +-0.877482 -0.537615 0.248853 0.0758161 0.28464 -0.359021 0.713614 -0.549527 +-0.336066 0.723184 0.424637 -0.609074 -0.0372588 0.694688 0.161025 0.00549367 +0.450152 0.566343 0.0599369 0.60323 0.331496 0.156181 0.228176 0.197368 +0.584285 0.30046 0.66568 0.818899 0.0788251 0.0212786 -0.352632 -0.489074 +0.479954 -0.201059 0.474697 0.74284 -0.143695 -0.829963 0.326414 -0.832921 +0.988085 -0.278915 0.605341 -0.152305 0.78077 0.881069 -0.818724 0.474738 +-0.436552 0.712162 -0.0635374 0.244215 -0.571331 0.204936 -0.111836 -0.0682449 +-0.0709972 0.574723 -0.909965 0.335705 0.269968 0.465588 -0.918693 0.091444 +0.98582 -0.0754521 -0.547262 -0.380355 -0.0867791 -0.0747597 -0.0866743 0.42908 +0.419141 0.100784 -0.917742 -0.638208 0.971851 0.0873342 0.508788 0.511826 +0.254514 -0.379363 0.344608 -0.253227 -0.126856 0.211372 -0.760917 -0.0370611 +0.461313 0.0262896 0.634298 0.447411 -0.731852 0.734685 -0.349677 -0.158824 +0.334537 -0.180378 -0.0369194 0.256403 0.0446841 -0.493594 0.54217 0.294292 +-0.0925171 -0.180654 0.701996 -0.634091 0.173207 0.15828 0.0562676 0.831866 +0.878095 0.981166 0.563838 -0.527609 -0.891458 0.55635 -0.369676 -0.816483 +-0.505458 0.434734 0.837874 -0.634362 -0.295461 -0.310891 -0.270371 0.78806 +0.0550179 -0.2884 -0.946651 0.276765 0.765948 0.803761 0.987376 0.339298 +0.363058 -0.200504 0.269844 -0.846002 0.821406 -0.899048 0.452818 -0.965904 +0.240888 -0.723617 0.850907 0.77804 0.416406 -0.881811 0.475796 -0.706006 +0.949923 0.703903 -0.577528 0.484688 -0.151916 -0.614139 0.278253 0.750611 +-0.562183 -0.840888 0.201305 -0.863502 -0.841988 0.963908 0.553503 -0.265581 +0.556983 0.914997 0.175021 0.676986 -0.515886 -0.708668 -0.0416682 -0.240647 +-0.470628 0.0114494 0.556913 -0.473869 -0.647865 -0.857761 -0.131074 -0.5774 +0.100571 0.572337 -0.86835 -0.772119 -0.895905 0.185833 0.820328 0.50272 +-0.145288 -0.879785 0.735591 0.143136 0.183041 -0.848571 0.770955 0.895035 +0.860503 0.638752 -0.923975 -0.776266 -0.0339876 0.392074 -0.409834 0.904356 +0.665608 -0.377151 0.539506 -0.885743 0.587655 -0.247009 0.929327 0.41128 +-0.333 0.693968 -0.200711 0.825734 -0.709479 -0.580446 0.0255974 0.0384008 +0.131076 0.347609 -0.372302 -0.57721 0.115747 -0.296598 -0.683664 0.3911 +-0.764893 0.147385 0.886291 -0.185818 -0.662009 -0.772474 0.27857 0.249265 +0.801509 0.807046 0.367588 -0.854962 0.493405 -0.290518 -0.641011 -0.775767 +0.286831 -0.691024 -0.444923 -0.0338499 0.339135 0.0460713 -0.329586 0.76591 +0.802283 0.0193814 -0.789017 0.473164 0.0212489 -0.635791 0.6961 -0.596351 +-0.596642 -0.998232 0.0136001 -0.276802 0.915992 0.691271 -0.300357 0.320925 +0.637074 -0.0804191 0.151036 -0.351331 0.542885 -0.289594 -0.821636 0.743944 +0.578408 0.0780374 -0.281724 -0.544973 -0.716897 0.932581 -0.476661 0.019135 +-0.380527 -0.443295 -0.546443 -0.0261096 -0.533649 -0.386573 -0.693799 -0.478674 +-0.046097 0.13709 -0.241074 -0.312128 -0.172706 0.414745 0.677841 -0.971149 +0.363223 0.655025 0.273508 -0.728881 0.288561 -0.417987 0.216158 0.297134 +-0.0229396 0.274697 -0.572701 -0.00854633 -0.891319 0.497741 0.707254 -0.0715516 +-0.166197 -0.175614 -0.382295 0.221078 0.31008 -0.40528 0.555547 0.206632 +0.0926327 -0.897087 -0.537789 0.423398 0.615531 -0.383331 0.485904 0.520743 +-0.992939 -0.571718 -0.43316 -0.714167 0.849937 0.646327 0.94783 -0.198636 +-0.174774 0.806576 -0.0249607 0.65846 -0.477966 0.209632 -0.397504 0.388044 +-0.558192 -0.478565 -0.071865 -0.788793 0.33193 -0.259333 -0.32999 0.807504 +0.407392 -0.293065 -0.620214 -0.342446 0.655084 -0.709866 0.276465 0.472418 +-0.742165 0.464929 -0.735399 0.827727 0.501501 -0.745092 0.151738 0.895937 +0.728639 -0.673592 0.805636 0.407921 -0.27646 -0.595708 0.786234 0.277305 +0.965162 -0.299604 0.0224402 -0.736399 0.99229 0.403263 -0.672184 -0.195072 +0.732057 0.242696 -0.842716 -0.981741 0.910077 0.37308 0.189254 -0.711949 +-0.112862 0.508801 -0.784562 -0.260952 -0.141216 -0.884663 0.659708 -0.645477 +0.137565 0.961694 -0.402307 -0.237631 0.879642 0.818971 -0.934519 -0.156967 +-0.369574 -0.448501 -0.0253348 -0.156766 -0.774773 -0.315431 0.0272124 0.383744 +-0.265289 0.0890106 -0.341694 0.749724 0.691768 0.210621 -0.946144 0.692789 +-0.366599 0.272157 -0.355304 -0.198237 0.896213 0.627534 0.0261838 -0.141295 +0.45492 0.302257 -0.0468647 0.649361 0.158008 0.117297 0.282796 0.953413 +-0.159449 -0.296339 -0.0335203 -0.523948 -0.872181 0.88031 -0.285115 -0.0267583 +0.572534 -0.0236469 0.274608 -0.931378 -0.0453279 -0.712016 -0.380912 -0.424716 +-0.934625 -0.456438 -0.661584 -0.116224 0.977467 0.0170871 -0.115195 -0.792868 +0.0637042 0.0229216 -0.00697457 -0.0529792 0.964685 0.231166 0.229974 0.3553 +0.789391 0.0625273 0.0602473 0.244722 0.645841 0.17548 -0.689109 -0.244772 +-0.690024 -0.095846 0.900466 -0.208639 -0.969796 -0.227784 0.108467 0.0271702 +-0.15074 -0.833923 0.128248 0.430724 0.482692 -0.969463 -0.632649 -0.145399 +-0.37713 0.0774293 -0.236528 0.922563 -0.81271 0.299678 -0.932778 0.492247 +0.188545 -0.529713 0.624936 -0.469141 0.987246 0.431504 0.854037 -0.762246 +-0.0552025 0.372414 0.869929 0.159012 -0.687834 -0.139634 -0.39739 -0.498658 +0.578699 0.910161 -0.154866 0.769141 -0.659524 -0.891779 -0.353737 0.622878 +0.901131 -0.957311 0.384053 -0.244528 -0.698428 0.14552 0.451192 0.547946 +-0.560394 0.785912 -0.671458 0.637162 -0.608589 -0.109387 -0.0562739 0.749011 +-0.235035 0.975024 -0.720015 0.423625 -0.194715 -0.844956 0.904767 0.334961 +-0.250385 0.278003 -0.960428 -0.560063 0.459592 0.549588 -0.587277 -0.317793 +-0.672238 -0.0193841 -0.609921 -0.743995 0.347307 -0.950875 0.304479 -0.0682391 +-0.738912 0.871768 -0.80597 0.943043 0.584323 0.184483 -0.823518 -0.450663 +-0.299693 0.658124 -0.0920184 -0.517681 -0.167155 -0.885931 -0.252782 -0.859972 +0.301004 -0.715509 -0.878621 0.343585 -0.305201 0.300754 -0.0804703 0.88171 +0.146689 -0.0406856 0.502733 -0.728415 0.667357 -0.681166 0.635528 -0.569843 +-0.605522 -0.389553 0.97596 -0.544883 -0.499722 -0.739967 0.936435 0.569182 +0.115188 -0.933271 0.618308 0.771824 -0.273154 0.973603 -0.548468 -0.377346 +0.289198 0.400707 0.341007 0.242693 0.629546 -0.841992 -0.902661 -0.680752 +0.790193 0.450719 -0.676837 -0.998801 -0.953709 -0.514285 -0.608983 -0.063873 +-0.845608 0.13869 0.308817 0.573333 -0.111053 0.850081 -0.130535 -0.626792 +0.557385 -0.668952 -0.517374 -0.837176 -0.0946193 -0.342095 0.329456 -0.725253 +-0.996383 0.298292 0.613085 0.279964 -0.341768 -0.0500832 0.836943 -0.382539 +-0.257443 -0.334236 0.341544 -0.762126 0.830931 -0.755055 -0.629344 -0.366851 +-0.00481919 0.954593 -0.807561 -0.415451 0.182417 -0.154364 -0.364854 0.835567 +-0.237453 0.829338 -0.0698139 0.596618 -0.349329 0.796922 -0.890895 0.178854 +-0.64816 0.967274 0.945728 0.734379 -0.994984 -0.931034 -0.267934 -0.924349 +0.473281 0.542363 -0.339317 -0.232638 0.56468 0.349527 -0.929153 0.944001 +-0.289266 0.588317 -0.0176391 0.735485 -0.997942 -0.885337 0.20366 0.112654 +-0.558884 0.940195 -0.889159 -0.673324 -0.995184 0.0471987 0.185648 0.949386 +0.196061 -0.930484 0.00639625 0.637149 -0.307618 0.998405 -0.0294353 -0.594105 +0.0552998 -0.11803 0.382521 0.119049 -0.0321779 0.0782131 -0.412258 -0.704946 +-0.76376 0.628232 0.832789 -0.0694965 0.126545 0.0439213 0.607367 0.335537 +-0.579641 -0.740907 -0.351012 0.88042 0.633933 -0.241521 -0.625853 0.625727 +0.560657 -0.526308 -0.829512 -0.802544 -0.670859 0.1376 -0.991083 -0.257036 +0.3691 0.714599 0.399681 -0.317525 0.271002 0.575944 -0.506426 0.00972196 +-0.0498428 0.299066 0.767105 0.383995 -0.0707558 -0.928393 0.797721 0.546903 +0.166821 -0.883638 -0.596293 0.511645 0.46263 -0.248875 0.885323 0.692066 +-0.466133 -0.432107 -0.921983 -0.0902192 -0.0991836 -0.391786 -0.227445 0.170829 +-0.19356 0.0902635 0.688871 0.763108 0.416828 -0.274712 -0.225387 -0.250981 +0.958279 -0.0519003 -0.323055 -0.685343 0.315093 -0.0760968 -0.136304 0.711662 +-0.368057 0.920782 -0.149644 0.991639 0.72477 0.312863 -0.493577 0.588193 +0.492952 0.505702 -0.689534 -0.634408 -0.794865 -0.562177 0.25718 0.61149 +-0.852158 0.425178 0.201842 -0.356184 -0.717887 -0.778701 -0.220887 -0.820186 +-0.0936795 -0.0265722 -0.297521 -0.983691 0.949468 0.688647 0.524366 -0.671308 +0.68033 -0.645956 -0.580308 -0.0508978 0.644663 0.504026 0.446264 -0.672277 +-0.594764 0.318113 -0.918364 0.932367 0.309752 0.428791 0.543422 -0.15454 +0.623329 -0.275694 -0.235256 0.276813 -0.679186 -0.694129 0.315376 0.85814 +0.265107 -0.403794 0.154762 0.599364 -0.183366 -0.486222 -0.603675 -0.967964 +0.00159266 0.345222 -0.71807 -0.691834 0.112445 0.421346 0.762269 -0.165408 +-0.583827 0.307018 -0.406981 -0.0445757 -0.0681729 0.596643 0.159363 0.441615 +-0.255382 0.406932 0.653552 -0.677342 -0.735519 0.896659 -0.541693 0.590323 +0.816429 0.683525 0.663796 -0.105868 0.335355 0.144513 0.6088 -0.71196 +0.905091 0.461875 0.748461 -0.631851 -0.22203 0.835632 0.701367 0.494544 +0.703343 0.960029 0.0364494 0.753041 -0.460295 -0.320132 -0.0610723 -0.990114 +0.841779 -0.607848 0.564599 0.626047 -0.274692 -0.474232 0.548603 0.574891 +-0.915994 0.245424 -0.980944 -0.0317871 -0.0595176 0.965232 -0.190413 0.309468 +0.265267 0.328185 -0.755614 0.0244079 0.859598 0.599836 0.182496 0.0869868 +0.678263 0.64813 -0.140393 0.965751 0.266443 0.896842 0.487152 0.366294 +-0.374064 -0.425941 0.364628 0.0217471 -0.819208 0.996813 -0.0982184 0.752044 +0.852448 0.954876 0.831177 -0.557424 -0.570651 0.0823429 0.194555 0.547086 +-0.00831721 0.374227 -0.169066 -0.393005 0.881835 -0.172907 -0.292724 -0.637595 +0.353033 -0.128384 0.017136 -0.967027 -0.0267362 -0.784259 0.738713 -0.479217 +0.781405 -0.0243668 0.0528664 -0.42977 0.309843 -0.981927 -0.458865 -0.373984 +0.686457 -0.859277 -0.4438 -0.319241 0.925002 -0.757436 0.371107 0.785337 +0.0687281 -0.227704 -0.716049 0.618614 0.809186 -0.323491 0.21301 0.558899 +-0.473516 -0.260677 -0.653484 -0.337515 -0.471802 -0.246028 -0.657803 -0.641357 +0.257195 0.333542 0.144983 0.906458 -0.221926 -0.179038 0.292535 -0.238652 +-0.444515 -0.597292 -0.140636 -0.138139 0.457578 -0.369601 -0.993449 0.59436 +0.331135 0.318457 -0.149608 0.906395 -0.566347 -0.603843 -0.157088 -0.745638 +0.854311 0.156158 -0.0937663 -0.177936 -0.331773 0.806838 0.0753236 0.48724 +0.734952 -0.803158 -0.789472 0.758886 0.667306 -0.658141 -0.453839 0.543691 +-0.0331302 0.673922 -0.0424407 -0.134746 0.980874 0.822616 -0.805295 -0.469583 +-0.241237 0.870376 0.537135 -0.257666 0.615657 0.718748 0.268031 0.0668715 +-0.397724 -0.830642 0.091248 -0.457051 0.802427 0.700776 0.65742 0.198644 +-0.0240565 0.027776 -0.976066 0.175095 0.00973869 -0.367777 0.571263 -0.210909 +-0.636901 0.827491 0.550051 0.183547 -0.585769 -0.370358 0.166339 -0.330917 +0.565224 -0.939577 -0.458682 0.9171 0.467549 -0.759357 -0.183062 -0.284542 +0.363913 -0.886314 -0.0413776 -0.351271 0.869881 -0.231896 -0.0871829 0.615437 +0.724921 0.342138 -0.891776 0.419366 -0.258134 -0.000122475 -0.329935 0.225855 +-0.0432628 -0.216738 0.848847 0.956695 0.363199 0.704409 -0.0599769 0.239999 +0.583261 0.411418 0.166635 -0.518895 0.240378 0.225784 -0.494503 -0.403743 +-0.150441 -0.474896 0.223493 0.588753 -0.737874 0.347776 -0.0871865 0.548901 +0.615756 0.829829 -0.939853 0.172147 -0.433539 -0.840024 -0.892388 -0.501087 +-0.203193 0.535319 -0.308958 0.587202 0.416361 -0.758153 -0.00744435 0.91033 +0.340677 -0.39525 -0.648123 -0.573656 0.610198 0.517564 0.154642 0.596717 +0.367509 0.610028 0.547478 0.925487 -0.637296 0.456543 0.65985 0.065585 +0.681616 0.260005 0.557239 0.923106 0.262336 -0.720056 0.164285 -0.620676 +-0.359834 -0.882962 -0.897786 0.429535 -0.702074 -0.766166 0.964263 -0.233261 +-0.237624 -0.790538 0.582138 -0.83352 -0.288147 -0.133838 -0.774226 -0.786283 +-0.748984 0.428917 0.231277 0.0558497 0.557488 0.154205 0.987467 -0.168732 +-0.348904 0.121741 0.887333 0.116473 0.335068 -0.607775 -0.0431827 0.970477 +-0.242826 -0.85206 0.794075 -0.587371 0.440513 -0.825878 0.695418 -0.755786 +-0.810785 -0.21277 -0.443549 0.435317 -0.278752 -0.532933 -0.793485 -0.699513 +0.122329 0.104611 -0.42504 0.606581 -0.444402 -0.435393 0.267759 -0.92598 +-0.274437 -0.920847 -0.972989 0.363913 0.83342 0.69625 -0.856296 -0.124536 +0.148277 -0.249354 0.692935 -0.133297 0.157911 -0.999667 -0.0986783 0.154615 +0.398736 0.531996 0.865322 -0.640611 -0.960076 0.131621 -0.0102551 0.392264 +0.0295367 -0.352277 0.0305908 -0.0388276 0.735082 0.0192332 0.643458 0.853862 +0.763109 0.93205 -0.576725 -0.184735 0.0222924 -0.960971 -0.630598 0.09047 +-0.602926 -0.465131 0.58007 -0.231048 0.32844 -0.408513 -0.0611884 -0.19347 +-0.565888 -0.406195 -0.50918 0.930646 0.116224 -0.284601 -0.939067 0.0921216 +0.381663 0.359147 -0.79389 0.915396 0.525897 0.553779 0.294566 -0.559796 +-0.955401 0.773148 -0.030864 0.47044 -0.485715 0.577058 0.501647 0.148485 +0.649985 0.187823 0.257612 0.234403 0.562823 -0.232794 0.466006 0.866358 +-0.967552 0.698507 0.973176 0.713228 -0.50343 -0.465678 0.565198 0.240488 +0.731744 0.860012 0.285087 -0.774288 -0.31705 0.157733 0.734589 -0.548765 +-0.575229 -0.389898 0.958725 0.580675 -0.549094 -0.881739 0.158066 0.504872 +0.248021 -0.711627 0.256419 0.982309 -0.819137 0.701679 -0.788117 -0.655522 +-0.977658 0.996174 0.222797 0.698182 -0.796879 -0.217397 -0.152265 0.00811935 +0.734854 -0.230751 -0.738565 -0.416549 0.148439 -0.734261 -0.0874713 0.197338 +0.431863 -0.617537 -0.369529 -0.152348 -0.547801 -0.920963 -0.0698932 0.115991 +0.863838 0.467625 -0.590202 0.731417 -0.111158 -0.0108276 -0.141117 0.388947 +-0.460448 -0.00358 -0.431949 0.448622 0.120444 0.281721 0.27916 -0.48844 +0.748822 0.72906 -0.814608 0.720227 -0.620837 -0.933228 0.592673 -0.715689 +-0.127509 -0.880016 0.23264 0.576413 -0.124992 0.581517 -0.119071 0.100669 +-0.754226 -0.130812 -0.83735 -0.467967 0.472236 0.277411 -0.604429 -0.495482 +0.468701 0.67957 -0.183306 -0.288385 0.536939 0.455635 -0.101417 0.480532 +0.131223 0.739641 -0.75708 0.521296 -0.74665 0.681778 -0.0432743 0.957592 +0.984619 -0.793028 -0.492116 -0.101056 -0.660434 0.716401 0.479151 0.711206 +-0.836175 0.751225 0.772158 -0.164186 -0.88874 0.507996 0.704264 0.600089 +0.0560691 -0.376625 -0.548074 0.299412 -0.934393 0.514745 0.499281 -0.904859 +-0.203049 -0.0873434 -0.917847 -0.78063 0.83491 0.464976 -0.579076 -0.659313 +-0.921206 0.566957 -0.314978 -0.765169 0.190357 -0.250332 -0.96709 -0.584996 +-0.905697 0.862693 -0.534835 -0.184377 0.797527 -0.0554951 0.484088 -0.35793 +0.00261279 0.478205 0.0564249 -0.543993 -0.40644 0.963891 0.699088 0.157682 +0.140747 0.236231 -0.240204 -0.897283 -0.725133 0.37085 0.375177 -0.690336 +-0.393322 0.628132 0.435174 0.309909 0.924293 -0.585999 -0.665178 -0.173297 +-0.741262 0.286904 0.466634 -0.11632 -0.332832 -0.298046 -0.129136 0.201002 +0.576918 -0.756116 -0.444226 0.219374 -0.644529 0.592023 -0.0436092 0.0751134 +-0.17499 0.0570784 -0.362637 -0.044791 0.137197 0.0987175 0.565834 0.843653 +0.234925 -0.852282 -0.420832 0.0505005 -0.693224 -0.355616 -0.286931 -0.786463 +0.225882 0.771209 -0.398083 -0.846683 0.86721 -0.242219 -0.784639 -0.0026907 +-0.293549 0.6105 -0.320505 -0.411405 0.724511 0.912 -0.00921325 -0.921633 +-0.52302 0.802085 -0.742938 -0.0560601 0.751242 -0.82785 0.432593 -0.969704 +-0.844137 0.394251 0.895536 -0.465464 0.00182795 0.411128 -0.890464 0.825167 +0.0722815 0.923014 -0.217788 0.731359 0.919544 -0.400096 -0.801688 0.679209 +-0.753574 -0.448565 -0.779133 -0.310703 0.681793 0.376105 -0.00229828 0.886417 +-0.0785138 -0.174144 0.364852 -0.724653 -0.00245858 -0.110276 -0.14491 0.901792 +0.363281 0.0423805 -0.446579 -0.414802 0.488114 0.635499 0.984603 0.754421 +-0.232388 -0.913675 -0.829001 0.483703 0.157112 -0.0105208 0.0124018 0.982927 +0.732588 -0.403144 0.0405142 0.666896 -0.983896 -0.88312 -0.598408 -0.102636 +0.235983 -0.194344 -0.899966 0.818913 -0.307926 0.605328 0.00938062 -0.979785 +0.00486521 -0.296775 -0.336182 -0.773916 -0.135781 -0.254591 -0.887617 -0.22463 +0.776907 -0.00507311 0.575003 0.0972172 0.0917146 0.299598 0.908971 0.371128 +0.154097 0.662223 -0.327984 0.809309 0.505141 -0.801119 -0.640887 -0.175704 +-0.621285 -0.93906 0.88343 -0.335682 -0.414518 -0.270482 -0.21631 0.938979 +-0.131579 0.914072 -0.764339 0.685784 0.948479 0.952585 -0.964771 -0.631935 +0.306776 -0.212961 -0.315976 0.614698 -0.0898369 0.780489 0.360809 0.416606 +-0.468014 0.404283 -0.96396 -0.189297 -0.791442 0.773885 0.587043 -0.0782596 +-0.480517 0.70835 -0.211486 0.732444 -0.276463 -0.75612 0.726469 -0.719253 +-0.622656 -0.699469 -0.946631 -0.530526 -0.0741792 0.961648 -0.727138 -0.679362 +0.474522 -0.510806 -0.284161 0.478636 0.241942 0.793324 0.864238 -0.0188507 +-0.861661 0.0884048 0.189929 0.755653 0.498479 -0.103323 -0.214646 0.876877 +0.540655 0.468286 0.761424 0.234187 0.311882 -0.949578 -0.301205 0.351382 +0.153818 0.516557 -0.833179 0.779226 0.833771 0.332097 0.682078 -0.621843 +0.054233 0.352558 -0.312155 0.823886 -0.967821 -0.442538 -0.940638 0.928046 +-0.287713 -0.320047 0.915229 -0.506667 0.836883 0.81554 0.523616 -0.477319 +-0.666288 -0.756207 -0.4391 -0.166991 -0.463488 -0.224589 -0.567453 -0.813841 +0.921816 0.233968 0.503249 -0.780836 0.661116 -0.878693 0.272364 0.653018 +0.0982718 0.955343 -0.00116737 0.0515896 -0.900309 0.162698 -0.405466 -0.622419 +0.274121 0.00532402 -0.278421 0.187935 0.737302 -0.288707 0.468913 0.0727112 +-0.645074 0.396039 0.918114 0.699024 -0.64576 -0.346968 0.968304 0.509498 +0.959975 0.275805 0.770663 0.264169 -0.546041 0.0894624 0.916164 -0.531846 +-0.220712 0.176343 -0.285256 0.428888 -0.806397 0.470583 -0.436048 0.352457 +0.827127 0.663989 0.197963 0.295046 -0.162647 -0.629688 0.0927522 0.528304 +-0.0948724 -0.449113 0.15219 -0.681607 0.439602 -0.556948 0.827255 0.30789 +0.633612 0.177003 0.197909 0.0607861 0.813352 -0.478578 0.849208 -0.0559195 +-0.621938 -0.938186 -0.344109 0.344632 -0.653958 -0.2633 -0.401879 -0.224379 +0.569173 -0.186415 -0.394973 -0.911254 -0.126121 0.722517 -0.336122 -0.606807 +0.336334 -0.737192 0.646788 0.590685 0.908107 -0.52367 0.407099 0.7393 +0.179463 0.948656 -0.959131 0.660897 0.973779 -0.819904 0.777307 0.707572 +0.805222 0.47696 0.792415 -0.153259 -0.34436 0.489184 0.178155 -0.676351 +-0.366101 -0.905987 0.370496 0.913466 -0.576158 0.0581566 -0.630027 0.624738 +0.240351 0.423925 -0.965376 -0.6155 0.167325 0.37747 0.6683 0.800608 +0.733028 -0.985473 -0.231205 0.147117 0.860921 0.797464 0.325777 -0.272022 +0.99405 -0.719682 -0.514499 -0.625007 -0.194546 0.149532 0.769961 -0.47702 +0.969417 -0.560176 0.136726 -0.084649 0.389179 0.916409 0.362402 -0.140272 +0.572255 0.967829 0.269192 0.278367 -0.512647 -0.80402 -0.424621 -0.495134 +0.74935 0.330136 0.37711 -0.219175 0.126386 0.643323 -0.0506832 -0.637607 +0.677819 0.147174 -0.883904 -0.674671 -0.702196 -0.609653 -0.360972 -0.411869 +0.0473199 0.885646 -0.447124 -0.310008 0.0355451 -0.661485 0.839227 0.301716 +-0.785281 0.731203 -0.962014 0.882407 0.762484 -0.0631677 0.0461328 0.556399 +0.836915 -0.880616 -0.20345 0.195834 -0.280629 -0.254905 0.541897 -0.944301 +-0.953188 0.637588 -0.999833 0.204481 0.493087 0.438599 -0.372864 0.646388 +-0.172526 0.402667 -0.0226788 0.132275 0.84847 -0.975069 0.400631 0.699629 +0.60715 -0.237398 0.851343 -0.469023 -0.246306 -0.126365 -0.22573 0.801854 +0.973127 -0.336768 0.426195 -0.82333 0.686216 -0.272869 -0.376275 -0.184089 +-0.834437 0.984273 -0.690948 0.536909 -0.969076 0.0569001 0.0944958 -0.847545 +0.350913 0.742704 -0.0888435 0.661019 -0.180019 -0.850345 -0.732034 0.287116 +0.42318 -0.0784443 0.76352 -0.287245 -0.0895427 0.107832 0.240182 -0.618388 +0.733383 -0.822303 0.779953 0.349853 -0.741592 0.23154 -0.164536 0.939154 +-0.529592 -0.0682568 -0.850412 0.236524 0.951305 0.835525 0.876292 0.434137 +-0.889841 -0.0897097 0.271357 -0.113305 0.541147 -0.65919 0.247945 -0.818463 +0.103092 -0.527044 -0.896553 0.594214 -0.937021 0.284395 0.297577 0.125347 +0.495554 -0.439143 -0.251043 0.0232232 0.865299 -0.109303 -0.171189 -0.875226 +0.57307 -0.578949 -0.608173 -0.684583 -0.107306 0.0709148 -0.0246238 -0.0624843 +-0.715761 -0.273036 -0.0475207 -0.574422 -0.70413 -0.840535 -0.823665 0.810428 +0.0481544 -0.712767 -0.756264 0.224144 -0.567741 0.944005 0.259615 -0.692591 +0.979149 0.0738153 -0.596483 0.0797648 0.0513163 -0.538501 -0.800301 0.706676 +-0.557846 -0.394867 0.63447 -0.100628 0.712387 0.00607913 0.515474 -0.208223 +0.425765 0.518023 0.770432 -0.926689 -0.327345 0.82541 0.425676 -0.334855 +-0.832356 0.754433 0.639186 -0.907847 -0.646159 -0.842478 -0.7382 -0.944428 +-0.527099 -0.544425 -0.0802107 -0.536255 -0.69648 -0.947971 -0.97821 -0.671188 +-0.385232 0.671455 0.676753 -0.388442 -0.770879 -0.455934 -0.532879 0.0420204 +-0.877769 -0.0561897 0.3066 0.977451 0.400127 0.473004 -0.664074 0.538949 +0.700269 0.477385 0.416165 0.283032 -0.736692 0.96748 0.818292 0.393618 +-0.591449 -0.66396 -0.552564 -0.248555 -0.0538592 0.0149328 -0.715989 -0.301757 +-0.961856 -0.480595 -0.224266 -0.600355 -0.313135 -0.373333 0.621861 0.119805 +-0.0289787 -0.867208 -0.352495 -0.670025 0.839881 0.416516 -0.584136 0.82359 +0.873906 -0.455942 0.744804 -0.701634 -0.240905 0.44596 0.264161 -0.894824 +0.650648 -0.210614 0.695181 0.230454 0.134154 -0.378442 0.68298 0.974372 +-0.616655 -0.654828 0.106464 -0.35322 -0.855384 0.868473 -0.197215 0.922002 +-0.713525 -0.0435003 -0.864588 0.656072 0.868593 0.173013 0.00212877 -0.775055 +0.911177 0.793915 -0.374071 0.495409 -0.771561 -0.163497 -0.880465 0.09295 +0.662883 0.901321 -0.682988 0.51054 0.905844 -0.645043 -0.378337 0.849723 +0.0722367 0.944185 -0.192626 0.234598 -0.73386 -0.920794 -0.355706 0.101956 +-0.743876 -0.37457 0.789534 -0.670556 -0.477737 -0.0691285 -0.602454 -0.991518 +-0.469718 -0.939276 -0.442335 -0.407247 -0.193899 0.378604 -0.376943 0.766453 +0.814289 -0.641182 0.415069 -0.407948 -0.693805 -0.118009 -0.836475 -0.116981 +-0.329729 -0.370857 -0.437681 0.100834 0.454515 -0.971288 0.171979 -0.705728 +-0.500349 -0.146904 -0.918759 -0.193116 0.0928924 -0.251882 -0.593915 0.51246 +-0.864867 -0.312605 -0.324324 -0.877312 0.816048 -0.69731 0.96412 0.654401 +0.652711 0.186415 0.873401 -0.835052 0.398853 -0.00100471 -0.795989 -0.40831 +0.122206 -0.673676 -0.455272 -0.977259 0.691944 -0.46109 0.6438 0.763297 +-0.254397 -0.978692 -0.930729 -0.491152 0.458397 0.58434 0.355154 0.975119 +0.221987 0.498127 -0.276902 -0.5598 -0.958984 -0.45776 0.846432 -0.723353 +-0.170915 0.730709 0.451446 -0.436452 -0.387114 0.680566 -0.107194 -0.536168 +0.375747 -0.0831178 0.965975 0.947039 0.452417 0.288673 0.852116 0.882378 +-0.299774 -0.00230704 0.707474 -0.0906821 0.06061 0.77999 0.355836 0.560197 +0.623911 0.51013 0.0369807 0.501648 -0.0966267 0.41681 -0.119264 0.114759 +-0.515069 0.52296 0.962316 -0.547326 -0.304037 0.0283051 -0.439579 -0.478872 +0.918665 0.580931 0.783695 -0.604643 0.896858 -0.688057 0.217374 -0.218612 +-0.692767 0.905495 0.850366 -0.612433 -0.573719 0.606877 0.918137 -0.645591 +0.0845819 -0.384892 0.898472 -0.591445 0.261452 0.880986 -0.170558 0.748134 +-0.845194 0.489728 -0.892401 -0.523616 0.608827 0.298731 -0.513934 -0.599622 +-0.441465 0.890703 -0.883215 0.847724 0.4496 -0.0929575 0.607727 -0.0115072 +-0.302087 0.0883766 -0.0491913 0.572896 -0.656623 0.200039 -0.99019 -0.622263 +-0.0611687 0.559847 -0.160513 0.914396 -0.789758 -0.0322675 0.243944 -0.873612 +0.383492 -0.227006 0.857748 -0.691379 -0.119268 0.906544 0.0676283 -0.941901 +0.362183 0.110534 0.118316 0.355861 0.538892 -0.499587 -0.476783 -0.80109 +-0.395513 0.313769 -0.854058 0.312002 -0.980265 0.589553 -0.231006 0.255777 +0.408053 0.417829 0.481733 -0.789267 0.91658 -0.771752 -0.61247 -0.842104 +-0.907614 0.915451 0.687083 0.89316 -0.181949 0.519122 0.195216 -0.897277 +0.109486 0.648038 -0.966609 -0.191132 -0.515898 -0.400711 -0.0251581 -0.694888 +0.507398 -0.436314 -0.918196 0.886837 -0.89631 -0.298954 0.133382 0.987254 +-0.847858 -0.890704 -0.485997 -0.243752 0.404901 0.056256 -0.0530081 -0.663969 +0.207087 0.022262 0.293799 0.738427 -0.659575 -0.37452 -0.222543 -0.660175 +-0.54719 0.5073 -0.203394 0.42828 0.270223 -0.268403 -0.576576 -0.196087 +-0.201262 0.865856 0.62896 0.166951 -0.797367 -0.394524 -0.223129 -0.708701 +-0.101959 -0.725559 0.798945 0.271839 0.0692502 -0.979058 -0.99892 0.0419966 +0.53545 0.922479 0.778318 -0.781238 0.398312 -0.577787 0.897057 -0.744146 +-0.62022 -0.373106 0.908867 -0.685094 -0.393671 -0.0789112 0.591853 0.681938 +0.616694 0.0851848 -0.781406 0.650371 -0.00992323 -0.725596 -0.725729 -0.212746 +-0.629517 -0.897357 0.530401 0.197561 -0.723204 0.5815 0.486909 0.791385 +0.332906 0.875343 -0.0229728 -0.26032 0.538418 -0.840019 -0.523949 0.923199 +0.454019 0.42438 -0.000983201 0.477238 -0.554344 0.0758181 -0.443851 0.645411 +0.704459 -0.16484 -0.283569 0.419795 0.515995 -0.707621 -0.127128 -0.00579609 +0.788275 0.123504 0.21663 0.573395 -0.115169 -0.266037 0.701736 0.196113 +0.356737 -0.529321 -0.616597 0.916584 0.437721 0.578161 -0.941679 0.0760077 +-0.360035 0.079058 0.246907 0.378028 0.0462992 -0.427991 -0.167935 0.784062 +-0.867621 0.228581 -0.0104227 -0.226125 -0.119777 0.778775 0.492626 0.928746 +-0.197559 -0.939388 0.868273 0.261652 -0.900631 -0.382494 -0.347938 0.537963 +-0.114143 0.123893 -0.106055 -0.416625 -0.104318 0.12035 0.509647 -0.428684 +0.978424 0.876989 0.838603 -0.0887538 0.334778 -0.66115 -0.335466 0.343176 +-0.820025 -0.908138 0.874542 0.314593 -0.818071 -0.257017 -0.836866 0.0887811 +0.656548 -0.291373 0.933373 0.256272 -0.898607 -0.399715 -0.503581 0.394048 +0.362886 -0.549097 -0.0870603 -0.0583177 -0.72757 0.925943 -0.133231 -0.547881 +-0.108116 0.469448 -0.145514 0.558468 0.799794 0.0360063 -0.703488 0.514873 +-0.256492 -0.113745 -0.45644 0.877031 -0.155099 0.675648 0.0225446 0.889124 +-0.997824 -0.275151 -0.0816768 -0.117119 -0.199962 0.793884 0.135836 -0.517578 +-0.85956 0.762486 -0.632285 0.0615244 -0.704787 0.880425 0.528767 -0.945482 +-0.0437808 -0.369173 0.113644 -0.0113774 -0.834023 0.500225 0.966642 -0.35483 +0.690285 -0.131156 -0.759254 0.853709 0.458314 -0.797575 -0.603178 0.439594 +0.0444817 0.901667 0.0658321 0.789708 -0.10006 -0.528711 0.955701 -0.980148 +0.306586 0.866876 -0.080387 0.245783 0.717017 -0.809001 0.484824 0.782623 +-0.632013 -0.677042 -0.014166 -0.995771 0.970022 0.883048 -0.133481 0.628743 +-0.688194 -0.17207 0.686293 -0.41734 0.496601 -0.074268 0.75973 -0.490093 +0.771534 0.0304465 0.296286 -0.27083 -0.836945 0.123148 0.902198 0.043503 +0.647878 0.224745 0.609021 0.193213 0.179697 -0.605319 0.79772 0.0173175 +0.075366 0.294109 0.417857 -0.326649 -0.565692 -0.474323 -0.224209 -0.666198 +0.133962 -0.427347 0.00741124 0.63284 -0.949592 -0.392416 -0.442946 -0.733096 +-0.561296 0.924184 0.626388 0.247312 -0.681852 -0.271314 -0.635791 0.857857 +0.477755 -0.998126 0.542267 -0.684616 0.657366 0.842474 -0.731047 0.880506 +0.0999426 -0.788276 0.907031 -0.66577 -0.34713 -0.813638 -0.924886 0.0799697 +0.000974058 0.879143 -0.917237 -0.0658394 0.536149 -0.897546 0.517589 0.878819 +-0.00976123 -0.234068 -0.195261 -0.865796 0.909201 0.694289 0.181825 -0.830926 +0.68441 0.462165 -0.502413 0.0498697 -0.0708356 -0.707278 -0.863705 0.926523 +0.0847125 -0.0993972 -0.93918 0.52679 0.899829 -0.154097 0.467359 -0.377423 +0.782743 0.212666 -0.882375 0.662286 0.0817885 0.466493 -0.947296 -0.561182 +0.984956 0.995736 -0.956063 -0.675235 -0.208349 -0.279891 -0.562258 0.0238953 +-0.973069 0.308437 -0.818147 0.46848 0.72665 -0.655727 -0.541774 0.671946 +0.187228 0.634296 -0.383014 -0.0904102 0.259885 0.57266 0.959802 -0.389448 +-0.684243 -0.11016 -0.953932 -0.0495816 -0.131607 0.728629 0.697163 -0.721516 +-0.181418 -0.382948 -0.722509 -0.695144 0.0787127 -0.245262 -0.498048 -0.739869 +0.830178 0.914575 -0.454904 0.745695 -0.239102 0.553015 0.294614 -0.175759 +0.984054 -0.0581829 0.446551 0.73675 0.868628 0.707773 0.717387 0.0422369 +-0.730983 0.194695 0.0743934 0.25252 -0.267732 -0.471383 0.297828 0.0322841 +0.655256 -0.560019 -0.641681 0.661432 -0.266061 0.052572 -0.955081 -0.282528 +-0.415285 0.226273 -0.90604 0.184445 -0.989665 -0.0912558 0.61949 -0.805614 +-0.500972 0.611884 0.8492 0.7098 -0.0588433 0.348041 -0.414189 -0.858704 +-0.648221 -0.759019 -0.811462 0.271084 0.737339 0.0153722 -0.592471 -0.826956 +-0.323454 0.611526 0.859839 0.716502 0.292863 -0.9588 -0.678535 0.938754 +0.154796 -0.115514 -0.739081 0.573985 -0.631539 0.589655 -0.14831 0.549913 +0.0906076 -0.651253 0.0283252 -0.946034 0.560444 -0.0612346 -0.199005 0.220301 +-0.0975565 -0.465731 -0.933866 0.111095 -0.465958 -0.828732 0.729906 -0.921229 +0.541046 0.152101 0.627026 0.919834 0.980592 0.278033 -0.357773 0.685608 +0.163656 -0.820748 0.219899 -0.101181 0.375515 -0.933299 0.515094 -0.8771 +0.603751 0.221247 0.446117 -0.989361 0.993051 0.0945616 -0.628518 0.819361 +-0.828535 -0.801524 -0.987235 0.928514 -0.0875665 0.861287 0.716365 -0.898612 +-0.170997 0.917167 -0.71157 0.475425 0.768015 -0.696612 0.204355 0.570293 +-0.827697 -0.28734 -0.0396248 -0.306508 -0.317003 -0.914925 -0.271988 -0.21109 +-0.841498 -0.252688 0.316755 -0.38155 -0.332195 0.289861 0.7727 -0.320135 +0.510168 0.169364 -0.498838 0.209328 0.514153 0.593351 -0.380651 0.311029 +-0.602362 0.678853 0.273814 -0.366988 0.909642 -0.953147 0.882081 0.884784 +0.521452 -0.495593 0.160721 0.176382 0.458051 -0.617109 -0.172667 0.145778 +0.817753 -0.144844 0.443388 0.514065 -0.635053 0.729437 -0.547013 0.235895 +0.0339596 0.0366261 0.349729 0.57932 0.181026 -0.785278 -0.61222 0.353273 +0.081437 0.0810859 -0.458834 0.342 -0.509965 -0.213191 -0.530875 0.748608 +-0.00403304 -0.730842 0.640446 -0.812574 -0.631621 -0.693543 -0.533125 0.240443 +0.736345 0.164469 -0.232611 -0.682714 0.0391465 0.215764 0.181629 -0.170527 +-0.316153 0.849775 -0.713543 -0.992168 0.226637 0.899808 -0.983037 0.615648 +0.593865 0.613709 0.964471 -0.0694818 -0.554318 -0.944957 0.404677 0.569198 +0.854136 -0.567775 0.624205 -0.0638568 0.227571 0.423304 0.804173 0.607347 +-0.57195 0.771232 0.949745 0.913996 0.033205 -0.674982 0.450981 -0.776398 +-0.00892122 0.28499 0.224971 0.83427 -0.677952 0.780563 -0.459848 -0.169539 +0.674748 0.550088 0.309164 0.650185 0.986459 0.479641 -0.759661 -0.070167 +0.131979 0.214995 0.57041 -0.426954 0.666856 -0.367388 -0.659574 0.729844 +-0.826653 -0.334649 -0.777172 -0.312917 -0.213826 -0.648087 0.361105 0.419723 +-0.60796 0.660562 0.877929 -0.317686 0.835597 0.770875 -0.669502 -0.354348 +-0.173571 -0.558255 0.288056 -0.0195096 0.216895 -0.697269 -0.936962 -0.110495 +-0.769401 0.205658 -0.422241 -0.418914 0.224285 0.724838 0.329769 -0.176675 +-0.608851 0.504321 0.401991 0.38628 -0.864586 -0.723579 0.528884 0.139734 +0.129013 0.832588 0.636092 0.379191 -0.47732 -0.774767 0.106628 -0.458607 +0.600563 -0.0212063 -0.6852 -0.986305 -0.894318 -0.499191 -0.0669232 0.65708 +-0.17459 -0.571405 0.45184 0.451606 -0.209903 -0.144011 0.0814855 0.394845 +0.801352 -0.184869 -0.700182 -0.58335 0.122312 0.483505 -0.938643 0.763043 +-0.694568 0.738964 0.144524 0.405695 0.0687771 0.852866 0.233823 -0.634871 +-0.441766 0.666858 0.917758 -0.0621066 0.898027 0.776859 -0.591587 0.538725 +-0.129871 0.86815 0.328025 -0.797892 -0.200945 -0.00775088 -0.787212 -0.0477195 +0.411625 -0.935478 0.97188 -0.4774 0.880431 -0.295131 -0.0397297 0.742689 +-0.468279 0.665199 -0.00262621 -0.306908 0.55242 -0.876837 -0.0766511 0.588279 +-0.384238 0.0945892 0.295707 0.210992 -0.239061 -0.0312253 0.963805 0.910599 +0.59308 -0.890281 0.360783 -0.441871 -0.18166 -0.842993 0.614948 0.372101 +-0.282672 0.484205 -0.390907 -0.641843 -0.900236 -0.419012 -0.127662 0.460704 +0.721775 0.869937 -0.550456 0.663482 -0.0202616 -0.493301 -0.404294 -0.255343 +-0.621552 -0.0546371 0.741689 -0.0772868 0.599692 0.960398 -0.099038 0.557427 +0.291379 0.851408 -0.688359 -0.376174 0.60419 -0.512245 -0.200478 0.441748 +0.30017 0.669317 0.0157743 0.864596 0.46077 -0.444435 -0.690974 -0.815909 +0.934688 -0.559636 -0.944507 0.573606 -0.210941 -0.0144233 -0.178447 -0.734446 +0.372047 0.115652 -0.184899 0.186208 0.350788 -0.707895 0.145772 0.0159335 +0.250639 0.683152 0.344556 -0.650937 0.994165 0.886205 -0.261378 -0.414116 +0.125493 -0.682846 0.8503 -0.795054 -0.547047 0.201266 0.951237 -0.570226 +-0.832089 -0.76452 -0.00559059 -0.0127649 -0.623252 0.695241 -0.0741697 -0.926311 +-0.870471 0.86697 -0.409793 0.185559 0.841404 0.775766 -0.661608 0.630784 +-0.0418847 0.510854 0.832215 0.574998 -0.993502 -0.659399 0.302716 -0.949432 +0.251255 -0.256833 0.17971 0.349283 0.823358 0.0684997 0.484002 0.0554339 +-0.0812522 0.530946 -0.0502746 -0.425602 0.402146 -0.149901 -0.00779549 0.496858 +0.308736 -0.105052 0.912841 0.839152 -0.305452 0.499928 0.95626 0.321928 +-0.3285 0.0754262 -0.978408 0.276809 0.890524 -0.191066 -0.37462 0.869924 +-0.843673 -0.317329 0.324965 0.899363 0.305543 -0.618414 -0.0500692 -0.305687 +0.776532 -0.565459 -0.694585 -0.461779 0.724174 0.724395 0.401296 0.937612 +0.184945 0.596819 -0.112383 -0.109576 -0.140985 -0.774741 -0.609435 0.0236652 +0.953433 -0.486151 0.655185 0.766429 -0.701394 -0.370928 -0.820288 -0.877196 +0.572462 0.709389 -0.316934 -0.81279 0.0864481 0.582348 0.482659 -0.223883 +0.515367 0.126074 -0.424637 -0.558138 0.176037 -0.735063 -0.448309 -0.74732 +-0.0720739 -0.0230992 -0.020745 0.243751 -0.0196581 -0.776428 0.372864 0.353649 +0.285757 0.60437 0.514482 0.200558 -0.0784612 0.491931 -0.391741 -0.219148 +-0.533693 0.928068 0.782882 0.29664 -0.189146 -0.4963 0.0980167 -0.959944 +0.608752 0.144835 -0.710443 0.601716 0.948639 -0.0447879 -0.518276 -0.00486581 +-0.254559 -0.329286 0.734333 0.130947 -0.00577986 -0.721763 -0.341906 -0.421621 +-0.855017 0.174414 -0.848329 0.214249 -0.58743 0.49036 -0.593059 0.659447 +0.526415 -0.727025 0.26561 0.669341 0.843729 0.0761335 0.169667 -0.116155 +-0.526465 -0.447057 -0.615264 0.489265 -0.974332 0.956576 0.835828 0.00231343 +0.613543 -0.325269 0.900706 -0.233333 0.137425 -0.0920977 0.654766 0.513183 +-0.491512 0.680511 -0.860143 0.000219877 0.158272 0.46976 -0.634852 0.550822 +-0.551847 -0.398146 0.1887 -0.631267 -0.644479 0.300039 -0.304721 0.542797 +-0.242835 -0.813084 -0.822062 0.898453 0.961803 -0.968091 -0.0286443 -0.383386 +0.921859 -0.268503 0.330602 -0.752452 -0.36633 0.706127 -0.853998 -0.163032 +0.356645 0.571826 -0.975479 0.616479 -0.701651 -0.44157 -0.281014 -0.1878 +-0.243982 -0.0327769 -0.0568341 -0.557591 -0.702275 -0.830818 -0.160744 -0.383181 +-0.606415 -0.993561 0.935008 0.237088 -0.626452 -0.279491 -0.0299587 0.096851 +-0.811084 0.697592 -0.358233 -0.624643 0.879112 0.98145 0.134991 -0.113781 +0.677045 0.173258 0.198926 -0.130985 0.692711 0.235918 -0.463143 -0.97181 +0.128611 -0.196469 -0.143549 -0.877259 -0.22387 0.911893 0.938579 -0.602357 +-0.558379 0.0831053 0.755255 -0.0633384 0.766946 -0.217916 0.803606 -0.69906 +0.378348 -0.577776 0.290786 0.72261 0.374513 -0.0515563 0.119249 -0.883982 +0.494366 -0.501015 0.221005 0.676703 -0.343459 0.239507 -0.43485 0.484132 +-0.0240771 -0.0695587 -0.767498 -0.426817 0.349456 0.815025 0.592253 0.0434642 +0.900908 -0.0224957 -0.227291 0.712525 -0.17387 0.423376 0.699817 0.0650314 +0.715058 0.981705 0.463282 -0.488915 0.225502 -0.579498 0.474955 0.0182237 +0.857074 -0.0382085 -0.560685 0.240137 0.713133 0.950877 0.839938 -0.222778 +-0.759526 -0.48741 -0.110886 0.589902 -0.178458 -0.533093 -0.336843 0.620609 +0.0139508 0.752568 -0.156613 0.316151 -0.0609667 -0.0964161 0.966551 -0.904765 +-0.460361 0.292631 0.780214 0.315363 0.707871 0.92645 -0.71585 0.321802 +-0.694523 0.944745 0.980457 0.706664 -0.327244 0.886355 0.877686 -0.999405 +-0.737367 -0.876693 0.594778 -0.23487 0.390236 -0.79106 0.712837 -0.382474 +-0.654429 -0.600899 -0.754773 -0.115959 -0.174276 -0.921064 -0.696421 -0.168972 +0.0708496 -0.735405 0.268682 0.566339 0.956091 -0.965215 -0.528977 -0.211907 +0.0595766 -0.271321 0.0586539 0.872684 -0.164932 -0.217101 -0.110703 -0.994614 +-0.100716 -0.21279 0.0343801 0.121225 -0.481159 -0.984074 0.423633 -0.524078 +0.677134 -0.121567 -0.719651 0.403784 -0.0439599 -0.0956062 -0.872936 -0.0305165 +0.603626 0.664413 -0.66371 0.677597 -0.635079 0.677114 0.274386 -0.565885 +-0.368999 0.395814 0.593433 0.071033 -0.517066 0.679989 -0.896466 -0.19466 +0.620615 -0.902769 -0.446372 0.71205 -0.0134724 0.792839 0.442742 0.705649 +0.448554 0.0907248 -0.875912 -0.78133 0.550768 0.401435 -0.2083 -0.548377 +-0.636633 -0.509317 -0.886577 0.836475 -0.244503 0.405991 0.435771 0.172506 +0.5809 0.193259 0.469274 -0.516108 0.116578 0.720497 0.492518 0.813402 +-0.764552 0.693023 0.813783 0.754981 0.505089 0.726952 0.72732 -0.579995 +0.609565 0.490126 0.354568 0.881088 -0.16121 -0.845049 -0.776224 -0.870536 +0.249554 0.737273 -0.873171 0.978158 0.972466 -0.191672 -0.759513 0.876725 +0.480007 0.890844 -0.29484 0.381001 -0.0617632 -0.397249 0.985152 0.245097 +0.588217 -0.748707 -0.723281 0.960338 0.332118 0.507824 -0.899531 -0.850595 +-0.528361 -0.0907407 -0.66284 0.194275 0.226352 0.939166 -0.796648 -0.560345 +-0.0018087 -0.488208 0.268087 -0.691234 -0.166023 0.857149 0.887926 -0.822825 +-0.255971 0.220112 -0.598075 0.0654637 -0.587158 -0.580129 -0.112089 -0.205686 +0.922303 0.926634 0.342239 -0.450665 0.960983 -0.0389203 0.0641601 0.166471 +0.478002 -0.208739 -0.505577 0.486465 -0.611075 0.835469 -0.388308 0.918577 +-0.945503 -0.489629 0.0602579 0.852291 0.898433 -0.523384 0.428025 -0.0249408 +0.448862 0.0653039 -0.833613 0.416429 -0.418658 -0.575603 0.283643 0.0631906 +0.472831 -0.233259 0.321724 -0.521398 -0.0559032 0.904495 0.0420803 -0.68707 +-0.418759 -0.243526 0.261977 -0.20153 0.363749 0.0561165 -0.901287 0.380951 +0.0356224 0.709165 0.687935 0.0385029 -0.360781 -0.0977945 -0.0523092 0.587724 +0.606512 0.606752 -0.948712 -0.0413094 -0.163546 -0.374833 -0.742109 -0.941404 +-0.591905 -0.527455 -0.364899 0.703861 -0.250776 0.13719 -0.547711 0.990142 +-0.188902 0.564909 0.927158 -0.906163 -0.417163 0.135594 -0.170626 0.874103 +0.0848013 0.132844 -0.735145 -0.093525 -0.421543 -0.397611 0.158808 -0.0642251 +0.985356 0.733467 -0.249225 -0.402127 0.153127 -0.194697 0.966564 -0.699326 +-0.92745 0.665489 -0.347215 0.693321 -0.957146 -0.653181 0.511458 -0.753823 +-0.713669 0.106806 0.116199 -0.42533 -0.423685 -0.615305 0.353406 0.455503 +0.913431 0.771845 0.325587 0.919554 -0.777534 -0.521801 -0.22661 -0.248731 +-0.987823 0.299457 0.651216 0.705278 -0.657446 0.861857 0.241607 0.781219 +0.666632 -0.940135 -0.465348 -0.997609 -0.97654 0.837899 0.583858 0.373042 +0.994313 -0.635854 -0.878991 -0.727423 0.782306 -0.892377 0.905096 0.074571 +0.554527 0.920449 -0.772302 -0.498784 0.957279 0.989656 -0.175314 -0.0813478 +0.930287 -0.50704 -0.239235 0.821616 -0.647472 -0.11052 0.247848 -0.5883 +-0.54487 -0.173971 -0.00350076 -0.259568 -0.845643 -0.968549 0.738096 0.262694 +0.523131 -0.923979 0.744681 0.813637 0.247499 -0.961381 -0.314356 -0.0229167 +-0.695943 0.421685 -0.198657 -0.511001 0.419557 -0.879891 0.531399 -0.659729 +-0.637058 -0.935509 0.718733 0.13937 -0.0334449 -0.192238 0.359693 0.626302 +0.552849 -0.919393 0.646026 0.437715 0.000286214 0.299565 0.44429 -0.341682 +0.464539 -0.527284 -0.44486 0.820841 0.930996 0.568054 0.386079 0.468224 +-0.294328 -0.808375 -0.529592 -0.106826 -0.321099 -0.984758 -0.115137 0.398672 +0.286542 0.295766 0.222531 -0.0306655 0.330739 0.906166 -0.413205 -0.761751 +-0.308349 0.428458 0.285334 0.999387 -0.876236 -0.41015 -0.572476 -0.581781 +0.0986278 -0.701512 -0.152086 0.554128 -0.729661 0.928477 0.248127 0.250132 +-0.301041 0.298569 0.336602 0.780929 0.389382 -0.968069 -0.645047 0.648065 +0.173302 -0.1454 0.24924 -0.968054 -0.267053 -0.706765 0.750725 0.768158 +-0.450792 -0.347903 0.687592 0.578171 -0.919444 0.426823 0.600826 0.455884 +0.125016 0.503402 0.168666 -0.267666 -0.27683 -0.886591 -0.771492 -0.948732 +0.876239 -0.355067 0.901132 0.871746 0.916059 -0.29615 -0.799335 -0.844642 +0.0149953 -0.608281 -0.500099 0.538077 0.378825 0.520402 0.575124 0.859247 +-0.610797 0.328011 -0.523517 -0.898361 0.00218621 -0.887533 0.0194196 -0.33779 +-0.616134 0.0660449 -0.31806 -0.30886 0.766834 -0.978261 -0.486737 -0.399618 +-0.0917382 0.277186 0.839681 -0.473801 -0.549823 -0.602682 -0.585298 0.293436 +-0.103361 -0.555463 -0.234813 0.432113 -0.468597 0.888812 -0.22229 -0.187223 +0.781542 0.0750056 -0.536047 -0.80232 -0.915122 0.428795 0.203037 -0.293338 +0.810786 -0.0354941 -0.675073 -0.645535 0.106937 0.354792 -0.872742 -0.412236 +-0.538382 -0.763935 -0.854645 -0.912881 -0.115333 -0.743536 -0.0770939 -0.465974 +0.741225 -0.43547 0.103791 0.763534 -0.513783 -0.870602 0.737691 -0.261385 +-0.0622958 0.204415 -0.915488 0.160516 -0.67954 0.190377 -0.50775 0.620587 +-0.119934 0.405527 -0.756127 -0.470831 0.609895 0.754775 -0.52016 0.342044 +0.440928 0.382402 -0.526856 -0.604671 -0.123643 0.0473221 0.681299 0.432775 +0.35705 -0.631322 0.335415 -0.160106 -0.511203 0.108416 -0.187068 -0.19273 +0.818762 0.955804 0.253726 0.243133 -0.866393 -0.713879 0.831281 0.48583 +-0.598078 -0.237423 -0.732799 -0.837698 -0.813628 -0.568913 0.975931 -0.414931 +-0.70244 0.670657 -0.627528 0.684003 0.879295 -0.780104 0.45747 0.717542 +0.742923 0.28711 0.427397 -0.804295 -0.935748 -0.63725 0.185404 0.195977 +0.523175 0.164912 -0.226626 0.473188 -0.903959 0.111465 0.962655 -0.649899 +0.811926 -0.150801 -0.148576 -0.314315 -0.378293 0.120209 -0.717872 0.475651 +0.527778 0.38538 0.294788 -0.284074 -0.43133 0.400691 0.6078 0.152683 +0.712556 0.5142 0.401574 -0.948874 0.628844 0.97335 -0.298696 -0.601937 +-0.991927 0.576505 0.407119 -0.467578 -0.189144 0.360232 0.517798 -0.435152 +-0.835849 0.981422 0.411036 0.965548 0.692699 -0.00998499 0.371297 -0.00133145 +-0.767232 0.09019 0.602586 0.912263 0.354785 -0.333148 0.653425 -0.649789 +-0.809157 0.21328 -0.835589 0.352537 0.358959 0.781091 0.0597904 0.466797 +-0.833931 0.470528 0.122331 -0.477634 -0.417411 0.421302 -0.191153 -0.132141 +0.45709 -0.959619 0.912188 -0.99528 -0.600182 -0.56223 -0.423687 -0.193773 +0.0216373 0.146337 0.905906 0.334817 -0.324455 -0.819952 0.347551 -0.277488 +-0.319623 0.209662 0.0298132 0.939739 -0.069773 0.888707 0.996402 -0.054304 +-0.821955 0.819168 -0.853819 0.571645 -0.834139 -0.861082 -0.873796 -0.237357 +0.236371 0.744487 0.741755 -0.471208 -0.78459 -0.443649 0.271483 -0.0455994 +0.851346 -0.208521 -0.131185 -0.796203 -0.255105 -0.698859 -0.612414 -0.816121 +-0.122906 -0.600864 -0.936747 -0.321419 -0.151019 -0.827735 0.136891 0.0296146 +0.735648 0.193249 -0.426487 -0.23817 -0.71209 0.423922 -0.347415 -0.378162 +0.778483 0.18169 -0.735153 0.984382 -0.306176 -0.99738 -0.107892 -0.795631 +-0.805644 0.112209 -0.298002 0.610045 0.0361954 -0.882893 0.282081 -0.989255 +-0.162802 0.138385 -0.476159 -0.34362 -0.0208122 0.547458 -0.397081 -0.597724 +0.884562 0.954509 0.571493 -0.00982217 0.869722 -0.729849 0.0274898 0.977989 +0.13102 0.704919 0.468061 -0.815591 0.402209 -0.521649 0.471525 -0.170029 +0.34004 0.298699 -0.269258 0.954558 -0.874734 0.193975 -0.827563 -0.400525 +0.157099 -0.292881 0.306565 -0.0130616 -0.158665 -0.149573 0.839071 -0.0153065 +0.45548 0.424047 -0.837859 0.741006 0.800953 0.938368 -0.691706 0.823846 +-0.601256 -0.357712 0.179111 0.175019 -0.385855 0.813766 0.717624 -0.232948 +-0.444183 0.955079 0.836534 -0.902232 -0.81723 -0.696455 0.540988 -0.59834 +-0.456177 0.51899 -0.226569 0.286242 0.0182484 -0.569708 0.0927978 0.351204 +0.42471 0.418102 0.544486 0.806483 -0.499258 -0.749449 -0.723003 -0.700478 +0.898082 0.908541 0.699173 -0.292711 0.297043 -0.990494 0.995252 0.851631 +0.594536 -0.732215 0.328213 0.133244 -0.528041 0.529194 0.787225 -0.309067 +-0.872484 -0.526274 -0.368968 0.620617 0.59385 -0.197271 -0.531257 0.160596 +-0.911691 0.992716 0.138414 0.439126 -0.856473 0.458083 -0.724759 -0.949265 +0.445634 0.941434 0.383013 0.119187 0.360761 0.224577 -0.406873 -0.14874 +-0.850024 0.406242 -0.987686 0.419716 0.833527 -0.810417 0.30594 -0.00712326 +-0.190325 0.903821 -0.160207 -0.185619 -0.546711 -0.368094 0.835662 -0.140476 +0.398994 -0.701222 -0.607329 0.172177 -0.970453 0.830484 -0.50775 0.782039 +-0.467062 -0.00650276 0.950333 0.176548 -0.210942 -0.558266 -0.0952733 -0.0479317 +0.100437 -0.393928 -0.847001 -0.829858 -0.441968 -0.0318336 -0.490883 0.848848 +-0.631143 -0.528653 0.631995 0.695675 -0.51902 -0.396995 -0.7112 -0.740444 +-0.26705 -0.555723 -0.914737 -0.545952 -0.280876 0.852172 -0.965218 -0.79901 +0.292693 0.340534 -0.403736 -0.0187143 -0.403433 -0.653135 -0.873989 -0.252567 +-0.321953 -0.00175426 -0.0982173 0.529045 -0.341277 -0.629041 -0.599386 0.661672 +0.910626 -0.537007 0.203493 -0.00364493 0.937403 -0.464218 0.533787 0.746203 +-0.437352 0.581493 0.320334 -0.147759 0.358775 0.289687 0.779021 -0.0177836 +-0.882005 0.455478 -0.218773 -0.372343 0.989746 0.41922 -0.198826 -0.661025 +0.87591 -0.712593 -0.304432 0.826156 -0.642761 -0.933846 -0.291615 -0.316973 +0.604414 0.88602 0.782185 0.470725 0.711684 -0.061264 0.525596 -0.200641 +0.248111 -0.608594 -0.851087 0.310291 -0.372669 0.95437 0.103978 0.91879 +-0.101975 0.704781 0.305341 0.560117 0.517339 -0.660969 0.858211 0.224984 +0.437192 -0.697103 -0.335884 -0.83529 0.0265226 -0.0506648 0.937622 0.312205 +0.266575 -0.439799 -0.429115 0.589414 0.540477 0.611981 -0.592582 0.780986 +0.298469 0.289732 -0.382572 -0.257052 0.293741 -0.291227 0.375649 0.297089 +0.206021 0.580981 0.886214 -0.0433701 0.751282 0.900529 -0.214723 0.772611 +-0.172119 -0.642249 0.0190451 -0.143636 0.253911 -0.203335 0.0485596 0.17505 +-0.843601 -0.513378 -0.291131 -0.040763 0.772936 0.911256 0.395748 0.408965 +0.287581 0.520859 -0.94936 -0.553394 -0.674212 -0.0944238 -0.685162 0.890514 +0.529198 -0.500136 -0.638627 0.424193 0.467577 -0.561498 0.39007 -0.925369 +0.3854 0.0436241 -0.880083 -0.420581 0.374951 -0.337581 -0.624367 0.443054 +0.132368 -0.878239 -0.574338 -0.274575 0.00250376 0.494147 0.173526 0.883387 +0.61281 0.174375 -0.622462 -0.0826392 -0.412087 0.0339736 0.441503 -0.591437 +0.68225 0.844676 -0.122762 -0.179799 -0.660691 -0.485314 -0.559874 -0.565694 +0.649297 -0.625909 0.759782 -0.870365 -0.372888 -0.267214 0.630475 0.540693 +-0.311311 0.804323 0.861152 0.86655 0.751852 -0.556321 0.374448 -0.869674 +0.671019 0.110837 -0.897409 -0.725767 -0.0471085 -0.221898 -0.339532 -0.454421 +0.195124 -0.869949 -0.279884 0.793026 0.296529 -0.815951 -0.58896 0.923199 +-0.709055 0.470964 0.835874 0.0816438 0.307834 -0.603159 -0.528858 -0.844923 +-0.721763 0.838714 -0.871618 -0.182521 -0.0532893 -0.0895496 -0.916913 -0.196797 +-0.311177 -0.963831 -0.81429 -0.783186 0.160698 -0.525185 -0.0447396 0.0220367 +-0.602121 -0.792035 -0.571744 0.186665 0.580744 0.928993 -0.542637 0.545755 +-0.878623 -0.289613 0.0795839 0.424377 0.695898 -0.236941 -0.500899 -0.900809 +-0.27813 0.325782 0.104022 -0.648674 0.385746 0.858498 -0.778167 0.640713 +-0.920418 -0.297414 0.951722 -0.502752 -0.500822 0.906769 0.475276 -0.120436 +0.0555665 -0.781139 -0.100632 -0.240305 0.350214 -0.236548 -0.856435 -0.536652 +0.82334 0.100009 0.635653 0.423638 -0.742337 -0.882165 -0.947683 -0.902723 +0.633898 0.696032 -0.840314 -0.758485 0.840569 0.297607 -0.0833301 0.0548925 +-0.946265 0.785038 0.0966939 -0.805429 0.869914 -0.642478 -0.131833 -0.149584 +0.723076 0.201727 0.722296 0.292561 0.546842 -0.991661 -0.240245 -0.576672 +-0.298388 -0.230718 -0.960268 0.525073 -0.0687227 0.426996 -0.84886 -0.352525 +0.875025 -0.136292 -0.0825568 -0.401207 -0.143353 0.897022 -0.586978 0.815228 +0.991454 0.693501 0.420691 -0.252937 -0.883019 -0.80479 -0.282766 0.132104 +0.50084 0.261296 -0.292088 0.171744 -0.975827 0.966368 -0.02166 -0.457527 +-0.867127 0.596761 0.909639 -0.0600934 -0.991778 -0.0624672 0.167349 0.652688 +-0.72436 0.474212 0.511686 0.47024 -0.325579 0.761913 -0.591578 -0.550693 +-0.87061 0.159126 -0.666693 0.51595 0.308097 -0.794654 -0.955128 -0.683876 +-0.0890715 -0.658886 0.259221 -0.487484 -0.598891 -0.597186 -0.518363 0.631827 +0.157736 -0.119963 0.56765 -0.630407 0.0792633 -0.40219 0.23451 0.275624 +-0.59349 0.874425 0.172097 0.308708 -0.0750917 -0.0565186 0.30194 0.430169 +0.751406 -0.472457 -0.754903 0.175155 -0.828196 -0.271119 0.441171 -0.822592 +-0.874723 -0.902089 0.779307 -0.549314 0.0049205 -0.814337 -0.569034 -0.388881 +-0.0496898 -0.438871 -0.164657 -0.133288 0.0280757 0.604918 0.434283 0.133385 +-0.44948 -0.417847 0.14142 0.890699 -0.630288 -0.505602 -0.0243172 0.467915 +-0.357174 0.165959 -0.620437 -0.925041 0.882595 -0.690612 -0.246178 -0.745699 +-0.661864 0.135524 0.893137 0.459743 0.81759 0.759988 0.919215 0.172754 +-0.979926 0.185689 0.365976 -0.408455 0.496844 0.828914 0.116831 -0.537032 +0.438368 0.32504 -0.0374737 0.466047 0.526118 0.173433 -0.417122 0.942193 +0.851893 0.778213 0.462288 0.993282 0.390593 -0.982581 0.295066 -0.321388 +0.614328 -0.807427 -0.562029 0.0568302 0.660809 -0.642214 -0.928537 -0.852186 +0.249547 0.175475 0.933737 -0.28369 0.229133 -0.147816 0.443864 -0.203126 +-0.9688 0.450049 0.20203 0.784042 -0.295913 -0.0312097 -0.457373 -0.770108 +0.533278 -0.373477 -0.379462 0.438474 0.200825 -0.0519506 -0.425382 0.505706 +0.355871 0.386051 0.743153 0.454655 0.744657 0.953363 -0.35094 -0.977463 +0.366017 -0.62106 0.905681 -0.947607 0.906391 0.797143 0.266247 0.528978 +-0.549458 -0.684604 0.0390662 -0.32929 -0.677886 -0.784919 -0.786702 -0.610963 +0.321161 -0.701703 -0.196161 0.675761 -0.395796 -0.276971 0.439669 -0.806306 +0.635941 0.640764 0.952784 -0.654622 -0.421039 -0.201594 -0.394228 -0.448705 +-0.3584 -0.341399 -0.0177754 -0.513204 -0.671774 0.961536 0.346114 -0.487067 +-0.60647 0.815841 0.703981 -0.821304 0.0687581 0.809137 -0.000827548 0.41432 +-0.522778 0.371105 0.116334 -0.59484 0.912115 -0.611119 -0.587923 0.269186 +0.267031 0.965863 0.697034 0.702101 0.781557 0.99254 -0.49076 -0.815809 +0.87365 -0.839719 -0.279633 -0.22592 0.813012 0.0435874 0.747437 0.86291 +-0.133208 0.796063 0.85827 0.770385 0.78936 -0.00305904 -0.714272 0.198962 +0.45192 0.938234 0.00246251 0.929763 -0.33744 0.51791 -0.855774 -0.424807 +-0.484192 0.694311 -0.107501 -0.783608 0.341487 0.126003 -0.630579 0.0317058 +-0.523726 -0.282109 0.350271 0.0073639 0.224109 -0.525064 0.819749 -0.126559 +0.349715 -0.818691 0.979166 0.335877 0.827511 0.448404 -0.178738 -0.998246 +-0.986554 0.843464 0.0494969 0.874156 0.644035 0.377021 -0.108501 0.927281 +-0.165659 0.217427 0.696053 -0.418239 0.722399 0.340772 -0.133902 0.0457679 +-0.322195 0.864682 0.296428 -0.455825 -0.161267 -0.94023 0.59127 -0.930389 +-0.607985 -0.666585 0.815694 0.0222016 -0.352874 -0.558811 -0.25617 0.216572 +-0.741508 -0.965064 -0.171648 0.795252 -0.806555 0.0642285 0.262478 0.1701 +0.0294231 -0.022182 -0.569997 -0.302406 0.406219 0.0899895 -0.669984 0.1125 +0.567577 -0.191888 -0.941946 -0.136822 0.06772 0.532028 0.754898 -0.387807 +-0.355954 -0.527357 -0.766761 0.823577 -0.23552 -0.692847 0.674303 0.279432 +0.414774 0.793844 -0.0556157 -0.123008 -0.0587105 0.260584 -0.322527 -0.287282 +0.219779 0.904389 -0.986921 0.431746 0.423658 -0.967195 0.499086 -0.996652 +-0.909703 0.539895 -0.630127 0.869508 0.122599 0.658514 0.425301 -0.860719 +-0.199796 0.661064 -0.105205 -0.66879 0.44428 0.360143 0.492939 -0.460633 +-0.591228 0.955616 -0.928397 -0.33865 -0.0100055 0.678019 0.859405 -0.884136 +0.257959 0.938057 0.733089 -0.508656 -0.327347 -0.226158 -0.788497 0.890343 +0.0917658 0.0452882 0.736755 -0.718124 0.702182 0.623431 -0.307694 0.707526 +-0.448969 -0.0976383 0.261963 -0.060521 -0.407749 0.0671337 0.722232 0.917006 +0.0939932 -0.493438 0.731232 -0.637236 -0.729693 -0.899482 -0.606368 -0.818409 +0.0924388 -0.724056 0.0637412 -0.858471 0.306947 -0.56491 -0.177466 -0.140946 +0.963139 0.657961 -0.550621 -0.532091 0.388969 -0.168796 0.200818 0.954923 +-0.927948 -0.144509 0.851824 0.282163 -0.6838 0.440361 0.793712 0.237032 +-0.761038 -0.344333 0.482373 0.272288 0.330062 -0.89687 -0.750929 -0.895303 +0.891593 0.17512 0.0368649 0.656235 -0.602655 -0.52724 -0.324825 -0.218512 +-0.178757 0.106361 -0.786419 0.385929 0.482041 0.418832 -0.0239656 -0.699096 +0.476948 0.386084 -0.491765 0.218255 0.195142 -0.229045 -0.201467 -0.716236 +-0.245364 -0.178718 0.0261941 0.79052 0.79242 -0.992083 -0.692832 0.41532 +-0.0163223 0.52435 0.557524 0.823774 0.955016 0.0161157 -0.981033 0.143466 +-0.32114 -0.926067 -0.970764 0.534577 0.454701 0.926327 0.24691 -0.0345573 +0.746455 0.290984 0.820033 -0.975666 0.28493 -0.68386 -0.0184387 0.349946 +0.121368 0.824574 0.909234 0.972388 -0.875856 0.931241 -0.190719 0.419245 +0.957067 0.750502 -0.189851 -0.403203 0.790796 0.310838 0.57588 -0.832113 +-0.99678 -0.177133 0.0847001 0.149754 -0.223304 0.0277731 -0.746891 0.124499 +0.328892 -0.558507 0.952343 0.63907 -0.160313 0.359808 -0.0896632 -0.920504 +-0.703425 0.599164 0.454539 0.280253 0.343914 0.268915 0.121279 0.0706275 +0.0819806 -0.0260664 -0.452012 0.534075 0.665468 -0.777891 0.473708 0.82371 +-0.433046 0.034782 0.522489 0.121652 -0.393345 0.677849 0.845486 -0.523482 +0.0787604 0.748632 -0.224027 -0.739522 -0.411641 0.389571 -0.999132 -0.795857 +-0.0229049 0.691355 -0.165205 -0.592761 -0.325611 -0.720616 -0.102312 -0.330572 +0.865303 0.156614 -0.79352 0.255691 0.0807876 -0.626587 0.793079 0.0290817 +-0.945279 -0.0846664 -0.374888 -0.667183 -0.504733 0.235353 -0.194729 0.451198 +-0.624138 -0.522172 0.485696 -0.188533 -0.861529 0.71042 -0.107355 0.129584 +-0.032633 0.103963 -0.973725 0.6503 0.598923 0.543365 -0.222287 0.200471 +0.50997 0.287462 0.546289 0.092789 0.247406 0.306928 0.907567 -0.0817465 +-0.602545 0.429731 -0.160718 0.409995 0.0603658 0.699852 0.944123 -0.279073 +-0.617229 0.94587 -0.293599 0.249853 0.185483 -0.15985 0.376199 0.478009 +-0.913821 0.902843 -0.0319189 -0.163233 0.06097 0.303983 0.388982 0.825583 +0.803066 0.0602229 0.607606 0.264056 -0.0273412 0.368949 -0.448388 0.0894237 +0.474698 -0.0853695 -0.276576 0.12158 -0.466526 -0.106598 0.837411 -0.962005 +0.963205 -0.36027 -0.46135 -0.450732 -0.688112 0.909647 -0.485183 -0.726725 +-0.98335 -0.483217 0.440138 -0.882965 0.591247 0.705897 0.51467 0.311796 +0.932707 -0.482583 0.50795 0.905327 -0.136499 -0.159968 0.572432 -0.833733 +0.308466 -0.918981 0.736131 -0.241078 0.566423 -0.820824 0.0762153 0.998902 +-0.574397 -0.896001 -0.0140756 -0.787536 -0.608351 -0.146387 -0.714798 0.937753 +-0.12184 0.95313 -0.86626 0.164525 -0.780993 -0.286156 0.223559 0.186948 +-0.922137 0.14814 0.484396 -0.208987 -0.999587 0.378318 -0.326022 0.613935 +0.084696 -0.884513 -0.572624 0.0844671 -0.577091 0.275735 0.825845 -0.0805973 +0.925467 -0.330806 -0.466913 0.611224 0.453998 -0.353312 -0.431593 -0.293111 +0.560446 0.913154 0.0906239 -0.663937 -0.347225 -0.329733 -0.0634993 0.460402 +-0.383723 0.114834 -0.905004 -0.691624 0.835869 0.344849 -0.939217 0.537941 +-0.721011 -0.348403 -0.00576813 -0.989891 0.0723988 -0.567613 -0.779642 -0.78354 +0.385344 -0.455507 -0.0233818 0.788528 0.109993 -0.213506 0.456872 -0.834098 +-0.48394 -0.98133 -0.919482 0.17167 -0.371616 0.148954 -0.383733 0.758057 +-0.375511 -0.558951 -0.502408 0.891249 -0.353771 0.560189 -0.16795 -0.543868 +-0.37115 -0.573654 0.510089 0.906864 0.433786 0.510185 0.971383 -0.101245 +-0.234985 -0.683994 0.629377 0.714775 -0.25377 0.821737 0.147973 -0.902029 +0.622774 0.109474 -0.925719 0.954841 -0.838217 -0.838764 0.794163 -0.359638 +-0.969295 -0.70625 -0.169544 -0.944458 -0.715546 0.86016 0.708005 -0.945322 +0.46898 -0.814756 -0.0936694 -0.625662 0.290876 -0.292345 0.804004 -0.756511 +-0.942462 0.461271 -0.133129 0.187726 0.0946201 0.696192 0.359844 -0.844139 +0.563431 0.314016 -0.618401 -0.349053 -0.779491 -0.229991 -0.23926 -0.866743 +0.655119 -0.297929 0.882511 -0.970511 0.438275 0.927748 0.818598 -0.695924 +0.27305 0.391222 -0.55341 0.874844 -0.69446 0.0146682 -0.818413 0.331227 +-0.629138 -0.77631 -0.409139 -0.972164 -0.482111 0.0919363 -0.048589 0.616701 +0.603334 0.440657 -0.708531 0.148558 0.741351 0.171211 -0.913832 0.225193 +-0.290597 0.985929 -0.18809 0.973706 -0.404376 0.997051 -0.14134 0.679776 +0.87582 -0.122859 -0.716285 -0.412934 0.71662 -0.164979 -0.750002 -0.219348 +-0.342228 0.515422 0.356727 0.716068 0.255808 -0.981862 0.299258 0.0274295 +-0.309099 0.407465 -0.940287 -0.642382 0.153391 0.331409 0.506176 0.707616 +-0.974934 0.919957 -0.14204 -0.100708 0.286887 -0.312046 0.323156 -0.146763 +0.665122 0.930822 0.78843 0.0628672 -0.176518 0.810625 0.0252852 -0.838717 +-0.630099 -0.31493 -0.435586 0.778668 -0.161566 0.108783 -0.233434 -0.590801 +0.786437 0.677349 0.905807 0.825616 0.97916 0.884624 0.498115 0.42734 +-0.295858 0.593155 -0.259452 -0.941386 0.492692 -0.445883 0.404013 -0.419882 +-0.795611 0.863705 0.0558309 -0.614871 -0.585717 -0.582341 0.116653 -0.671626 +-0.524893 0.338942 0.334323 -0.755656 0.448694 -0.53751 0.890865 0.728529 +-0.647052 -0.743385 0.710565 0.780498 -0.413726 0.912974 0.750723 0.361914 +0.274769 -0.810813 -0.22343 0.838632 0.603144 -0.780761 -0.39045 -0.74793 +-0.225211 0.115451 -0.0529903 -0.85687 -0.970864 0.711897 -0.163225 0.742498 +-0.698407 0.871296 -0.432346 0.297334 0.578215 0.0895254 0.713119 -0.98793 +-0.380986 -0.125795 -0.435093 -0.354766 0.718332 0.343689 -0.670844 0.373268 +-0.979723 -0.937316 0.311361 -0.291178 0.516959 0.977806 -0.815439 -0.674165 +-0.0323153 -0.710142 -0.743586 0.0624365 -0.701897 -0.190656 0.226054 0.292736 +-0.493086 0.0295618 -0.205672 0.65815 0.129321 0.378478 0.50234 -0.216347 +0.584741 0.84211 0.167401 0.607226 -0.714133 -0.217052 0.412324 0.729219 +0.118591 -0.39914 0.0803751 0.6693 0.566324 0.721258 0.262219 -0.616252 +-0.997376 -0.604019 0.0656538 0.599502 0.00110348 -0.637884 -0.779426 -0.15533 +0.902245 -0.83549 -0.0556138 0.06506 0.651397 0.970983 0.750116 -0.313178 +0.123484 0.0431771 0.060113 0.47014 -0.276801 0.324975 0.0506168 -0.492554 +0.724213 0.68835 0.331324 -0.702835 -0.178587 -0.228648 -0.0399587 0.128594 +-0.0320557 -0.554456 0.665615 -0.089894 0.304825 -0.330259 0.14179 -0.812656 +0.626568 -0.644126 0.937721 -0.882729 0.704299 0.610393 -0.0757684 0.924555 +-0.625918 -0.948106 0.0951738 -0.993843 -0.502306 -0.489336 -0.282158 -0.318153 +-0.207382 0.044949 0.0964022 -0.484303 -0.365384 -0.555911 -0.90306 0.360545 +-0.230588 -0.207239 -0.347432 -0.0525925 0.24211 0.420735 -0.496557 0.612099 +-0.110829 0.428517 0.896458 0.0240659 -0.0684408 0.158986 0.992357 0.789784 +-0.594865 0.180221 -0.509125 -0.784086 -0.603065 0.902279 -0.13072 -0.0459181 +0.972982 -0.128882 -0.191688 -0.271181 0.467487 0.834183 -0.226382 0.124324 +0.226513 -0.713675 -0.133761 0.390153 0.266047 -0.688886 -0.65987 0.0485102 +0.856414 -0.0471387 -0.835046 0.744284 -0.484911 -0.937073 -0.916864 -0.3921 +0.173184 0.481602 -0.582463 0.0924304 0.944067 -0.955617 -0.579323 0.282798 +0.0778271 0.273025 -0.21682 -0.910587 0.249759 -0.903923 0.8988 -0.0383336 +0.278796 -0.383595 -0.337323 -0.0574443 0.32618 -0.518353 0.586899 0.882512 +-0.145354 -0.365954 -0.350825 -0.453288 -0.340702 -0.366973 0.840828 -0.903173 +-0.826925 -0.524238 -0.725683 -0.363874 0.882786 -0.893936 0.834338 -0.845758 +0.981676 0.38459 0.403841 -0.852946 0.831358 0.134174 0.600342 0.319108 +-0.965339 -0.529092 -0.110751 -0.0104939 0.879482 -0.649905 -0.575851 0.43798 +-0.562991 0.0273841 -0.296924 0.374767 -0.0715699 0.59238 -0.257965 0.467256 +-0.163342 0.675786 0.0404688 0.772686 -0.800894 -0.0960582 0.792491 -0.277204 +-0.838616 -0.704292 -0.606351 0.512386 -0.0721938 -0.373044 -0.482231 0.381387 +-0.300435 -0.811809 0.0690514 0.793722 -0.850233 -0.571292 -0.676329 -0.236226 +-0.916339 0.461819 -0.7495 -0.130893 -0.299153 0.856143 0.200783 -0.027939 +-0.782393 -0.379879 0.26394 -0.0156787 0.553081 -0.0766997 0.0507427 -0.923302 +0.860352 -0.170888 0.968314 -0.181919 0.546342 -0.973947 0.312326 -0.799889 +0.81222 -0.451001 -0.68649 0.142295 0.170818 0.760639 -0.681591 0.385237 +0.217836 0.307764 0.314993 0.232972 -0.59703 -0.478095 -0.980271 -0.135897 +0.553113 0.547028 0.957202 0.798325 0.627305 0.0203087 -0.0433017 -0.553673 +-0.0016148 0.951573 -0.418186 -0.496682 -0.239602 0.73593 -0.473037 0.621046 +0.433566 -0.580368 -0.0956536 0.210872 -0.740542 -0.332272 0.850168 -0.0238131 +-0.205609 0.153521 -0.402918 -0.713328 -0.265156 -0.773804 0.725339 0.470349 +0.558929 0.412309 0.730158 -0.0374842 0.479966 0.898242 0.440661 0.497333 +0.629008 0.437205 -0.361182 -0.663844 0.157557 -0.199986 0.113008 -0.41816 +-0.0826236 -0.978743 0.815084 0.39091 -0.338941 0.880036 -0.13348 -0.299471 +0.584767 0.365066 -0.636932 -0.157548 0.542492 -0.193568 -0.0480755 0.30407 +0.361588 0.229671 0.987737 0.157145 -0.472845 -0.3861 -0.858493 -0.471023 +0.724432 0.402472 0.54433 0.687866 -0.103772 0.314791 0.558369 0.870504 +0.901182 -0.117562 -0.687705 -0.434755 -0.532181 -0.407797 -0.975511 0.280664 +-0.1908 -0.588684 -0.937916 0.975736 0.795355 0.50423 -0.708375 0.879924 +0.280243 -0.819291 -0.280556 -0.266857 0.941041 0.275321 0.87149 0.349788 +-0.377843 -0.75705 0.958412 0.88434 0.627061 -0.282291 -0.270561 0.727935 +-0.573253 0.999137 -0.137561 0.787423 -0.277337 0.603983 0.709329 0.71357 +-0.786407 -0.541805 -0.41953 0.0447377 0.0205872 0.602401 0.562479 -0.0216093 +-0.0703607 -0.160516 0.541279 0.130353 0.541861 -0.0802796 -0.144014 0.751182 +0.601665 0.138491 -0.680005 -0.267557 0.381164 0.955646 0.264988 -0.876559 +-0.827176 -0.616917 0.396616 0.382655 -0.10695 -0.506198 -0.741015 -0.473331 +0.88219 -0.745805 0.965667 0.962275 0.950847 -0.407496 0.617847 0.836703 +-0.0415932 0.439522 -0.07451 -0.470155 0.456856 0.875438 0.610125 0.604677 +0.270323 0.320618 -0.0947187 -0.365721 0.760394 -0.472468 0.896321 0.224609 +-0.158006 -0.14951 0.717 0.655573 -0.454379 0.895668 -0.657176 0.248163 +0.138563 -0.0180113 0.191786 0.900287 -0.623111 0.0718001 -0.419325 -0.928102 +0.721988 0.450695 0.054242 0.675887 -0.046098 -0.0776113 0.649494 -0.541712 +-0.973227 0.811297 0.671414 0.254526 0.658319 0.57909 0.600238 -0.675435 +-0.011479 0.86599 0.366494 0.225368 0.140601 -0.000124131 0.144893 0.225741 +-0.0838095 0.387244 -0.689906 0.586899 0.246606 0.218082 -0.774383 -0.177423 +-0.725591 0.175092 0.102378 0.965872 -0.587109 0.543606 -0.0260682 -0.51752 +0.197836 -0.702652 0.520644 0.819619 -0.678164 0.947498 -0.277995 0.107026 +0.776415 -0.875923 0.394003 -0.354281 0.70118 -0.695215 -0.256926 0.0904048 +0.481263 0.146732 -0.425491 0.537589 0.355505 -0.688914 0.989679 -0.663574 +0.915144 0.721881 -0.799716 -0.337425 0.1607 0.381086 -0.954813 -0.90889 +0.861045 0.809379 0.0106808 0.188282 -0.92879 -0.139722 0.235875 0.912959 +0.317596 0.0962255 -0.52784 0.329931 0.619167 -0.369354 0.57385 0.76421 +-0.788329 -0.375513 -0.635246 0.448801 0.614954 -0.0946107 0.431591 -0.475603 +-0.247791 -0.387756 0.501257 0.161509 -0.416007 0.965461 -0.490639 0.951325 +0.351507 -0.5273 0.75251 -0.265674 0.715974 0.228488 0.55418 -0.878948 +-0.231026 0.968163 -0.661585 -0.999387 0.540818 -0.0698159 0.521574 -0.00717663 +0.960331 -0.484705 -0.341116 -0.613373 0.937889 -0.318486 -0.726292 0.527913 +-0.119951 0.300227 -0.44361 -0.56629 0.334748 -0.722119 0.797099 -0.14651 +-0.204771 -0.143151 0.805168 -0.886228 0.0897569 0.547813 -0.237215 0.124713 +0.405914 0.636952 -0.842242 -0.0302225 0.839292 -0.75642 -0.259522 0.396902 +0.38835 0.433439 0.397809 -0.568495 -0.23167 -0.0718805 0.193332 0.0820198 +-0.469228 -0.608177 0.260098 -0.651517 0.367638 -0.650733 0.523926 0.347477 +0.191905 -0.0680753 -0.364185 0.137717 -0.440258 0.312023 -0.725152 0.180157 +-0.103302 0.896225 0.416362 -0.519851 0.774741 0.160886 0.708706 0.721492 +-0.466633 -0.0893367 0.826321 -0.870924 0.761161 0.513968 0.329094 -0.386737 +0.907783 0.365883 -0.366647 0.00331088 0.804544 0.20207 -0.633814 -0.555848 +-0.235618 -0.0339699 -0.0185517 0.360198 0.551649 0.964854 -0.668951 -0.648484 +0.939624 0.34939 -0.744987 0.583514 0.825694 0.369501 -0.455276 -0.478728 +0.867588 0.0923404 0.473362 -0.391421 -0.625188 0.405277 -0.663635 0.23118 +0.98559 0.452073 0.397196 -0.161284 0.824009 0.0686514 -0.243402 -0.458581 +-0.64569 0.941453 -0.71447 -0.113639 -0.492668 0.791628 -0.181362 -0.478111 +-0.0637608 -0.468836 -0.0765535 -0.171667 0.517801 -0.698574 0.962859 -0.893231 +0.451662 0.053278 -0.892541 0.779971 0.526298 -0.187434 0.479513 0.769857 +0.464148 0.910832 0.754622 0.56699 -0.512335 -0.443822 -0.959895 0.00641124 +-0.612024 -0.974763 0.0887326 0.723811 0.250143 -0.678394 0.93651 0.687853 +-0.0962185 0.453788 -0.894264 -0.4403 -0.503982 -0.362084 0.898738 -0.921332 +-0.795003 -0.490026 -0.10242 -0.768762 -0.360123 0.20174 0.227832 0.779859 +-0.869027 -0.166382 -0.837505 0.2924 -0.996497 0.833509 -0.71889 -0.704882 +-0.618075 -0.0733225 -0.972386 0.383851 -0.832165 -0.0710698 0.0938433 -0.0574702 +0.105864 0.95241 -0.468853 0.977143 0.098734 0.621518 0.0742271 -0.225418 +0.758995 0.084791 0.522413 -0.535609 0.738139 -0.56859 -0.880642 -0.833513 +0.575114 0.104168 0.384118 0.948417 -0.881103 -0.720524 -0.453562 -0.60447 +0.453197 -0.484345 -0.498019 0.0352992 -0.506009 -0.813873 -0.866188 0.123789 +0.458891 -0.997015 -0.873448 0.384451 -0.864472 -0.981493 0.886432 -0.821239 +-0.174388 0.731022 0.564594 0.0486276 0.578099 -0.0255768 0.220408 -0.353769 +-0.250461 0.310739 0.54473 -0.0545715 0.806352 -0.10376 0.134289 0.42747 +-0.633519 0.0503947 0.899446 -0.5244 0.877891 -0.540384 -0.237581 -0.236054 +0.51793 -0.402829 -0.74295 -0.50237 0.486262 -0.522252 0.17971 -0.0238329 +0.918786 -0.51196 -0.314827 -0.400451 -0.220271 0.28387 0.309916 -0.139415 +-0.454818 -0.845796 -0.434315 -0.304371 -0.664384 0.15454 -0.198632 -0.0817048 +0.321019 -0.69302 0.0532293 -0.131409 0.53806 -0.624413 0.0382679 -0.71237 +-0.318035 0.46381 0.557568 0.63931 0.909057 0.123634 0.499409 -0.761453 +0.0792408 -0.343298 0.274612 -0.762256 -0.527155 -0.491915 0.258529 -0.485005 +0.831757 0.654417 0.76289 -0.98712 0.540921 -0.358934 0.0907502 -0.795737 +0.438672 0.545536 -0.40142 -0.95785 0.860667 0.31558 0.316762 0.765004 +0.536493 0.973878 -0.480902 -0.227973 0.693516 0.989617 -0.378439 0.265221 +-0.644759 0.301819 -0.644533 0.601933 -0.641316 0.181153 -0.86458 -0.135988 +-0.542538 -0.848576 0.692349 0.079111 0.270207 0.283374 0.0606738 -0.29633 +-0.756621 0.897779 -0.269115 0.164742 0.501106 -0.244866 -0.32088 -0.914074 +-0.0498213 -0.0570648 0.263523 0.908372 0.564612 -0.705888 -0.86702 0.82604 +0.524106 -0.605483 0.537845 0.810716 0.542551 -0.708089 -0.30362 -0.919583 +0.0033156 0.236522 -0.274942 0.907076 0.991233 -0.488817 -0.927317 0.604774 +0.753357 0.437084 -0.321181 -0.330611 -0.88642 -0.500423 0.435738 0.883124 +0.726302 0.0567875 0.619763 -0.0224197 -0.56383 0.792938 0.517057 -0.774178 +-0.0755045 0.52396 -0.316418 -0.527674 0.61262 0.0490231 0.820156 -0.461446 +0.921259 0.74196 0.701823 -0.368448 0.0144466 0.0792542 -0.7888 -0.925565 +0.976048 -0.350421 -0.454161 -0.426072 0.720985 0.208408 0.0451211 -0.866218 +0.274607 0.681934 -0.996008 0.746247 -0.807708 0.408563 -0.923163 -0.37162 +-0.756702 0.875637 0.356668 0.567545 -0.699811 -0.882049 -0.854333 0.362533 +-0.512753 0.774731 -0.67637 -0.745905 -0.774444 0.124573 -0.570468 0.243402 +-0.0898509 -0.22061 -0.458399 -0.0416534 -0.0878776 0.142848 -0.477647 0.756049 +0.000349967 0.480484 -0.232482 0.732368 0.429491 0.470299 0.768061 0.741892 +0.890118 0.0577898 0.152233 0.417615 -0.941858 0.319885 -0.190016 0.71424 +-0.978877 -0.382177 0.944849 0.100975 -0.15484 -0.802377 -0.601933 -0.54424 +-0.228456 0.171383 0.232305 0.103878 -0.0456658 0.163971 0.771114 0.0675747 +0.0165751 0.62803 0.0934436 -0.327452 -0.670034 -0.777859 -0.397378 -0.543197 +0.504346 0.329616 0.687922 -0.925564 0.503927 -0.344951 0.238153 -0.575422 +-0.225979 -0.488465 -0.21703 0.375165 -0.463176 -0.607798 0.378912 0.736663 +-0.140162 -0.114695 -0.463715 -0.359241 -0.0816379 -0.838987 -0.298994 0.661456 +-0.923774 0.996942 0.00563778 0.492051 -0.809241 -0.220833 0.496805 -0.913763 +0.140333 -0.0130841 -0.854971 -0.760718 0.0336346 0.0254133 -0.170119 -0.638502 +0.361199 0.241009 0.856447 0.165383 0.0618192 -0.319219 -0.483658 -0.606498 +-0.124282 0.909326 0.388856 -0.0583138 -0.574562 -0.457529 0.824842 -0.623682 +0.38279 -0.935983 0.825104 0.382438 0.6676 0.801026 0.587021 -0.872922 +0.229531 -0.331683 -0.343916 0.835561 0.10239 -0.429101 0.967624 0.821956 +-0.135739 -0.353168 -0.0449242 0.188729 0.536394 0.992154 0.0872412 0.938832 +-0.994855 0.374559 0.0957442 -0.614064 -0.221976 0.973031 -0.446563 -0.419641 +-0.302373 -0.299059 -0.872026 -0.711552 0.0355826 -0.651896 -0.738868 -0.854359 +0.377706 -0.255825 -0.737457 -0.771 -0.333372 0.151784 -0.524131 -0.482389 +-0.111203 -0.470208 -0.781669 0.638474 -0.681036 -0.219878 0.324534 -0.497162 +0.861592 0.459932 -0.954288 0.341893 0.949 0.324577 -0.613932 0.773538 +-0.33621 0.348251 0.418902 0.139857 -0.666187 0.159527 0.736503 0.152294 +-0.466221 0.397112 -0.606685 -0.771545 -0.302752 0.415823 0.64901 0.0614916 +0.581623 0.774078 0.708457 0.962784 -0.711574 0.940553 0.580483 0.540611 +-0.28569 -0.412809 -0.00786611 -0.54289 -0.898176 0.380764 -0.688689 0.504092 +-0.811939 -0.274285 0.815974 0.481681 -0.32469 -0.934366 0.839547 -0.169832 +0.209099 -0.571355 -0.0470802 0.218184 -0.517936 -0.821072 -0.123108 -0.389733 +0.515922 -0.0245071 0.429742 0.826203 -0.283113 -0.315026 0.598175 -0.118725 +0.00876872 -0.837834 -0.0497919 -0.0266431 -0.984383 -0.179382 0.676681 0.241681 +-0.294095 0.408535 -0.856501 0.385449 0.264363 0.580878 0.369414 -0.426799 +-0.835825 -0.544945 -0.734543 0.780376 0.298703 0.90176 -0.286362 0.955803 +0.392917 0.456737 0.292057 -0.404861 0.467663 0.325697 -0.350189 -0.986631 +0.0282557 0.234152 0.0634116 0.945357 0.495868 -0.816892 0.602026 -0.707111 +0.299164 0.529442 -0.256736 0.184076 -0.548297 0.848613 -0.40698 -0.696608 +0.0445485 -0.531856 -0.0068861 -0.876519 -0.674682 0.973914 0.0447032 0.514157 +-0.0992711 -0.652818 -0.0439884 -0.641035 0.723269 0.859504 -0.905632 -0.882526 +-0.890704 0.782478 -0.424662 -0.192941 -0.66712 -0.349342 -0.6031 0.964571 +0.526555 -0.0567282 0.581412 0.316658 -0.311291 -0.344182 -0.176196 0.0270604 +0.793437 -0.604303 -0.928391 -0.799126 -0.630315 -0.610741 -0.588965 -0.1293 +-0.906492 0.272001 0.341823 0.796484 0.0523215 0.123696 0.904695 -0.12076 +-0.972747 -0.648288 -0.602745 -0.722191 -0.351104 0.500287 0.088745 -0.319842 +0.500934 0.282794 0.0454934 0.605164 -0.780366 -0.329965 0.939782 -0.178307 +-0.838816 0.874248 0.18245 -0.969468 -0.91579 -0.0267874 -0.759045 -0.589663 +0.211185 0.465236 -0.240739 -0.498714 -0.675289 0.587301 -0.337304 -0.872029 +-0.276362 0.622924 0.585823 0.277861 0.063359 -0.754191 0.423178 0.286404 +0.322527 0.338383 0.622437 0.809099 -0.037747 -0.21445 0.00934567 -0.290484 +-0.182961 0.0311626 0.966787 -0.367836 0.177457 -0.173187 -0.43698 -0.39583 +-0.758299 -0.70009 -0.865822 0.612413 0.897207 -0.255269 -0.466869 0.0620859 +0.0918929 -0.34017 -0.402086 -0.162409 -0.348218 -0.827295 0.547759 -0.0633793 +-0.427105 0.89858 0.709572 0.00684876 0.476413 0.83969 -0.478957 0.632089 +-0.371331 -0.672297 0.528203 0.767076 -0.58556 -0.442409 -0.418912 0.135802 +0.267323 -0.200532 0.454927 -0.896557 0.938315 0.55772 -0.563894 -0.74007 +0.870471 -0.72489 -0.972334 0.395925 -0.105143 0.629998 0.518278 -0.517841 +-0.29891 0.832678 0.549625 0.271397 -0.823728 0.875052 -0.456435 -0.448438 +-0.0586764 0.194515 0.407848 0.14095 0.619632 -0.980324 -0.117258 -0.815876 +-0.933897 -0.28261 0.634805 0.301492 -0.972994 -0.134614 -0.12992 0.701162 +0.639765 -0.406018 -0.59692 0.570878 0.640079 -0.825857 -0.291862 0.34047 +-0.583488 0.12816 0.688513 -0.575937 0.53116 0.845981 0.116178 -0.549486 +-0.777821 -0.177186 0.730038 0.98904 -0.89302 0.885844 0.840692 0.631682 +0.632508 0.219905 -0.244135 -0.412468 -0.668984 0.943456 -0.0197695 0.104622 +-0.0940114 0.233033 -0.747028 0.376862 -0.980243 -0.284161 0.221297 -0.957587 +-0.901751 -0.402335 0.615905 -0.468134 0.247774 0.397941 -0.884356 -0.888632 +0.130646 0.0827703 -0.603369 0.271076 0.423045 -0.260751 -0.373238 0.419404 +-0.687241 -0.523622 0.814121 -0.55475 0.880876 0.663568 0.812579 0.376562 +-0.262174 0.356007 0.267313 -0.658261 0.0691339 -0.663666 -0.18604 0.395529 +-0.165158 0.488524 0.855688 -0.523008 -0.129683 0.46563 0.78824 -0.791651 +-0.581014 0.597263 -0.0503741 -0.165992 -0.8116 0.79565 0.92139 0.23766 +-0.672821 0.60898 0.752071 0.483987 0.146269 -0.91847 0.108537 0.243277 +0.923749 -0.243402 0.308673 -0.911232 -0.677737 -0.440247 0.744561 -0.398138 +0.575828 0.407175 0.760658 -0.172748 -0.00405966 0.415096 -0.679837 0.934977 +0.0950945 -0.0456896 -0.872209 0.989618 -0.049148 -0.555535 -0.321886 0.272169 +0.487764 -0.27916 0.871749 -0.984377 -0.376352 0.561644 0.229217 -0.994861 +0.872511 -0.101974 0.105318 -0.140537 -0.183839 -0.0312317 -0.866099 -0.298308 +0.699842 0.155432 0.87801 0.64462 0.00403796 0.466432 -0.795627 -0.685231 +-0.683326 0.751886 -0.69546 -0.568289 -0.76068 -0.508528 -0.484421 0.249769 +-0.528628 -0.291938 -0.141746 -0.770612 -0.186257 0.883314 0.388875 -0.234146 +0.350193 -0.428158 -0.7459 -0.349548 0.572079 -0.0250603 -0.228663 -0.977659 +-0.388133 -0.876622 -0.253835 -0.557926 0.458291 0.639308 -0.0519916 -0.04663 +0.161414 -0.00827725 -0.107576 0.629214 -0.633143 0.348901 -0.749198 -0.74827 +-0.0587521 -0.759471 0.947034 -0.225698 -0.0076309 0.166646 0.72231 0.962406 +0.228604 -0.656118 0.492903 0.591451 -0.0412384 -0.763194 0.218953 -0.75096 +-0.0853158 -0.0288549 -0.395504 0.596218 0.532552 -0.0724938 0.599071 0.685863 +-0.309642 0.0939375 -0.143125 -0.722295 0.357981 0.498287 -0.774542 0.786052 +0.261744 -0.306346 0.472413 0.705548 0.481577 -0.582633 -0.716086 -0.336843 +0.09798 -0.556612 -0.511358 -0.975902 -0.234911 0.101811 -0.0825996 -0.694234 +-0.0738821 -0.525627 -0.651907 0.375882 -0.250062 0.713097 0.124152 -0.769629 +0.217827 -0.70236 0.770399 -0.361043 -0.776906 0.577841 0.283512 -0.0524186 +0.373881 0.0340662 -0.696774 0.76993 -0.0190527 -0.989262 0.318189 0.285332 +0.0795496 0.0930517 -0.354266 -0.865884 -0.647234 0.190744 -0.212696 -0.607302 +0.697017 -0.3633 0.763994 0.56485 0.852337 0.65899 -0.852101 -0.00132943 +0.840541 0.238459 -0.594806 -0.96931 -0.102222 -0.47928 -0.0224324 0.0384352 +0.496916 0.577207 -0.441211 -0.877902 -0.618756 -0.677445 -0.849987 0.0307652 +-0.391906 -0.934762 -0.476748 0.904321 -0.666687 0.456262 -0.913208 0.538686 +-0.622405 0.747127 0.355453 0.941675 -0.138281 -0.364041 0.859529 -0.705589 +-0.220003 -0.828672 -0.418765 -0.304503 -0.56044 -0.0464992 0.980377 0.174231 +-0.873058 -0.367132 -0.811555 -0.34624 -0.146387 -0.089031 -0.343529 0.640726 +-0.463947 -0.158464 -0.469379 0.618198 -0.866839 0.893599 -0.378412 0.473208 +-0.433498 0.1337 0.133971 0.797691 0.689436 -0.900095 0.647485 0.229876 +0.822318 -0.0500753 0.654512 -0.801272 0.973569 -0.908658 -0.213578 -0.596733 +-0.175229 -0.30907 -0.229341 -0.799842 0.14742 -0.71894 -0.271957 -0.809688 +0.756969 0.0647562 -0.556409 -0.867341 0.935732 0.705752 0.867598 0.403568 +0.900701 0.616795 -0.804695 -0.357841 0.849394 0.968658 -0.153075 -0.0127006 +0.459091 0.244803 -0.988288 0.50804 0.310159 -0.619608 0.104331 -0.271515 +-0.0131555 0.081407 -0.53846 0.72394 0.37893 -0.00165161 0.0607774 0.833515 +0.0147606 -0.791332 0.347137 0.15768 0.533896 -0.555295 -0.162536 -0.230331 +-0.618749 -0.0898566 -0.630924 0.374219 -0.959814 0.315794 0.701011 0.477475 +0.0400638 0.568849 -0.760913 -0.68221 0.514091 -0.312234 -0.345115 0.261302 +-0.20384 -0.318684 0.166508 0.37568 0.0633076 0.231149 -0.813706 0.651435 +-0.043047 0.192414 0.327987 -0.293963 0.875594 0.89737 0.275166 -0.151287 +0.447596 0.840841 -0.933354 0.249121 -0.595451 -0.259476 -0.52932 -0.772351 +0.738218 -0.287759 -0.716446 -0.769356 -0.347781 -0.893608 -0.560328 0.716437 +-0.41101 -0.804579 0.977996 -0.351573 -0.392059 -0.757424 0.375409 0.0162358 +0.0480087 0.934702 -0.672329 0.635712 -0.00300719 0.214493 -0.832019 -0.771661 +-0.421777 -0.271635 0.718182 0.583991 -0.626458 -0.00333879 0.727638 0.823556 +-0.0382401 -0.262535 0.972411 -0.399773 -0.669322 -0.422892 0.206397 -0.543495 +0.703215 -0.855285 -0.604492 -0.282483 0.441433 -0.24338 -0.154623 -0.48984 +-0.58621 0.541519 0.546088 0.794191 -0.882634 -0.605676 -0.298874 0.374352 +-0.126557 0.555681 -0.287025 0.318666 0.530153 -0.397346 0.576145 -0.638613 +-0.917444 0.296461 0.955836 -0.65721 0.695861 0.043674 -0.624715 0.690593 +0.986136 -0.660492 -0.733043 0.576596 -0.553081 -0.775878 -0.931387 0.573468 +-0.527571 -0.575773 -0.579764 0.788955 0.315556 -0.335398 -0.184458 0.72793 +0.0136059 0.0681429 0.548535 0.142222 0.0239615 0.995879 -0.866157 -0.142694 +-0.557506 -0.0331198 -0.0317959 0.515413 0.283685 0.604645 0.922669 -0.154334 +0.883074 -0.505844 -0.460389 0.485507 0.401237 0.265223 0.104808 0.428291 +-0.661414 0.39231 -0.25108 0.57457 0.387117 -0.877487 -0.749304 0.404519 +0.534068 -0.331007 -0.146343 -0.977265 0.20961 0.160137 0.437703 -0.609875 +-0.308816 -0.665959 0.47042 0.0504511 -0.626521 0.811507 -0.852126 0.760364 +-0.078426 -0.438817 0.381848 -0.0238299 0.565028 -0.570837 0.534991 -0.889088 +-0.931507 0.186301 0.797062 -0.223884 -0.178746 0.786467 0.891901 -0.766474 +0.170792 0.938991 0.213343 0.33078 0.972223 0.157726 0.754286 -0.469261 +-0.153329 0.636921 0.888783 -0.6106 -0.702787 -0.120373 -0.0259913 -0.573057 +-0.681333 0.351697 0.819066 0.782317 0.299589 -0.209447 -0.0239501 -0.708697 +-0.0485829 -0.849968 0.366031 0.894566 -0.236988 0.417351 -0.027951 -0.454019 +-0.504835 -0.286129 -0.744047 -0.974466 0.422891 0.305965 -0.658884 0.455997 +0.443154 -0.872624 -0.69793 -0.217703 0.119623 0.382854 0.731145 0.764561 +-0.103426 -0.429499 0.861196 0.513499 0.467221 0.278728 0.888892 -0.859868 +-0.236591 0.982268 -0.123918 -0.870957 -0.485913 -0.384631 0.269559 0.681465 +-0.969833 -0.419319 0.64387 -0.824699 -0.601057 0.0015978 0.526771 -0.182932 +0.167587 -0.992645 -0.771173 0.278499 -0.0384297 -0.0274552 0.418631 -0.410953 +-0.265885 0.301537 -0.14445 0.463352 0.590728 -0.158784 -0.0902518 0.678023 +-0.807479 0.661826 -0.403457 -0.430091 0.668091 0.59243 -0.310691 0.454404 +-0.575875 -0.37056 -0.359989 -0.7231 -0.712069 -0.528939 0.641205 -0.226798 +-0.218395 0.206113 -0.29861 -0.879979 0.0130812 0.311978 0.727739 -0.388292 +-0.927151 -0.558819 -0.519273 -0.0980931 0.665045 0.665278 -0.232994 0.351635 +-0.977552 -0.80713 -0.647368 0.637197 0.0915763 0.809541 0.274054 -0.224862 +-0.164315 0.364527 -0.800353 -0.792172 0.847013 0.187365 0.0990939 -0.412477 +0.372143 -0.551978 0.402478 0.312149 -0.0522783 -0.856704 0.901229 -0.118029 +-0.345782 -0.821606 -0.679754 0.990239 -0.0118953 0.214492 0.69436 -0.0135066 +-0.436876 0.929784 0.497388 0.200406 -0.598338 0.589664 -0.852718 0.820035 +0.0563828 -0.95758 -0.845192 -0.798894 0.707567 -0.738946 0.958976 0.965312 +-0.135131 -0.42393 -0.39051 0.791436 0.532899 0.910974 0.193791 -0.200857 +0.873451 -0.58441 -0.118604 -0.798794 -0.0241556 0.309326 0.402356 -0.854476 +-0.714225 0.669105 0.153772 -0.335128 -0.545302 -0.910632 -0.428904 0.0103926 +-0.0911475 -0.0617885 0.525746 -0.993839 0.262267 -0.730372 0.0696819 -0.561545 +-0.421976 0.889024 -0.211543 -0.643264 0.0494218 0.343296 0.119638 -0.107548 +0.36477 -0.506497 -0.784439 0.736339 -0.908276 0.276037 0.615321 0.280225 +-0.570541 0.0991791 -0.0575483 -0.612905 0.760565 -0.11731 0.498152 0.720806 +-0.173592 -0.932767 -0.324539 0.551885 0.542661 0.982325 0.141416 0.0749308 +-0.64489 -0.937608 -0.424643 -0.89868 0.676486 0.470915 0.541542 0.645032 +-0.58852 -0.517797 0.91728 0.797466 0.171727 0.537008 0.413464 0.0792674 +0.725099 -0.467204 0.419716 -0.453448 -0.12609 -0.600627 -0.876101 -0.0280678 +0.500841 -0.629449 0.216681 -0.331148 -0.574679 -0.648917 -0.488191 0.577152 +-0.739027 0.228226 -0.567767 -0.969028 -0.253798 -0.717974 0.0696748 0.0938428 +-0.927949 -0.423073 0.787491 0.331996 0.0850664 0.7873 0.163322 0.436217 +0.0308512 0.228962 0.0324198 0.494983 0.874798 0.206818 -0.0354002 -0.0951359 +-0.298199 0.635572 -0.750356 -0.16748 -0.213532 -0.246433 0.239039 -0.347236 +-0.625589 0.14159 0.82336 -0.450564 0.553692 -0.598211 0.299441 0.759206 +0.348087 -0.713231 0.372781 0.385948 0.642597 -0.738866 -0.895538 -0.743501 +-0.382141 -0.396326 -0.971747 0.696216 -0.292185 0.573439 0.247653 -0.147936 +0.80625 0.800385 -0.700048 0.351293 -0.926384 0.257988 0.55101 -0.815838 +0.409352 -0.0711105 -0.701948 0.925536 0.310476 -0.0162135 -0.969555 -0.790082 +-0.528257 -0.209494 -0.483273 -0.155396 0.604412 0.990433 0.519163 -0.795194 +0.769942 0.442149 0.421451 0.588982 0.969506 0.201319 0.0616305 0.94586 +-0.973679 0.215293 -0.941432 0.908672 0.136433 -0.188619 -0.379484 -0.104493 +-0.415368 -0.919933 -0.223428 0.236506 0.410394 -0.264152 -0.117417 0.243977 +0.322721 -0.305795 -0.877695 -0.289087 -0.252315 0.34939 -0.183321 0.709864 +-0.261912 -0.687879 0.565977 -0.834074 0.158382 -0.518495 0.885207 0.697517 +0.205533 -0.042898 0.8289 0.0454625 -0.0248576 0.763017 0.962756 -0.572692 +0.959316 -0.036971 -0.094245 0.323684 0.663768 -0.199927 0.351647 0.81876 +-0.826478 -0.365443 0.420705 0.962953 0.794163 0.427182 -0.611511 -0.61819 +0.475511 -0.793381 -0.723674 -0.852891 -0.889669 0.640189 0.856983 -0.290165 +0.633274 0.292767 -0.253832 0.242778 0.873079 -0.99642 0.892524 0.361816 +-0.863646 -0.913512 -0.288336 -0.756333 -0.397216 0.686055 -0.136304 -0.678875 +-0.633119 -0.744407 -0.588538 -0.00867756 -0.226401 0.0968277 0.362938 0.565491 +0.915974 -0.737677 -0.0173621 -0.384381 0.0729694 0.215846 0.904642 0.237143 +-0.185859 0.631033 -0.801478 0.997759 -0.723299 0.93095 0.773143 0.594227 +-0.289559 0.322607 0.757116 0.559505 0.949622 -0.27274 -0.792751 0.391485 +0.289462 -0.822898 0.0272 -0.445521 0.620849 -0.00287989 0.312331 -0.797289 +-0.154895 0.767109 -0.267342 -0.953723 0.543938 -0.866447 -0.0941029 -0.339166 +0.519829 -0.821429 0.75125 -0.113211 -0.617758 0.296394 0.028915 0.370434 +-0.391275 0.576168 -0.961182 0.48575 0.798456 0.0891443 0.832443 -0.964255 +0.912362 0.819835 0.900146 0.0447154 0.639345 0.702846 0.911199 0.0560238 +0.0315657 -0.358377 0.349247 0.630195 0.249739 -0.969036 0.744419 0.565511 +0.280934 0.125016 -0.580872 0.536871 0.348812 -0.88015 -0.660975 -0.999603 +-0.15396 0.313619 0.261226 -0.222399 -0.71731 -0.451114 0.311605 -0.303305 +-0.033923 -0.940143 -0.648723 -0.776813 0.381103 -0.368571 0.270384 0.0804864 +0.293465 0.729439 -0.794396 -0.165949 -0.481165 0.565788 -0.951154 -0.347625 +0.885893 -0.648988 0.676499 -0.0471971 -0.748788 -0.460324 -0.019368 -0.957997 +0.202859 -0.954417 0.33712 -0.117888 0.400289 -0.941898 0.75673 0.303229 +0.596352 0.454783 0.858148 0.771329 -0.720131 0.99016 0.994014 0.759047 +-0.592595 -0.629853 0.733491 -0.459211 -0.441861 0.0822931 -0.409895 -0.0787478 +0.184709 0.533202 -0.847097 -0.907619 0.0118464 0.936569 0.196118 0.254834 +-0.884053 -0.532799 0.910126 0.475674 0.666932 -0.628023 -0.576535 -0.469368 +0.891465 -0.793515 0.50095 0.842043 -0.462611 0.0398849 0.62048 0.596908 +0.43778 0.300052 -0.0114264 -0.323756 0.571497 -0.330773 0.805934 -0.284496 +-0.792036 -0.0501875 0.437801 0.148841 0.734703 0.30062 -0.715432 0.108541 +0.845658 -0.162659 0.154013 -0.0147165 -0.102836 -0.518214 -0.0524601 0.211388 +0.774781 0.709874 -0.68275 -0.899831 -0.562339 0.421571 0.669019 0.749238 +0.948515 0.834915 0.27058 0.269523 -0.721323 0.232853 0.123963 -0.8937 +-0.265647 -0.589781 0.14842 -0.845417 -0.698621 -0.220769 0.851933 -0.798709 +0.559397 -0.899814 -0.726456 -0.41406 -0.339211 0.557953 0.52204 0.932899 +-0.022377 0.950529 -0.667494 -0.215668 -0.938877 -0.214596 -0.809057 0.046996 +-0.408067 -0.980112 0.238443 -0.752431 -0.799308 -0.336314 0.319919 0.189053 +-0.763031 0.277874 0.120553 -0.854431 0.867596 -0.510476 -0.385128 -0.992872 +-0.0576368 0.137547 0.563772 -0.864928 -0.769947 -0.434662 -0.342907 0.620904 +-0.0160516 -0.132959 0.244994 -0.188478 -0.777315 0.992548 -0.0024895 0.979159 +-0.730022 -0.00247484 0.990202 0.312306 0.237458 -0.35138 0.137266 0.455564 +0.956368 0.310525 -0.854778 0.411043 -0.952062 0.358463 0.231315 -0.0518105 +-0.0672578 -0.207477 0.288971 0.0380662 0.690969 -0.268031 0.919081 -0.115396 +-0.704587 -0.154296 0.136428 0.954856 0.330782 0.481386 0.471715 -0.219455 +-0.203376 0.920095 0.697111 0.55034 0.383709 -0.262638 -0.817549 0.227347 +-0.463615 -0.291141 0.0250162 -0.00726496 -0.198275 0.58227 -0.211953 0.593673 +0.857279 0.841782 -0.449536 0.64487 -0.0307082 -0.0592299 0.648799 0.563618 +0.341086 -0.806764 0.890553 0.7288 0.389373 0.0534525 0.768573 -0.853393 +0.735197 -0.527257 -0.0361665 -0.0291081 0.524811 -0.753464 0.590635 0.242473 +0.758816 -0.904507 -0.294953 0.400438 0.625616 -0.542324 -0.846579 0.207886 +-0.773352 0.584384 -0.906816 0.790825 0.564684 -0.997325 0.363822 -0.0303743 +0.849792 0.34236 -0.47525 0.187017 0.809634 -0.330487 -0.0429083 -0.451028 +-0.518092 -0.772305 -0.785787 -0.0447383 0.194206 0.98632 -0.195761 -0.700767 +-0.522136 -0.931827 -0.800064 -0.154929 -0.274584 -0.987216 0.515634 -0.833795 +0.665241 -0.869177 -0.747338 -0.0971025 -0.502152 0.244928 0.811075 -0.423818 +0.630245 -0.945272 0.859781 -0.986722 0.231161 -0.615765 0.772432 0.61465 +0.884009 -0.935077 0.361179 -0.517252 0.247166 -0.107838 0.275589 0.0451575 +0.239435 -0.932808 -0.389149 -0.541961 0.612902 -0.285752 0.315727 0.632086 +0.439833 0.462677 -0.675846 0.0639894 -0.971488 -0.497908 -0.994998 -0.983985 +-0.665924 0.158148 -0.574551 -0.539711 0.329338 0.658037 -0.836134 -0.549203 +0.323902 -0.767664 0.743178 -0.20366 -0.702825 0.572041 -0.0672957 -0.820981 +0.929342 -0.232172 0.912706 0.492563 0.594423 -0.765973 -0.777843 0.222314 +-0.353925 -0.714375 -0.745331 -0.590585 0.608246 0.316576 0.25868 -0.181157 +-0.954547 -0.268678 -0.0259193 0.636473 -0.00576454 0.504652 -0.983029 -0.999909 +-0.977427 -0.439742 -0.634293 -0.443093 -0.208878 -0.917314 0.460906 0.668095 +0.404642 0.172564 -0.313897 0.0348753 0.314359 0.582387 0.587393 -0.406708 +-0.683042 -0.730176 0.28103 0.0451851 -0.536919 -0.440717 0.647332 -0.499174 +0.181887 0.957391 -0.937752 0.599208 -0.537083 -0.426277 -0.11741 -0.50889 +0.246802 -0.644743 0.906881 -0.0991696 -0.00592176 0.808702 -0.0879378 -0.136421 +-0.654269 0.913209 0.936144 0.186601 0.286651 -0.505364 -0.711188 0.216235 +0.897288 0.68245 0.773807 -0.519927 0.482965 0.963589 0.901341 -0.5257 +0.0480231 -0.66276 0.274623 -0.612045 0.546233 -0.565404 0.521747 0.0284632 +0.556798 0.111723 -0.317132 0.582086 0.743024 -0.231451 0.842579 -0.639296 +-0.17357 0.131176 0.67723 -0.844804 0.273531 0.41979 0.146505 -0.209657 +-0.621485 -0.292841 0.473998 0.0377861 -0.150556 0.27686 0.795891 0.154968 +-0.880345 -0.421512 -0.893228 -0.558276 -0.660662 0.233274 0.279943 -0.724258 +-0.00866459 -0.869644 -0.510631 -0.675563 0.874323 -0.647973 0.361705 -0.0513744 +-0.765622 -0.840489 0.349422 -0.45233 0.372522 -0.879064 -0.255937 0.883011 +0.289411 0.796227 -0.906529 0.303926 -0.720834 0.0183671 -0.244382 0.266483 +0.20845 -0.849936 0.0364291 0.769035 0.388537 0.208324 0.719498 -0.817213 +0.571492 0.296124 -0.612299 -0.268751 -0.59594 -0.612136 0.527542 -0.401115 +-0.554466 0.040609 0.27548 -0.765129 0.200401 0.0717073 0.968369 0.20067 +0.491465 -0.79106 0.011206 -0.793763 -0.246114 0.612065 -0.16963 0.0736798 +-0.496521 -0.157787 0.868321 -0.521676 -0.685509 -0.240769 -0.0398775 0.552004 +0.165768 -0.963096 -0.568903 -0.983895 0.824196 0.0279871 0.454328 0.218824 +0.740034 -0.912918 -0.887235 -0.599089 0.79243 -0.512696 0.518684 -0.00402916 +-0.327851 0.914753 0.890236 -0.656269 0.852599 -0.427016 0.365611 0.612482 +0.066393 0.255606 -0.843267 -0.643871 -0.112525 -0.464752 0.81926 0.463016 +-0.467603 0.410669 -0.423947 0.119199 -0.687074 -0.784492 0.63345 -0.286635 +0.98679 0.456341 -0.678906 0.0648139 -0.737 0.248312 0.731778 -0.409536 +0.513261 0.661747 0.565116 -0.625691 0.648478 -0.163854 0.143801 0.499486 +0.840303 -0.817532 -0.231689 0.39123 -0.903837 -0.47848 0.225207 -0.852077 +0.123674 -0.311777 0.290866 -0.0950451 -0.426041 0.86066 -0.748283 -0.632109 +-0.521492 0.0864328 -0.32038 0.840318 -0.77951 -0.606943 0.782581 0.777126 +-0.15473 -0.511288 -0.730831 0.793147 -0.586367 0.0114341 0.200563 0.879166 +0.250878 -0.199742 -0.729809 -0.487566 0.422522 0.864251 -0.0122899 -0.0645909 +0.397044 -0.205551 0.886822 -0.436877 0.369261 0.480061 0.318214 0.575161 +-0.841199 0.463341 0.281459 -0.848436 0.756315 0.572097 -0.846394 -0.746386 +-0.44147 -0.181421 -0.623874 -0.901199 -0.761866 -0.702611 0.66056 0.560011 +0.00865089 0.617429 0.60499 0.0953529 -0.0678855 -0.701857 -0.802685 -0.219635 +0.420718 -0.839643 -0.332753 -0.0244583 -0.254837 -0.157819 -0.155316 0.596616 +0.721415 -0.690868 -0.533421 0.857715 -0.526885 -0.887416 -0.554687 -0.315093 +-0.0237967 0.247744 0.0436885 0.0905536 0.697041 -0.942072 -0.73151 0.357572 +-0.0985748 0.2026 -0.533896 0.827953 -0.147183 0.18746 0.553788 -0.560407 +0.244526 -0.0242629 0.959511 -0.35888 0.827606 0.525406 0.916333 0.116075 +-0.862214 0.0870938 0.355415 0.25719 -0.912298 0.832491 0.291841 -0.209333 +-0.103273 0.299104 0.102417 -0.755506 0.395904 0.449318 -0.922041 0.343038 +-0.996375 0.539566 -0.810872 -0.457363 -0.00370834 -0.915863 -0.0582603 -0.773698 +-0.502701 0.281822 0.333183 -0.984507 0.568097 0.635937 -0.32079 -0.505801 +0.853921 -0.36294 0.152173 0.703791 0.173053 0.747136 -0.708884 -0.807983 +-0.146087 0.983002 -0.0854224 -0.899636 -0.945061 0.545917 -0.844186 -0.956619 +-0.159242 0.40135 -0.970597 0.814538 0.248151 -0.984629 0.0420052 0.150303 +0.68965 -0.0845069 -0.118973 -0.0804514 -0.342862 -0.809644 0.484086 -0.940726 +-0.591145 0.284674 0.491459 -0.0577902 -0.102593 -0.776112 -0.712163 0.795008 +-0.415303 -0.79179 -0.962326 0.959955 -0.405948 -0.173242 0.690971 0.631169 +-0.472481 -0.726465 0.330005 -0.521806 0.674279 -0.651179 -0.199559 -0.0987495 +-0.777557 -0.788969 -0.835652 -0.13577 0.506319 0.995402 -0.210915 0.143186 +0.523246 -0.71789 -0.963673 0.264485 0.989123 -0.411849 0.746188 0.0228331 +-0.783776 0.708437 -0.923628 -0.34587 0.184657 -0.955679 0.874086 0.0372084 +-0.821056 -0.172536 -0.871285 -0.812582 -0.426327 0.489858 0.505255 0.787761 +0.523894 0.509191 0.450586 -0.948326 0.336666 0.328266 0.175533 0.132165 +-0.0335831 -0.713004 -0.271654 -0.362875 -0.987953 -0.142638 0.349005 0.328507 +0.0100541 -0.799865 -0.733318 -0.792683 -0.745214 0.613791 0.753187 0.362633 +0.884437 0.500743 0.742149 0.738966 -0.666168 0.50721 -0.412618 -0.956246 +0.732696 -0.908065 0.535723 0.535157 0.351496 -0.902803 -0.683144 0.138511 +-0.132169 -0.434749 -0.72639 0.314277 -0.516514 0.61994 0.0519247 -0.308297 +0.317812 -0.37567 -0.495581 0.750164 -0.569595 -0.657367 -0.831786 0.372993 +-0.932849 0.260294 -0.989796 0.358031 0.32691 0.612817 0.666925 -0.604385 +-0.414279 -0.470107 0.846858 -0.310571 0.971106 0.667517 -0.140636 -0.287537 +0.35593 0.240565 0.773082 0.827102 0.891107 0.818325 -0.633923 -0.716162 +0.569729 0.48686 -0.573935 -0.0971379 0.242509 0.621819 0.343014 -0.889115 +-0.22017 0.67562 -0.106311 0.0444585 -0.020977 0.695225 0.00345053 0.715914 +0.674576 -0.421233 0.65987 -0.431844 0.542729 0.605938 0.858969 0.438134 +0.963366 -0.837117 0.0781909 -0.838091 -0.168628 -0.2336 0.937015 0.739941 +0.718574 0.581652 -0.858404 -0.401037 -0.00716871 -0.707419 -0.467581 -0.78914 +-0.151921 -0.94791 0.6188 0.817459 -0.709341 -0.926268 0.0723514 0.336622 +0.96258 -0.75766 0.396941 0.718143 -0.169828 0.122031 -0.0367065 0.7384 +0.263628 -0.880443 -0.124994 0.266299 -0.257957 -0.0265027 0.921781 0.844244 +0.998924 -0.233981 0.673804 0.185795 -0.399473 -0.367174 0.850937 0.784937 +-0.562042 0.346308 0.765645 -0.946488 0.623402 0.530048 -0.14034 -0.347501 +-0.999026 -0.186878 0.17968 -0.46803 0.507831 0.843023 -0.837577 0.531084 +-0.10777 -0.88443 0.280961 0.19961 0.516423 -0.0250554 -0.0374467 0.944339 +0.648775 0.43716 -0.0294552 -0.291237 0.429182 -0.014207 -0.999934 0.616593 +0.5151 -0.370435 0.925594 0.127702 0.91067 -0.950674 -0.852667 -0.451298 +0.551099 0.201026 -0.216906 0.435788 -0.0886131 0.835681 -0.452632 0.06121 +-0.762853 -0.275637 -0.0452351 -0.43197 0.348678 0.692471 -0.0250651 -0.837511 +-0.000705068 0.693438 0.329145 0.784132 -0.837982 -0.270238 0.876447 0.288744 +0.581061 0.875979 -0.22214 -0.977312 -0.286251 0.654071 -0.431568 -0.132034 +0.118309 0.37006 -0.278813 -0.166397 0.344885 -0.41479 -0.708495 -0.401663 +0.50952 0.85496 -0.42861 0.258136 0.864074 -0.705577 -0.547031 0.548996 +0.603454 -0.379478 -0.447613 -0.704614 0.294644 -0.646423 -0.662817 -0.353713 +0.629235 -0.855449 -0.501383 -0.180815 0.0642744 0.978021 -0.885866 0.667011 +-0.277067 -0.800078 0.357491 0.852214 0.214084 0.602324 0.630773 -0.934377 +0.822629 -0.42572 -0.0414185 -0.238885 -0.897346 0.952023 0.468097 0.50996 +0.187288 -0.396971 -0.909384 -0.229735 0.723638 -0.0262056 -0.663937 -0.517033 +-0.744808 -0.305843 -0.0132199 0.0133952 0.592778 -0.817288 0.785724 0.226325 +0.115543 -0.674744 -0.430768 0.475621 -0.201807 0.223091 -0.162097 -0.525051 +-0.280492 0.0154554 -0.850462 -0.793395 0.630453 -0.482961 -0.0385223 -0.377634 +-0.113907 -0.562943 -0.49774 -0.96475 -0.803074 -0.648262 0.7712 -0.263702 +-0.42579 0.264327 0.772499 0.707879 -0.663871 -0.0649428 0.845919 -0.573576 +-0.968266 -0.011629 0.618734 -0.539617 0.501684 0.156367 0.260198 0.326613 +-0.616168 0.731211 -0.346115 0.838324 0.680605 -0.582237 0.588383 -0.736307 +0.22 0.781366 0.404332 0.363306 0.280824 0.0860145 -0.844068 -0.346392 +-0.989464 0.816089 0.396796 0.13281 0.306754 0.0244165 -0.558434 -0.041283 +-0.571711 -0.561174 -0.756804 -0.761599 0.726301 -0.435965 -0.42099 0.310841 +-0.3506 -0.177054 -0.100774 0.828329 0.903417 0.444617 0.786963 -0.364767 +0.576912 -0.247691 0.940025 0.124626 -0.345186 -0.799237 0.972112 0.293386 +-0.756064 0.0174836 0.346254 0.729743 0.177827 -0.989281 -0.626815 -0.181518 +0.0113047 0.710335 -0.157297 0.8192 -0.7834 -0.972748 0.880057 0.686708 +-0.984164 -0.776617 0.224398 0.397543 0.665649 0.254794 0.802654 0.728762 +0.331912 0.983285 -0.161468 -0.634742 0.608703 -0.442285 0.636728 0.566193 +-0.141833 0.931464 -0.392285 -0.117315 -0.665514 -0.718371 -0.68684 0.134075 +0.0653097 -0.0704623 -0.254018 0.905615 0.45013 -0.657428 -0.404572 0.000768281 +-0.685062 0.280918 0.325373 -0.885701 0.336282 0.216995 0.641761 -0.608141 +-0.607014 0.749325 0.587225 -0.0221953 -0.0550681 0.646176 0.42147 0.338693 +0.635026 0.20767 0.662579 -0.0780125 -0.850308 -0.438233 0.166219 -0.623084 +0.861369 -0.456771 -0.915508 -0.469572 0.451801 0.0122024 0.0242943 0.322577 +-0.414223 0.784582 -0.433078 0.799838 -0.324865 -0.991578 -0.622669 0.178575 +0.0565888 0.135022 0.619722 0.671557 0.425162 -0.421601 -0.25108 0.821844 +-0.797878 -0.220905 0.0967337 -0.743334 -0.649678 -0.979725 0.179823 0.741467 +-0.456997 0.616709 -0.802383 0.504038 -0.273702 0.192112 -0.273834 0.586739 +-0.184189 0.347775 0.980186 -0.107538 -0.619015 -0.866729 -0.691914 -0.87061 +-0.147123 -0.123446 0.933143 -0.627955 -0.864982 0.857844 0.446014 0.636984 +0.579715 -0.664341 -0.663416 0.60679 0.961587 -0.955314 -0.46082 0.323185 +-0.763326 -0.317488 -0.0296931 -0.543851 0.196844 -0.503798 -0.326354 -0.043125 +-0.470543 -0.541783 -0.314201 -0.795537 -0.759185 0.0990609 0.911611 -0.64058 +0.0664862 0.722826 0.899792 0.741519 0.782599 0.0647453 0.457447 0.695179 +0.58767 -0.818951 -0.0449839 0.446339 0.0756951 0.0465723 0.899595 -0.645389 +-0.604101 -0.215408 0.316787 0.99631 -0.280395 0.256987 -0.791317 -0.420584 +0.00783592 0.389534 0.827462 0.736468 -0.485448 -0.206538 0.202916 -0.706972 +0.851653 -0.615325 0.958712 -0.782672 -0.727878 0.547352 -0.64593 0.118389 +0.221741 0.89213 -0.801569 0.883675 0.289008 0.426343 -0.843248 -0.956447 +-0.1651 0.121533 0.617531 -0.735839 0.547591 -0.715481 0.960951 0.313266 +0.804189 -0.616054 0.91116 0.606297 0.65658 -0.48108 0.748657 0.16065 +0.794865 0.0766061 -0.980672 0.706476 -0.816405 0.184429 -0.911435 0.537995 +0.716987 0.0314115 -0.671708 -0.400309 0.685982 0.432049 -0.806327 -0.412623 +0.745035 0.0077021 -0.43329 0.758352 0.34165 -0.0448048 -0.635356 -0.0756354 +-0.824857 -0.498955 0.236824 0.468947 -0.0306672 0.596619 -0.686569 0.458268 +-0.0301541 -0.000230301 -0.764087 -0.40606 -0.812309 0.260076 0.910427 -0.0361387 +-0.281342 0.996378 -0.174217 0.396589 0.828647 0.62871 -0.0241627 -0.901862 +-0.989947 0.279349 0.6173 0.506768 -0.598962 -0.467246 -0.479589 0.795945 +-0.568429 -0.708814 -0.305729 0.556525 0.2365 -0.12609 -0.950731 -0.849946 +-0.393335 0.110022 0.408178 -0.189781 0.153311 -0.0509175 0.13667 -0.635806 +0.515497 0.226554 -0.457446 0.963648 0.138001 0.198869 0.55655 0.275074 +0.833916 -0.907625 -0.431839 0.580657 0.844465 -0.59836 0.709453 -0.607478 +0.708596 0.323194 -0.363549 -0.152327 0.801959 0.194822 -0.796287 0.643948 +-0.438857 0.921563 0.289893 -0.00920486 0.440235 -0.935067 -0.150133 -0.0879078 +-0.439521 0.360491 0.483873 0.622308 -0.719552 0.247959 -0.174353 -0.753308 +0.823863 -0.581082 -0.724696 0.966331 0.928865 -0.207342 0.370228 0.369655 +0.0637058 -0.95021 -0.293585 -0.568655 0.812117 0.118339 -0.589146 -0.151276 +-0.479777 0.787033 -0.66087 -0.891266 0.521678 0.83649 -0.42658 -0.756782 +-0.614751 -0.23329 -0.463254 -0.982015 0.742681 -0.524214 -0.286417 -0.197657 +0.836815 0.623114 0.195545 -0.169787 0.890554 0.488276 -0.0398315 0.809048 +-0.982284 -0.872347 0.0571053 0.977138 -0.785018 -0.25923 0.196843 0.428123 +-0.398294 -0.581749 0.0954772 -0.469722 0.147785 -0.0476722 0.580913 -0.871628 +-0.616744 -0.838678 -0.359308 -0.0478123 0.823345 0.641562 0.53659 0.969992 +0.544305 -0.142675 0.378207 0.890251 -0.136662 -0.867295 0.809838 -0.159524 +0.690661 -0.208898 0.0603975 0.935953 0.520713 0.0285134 0.84775 -0.830052 +0.485369 -0.660915 0.102891 0.635658 -0.549607 -0.199088 0.116683 -0.644873 +-0.204462 0.41009 0.239874 -0.135912 -0.52821 0.741063 0.418835 0.886441 +-0.659746 -0.990784 0.526589 0.476916 -0.632939 -0.789347 -0.261617 -0.43198 +-0.812314 0.552784 -0.502973 -0.520641 -0.642169 -0.85452 0.566397 0.0104621 +-0.534805 -0.663166 -0.00239012 0.724684 0.492722 -0.509403 -0.863882 0.365751 +0.784838 -0.769144 0.271731 -0.304991 -0.18287 -0.937801 -0.202343 -0.0235132 +0.410138 -0.00510835 -0.894632 0.74949 -0.135095 -0.099285 -0.889814 -0.852642 +-0.244566 -0.982174 -0.22027 -0.445252 -0.532723 -0.23535 -0.832387 -0.516421 +-0.945681 0.187503 0.27538 -0.782043 0.334733 -0.859677 -0.192137 0.680349 +0.749007 -0.861941 0.33958 -0.772802 -0.184557 0.375975 0.317242 0.803211 +0.180729 -0.827121 -0.932489 0.212849 -0.0774885 -0.561804 0.832561 0.924228 +-0.51261 0.934506 -0.0985754 0.615137 0.0265231 0.966255 -0.905823 -0.222526 +-0.212689 -0.908656 -0.511251 0.384387 0.222447 0.44556 0.431341 0.886168 +0.81375 -0.20064 0.24307 -0.99242 -0.585578 -0.974598 0.366026 -0.463103 +-0.898744 0.0204658 0.348743 -0.461792 0.402921 0.992579 -0.972558 -0.136229 +0.58008 0.0991207 -0.689031 -0.839114 -0.968505 -0.298291 -0.487098 -0.618124 +-0.621908 -0.982348 -0.0978592 0.0026808 -0.754653 0.835372 -0.626442 0.0567296 +0.542684 -0.845997 -0.930758 -0.062581 0.709223 -0.630462 0.475657 0.4694 +0.233525 -0.639955 0.461843 -0.498573 0.135962 0.648516 -0.860887 0.593932 +0.881612 -0.484931 0.709647 0.146055 0.157837 -0.461421 0.800285 -0.904641 +0.524459 0.684703 -0.832042 -0.339311 0.0214582 -0.36108 -0.876202 -0.297081 +-0.963736 -0.225418 0.0667202 -0.141799 -0.0067285 0.416775 0.608885 -0.445757 +0.0835383 -0.783474 -0.941268 0.717977 -0.40279 -0.400818 -0.201124 -0.91622 +0.343427 0.765246 0.712287 -0.286136 0.493127 -0.659244 -0.0693339 0.830604 +-0.60618 -0.367933 -0.307954 -0.722405 -0.486379 -0.749567 0.392966 0.470268 +-0.329486 -0.892206 -0.967454 -0.0256706 -0.322041 -0.231606 -0.273662 0.467779 +0.00864375 -0.81182 -0.548585 -0.0300353 -0.0434251 0.796928 0.669132 -0.863061 +-0.0340044 0.945618 0.208824 -0.637676 -0.00122878 0.181622 -0.217756 0.919925 +-0.438567 0.894487 -0.123102 -0.0219841 0.615826 -0.209102 -0.407801 -0.565796 +0.715973 -0.0374182 -0.152052 -0.879616 -0.111176 0.487921 0.623314 -0.442354 +-0.939463 0.998591 -0.840935 -0.717716 -0.928034 0.760342 -0.460224 -0.711057 +-0.339058 0.446081 -0.529201 0.169856 -0.713303 -0.28214 0.23864 -0.64956 +-0.368286 0.342269 -0.0480571 -0.767477 -0.237158 -0.374401 -0.417466 0.103495 +0.70439 0.947576 0.88951 -0.484411 0.82739 -0.0317333 -0.374721 0.728774 +-0.164127 0.998379 3.58187e-05 -0.478777 -0.886255 -0.718046 -0.530109 -0.372583 +0.447814 0.751623 -0.844977 -0.0501045 0.328442 -0.554447 0.32604 -0.512797 +0.125453 0.948951 -0.251164 -0.0734488 -0.724174 0.382493 0.565093 -0.380303 +-0.959134 0.129028 0.905471 -0.430826 0.33407 -0.865566 -0.102439 -0.847552 +-0.671577 0.547515 -0.405553 -0.533779 0.792841 0.940761 -0.240287 -0.790082 +0.261696 -0.468283 0.636685 0.172508 -0.712444 -0.511514 0.0697376 0.323731 +0.967268 0.0701916 0.70247 0.961297 0.532989 0.209927 -0.863799 -0.988658 +-0.738586 -0.957943 -0.227758 0.439528 0.638227 -0.361157 -0.550217 -0.0740309 +-0.167978 -0.671522 -0.590948 0.788766 0.900721 -0.436472 0.701945 -0.283663 +-0.933055 0.308208 -0.48667 -0.965686 0.424975 0.916878 0.870325 0.307718 +-0.440769 -0.136783 -0.717385 0.978844 -0.978524 0.894935 -0.955621 0.0347861 +-0.402571 0.932431 -0.69001 -0.854947 -0.704255 -0.843845 0.439145 0.332507 +0.884315 0.358231 -0.0204979 -0.905149 0.311102 -0.134503 -0.504413 -0.351413 +0.93749 -0.419078 -0.606983 -0.861235 -0.528741 -0.316415 0.0760611 0.556028 +-0.481772 0.0528745 0.912388 -0.648943 -0.528738 -0.0836405 0.45518 0.134116 +0.65148 -0.0730722 -0.102746 -0.248844 -0.275548 0.245518 -0.402454 -0.434698 +-0.736554 0.94961 0.725272 0.0492115 0.755981 0.876823 -0.969465 0.806371 +-0.691828 0.047525 0.496619 0.528133 -0.411473 -0.441943 0.133401 -0.361174 +-0.533397 0.840733 0.126147 0.612444 0.284063 0.598789 0.878335 -0.0490234 +0.604006 0.818177 -0.723031 -0.113028 0.672895 0.157053 -0.367267 -0.514891 +-0.226723 0.715447 0.0342616 0.0163529 -0.7168 -0.454648 0.615421 -0.639414 +0.788543 -0.114448 -0.618044 0.931844 0.397526 -0.323861 0.766333 -0.685741 +0.672859 -0.165548 -0.0151693 -0.0820926 0.217384 -0.899237 0.90086 -0.968222 +0.309018 0.896308 -0.405664 -0.497062 0.916715 0.0237754 -0.106368 -0.861573 +-0.269966 0.102866 0.762425 0.2448 -0.432779 -0.96265 -0.627808 0.205983 +0.310784 -0.173406 0.518453 0.344953 0.0330906 0.931382 -0.240309 -0.474299 +0.982172 -0.60229 0.707335 0.920388 0.528837 -0.567362 -0.379323 0.271828 +-0.854471 0.885482 0.569127 -0.279502 -0.984145 -0.986498 0.0491782 -0.856641 +0.251908 0.345603 -0.117219 0.047237 -0.872522 0.137715 -0.76625 0.14018 +-0.397734 -0.298491 -0.12443 -0.516682 -0.565237 -0.787377 0.0348365 -0.110158 +-0.904191 -0.440638 0.267592 0.838202 0.644222 0.0461281 -0.323435 -0.181573 +-0.193219 0.123638 -0.726347 0.257066 0.622249 -0.394583 0.927198 -0.616079 +-0.881052 -0.725467 0.999209 0.0472901 -0.585616 -0.366093 -0.243887 -0.512779 +-0.929443 0.916092 -0.327464 0.494227 -0.55818 -0.772939 -0.585813 -0.0464067 +-0.980349 0.595058 0.0355612 0.423679 -0.105675 0.274351 0.658272 0.478176 +0.00210862 0.767072 -0.85446 -0.796965 0.244109 -0.269706 -0.911463 -0.355583 +0.812399 0.711786 -0.69391 0.516279 -0.715963 -0.648673 -0.226655 -0.420628 +-0.489381 0.661046 0.958852 -0.148027 -0.161704 0.324932 -0.967644 -0.249043 +-0.754152 0.627913 -0.411467 -0.441104 -0.713304 -0.654139 -0.469572 -0.393992 +-0.873313 0.0239746 0.782447 -0.743247 0.600311 0.372719 0.701501 0.610132 +0.478536 0.468219 -0.571597 0.714447 -0.16895 -0.168505 -0.870466 0.498229 +-0.559904 -0.857032 0.333161 -0.28656 -0.301776 0.486585 -0.765691 -0.913841 +0.730426 -0.225736 -0.747767 0.582975 0.499248 0.517178 0.371442 0.597353 +0.606516 0.048935 -0.556591 -0.148378 -0.752258 0.00501431 -0.0688888 -0.417933 +0.581317 -0.588115 -0.547754 -0.36809 0.514811 -0.653504 0.540169 0.0116083 +0.539994 0.0387363 -0.373906 -0.195572 0.681116 -0.537351 -0.480147 0.341481 +-0.726982 0.416172 -0.442743 0.873262 0.77925 0.866927 0.0864211 0.59553 +0.88649 0.266731 0.937636 0.868009 0.20473 0.524346 -0.438782 -0.554437 +0.426115 -0.164787 0.64804 -0.0793962 0.00412427 -0.300663 0.0455931 0.520787 +0.51715 0.98294 0.100624 -0.972808 0.0351265 -0.595614 -0.0868222 -0.00845374 +-0.108488 0.787103 -0.379717 0.0959567 -0.880038 -0.600296 0.388735 0.084587 +-0.864644 -0.667847 -0.240725 -0.253896 -0.88752 -0.772616 -0.570779 0.395807 +-0.21042 0.947049 0.475964 0.975556 -0.00100742 -0.438765 -0.293878 0.683117 +0.0379649 0.0255203 0.41284 -0.726212 0.535715 0.0914284 -0.941792 -0.134525 +0.493006 0.550706 0.179805 -0.281732 0.825291 -0.732768 -0.776553 -0.80783 +0.519644 0.505448 -0.141743 -0.00348875 0.0889648 0.714917 -0.00428693 0.164767 +0.103408 -0.717194 -0.341366 -0.515549 -0.119209 0.70495 -0.932573 -0.786965 +0.0231636 0.945253 0.104304 -0.519617 0.569347 -0.325106 -0.0486517 -0.212616 +-0.0491609 -0.15152 0.217699 0.336631 -0.517949 0.851969 0.656025 0.203582 +0.466604 0.728384 0.376079 -0.240832 -0.983118 0.914609 0.950797 0.301587 +0.798194 -0.582151 -0.841621 -0.801487 0.200817 0.0549527 -0.517497 -0.803304 +0.514074 0.135644 -0.177831 -0.862979 -0.449721 0.240401 -0.915253 0.131752 +-0.00652486 0.901605 -0.878675 -0.69349 0.90813 0.591722 -0.493227 -0.895225 +0.173175 -0.0949145 0.662523 0.993257 0.500343 -0.262429 -0.933478 -0.836239 +-0.363235 0.647656 -0.0540754 0.517371 -0.897888 -0.127308 0.76276 0.95806 +0.73717 -0.579742 -0.515394 -0.0900528 -0.422909 -0.867229 0.118616 -0.619266 +-0.789218 0.395874 -0.263162 -0.218993 -0.989462 -0.412965 -0.34815 -0.252564 +-0.167916 -0.867763 0.562551 -0.132474 -0.828412 -0.239798 -0.527397 0.525177 +-0.677053 0.60444 0.166432 -0.622612 -0.99513 -0.904785 0.469131 -0.122162 +-0.86848 0.743779 0.136043 -0.0355452 -0.858098 0.337151 -0.20756 0.754075 +0.898261 0.333916 0.578844 0.0165041 -0.482019 0.268773 -0.232733 -0.511812 +-0.310141 0.984661 -0.0355772 -0.0615404 0.261641 0.772658 -0.415472 -0.739663 +-0.931102 -0.96816 -0.456587 -0.761168 -0.181398 0.427283 -0.569672 0.325545 +0.548456 0.437026 -0.0967424 0.874929 -0.945728 0.219869 -0.28097 -0.0350449 +-0.924421 0.0953952 -0.945492 -0.741848 -0.88119 -0.788247 0.154273 0.823235 +-0.349462 -0.300058 0.516437 0.790399 0.0226538 -0.397157 -0.652717 -0.210641 +-0.0566707 -0.958777 0.944967 0.571243 0.0727161 0.954246 -0.989825 0.312317 +0.0674175 -0.199475 0.602463 0.140729 -0.523178 0.944059 -0.133752 -0.55164 +-0.858503 0.430255 -0.320692 0.274377 0.981339 -0.487528 0.65521 0.0438374 +0.633114 -0.331395 -0.1199 -0.430513 0.601308 -0.342459 -0.0434577 -0.23422 +0.0754465 0.685361 -0.405587 0.831622 0.147556 0.803707 0.751314 0.867704 +-0.798783 0.575314 -0.0780584 0.374875 -0.78028 -0.55593 -0.652663 0.0566913 +0.545555 0.333988 0.293725 -0.458525 0.725412 0.210956 0.0573337 0.659658 +-0.919578 -0.276029 -0.394873 0.0204002 -0.492932 0.356923 -0.966322 -0.217896 +0.254969 -0.724236 0.629989 0.909324 -0.492372 -0.91706 -0.988393 -0.784333 +-0.64209 -0.846022 0.747568 -0.742917 -0.467237 0.808793 -0.607423 0.783012 +-0.062119 -0.0346325 -0.981145 -0.242132 0.468866 0.177845 0.279318 -0.407476 +-0.82309 -0.475214 0.816436 0.80076 -0.828438 -0.0744201 -0.755459 -0.592288 +0.188374 -0.824065 -0.364972 0.265613 -0.0671335 0.862794 -0.559167 -0.185972 +0.956574 0.443286 0.938111 0.99978 -0.61782 0.606602 -0.710399 -0.399743 +0.373872 -0.536204 0.879088 0.830825 -0.37226 -0.62618 -0.737087 0.528716 +-0.247862 -0.08905 -0.885543 0.631119 0.999098 0.950532 -0.865904 0.301747 +-0.543677 -0.777999 -0.103366 -0.767815 0.206858 -0.327054 0.269201 0.834288 +0.584777 -0.0853758 -0.391491 -0.874293 -0.160799 -0.864734 0.420523 0.137826 +-0.104722 -0.664662 -0.188868 -0.367055 -0.602064 -0.943215 0.368623 0.130933 +0.755609 0.954666 0.538894 0.323516 0.691233 -0.427272 -0.583608 -0.143928 +-0.872202 -0.0515559 0.462139 0.544525 -0.582221 -0.119367 -0.723396 0.663627 +-0.0425203 0.780898 -0.431425 0.25698 0.421757 0.54623 -0.185291 0.06734 +-0.526959 -0.255149 -0.852612 0.00240849 -0.596438 0.487974 0.996254 -0.277034 +-0.250355 -0.542272 -0.0105174 0.965026 0.842351 0.742194 0.360429 0.392727 +-0.0712163 0.215971 -0.655292 -0.417113 -0.604008 0.505837 0.188779 0.778084 +0.72285 0.0481556 0.338723 -0.620417 -0.0949132 0.170445 -0.886654 -0.667965 +0.0722872 -0.884601 -0.398315 -0.570663 -0.717769 0.293513 0.86843 0.131688 +0.635362 -0.217584 -0.801661 -0.159571 -0.64837 0.170806 -0.0798785 0.00159534 +-0.522543 0.623366 -0.975635 0.486717 -0.697985 -0.480893 0.242301 0.907825 +-0.682965 -0.862529 -0.529999 -0.469402 -0.0689268 0.638641 -0.261971 0.162454 +0.924986 -0.838339 0.41012 -0.328706 0.0662599 0.841739 0.787578 0.621908 +0.855472 0.881251 0.036657 -0.778922 0.213021 0.511113 -0.634199 -0.989152 +0.702894 -0.237175 0.525947 -0.593405 -0.934287 0.942147 0.223931 0.175514 +0.360713 0.796448 0.00851988 0.649489 0.439841 -0.908649 -0.743818 0.980769 +-0.887181 -0.988196 0.326568 0.529733 -0.17162 -0.474393 0.779824 0.836944 +0.469429 -0.546156 0.0698695 0.699024 0.601318 0.350035 -0.394446 -0.905387 +0.960154 -0.711228 -0.778727 0.480277 -0.643098 0.129766 0.839766 -0.683655 +0.152151 0.482563 0.257712 0.12372 0.852753 -0.958938 0.57036 0.157611 +-0.0485753 0.556195 -0.229038 0.588178 -0.70367 -0.597682 0.822591 -0.521196 +0.436099 -0.126062 -0.4454 0.134319 0.0551376 0.796622 0.202384 0.890468 +0.965482 0.626513 -0.562947 -0.269078 0.39698 -0.742422 0.130553 0.929076 +0.683358 -0.97097 -0.730346 -0.68618 -0.0400286 0.235318 -0.867485 -0.346546 +0.333295 -0.445525 -0.963462 -0.533717 -0.449516 -0.601454 -0.245269 -0.299874 +-0.447599 0.153277 0.601545 -0.917766 0.631199 0.671554 -0.348887 0.971254 +-0.987207 -0.0343355 -0.264064 -0.632789 -0.645582 0.850846 -0.43561 -0.139635 +0.507676 0.745846 -0.57733 -0.116314 -0.804799 -0.871462 0.231639 -0.457229 +-0.352731 -0.483039 -0.608581 -0.240055 -0.194946 0.390388 0.0721848 0.37785 +-0.108104 -0.372327 0.56838 -0.513627 0.789168 0.587824 -0.939963 0.0481087 +-0.0373395 -0.477224 0.386216 0.981896 -0.442703 0.978169 -0.535139 0.0158854 +-0.768252 -0.79301 0.720239 -0.911349 0.897648 -0.690076 0.215503 0.499193 +0.501812 0.255198 0.1391 -0.158408 -0.153084 0.220766 0.332727 0.583619 +-0.745589 -0.953123 0.740416 -0.965433 -0.946512 -0.984059 -0.221339 0.166907 +-0.983864 0.676227 0.55923 0.0408475 -0.923848 0.768858 0.656617 -0.820871 +0.205957 -0.321971 0.997178 0.863801 -0.95386 -0.212687 -0.552148 -0.994185 +-0.751285 0.891413 -0.251897 0.219731 -0.846847 0.491592 0.437694 0.305215 +-0.49895 -0.943796 0.107967 0.858461 0.739407 0.935811 -0.872678 0.667908 +-0.662264 0.617156 0.219431 0.923692 0.968059 0.905166 0.188744 -0.21665 +0.265055 -0.160066 0.275978 -0.180617 0.838283 -0.840746 0.622687 -0.586854 +-0.563731 -0.00539522 -0.436826 -0.268258 -0.167928 -0.151694 0.836768 0.0803586 +0.678223 0.192053 0.294282 -0.792568 0.520835 -0.374463 0.73826 -0.804014 +-0.422662 0.920872 -0.74267 -0.913076 -0.482928 -0.427512 0.0909748 0.476928 +-0.395764 0.573938 -0.339744 0.0564879 0.121589 0.327182 0.76153 0.029828 +0.357279 -0.0736123 -0.216815 0.993638 0.554024 0.945262 0.9521 0.992713 +0.41563 0.835111 0.333971 0.243163 0.854872 -0.244089 0.821639 -0.601421 +-0.547932 -0.802817 0.165144 -0.918539 0.0972188 -0.296996 -0.214255 -0.767947 +0.939733 -0.107441 -0.176512 0.927349 -0.739474 0.422475 -0.970313 0.188903 +-0.963026 0.594481 -0.228628 -0.341258 -0.933545 -0.716736 -0.943601 -0.480241 +-0.976579 -0.734036 0.139383 -0.525071 0.275555 0.733044 -0.164632 0.877818 +0.469534 -0.157197 -0.340027 -0.229847 -0.907174 -0.812643 -0.377661 -0.668763 +0.160111 -0.981113 -0.454339 -0.839043 -0.272351 0.81987 0.199865 -0.449337 +0.748273 0.510208 -0.994967 0.925383 -0.24439 0.999317 -0.226718 0.471643 +-0.867453 -0.532115 0.0845664 -0.819005 0.0369521 -0.0195426 0.542037 0.15077 +-0.689657 -0.948521 0.617848 -0.52699 -0.572121 0.167283 -0.65349 -0.00733644 +-0.705351 0.432267 -0.416052 -0.255617 0.2413 -0.96528 0.741295 0.595977 +-0.746777 -0.218203 -0.882464 0.451746 0.714665 -0.281248 -0.800118 -0.54971 +-0.740157 -0.354166 -0.155435 -0.32114 0.324222 0.163949 0.918079 0.841913 +0.0871473 0.811038 0.610476 0.542277 -0.380087 -0.624198 0.176843 -0.322804 +-0.966303 -0.610082 0.351537 0.537812 -0.56573 0.896842 0.0409576 0.938087 +-0.89567 0.550195 -0.421399 -0.773171 -0.095841 0.89622 0.224035 0.425158 +-0.23045 0.0829561 -0.960155 -0.878914 -0.693009 0.843461 -0.698353 -0.125659 +0.361473 -0.514447 -0.171557 0.475797 -0.0174048 -0.528989 -0.971387 0.288903 +0.863352 -0.613576 0.402034 0.926998 -0.562214 0.791953 0.29749 0.131722 +-0.358312 -0.319234 -0.541508 -0.476338 -0.724377 -0.0146154 0.0106356 -0.161128 +0.348456 -0.460724 0.553631 0.491866 0.583169 0.914039 0.762895 0.812704 +0.646607 -0.547933 0.775984 0.306783 0.5141 -0.744085 -0.90439 -0.121258 +-0.0858139 -0.0963209 0.159597 -0.90429 0.707903 -0.75263 0.405992 0.362285 +0.0398405 0.941671 -0.886079 0.0271912 0.213453 -0.836911 0.485894 -0.555229 +-0.292586 0.667731 -0.555299 0.814736 0.342754 0.570431 0.89559 0.194648 +0.175206 -0.125579 0.156772 -0.674121 0.149871 -0.929366 -0.754064 0.0298566 +0.185215 -0.214766 0.126068 -0.917025 0.880563 0.683523 -0.805319 -0.130271 +0.223479 0.302833 -0.423818 -0.283243 -0.147496 0.674922 -0.275212 0.287667 +-0.844565 -0.649853 0.0212764 -0.119313 -0.871784 -0.202159 0.588148 0.708281 +-0.620201 -0.448051 -0.497644 0.59911 0.367225 0.178448 -0.857665 -0.885693 +0.136695 -0.223891 0.875414 0.925696 0.717649 0.0990003 0.339096 0.151777 +-0.700985 0.328839 0.0452361 0.510211 0.231076 -0.822707 0.578956 0.618465 +-0.66974 -0.504158 0.997141 -0.983956 -0.601804 0.83153 -0.251907 0.131129 +-0.23875 -0.276582 -0.763665 -0.286273 -0.578402 -0.605575 0.487201 -0.264368 +-0.279441 -0.75415 0.653356 0.313241 -0.162724 0.550417 -0.422391 -0.67508 +0.556955 0.692698 -0.559814 -0.740492 0.55263 -0.948635 0.944135 0.452505 +0.887133 -0.381995 0.565063 -0.918914 0.0693192 -0.354579 -0.201351 -0.528456 +0.488967 -0.813855 0.700582 -0.591998 0.00517579 -0.259065 0.730442 -0.162142 +-0.188417 0.54958 -0.466756 0.958246 -0.770873 -0.351427 0.256662 -0.887696 +0.940295 -0.359559 -0.383567 -0.418849 -0.0287466 -0.2082 0.912299 0.906447 +0.355532 0.219688 -0.592271 0.408647 0.963538 0.442974 0.255207 -0.54769 +0.999579 -0.647976 -0.430347 0.313431 0.956103 0.0244352 -0.21198 -0.781166 +-0.609333 0.695023 -0.00585951 -0.429169 -0.468694 0.64518 0.565546 0.786551 +0.539956 -0.76661 0.479248 -0.395474 0.989707 -0.869991 0.35182 -0.200015 +-0.610083 0.456946 -0.749989 -0.540906 -0.25171 -0.55211 0.122659 0.182224 +-0.289133 0.118245 -0.706109 0.000286182 -0.507599 0.659099 -0.352538 -0.548111 +-0.575608 0.431426 -0.435646 -0.0638061 0.573575 -0.772363 -0.543486 0.171232 +0.361416 0.79796 -0.0645699 0.121489 -0.174803 0.689077 -0.950937 -0.772784 +0.355538 0.997686 -0.324652 0.408147 0.100385 -0.83699 0.362303 0.812052 +0.57894 -0.42062 0.105521 -0.0371584 0.294148 -0.960073 -0.987327 -0.716768 +0.675003 -0.950628 0.962732 0.145438 0.0151505 0.670395 -0.702705 -0.955056 +0.368931 0.25731 0.848675 0.393233 0.365112 0.704958 -0.964903 -0.337374 +-0.0870159 -0.895422 0.530613 0.3966 0.420916 0.913206 0.92198 -0.08298 +0.525101 -0.81229 0.565656 -0.533193 -0.202546 0.475332 -0.218514 -0.88693 +-0.924348 -0.269925 0.180285 0.344104 -0.300888 -0.519645 -0.504408 0.0156576 +-0.275531 0.39835 -0.512057 -0.0724003 0.314598 -0.299159 0.524368 -0.874405 +-0.862982 -0.511945 -0.349759 0.142268 -0.123326 -0.418009 0.302254 -0.0370469 +-0.472337 -0.34847 -0.0240024 -0.320894 0.652825 -0.565138 0.952537 -0.976899 +0.162668 0.97598 0.328564 -0.641333 -0.157184 0.715958 0.139089 0.171088 +-0.715707 -0.792925 0.851959 0.0239201 0.229325 0.888776 0.242874 -0.0956594 +0.0730154 -0.22137 -0.930213 0.691392 -0.0133478 -0.183844 0.828858 0.719249 +0.710041 -0.0774391 -0.214347 -0.0990236 0.389698 0.976301 -0.893467 0.198271 +-0.755695 0.741752 -0.31524 0.812909 -0.769951 -0.288885 0.267208 -0.218886 +-0.886653 -0.633374 0.808661 0.745247 0.124286 -0.5126 -0.995492 -0.5198 +-0.692688 -0.147346 0.187424 -0.925055 -0.439214 -0.111269 -0.975173 -0.658201 +-0.831075 0.673083 -0.873982 0.888561 -0.909797 -0.477867 0.93234 -0.282008 +-0.290956 0.856362 -0.537572 0.862711 0.0502476 0.436749 0.634669 -0.055289 +-0.948314 -0.463479 -0.271359 0.83194 0.876005 -0.380152 0.564686 0.842261 +0.651726 -0.349592 -0.672053 0.811869 0.169962 -0.133927 -0.172151 0.0341328 +0.759291 0.358957 -0.58414 -0.530041 0.60161 -0.528868 -0.0799708 -0.307838 +0.671058 -0.459334 -0.689521 0.266444 -0.388679 -0.924294 -0.772005 -0.165673 +-0.642888 -0.736954 -0.424283 -0.104637 0.246528 0.137349 0.0379861 0.832927 +-0.170774 0.0669082 -0.6996 -0.579342 0.34972 -0.348279 -0.35229 -0.270538 +-0.945031 -0.524023 -0.552039 -0.114057 0.234116 0.501137 0.977221 -0.395418 +-0.409068 0.69399 0.374419 -0.0462875 -0.0465554 0.766255 0.774782 0.675965 +0.779158 -0.166837 0.821032 -0.714979 0.686341 0.539111 0.566031 0.277188 +0.538449 -0.848217 0.206875 0.862397 -0.38221 0.405983 0.282527 0.737116 +0.898407 -0.176659 0.0464721 -0.174439 -0.270702 0.100901 0.520358 -0.561523 +-0.979069 0.967672 0.792619 -0.610577 -0.974206 -0.751801 0.74998 -0.749505 +0.263804 0.723652 0.739677 -0.842901 -0.860151 -0.705391 -0.62765 -0.382012 +-0.130688 -0.30586 0.0984786 -0.262746 0.489062 -0.202678 -0.427006 0.896134 +0.516793 -0.0821588 -0.223608 -0.479332 -0.338764 -0.166683 0.511858 -0.188652 +-0.308261 0.0582935 -0.907996 0.145248 0.173322 0.894237 0.930443 0.37919 +-0.055568 -0.843438 0.895721 -0.894053 -0.602729 -0.347945 0.548196 0.767499 +-0.360557 -0.832566 0.938689 -0.968412 -0.498284 -0.0476192 -0.630211 0.169322 +-0.340761 0.225727 0.626826 0.770033 -0.589029 -0.869995 0.635105 0.140516 +-0.275869 0.150278 0.226437 -0.35612 0.307429 -0.514314 -0.102084 0.787112 +-0.56936 0.715269 0.483321 -0.677539 0.718327 -0.996698 0.288105 -0.329191 +0.0826611 -0.905288 0.948848 0.561249 0.103266 0.4488 -0.35026 -0.197099 +-0.880391 0.224373 0.950568 -0.3324 0.396463 0.578104 -0.967929 0.271137 +0.993101 -0.461551 -0.621999 0.619373 0.783432 0.365015 -0.34766 -0.600584 +0.00402216 0.290309 -0.904297 0.656952 0.191966 0.370522 0.332878 -0.24234 +0.214094 0.438921 -0.78707 0.688227 0.90262 0.885032 -0.451939 -0.305912 +-0.777585 -0.708842 -0.858883 -0.251773 0.374764 0.595089 0.312957 0.775746 +-0.740073 -0.108861 0.455241 0.86918 0.569907 -0.962557 -0.25648 0.804496 +-0.912671 0.499386 -0.95459 0.381183 -0.848648 0.988888 0.707242 0.510946 +-0.0352051 -0.0379785 0.4072 -0.0128833 0.807337 0.425928 0.570978 -0.910252 +0.626974 0.482988 -0.410612 0.175324 0.130045 -0.64675 0.20158 0.252041 +0.093055 -0.381027 0.343075 0.32612 -0.0966218 -0.24313 -0.0175112 -0.152642 +0.848891 0.0384485 -0.0553651 0.589269 -0.78618 -0.126579 -0.719034 0.482478 +-0.729124 0.43077 -0.00256574 0.33618 0.517282 0.329004 -0.295313 0.785522 +0.858593 0.167835 0.483022 0.119475 -0.515303 0.565839 -0.0836063 -0.654593 +-0.730218 0.591172 -0.898234 0.986936 0.836221 -0.975197 -0.810416 -0.76165 +0.695011 -0.868217 0.470301 -0.99774 0.692654 -0.0821989 -0.0844141 -0.423707 +0.400773 -0.0689255 0.0364469 0.876054 0.0382845 0.0188337 -0.350705 -0.151997 +-0.720572 0.586418 -0.199424 0.926402 0.615271 0.111343 0.427535 -0.369212 +-0.53713 -0.27109 -0.856338 0.554745 0.123548 0.522981 0.628222 -0.299325 +0.953218 -0.683508 0.684732 0.871014 -0.164698 -0.639858 -0.329335 0.517082 +0.0442618 -0.516209 0.15372 0.669799 0.506915 -0.571725 0.554727 -0.544378 +0.436668 0.928487 0.347232 -0.43956 -0.685853 -0.355098 0.574867 0.577127 +0.403338 0.200018 0.121288 0.0687721 0.395435 0.20708 0.929302 0.133507 +-0.0135593 -0.0567897 0.716383 -0.829264 -0.447934 0.797416 0.113515 0.57257 +-0.469182 -0.69959 -0.886091 -0.48694 -0.328326 0.63613 0.72095 -0.105447 +-0.347547 0.834653 0.326223 -0.232592 0.442301 -0.584429 -0.161556 0.221195 +-0.817152 -0.648083 -0.6338 -0.617803 0.877637 -0.309426 0.986573 -0.761129 +0.0437569 -0.917417 -0.901463 0.187357 0.262695 0.0747365 -0.75528 0.998739 +-0.707196 -0.956231 -0.0671567 0.533672 -0.756212 -0.024034 0.130722 -0.219808 +-0.135062 0.522076 -0.63458 -0.357056 0.770788 -0.60991 -0.279767 -0.308377 +0.559967 -0.91155 -0.649344 -0.202197 0.0450569 0.0936384 0.960643 0.862273 +0.321983 -0.58597 0.817368 -0.983835 -0.369924 -0.712908 -0.806488 -0.481701 +0.185647 -0.00648949 0.966832 0.442513 0.850818 0.018954 0.710457 -0.277024 +-0.972975 0.0417475 -0.652856 -0.418745 0.791432 -0.260435 0.755233 0.586012 +0.982456 -0.0963127 0.297784 0.437391 0.0971326 -0.654282 -0.813028 -0.845197 +-0.923037 -0.141157 -0.419079 -0.135268 0.340604 0.906165 0.440158 0.465527 +0.145523 0.263577 0.71804 -0.89 -0.45117 0.899872 0.53504 -0.94317 +0.524796 0.768644 -0.802586 -0.0936898 -0.749671 -0.0920919 0.749551 -0.626382 +-0.80644 -0.891784 0.31891 -0.120768 0.16823 -0.516945 -0.345036 -0.568261 +0.793169 -0.978639 0.27872 -0.959108 -0.338635 -0.117787 0.152006 -0.855402 +-0.870878 -0.474037 -0.901367 -0.212822 0.443774 0.341581 -0.249137 0.542928 +0.0741436 0.130848 0.354614 -0.265943 -0.668795 0.483405 0.685919 -0.383351 +0.878892 -0.131983 0.560014 -0.424243 0.116246 0.331165 0.533075 0.0968753 +-0.403953 0.380238 -0.242981 0.222949 0.712495 -0.216949 0.932865 -0.0829776 +-0.69437 0.174616 0.783624 -0.576855 0.0601987 -0.0695508 -0.545245 -0.441067 +0.102256 0.980114 0.118383 0.556969 0.344759 -0.240915 0.154121 -0.140074 +-0.799409 -0.444041 0.964764 -0.844537 -0.658997 0.636795 -0.362719 -0.0759832 +-0.0020397 -0.390442 -0.807246 -0.426076 -0.786194 0.712275 -0.016741 -0.435245 +-0.022729 0.975231 -0.591688 0.814654 -0.565707 -0.335615 -0.803594 -0.897355 +0.659914 -0.433625 -0.0638004 -0.799626 0.844321 0.174313 0.484576 -0.518126 +0.0825412 0.995173 -0.030989 -0.577059 0.113051 0.53154 -0.837545 -0.869107 +-0.985299 0.251115 0.392605 -0.0264367 0.411883 0.861677 0.440783 -0.700776 +0.657025 0.228187 0.483658 0.0184127 0.510077 0.640849 -0.429233 0.645621 +-0.212764 0.979465 -0.0700215 0.852905 0.745117 -0.740672 0.592321 0.476026 +-0.0570856 -0.206335 -0.567143 0.251576 0.973209 -0.0473433 -0.550067 0.153031 +0.361088 0.423245 -0.958558 0.243484 0.746056 -0.695582 0.312399 -0.823769 +0.74667 -0.839898 0.870564 -0.55274 0.240814 0.220124 -0.909308 -0.315429 +0.332682 -0.374113 -0.888994 -0.699781 -0.519364 -0.68096 0.0941501 0.500746 +-0.478334 0.642977 0.578055 -0.402882 0.287253 0.26079 -0.545313 -0.790074 +0.279175 0.79182 -0.0225746 0.105242 -0.0304137 -0.668448 0.331735 -0.55909 +-0.0788047 -0.381013 0.292915 0.553269 0.168335 0.213994 -0.51418 -0.391753 +0.265128 0.840426 -0.822027 0.560019 -0.397816 0.177753 -0.0649444 -0.75469 +-0.837923 0.475437 -0.775741 0.111428 0.713371 0.927307 0.824662 0.630516 +-0.554579 -0.34954 0.281128 0.571655 -0.400387 0.541733 -0.439061 0.237519 +-0.737327 0.315332 -0.467477 -0.682537 0.370516 0.319608 0.27339 0.36382 +-0.185508 0.33086 0.676371 -0.701803 -0.254673 -0.900504 -0.50075 0.551068 +0.972067 0.507886 -0.650132 -0.135926 0.306056 -0.256413 0.922394 -0.156155 +0.395757 -0.527971 0.159301 -0.263157 0.587493 -0.478528 -0.621343 -0.289296 +-0.855766 0.494758 -0.146443 0.666901 0.399917 0.204614 -0.929095 0.276574 +0.106647 0.129908 0.801299 -0.469317 0.912648 0.813049 0.709985 0.0299976 +-0.447052 -0.294152 -0.984121 0.826067 -0.758664 0.859195 -0.887033 -0.126497 +-0.525572 0.297714 -0.467697 -0.996458 -0.156444 -0.780756 0.684544 -0.849622 +0.338088 0.0297275 0.176656 -0.107333 0.66221 0.470726 0.425236 0.712842 +0.265663 -0.679335 0.928894 -0.514168 -0.652477 -0.60961 -0.581951 0.475835 +-0.682929 0.850813 -0.828784 0.92308 -0.731889 0.410259 0.900516 -0.224582 +-0.985953 0.171351 -0.259284 -0.358424 -0.427112 0.171932 0.0957721 -0.918852 +0.649038 -0.181069 0.847588 -0.0878832 -0.660489 -0.190686 0.291881 -0.371576 +0.386358 -0.526922 0.0181347 0.132002 0.799416 -0.0414992 0.346399 0.987424 +0.0904239 0.919841 0.472689 -0.299126 -0.30447 0.839527 -0.186602 -0.0457745 +-0.314095 -0.0583921 -0.174376 -0.458928 0.89156 0.318632 0.776904 0.598496 +-0.502987 0.248515 0.776473 0.685687 0.187229 -0.331967 -0.740824 0.192051 +0.453311 0.456026 -0.197498 -0.0530535 -0.811066 0.215611 0.05142 0.827801 +0.668463 -0.816578 -0.630663 -0.947085 -0.560805 -0.55766 0.582363 -0.176172 +-0.571445 -0.931439 -0.00676455 0.994012 0.514398 -0.066941 0.13035 0.614353 +0.499379 -0.203294 0.872702 0.329388 0.347085 -0.684774 0.186549 -0.741651 +-0.496264 0.169345 -0.0523917 0.00680297 0.321116 -0.0408015 0.827076 0.405007 +-0.742955 -0.496809 -0.655286 0.608952 0.941601 -0.400993 0.436962 -0.859172 +-0.343765 0.42654 -0.878849 0.887708 0.136542 0.333953 0.278177 -0.883513 +0.334913 0.549629 0.260482 0.214592 -0.812072 0.806985 -0.672151 0.223634 +0.350486 0.700689 0.264024 -0.0858438 -0.736967 0.910123 -0.0365574 -0.721711 +-0.758495 -0.71386 0.269364 0.654538 -0.127509 0.490754 0.505888 -0.227744 +-0.410972 0.825348 0.556706 0.93449 -0.315437 0.046301 -0.355252 -0.499265 +-0.198761 0.693901 0.0809512 0.598022 0.216152 -0.0557807 0.633541 -0.920389 +-0.105208 0.820162 -0.841928 0.197307 0.775155 0.479185 -0.0129137 -0.920868 +-0.00289153 -0.848301 0.497239 -0.116999 -0.778492 -0.449622 -0.307548 0.707701 +0.643452 0.805278 -0.868296 -0.663651 0.964767 -0.598762 -0.95075 0.814099 +0.702587 0.022535 -0.382656 0.605942 -0.69756 0.38932 -0.194961 -0.371336 +0.725439 -0.73543 0.35924 0.221953 0.502839 0.170354 0.0902493 0.89545 +0.272991 -0.23815 -0.368274 -0.527361 -0.204286 0.144316 -0.55093 0.673088 +-0.221703 -0.277757 0.760379 0.261115 0.122372 -0.785284 -0.302733 0.707354 +-0.83038 0.631834 -0.848415 0.814266 -0.943272 -0.189483 -0.0581163 0.34286 +-0.744309 -0.560878 -0.157826 0.253617 -0.500915 -0.0487691 -0.349202 -0.270705 +-0.360954 -0.664127 0.859286 -0.280102 0.654414 -0.51319 -0.108095 -0.576189 +0.862022 -0.302638 -0.285045 -0.571026 -0.276549 -0.122277 -0.0148892 0.0524154 +-0.781367 -0.0358786 -0.862979 0.796873 0.718916 0.624263 0.492487 -0.412841 +-0.674732 0.44741 0.12108 0.165215 0.308106 0.877464 0.350762 -0.137168 +0.944773 -0.525673 0.539535 0.805693 -0.590677 -0.473832 -0.86767 0.230023 +-0.704677 -0.951173 0.238569 0.247775 -0.738827 -0.339384 -0.993212 -0.114532 +-0.903368 -0.0239983 -0.321369 -0.0601956 -0.808445 0.158124 0.624174 0.421578 +-0.849332 0.27961 -0.472397 -0.994164 -0.765143 -0.987517 -0.349657 -0.401462 +-0.640832 0.244533 -0.27625 0.841018 0.950529 0.621075 0.918131 -0.225662 +0.745814 -0.428672 0.646151 0.0741225 -0.0211338 0.464879 -0.851963 -0.916987 +-0.101954 -0.276708 -0.0872924 -0.49987 0.755351 -0.846396 0.710409 0.334835 +0.24353 -0.213543 -0.857267 0.322163 0.826677 0.459816 -0.569691 0.343797 +-0.498103 -0.0150314 -0.0622409 0.0777802 0.739183 -0.0612893 0.90107 0.211244 +0.783052 -0.32894 -0.61945 0.532135 0.282544 -0.993743 -0.118648 0.971226 +-0.0875874 -0.0864152 0.471729 -0.366368 -0.71376 -0.384434 -0.686004 0.868823 +-0.821418 0.670089 -0.0223627 -0.242403 -0.85078 -0.168284 0.158154 0.652704 +0.519088 -0.176841 -0.778506 0.170754 0.293266 -0.732885 -0.199528 -0.880297 +0.954958 -0.207707 -0.95033 -0.29616 0.381677 -0.835554 0.500021 0.272155 +-0.341774 0.503913 0.328025 0.530894 -0.426435 0.997955 -0.00143635 -0.236397 +0.675025 -0.705682 -0.117268 -0.59063 -0.261205 -0.909041 0.835805 -0.180595 +0.194336 0.217548 -0.0826236 0.322955 0.787922 0.635806 -0.601225 0.849099 +-0.883491 -0.532006 0.819639 0.00105429 0.921199 0.736782 -0.00753231 -0.0718162 +0.637852 -0.892649 0.827382 -0.336917 0.633483 -0.330272 -0.560808 -0.552755 +0.419203 -0.24472 -0.788399 0.827093 0.174324 -0.881508 0.288636 -0.167812 +-0.631573 -0.919389 -0.316457 -0.123103 0.191612 0.679214 -0.650922 -0.0655893 +-0.754231 -0.307079 0.286307 -0.707389 -0.555264 -0.532295 -0.979045 0.174008 +0.0956924 -0.376153 0.215392 0.931178 0.471885 0.350595 0.0816649 0.559682 +0.995234 -0.17001 -0.225094 -0.0199892 -0.476462 -0.620546 0.670361 -0.734298 +0.0618002 0.511107 0.126024 -0.911874 -0.515122 0.199259 -0.153888 -0.14643 +0.55341 0.814418 -0.401288 0.0908439 -0.411111 -0.159649 -0.094307 -0.901488 +0.268385 -0.42747 0.769464 0.743663 0.991108 -0.12387 0.382316 0.100802 +-0.997442 0.38077 -0.821689 0.210547 -0.818763 -0.969185 -0.995689 0.098865 +-0.941008 0.0415596 0.209826 -0.562129 0.737192 0.801041 -0.233382 -0.832159 +-0.756248 -0.713343 -0.845329 0.45093 0.980933 0.182862 -0.542358 -0.286078 +-0.0376019 0.958241 -0.304717 0.746084 0.433264 0.442267 0.404 0.54026 +-0.0714448 -0.714976 -0.96135 -0.222457 0.694713 0.740249 0.196941 -0.677119 +0.0420683 0.252027 -0.162027 -0.651752 0.0830012 0.664514 -0.73259 0.71592 +-0.820265 0.360586 -0.734685 0.140403 -0.956773 -0.189421 0.939188 0.210828 +-0.58817 -0.0206047 0.971823 -0.634373 -0.623086 -0.539548 0.606546 0.944775 +-0.981771 -0.846209 0.0250994 -0.294033 0.913781 0.234707 0.943602 -0.823085 +0.71755 0.25391 -0.265289 -0.186836 -0.0160964 0.733051 0.0945265 0.0544957 +-0.189257 0.291791 0.213208 0.276115 0.526883 -0.497135 -0.23261 0.357334 +-0.834497 -0.516587 -0.701262 0.758542 0.604283 -0.898403 0.483098 -0.725842 +0.286748 0.923059 -0.878815 -0.566687 0.109317 -0.454299 0.993513 -0.613102 +0.0633329 0.335537 -0.488599 0.458213 -0.876552 -0.594897 -0.805268 -0.113543 +-0.806828 0.252615 0.939087 0.9549 -0.468198 0.339006 -0.27214 -0.73677 +0.377358 0.7833 0.00540191 0.500714 -0.32138 0.0955231 0.911839 -0.86314 +-0.52298 -0.419656 0.48054 -0.568488 0.84489 0.700685 -0.935709 -0.649709 +0.779817 0.0622625 -0.70091 -0.299574 0.714823 -0.319211 0.0138431 0.534249 +-0.0930375 -0.928566 -0.501586 0.88442 -0.313336 0.0877296 -0.388998 -0.656063 +0.918037 0.965761 -0.526943 0.72899 -0.187046 0.569136 0.641175 -0.881373 +-0.868506 0.708643 -0.845511 0.0423333 -0.653447 0.104797 -0.971814 -0.0592641 +0.113582 0.0982362 0.296222 0.844357 0.618947 -0.76513 -0.357092 -0.226115 +-0.892713 -0.107977 0.780329 -0.117651 0.70063 0.113163 -0.881551 0.124592 +0.679055 -0.253271 -0.389185 0.273218 -0.168828 0.984187 -0.53537 -0.366435 +0.178635 0.0965333 -0.809133 -0.646821 0.598732 -0.690665 -0.12513 0.00995571 +0.596674 -0.0551118 -0.849999 -0.202192 0.720032 0.71466 0.433842 0.330282 +-0.360911 -0.0179244 0.617987 0.206179 0.439985 0.941844 0.260142 0.958835 +-0.130109 -0.608319 -0.407372 0.258944 -0.546059 -0.149142 -0.414605 -0.930047 +0.246275 -0.307401 0.885364 0.931141 0.850374 -0.507991 0.993946 0.860865 +-0.00735639 -0.376057 -0.141489 -0.0791886 -0.94232 0.262036 -0.332814 0.864286 +-0.623501 -0.108497 -0.915583 -0.197976 -0.0446641 -0.98592 0.0157384 -0.285527 +0.0800298 -0.211889 0.183531 -0.0259725 -0.140507 0.331835 -0.441566 -0.0824537 +0.349123 0.101694 0.648666 0.423303 0.0503596 -0.634703 -0.758321 0.878317 +0.968075 -0.888882 -0.885247 0.239309 -0.430522 -0.557886 0.981217 -0.861691 +-0.25365 -0.251681 0.41785 0.255933 0.790183 -0.082351 -0.145108 -0.714586 +0.325073 0.906998 -0.146159 -0.832511 0.191264 -0.742264 0.342077 -0.0963672 +0.475946 0.68986 0.0607583 -0.617167 -0.866828 -0.35384 0.658142 0.6789 +0.998507 -0.322951 0.907556 -0.574775 0.905785 -0.941915 -0.971645 -0.716665 +-0.669851 0.267652 0.273679 -0.0975457 0.235855 0.946079 0.683143 -0.732098 +0.48798 0.528768 0.166133 -0.59308 -0.569879 -0.573397 0.260883 0.32438 +-0.511057 -0.640244 -0.492433 -0.573725 -0.0806553 0.124341 -0.277098 -0.638164 +-0.747998 -0.484261 -0.849188 0.115952 0.180504 -0.667777 -0.969912 0.0727628 +0.963349 0.761828 -0.745403 -0.43181 -0.487012 0.827165 -0.646577 -0.160079 +-0.764275 0.907474 0.329591 0.159052 0.290096 0.163844 -0.327156 0.387687 +0.615459 0.56839 0.487407 0.917093 0.0743702 -0.484865 0.461471 0.917078 +-0.708641 0.835115 -0.372658 0.254261 -0.423061 0.268536 0.485171 -0.664508 +-0.660714 0.978831 0.241741 -0.737719 -0.0879775 -0.0736933 0.328497 0.62788 +0.365053 0.219433 -0.973205 -0.354778 -0.325695 0.831896 0.639059 -0.630742 +0.784274 -0.6332 -0.133621 -0.568539 0.423926 0.530975 0.772903 0.969602 +0.689438 -0.272964 0.691828 -0.127472 0.157738 0.113051 -0.589811 -0.750684 +0.381831 -0.0884335 0.0316414 -0.230055 -0.0134921 -0.284282 0.59055 0.749157 +0.403634 0.829692 0.245198 0.247367 0.887491 -0.314775 -0.00336517 0.915281 +0.407755 -0.141263 0.0458666 0.710067 0.413619 -0.754431 0.411961 -0.326802 +0.501326 -0.222584 0.20897 0.731039 -0.225906 -0.81537 -0.225643 -0.624335 +-0.331887 0.360021 0.629249 0.011293 0.294649 0.993715 0.913614 0.512187 +-0.966964 0.413302 -0.228988 0.600816 0.949428 0.491869 -0.135294 -0.61582 +-0.743862 -0.671765 0.630707 0.465107 0.898169 -0.693695 0.777233 -0.095741 +-0.603113 0.402744 -0.806204 0.347373 0.310882 -0.43267 -0.26291 -0.542884 +-0.247632 0.294954 0.781344 -0.356017 -0.900273 -0.382095 -0.562438 0.941904 +0.0925794 -0.160435 0.378564 -0.893988 -0.965652 -0.222735 0.000143474 0.226441 +-0.611725 0.338148 -0.239605 0.609967 -0.259542 -0.454734 -0.639997 0.346785 +-0.710872 0.728833 0.27258 0.950759 -0.797826 -0.301731 -0.101216 0.425688 +0.374105 0.587368 0.659061 0.353339 -0.499129 -0.97268 0.25812 -0.210001 +0.364602 0.345639 -0.229452 -0.515252 -0.0821484 -0.349889 0.391311 0.880473 +-0.392072 0.27623 -0.0272775 0.681752 -0.313177 0.335266 -0.141426 -0.102619 +0.290725 -0.989626 0.071846 -0.233169 0.569509 -0.739351 -0.389236 -0.671164 +-0.846608 0.266524 0.966217 0.151338 -0.895552 -0.437395 -0.700916 0.224747 +0.868884 -0.113134 -0.0122065 -0.117899 0.423913 0.232129 -0.351079 0.470261 +0.283962 -0.17001 0.0315349 0.256011 -0.639937 -0.37519 0.305536 0.614595 +0.199122 -0.216066 0.00690402 0.900753 -0.439018 -0.368711 0.624255 0.1382 +-0.0846128 0.0448389 -0.792859 -0.683196 -0.111982 0.4918 -0.773415 -0.637275 +-0.69179 0.922291 0.514366 -0.359919 0.919197 -0.212761 -0.0490307 0.159089 +-0.592126 0.913464 0.373748 0.686366 -0.0837567 0.582358 0.542379 -0.710981 +0.776816 -0.0300756 0.593407 0.385193 -0.18663 -0.101923 -0.448378 0.79683 +0.876291 0.682979 0.00792547 0.590353 0.0662863 0.827135 0.36273 0.703052 +0.619674 -0.738234 0.117859 0.897781 -0.763085 -0.59241 -0.300285 0.763047 +0.151579 0.447337 0.13128 -0.542545 -0.548617 -0.968609 -0.345168 -0.261123 +-0.412593 0.649262 -0.0421784 -0.970225 0.274411 -0.692277 0.692538 0.718578 +0.323079 0.506911 0.97922 0.658567 -0.37656 0.274636 -0.327808 -0.163211 +-0.198701 0.898417 -0.686527 -0.455088 0.294022 -0.627006 -0.36186 -0.913923 +0.424909 -0.0379385 -0.965039 -0.977996 -0.0997874 0.328052 -0.014271 0.736479 +0.787764 0.777855 -0.477795 0.749913 0.740409 0.194397 -0.514953 -0.0555138 +0.555525 0.927322 0.194017 -0.622111 0.399491 0.846684 -0.602196 -0.51277 +0.114974 0.128285 -0.391519 0.684282 0.656746 -0.072509 0.86117 0.191379 +-0.141111 0.417114 0.427917 -0.0169738 0.581725 -0.173114 0.205534 0.831369 +-0.667783 0.920361 -0.164443 -0.699943 0.328983 0.178066 0.324884 0.483594 +0.290897 0.590753 0.800007 -0.406528 0.0108895 -0.481459 0.762413 -0.87964 +-0.0374459 0.455109 0.583535 -0.407589 -0.641308 0.743001 -0.0543311 0.931398 +0.105705 -0.808965 0.622163 0.119456 -0.0576327 0.86564 -0.485867 0.536879 +-0.853874 0.378509 0.543008 -0.199228 -0.214181 -0.837815 -0.321409 -0.353931 +-0.722147 -0.252559 0.152847 -0.275855 -0.811723 -0.416028 -0.459245 -0.793537 +0.193833 0.423986 -0.281668 -0.529538 -0.414685 0.195773 0.530865 0.663184 +-0.658142 0.916743 0.103524 0.893851 0.248385 -0.863959 -0.493926 0.600878 +0.652699 0.372216 0.90989 -0.859484 0.459355 -0.664908 -0.943507 -0.264866 +0.267349 0.263592 0.942405 -0.160659 -0.690987 -0.137588 -0.126636 -0.763782 +0.420644 0.414345 0.270858 -0.751345 0.522227 0.75386 0.24366 0.713402 +0.920577 -0.37329 -0.673177 0.519007 -0.0448376 -0.801103 -0.132771 0.87576 +0.572886 0.965373 0.720584 0.0116552 0.157656 0.567011 0.0979474 0.858477 +-0.191483 0.0111142 -0.0405819 0.439271 -0.00114045 0.138384 0.952113 0.238512 +-0.878561 0.766138 -0.829573 -0.813322 0.69347 -0.384524 0.0914315 0.470025 +0.615343 -0.770406 -0.0247067 0.602883 -0.608007 0.42336 0.501264 -0.714984 +-0.890308 0.412663 0.482641 0.217433 -0.593223 0.0251279 -0.830907 -0.538826 +0.284212 -0.740456 -0.250777 0.610698 -0.43747 -0.931171 0.726396 0.511639 +-0.975656 0.393448 -0.900851 -0.685102 0.952177 -0.523442 -0.115032 -0.583663 +0.743824 -0.520495 -0.680266 0.807349 0.83317 0.114616 -0.513738 -0.73344 +0.229743 0.930853 -0.689057 0.94333 0.378999 0.404477 -0.678043 -0.515842 +-0.200405 0.333877 -0.20619 -0.110618 -0.27048 0.971163 -0.0294844 0.241777 +0.711951 -0.664789 -0.668293 0.561827 -0.868251 -0.296878 0.606881 -0.998199 +-0.792886 0.066126 0.941762 0.205742 0.343292 -0.43991 0.159765 0.302223 +0.123834 -0.246352 0.688239 -0.800765 -0.632175 0.753347 -0.263937 0.245751 +-0.85339 -0.543006 -0.813026 -0.213682 -0.299409 0.880484 -0.0594784 -0.115971 +0.0247822 -0.986925 0.532953 0.910922 -0.445822 0.0334869 0.920333 0.882088 +0.42718 0.658115 0.369245 0.895163 -0.824924 0.175481 0.472521 0.0824934 +0.379481 0.345051 0.849693 0.504958 -0.189682 -0.943164 -0.703458 0.444428 +0.861471 0.244628 -0.243541 -0.792561 0.245301 -0.295087 -0.0212582 -0.378426 +0.979916 0.414535 0.659639 -0.387006 -0.417387 0.478365 -0.332829 0.777529 +0.616686 -0.37674 0.121101 -0.108845 -0.950854 -0.836815 -0.395289 0.65502 +0.991669 -0.274754 -0.136351 -0.728001 -0.876925 -0.37137 0.175147 0.723281 +0.832188 0.924674 -0.596478 -0.869862 0.881561 0.741873 0.651392 0.51925 +-0.427572 0.00906724 -0.558908 -0.589578 -0.338921 0.830095 0.26632 -0.740495 +-0.446695 -0.0702259 0.997073 -0.701311 0.899308 -0.129431 -0.567768 0.941529 +-0.790527 -0.672531 0.392716 -0.203615 0.850462 0.299535 -0.0747023 0.418255 +-0.59688 0.0231533 -0.0109927 -0.240299 -0.222859 -0.547847 0.478953 -0.604809 +0.239525 -0.867907 0.398413 0.367716 0.275771 -0.885413 -0.393816 0.143464 +0.930022 -0.675525 -0.0909771 0.0710653 0.0960455 -0.0694187 -0.052106 -0.591057 +-0.0231766 -0.864838 0.6411 0.344139 -0.201789 -0.262545 -0.557 -0.345325 +0.59342 0.152716 0.434344 0.89218 0.0986881 -0.780129 -0.868729 0.625606 +0.00818566 -0.488817 0.741293 0.42078 -0.263251 -0.840337 0.500478 0.142849 +0.660305 -0.480487 0.25653 0.165858 0.547334 0.211187 0.169976 -0.708666 +-0.272326 -0.863905 -0.978446 -0.0991408 -0.369753 -0.438594 0.823899 0.309049 +-0.0849499 -0.837982 0.539864 0.643419 0.0885973 -0.486783 -0.978469 -0.0165461 +0.317965 0.782542 0.0914338 0.31265 -0.129641 0.688271 -0.86896 0.731073 +-0.66639 0.95396 -0.25294 -0.661787 -0.119636 0.0576572 0.51083 0.823934 +-0.0862847 -0.831097 0.622062 0.480839 -0.837853 0.0321093 -0.203866 -0.459344 +-0.515805 -0.922669 -0.835204 0.444568 -0.0733216 0.794002 -0.323481 -0.0936258 +0.133534 -0.166693 -0.190366 -0.678033 -0.468401 -0.531849 0.564241 -0.122906 +0.881661 0.044731 -0.478211 -0.380869 0.890735 -0.860411 -0.794993 -0.194394 +0.0201941 0.732144 0.553071 0.766648 0.523756 0.952517 -0.0856112 0.143381 +0.198553 -0.0327278 -0.945738 -0.756521 0.331658 0.0809548 -0.89392 -0.885436 +0.647726 -0.516117 0.553898 -0.271229 -0.407122 0.199254 -0.509396 -0.33208 +-0.899161 -0.0597467 -0.74211 0.91456 -0.551628 0.525144 -0.374348 -0.978749 +0.964722 0.0358027 0.187102 0.0683323 -0.937071 -0.705447 -0.804941 -0.50421 +-0.151172 -0.337901 -0.96729 -0.915654 -0.465939 0.256953 -0.290618 -0.225787 +0.152924 -0.820449 -0.064029 -0.270565 0.972987 -0.346386 0.780181 0.517794 +-0.45025 0.613471 0.608074 0.891807 0.250031 0.525261 0.945701 -0.803949 +0.458817 -0.133452 0.499495 -0.693867 -0.122164 -0.121782 0.756054 0.59001 +0.729794 0.12912 0.579871 0.808181 -0.937923 0.752947 -0.888688 -0.0572164 +-0.0213048 0.234291 0.0756045 0.146937 -0.806819 0.376335 -0.927768 0.51411 +-0.442081 -0.491403 -0.756449 0.633985 0.353856 -0.211605 0.46728 0.684738 +-0.587787 -0.648858 0.867078 0.727426 -0.380667 -0.171875 -0.793082 -0.719459 +-0.379344 -0.0453489 0.300836 0.00645384 0.921641 0.0624578 0.279266 -0.817832 +-0.93532 0.3827 0.999977 -0.455193 0.180612 0.674355 0.785228 -0.880989 +0.276895 -0.0498514 -0.743932 -0.94604 0.0460987 0.556896 0.580312 0.476311 +-0.815368 -0.757894 0.00689569 0.26726 -0.825702 -0.40052 0.986792 0.679104 +0.0618043 0.122066 0.988848 0.128116 -0.0267133 -0.974641 0.877536 0.119517 +-0.623966 -0.782174 -0.220243 0.00570844 0.123463 0.473008 -0.721568 0.573985 +0.629938 -0.191704 0.044033 0.189455 -0.319255 -0.399956 0.903219 0.784092 +0.971801 0.41164 -0.128211 -0.885582 -0.23368 0.55743 0.759247 0.960679 +-0.709077 0.867762 0.65299 -0.928537 0.377655 0.912603 0.975816 0.161785 +-0.357524 -0.548823 0.938905 0.203863 0.34696 0.670413 -0.19962 -0.789242 +-0.702756 -0.153727 -0.821328 0.0472297 0.378057 0.248361 -0.277278 -0.913699 +0.541585 -0.172727 0.764302 -0.861468 0.20947 0.812251 -0.728814 0.257396 +0.682423 -0.192835 -0.167988 -0.833954 0.706607 -0.0935099 -0.98626 0.951032 +0.549769 0.872987 -0.793829 -0.293233 -0.515632 0.472482 0.529231 -0.218298 +0.00249768 -0.508924 -0.630586 -0.159767 0.826932 -0.525461 0.430755 -0.881606 +0.338152 0.362913 0.731648 -0.154969 -0.293888 0.714924 0.679079 0.705427 +-0.360239 -0.546798 0.972064 -0.585367 -0.753076 0.282928 -0.0254499 -0.904648 +-0.977429 0.0421894 -0.769564 -0.180918 -0.516198 0.660201 0.537819 0.724147 +-0.374937 0.75315 0.360724 0.501295 -0.344399 0.108865 -0.685019 -0.362472 +0.902537 -0.844042 -0.902645 0.0327107 0.746802 -0.896137 0.89488 -0.38186 +0.00799492 -0.0255363 -0.158411 0.865279 0.562249 -0.786371 -0.990776 -0.98752 +-0.0287431 0.626907 -0.827029 -0.046212 -0.021303 -0.339383 -0.495085 0.112493 +-0.593129 0.0889764 0.793592 0.190739 0.697384 0.29409 -0.739642 0.574616 +0.533346 -0.79939 -0.0947867 -0.758435 -0.252366 0.420454 0.0992783 -0.90679 +0.791362 0.108924 -0.852472 -0.410327 0.89312 0.37903 -0.910593 -0.979168 +0.822607 0.113178 -0.780245 -0.0861847 0.203481 -0.960967 0.794187 0.499256 +0.0157146 -0.854559 0.959378 -0.752122 -0.431942 -0.914425 -0.100344 -0.703418 +0.639176 -0.492071 0.630305 0.0156427 0.391215 -0.231858 -0.99141 0.709872 +0.715364 -0.0279243 -0.809327 -0.64058 -0.760974 0.823927 -0.350474 -0.900163 +-0.343778 0.790012 0.302519 0.845171 0.470429 -0.74919 0.106579 -0.198452 +0.345597 0.678188 -0.249415 -0.0986324 0.31822 -0.682419 -0.0894058 -0.159801 +-0.927773 -0.0583743 0.707291 -0.407067 0.189784 -0.358025 0.483922 -0.67485 +-0.858836 0.784199 -0.757571 -0.172145 0.594192 0.934726 -0.783253 -0.547583 +-0.422483 0.0463805 -0.91506 0.477381 0.639314 -0.505029 0.614802 0.718891 +-0.137746 -0.276347 0.421175 0.675612 0.922327 0.81178 -0.0665909 -0.47881 +0.651853 -0.528218 0.225201 -0.74441 0.25099 -0.114694 -0.255129 -0.177056 +-0.80798 0.782718 0.422031 0.86857 0.938546 0.0929628 0.834163 -0.317626 +-0.408741 -0.945791 0.84471 -0.612027 0.810331 0.894789 0.13357 0.359048 +0.293323 -0.980481 0.937842 0.0598322 -0.840713 -0.957666 -0.407442 -0.993255 +0.60878 -0.904276 0.976301 -0.911836 -0.37507 0.926083 -0.552848 0.588328 +-0.895595 -0.458053 -0.915578 -0.364804 -0.873578 0.346265 -0.864188 0.271065 +0.554131 0.887265 0.968452 0.499216 0.446189 -0.885185 -0.267792 -0.0813319 +-0.973781 -0.917278 -0.922124 0.755966 -0.560364 -0.152761 0.73279 0.214736 +-0.0959491 0.355175 -0.305867 0.493368 0.689713 -0.68866 -0.974056 0.853615 +0.872727 0.0279295 0.91701 -0.503722 0.810464 -0.596978 -0.457862 0.233401 +0.862179 0.110614 -0.962337 -0.0959645 0.727667 -0.486606 -0.618321 0.226816 +-0.0372636 -0.341771 0.449044 0.505915 0.887379 0.537463 -0.390808 -0.676399 +0.877213 0.328224 0.826247 -0.383743 0.770792 0.357184 -0.224052 -0.357501 +-0.774513 0.651501 -0.584021 0.748626 0.276732 0.277809 0.399628 0.290414 +-0.11288 0.492465 0.854089 -0.387016 0.553205 0.286692 0.386178 0.434708 +-0.271317 0.825526 -0.0900205 -0.606965 -0.550913 -0.374639 -0.828632 0.901892 +-0.215649 0.716365 -0.591051 -0.682146 0.0558905 0.946952 0.43916 0.315786 +-0.421451 -0.237249 0.605612 0.0499465 0.969081 -0.495375 -0.522025 0.997612 +-0.932361 -0.660013 0.757458 -0.322021 -0.897498 -0.727323 -0.0540161 0.905532 +-0.145957 0.102737 -0.835887 0.503569 -0.912842 0.95257 -0.426563 -0.938148 +-0.647317 0.995824 0.723835 -0.716276 -0.207958 0.263358 0.82976 -0.714866 +0.0152628 -0.0180885 0.89722 -0.0578 -0.231579 -0.833811 0.373745 -0.0693651 +-0.512399 -0.690217 0.941337 -0.366201 -0.537408 0.416734 -0.613837 0.8855 +0.672429 0.880776 -0.792689 -0.204073 -0.906482 0.922812 0.104828 0.460221 +0.619748 0.769417 -0.873343 0.664736 -0.0494597 -0.249347 0.900202 -0.458901 +0.659488 0.192534 0.163689 0.0586922 -0.902261 -0.172069 -0.82588 -0.149118 +0.077176 0.308493 -0.106334 0.993873 0.520081 0.376014 -0.788564 -0.533899 +0.130135 0.74021 -0.528029 0.223747 -0.737436 0.579668 -0.788358 -0.130166 +0.501493 -0.74121 -0.0851298 -0.308201 0.0299741 -0.242361 -0.330355 0.452635 +0.745454 0.335935 -0.199234 -0.433497 0.112833 0.752673 -0.119819 -0.986114 +0.919548 0.578935 0.542923 -0.10352 -0.766806 -0.978232 -0.34755 0.788593 +0.62738 0.0990158 -0.166868 0.194295 0.351127 0.814015 0.676045 -0.356309 +0.510406 -0.419944 0.523977 0.392391 -0.334614 -0.344021 0.266684 -0.142563 +-0.758684 0.211365 -0.605222 -0.592752 -0.677406 -0.661907 0.188426 -0.851318 +0.260054 -0.933099 -0.112497 -0.71334 0.617495 0.233812 -0.810667 -0.0764758 +0.20642 0.395384 -0.24246 -0.983552 -0.634481 -0.0824766 0.0806025 0.532388 +0.0280422 0.365149 0.167271 -0.0171417 0.274566 -0.822412 -0.0184639 -0.853725 +0.412007 0.18347 -0.0791277 0.391852 -0.276179 -0.0103696 -0.100715 0.698667 +0.511202 0.427406 0.72993 0.127507 0.361402 -0.952601 0.18617 0.221879 +0.209074 -0.49027 -0.199655 0.328483 0.638837 0.220071 0.567806 -0.955906 +-0.116366 0.8109 -0.303113 -0.839278 0.853005 -0.121356 0.588508 0.365637 +0.058076 -0.980878 0.35331 -0.15642 -0.2379 0.229284 0.541109 -0.186901 +-0.787957 0.934787 0.706604 0.532961 -0.256714 0.309883 0.396585 -0.261672 +0.355373 -0.179306 -0.411972 0.368987 -0.917634 0.948915 -0.584951 -0.829728 +0.637541 -0.173326 0.210325 0.607454 0.572296 0.841261 0.0494415 -0.0763956 +-0.591643 -0.444647 -0.504743 0.434822 0.849002 -0.211766 -0.0788843 0.989326 +-0.337477 0.385435 0.445913 0.309361 0.918501 0.6652 0.944211 0.0257118 +-0.23916 -0.451166 -0.609886 -0.0659227 -0.0375864 0.737618 0.367575 -0.820003 +0.496646 -0.576896 0.767511 -0.689981 0.705403 0.712963 -0.0780863 -0.333201 +0.608137 0.487054 0.100392 0.300656 -0.84303 0.719292 -0.982492 0.980654 +-0.818826 -0.0389666 -0.476579 -0.184201 -0.632971 0.420708 0.0329246 0.56942 +-0.865627 -0.239283 0.872223 0.986551 0.974816 0.729962 -0.204364 0.942937 +-0.686741 0.234766 -0.0289711 0.32923 0.0281623 0.651585 0.505194 0.278144 +-0.869217 0.942754 0.656311 -0.884832 -0.755165 0.722221 -0.555994 0.181614 +-0.794462 0.96172 -0.444081 0.497709 -0.576258 -0.507055 -0.960692 0.897876 +-0.189972 0.47366 -0.620641 0.831582 0.908929 0.399992 -0.620239 0.866167 +0.166999 0.57064 0.386637 0.293375 -0.235856 -0.925089 0.908138 -0.459595 +0.84173 0.361143 0.277008 -0.699575 -0.328956 -0.949933 0.587514 0.0271074 +0.892804 -0.805868 -0.971652 -0.0706002 0.780361 -0.427233 0.569584 0.921465 +-0.701738 0.553394 -0.434867 0.950728 -0.602964 -0.231112 0.142276 0.436999 +-0.921229 0.963686 0.0121928 0.478565 -0.903602 -0.797991 0.763195 -0.551912 +-0.119594 -0.366926 0.991877 -0.533825 0.79025 -0.26983 -0.843712 -0.633321 +0.514414 -0.731802 0.388953 0.695488 0.281179 0.0614743 0.854952 -0.639278 +0.653624 -0.93081 -0.703172 -0.952874 0.467182 0.439103 0.664818 -0.870386 +-0.461089 0.681186 -0.837432 -0.551937 -0.915217 0.724061 -0.980872 0.949939 +-0.412469 0.18445 -0.63193 0.467245 0.110388 -0.871162 0.407215 -0.554955 +0.604099 -0.592378 -0.503853 0.199651 0.215938 -0.0685861 0.936613 -0.34603 +-0.916616 0.105062 -0.113299 -0.849665 -0.153681 -0.24699 -0.0431739 -0.99078 +0.688881 0.0168708 -0.273708 0.559642 0.202772 0.0186263 -0.825888 0.175398 +0.327059 -0.781869 -0.179969 0.923801 -0.601341 -0.908216 -0.18981 -0.337681 +0.450217 -0.940719 -0.374239 0.707066 -0.946993 -0.568042 0.457238 0.25565 +-0.134222 -0.426903 0.13369 0.124935 -0.867752 -0.958096 0.40148 0.590237 +0.511295 0.322837 0.0731732 -0.380006 -0.11069 0.774001 0.174249 0.168671 +0.589268 -0.657451 -0.866506 0.261098 -0.413224 0.673675 0.0814509 -0.470938 +-0.868213 0.604029 0.744615 0.599093 0.0384209 0.125244 -0.685501 -0.0630482 +-0.0304775 -0.108923 -0.429019 0.196518 -0.859279 -0.794601 -0.911809 0.163866 +0.644154 -0.562387 -0.790462 -0.595303 -0.553399 0.697125 -0.725724 0.469391 +-0.152077 0.741402 -0.0546205 -0.932208 0.840667 -0.293023 0.588662 0.606879 +-0.252727 -0.93542 -0.92383 0.692652 -0.59087 -0.454228 0.880038 -0.520625 +-0.0330253 0.327793 -0.175133 0.5013 0.542762 0.878107 -0.445413 0.198224 +-0.174487 -0.549524 0.037043 -0.673611 0.818549 -0.520281 0.624963 0.846791 +0.567396 0.336605 -0.0631226 -0.0271266 0.564415 -0.813487 0.149925 -0.935113 +0.379675 0.431089 -0.880337 -0.09441 0.950797 -0.375657 0.774873 0.339918 +-0.892763 0.876422 0.618538 0.134364 0.931439 0.959874 0.760375 0.12029 +-0.632104 0.593841 0.772795 0.516281 0.634152 0.974791 0.823063 -0.166161 +0.315663 0.768764 0.433545 0.311113 -0.324854 0.957896 -0.490663 -0.737455 +-0.304496 0.733789 0.793955 0.411901 -0.498453 0.293996 0.420119 0.422718 +0.670829 0.773441 0.696162 -0.513205 -0.202708 0.427208 -0.0306869 -0.841357 +0.920577 0.765176 -0.853106 0.370126 -0.989349 -0.546866 -0.575291 0.287968 +-0.757095 0.192672 0.814395 -0.453257 0.604847 -0.876354 0.367886 -0.0151331 +0.235559 0.875296 0.477356 -0.218342 0.26972 -0.808785 -0.682001 -0.647294 +-0.752228 -0.524457 -0.84528 -0.548262 0.0279057 0.746114 0.170418 0.0449894 +-0.392635 -0.597178 -0.939452 0.46004 0.422517 0.0810758 -0.850889 0.449146 +-0.409177 0.415453 -0.54126 -0.0305021 -0.31647 -0.0866191 0.224091 -0.719058 +-0.810073 0.187324 -0.832119 -0.189144 -0.830587 0.593345 0.770149 -0.330896 +-0.535108 0.273231 -0.0951172 -0.928801 0.389627 -0.232366 0.882369 -0.853362 +-0.497017 0.601427 -0.554973 0.608969 -0.781784 -0.180138 -0.0446734 0.149021 +0.454688 0.633539 -0.0790617 0.388466 -0.616397 -0.863969 0.410837 -0.680489 +-0.148318 -0.339283 0.163559 -0.0209041 -0.300157 0.430034 0.940282 0.602268 +-0.518671 0.275683 0.698899 -0.575999 -0.502948 0.182458 0.48962 -0.440142 +-0.617709 0.936434 -0.936071 -0.0633253 0.570726 -0.408753 -0.0703058 -0.0714649 +0.101372 -0.546566 -0.671765 0.986878 0.638177 -0.452032 0.639692 -0.769896 +0.174799 -0.0577958 0.322054 0.658358 -0.709421 -0.945225 -0.735239 -0.513385 +-0.109145 -0.227472 0.751624 -0.315295 -0.66989 -0.748413 -0.539431 0.72071 +0.966609 -0.432091 0.292787 0.91216 0.361899 -0.884765 0.110524 -0.243311 +-0.839594 0.737413 -0.020524 -0.577383 0.274459 -0.641296 0.294426 0.266055 +-0.0777944 -0.12732 0.519281 0.0816115 -0.238187 0.645786 -0.319999 0.885084 +-0.783431 0.243143 -0.78833 0.320227 -0.601606 0.430834 0.191957 0.204063 +-0.938407 0.98457 -0.306877 -0.546397 0.974052 0.331455 0.972354 0.943355 +0.586176 -0.828675 -0.323056 0.160293 -0.920361 -0.0660152 0.622205 0.641198 +0.872164 -0.338022 -0.143586 0.745673 -0.27235 -0.942767 -0.846036 -0.658522 +-0.347873 0.14824 -0.827163 0.0277554 0.215965 0.462571 0.150729 -0.719356 +0.710976 -0.0125055 -0.661091 0.0458706 0.279894 -0.452641 -0.805444 -0.949556 +0.303348 0.904368 0.50278 0.0118716 0.574233 -0.482165 -0.328897 0.85348 +0.494556 0.750216 0.279848 0.79234 0.299291 -0.332139 0.402305 -0.708261 +-0.185838 -0.168782 0.512185 0.411594 -0.182905 0.855864 -0.650474 -0.0487407 +0.274737 0.00184485 0.119464 0.0808393 0.455276 0.328098 0.790185 0.771224 +-0.750247 0.991348 0.575928 0.392401 -0.419237 -0.791278 0.7272 -0.662481 +0.518297 0.866057 -0.0971389 -0.656726 -0.00456969 -0.530444 0.74639 0.545359 +-0.913198 0.168062 0.44004 0.47359 -0.893752 -0.632574 0.0189093 -0.285474 +0.121985 -0.0851743 -0.358886 0.443117 0.232953 0.383373 0.428068 0.330468 +-0.952961 -0.689825 0.902817 0.988628 -0.242252 -0.0696776 0.403773 0.610098 +-0.558115 0.0430609 -0.152619 -0.856945 -0.743948 -0.964333 0.0213278 -0.350069 +0.951536 -0.715168 0.908198 0.0755313 -0.302643 -0.0346488 -0.932556 -0.953335 +0.716817 0.169996 0.446301 -0.890338 -0.650838 0.288421 0.0217752 0.827143 +-0.423832 -0.319625 0.57522 0.492049 -0.954419 0.0321517 -0.571249 -0.428418 +-0.929349 -0.147587 -0.777471 -0.105646 -0.233346 0.448064 -0.637381 -0.24875 +-0.505605 0.705017 -0.0959733 -0.750152 -0.9875 0.237013 0.611796 -0.0658917 +-0.754473 0.975777 -0.311153 0.811346 0.816528 0.479834 -0.417514 -0.0501505 +-0.336015 -0.436469 0.246355 -0.860231 -0.795712 0.132214 0.220806 0.224177 +-0.464325 -0.807899 0.226076 0.463425 0.277786 -0.0949832 -0.628236 0.685393 +-0.610457 -0.830874 0.0182248 0.487999 -0.434955 0.417479 0.662097 -0.590251 +-0.868883 0.28932 -0.52939 0.583749 -0.853499 -0.446555 0.640106 -0.312221 +-0.571267 0.499154 0.449614 0.395598 -0.0409316 -0.914739 0.419068 -0.0674042 +-0.411804 0.270978 0.264104 -0.324432 -0.519737 -0.662117 0.763018 -0.222477 +0.524455 -0.560286 -0.562702 0.292157 -0.533457 0.584337 -0.508795 -0.929743 +-0.762652 -0.971874 0.802773 0.791144 0.00753262 0.766991 0.540942 0.622855 +0.18138 -0.690126 0.60004 -0.94918 -0.190943 0.163418 -0.196051 0.122354 +-0.85054 -0.616725 0.0901593 0.598235 0.122568 0.877437 0.273597 -0.357027 +0.431568 -0.892009 0.840537 0.741927 0.580244 -0.352159 -0.57254 -0.727205 +0.0600962 -0.0731579 0.564756 0.229222 0.713273 -0.771259 0.114384 0.0744715 +0.816392 -0.98539 -0.640545 0.681416 0.601987 -0.169311 0.835319 0.545517 +-0.638803 0.904986 -0.985946 0.0495214 0.808597 0.192554 -0.00420704 0.350903 +0.353323 0.639512 -0.423534 0.765067 0.76902 -0.433274 -0.486244 -0.889671 +-0.398864 0.353809 0.317748 -0.151293 0.721683 -0.462832 -0.144684 0.394665 +0.498871 0.226772 -0.696744 -0.708177 0.688459 0.938859 0.249073 -0.349694 +-0.543234 -0.775247 0.450643 -0.847143 -0.239568 -0.226471 0.160416 -0.915136 +-0.311468 -0.136463 -0.072374 -0.231853 -0.706321 -0.342557 -0.856242 -0.523405 +-0.0887504 0.878851 0.357334 -0.20889 0.6194 0.623697 0.682307 -0.643001 +0.786759 0.497659 0.523058 0.352989 -0.377757 -0.568991 0.575593 0.248978 +-0.44774 -0.526464 0.137441 0.0368045 -0.138769 -0.719269 -0.636638 0.205365 +0.754234 0.290974 0.118056 0.926953 0.340107 0.647463 -0.165792 0.524386 +0.862808 -0.808229 0.986318 -0.333334 0.938955 0.504754 -0.948564 -0.627975 +-0.737627 -0.850771 -0.872538 -0.337812 0.281918 -0.121811 -0.0542474 0.247375 +-0.306369 0.127887 0.728652 0.0133278 0.751216 -0.125756 -0.356234 -0.19106 +0.202586 0.309792 -0.453417 0.692834 0.69547 0.70986 -0.85682 0.760528 +-0.131201 0.144543 -0.178906 -0.157251 -0.533544 0.888226 0.208771 -0.977268 +-0.504413 -0.0699119 -0.435211 -0.91065 0.312126 0.75234 0.97395 0.544 +0.894817 0.511993 0.287178 -0.23484 -0.581139 -0.584932 -0.625012 0.0210486 +-0.286104 0.254178 -0.542006 0.161124 0.766974 0.742791 0.912037 0.632687 +-0.60916 -0.885383 -0.756673 -0.777782 0.277766 0.991106 0.900554 -0.391421 +-0.142503 -0.818095 -0.45911 -0.918373 -0.298651 -0.277392 0.725643 -0.854794 +-0.649908 -0.187901 0.0247095 -0.60228 0.793194 -0.617519 -0.997789 -0.274494 +-0.280149 0.898711 -0.360574 -0.976312 0.476091 0.916732 -0.169414 -0.72465 +-0.411932 -0.32515 0.871157 0.599611 0.134385 -0.102408 0.394689 0.7496 +0.104619 -0.175166 0.904801 0.0569862 -0.0476467 0.376232 -0.110904 0.740176 +0.52391 0.230445 -0.167388 -0.522466 0.227577 0.29069 -0.0534199 0.0569272 +0.625561 0.549869 0.861022 0.10075 0.72685 -0.0568357 0.509931 0.0672989 +-0.346833 -0.551593 -0.389969 0.0073665 0.288691 -0.804029 0.088699 0.532961 +-0.767316 -0.343539 -0.357081 -0.0846586 0.600049 0.835556 0.816295 -0.263728 +0.58262 -0.116763 0.636783 -0.618889 -0.416884 -0.309726 -0.468009 0.871142 +-0.823144 0.986674 0.95286 -0.361432 0.55619 0.958338 -0.136065 0.00978749 +0.157041 -0.134212 0.276699 0.145281 -0.485878 0.862085 0.902173 -0.76561 +-0.138389 -0.182146 0.889744 0.297919 0.740105 0.147681 0.503145 -0.736469 +-0.685033 -0.485946 0.201931 0.296399 0.480032 0.935205 0.238879 -0.803755 +-0.615923 0.079203 -0.319049 -0.402563 -0.124385 -0.320356 -0.438738 0.347248 +-0.26052 0.160195 0.763041 -0.255672 0.994378 0.909226 -0.0298997 -0.997844 +-0.276995 -0.453403 0.634612 0.0875058 0.650583 -0.96219 0.523689 -0.100822 +-0.177809 -0.937384 -0.28952 -0.220639 0.271869 0.790844 -0.139988 0.387136 +-0.157078 0.472966 -0.67483 -0.991139 -0.822019 -0.444225 0.934609 0.994294 +-0.209155 -0.386623 0.541155 0.466955 0.684132 -0.637023 -0.000662698 -0.366198 +0.5711 0.205397 -0.738076 0.182721 -0.283388 -0.842837 0.19663 -0.599122 +-0.674715 -0.0732164 -0.941004 -0.512716 0.927311 0.184827 -0.281494 -0.300882 +-0.547956 0.999928 0.959472 0.0852394 0.689922 0.514692 -0.127357 0.413696 +-0.0377045 0.197385 0.991193 -0.987554 -0.991909 -0.741119 -0.0827873 -0.851644 +0.789856 -0.0561885 -0.918343 0.134567 0.329217 0.687128 0.467436 -0.435116 +-0.471794 0.73237 0.977324 0.694653 -0.451916 0.454989 0.00498822 -0.257135 +0.748528 0.450546 -0.743392 -0.450777 0.758868 -0.320118 0.728743 0.0153246 +-0.531501 -0.892419 0.633288 0.658013 0.263826 0.12886 0.385882 0.0323802 +0.687212 -0.24275 0.751322 -0.730946 0.937416 0.0921673 0.405329 0.241475 +-0.213351 0.774039 -0.049899 -0.25581 0.000732646 0.684335 0.151096 0.649219 +0.26154 0.333546 -0.80676 -0.119055 0.364801 0.177554 -0.691678 -0.62992 +0.52007 -0.12052 0.983154 0.806358 -0.00997916 0.889552 -0.877461 -0.215677 +0.757724 -0.741531 0.156651 -0.68095 -0.0755776 0.486172 -0.359773 0.0925162 +-0.692822 -0.0141875 0.81207 -0.00906921 -0.00493599 0.47499 -0.625689 0.90352 +0.649982 -0.812876 0.895096 -0.0379297 -0.338638 -0.478548 -0.0943941 0.272687 +0.724685 -0.022035 0.0457361 -0.716353 0.344336 0.176737 -0.126939 -0.752648 +-0.936457 -0.233943 -0.648857 -0.45973 0.73649 0.932867 0.757983 0.962803 +0.170945 0.490496 0.952495 0.763113 -0.68094 0.720786 -0.667562 0.950296 +0.977082 -0.497909 0.727733 0.610678 0.0265574 0.00265843 0.391433 -0.765324 +0.619972 0.541125 0.708 0.997773 -0.272605 0.712599 0.0736995 0.272346 +-0.940861 0.0762346 0.0136436 -0.537222 0.594253 -0.907104 -0.372755 0.22729 +0.873806 -0.528205 0.477191 -0.943149 -0.439462 0.117662 -0.252288 0.516592 +0.657385 -0.518584 -0.946717 -0.854304 -0.952449 -0.752462 0.207444 0.0728009 +-0.645599 0.340758 0.657169 -0.331184 -0.598246 -0.274908 -0.0250179 -0.304901 +0.686562 -0.654303 0.27842 -0.115524 0.473662 0.0127028 0.553789 0.990883 +0.393672 0.600265 -0.920467 0.532092 -0.349666 -0.615626 0.633596 -0.841394 +0.131594 -0.708877 0.585439 0.45468 0.378988 -0.0539827 -0.596616 0.645908 +0.892736 0.0992729 -0.0382379 0.427434 -0.350509 -0.360955 0.979282 0.139371 +0.267914 -0.492926 -0.622307 -0.674663 0.164849 -0.229132 -0.035842 0.959332 +-0.731852 0.327502 -0.575435 -0.0297323 0.980193 -0.612321 -0.280145 0.0856629 +0.643568 -0.513787 -0.134338 0.232088 -0.149599 -0.584207 -0.579692 0.157425 +0.614703 0.736502 -0.0833472 0.514622 -0.293587 -0.650099 0.533982 0.186323 +-0.675352 -0.119661 -0.515183 -0.210644 -0.85384 0.307861 0.700693 -0.877282 +0.274578 0.473508 0.406831 -0.538001 0.956363 0.646266 -0.546682 0.992454 +-0.87327 -0.00296215 0.0414035 0.0500699 -0.670198 0.853049 0.914707 0.116119 +0.190999 -0.700027 -0.859726 -0.639689 -0.501863 0.951785 0.43509 -0.938298 +0.907065 0.087347 0.317729 -0.55167 0.694181 -0.298263 -0.173535 -0.405605 +0.894403 -0.584206 -0.0723924 0.633117 0.570955 -0.560545 0.467796 0.122046 +-0.796304 0.528693 0.00108817 -0.890026 -0.820986 0.412875 0.221054 -0.558606 +0.219785 -0.199144 0.467752 0.0898112 -0.5489 -0.178627 -0.974027 -0.70176 +-0.279536 -0.355732 0.829754 0.206678 0.92681 0.725132 0.59638 -0.652078 +0.901265 0.691778 -0.10057 0.967704 0.233985 -0.877128 -0.40284 0.149152 +-0.764962 -0.204784 0.770602 -0.837699 0.776018 0.632944 0.201403 -0.586494 +-0.132137 0.720944 -0.452181 0.0467145 0.515932 -0.23395 -0.944926 -0.525222 +0.180312 -0.85565 0.960342 0.854501 0.25741 -0.336411 0.473119 0.792189 +-0.6289 -0.0291849 0.0420405 -0.452139 0.238573 0.429904 0.270788 -0.750278 +0.847802 0.426038 0.353717 -0.950472 0.981075 0.888408 0.766313 -0.765033 +0.283318 0.683637 -0.594716 -0.258368 -0.949117 -0.306491 -0.793554 0.163335 +0.571415 -0.561182 0.741436 -0.11306 -0.226107 -0.542048 -0.623548 -0.686956 +0.2674 -0.838761 -0.117915 -0.193575 0.0629765 0.705599 0.0882624 -0.255399 +0.791962 -0.154414 0.155621 -0.496132 -0.378271 0.939525 0.970834 0.564463 +0.335219 0.801393 -0.211062 -0.0313083 0.268018 -0.299146 -0.232611 0.714823 +-0.426097 0.567041 0.649474 0.0358228 -0.299913 -0.0713698 -0.633735 -0.784617 +0.0232393 0.662918 0.0372392 0.231156 -0.691952 0.433214 -0.603794 -0.213686 +0.905391 0.415682 0.402408 -0.211226 0.240961 0.636125 -0.0358785 0.492232 +0.107998 0.778871 0.011083 0.514138 0.63688 -0.634362 0.161362 -0.00531217 +-0.684938 0.930207 0.806177 0.46788 -0.00147245 0.466066 0.847943 -0.677591 +-0.00649523 0.806737 -0.302778 -0.145562 -0.863794 -0.0302537 0.772421 0.187482 +0.619861 -0.0637037 -0.110914 0.0793783 0.256422 -0.0290565 -0.392131 0.864709 +-0.0191528 0.927415 -0.082349 0.525604 -0.931214 -0.466625 -0.914915 0.872849 +-0.17235 0.646809 0.949734 -0.81783 -0.322976 0.127121 -0.200871 0.0826042 +-0.632413 0.0674995 0.978769 -0.318435 -0.186217 -0.663021 0.57249 0.926005 +0.0181546 0.0713998 0.709013 -0.385123 0.946755 -0.0728979 -0.103564 -0.188298 +-0.683118 0.320875 -0.391775 -0.335778 -0.0798763 -0.972134 0.219379 0.492908 +0.579168 0.799142 0.295507 -0.764597 -0.761547 -0.26899 0.872283 0.0791589 +-0.606292 0.794086 0.137936 0.637808 0.0615395 -0.389156 -0.614971 0.924965 +0.713525 0.884743 0.661499 0.615001 0.396643 0.619282 -0.887594 0.863704 +0.124719 -0.669662 0.0415935 0.892271 0.296006 -0.419755 -0.34637 0.161909 +0.953529 -0.461741 -0.476569 -0.150034 0.703462 -0.918889 -0.914346 -0.635682 +0.625844 -0.910335 0.412728 0.684072 -0.573945 -0.506028 0.150957 0.164161 +-0.455554 0.302384 0.94253 -0.149663 -0.681389 0.0460208 0.501568 0.00589114 +0.473585 0.858584 -0.630107 0.962347 -0.902829 -0.423111 0.516332 -0.101748 +0.491872 0.668381 -0.402207 0.712402 0.574147 0.810886 0.221889 -0.789166 +0.555292 -0.966892 -0.250653 -0.698821 -0.770122 0.468273 -0.189857 0.486777 +-0.274678 0.475475 0.090513 0.0941176 0.833517 -0.0989901 0.732688 0.929906 +0.933572 0.558267 -0.959083 -0.0707562 -0.371505 0.797705 0.464027 0.922195 +0.719289 0.503181 0.582471 0.763781 -0.0555772 -0.39836 -0.0366971 0.115712 +-0.522027 -0.321389 0.131675 0.89057 0.716248 -0.446274 0.974616 0.543703 +0.419614 0.463716 0.0980643 -0.985997 -0.407129 -0.948701 -0.115993 -0.546362 +-0.0715668 0.849654 0.403235 -0.910678 -0.117649 -0.604286 0.184488 0.729098 +-0.93474 -0.599825 0.0214467 0.670089 0.363606 0.988076 0.432029 0.148693 +0.819119 -0.251876 0.271394 -0.764731 0.607854 0.562658 0.699353 -0.222141 +0.9961 0.262391 -0.479401 0.275457 0.461772 0.816849 -0.762862 -0.697602 +0.581109 0.350793 -0.120216 -0.312196 -0.929956 0.407073 -0.312881 -0.705924 +-0.668388 0.984213 0.273338 0.639527 0.501369 -0.614373 0.214894 -0.218285 +-0.124574 0.7385 -0.00144546 -0.0154488 -0.0514818 0.703353 0.875083 0.169949 +0.11434 0.471679 -0.665672 0.598294 -0.213896 -0.10477 -0.45066 -0.832872 +0.574354 0.606272 -0.71956 -0.597004 -0.394706 -0.183679 -0.304551 0.535606 +0.572686 0.214173 -0.812911 0.32976 -0.611692 0.244669 -0.0058671 -0.10343 +-0.197952 0.346636 -0.587875 -0.352256 -0.277861 0.507426 -0.911851 0.406888 +-0.0069995 -0.171561 0.767617 -0.682493 -0.493422 -0.556888 -0.412298 -0.633811 +-0.299201 0.488389 -0.642966 0.551488 0.456489 -0.952984 -0.414757 -0.593406 +0.343825 0.725008 0.24153 -0.851154 -0.374948 0.122291 -0.766575 0.725006 +-0.779711 0.385846 0.323872 -0.765733 -0.202113 -0.143466 0.298488 -0.26644 +-0.503339 -0.662685 0.0770419 -0.119041 0.863646 0.525176 -0.130999 -0.422811 +0.422938 0.147297 0.16718 0.437515 -0.36838 -0.630864 -0.800768 0.961757 +-0.0641101 -0.715403 0.246984 -0.452333 -0.387947 0.343553 0.273382 -0.902628 +-0.541774 -0.914521 -0.593925 -0.6866 0.453686 -0.563833 0.622579 0.622065 +-0.539202 -0.667677 0.338388 -0.753619 0.597776 -0.649447 -0.490685 -0.760126 +-0.368934 -0.984469 -0.162553 0.535268 -0.0581524 -0.270395 0.117763 0.376106 +0.421615 -0.269914 0.0908834 -0.428551 -0.0659017 -0.674737 0.343036 -0.809389 +0.381187 0.054868 -0.736517 -0.0805571 0.238274 0.392724 -0.858288 -0.555801 +-0.668288 0.0322469 -0.17407 0.709696 -0.228347 -0.405828 -0.741468 0.112184 +0.586689 0.877233 0.353419 -0.269228 0.246214 0.0663341 -0.265378 0.0738752 +-0.846392 -0.896188 0.599184 -0.989711 0.815948 -0.891413 -0.717648 0.928854 +0.847613 0.497684 0.653577 0.256727 -0.941993 0.687621 0.885548 -0.0328761 +-0.835823 -0.633593 -0.778862 0.101114 -0.297876 0.514077 -0.0219575 -0.35025 +0.020711 0.559037 0.316685 -0.583087 0.540192 -0.435422 -0.675302 -0.521982 +0.745565 -0.292312 -0.0292307 -0.239998 -0.381024 -0.450953 0.0987404 -0.942122 +-0.742454 0.257428 0.934171 0.809179 0.19012 0.2545 0.907287 0.284899 +-0.672138 -0.161404 0.3675 0.0488093 0.931938 0.176262 0.88015 -0.329395 +-0.025253 0.316535 -0.206743 0.0107128 0.702844 -0.384482 0.30496 0.368379 +0.84283 -0.132163 -0.871323 0.839478 0.451141 0.275397 -0.67559 0.884972 +-0.424877 -0.0780003 -0.675793 0.0674848 0.120192 0.85349 0.825394 -0.23963 +0.964721 0.288912 0.784952 0.0211033 0.776431 -0.168673 -0.827909 -0.0470922 +-0.137226 -0.295394 -0.758961 -0.358091 0.719381 0.22567 0.465528 0.238049 +0.846867 0.593485 0.402443 0.0197375 -0.326613 -0.389345 0.210102 0.585761 +-0.251388 0.975586 0.765576 0.0105263 0.0485571 -0.144259 -0.225171 -0.846924 +0.904802 -0.306201 0.973132 0.0169053 0.54403 0.146896 -0.67209 -0.100314 +-0.305925 -0.649057 -0.961895 0.10197 0.773901 0.251404 -0.68321 -0.999172 +0.803232 0.831024 -0.194258 -0.21741 0.519616 -0.26428 -0.871257 0.459452 +0.495183 -0.315436 0.988942 0.0946434 -0.145408 -0.780088 0.478292 -0.440063 +0.140639 -0.666605 -0.394771 0.209669 -0.882781 -0.866785 0.822876 0.313566 +0.289734 -0.351428 0.0652073 0.0207896 -0.880111 -0.289536 0.655548 -0.866614 +-0.55384 -0.263566 0.324455 -0.907539 -0.429209 -0.674557 0.171382 -0.749217 +0.573479 -0.606619 -0.99615 -0.841321 -0.624034 -0.16957 0.40645 -0.857816 +0.6124 0.515271 -0.476764 0.712873 -0.13435 0.456959 0.976651 0.049353 +-0.38961 -0.554669 -0.961053 0.597428 -0.980611 -0.306856 0.237047 -0.0528948 +0.436825 0.067787 0.553998 -0.973296 0.589735 -0.965539 0.933691 -0.092189 +-0.756253 0.657371 -0.131657 -0.393731 -0.401185 -0.61353 0.0998119 -0.0482496 +0.88094 0.068662 -0.311243 -0.541921 0.6701 -0.631771 0.6582 0.837739 +0.553374 -0.311691 0.895415 0.427898 -0.466342 0.639683 0.0199094 -0.290336 +-0.27462 -0.924421 0.433571 0.152194 0.391239 0.572982 -0.898181 -0.437818 +0.400034 0.193773 -0.397168 -0.61091 0.0983465 -0.122479 0.214126 0.148631 +-0.639838 0.703216 -0.709621 -0.159355 -0.979139 0.227143 0.646861 -0.882124 +0.435646 0.598844 0.553529 0.0650148 -0.482796 0.131495 -0.909386 -0.984489 +-0.91282 -0.486764 0.565165 -0.365891 -0.625747 -0.968751 -0.5831 0.760851 +0.41417 0.88422 -0.528985 -0.79639 0.769148 0.0281669 0.278321 0.233352 +0.043172 -0.119929 0.744422 0.204351 -0.181731 0.207236 0.00826885 -0.89295 +0.481915 0.327717 0.041896 -0.408631 -0.0673356 -0.873874 -0.508949 0.513303 +-0.670448 -0.135228 -0.224288 0.429496 0.716588 0.108394 -0.672017 0.813268 +-0.823246 0.284042 -0.89564 -0.660131 -0.622931 0.386008 0.642158 -0.46408 +0.124811 0.91243 -0.131516 0.580109 0.273929 0.620618 -0.60207 -0.940485 +0.242091 -0.842635 0.558778 -0.708394 0.959491 0.807801 0.260162 -0.860087 +0.701188 -0.286316 0.665152 0.0836808 0.0777449 0.665974 0.190459 0.229637 +-0.573788 0.553263 0.401587 -0.254484 0.453416 0.320535 0.124292 -0.674375 +-0.772557 0.286658 0.286858 -0.610604 0.164543 -0.461166 -0.111085 -0.467779 +0.755912 -0.835414 -0.523273 0.124686 0.625215 0.254365 -0.621343 0.721486 +0.723409 0.800257 -0.473727 -0.977582 -0.692884 0.415379 0.536753 0.757392 +0.836582 -0.563446 0.361799 0.49473 -0.65864 -0.873374 0.991183 0.520681 +-0.0842182 0.655348 0.417902 -0.607633 0.288775 -0.92892 0.96663 -0.822085 +0.962041 -0.131105 -0.235819 0.988614 -0.637875 -0.738374 0.741394 -0.474423 +0.466231 -0.931568 0.460443 -0.20345 -0.628494 -0.994319 0.931444 0.675085 +0.972864 -0.20814 0.460001 -0.885232 0.124898 -0.985502 0.888845 -0.579836 +-0.29524 -0.680225 0.122174 -0.219773 0.64414 -0.447162 0.359855 0.266702 +-0.668839 -0.772446 0.581573 -0.0510943 -0.212979 0.966907 0.613242 0.857691 +-0.0390333 -0.919343 0.916039 0.0784157 0.861652 -0.650292 -0.994993 -0.646119 +-0.92435 -0.640192 0.861895 -0.751346 0.64982 -0.566795 0.724396 -0.911267 +0.87906 0.649922 0.854086 -0.556599 0.352613 -0.790212 0.0402968 0.187952 +-0.0738641 0.202716 0.0614971 -0.151917 0.416292 0.530612 0.774077 -0.394695 +-0.133099 -0.693308 -0.385959 0.669784 -0.851992 0.331418 -0.496843 -0.887921 +0.840795 0.221318 0.823693 0.680852 -0.248194 0.869303 0.702691 0.942566 +0.226746 -0.649925 -0.411488 0.193243 0.85133 0.435078 0.199276 -0.310649 +-0.326584 0.252741 0.768958 0.318801 -0.300594 0.867793 -0.253636 0.702688 +0.930336 -0.221198 -0.419854 0.40996 0.221548 -0.105628 0.92983 -0.256735 +0.597607 0.00693479 -0.509817 0.437797 -0.983077 0.508448 0.809127 0.196139 +-0.407975 -0.976637 0.950385 -0.764164 0.853928 -0.417241 0.765138 -0.343425 +0.27828 0.432838 -0.276489 -0.193367 -0.376719 0.0728322 -0.243358 0.393985 +0.950319 -0.818687 0.629642 -0.359023 0.0925039 -0.382067 -0.573574 0.982943 +-0.350449 -0.399127 -0.93732 -0.444581 0.698315 0.237874 -0.475988 -0.835617 +0.536712 -0.822973 0.259625 0.297349 0.79306 0.13849 0.755881 -0.78431 +0.431106 -0.127735 -0.463165 -0.591191 -0.153523 -0.211218 0.503748 0.23995 +-0.365947 -0.33267 -0.293726 -0.212914 0.336077 0.934874 -0.627893 -0.691594 +-0.0518001 0.0367222 -0.393038 -0.321993 -0.739019 0.335645 -0.67634 0.180534 +-0.259305 0.0203263 0.877685 -0.466853 0.849428 -0.61377 0.477269 -0.15404 +-0.879647 -0.90787 -0.358828 0.862563 0.795065 -0.0406532 -0.551764 0.174125 +0.643761 0.690572 0.289164 0.38959 0.410595 -0.720023 0.57238 -0.917611 +0.674706 -0.590643 0.159813 0.4123 0.767407 -0.517906 -0.316851 -0.298961 +0.363192 0.188104 -0.210612 -0.473926 0.279279 0.938374 -0.358034 0.0612207 +0.931987 0.35805 0.846323 0.408925 -0.646355 0.500204 -0.429592 -0.519569 +0.515194 -0.386515 -0.404967 -0.226663 -0.975967 -0.630693 0.307084 0.927822 +-0.942307 -0.791655 -0.898573 0.480521 0.380706 0.303901 0.456812 0.991757 +-0.048805 0.631629 0.89261 -0.821022 -0.969259 0.640607 0.371623 -0.896981 +-0.43813 -0.713409 0.415642 -0.125709 0.50242 0.476583 -0.74203 0.786028 +-0.195922 0.196466 0.440618 -0.507517 0.199694 -0.667823 0.151653 0.620218 +-0.75496 -0.652103 -0.940331 -0.184016 0.998388 0.406921 -0.119219 0.716519 +0.318588 0.704902 0.291492 0.983082 0.50794 0.88594 -0.880253 -0.836508 +0.0566302 -0.853426 0.420597 0.399746 -0.78373 -0.412174 0.415964 0.137116 +0.241168 -0.237681 0.236262 0.958907 -0.467803 -0.287174 0.917187 0.80971 +-0.183402 -0.249486 -0.0956603 -0.329253 0.32755 -0.55554 0.0461645 0.151975 +-0.832858 0.00999473 0.799883 0.611502 -0.0333815 0.0269128 0.788707 -0.05049 +-0.466655 -0.0359917 -0.178252 -0.75571 -0.352506 -0.385766 -0.775035 -0.225194 +0.653347 -0.214511 0.392336 0.351973 0.675455 -0.432383 -0.590565 -0.00247393 +0.83193 0.427776 -0.397143 -0.524797 0.0329433 -0.712917 0.586987 -0.597506 +0.955054 -0.422828 -0.156757 -0.900635 -0.993511 -0.453753 -0.900185 0.184881 +0.32201 -0.872906 -0.18668 -0.826279 -0.203369 -0.905251 -0.993372 -0.439943 +-0.785225 -0.105336 -0.637984 0.818458 0.570591 -0.403852 -0.946671 0.224589 +0.200085 -0.849365 0.607434 0.0208227 -0.654719 0.803037 0.618628 0.807793 +-0.693831 -0.813777 0.864736 -0.716155 -0.180395 0.240294 -0.614494 -0.338928 +0.75223 -0.550192 -0.48055 0.952716 -0.348465 -0.581164 0.994858 -0.279835 +-0.558747 -0.165934 0.440945 -0.68293 -0.61582 0.593773 0.710021 -0.722819 +0.0810007 0.930372 -0.791776 -0.770294 -0.272479 -0.524799 0.697685 -0.970154 +0.948796 0.577075 -0.558255 0.575764 -0.2287 -0.195658 0.230724 -0.987664 +-0.741981 -0.083787 0.285034 0.544847 0.00336 -0.219707 0.512473 0.0111617 +0.487292 0.0635702 -0.711597 -0.0247088 -0.370464 -0.404298 -0.666299 -0.101871 +0.598502 0.510439 -0.756427 -0.512909 0.583027 0.375139 0.156568 0.131014 +-0.17058 0.990818 0.612171 0.120444 0.103895 0.541877 0.0448434 -0.16348 +-0.397441 -0.467477 0.719242 -0.465148 -0.439904 -0.964904 -0.43302 -0.816664 +0.453677 -0.824843 0.797395 0.549664 -0.948966 0.546001 -0.880261 -0.273346 +-0.953964 0.620678 -0.520965 -0.253769 -0.272652 -0.679127 -0.982491 -0.566005 +0.64798 -0.266019 -0.573181 0.977262 -0.463859 -0.330665 -0.734435 -0.92418 +0.803465 0.735973 -0.0784778 0.359947 -0.656448 -0.0861305 -0.0149736 0.938578 +-0.855584 -0.921477 -0.831869 -0.33965 0.693436 -0.963245 0.56718 -0.0405202 +-0.634494 -0.621353 -0.67548 -0.619686 -0.616101 0.806266 -0.746468 0.823212 +-0.234292 0.62324 -0.404441 -0.0396719 -0.353624 -0.0309763 -0.0210264 -0.765736 +0.794504 0.721823 0.323607 0.0348415 -0.450974 -0.311555 0.143033 -0.101537 +0.307413 -0.228631 -0.709472 -0.479056 -0.183105 0.241753 -0.258827 -0.431294 +0.729868 -0.867868 -0.819651 0.982833 -0.0388093 0.473378 0.167372 0.31321 +-0.431609 0.969556 0.544448 -0.350157 0.67349 -0.463998 0.188472 -0.487228 +-0.352616 -0.734989 -0.164356 -0.721236 -0.0695177 -0.963942 -0.216112 -0.344447 +0.737561 0.146819 0.823387 -0.894282 -0.198945 -0.193143 -0.409891 0.650166 +0.379543 0.831259 -0.0890597 -0.285106 0.19873 -0.349228 0.722469 -0.0811125 +0.162026 0.788818 0.22839 0.640705 0.341505 -0.563131 0.0293779 -0.0870272 +-0.965161 -0.309858 -0.401846 0.479686 -0.388533 0.266861 0.404528 -0.698517 +0.218193 -0.700151 -0.111992 -0.77773 -0.537417 0.0594156 -0.791989 -0.341195 +-0.0491561 0.188822 -0.807967 -0.438611 -0.408479 0.0560279 0.0305076 -0.165252 +-0.133245 -0.842566 0.375244 -0.787213 -0.862269 0.466999 -0.798118 0.195476 +0.299756 0.479351 -0.222634 0.80622 -0.379803 0.71845 -0.11904 0.41572 +0.92435 0.739867 -0.503637 0.532559 -0.541676 0.581079 0.316796 -0.521131 +0.0671036 -0.923564 0.970237 0.438984 0.964438 0.931545 -0.858427 -0.867754 +0.469373 -0.690432 0.632152 0.30219 0.516518 0.376453 0.942618 -0.510809 +-0.374131 -0.616714 -0.235787 0.381932 0.340483 -0.0552866 0.154077 -0.97495 +0.0478047 0.334196 -0.63611 0.379448 0.60729 -0.299805 0.701503 -0.37992 +0.916858 0.50276 0.614059 0.980054 0.6831 -0.0876382 -0.317726 -0.706322 +-0.164709 -0.359572 0.793866 -0.129485 0.758523 0.441986 -0.171055 0.490299 +-0.64881 -0.222841 0.538741 0.722652 0.306283 0.0446685 0.0302669 0.340515 +-0.0870664 -0.921692 -0.288006 0.401609 -0.699856 -0.464328 0.605429 0.201644 +0.443318 0.775192 0.339284 0.923055 0.272059 -0.926282 -0.84369 0.640364 +-0.435417 0.305676 0.183887 0.18005 0.93121 -0.597983 0.633152 -0.748446 +-0.444077 -0.152974 0.901408 0.00567173 0.337209 0.249761 -0.465012 -0.572423 +0.14441 -0.217803 0.886623 -0.298584 -0.992069 -0.910329 -0.865043 -0.79585 +0.0427073 0.169323 -0.610172 0.606651 -0.925988 0.248012 0.438596 0.80506 +0.580341 0.278589 -0.98893 0.999265 0.794102 0.809174 -0.0091269 0.349602 +-0.785846 -0.639567 0.411711 -0.517947 -0.331774 -0.00407746 -0.306337 0.998251 +-0.0411384 0.862358 -0.265456 0.834848 -0.168149 -0.652118 -0.286001 -0.955105 +-0.973704 0.054507 -0.421655 -0.7494 0.734801 0.733003 0.716725 -0.675356 +0.411991 -0.493809 0.140858 0.594907 -0.470983 0.563757 0.493642 -0.913018 +0.0848154 0.588962 0.52998 -0.612874 0.180051 0.98097 0.786611 -0.317053 +-0.345644 -0.437166 0.810846 0.858096 0.665159 0.478925 -0.0875771 0.0923788 +-0.241872 -0.0142244 0.147105 0.311358 -0.481969 0.53812 0.788871 -0.263556 +0.831506 0.640901 -0.932048 0.998328 -0.556773 -0.508118 0.937576 -0.67691 +-0.647504 -0.246892 -0.436839 -0.43205 0.656722 0.900011 -0.940555 -0.482263 +-0.749823 -0.919295 -0.680736 -0.293111 -0.581066 -0.28322 -0.138873 -0.544922 +-0.23649 0.571688 -0.364229 0.779989 -0.367618 -0.281898 0.597353 0.192759 +0.262706 -0.238745 -0.188718 -0.254212 0.37893 0.793777 -0.729617 -0.415413 +0.0467543 0.767762 -0.829876 0.775823 -0.313896 -0.0956588 0.97448 -0.21157 +-0.439962 0.461296 -0.221232 -0.979795 0.790144 -0.248104 0.242984 -0.88226 +0.0864715 0.982388 0.171117 -0.249684 -0.334482 -0.808296 -0.221967 0.822003 +0.632996 0.94374 -0.775281 -0.686826 -0.778744 -0.759771 0.927022 0.0224117 +0.379151 -0.615238 -0.0501672 0.641635 -0.337415 0.703021 -0.580354 0.875055 +-0.141639 -0.156486 -0.250025 -0.568296 -0.242664 -0.396983 -0.608354 0.675347 +0.62325 -0.391065 -0.762547 -0.809897 0.283655 -0.288219 0.350484 0.156588 +-0.776012 0.274076 0.294224 0.368845 0.796698 -0.454758 -0.834285 -0.955352 +-0.634363 -0.80141 -0.706988 -0.550012 0.948761 -0.412028 -0.416648 -0.928917 +-0.0891207 0.376098 -0.964987 -0.917623 0.94218 0.967984 -0.885209 0.953605 +-0.282277 -0.827035 -0.193524 0.663693 0.254509 0.634436 0.796459 0.720589 +0.88988 0.0108032 -0.228537 -0.0757205 -0.349577 -0.891614 -0.287738 0.796168 +0.196442 0.45566 -0.663953 0.332061 0.624401 -0.41001 0.877254 -0.578532 +0.907596 -0.606834 -0.720908 0.949873 0.307714 -0.720114 0.589878 0.0596667 +0.598985 -0.777062 -0.239063 0.244857 -0.866087 0.500555 -0.313432 0.999761 +-0.647462 -0.615176 0.861202 0.406797 -0.460893 -0.290523 0.659345 0.165012 +-0.96857 0.849776 -0.569581 0.694598 0.638149 -0.109018 -0.589715 0.826114 +-0.0027549 -0.930053 0.89528 0.976338 0.710978 -0.0452181 0.523359 -0.810643 +-0.670165 0.0473472 0.497387 0.694714 -0.458602 0.958052 -0.0847757 -0.857943 +-0.285355 -0.0624846 0.297264 0.0787774 0.572124 -0.0933931 -0.965279 0.910607 +-0.802499 -0.195514 0.600725 -0.736912 -0.0388842 0.217021 -0.901233 0.851295 +-0.835873 -0.0623102 -0.830387 0.960948 0.397927 -0.705977 0.313747 0.537092 +0.952972 -0.506664 0.00583154 0.860835 0.278171 0.530486 0.549018 -0.994979 +0.19622 -0.933826 -0.760742 0.248686 -0.603 -0.35062 -0.0153036 -0.577148 +-0.941617 0.517287 -0.268814 -0.210716 -0.0391231 -0.209571 0.533472 -0.80421 +-0.662987 0.839977 -0.348736 0.987334 0.136113 -0.936907 0.676846 -0.183018 +-0.244292 -0.501728 0.680024 -0.948987 -0.256957 -0.0360509 0.0846798 -0.3269 +-0.914367 -0.70277 -0.219623 -0.0701372 0.291313 0.848735 -0.766073 0.290009 +-0.239939 0.551149 0.828111 -0.921141 0.555425 0.904696 0.0177353 -0.72478 +-0.69786 -0.227274 0.389082 -0.491666 0.35536 0.290257 0.503103 0.201486 +-0.634598 0.969934 0.402552 -0.0453698 0.786254 0.9334 0.630699 0.881358 +-0.00591691 0.304347 -0.792962 0.823663 0.0365753 0.229457 -0.378103 -0.140421 +0.974196 0.451824 -0.0269083 -0.509734 0.408524 -0.893785 0.736339 0.827325 +0.12172 -0.884968 -0.613209 -0.778287 -0.985988 -0.383091 -0.91481 0.463101 +0.661399 -0.675849 0.040684 0.245202 0.472531 -0.035824 -0.93978 -0.134191 +0.587334 0.107128 -0.797056 0.945834 -0.990166 -0.117561 0.679656 0.958143 +-0.960443 -0.302675 0.29185 0.15371 0.0143037 0.372646 -0.519729 -0.974672 +-0.910563 -0.375314 -0.375177 -0.882413 0.728729 -0.10515 -0.827114 -0.950809 +0.692252 0.755329 0.606595 0.972517 0.418286 -0.11729 -0.571962 -0.813254 +0.803214 0.36952 0.289499 -0.336532 0.916552 0.221312 0.51359 -0.537217 +-0.561784 -0.529544 -0.802465 -0.0332391 0.428501 -0.219429 -0.278968 -0.284951 +-0.562281 0.274244 0.90186 -0.891902 0.900667 0.291199 0.00631785 -0.638341 +-0.49093 -0.530458 0.0828044 0.482718 -0.680165 -0.269098 -0.594883 0.849732 +0.879348 -0.298821 0.390532 0.102698 0.706264 -0.124483 -0.14492 -0.318506 +-0.358964 0.348387 -0.723543 -0.399297 -0.698828 0.455239 0.391509 0.548327 +-0.392957 0.422771 -0.627696 -0.192509 0.0241379 0.0278262 -0.312123 0.380219 +0.68006 0.626891 0.0441748 0.451729 -0.879991 0.0161236 -0.513503 0.310096 +0.365854 -0.984841 0.219854 -0.366791 0.519929 -0.580663 0.876846 0.730039 +-0.581241 -0.0153402 0.014145 0.981295 -0.498005 0.327281 -0.965842 -0.864351 +-0.105895 -0.855385 -0.138845 -0.964329 -0.842362 0.456257 -0.957012 -0.828246 +0.292177 -0.416624 0.71723 -0.623425 0.298619 0.488671 0.49368 -0.36694 +0.560037 -0.717505 0.68229 -0.162798 -0.42066 -0.0649666 0.312833 0.110852 +0.838137 0.767129 -0.256094 -0.657869 0.99366 0.875143 -0.0659944 -0.129317 +0.967663 0.195352 -0.507424 0.810117 -0.438656 0.321165 -0.387351 -0.922342 +0.426811 -0.895498 0.380813 0.454062 -0.842164 0.942753 -0.361861 -0.62961 +-0.0222192 -0.377454 0.870297 -0.863223 -0.179788 -0.820079 -0.220045 -0.520223 +-0.771642 0.499579 0.980336 -0.89382 0.138686 -0.0278531 0.48178 0.499688 +0.4789 0.198088 0.240406 -0.00892653 0.187878 -0.94387 0.420187 -0.827594 +-0.224953 0.499761 0.208712 0.426446 -0.416422 0.913984 -0.897736 0.0182281 +0.799346 0.535787 -0.815264 0.658569 0.752995 0.493531 -0.998731 0.358444 +0.205353 0.158476 -0.975775 0.405028 0.429149 0.970673 0.593034 0.162828 +-0.934039 0.702637 -0.894025 -0.625242 -0.130516 -0.17667 -0.328593 0.781197 +0.238078 -0.255501 0.97914 0.431254 0.522377 0.326107 0.648545 0.976772 +0.208661 -0.590069 -0.533551 -0.649294 0.76325 0.589831 0.234321 -0.0510115 +-0.69793 0.68513 0.930427 0.588933 0.774451 0.237988 -0.808147 0.169682 +0.0349228 0.514847 0.778509 -0.129969 0.0390609 -0.207936 -0.297653 0.472766 +0.512546 0.159146 0.727731 -0.177057 -0.809416 -0.602289 -0.787647 0.38428 +-0.186697 0.779926 0.660422 0.500904 -0.0689695 0.0559962 0.333259 -0.0574155 +-0.728707 -0.0706758 -0.888296 -0.238565 -0.250264 0.839343 0.493229 -0.576019 +-0.809987 0.220358 0.205609 0.757369 0.143384 0.615678 0.330835 0.977295 +-0.391994 -0.684258 0.205786 -0.00734942 0.726512 -0.71284 -0.0306872 0.456416 +0.499907 0.567074 -0.205645 0.251682 -0.186756 0.280597 -0.0836714 -0.108558 +-0.28285 0.0691123 0.530537 -0.185215 -0.606915 0.0682439 0.0027849 0.559894 +0.991504 -0.59958 -0.125012 0.831124 -0.662051 -0.764216 -0.731422 -0.351546 +0.0504676 0.349729 0.858409 0.0808612 -0.826867 0.43127 -0.254422 -0.630537 +0.3472 0.216606 0.227496 0.239261 0.416589 -0.974391 -0.766833 -0.789926 +-0.612068 0.932691 0.578923 -0.137452 0.000133821 -0.952855 0.0602413 -0.231185 +-0.801073 0.0313484 -0.580106 0.161526 -0.722227 -0.0439152 0.553315 0.906336 +0.0287729 -0.964495 0.955237 -0.447544 -0.0758286 0.528293 0.201741 -0.739478 +-0.781629 -0.284645 -0.483844 0.362895 -0.42788 -0.786034 0.850566 0.872203 +0.000988529 -0.872803 0.395764 -0.0222731 -0.462379 -0.363251 0.800724 -0.170503 +0.317611 0.694185 0.97882 -0.519405 -0.835364 0.771746 -0.618922 -0.0419782 +0.555083 0.230567 -0.573056 -0.401002 -0.660464 0.101558 -0.896003 0.474492 +0.541582 -0.388696 0.723882 0.278064 0.957648 -0.645315 0.0103556 -0.228311 +-0.876491 0.895205 -0.059744 0.556219 0.953718 0.982976 0.996312 0.802643 +-0.268706 -0.950022 0.648118 -0.218916 -0.536437 -0.89109 0.477512 -0.703463 +0.840411 -0.234881 -0.98169 0.665541 -0.675073 -0.79018 0.122206 0.107823 +0.940919 -0.588458 0.0397954 -0.973241 -0.768445 -0.843359 -0.114625 -0.712586 +-0.763167 0.336097 0.92266 0.358382 -0.598842 -0.775323 0.980411 -0.806153 +-0.312086 0.157702 0.789472 -0.503158 -0.257445 -0.743381 -0.828678 0.86506 +-0.0126923 -0.392215 -0.13923 0.83301 -0.524511 -0.176745 -0.114381 0.28772 +-0.0400626 0.657065 0.58184 0.600973 0.362788 -0.950236 -0.314557 0.184622 +0.0749907 0.697958 0.330292 -0.640931 0.11142 0.925076 -0.694668 -0.638676 +0.493009 0.145296 -0.520822 -0.98083 -0.914793 0.733923 -0.373969 -0.440337 +-0.970714 -0.175843 0.98078 -0.737724 -0.0116679 -0.0424787 -0.794543 0.294647 +-0.139649 -0.897596 0.0889451 0.331298 0.880008 0.851879 0.135868 -0.899387 +-0.507133 0.936525 -0.857716 -0.633908 -0.655703 -0.554029 -0.402635 -0.446275 +-0.985789 0.610474 -0.938237 -0.0277712 -0.785777 -0.500821 0.592228 0.541555 +-0.985032 0.177672 -0.384303 -0.961241 0.928837 -0.272532 0.132935 0.878376 +0.465095 0.675375 0.438776 0.538609 -0.763695 -0.14723 -0.531163 -0.592394 +-0.838288 0.000891291 -0.519412 -0.0231059 -0.733383 0.948007 -0.158819 -0.297876 +-0.925951 -0.1423 -0.51796 0.0954837 0.159675 -0.916505 -0.203607 -0.017358 +-0.92074 0.99374 -0.0859041 0.770165 0.722163 -0.653699 -0.130248 -0.207295 +-0.462486 0.0955302 -0.698791 -0.212344 0.200033 0.647105 0.821219 -0.132371 +-0.565166 0.0770586 0.961235 -0.508404 -0.442225 -0.953534 -0.293995 -0.708842 +-0.849335 0.209508 -0.448546 -0.556959 0.934118 -0.0660197 0.0713486 0.739346 +0.890078 0.402817 -0.800801 -0.191642 -0.766558 0.982021 -0.278174 -0.0073298 +-0.963572 0.284708 -0.58032 -0.706186 -0.95045 0.0150127 0.0315615 0.96933 +0.840222 -0.683602 0.910108 -0.343273 0.441095 0.63458 0.89769 0.554707 +0.491723 -0.774222 -0.692531 -0.0468481 0.706801 -0.339504 0.59126 -0.686917 +-0.445663 -0.649241 -0.863431 -0.710597 -0.921198 -0.901963 -0.129142 0.760962 +0.0320171 -0.285886 0.338763 -0.768237 0.252418 -0.205757 -0.574938 -0.879478 +0.301201 -0.413578 -0.519134 0.047605 0.462966 -0.441339 -0.94419 -0.427017 +-0.358283 -0.96023 -0.598302 -0.0410851 0.557403 -0.534843 0.747025 -0.134568 +0.880795 0.610099 -0.582609 -0.456949 0.95577 0.576349 0.684508 0.665622 +-0.237965 0.384696 -0.179683 0.324595 -0.992583 0.0704854 0.401968 0.796009 +-0.00203615 0.69546 0.328352 -0.509609 -0.447603 -0.265674 -0.475372 -0.0344349 +-0.589852 0.338638 -0.361372 -0.868961 -0.736954 0.113487 0.704388 0.555416 +-0.130052 -0.0963523 0.362398 0.762927 0.0542655 -0.558715 0.613645 0.611645 +-0.0890763 0.073031 -0.520539 0.53027 -0.0493678 0.27893 -0.324707 0.48077 +0.485537 -0.209992 -0.278468 0.0241694 0.504499 0.0158526 0.212986 0.896538 +-0.918242 -0.347432 0.0817963 -0.190843 0.898233 -0.91068 -0.212327 0.761878 +0.0486397 -0.154782 0.17479 -0.282162 0.319754 -0.349857 -0.819006 0.953552 +-0.600682 0.33818 -0.569613 -0.966094 0.389177 0.00301871 -0.460958 -0.802867 +0.897449 0.218671 0.834667 0.383977 0.24897 -0.471332 0.311505 0.275869 +-0.955746 0.310375 -0.782398 -0.559921 0.0162922 -0.368741 0.689078 0.788591 +0.312957 0.474791 0.789484 0.12461 0.0376771 0.358785 0.264312 -0.090945 +-0.187699 0.693019 0.0338453 0.981572 -0.667717 -0.222581 0.969189 -0.492898 +-0.162957 0.414095 -0.525001 -0.542582 0.761473 0.867993 -0.479436 0.969725 +0.122143 -0.367049 -0.211531 -0.813606 -0.735177 -0.588383 -0.363287 -0.682746 +-0.0615493 -0.111727 0.0677509 -0.994696 -0.482459 0.71518 0.714496 0.816877 +0.477809 -0.845984 -0.104193 0.841676 0.98396 -0.14268 -0.174282 0.178472 +0.227179 -0.00360693 0.695781 -0.551831 0.36939 0.227701 0.849255 -0.591003 +0.327169 0.788534 -0.511301 -0.22985 -0.817921 0.331116 -0.214407 -0.910214 +-0.708966 0.208188 -0.508084 -0.540582 -0.193875 0.608349 0.967027 -0.279604 +0.364089 0.768508 -0.430323 0.781235 0.229113 -0.531661 0.315563 -0.797436 +-0.771633 -0.964051 0.887155 0.0490612 -0.49456 0.60161 -0.577165 -0.42747 +0.631762 -0.10653 -0.87284 -0.791872 -0.397926 -0.815688 -0.443718 0.676639 +0.237383 0.627652 0.581267 -0.0624467 0.481185 -0.734953 0.105723 -0.930586 +0.281403 0.460436 -0.00877237 -0.219244 0.891316 -0.769947 -0.576876 -0.577317 +-0.264914 0.949003 0.242688 0.122196 -0.537458 0.642368 -0.401507 -0.305504 +-0.644836 -0.679715 0.308287 -0.116654 -0.350678 0.827556 0.269841 0.875639 +-0.0122482 0.788323 -0.0636885 -0.920086 -0.558517 -0.581069 -6.7954e-05 0.377795 +-0.83225 0.981355 -0.231438 -0.0760357 -0.381715 -0.107074 -0.117899 0.190844 +0.947034 -0.0348618 0.250442 0.191565 -0.775705 0.154775 -0.0833674 0.672069 +-0.651433 -0.85605 -0.218248 0.339136 0.812395 0.793409 0.203541 0.140841 +-0.15254 0.249303 -0.773216 0.477813 -0.726266 -0.186391 -0.042282 0.863566 +-0.22177 0.165006 0.119711 -0.99751 0.462757 -0.0655601 -0.141857 0.907958 +0.457659 0.189563 0.373878 -0.584828 -0.839178 -0.413517 -0.902242 -0.962533 +0.636505 0.614248 -0.307533 -0.0669895 0.68695 0.974162 -0.414596 0.909689 +-0.771077 -0.738859 -0.750467 0.519689 -0.998582 -0.0267039 0.972495 0.0175519 +0.765825 -0.287436 0.222765 0.961867 -0.305154 0.788899 -0.295583 0.709795 +-0.246841 0.961723 -0.777986 0.893427 -0.423192 -0.109563 -0.925778 -0.753771 +0.104348 0.302678 -0.912214 0.00249155 -0.312287 0.396746 0.168541 0.115341 +0.014949 -0.252524 -0.657262 -0.20561 0.199603 0.228653 0.720772 -0.918958 +-0.774701 0.975592 -0.946264 -0.849281 -0.455914 0.192243 0.424375 0.56935 +0.66413 0.862284 0.34288 0.819815 0.280028 -0.0379026 0.776205 -0.0816372 +-0.693112 0.654071 -0.385478 -0.673351 0.674679 -0.128085 -0.327999 0.123251 +-0.863902 -0.605326 -0.768949 -0.732213 -0.859094 -0.910892 -0.753148 0.852136 +0.139327 0.647198 -0.695638 -0.650699 0.488065 0.710881 -0.052738 0.979065 +0.96188 -0.882517 -0.487372 -0.895156 -0.731849 -0.752382 -0.0555075 -0.841653 +0.289452 0.190389 -0.439215 0.963425 -0.180696 -0.41886 0.626262 -0.832502 +0.0952616 0.145581 -0.944876 -0.890151 -0.990307 -0.899171 -0.906756 0.715892 +-0.758892 -0.167672 -0.989394 0.903334 -0.220127 -0.353353 0.656034 0.0925861 +0.257189 -0.913204 0.124925 -0.641496 -0.503652 -0.30457 0.0317497 -0.808368 +0.811121 0.674702 -0.0342996 -0.664897 -0.0646336 -0.654337 0.825959 -0.422053 +0.850755 0.0808313 -0.0784897 -0.66403 -0.293737 -0.549064 0.453074 0.550516 +-0.506625 0.500224 0.502962 0.271969 0.539411 0.329842 -0.549577 0.0854797 +-0.351406 0.052171 0.941238 0.03936 -0.123868 0.150834 0.81009 0.975996 +0.599451 0.36938 0.6028 0.653908 -0.721486 -0.396746 -0.646534 0.923577 +-0.232604 -0.897794 -0.0260559 0.91711 -0.838969 -0.0474446 -0.251691 -0.0617259 +0.060493 -0.464392 0.661492 -0.285598 -0.635514 -0.369137 0.352977 -0.890196 +-0.955907 -0.116436 0.812475 -0.899991 -0.408582 0.916462 -0.60746 0.00521365 +-0.982504 -0.106176 -0.0219168 -0.509379 -0.419312 -0.878456 -0.503178 -0.484892 +-0.978184 0.338475 0.462099 -0.621855 0.479982 0.361033 -0.151682 0.197591 +-0.144616 0.646619 -0.0578232 -0.742414 0.541164 -0.67586 0.381051 0.51102 +0.351967 -0.890665 0.120717 -0.0687964 0.986809 -0.934492 0.887835 -0.113176 +-0.70413 -0.629716 -0.939221 0.0804935 0.644462 -0.4129 0.67533 0.209738 +0.521936 -0.787522 0.892707 0.670515 0.461472 -0.904075 -0.107031 -0.940442 +-0.98956 -0.603699 -0.31856 0.276867 -0.317106 0.348596 0.773518 -0.154266 +-0.8903 -0.884725 -0.868828 0.188125 -0.300871 0.530784 0.131985 0.105447 +-0.144031 0.304302 -0.985802 -0.384027 0.37946 -0.332699 0.517149 -0.455308 +-0.119757 0.677374 0.925894 -0.929066 0.786887 0.960437 0.788471 0.715683 +0.958458 0.568038 0.222981 -0.817089 0.939071 0.249736 0.320322 -0.487564 +0.703385 -0.393002 -0.688667 -0.903855 -0.971126 0.712135 -0.668344 -0.580313 +0.0283297 0.392803 0.873114 -0.787694 0.557397 0.0225545 -0.0324734 -0.131235 +0.712484 0.1031 -0.0644722 0.895062 -0.617746 0.389033 0.587848 0.61443 +0.957954 0.323512 -0.915179 0.958706 0.502953 0.183585 0.794429 0.447973 +0.0684171 -0.859266 0.199364 -0.00677877 0.775452 0.959018 0.815097 0.76503 +0.032451 -0.0488488 0.305582 0.864427 0.495644 -0.345989 -0.563957 0.604405 +-0.465654 -0.40132 0.284185 -0.36625 -0.455115 -0.558626 0.399088 -0.804661 +0.148858 -0.55583 0.745466 0.348599 -0.984103 -0.306385 -0.147229 0.0302473 +-0.199802 0.493632 -0.478577 0.443527 0.759946 0.600887 0.00843066 0.0412703 +-0.799267 0.333701 -0.38604 0.635409 0.281086 0.211121 0.718651 -0.512993 +0.950882 -0.173535 0.495208 -0.507966 0.885123 -0.79731 -0.334338 -0.844913 +0.676898 0.686809 0.673109 0.608432 -0.262318 0.897646 0.547983 0.742935 +-0.839834 0.51153 0.304554 -0.534904 -0.665482 -0.105767 0.447829 -0.395065 +0.24932 -0.959949 -0.845937 0.790385 -0.36664 -0.0685263 -0.763679 -0.341931 +0.770678 0.104919 0.67285 -0.475033 -0.281144 -0.535127 -0.104696 -0.167921 +0.406637 -0.400048 -0.529971 0.945332 -0.716183 0.554581 -0.858926 0.530261 +-0.130121 0.45542 -0.799044 -0.514247 -0.885435 0.0658838 -0.112793 0.922899 +-0.632733 -0.839631 0.657114 -0.0595196 0.85263 -0.483647 -0.588631 0.434639 +-0.763286 0.829716 -0.774419 -0.135791 -0.226617 -0.971946 0.450276 -0.748912 +-0.829521 -0.219481 0.00672118 -0.794178 -0.568094 0.184311 0.603022 -0.0555631 +-0.818178 -0.904793 0.518201 -0.14007 -0.86115 0.624831 -0.536512 0.268663 +0.747958 -0.978679 0.647341 0.187085 0.788826 0.944593 0.60351 0.378025 +0.896682 0.152103 -0.640573 -0.916862 0.809931 -0.718852 0.746217 -0.288638 +0.132065 0.853987 -0.946194 0.178117 -0.234832 -0.787313 0.724442 -0.804484 +0.841424 -0.935334 -0.219099 0.853492 -0.425391 -0.666394 0.804367 0.450022 +-0.0559757 0.89209 -0.666535 -0.27427 -0.950254 0.386653 0.669156 -0.469244 +-0.639528 0.746106 0.900671 0.298351 -0.558404 0.187357 -0.474758 0.856625 +0.943668 0.272076 -0.47407 0.246344 0.502997 -0.183403 0.849963 0.0174011 +0.677586 -0.502934 0.454683 0.605003 -0.92176 -0.616544 0.487946 0.397674 +-0.551589 0.609696 -0.489814 0.925535 -0.413836 -0.967745 -0.76 0.00678453 +-0.836005 -0.798824 0.893406 -0.748916 -0.439515 -0.106358 -0.455938 0.830748 +0.0613894 -0.367138 -0.901316 0.340187 -0.329082 0.448266 -0.0103162 -0.510146 +-0.925967 -0.348735 -0.617499 -0.466985 0.0377553 0.305652 -0.373743 -0.563813 +-0.215901 0.971575 -0.387115 -0.552134 -0.335928 0.891275 0.107977 -0.353687 +0.346958 0.0134376 0.972283 -0.0779874 0.960555 0.44081 0.313072 -0.20081 +0.50655 0.966124 0.531481 0.536602 -0.0962096 -0.645679 -0.748907 -0.114082 +-0.730333 -0.309869 -0.558686 -0.33768 0.27867 0.701115 0.105935 -0.930818 +0.470554 0.381202 0.607257 -0.267815 0.566203 0.409737 0.553764 0.258616 +-0.367004 0.738815 -0.0804347 -0.0459079 0.721225 -0.582668 0.622424 -0.292641 +0.545229 0.166704 -0.202632 -0.481201 -0.878181 0.0831667 0.758087 0.259266 +0.754528 0.474816 0.00861407 0.406863 -0.604234 -0.435677 -0.54182 0.709244 +-0.913399 -0.364028 0.572926 0.307614 -0.425578 -0.963852 -0.643343 0.261065 +-0.603916 0.909204 0.196812 -0.351592 -0.445108 0.398432 0.616995 0.623206 +0.850149 -0.0909519 -0.29138 -0.602343 -0.669736 -0.629829 0.172692 -0.473004 +0.248849 0.0156421 0.17716 0.0974834 0.152069 0.802682 0.543331 -0.506565 +0.729818 0.122228 -0.0971823 -0.244587 0.415095 0.977121 0.210393 0.0410674 +0.879973 0.135216 -0.704358 -0.917243 -0.840452 0.276222 0.93666 -0.692741 +-0.933786 0.664264 0.173459 0.375414 -0.8766 0.788061 -0.399528 -0.0286686 +-0.642726 -0.618546 -0.537998 0.641385 -0.292247 -0.0933617 0.873355 -0.487486 +0.183198 0.671922 0.838543 0.191269 -0.377824 0.967969 0.0460472 -0.386277 +-0.0989322 -0.614006 -0.42701 -0.636265 0.0925185 -0.539117 0.354915 -0.504088 +0.167572 0.457611 0.54502 0.0310795 0.519358 0.275429 0.916363 0.881313 +-0.0726403 0.414511 -0.716541 -0.391977 0.690113 0.716706 0.281276 -0.842286 +0.287011 -0.432998 0.781827 -0.166975 -0.194825 0.455087 -0.760107 -0.836116 +-0.170192 0.876408 -0.834564 -0.960086 -0.952722 0.52316 0.0729177 0.501935 +-0.662812 0.875393 0.843351 -0.187418 0.773837 0.735443 -0.717014 0.553597 +-0.157824 -0.159628 -0.419416 0.15577 -0.812527 0.360696 -0.217718 0.0164864 +-0.740506 -0.103478 0.0169908 0.419559 0.821638 0.62033 0.65779 -0.343858 +0.452492 0.2548 -0.795943 -0.694096 -0.52172 -0.544809 0.531331 -0.960923 +-0.657693 -0.882995 0.0375964 0.22507 -0.920386 0.330874 -0.615008 0.585572 +0.205102 0.581671 0.789423 -0.845662 -0.209172 0.564361 0.667472 0.578153 +0.0689673 -0.0126824 0.241653 -0.327017 -0.512004 -0.449905 0.164354 -0.211784 +-0.297128 0.886296 0.348349 0.633904 0.388161 -0.335727 -0.842603 -0.572757 +0.283042 0.113655 -0.763819 0.566521 -0.804337 0.790946 -0.422361 0.066902 +0.54913 0.123015 0.829041 -0.391733 0.39943 -0.636955 -0.695998 0.0905171 +0.175117 0.606036 -0.673416 0.249112 -0.496315 -0.167191 -0.091044 0.513134 +0.877112 0.396982 0.685741 -0.792368 -0.235322 0.618024 -0.137511 0.12308 +0.490078 0.0671532 0.162762 -0.420424 -0.0875615 -0.199071 -0.783905 -0.241668 +0.64501 0.304917 0.418164 -0.212675 0.521454 0.708504 -0.0821817 0.0594873 +-0.820473 0.0948298 -0.886739 -0.550107 -0.652213 -0.819744 -0.0997843 0.353467 +0.306612 -0.39133 -0.348201 0.448639 -0.789163 0.0186648 0.295967 0.914176 +-0.533277 -0.0339372 0.104407 0.324413 0.212383 -0.878661 0.209887 0.306651 +-0.881642 0.25031 -0.415166 0.855903 0.214193 0.025399 -0.22203 0.571824 +0.71636 0.396948 -0.892458 0.858979 0.904456 -0.624258 -0.997935 -0.209621 +-0.302727 0.358524 -0.281995 -0.245178 0.00841442 -0.11592 -0.774032 0.561263 +0.948927 0.16215 -0.390985 -0.424176 0.379584 0.206267 -0.286016 0.558752 +-0.47546 0.6948 -0.971628 -0.3329 0.464283 0.822603 0.590005 -0.128156 +-0.265066 -0.712716 0.355359 -0.210927 0.86857 -0.405269 0.0154551 -0.0524003 +-0.0342695 0.785197 -0.12004 -0.619969 0.0305008 -0.323594 -0.0334806 0.0765711 +0.234872 -0.665406 -0.677282 0.392269 0.739396 -0.241054 0.167588 0.774975 +-0.764842 -0.122105 0.85323 -0.707777 -0.631841 0.436807 -0.160758 -0.0016953 +0.567043 0.614199 -0.0145614 0.142769 -0.377262 -0.237247 0.461966 0.690182 +0.0134212 -0.0299085 0.0534913 -0.374947 -0.627306 -0.356386 0.476337 -0.891982 +0.468098 -0.574631 -0.456699 -0.918161 0.208839 0.566924 -0.115736 0.869802 +0.0793177 0.490222 -0.185521 0.189923 -0.0943652 0.562403 -0.410622 -0.712502 +-0.951183 -0.12032 0.776452 0.529138 -0.84233 0.972017 -0.605747 -0.0206698 +-0.256617 0.729897 -0.727987 -0.526322 -0.0425027 0.168154 0.0810821 -0.540821 +-0.548331 0.853898 -0.504343 -0.0463173 -0.0713747 -0.314358 0.606325 -0.419281 +0.892865 -0.604713 0.574714 0.125193 0.486 -0.727891 0.576456 0.967208 +0.568343 -0.982626 0.312736 -0.681818 0.317003 -0.121853 -0.0536441 0.860819 +0.826723 0.318229 -0.736094 0.0134885 0.965055 -0.247302 -0.688274 0.482682 +-0.0292887 -0.358691 0.261033 -0.0598555 -0.876009 -0.557208 0.744197 0.276602 +-0.604998 0.332384 -0.983015 -0.304436 0.923102 0.749504 -0.757294 -0.377615 +-0.0648532 0.922708 -0.930013 -0.752686 -0.744714 0.0273013 0.0490791 0.857023 +-0.424368 0.826781 -0.879546 0.311477 0.700447 0.160418 -0.998176 -0.242925 +-0.209553 -0.192164 -0.442874 -0.816464 -0.989184 0.332274 -0.790085 0.54333 +-0.874551 0.0181679 -0.516911 -0.994742 -0.102463 0.348485 -0.0252379 -0.938111 +-0.640902 0.18803 0.64721 0.0115315 0.787931 -0.321811 0.39656 -0.803182 +0.0414234 -0.690448 -0.0515842 0.470013 0.446467 -0.109847 -0.43762 -0.888103 +-0.244172 -0.810811 -0.463355 0.508295 -0.954523 0.752755 0.819407 0.336853 +-0.645397 -0.708511 -0.269597 0.0576244 -0.907121 -0.908286 0.840547 0.271441 +0.213379 0.204338 -0.224331 -0.470491 -0.747464 0.586295 -0.193571 0.727277 +0.667593 0.846802 -0.92505 -0.967607 -0.21128 -0.20069 0.8426 -0.912126 +-0.094351 0.754726 0.692247 -0.8727 -0.435482 0.729205 0.329841 -0.239777 +0.482003 0.540016 0.400182 0.584533 0.594352 -0.224742 -0.99018 -0.365495 +-0.123584 -0.547139 0.170261 0.704244 0.704143 -0.46706 0.128778 0.543696 +-0.209179 -0.400937 -0.458475 -0.338609 -0.924137 -0.130142 -0.384185 -0.267361 +0.394728 -0.300397 0.502588 -5.66998e-05 -0.754345 0.733919 -0.225551 -0.225447 +0.798904 0.313307 0.885807 -0.804789 0.841102 -0.17677 0.665423 0.934713 +0.133434 0.862782 0.706749 0.743111 0.803831 -0.405349 -0.680002 -0.65964 +0.709679 -0.578185 0.742372 0.913493 0.750212 -0.81846 0.817477 0.779722 +-0.646891 0.480178 -0.833644 -0.297043 -0.855037 -0.323747 0.196813 0.841262 +0.27306 -0.867964 -0.36413 -0.527862 0.899337 -0.651062 -0.0152727 0.510921 +-0.62046 -0.860057 -0.603597 -0.497356 -0.85335 -0.667626 0.981406 0.663257 +-0.236741 0.87578 -0.635824 -0.0714842 -0.577548 0.248457 -0.314388 -0.774441 +0.0308561 0.877784 0.882683 0.599996 0.69647 0.0172356 0.016956 0.925496 +0.888874 0.411776 0.660213 -0.981331 -0.861061 -0.283163 -0.36206 0.218147 +0.171534 0.600916 0.34933 0.158056 -0.214328 0.354213 0.797588 0.630514 +0.766312 0.484621 -0.592262 -0.498101 0.976096 0.702271 -0.765422 0.709424 +0.0999393 -0.768355 -0.480068 0.266339 0.133088 -0.829619 -0.164323 0.110434 +-0.300064 -0.235681 0.341673 -0.241589 -0.342955 0.0950661 -0.820896 0.304435 +-0.501493 0.746096 0.728828 0.483865 -0.471456 0.0280791 -0.723644 0.860073 +0.142364 -0.795489 -0.708879 -0.317509 -0.201062 0.923447 0.367666 0.0252843 +-0.476622 -0.347662 -0.855173 0.00143293 0.141859 -0.303242 0.358551 -0.0809706 +0.932145 -0.18086 -0.978378 0.979316 -0.338207 -0.365419 0.328332 0.396093 +0.964991 -0.140835 0.301633 -0.0695005 0.0705005 -0.957443 -0.804295 0.601779 +0.830231 -0.879194 -0.156087 -0.697821 -0.700792 0.601835 0.727405 -0.282395 +-0.931165 0.331703 0.789664 0.693819 0.678749 0.449265 -0.955396 0.298338 +0.176182 0.87002 -0.446887 0.657141 0.773813 -0.883434 0.938524 -0.479869 +-0.249151 -0.725152 0.266159 -0.0654869 0.0862028 0.763146 0.900775 -0.581974 +0.845321 -0.0729742 -0.831248 -0.903661 0.324603 0.339655 0.815701 -0.0998833 +-0.559835 -0.851241 -0.663833 -0.906784 -0.433688 0.176868 -0.390089 -0.478584 +0.144606 0.369814 0.0372999 0.412716 0.494503 -0.82662 -0.572932 -0.174767 +0.0859566 0.925116 -0.285663 0.508513 -0.411593 -0.715404 -0.373222 -0.460061 +0.551503 0.667559 -0.436541 0.0951149 -0.752639 0.931708 0.546945 0.359672 +-0.212842 -0.298282 0.0607391 0.030647 0.401654 -0.96886 -0.5564 -0.229788 +-0.924008 -0.811365 0.639315 0.26512 -0.769191 -0.902165 -0.251788 0.848436 +0.808648 0.805774 -0.472114 0.705025 0.55845 0.17971 0.289988 -0.307662 +-0.361655 -0.759789 0.989953 -0.0391764 -0.051465 0.900116 -0.393512 0.440551 +0.0763763 0.489862 -0.666779 0.562786 0.291706 0.170673 0.787105 -0.289259 +-0.257504 -0.43626 0.792029 0.274716 -0.617916 -0.654418 -0.958838 0.0568095 +0.616259 -0.914804 -0.0190587 -0.704978 -0.242336 -0.973583 0.496185 -0.615579 +0.920462 0.866854 -0.829198 -0.136917 -0.492731 -0.922408 -0.951137 0.727202 +0.00348854 -0.391947 -0.231838 0.493274 -0.996519 -0.260075 0.771868 0.870124 +0.830233 -0.925175 0.996539 0.826752 -0.418671 0.417069 -0.828469 0.228377 +0.821491 -0.49821 -0.163306 -0.818344 -0.0498616 -0.170444 0.0328762 -0.731516 +0.667227 -0.332722 0.953548 -0.405401 0.620377 -0.939604 -0.755965 -0.0372982 +-0.092582 0.692445 0.944956 -0.20967 -0.941755 0.0343647 0.968934 -0.566135 +-0.141614 0.356234 -0.131954 -0.51963 -0.0972306 -0.995663 0.184744 0.135003 +0.46079 -0.0962763 0.666713 -0.13341 0.380956 -0.00794642 -0.61904 0.328261 +0.430556 -0.112199 -0.77223 -0.711065 0.352103 -0.057003 -0.120917 -0.418046 +0.703284 -0.343972 -0.934621 0.18446 0.194894 0.0768015 0.748957 0.893926 +-0.6781 0.591317 -0.876744 0.341167 0.840744 0.479815 -0.998961 -0.668906 +-0.564083 -0.120834 0.356981 0.989786 0.227531 0.680774 0.978001 0.715466 +-0.414349 0.160306 -0.100453 -0.19362 0.706187 -0.221035 -0.632907 -0.632393 +0.747987 0.955967 0.396999 -0.967516 0.563976 0.781441 0.872177 0.211161 +-0.48628 0.343442 0.924508 -0.473322 -0.105208 0.954776 0.412598 -0.276284 +0.641808 0.664805 0.422078 0.804798 0.624479 0.193849 0.463262 0.674536 +0.940558 0.876727 0.357005 0.757128 0.312283 -0.967821 0.528998 0.677824 +-0.583199 0.316136 0.0934153 0.175373 0.363483 0.264127 -0.98363 -0.228808 +0.311756 -0.54244 -0.593852 -0.66438 0.342554 0.00448297 0.391012 0.501337 +0.82219 0.114693 0.857205 -0.113997 -0.80673 0.12687 -0.0537883 -0.877063 +-0.128875 -0.624697 -0.98395 -0.926508 0.664611 0.729306 -0.827396 -0.359327 +-0.24602 0.52598 -0.0437766 0.574809 -0.993097 0.727501 -0.316276 -0.348622 +-0.285874 0.490093 0.125751 -0.393087 -0.714803 0.434096 -0.411678 -0.253062 +0.141284 -0.218594 -0.290909 -0.0756113 0.319561 0.33128 -0.869283 0.475909 +-0.933981 0.481987 -0.118591 -0.611428 0.796587 0.654279 -0.450943 0.225717 +0.584282 0.0561487 -0.551652 -0.706212 0.782172 0.457304 0.826883 -0.294561 +-0.00654909 -0.0238666 -0.606697 0.171336 0.522634 0.414978 0.67485 0.159151 +-0.66459 0.154426 0.60672 0.336923 0.785555 -0.737444 0.917125 0.0064614 +-0.577299 -0.834931 -0.358861 -0.765279 0.834001 0.471985 -0.160271 0.0363573 +-0.290718 0.186945 -0.0422565 0.671869 -0.0464416 -0.527829 0.179027 -0.094191 +0.823146 -0.0989166 -0.185364 -0.412318 0.105894 -0.31185 0.76524 -0.468312 +-0.537756 0.944155 -0.113883 -0.636604 -0.575465 -0.00326705 0.314706 -0.507163 +0.51412 0.521641 0.938342 -0.499935 -0.205773 -0.495695 -0.160574 0.184923 +-0.742075 -0.842996 -0.808609 -0.690305 -0.676926 -0.343345 0.445905 0.486126 +-0.0634245 -0.207896 -0.16498 -0.925668 0.582142 -0.666177 -0.841095 -0.453497 +-0.154675 0.622874 0.669864 0.00453511 -0.958206 -0.702163 0.237264 -0.511588 +0.653803 -0.441264 -0.0604796 -0.602637 0.167087 0.128361 0.389147 0.271361 +0.574152 -0.275057 -0.883065 0.195813 0.643444 -0.930003 -0.904643 -0.609023 +-0.868801 0.112228 0.697994 0.645571 -0.63435 0.783179 0.732564 -0.934264 +0.814669 -0.194712 0.150047 0.947009 -0.826012 0.896548 0.781659 -0.189373 +-0.504756 0.358911 0.0557541 -0.482806 0.8569 -0.21997 0.885924 -0.908434 +0.6879 0.0709806 0.387706 -0.321125 0.19731 0.115749 0.354793 0.495713 +0.295946 0.44123 -0.339491 0.825531 0.271526 0.686722 0.45988 0.471292 +-0.70877 0.656621 -0.799589 -0.285575 -0.191575 -0.647724 -0.611062 -0.236987 +-0.933419 0.967166 0.688633 -0.0451107 -0.608065 0.0354303 0.234907 -0.335263 +0.0183814 0.15336 -0.797535 0.303284 0.0978846 0.310774 -0.184561 -0.207435 +-0.378662 0.802281 0.523453 -0.45621 -0.224442 -0.0527786 0.28046 -0.85757 +-0.563993 0.720886 0.745362 0.936508 0.105535 -0.40803 -0.673072 -0.509342 +-0.558965 -0.534701 -0.949386 -0.497307 -0.845344 0.952257 0.774218 -0.784747 +-0.226164 -0.353859 -0.0276497 -0.138868 0.893743 0.263379 -0.742459 -0.73528 +0.920107 0.257864 0.398545 0.143756 0.760314 0.455289 -0.501466 -0.596911 +0.408561 -0.727019 0.912709 0.533152 0.329288 -0.348257 0.965502 0.34198 +-0.411456 0.652547 -0.299001 -0.896395 -0.656623 0.0781634 0.380077 0.914864 +-0.326664 -0.131558 -0.491358 0.832212 -0.468633 0.576658 0.901296 -0.366231 +-0.270571 0.3933 -0.0355827 0.864757 -0.149494 0.185708 -0.608046 0.415472 +0.299774 0.282516 -0.483964 -0.841935 -0.483778 0.425422 0.446914 0.480453 +0.529066 -0.362368 0.247862 0.889101 0.248018 -0.426146 -0.93691 0.0142508 +0.394014 -0.992437 -0.0965593 0.425013 -0.584837 -0.34293 -0.121579 -0.240481 +-0.381852 0.980143 0.557916 -0.207325 -0.265601 -0.0745425 0.916415 0.0431458 +0.787258 0.27153 0.185874 -0.183988 -0.32713 0.817681 0.0656985 0.606756 +0.0447763 -0.0805468 0.94682 -0.166576 0.578229 0.739584 0.698273 -0.14163 +0.488017 0.857431 0.875631 0.564616 -0.344284 -0.933559 -0.704433 0.450133 +0.707089 -0.458679 -0.01303 -0.274325 -0.427044 -0.392301 -0.925996 -0.948434 +-0.783134 0.910236 -0.650189 -0.95997 -0.24753 -0.219915 -0.406262 0.607386 +0.812164 0.691252 0.808511 -0.230207 -0.00842888 -0.764701 -0.479814 -0.157139 +-0.416275 0.394686 0.367218 -0.966156 0.582522 -0.614079 0.954274 0.473963 +-0.549753 -0.00547251 -0.36182 -0.712263 0.530485 0.621769 -0.539101 -0.271036 +-0.618533 -0.218757 0.155714 0.422001 -0.21221 0.562021 0.739202 0.769531 +-0.0498263 -0.0162003 0.267082 0.775233 0.91126 0.749903 0.735397 0.724286 +0.81932 -0.843928 0.529529 0.259539 -0.184566 -0.245879 0.905974 -0.856265 +-0.903726 -0.248198 -0.770753 0.474829 -0.952649 0.0330828 -0.556191 0.956247 +-0.624436 0.47964 0.131432 -0.168345 -0.477246 -0.0911477 0.778222 0.135703 +0.735938 0.658457 0.206606 0.421425 0.385614 -0.812726 -0.306028 -0.419352 +0.0394456 0.847125 0.668017 0.110562 0.337858 0.183032 -0.551017 0.783097 +-0.704871 -0.480713 0.646156 0.16095 -0.765813 0.735973 0.625862 0.729738 +0.18318 0.0945581 0.55991 0.628873 -0.960968 -0.329497 -0.809604 -0.0621605 +0.7643 0.65972 -0.103192 0.023295 0.957597 0.835945 -0.19354 -0.298343 +0.601999 -0.650217 0.787204 -0.0923997 -0.043043 -0.502477 0.819477 0.91156 +-0.80225 0.629247 0.485568 0.884574 0.661799 -0.0913704 -0.717703 0.0780696 +0.852178 -0.55987 -0.782186 0.392126 -0.165152 -0.364592 -0.571183 0.854628 +-0.993015 -0.884956 -0.876392 0.303986 -0.653503 -0.934443 0.30092 -0.239616 +-0.373432 -0.994714 -0.0860847 -0.127951 -0.226855 0.898356 -0.118759 -0.15347 +0.753139 0.587493 -0.76116 0.800912 -0.0664921 0.717756 0.546394 -0.818198 +-0.848135 0.920414 0.089797 -0.10953 0.487352 -0.0413274 0.160116 -0.922569 +0.620857 0.913376 -0.5371 -0.888848 -0.547893 0.965342 -0.0102596 0.642646 +0.228929 -0.383441 0.616893 -0.215024 -0.110073 0.0767176 0.664356 0.051058 +-0.141747 -0.351581 0.631057 -0.134139 -0.873394 -0.342096 -0.370005 0.686414 +-0.476121 0.953787 0.846469 -0.970234 -0.908107 0.871893 0.278422 0.96444 +0.154088 -0.856321 0.299098 0.465107 -0.982717 0.729739 -0.330896 -0.523069 +-0.647891 0.518537 0.265766 -0.8496 -0.365555 0.250577 -0.860084 0.965434 +0.180901 0.839412 0.0102612 0.519798 0.433035 0.525283 -0.227114 -0.787815 +-0.623962 0.745481 0.822129 0.189897 0.473787 -0.145218 0.685099 0.933544 +-0.990604 0.119522 0.22156 -0.116173 0.727771 0.229791 -0.636448 -0.977407 +0.347856 -0.82244 0.565478 0.633358 0.69042 -0.572761 0.816634 0.921053 +0.50877 0.935481 -0.297248 -0.295278 0.475637 0.833435 0.390233 -0.901122 +-0.604076 0.291104 -0.723547 0.783539 -0.735368 0.977447 -0.000195883 -0.315096 +-0.0472228 0.48099 -0.989383 -0.83706 0.278294 0.0993613 0.134936 0.675335 +0.228965 -0.915804 -0.138968 -0.802494 -0.563767 0.179447 0.246339 -0.156208 +-0.557728 -0.00987051 0.240962 0.789866 0.732192 0.71669 0.367024 -0.738044 +-0.258237 -0.348335 0.323778 0.0357073 -0.0524682 0.558493 -0.33209 0.720644 +-0.526678 0.688981 0.205941 0.279382 -0.455743 0.175003 0.106483 0.472977 +0.604514 0.24659 0.850118 0.916246 0.55859 -0.68052 -0.794915 0.0871143 +0.440163 0.240024 -0.584987 -0.106263 0.255702 0.451313 0.705061 -0.13135 +0.282462 0.612703 0.712391 0.247212 0.924635 -0.924864 -0.0714029 -0.424631 +0.121823 -0.862768 -0.774174 -0.426802 -0.55929 0.0617382 0.204368 0.286078 +0.509855 -0.190018 0.16875 -0.285439 -0.949994 -0.643695 0.285811 -0.855972 +-0.381486 -0.207199 0.0960123 -0.181356 0.992789 0.756944 0.69183 0.118718 +-0.783188 -0.946586 0.0521069 -0.127942 -0.0577861 0.332436 0.0785184 -0.536647 +0.923994 -0.483284 0.333174 0.0843593 0.4227 -0.675179 0.0593178 0.751924 +0.44757 0.469096 -0.817663 -0.614827 -0.149585 0.596369 -0.189046 -0.0777454 +0.273003 0.68871 -0.148789 -0.328606 -0.335955 -0.67944 0.412775 0.769597 +-0.731963 0.346327 0.517231 0.287071 0.152039 0.428483 -0.651829 0.744116 +0.635242 -0.609571 -0.542329 -0.851562 -0.961134 0.389616 -0.376796 -0.126802 +-0.0180099 -0.331095 0.251956 -0.914776 -0.903607 -0.461179 -0.675812 -0.544263 +0.562364 0.401615 -0.25766 -0.00929416 0.265503 -0.836285 0.946206 -0.0850661 +0.669014 0.744431 -0.473584 0.476114 0.125088 0.6667 0.592061 0.475967 +-0.584397 0.535709 0.853683 0.269452 0.25484 0.0672744 0.179976 -0.013398 +0.867427 -0.883255 -0.470908 0.229988 0.85815 -0.292816 -0.311314 -0.0952967 +0.772391 0.71723 -0.298444 0.860807 0.905866 0.801083 -0.257112 0.865618 +0.91475 0.35208 0.739183 0.5542 0.885793 -0.762854 -0.114436 -0.390397 +-0.00238038 0.13775 -0.176457 0.8346 -0.817934 -0.676072 -0.792165 -0.534726 +0.545058 -0.495617 -0.517554 -0.996651 -0.812834 0.601195 -0.0579808 0.931626 +0.702873 0.864469 -0.0558588 0.84158 0.220361 -0.911474 0.381343 0.933388 +0.340707 0.42134 0.98726 -0.843155 0.852878 0.591611 -0.259672 0.0175789 +-0.577658 -0.876924 0.00399223 -0.193853 0.203345 -0.276663 -0.502468 -0.180009 +0.0177999 0.00340674 0.056276 -0.198192 -0.312252 0.633585 0.598034 0.197541 +-0.159061 0.800112 0.784389 0.0723555 0.0359479 0.759342 -0.34009 0.905375 +0.338589 -0.310562 0.883088 0.753153 -0.750019 0.0217613 0.0432865 0.767058 +-0.657262 0.101825 0.149319 0.509225 -0.30078 0.00550695 0.14276 0.927615 +0.893967 0.256508 0.246723 -0.684237 0.140062 0.280849 -0.0466129 -0.328157 +-0.90317 0.446809 0.405565 0.895497 0.106392 -0.597579 0.898757 -0.364794 +0.581448 -0.313556 -0.374284 0.221787 -0.444622 -0.0981259 0.791659 0.714229 +0.499203 -0.985318 -0.950079 -0.433976 -0.459 -0.80906 -0.319202 -0.563101 +0.333075 -0.854522 -0.378698 0.564525 0.0147096 0.75404 -0.0901849 -0.723399 +-0.892629 0.700876 -0.76047 -0.698236 0.721126 0.645856 -0.123505 -0.711135 +-0.740339 -0.796952 0.22256 -0.652009 0.454916 -0.173672 0.647484 0.962477 +-0.46539 0.652972 -0.668187 -0.409683 -0.253592 -0.808649 0.0459738 0.346145 +-0.131851 0.481449 0.274155 0.327115 0.538323 -0.855945 0.376928 -0.464248 +-0.311477 0.60781 0.0647915 0.0349144 -0.906979 -0.221873 -0.293571 -0.0705909 +0.255457 0.393087 -0.200897 0.724084 0.752364 0.359745 -0.0612326 -0.343136 +-0.959241 0.204038 -0.877381 0.183352 0.936718 0.669003 -0.822116 -0.688967 +-0.0105198 0.11415 0.676121 -0.0160809 0.207737 -0.899675 -0.742513 -0.600623 +0.139435 0.192258 0.0616812 0.137983 0.817877 -0.947131 0.941711 -0.14502 +-0.408732 0.837576 -0.80274 -0.183649 -0.0150065 -0.0972932 -0.0893301 0.570324 +-0.855058 0.000896283 0.963632 0.269734 0.669349 0.869792 -0.22901 -0.380569 +0.244925 0.665405 -0.546693 -0.744555 0.781028 0.257806 -0.26532 -0.776705 +0.167019 0.945111 -0.267772 0.527467 0.694969 -0.387071 0.87623 -0.813872 +-0.174104 0.503103 0.313091 0.709993 0.763812 -0.642976 0.546306 -0.197767 +0.24718 0.855926 -0.99392 0.185421 -0.080989 -0.193255 -0.13245 0.817247 +0.538442 -0.806945 0.38069 0.512923 -0.704145 0.897306 0.180391 -0.908193 +0.522868 0.0509071 0.604966 -0.70499 -0.338617 -0.160258 0.606294 -0.272594 +-0.105343 0.71768 0.622049 -0.802764 -0.683397 -0.266077 0.998037 -0.0913231 +-0.435137 0.938807 0.894503 -0.454815 0.149053 -0.924636 0.365601 0.186184 +0.8702 -0.621265 0.791263 0.0014155 -0.416484 0.616878 0.0670925 -0.632963 +0.0549841 0.442197 -0.878079 0.776771 0.256464 0.6385 -0.763827 -0.217914 +0.468603 0.337946 0.276022 -0.65522 0.208541 -0.0905303 -0.305621 0.852601 +0.979409 -0.51722 0.106743 0.0763094 -0.797137 -0.88488 0.504488 -0.168023 +-0.266514 0.260147 -0.416327 -0.475632 -0.121679 0.752852 -0.450344 -0.796255 +-0.666477 -0.686081 0.0558797 0.891521 -0.213814 -0.632339 0.132522 0.669797 +0.478548 0.25804 -0.73034 -0.763098 -0.7187 -0.123103 0.396324 0.747569 +0.250672 -0.0969102 0.565463 -0.269419 -0.113583 0.885196 0.221078 -0.754703 +0.809342 -0.679751 -0.952205 0.869309 -0.144359 0.203847 -0.39146 0.626885 +0.126664 0.689631 -0.990055 0.102341 -0.548834 -0.436249 0.638882 0.257144 +0.679681 -0.662895 -0.682011 0.908557 -0.286349 0.502272 0.0131963 0.458774 +0.956644 0.585121 0.123999 -0.528068 0.018217 -0.109967 -0.49207 -0.963983 +0.661237 -0.437022 0.285641 -0.542122 0.34798 0.483353 0.200802 -0.575863 +-0.293233 0.101943 0.776871 -0.716736 0.339757 0.348393 -0.877006 0.0756994 +-0.192361 -0.429056 0.698857 0.0690558 0.571109 0.689003 0.558945 -0.20103 +0.304939 -0.75176 -0.234605 -0.531447 0.962697 -0.81432 0.287845 0.0611473 +0.0303345 0.50117 0.256422 0.390316 -0.943237 0.880831 0.812167 -0.918173 +-0.460962 -0.456693 -0.256297 0.400444 -0.0476327 0.112099 0.933638 -0.0833243 +0.0664529 -0.490261 0.818026 -0.579211 -0.405074 -0.293812 -0.835751 0.818004 +0.589462 0.752656 -0.851615 0.598916 -0.991793 0.59601 -0.387809 -0.234004 +0.312491 -0.744039 -0.393213 0.12193 -0.205172 0.964511 -0.396016 0.823664 +0.241052 -0.527564 0.757131 -0.0885936 -0.440873 -0.0562625 -0.108217 0.997197 +-0.348426 0.939195 0.764351 0.111117 -0.509492 0.794485 0.547293 0.811958 +0.265172 -0.726696 -0.646237 0.852409 -0.752579 -0.529954 -0.892903 0.744079 +0.991331 -0.968149 0.582996 -0.799841 0.130517 -0.0319984 -0.369265 0.661045 +0.905755 -0.101298 -0.520091 0.470791 0.827143 0.148135 -0.843935 -0.00181772 +0.517024 -0.391846 0.360668 -0.288355 0.40142 0.962982 0.370957 -0.375467 +-0.639948 -0.908811 0.925173 -0.258794 -0.986795 -0.958077 -0.771582 0.833089 +0.323493 0.219279 0.202369 -0.662371 0.216746 -0.212691 -0.595568 -0.237929 +-0.253571 -0.302909 0.00829868 0.593948 -0.661691 0.252085 0.290047 0.340127 +-0.0323342 -0.0986575 0.471169 0.606045 0.472742 0.856805 0.478151 0.262277 +-0.823422 -0.999551 -0.701375 -0.628034 0.810717 0.478998 -0.439586 -0.402394 +-0.0149096 0.462762 -0.218376 -0.128703 0.583629 0.540675 -0.950508 -0.945796 +0.196795 -0.681972 0.199658 -0.0528746 0.852323 -0.781498 -0.180707 0.928392 +-0.0355948 0.245186 0.941033 -0.930629 -0.607334 -0.173449 0.189164 -0.794443 +0.211917 0.959464 0.346092 -0.150506 -0.943057 -0.513279 0.495248 -0.598726 +-0.706505 -0.22289 0.798774 0.579023 -0.662528 -0.703043 0.466128 -0.976256 +-0.0865377 0.920782 -0.313851 -0.6782 0.499931 -0.288394 0.515319 -0.955472 +0.10862 0.255546 0.442373 -0.830397 0.936627 -0.750215 0.594367 0.814511 +0.106111 -0.645144 -0.159128 0.0610745 0.434246 -0.577104 0.634405 -0.660151 +0.135706 0.975158 0.0848757 -0.221776 -0.48962 -0.581868 -0.732632 -0.269339 +-0.326039 -0.608257 -0.764748 0.246634 0.743877 -0.427327 0.341363 -0.534626 +0.213119 -0.414106 -0.453311 0.91909 -0.195049 0.585568 0.8036 -0.580623 +-0.289366 -0.0875174 0.116103 -0.715581 0.49478 0.27594 -0.896851 0.0897983 +-0.579688 0.423732 0.150584 -0.222251 0.913455 0.00843966 -0.696864 0.616172 +-0.625069 0.3232 -0.658514 -0.383288 0.304153 -0.260416 0.995483 -0.192514 +0.608195 -0.121528 -0.500296 -0.120621 0.63437 -0.15617 0.555762 -0.503402 +0.56234 0.920326 -0.655406 0.556227 -0.41102 -0.122466 -0.503406 0.212939 +0.539643 -0.374674 -0.254096 -0.85075 0.637897 0.751731 -0.764317 -0.44745 +0.238889 -0.763641 -0.618631 0.569259 -0.882638 0.228504 0.688651 -0.433042 +0.795766 0.735439 -0.421045 0.459934 0.659391 0.574466 -0.860603 0.239672 +-0.538707 -0.409461 0.333454 0.882338 -0.189935 0.217746 -0.250618 0.249167 +-0.193758 -0.773611 0.0261545 -0.170627 0.297779 0.0666907 -0.0758429 0.291201 +-0.275088 -0.989135 0.52482 0.243216 -0.0715602 0.244083 -0.742632 0.996286 +-0.604519 0.919673 -0.731785 -0.388208 0.804942 -0.616248 -0.646098 0.343847 +-0.545362 0.521995 0.325602 -0.0462079 -0.0576605 -0.196755 -0.32192 -0.0395811 +-0.929555 -0.795383 -0.769878 0.937597 -0.572317 -0.545074 0.844056 0.440964 +0.648816 -0.0202996 -0.188947 -0.828698 -0.351649 -0.729544 0.32248 -0.814613 +-0.103441 0.916185 -0.64055 -0.374267 -0.266359 -0.691093 0.329788 -0.916444 +0.0855057 -0.663682 0.824731 0.390845 -0.430675 -0.16314 0.151002 -0.750227 +0.0942286 0.815537 0.991439 0.186997 -0.692234 0.195049 0.339283 -0.666759 +-0.481371 0.410785 0.0426052 -0.235143 0.334306 0.00832484 -0.753941 -0.660511 +0.452498 -0.864517 0.348422 0.203458 0.914861 0.406036 -0.0652651 0.0171851 +0.989941 -0.218013 0.533689 -0.297949 0.461208 0.838649 0.139251 -0.0197546 +-0.535147 -0.96055 -0.917169 0.920994 0.953047 -0.49934 -0.516132 0.806737 +0.681463 0.357143 -0.466521 -0.613908 -0.329098 -0.00111562 -0.567387 0.360135 +-0.925069 0.228135 0.43766 0.669042 -0.782738 -0.854043 0.0615008 -0.62869 +-0.964794 -0.402917 0.173154 0.263791 0.191719 0.921239 -0.726624 0.0206387 +-0.177547 0.92641 0.0257005 0.567644 0.25378 -0.317255 0.326914 0.955374 +-0.481678 -0.561897 -0.810486 -0.011175 -0.20251 0.0821776 -0.225426 0.828019 +0.319734 0.0455197 -0.650943 0.403695 -0.13328 0.0532351 -0.555217 0.483623 +-0.709679 0.359185 -0.653807 0.40202 0.791759 -0.628203 -0.775551 -0.1609 +-0.00967711 -0.278382 -0.0138448 -0.850629 -0.90164 -0.863227 -0.147169 -0.835083 +0.572079 -0.858894 -0.540333 -0.0858082 0.699962 0.676926 -0.920167 0.57445 +0.94329 -0.0960854 0.448321 -0.181658 0.622784 0.319869 -0.649597 0.526803 +-0.385788 0.81949 0.779691 0.650257 0.622329 0.177045 -0.346547 0.147598 +0.815096 -0.256498 -0.10321 0.330242 -0.253005 0.708998 0.793137 0.642095 +-0.906686 -0.465188 0.641827 -0.888046 0.948462 0.578915 -0.85646 0.415115 +0.189503 -0.231009 -0.504437 0.145098 -0.439487 0.600806 -0.111601 -0.867408 +0.960378 0.263207 -0.255279 -0.831335 -0.250174 -0.566223 0.413952 0.174853 +0.210605 0.915587 -0.95212 -0.781721 0.126896 -0.652111 0.216699 0.97238 +0.569672 -0.811293 -0.060879 0.836581 0.594458 -0.17383 0.273041 -0.579067 +0.438901 -0.738221 -0.171059 -0.515204 0.725874 -0.999104 -0.946137 0.198549 +-0.562374 -0.271372 -0.923062 0.928222 0.678984 -0.178428 -0.565382 -0.417847 +0.0589951 0.846803 -0.982789 -0.83878 -0.823362 0.382187 0.559251 -0.85245 +0.281434 0.186205 0.518949 0.579525 -0.578728 -0.313613 0.566895 0.989014 +0.385349 -0.844833 0.965636 -0.29242 -0.0320836 0.188487 -0.486568 0.609471 +0.812515 -0.0955862 -0.221162 0.293421 0.133897 -0.316121 0.17491 -0.0731692 +-0.851469 -0.629898 -0.430684 -0.959584 0.926379 0.772077 0.666256 0.0218093 +0.841021 0.897457 -0.924708 -0.420437 -0.169368 0.382381 0.976445 -0.404921 +0.283016 0.883067 -0.0180705 0.414147 0.9427 0.595938 0.167437 -0.286301 +0.604149 -0.468205 -0.225634 -0.114448 -0.144297 -0.524006 0.818634 0.736907 +-0.0805167 -0.499092 -0.198474 -0.794759 -0.02127 0.730269 0.627705 0.113475 +0.903352 -0.0252357 0.870841 -0.148878 0.213653 0.197376 -0.0670939 -0.475582 +0.629193 -0.739515 -0.198465 0.721853 -0.28623 0.970282 -0.940538 0.230602 +-0.281755 -0.773608 -0.39371 0.371552 -0.00568323 -0.252002 0.189924 0.825681 +-0.682856 -0.442933 0.782342 -0.551643 -0.301092 0.58446 -0.698666 -0.0942016 +0.381089 0.248401 -0.175918 -0.477737 -0.968251 0.0262816 0.439686 0.778217 +-0.23532 0.853349 -0.715212 0.542211 -0.917156 -0.976299 0.335364 -0.728281 +-0.879117 0.816838 0.741221 -0.304429 -0.620405 0.0690136 -0.402444 -0.87388 +0.411968 0.630165 -0.847352 0.481918 -0.217918 0.565266 -0.0122791 -0.795835 +0.0234592 0.870668 0.438645 -0.603354 0.602228 0.912884 0.688535 -0.606993 +-0.654541 0.646906 -0.29001 -0.965252 -0.275964 0.664379 -0.00808228 0.0235506 +0.0100944 0.152887 -0.304005 -0.795911 0.369806 0.43199 0.734702 0.747264 +0.446445 0.333043 0.930935 -0.694211 -0.601388 0.147061 -0.0998489 -0.93187 +0.74102 0.948449 -0.519778 -0.432951 0.665825 -0.130346 0.816236 0.886446 +-0.345459 -0.705149 -0.343866 -0.463113 -0.45104 0.215277 0.498107 0.55857 +0.172837 -0.25636 -0.727345 -0.501137 -0.900514 -0.535885 -0.673991 -0.627859 +-0.840898 -0.225774 0.937815 0.685105 0.833471 0.929874 -0.479996 -0.635103 +-0.849378 0.0766661 -0.621978 0.863871 0.711126 -0.391414 0.955512 0.760642 +0.771356 -0.257743 -0.321609 -0.492456 0.380348 -0.408613 0.94531 -0.719525 +0.40955 0.357061 -0.375443 0.129784 -0.844371 -0.693414 -0.131407 -0.417468 +0.0317405 -0.242657 0.137224 0.489892 0.0742063 0.622838 -0.536855 -0.144005 +0.838209 -0.94144 -0.396847 -0.5825 -0.00177164 -0.2439 0.698392 -0.79463 +-0.0847977 -0.28233 -0.0612805 0.964329 -0.594445 0.393508 -0.271259 0.0163982 +0.858929 -0.801424 0.817041 -0.496205 0.0243399 0.933555 -0.454056 0.738247 +0.201018 0.88881 -0.918101 -0.596397 0.76459 0.286093 0.0988432 0.979148 +-0.0484204 -0.468678 -0.126223 0.178388 0.943972 0.518688 0.982847 -0.223554 +0.0139024 -0.876422 0.180538 0.732026 0.540794 0.791659 0.488013 0.92101 +-0.573541 -0.966942 -0.345976 -0.264077 -0.354252 0.111363 -0.0798913 -0.953628 +-0.886551 -0.609552 -0.512374 -0.250939 0.0299737 -0.161727 -0.850325 0.784233 +-0.65672 -0.810091 0.720265 -0.367129 0.0745166 -0.755664 -0.716485 0.694168 +-0.224685 -0.254047 0.778674 0.478427 0.736657 -0.397138 -0.250502 -0.562233 +-0.757017 -0.24048 0.939309 -0.300419 -0.936982 0.461805 -0.281682 -0.267151 +-0.812877 -0.594169 -0.630813 0.704813 0.349527 -0.0717624 -0.158619 0.625095 +-0.79515 0.949354 0.0317152 0.417216 -0.831035 0.544364 -0.249483 0.0506718 +-0.560894 -0.155408 0.705131 -0.773296 -0.543498 0.625823 -0.555176 0.617108 +-0.335133 0.957534 -0.0844158 0.727917 0.210453 -0.875149 -0.468757 0.669607 +0.89199 0.264511 0.192064 0.697532 -0.274442 -0.595215 0.525028 -0.894577 +-0.690688 0.328797 -0.779329 -0.601845 -0.0847156 -0.27547 0.658439 -0.0165512 +0.804787 0.49006 -0.463583 0.933438 -0.961176 0.784489 0.952389 -0.725538 +-0.259765 0.0255164 -0.72265 0.43701 -0.991672 0.436923 -0.15044 -0.449078 +-0.701744 -0.596686 0.505973 -0.335453 0.715539 0.811012 -0.496299 0.0725392 +-0.488745 -0.155034 0.478185 0.900486 -0.868652 0.544572 0.179341 0.210153 +0.0340945 -0.174927 -0.655313 0.294701 0.087628 0.789314 0.541003 0.626333 +-0.759713 -0.726705 0.248022 0.837257 0.827688 0.248072 -0.275017 0.815465 +-0.446743 -0.950319 -0.664201 -0.655403 0.937845 -0.529307 0.966991 0.29705 +-0.595593 0.0431616 -0.317064 -0.515757 -0.295014 -0.179958 0.906339 -0.679403 +0.830869 -0.583668 -0.936455 -0.904527 0.145552 0.331073 0.103653 0.0448009 +-0.3558 -0.789052 0.499721 0.0566035 0.691236 -0.780277 -0.517583 -0.5023 +-0.962397 0.721471 0.958446 -0.289021 -0.729467 0.0894384 -0.940042 0.790251 +0.0555765 -0.158012 -0.481045 -0.784203 0.254878 -0.442009 -0.217187 0.149968 +0.771778 0.469362 0.295287 -0.238196 0.525796 0.841417 0.471167 -0.223849 +0.418275 -0.823732 0.675104 -0.529826 -0.217189 -0.735826 0.694598 0.0404085 +-0.737136 -0.635519 -0.816541 -0.53935 0.900962 -0.628396 0.189722 -0.779302 +-0.535194 0.53962 0.975443 0.348913 0.150123 -0.26131 0.520848 -0.730596 +0.978975 -0.0471649 0.201077 0.873904 0.288306 -0.379299 0.994282 0.549067 +-0.505652 0.258319 -0.600744 0.127497 0.314517 0.678104 0.106161 0.757435 +-0.308022 0.0824012 0.550073 -0.810625 0.665014 -0.668955 0.559599 0.957784 +-0.79884 0.670301 -0.367139 -0.891605 0.323452 0.199292 0.381776 -0.639931 +-0.256317 -0.536244 -0.325341 0.521513 -0.670016 -0.396123 -0.511194 -0.430955 +0.975777 0.14726 -0.773959 -0.511971 0.70116 -0.457476 0.601153 0.581795 +0.227825 -0.860724 0.370203 -0.0947922 -0.97406 0.0451292 -0.239343 -0.817037 +-0.470012 0.604172 -0.0921631 -0.717006 -0.0819806 0.403823 -0.139446 0.833008 +0.822054 0.227319 -0.0375581 -0.0493148 -0.260897 -0.62889 -0.370465 -0.0977058 +0.598783 0.812078 -0.0660498 0.259183 -0.506962 -0.510327 -0.942989 -0.468865 +-0.259301 0.743864 -0.218953 0.715528 0.196164 0.232278 -0.395251 0.139116 +0.791498 0.106472 0.0452309 0.629534 0.954354 0.311 -0.142481 -0.14749 +0.611771 0.875423 0.122703 -0.715426 -0.777026 -0.658008 0.488373 0.73403 +0.928229 -0.275799 0.639149 -0.615548 0.0611227 -0.805727 -0.145858 0.0201392 +0.435509 0.463819 -0.240368 -0.0902166 0.0443554 -0.478563 0.0194528 0.376945 +0.471205 -0.27338 -0.035732 -0.729623 0.722559 0.108647 -0.16389 0.613536 +0.978695 0.632154 0.679019 0.111165 -0.152862 0.364563 -0.149085 -0.0789087 +0.622036 0.794577 -0.330212 0.752239 0.0228988 0.920498 -0.711901 -0.00787498 +-0.469051 0.917879 -0.0811375 0.20919 0.557763 -0.84167 0.0757235 0.575219 +0.800904 -0.308932 0.376545 -0.384286 0.432287 -0.935728 0.357876 0.591294 +-0.768239 -0.508914 -0.226472 -0.381764 -0.308265 -0.501238 -0.358439 -0.711269 +0.863075 -0.649126 -0.559737 0.242747 -0.0833645 -0.48658 0.545111 -0.749735 +0.560645 0.0981928 0.98915 0.386877 0.998202 -0.923064 -0.143429 0.0120489 +-0.172888 -0.987736 -0.019919 0.900102 -0.706244 -0.800856 -0.863956 -0.134379 +-0.657668 0.618311 0.579982 0.852182 -0.621864 -0.65489 -0.0406368 0.235367 +0.528019 0.954676 -0.761864 -0.840649 -0.566082 0.516921 0.511785 0.0612233 +0.737796 0.317777 0.373947 -0.155693 0.839091 0.578526 0.283004 0.328822 +0.482275 -0.246011 -0.514408 -0.996551 0.186639 -0.353908 -0.710367 -0.95679 +-0.542976 0.379978 0.388341 -0.50985 -0.71483 -0.305278 -0.380838 -0.672205 +-0.0465311 0.777669 0.340097 0.100179 -0.531904 -0.723961 -0.981274 -0.0394776 +0.244866 0.0632913 -0.101809 0.376018 -0.553911 0.506234 0.843822 0.261087 +-0.34388 -0.985927 0.649291 0.30278 0.920758 0.180314 0.634717 -0.35386 +0.142797 -0.701537 0.163084 -0.211039 0.661914 -0.363659 -0.873628 0.728903 +0.815882 -0.217997 -0.466938 -0.0983389 -0.745205 0.664456 0.494475 0.0985773 +-0.2489 -0.321198 0.5543 0.391957 -0.827394 -0.67636 0.435296 0.3459 +-0.513688 -0.916884 0.882012 0.0695999 0.0376325 0.510818 -0.536005 -0.705857 +0.5442 0.41657 0.402025 -0.0543298 0.865691 -0.763821 0.106548 -0.838279 +-0.820634 -0.405408 -0.139101 -0.797438 -0.0440854 0.823462 0.758196 -0.581836 +-0.283799 0.76933 0.593534 -0.456088 0.387223 0.616003 -0.738034 -0.21752 +0.323996 0.614662 -0.950994 -0.40592 0.154952 -0.601096 -0.909662 0.277428 +0.685618 0.517136 0.886496 -0.485098 -0.788357 -0.208862 -0.725962 0.458484 +0.982799 -0.0979862 -0.94766 -0.885644 0.080183 0.263394 0.828962 0.53429 +0.430696 -0.368712 -0.474724 0.490441 0.875802 0.847952 0.740507 0.529319 +-0.32743 -0.869403 0.709334 -0.575641 -0.527952 -0.0762286 -0.237205 -0.822635 +-0.350666 -0.684212 -0.457443 -0.740521 0.996867 0.573595 0.730673 -0.260659 +-0.558065 -0.231694 0.506373 0.371054 -0.359671 -0.327323 0.440685 -0.233344 +0.492332 0.704796 0.546572 -0.197951 -0.581357 0.838951 -0.0710844 -0.0748296 +0.301623 -0.222486 -0.36994 0.758046 -0.604416 0.0381278 0.0866519 0.0076825 +-0.108616 0.473392 -0.0826879 0.20341 -0.587521 0.762725 0.235206 -0.956744 +-0.222462 -0.131956 0.330108 0.326434 0.0916936 0.959663 0.198013 0.973006 +-0.0065452 -0.157656 -0.568667 0.640993 0.371594 0.229192 -0.612711 0.807077 +-0.124147 -0.330151 -0.377112 0.0423615 -0.289726 0.664887 0.139732 -0.744687 +0.369068 -0.207116 -0.812014 0.431813 0.901761 0.184991 0.809224 0.664435 +-0.140696 0.658488 -0.380659 -0.100359 0.132319 0.290516 -0.7908 -0.303609 +0.950275 0.294591 0.813284 0.255675 0.379241 0.752181 0.21117 -0.0879986 +-0.788587 0.674907 -0.639197 0.843933 0.546026 0.133486 0.340824 0.737389 +0.551478 -0.665144 0.572637 -0.251883 0.667913 -0.652631 0.262991 -0.628928 +-0.00829559 0.827264 -0.659673 0.677435 -0.582898 0.861656 0.807052 -0.241922 +0.53029 0.276406 -0.850369 0.606148 0.417719 0.322676 -0.718059 0.814904 +0.0509127 -0.77916 0.38724 -0.0618599 0.321472 0.294822 0.536563 0.222844 +0.183128 -0.961351 0.469498 -0.107124 -0.998764 -0.974323 -0.561324 -0.778491 +0.705104 -0.16619 0.246858 0.853025 0.933275 -0.96025 -0.2306 -0.581463 +-0.135804 -0.291501 -0.453964 -0.0667871 -0.0116701 -0.530398 -0.636346 -0.989861 +-0.883888 0.868279 0.686281 0.365628 -0.280309 -0.613791 -0.2066 0.274597 +0.291794 0.775417 0.23292 0.0894797 0.292737 -0.163122 -0.638439 -0.594163 +-0.830332 -0.275543 -0.585718 0.270686 0.383448 -0.836213 0.777362 0.100967 +0.664511 0.30164 -0.128448 -0.948827 0.862502 -0.430376 -0.942581 0.0512758 +0.711924 -0.285207 -0.654959 -0.988625 0.392955 -0.359291 0.863404 -0.106388 +-0.659953 0.917055 -0.799197 0.651361 0.370245 0.391718 0.223717 0.723495 +0.123549 -0.945111 -0.555769 -0.649814 0.499219 -0.619066 -0.601799 0.69068 +-0.618715 0.32131 0.759993 -0.0737941 -0.229136 -0.391153 0.0804427 -0.0470107 +-0.705316 0.341965 0.61163 -0.48823 -0.791244 -0.859084 0.325526 0.469497 +-0.38023 -0.0987179 -0.939405 0.435456 0.393173 -0.892511 0.631725 0.58999 +0.942535 0.0601412 -0.392017 0.285243 0.870367 -0.147963 0.332054 0.395072 +-0.483855 -0.0679516 -0.824674 -0.564758 0.56754 -0.57824 -0.624811 -0.711699 +-0.2866 -0.174484 -0.926319 0.34033 0.624304 -0.384439 -0.42727 -0.446075 +0.213221 0.51746 -0.717439 0.833329 -0.769489 0.325338 0.596314 0.224083 +0.0602668 0.344342 0.489977 -0.580508 0.843116 -0.315491 0.168088 -0.601734 +0.321409 0.129467 -0.292062 0.46742 0.521776 0.903115 -0.424467 0.0117525 +0.777867 0.75377 -0.158987 0.149591 0.0631847 -0.526191 0.926621 -0.952158 +-0.108637 -0.591344 -0.457731 -0.33968 0.835762 0.178632 0.0384074 -0.474663 +0.363637 -0.350786 -0.601748 -0.756875 0.854744 0.372593 -0.175902 0.303099 +-0.0330089 0.146971 -0.769861 -0.99727 0.46859 -0.195382 -0.455002 -0.172157 +0.0297913 0.539815 -0.983084 0.38095 0.0792756 0.70725 0.820313 0.487679 +0.0484071 0.0412326 0.914358 -0.536642 -0.958456 0.340165 0.0820479 0.992099 +-0.159312 -0.449366 -0.0792356 0.181913 0.539605 0.950556 0.387085 -0.0460472 +0.308555 0.816409 -0.226476 -0.976578 -0.95974 0.92481 -0.10954 0.944659 +-0.487201 0.334477 -0.222606 0.887994 -0.245868 0.924337 -0.191241 0.258974 +-0.516916 -0.431767 -0.362052 -0.956869 0.140973 -0.525674 -0.829216 -0.864134 +0.467598 -0.0623155 -0.562673 0.387059 0.417803 -0.156728 -0.132967 -0.851912 +-0.0159641 0.681031 0.789737 0.61295 -0.382811 -0.437122 -0.575667 0.139461 +0.201726 -0.0284665 0.126787 -0.770721 -0.378973 -0.871242 -0.93124 0.167806 +-0.906587 0.755051 0.805754 -0.466284 0.846402 -0.265639 -0.399551 0.783611 +-0.330639 0.799403 -0.365028 0.152432 -0.457075 -0.880786 0.951629 -0.637468 +0.0939051 0.972762 0.673671 -0.0251475 -0.416985 -0.586914 -0.212876 -0.518802 +0.26211 -0.158193 0.0879568 0.133352 0.294339 0.806577 0.347484 0.284492 +0.18738 0.601394 -0.288238 0.929328 -0.430584 0.144805 -0.0861466 0.9678 +-0.672234 -0.577955 -0.226058 0.795892 0.372343 0.433359 -0.307655 -0.355279 +-0.91036 -0.593156 -0.0141378 0.367605 -0.69358 -0.889241 -0.390859 0.67733 +0.986818 0.965071 0.535801 0.19849 -0.598978 -0.787907 -0.977443 0.297804 +0.594224 -0.532425 0.28695 -0.972223 0.155023 0.323215 0.256217 0.506544 +-0.927605 -0.829722 0.276827 0.356957 0.832604 -0.96117 0.531935 -0.147619 +0.89414 -0.248586 -0.0725506 -0.825005 0.51739 0.465548 0.381324 0.908398 +0.736161 0.0285865 0.0647281 -0.631369 0.562227 0.329487 0.435297 -0.89194 +0.168549 0.237941 0.0677357 0.690194 -0.657008 0.348647 0.438995 0.119896 +-0.490611 -0.240686 -0.412573 0.472571 0.751665 -0.264279 0.911799 -0.870605 +0.982511 -0.626581 -0.46597 0.60857 -0.575409 0.697278 0.671233 -0.559026 +0.670154 -0.810728 0.0135843 -0.252631 -0.964883 -0.64613 0.0921187 0.202064 +0.560799 0.432354 0.906522 -0.611299 -0.641625 0.0577759 -0.883151 -0.415086 +-0.612934 0.25347 -0.619802 -0.689669 -0.772393 0.328471 -0.154783 0.20487 +0.927717 0.232525 0.24183 -0.411393 0.169979 0.203034 -0.391018 0.781991 +-0.0575303 0.244628 -0.331141 0.156427 -0.436854 -0.620626 0.497404 0.936758 +-0.755519 -0.694919 -0.0139654 0.258019 -0.871405 -0.0450511 -0.492955 -0.298025 +0.202794 -0.141868 -0.938724 0.311757 -0.0128749 -0.112618 -0.524556 0.873593 +-0.334348 -0.705892 0.758689 -0.700964 0.260453 0.212106 0.67753 0.149304 +-0.119876 0.0868582 0.166572 0.462281 0.345725 0.184584 0.671379 0.134625 +-0.143818 0.879489 -0.434038 -0.804062 0.879466 0.420275 0.757427 -0.635403 +-0.531995 -0.642183 -0.813272 0.501051 0.389997 -0.420186 -0.645479 -0.111166 +-0.302184 -0.774725 -0.315015 -0.978614 -0.275317 0.716474 0.0844563 0.428733 +0.283421 0.260302 -0.881416 -0.798459 -0.83066 0.551997 0.437974 0.515384 +0.755976 0.845284 0.561146 -0.0527445 -0.262402 -0.187658 -0.311828 0.867852 +-0.989924 -0.219227 -0.550345 -0.154239 0.467149 -0.672575 -0.300683 0.0634565 +-0.724787 0.352666 -0.110587 -0.554322 0.00744583 -0.975196 -0.86003 -0.966098 +0.151237 0.633514 0.776802 0.71245 0.0024771 0.62805 -0.940123 0.04355 +0.601368 0.15256 -0.534149 0.107194 0.583994 0.72257 0.488926 -0.127211 +-0.296958 -0.655767 0.815496 0.62545 -0.66598 -0.696658 0.422174 0.227705 +-0.838788 -0.255448 -0.418342 -0.239067 -0.468444 -0.493054 -0.617915 0.46068 +-0.10102 -0.844915 -0.772289 -0.255899 0.855761 -0.865344 0.465499 0.993729 +-0.696099 0.602138 -0.866223 0.616719 -0.638643 -0.117135 -0.467626 0.682793 +-0.467108 0.926499 0.633912 0.879862 -0.490802 -0.25296 0.454019 -0.851356 +0.294904 -0.56879 -0.889959 -0.585637 0.329798 0.886105 -0.283169 -0.632372 +0.854875 0.799757 -0.336953 -0.140972 -0.687957 0.890311 -0.628454 0.915021 +-0.631309 -0.296261 0.323326 -0.923162 0.132575 -0.051929 -0.123272 -0.780163 +0.247462 0.138162 0.970424 -0.0159447 0.765595 -0.63247 0.526467 0.329408 +0.558882 0.991274 0.762702 0.148037 -0.812295 0.320623 -0.360074 0.890414 +-0.193575 0.836558 0.66645 0.369587 0.894989 0.724637 0.134832 -0.103241 +-0.373098 0.522283 -0.509777 -0.408407 0.281541 0.491888 0.295896 0.885464 +-0.435318 -0.15438 0.295375 -0.0130003 -0.370649 -0.939891 0.979149 0.441866 +-0.0458628 0.0889234 -0.00384797 -0.172882 0.654266 0.0200125 0.93788 -0.229084 +0.232796 0.331426 0.137932 -0.1588 0.746055 -0.611013 0.0580773 -0.984885 +-0.274608 0.0274619 0.236169 -0.00557469 0.63567 -0.41614 -0.738035 0.678355 +-0.777497 -0.274965 -0.978902 -0.94074 -0.998772 -0.371096 0.918989 0.470693 +-0.351333 0.600498 -0.279957 0.982019 0.686641 0.463126 -0.951743 -0.774277 +-0.693266 0.587143 0.806982 -0.0391043 0.687868 0.836473 0.758257 0.814607 +-0.155583 0.559107 -0.180078 -0.901172 -0.564174 0.950115 0.658405 -0.995456 +-0.179338 -0.769771 0.63757 -0.800916 -0.941813 0.901739 -0.835243 -0.399236 +0.200282 0.56488 -0.695449 -0.784017 -0.169102 0.163009 -0.681538 -0.422385 +0.877868 -0.858239 -0.0760585 0.969674 0.0520049 0.650256 -0.174781 -0.592959 +-0.643602 0.490123 0.0763367 -0.133388 0.603845 -0.399696 0.421458 -0.623528 +0.621015 0.394125 0.58665 -0.318446 -0.242279 -0.0396681 -0.215221 0.910531 +0.679511 -0.69743 0.219824 -0.109131 -0.908851 0.362093 -0.323557 -0.842242 +-0.572823 0.174681 0.121563 -0.798144 0.918647 -0.0353657 -0.618057 -0.963881 +0.875206 0.628925 -0.285123 -0.745414 -0.951678 0.627636 0.4282 -0.261089 +-0.180566 0.0979852 0.161239 0.501575 -0.340417 0.793822 -0.609995 -0.209603 +-0.522707 0.472491 -0.49147 -0.626946 0.731457 -0.92191 0.381342 0.535288 +0.230116 -0.411899 -0.376975 -0.0727894 0.407803 0.797609 -0.617944 -0.102145 +0.470748 -0.680442 -0.052813 0.485381 0.259645 0.314615 0.982611 0.798367 +0.767657 0.413682 0.403979 -0.364973 -0.0227396 -0.587921 -0.459537 -0.56456 +-0.817581 0.0230745 0.122747 -0.272514 -0.151073 -0.571134 -0.12752 0.308456 +-0.234365 -0.896628 -0.543475 -0.928624 0.755612 0.511077 -0.599918 -0.599189 +-0.614712 0.0293457 -0.508606 -0.920826 0.164886 0.904763 -0.528188 0.0844406 +0.902556 0.119671 0.994113 -0.269736 -0.424784 0.264042 -0.657939 -0.806347 +-0.750066 -0.245443 -0.808003 0.442991 -0.209324 -0.808908 -0.981794 -0.510847 +-0.610594 0.900685 0.754698 -0.95254 0.420727 -0.330646 -0.906228 -0.181319 +0.067648 0.377454 0.519654 -0.886214 -0.720197 0.137773 -0.220185 0.760907 +-0.698287 0.697118 -0.598066 -0.491931 0.661839 -0.178514 0.446478 0.725278 +0.854846 -0.959739 0.449098 0.829102 -0.676333 0.786899 0.379883 -0.454514 +-0.170446 -0.570646 0.513767 0.689225 0.0637064 0.047249 0.194648 0.70846 +-0.914489 -0.84392 -0.378201 -0.361538 -0.356328 0.127385 -0.67819 0.168057 +0.125882 0.453762 0.630228 -0.307048 0.0558355 0.423292 -0.156626 0.409801 +0.545793 -0.272674 -0.228218 -0.18991 -0.940324 0.648011 0.48258 -0.539391 +0.652456 -0.809515 0.320749 -0.509295 0.136827 0.341681 -0.374427 -0.216659 +0.674087 -0.0444064 0.15684 0.0964682 -0.254558 0.862153 0.816423 0.29775 +-0.228888 0.203158 -0.720184 0.665157 -0.155045 -0.483388 -0.476821 -0.378136 +-0.261212 -0.853161 -0.908703 0.118185 0.539272 0.15899 0.9865 0.275421 +-0.895025 -0.826869 -0.27963 -0.242447 -0.163778 -0.692896 0.66349 0.0390357 +-0.427301 -0.277379 -0.231296 -0.415472 -0.752861 -0.299575 0.729758 -0.213146 +0.375921 -0.565423 0.096258 -0.583626 -0.263709 0.675703 -0.0166036 0.0170838 +-0.639753 0.126037 -0.106663 0.220402 0.257187 -0.743703 -0.403632 0.268798 +-0.95692 -0.875367 0.337192 -0.509973 -0.731753 -0.894748 -0.598928 -0.808364 +0.512275 -0.583381 -0.974964 0.847309 0.921829 -0.676939 -0.796804 0.0290198 +0.140113 -0.915027 0.793142 0.977794 -0.894313 -0.250609 -0.513954 0.188916 +-0.597928 0.982209 -0.572229 0.191877 0.127513 0.284272 -0.624505 0.600551 +-0.0618661 0.974959 -0.936933 -0.757253 0.865399 -0.810305 -0.25958 -0.62859 +0.179969 -0.394173 -0.272225 -0.273774 0.705135 -0.529459 0.534434 0.198125 +-0.00457802 0.906561 0.432007 0.311682 0.504192 0.881337 0.803117 0.409709 +-0.623662 0.414641 -0.774825 -0.883711 0.133717 0.697851 -0.0338443 0.382461 +-0.487514 -0.613888 0.160689 -0.111202 -0.96655 -0.702182 0.0501156 -0.206706 +-0.550074 0.749546 -0.431205 -0.567424 -0.680566 0.942111 -0.721449 -0.403556 +0.235001 0.191921 0.439872 -0.279121 -0.688673 -0.193997 -0.672952 0.62718 +-0.444838 -0.231392 0.209668 -0.342187 0.432978 0.289592 0.554435 -0.318237 +-0.27749 0.354259 -0.107901 0.240673 -0.82693 -0.0822021 0.580248 0.954766 +-0.770102 0.697206 -0.98903 -0.652434 0.86804 -0.0104531 0.49113 0.792418 +0.657355 0.689204 -0.0956647 0.225194 -0.12617 0.302542 0.808653 -0.0638344 +0.100763 0.488962 -0.472099 0.415373 0.255599 -0.767797 -0.759042 -0.981816 +0.82712 0.512842 -0.574906 -0.675571 -0.108577 0.134561 0.691657 0.364584 +0.717932 0.644293 -0.891336 -0.14146 -0.752995 0.466326 0.0956557 0.748409 +-0.639551 0.993796 0.23663 -0.860338 0.546328 -0.0134221 -0.190639 -0.774242 +-0.168998 0.809897 -0.0724687 0.880509 0.924059 0.914387 -0.356067 -0.70861 +-0.665771 0.0469613 -0.344686 -0.639886 -0.794659 -0.752005 -0.538779 -0.554446 +0.358273 0.810189 0.589195 0.0768694 -0.363041 0.466094 -0.612151 -0.798805 +-0.176668 0.773198 -0.531688 0.653239 -0.487518 -0.748874 -0.115973 -0.95675 +0.379019 -0.187013 -0.694737 0.435753 0.733395 -0.375554 0.901036 0.576703 +-0.878736 0.859948 0.594482 0.731464 0.656825 0.185427 0.703121 0.475483 +0.451083 -0.605168 -0.567243 -0.829023 -0.855582 0.0894606 -0.701407 -0.934292 +-0.734215 -0.871833 -0.751409 -0.851524 0.442948 0.324741 0.0601873 -0.545492 +-0.645031 -0.159748 -0.73442 -0.0663618 0.524607 -0.30848 0.984521 -0.14582 +0.251307 -0.84424 0.527263 -0.119836 0.814 0.513187 0.663162 0.053065 +0.171631 0.608003 -0.390446 0.0240444 0.632319 0.302603 -0.974016 -0.550811 +-0.519843 0.20318 0.646409 -0.469461 0.815997 0.828373 0.525019 -0.33928 +-0.312998 -0.930874 0.748211 0.50108 -0.426059 0.24332 -0.761835 -0.888036 +-0.0430873 0.93541 0.607379 -0.930788 0.748549 -0.629869 -0.327984 -0.802965 +-0.893623 -0.94416 0.644368 -0.793722 -0.371427 -0.574178 0.538288 -0.599681 +0.991865 0.942398 0.502691 -0.721589 -0.0177585 0.69164 -0.739599 0.308632 +-0.948865 -0.462305 0.481357 0.239694 -0.687471 0.972791 -0.759844 -0.101514 +-0.427971 0.817675 0.37791 0.717362 0.780244 0.687148 0.817492 -0.356595 +0.408544 0.481804 0.634608 -0.292359 -0.333752 -0.730047 -0.146216 -0.379925 +-0.411169 0.480939 0.111173 0.719619 0.791424 -0.478602 -0.543974 0.983891 +0.328765 -0.252362 0.148485 -0.707759 0.783393 0.360622 -0.813371 -0.387891 +-0.732258 0.0508194 -0.468909 -0.104074 -0.402039 0.562892 -0.797813 -0.351684 +-0.531397 0.563291 0.757849 0.419854 0.0848375 -0.538672 -0.130978 0.29123 +0.581819 0.769303 -0.768847 0.296335 0.46928 0.686351 -0.452858 0.42095 +-0.468421 0.354316 0.320273 -0.683124 0.733479 0.959525 -0.466906 -0.562437 +-0.320985 0.662557 -0.469076 0.731449 -0.792907 -0.522255 -0.810503 -0.0463208 +-0.135518 -0.548003 0.821454 -0.596468 -0.221672 0.722425 0.677631 0.239664 +0.240495 0.518917 -0.560083 -0.533732 -0.316851 -0.384751 0.472647 -0.736067 +0.963678 0.279479 0.730123 0.767116 0.368007 -0.722811 -0.896892 0.947205 +0.363038 0.890507 -0.57866 -0.448616 -0.486435 0.378788 -0.0279786 -0.259052 +0.783014 0.730993 -0.845192 -0.448047 0.815635 -0.755785 0.676373 -0.367349 +-0.0086781 -0.325064 -0.795016 -0.764885 -0.497666 0.546077 0.15676 -0.347416 +-0.442516 0.831899 0.539601 -0.946358 0.42282 -0.733471 0.986251 -0.216558 +0.149417 -0.976062 0.843743 -0.709507 -0.949645 -0.444824 0.623921 -0.212131 +0.889061 -0.714132 0.886256 -0.524226 0.260209 -0.425858 -0.335331 -0.608121 +0.163371 -0.653703 -0.731777 -0.000247172 -0.188642 0.924377 0.298805 -0.388973 +0.762605 -0.842116 0.869683 -0.830962 0.677016 0.142839 -0.12232 0.522901 +-0.690976 -0.576243 0.773121 0.520893 -0.24379 0.197899 -0.222619 0.359383 +-0.462497 -0.296712 0.673668 0.87853 -0.46955 -0.69347 0.111819 0.845106 +0.175018 -0.934832 0.679228 0.637092 -0.0536522 -0.826904 0.908255 -0.239506 +0.145944 -0.31197 0.548688 0.900027 0.390772 0.910796 -0.22158 -0.549628 +0.24904 0.135123 -0.10011 -0.514924 -0.984626 0.938774 -0.904509 -0.770618 +-0.639954 0.877993 -0.188124 -0.182481 0.146301 -0.285402 -0.0191776 0.528271 +-0.387525 0.482188 0.979864 -0.349333 -0.545409 0.399055 -0.883834 0.979338 +-0.699892 -0.672811 -0.831444 0.613173 0.13007 -0.189966 -0.142866 0.160236 +0.0910655 -0.996865 0.0246345 -0.904468 -0.274297 -0.293687 -0.728378 -0.326509 +-0.309902 0.428136 -0.612639 -0.0769603 -0.889623 0.22853 -0.235892 0.534631 +0.78105 -0.525496 0.103986 0.125321 -0.00833412 -0.780349 -0.156386 0.23734 +0.958042 0.2222 -0.516709 0.302859 0.356197 0.621717 -0.375293 -0.325277 +-0.950257 -0.567975 -0.557345 0.227985 0.962381 0.0284058 -0.946306 0.993726 +0.689634 -0.0610698 -0.181399 0.341457 0.303838 0.48898 0.234354 0.840447 +-0.280721 -0.220603 0.613225 0.369206 -0.991763 -0.37548 -0.561312 -0.559419 +-0.562699 0.464465 -0.484657 -0.845516 0.286717 -0.325758 0.359892 0.250142 +-0.108194 -0.228172 0.946117 -0.502686 -0.0465551 0.712636 0.772485 0.179967 +-0.737207 -0.408187 0.466146 0.953815 0.157193 -0.050292 -0.515917 0.516513 +0.543843 -0.0965304 0.884514 -0.637205 -0.796977 -0.926221 0.798812 -0.185254 +-0.753853 -0.665576 -0.236124 -0.371611 0.561697 -0.752251 0.84445 -0.721008 +0.415113 -0.419192 0.81641 -0.498895 0.156293 0.675782 -0.582893 -0.507618 +0.4038 0.53983 -0.748939 -0.0885593 0.832176 -0.930937 -0.179189 0.895717 +-0.616491 -0.0931225 -0.190058 0.969533 0.271779 0.502087 0.859372 -0.962636 +-0.576212 -0.0748974 0.131519 0.12715 -0.953877 0.89019 0.632441 0.908584 +0.515387 -0.161986 -0.844445 -0.172084 0.179543 -0.09881 -0.646958 0.218213 +-0.846388 -0.731861 -0.0872301 0.792956 -0.00136626 -0.616736 -0.198031 -0.0934711 +0.193242 -0.18113 -0.149347 0.852692 0.414392 0.455737 0.77598 0.651056 +0.085765 -0.943946 -0.295603 0.162231 0.618967 0.406141 0.667482 -0.163063 +0.651067 0.481217 -0.848668 -0.730323 0.702711 0.674271 0.639327 0.11048 +0.792505 -0.148969 0.670314 0.155321 0.236991 -0.725394 -0.85646 -0.861638 +0.0494774 -0.0744954 0.406126 -0.854873 -0.959164 0.948478 0.124809 -0.80229 +-0.628362 0.375658 0.545496 0.076435 -0.467406 -0.345889 -0.110965 -0.503293 +-0.976087 0.459429 -0.260363 0.846721 -0.0974471 -0.673193 0.476279 0.749357 +0.857776 0.0693236 -0.409274 -0.428415 0.673289 -0.136668 0.824272 0.381379 +0.820045 0.804361 -0.317322 0.142192 -0.310016 0.854062 0.402185 0.831183 +-0.296965 0.034647 -0.719021 -0.853171 0.948462 -0.317786 -0.682242 0.851529 +-0.360539 -0.28977 -0.540494 -0.871484 -0.0713698 -0.202932 0.283497 0.32302 +-0.368837 -0.902355 0.0806888 0.937038 0.0197885 0.855694 0.6758 0.624621 +-0.642331 0.114485 -0.214602 -0.430039 -0.12427 0.267638 0.173853 -0.447229 +0.30979 0.280358 -0.567427 0.169455 0.205752 -0.689963 0.714521 0.0473829 +0.383499 0.0804055 0.550963 0.0282557 0.349583 -0.812192 0.992022 -0.586029 +-0.0443168 -0.695056 -0.491459 0.289843 0.0399156 0.729499 -0.59989 -0.686555 +-0.329796 0.392133 0.818108 0.897126 -0.755773 -0.225375 -0.276367 0.433383 +-0.438587 0.308626 0.753066 0.570264 -0.6305 -0.00913223 0.694738 -0.0574015 +-0.000567365 0.56681 0.781076 -0.141968 0.983244 0.492774 0.533332 0.229013 +0.19993 0.200886 0.0562647 0.477792 -0.385539 -0.929566 0.992027 0.869331 +0.355324 -0.0744283 -0.280209 0.147904 -0.837536 -0.575321 -0.026675 0.576413 +-0.854892 0.448117 -0.632357 0.884104 0.460515 -0.38821 -0.309308 -0.83903 +0.545732 0.821317 -0.301445 0.132048 0.432038 0.319904 -0.324767 0.655713 +0.32467 -0.22967 0.904307 0.727212 -0.776325 0.0210347 -0.182459 -0.865849 +-0.948423 -0.102846 0.522964 -0.9679 -0.540413 0.9555 -0.906271 0.366339 +0.905601 -0.824081 0.806826 0.635544 -0.581854 -0.668167 0.636123 -0.954634 +-0.435015 -0.0557779 0.702212 0.874607 -0.653595 -0.212491 -0.784918 0.126354 +0.937068 0.672375 0.577975 -0.607661 -0.0178115 0.44509 -0.821401 -0.0571128 +0.0953985 0.212275 -0.532983 -0.320107 0.386387 0.19727 0.132351 0.103074 +0.653617 -0.279407 -0.926383 0.361078 -0.774375 -0.175768 -0.725556 0.834164 +0.651801 0.94774 0.254977 0.316746 0.213899 0.00485267 0.922421 -0.488591 +-0.3543 -0.471387 0.965173 0.173607 0.846795 -0.446685 -0.468995 0.541162 +-0.932263 -0.700538 0.0437374 -0.600939 0.637763 -0.853614 -0.89898 -0.59456 +0.822556 0.441414 0.664329 0.541246 -0.499665 0.342649 -0.441652 -0.56069 +0.524078 0.809887 0.655461 -0.168242 -0.610231 0.579368 0.031113 -0.166155 +-0.526537 -0.400588 -0.587946 0.529077 -0.390321 -0.203477 -0.253867 -0.660506 +0.865728 -0.896361 -0.166965 0.334866 0.237346 0.545053 -0.33189 -0.66649 +-0.465374 0.977072 -0.0195884 -0.978674 -0.986898 -0.0328485 0.579987 -0.71977 +-0.274641 -0.741784 -0.411774 -0.0662335 -0.413689 -0.105837 -0.65194 0.00284367 +-0.630715 -0.462553 -0.697124 -0.423515 -0.948907 0.422678 -0.845514 0.392979 +-0.612671 0.965431 0.221359 0.449319 0.305557 0.406974 0.703473 0.359746 +0.557118 0.655683 0.770181 0.166699 0.390762 0.267572 -0.630432 0.506798 +0.642224 0.581337 0.995115 -0.154745 -0.642818 -0.0617701 0.225192 -0.871905 +0.684701 0.000151154 0.866918 0.279185 -0.0704296 -0.574974 0.354941 -0.258214 +0.259761 -0.631192 -0.457332 0.285686 0.699099 -0.896124 -0.99771 -0.221524 +0.765276 -0.626306 0.705763 0.612461 -0.947382 0.988387 0.864967 -0.344337 +0.369436 0.302681 0.93184 -0.489951 -0.178039 -0.554152 -0.636793 0.0947663 +-0.745905 0.765296 -0.0878794 0.54381 -0.566166 0.0709023 -0.621111 -0.658188 +-0.439942 -0.393803 0.0993992 -0.0673843 -0.71495 -0.5793 0.796486 0.596146 +0.347069 -0.0333286 0.663615 0.716399 0.928039 0.0243541 0.0211747 -0.647925 +0.231801 -0.953452 -0.28938 -0.785405 0.0021042 -0.418424 -0.954474 0.0944015 +-0.795226 -0.786352 -0.629143 -0.0268838 0.612522 -0.707865 -0.464972 -0.190053 +0.221904 0.148953 -0.874814 -0.950534 0.303472 -0.203122 -0.297299 -0.844548 +0.140824 -0.858117 -0.46766 0.937109 -0.666551 -0.0215576 -0.0413337 0.526174 +0.937529 -0.950909 -0.0802493 -0.368285 -0.952247 0.177659 0.7287 0.225324 +-0.296159 -0.952219 -0.435089 -0.306847 -0.0509877 0.0222074 -0.929953 0.435227 +-0.623887 0.928342 0.219252 0.839628 -0.153282 -0.152008 0.0605999 0.598386 +0.12803 -0.440865 -0.201706 -0.810531 0.274716 0.294492 0.226332 -0.735106 +0.652479 0.420165 -0.482305 -0.945197 -0.042351 -0.358698 -0.155276 -0.82037 +0.322464 -0.139477 -0.687325 0.389929 0.380014 -0.360332 -0.992663 0.968118 +0.498006 -0.987473 -0.0485686 -0.447246 0.0918458 -0.644389 0.755311 0.887464 +0.429836 0.345143 -0.485296 0.182335 -0.356696 0.582101 0.832393 0.607575 +-0.223757 0.351515 0.115408 0.780621 -0.480247 -0.195 -0.773274 0.935187 +-0.128869 -0.928501 -0.661209 0.820022 -0.247699 0.168445 -0.48247 0.564638 +0.739054 -0.619004 -0.122714 0.236034 -0.430382 -0.923658 -0.683358 0.24331 +0.395269 0.606288 0.98815 -0.192725 0.0080007 -0.834696 0.131245 0.578261 +0.479883 0.455326 0.101033 0.817782 -0.80053 0.600643 -0.947445 0.590112 +0.937189 -0.470375 -0.959809 0.631907 -0.865896 0.467946 -0.10058 -0.289725 +-0.421509 0.387252 0.271291 -0.798807 -0.191348 -0.76576 0.566838 -0.648024 +0.0543221 -0.97846 -0.755844 0.495572 -0.546768 0.68395 0.710712 0.869045 +-0.0680898 -0.694386 0.683653 -0.745838 0.420444 0.90945 0.866767 0.573934 +-0.0782296 0.339832 -0.0350136 0.0327823 0.816112 -0.535942 0.821392 0.436657 +0.130665 -0.77761 0.073332 0.529 -0.0310249 0.209788 -0.168761 0.429739 +-0.206022 -0.174666 -0.591531 -0.274372 0.990813 -0.410182 0.357321 0.557301 +-0.257423 0.898744 0.0316753 -0.621787 0.0729736 -0.721405 -0.78409 0.252105 +0.25796 -0.646719 0.797532 0.657129 0.0252002 -0.264597 0.0280809 0.0296184 +0.903781 -0.359993 -0.0370503 -0.252323 -0.755103 -0.968228 0.332395 0.152309 +0.715643 0.202338 0.0211722 0.114315 -0.915303 -0.923349 -0.844118 -0.170521 +-0.559759 -0.325486 -0.6104 0.048279 0.612685 0.533573 -0.389062 0.0201878 +-0.414804 0.378705 -0.0365641 0.725253 -0.426036 -0.872704 -0.783059 -0.894508 +0.195722 0.331857 0.405579 -0.196618 -0.646433 0.31528 -0.685225 0.142291 +0.557115 -0.250782 0.109774 -0.136143 -0.771967 0.203548 -0.218052 0.389333 +-0.629642 -0.12249 0.865808 -0.091847 -0.838728 -0.982414 0.216325 -0.262573 +0.109992 -0.280158 -0.479389 0.129597 0.268368 0.673147 -0.962008 -0.866278 +-0.16216 -0.59445 0.376369 0.543022 0.559321 -0.687589 0.78088 0.942087 +-0.914894 -0.839347 0.891765 0.309621 0.530463 0.310419 0.0591803 0.548127 +0.077753 0.671682 0.689121 0.319091 -0.258157 -0.233634 -0.121386 -0.667556 +-0.864087 0.135174 0.451474 0.800652 -0.788833 0.0185349 0.824255 -0.101176 +-0.495449 -0.0897356 -0.481195 -0.329414 0.63027 -0.847425 0.481735 -0.715652 +-0.479162 0.835453 0.192061 0.0202158 0.114332 -0.592705 0.54729 -0.413141 +-0.125399 0.732418 -0.69633 -0.133807 -0.201421 -0.776236 -0.907875 0.505893 +-0.360225 -0.817624 0.342119 -0.397985 0.331854 -0.256212 -0.633924 -0.632303 +-0.472471 -0.920919 0.187211 0.0398026 0.4989 0.0805651 0.0742864 0.950357 +0.390164 0.380505 0.358938 0.006135 0.532438 -0.780838 0.507366 -0.834666 +0.305488 -0.0339484 -0.0659418 -0.945186 -0.0063168 -0.322266 0.739375 0.990767 +-0.305596 -0.887935 0.0151104 -0.701757 0.774948 -0.238107 -0.0178909 -0.87515 +-0.274157 0.530351 0.291663 0.847541 -0.00723269 -0.231056 0.448725 0.691927 +-0.997664 -0.78874 -0.777246 -0.090291 0.334912 -0.58018 -0.827108 -0.909759 +0.613561 -0.848892 -0.402654 -0.191104 -0.473759 -0.682979 0.139817 -0.596996 +0.479488 0.129539 0.73461 0.818347 0.975974 0.840722 -0.467352 0.333716 +0.132463 -0.890211 -0.175518 -0.251334 0.209338 -0.65694 0.284632 -0.0846382 +-0.208428 0.439492 -0.704196 0.75804 -0.709925 -0.533397 0.714339 0.90422 +-0.637903 0.0814424 -0.227628 0.687734 0.105665 0.754281 0.0383247 -0.20825 +0.905862 0.0235782 -0.318191 0.33822 -0.108553 -0.474966 0.572027 0.0572129 +-0.560315 0.827218 0.448415 0.572057 0.520588 0.48663 -0.0396718 0.261578 +-0.885042 -0.512612 0.463418 0.82466 -0.055316 -0.580829 -0.281855 0.277118 +0.846699 0.269458 0.664875 0.109804 -0.799353 0.484617 -0.0811441 0.675031 +0.983116 -0.320686 -0.967268 0.422405 -0.875115 -0.876388 0.244567 0.832954 +-0.711578 0.980622 0.38807 -0.056876 0.0154746 0.0850274 0.383304 0.725276 +-0.615692 0.453829 -0.114977 -0.671071 -0.182657 0.424096 -0.674289 0.608264 +0.979723 -0.14854 -0.526936 0.348416 0.337652 -0.370859 0.384555 -0.523567 +0.667058 0.647991 -0.525271 -0.387758 -0.997505 0.499909 -0.696958 0.0438556 +-0.344948 0.91037 0.310014 -0.786479 0.231515 0.83267 -0.800147 -0.71553 +-0.311102 0.290886 0.0941962 -0.146718 -0.0788699 -0.304247 -0.297134 0.312001 +-0.135024 0.333654 0.224173 -0.48049 -0.137087 -0.0851665 -0.063134 -0.370265 +-0.167541 -0.567091 0.269331 0.0842452 -0.0742686 -0.801058 0.0182561 0.770316 +0.200225 -0.824877 -0.118187 0.303305 -0.363584 -0.59466 -0.328064 0.986639 +0.69955 -0.446219 0.513832 0.940837 0.039409 -0.764758 0.553287 -0.114898 +-0.275923 0.57232 0.525424 -0.974437 -0.776375 -0.996626 0.546344 0.6603 +-0.180902 -0.369212 0.989044 -0.30809 0.993703 -0.994958 0.687437 0.594484 +-0.955314 0.653012 -0.542373 -0.863294 -0.150448 0.586242 -0.742387 -0.136533 +-0.53176 -0.0034602 0.610657 0.283423 -0.678439 0.273139 -0.92601 -0.637018 +-0.3506 -0.766942 -0.357359 0.427682 -0.384695 0.66865 -0.274092 0.396424 +0.578505 -0.835379 0.300984 -0.944219 -0.564666 0.350301 0.984021 0.404488 +0.742556 -0.570024 0.106047 -0.279436 -0.382923 0.356421 0.432863 0.884236 +0.863228 -0.120595 -0.202818 0.842471 -0.347364 -0.836418 -0.653095 -0.00384722 +0.141851 0.42798 0.159145 0.0873448 0.547416 0.637176 0.80213 -0.159199 +-0.998928 0.7877 0.806591 -0.583023 -0.64463 0.180916 -0.179182 -0.206517 +-0.491129 -0.338378 0.168081 0.174024 -0.933346 -0.267203 -0.658137 -0.782135 +-0.543445 -0.946734 -0.581929 0.997398 0.35883 -0.889394 0.744214 -0.841229 +0.241667 0.0268001 0.782658 0.848009 0.0369494 0.882349 -0.426744 -0.346987 +0.862106 0.252457 -0.439019 0.440632 -0.618553 -0.40721 -0.00100412 0.289788 +0.935614 -0.746169 0.116288 -0.0702415 -0.248752 -0.459585 0.888645 0.517373 +-0.0638119 0.421087 -0.43006 0.619832 0.532893 0.388006 -0.850096 -0.166677 +-0.0533826 0.0597424 0.284244 -0.392274 -0.48001 -0.860994 -0.575622 0.961669 +0.319127 0.431032 -0.353745 0.622434 -0.0175861 -0.160517 0.0479902 0.759641 +-0.279297 -0.372989 0.461996 0.361456 0.812175 0.364688 -0.938057 0.672262 +-0.998169 0.862792 0.365382 0.0944088 -0.00568185 -0.914102 0.345984 0.922671 +0.748825 0.0697302 -0.0838671 -0.512355 -0.645202 0.280872 0.542005 -0.512991 +0.717398 0.0148824 -0.756246 0.668985 0.551587 0.933034 -0.0302685 0.57869 +0.0135831 0.961429 0.798888 -0.490134 0.0788875 -0.732927 -0.847448 0.815737 +0.34141 -0.0631161 -0.610386 0.528839 0.516286 0.296187 -0.109325 -0.645514 +0.461527 -0.251398 0.378351 -0.447978 -0.621262 -0.677811 0.784492 0.100396 +0.888894 -0.654193 -0.827866 -0.352366 -0.554857 -0.865394 -0.0173624 0.1884 +-0.276482 0.225799 -0.379563 -0.868872 0.921386 -0.509194 0.249485 -0.194679 +-0.432662 0.0761289 0.0314111 0.924523 0.602866 -0.0592413 0.253429 0.323095 +-0.246217 0.69923 -0.936107 0.35813 0.0303942 -0.378067 0.259794 0.170069 +0.598878 -0.0956435 -0.419756 -0.812831 0.942492 0.000759372 -0.419882 0.194993 +-0.872005 -0.110201 -0.281762 -0.316407 0.281128 0.259073 0.985252 0.779942 +-0.551026 0.506062 0.621188 0.316797 0.787958 0.375718 -0.377522 -0.709219 +0.868502 -0.565741 -0.64381 -0.0949202 -0.800112 -0.187901 -0.36674 0.902865 +0.593779 0.306037 0.260546 -0.289094 0.387811 -0.854141 -0.298593 -0.746131 +-0.403865 -0.0599061 -0.175985 -0.103992 -0.182054 0.122747 -0.793396 -0.0752806 +0.118987 0.32932 -0.357681 -0.407338 0.293571 -0.838911 0.0936832 -0.127899 +-0.307963 0.573313 0.176062 -0.501988 0.131799 0.779664 0.27436 -0.846411 +-0.6298 -0.0892439 0.206789 0.536271 0.610512 -0.788464 -0.169622 -0.468959 +-0.566494 0.744672 0.283892 -0.00565353 -0.0362827 0.200455 -0.473492 -0.967341 +-0.0173342 0.768724 0.327515 0.0419136 -0.756228 -0.433718 0.21463 -0.682303 +-0.861236 0.970447 0.937002 -0.164183 0.292068 0.487319 0.381598 0.578987 +0.762385 0.942806 -0.360376 -0.532665 0.917836 -0.421796 0.054024 -0.521111 +0.961201 0.792211 0.548377 -0.50753 0.345851 0.113151 -0.148371 -0.467866 +0.475471 0.641824 0.515887 -0.549656 0.418083 -0.692525 0.797605 0.238006 +0.740897 -0.585185 0.771689 0.715425 -0.717804 0.1123 0.090004 0.645284 +-0.200492 0.439643 0.39152 -0.87713 -0.820466 -0.267014 0.858388 -0.684192 +-0.572121 -0.6481 -0.836354 -0.727361 -0.57808 0.0535239 -0.512827 -0.302114 +-0.885128 0.971046 -0.046249 0.744135 0.462079 0.737962 -0.00550365 -0.731318 +0.345713 -0.707811 0.669868 0.860885 0.316897 -0.38473 -0.850745 0.744343 +-0.826244 -0.907294 -0.632241 -0.0685697 -0.860307 0.191838 -0.8719 -0.244189 +-0.476754 0.6518 -0.0621155 -0.108737 0.45466 -0.326862 0.561656 0.614533 +-0.260912 0.0790318 -0.693098 0.686324 0.569608 0.504235 -0.92998 0.841807 +-0.505985 -0.00248717 -0.584705 -0.978566 0.523799 -0.994243 0.401884 -0.408141 +-0.461064 0.199489 0.664111 0.682063 0.828969 -0.566705 0.345817 -0.474344 +0.342875 0.792451 0.974492 0.00326968 -0.0979298 0.364309 0.952433 -0.350622 +0.246868 0.420798 -0.77104 -0.686994 0.046457 -0.646043 0.0945476 0.3939 +0.713466 -0.197333 -0.956722 -0.318996 0.0542445 0.966028 0.926643 0.927768 +-0.956614 -0.150579 -0.778315 0.27839 0.340588 0.456458 0.64809 -0.862655 +0.93772 -0.0823584 0.645405 0.152695 -0.0893484 0.079338 -0.181385 -0.149401 +0.880062 -0.899808 0.67678 0.983115 -0.793427 -0.0992431 0.10006 0.674211 +-0.25547 0.809335 0.773695 -0.0525009 0.155048 -0.397669 0.244787 0.163812 +0.0814183 0.733641 0.123502 -0.341607 -0.744109 0.549434 -0.581446 -0.534397 +-0.545486 -0.598795 0.742333 -0.932709 0.964186 -0.437112 0.429452 0.55377 +-0.804624 -0.964547 -0.410035 -0.0545865 -0.751108 -0.239502 -0.441446 -0.861369 +0.110917 0.669109 0.836676 0.518027 -0.853143 0.0849209 0.103102 -0.925186 +-0.300751 0.0979728 0.608553 -0.586374 0.868477 -0.0524241 -0.649287 -0.950954 +0.370902 -0.654803 0.0152561 -0.497862 -0.849674 -0.164914 0.850231 0.258313 +0.491816 0.823417 0.219459 0.00673006 0.104549 -0.348766 -0.24244 0.556283 +-0.522479 0.509741 0.156232 -0.54768 0.774396 0.179653 -0.588555 -0.916058 +0.0815185 -0.575153 0.252636 0.166534 0.617775 -0.304252 -0.507862 -0.450254 +0.227304 -0.494694 -0.534251 0.274714 -0.845407 -0.0655565 -0.435776 -0.567606 +-0.981232 0.550524 -0.538458 0.696908 -0.636625 0.653841 0.612047 -0.417008 +0.887174 -0.340062 -0.847439 0.774232 0.283741 -0.409639 -0.440044 -0.432796 +-0.975221 -0.967874 0.286576 0.162995 -0.27583 0.155831 0.869568 -0.153391 +-0.411653 0.267808 -0.587389 0.914526 0.34149 0.654458 -0.893734 -0.234464 +0.772245 0.271029 -0.202365 -0.860186 0.00942087 -0.40884 -0.723717 -0.864783 +0.276351 -0.529273 -0.494314 0.666065 -0.806368 0.220149 0.478168 0.0328102 +-0.250285 0.600581 0.614246 -0.681106 -0.843817 0.944788 0.518175 -0.141106 +0.213816 -0.191986 -0.00334154 -0.423007 0.040556 -0.66452 -0.204187 -0.234212 +-0.0915631 0.424535 0.287596 0.764726 0.266142 0.02135 -0.179428 0.445019 +-0.306792 -0.317645 0.798546 -0.481469 -0.437666 0.541224 0.742633 0.141972 +-0.259233 0.735648 0.18293 0.226327 0.815834 -0.169555 -0.891832 0.965041 +0.817583 -0.306246 -0.727388 0.836307 -0.0567295 -0.359821 -0.0623004 0.0146595 +-0.982549 0.470623 0.224901 0.320201 -0.422177 0.0846818 0.877561 -0.0348397 +-0.599939 0.32302 -0.696371 0.408123 -0.0737024 -0.637588 -0.98979 -0.996502 +-0.883334 0.19633 -0.89659 -0.215099 -0.550339 0.384832 -0.740544 -0.549133 +0.0599547 0.690338 -0.91832 0.938188 0.305775 0.0802236 -0.201966 0.478655 +0.550545 0.07251 0.719926 -0.048884 0.366542 -0.351833 -0.211951 0.613254 +-0.794952 0.048904 0.638651 -0.784534 0.130564 0.0426809 -0.580999 0.626428 +0.798411 0.505826 0.818592 -0.174041 0.38094 -0.272236 0.720355 0.709383 +0.857351 0.100727 -0.613272 -0.410095 0.567996 -0.00762872 0.926644 0.640707 +-0.0424957 -0.161533 0.81314 -0.246815 -0.130873 0.310154 0.402256 0.159093 +-0.389781 0.223039 -0.683524 -0.395225 -0.497549 0.791054 -0.751099 -0.724181 +-0.661612 0.891685 0.62511 -0.399175 -0.681625 0.613913 0.0347462 0.0741704 +0.92973 0.777514 0.523026 -0.188668 -0.518442 -0.154507 0.876129 -0.0304955 +0.359611 0.437814 0.215449 0.679015 -0.385793 0.244239 0.0285141 0.377071 +-0.0901188 0.861664 0.592853 -0.0103729 0.634642 0.0399738 0.375644 -0.942805 +-0.878677 -0.0977806 -0.581259 0.909113 -0.949485 0.539159 -0.269272 -0.644702 +0.396922 -0.901451 0.775878 0.743231 0.387978 0.902272 0.647426 0.204801 +-0.727022 0.221606 0.394251 0.138904 -0.0424268 0.910571 -0.508341 0.724071 +0.699054 -0.868596 0.542153 -0.840958 0.599846 -0.624429 -0.632413 -0.654074 +-0.665642 0.538683 -0.0799395 -0.896025 -0.706551 -0.786008 -0.672906 0.353977 +0.959652 -0.202836 -0.794991 -0.53457 0.781096 -0.101194 -0.171251 0.486897 +-0.859707 0.950463 -0.763817 -0.91514 -0.333851 0.936668 -0.216623 -0.0952078 +-0.894765 0.105362 -0.950423 0.562549 0.270471 -0.699869 0.315632 -0.91655 +0.882887 -0.00132108 0.980841 0.409653 -0.563253 0.885914 0.880727 0.964139 +0.823164 -0.920521 -0.649476 -0.626808 -0.285936 -0.248118 -0.361665 0.420277 +0.19636 0.0985554 0.150611 0.517697 -0.304759 0.122974 0.815924 -0.685767 +0.451288 0.321481 0.130937 0.116384 0.121141 -0.86833 0.639199 0.260986 +0.864675 0.681775 -0.218958 -0.769449 -0.677597 -0.971851 0.0532934 0.221523 +0.533964 0.15659 0.28682 -0.818857 -0.201443 -0.649906 0.542813 -0.00959073 +0.817783 0.165464 0.103392 -0.716906 0.962953 -0.202037 -0.0759537 0.186108 +0.562349 0.0929924 -0.666527 0.447057 -0.733005 -0.0808003 0.938691 0.94022 +0.377163 0.794003 0.878441 -0.585736 -0.216602 0.317632 -0.368325 0.960691 +0.35932 0.217905 -0.66962 0.757986 -0.0605952 0.369402 0.349153 0.375401 +0.128361 -0.759455 -0.454601 0.231159 0.182047 0.626316 -0.2662 0.970907 +0.417101 0.00294624 -0.31508 -0.81961 -0.645843 0.760031 -0.700553 -0.275863 +-0.643067 0.412063 0.268319 -0.878727 0.847759 -0.53539 -0.0379323 -0.756312 +0.31784 -0.727992 0.910541 0.947458 -0.616752 0.155985 -0.757064 0.0402706 +0.29477 0.486366 -0.195294 -0.44712 -0.730204 -0.224981 -0.573309 0.365301 +-0.640745 0.15997 -0.675915 -0.983852 0.582019 0.769503 -0.534825 0.822197 +0.730151 -0.652336 0.771257 -0.715613 -0.529114 -0.349577 0.334493 0.516408 +0.648553 0.539158 0.357103 -0.0156328 -0.427603 -0.911554 0.407488 0.392862 +0.879597 -0.0713534 -0.370896 0.695681 0.629233 -0.630578 -0.522855 0.574893 +0.84401 0.66487 -0.815655 -0.919033 0.258513 -0.873484 0.752816 -0.409359 +-0.62824 0.90338 0.339717 -0.61761 0.708712 0.962615 0.832122 0.00398013 +-0.885082 0.586661 -0.607857 0.0706468 0.343362 0.236728 -0.269383 -0.238784 +0.820654 0.911229 0.255108 -0.290276 0.363748 0.739205 0.626344 -0.791513 +0.157016 0.378835 0.249012 0.831632 -0.408016 0.483629 0.405754 0.547478 +0.015345 -0.932139 0.660487 0.521992 0.603381 0.245233 -0.274024 -0.335447 +0.887678 0.491729 -0.737601 -0.187352 -0.994706 0.889207 0.187995 -0.183223 +0.565283 0.82096 -0.138177 -0.527245 -0.400863 0.554744 0.761942 -0.335533 +0.309582 0.00424392 0.218933 0.0392123 0.274676 0.806379 -0.305205 0.0880121 +-0.676519 0.820172 0.265933 -0.807138 -0.155751 -0.939377 -0.649055 -0.562359 +-0.0252011 -0.727199 0.342119 -0.622712 -0.692151 -0.535785 0.0109545 -0.354449 +0.594403 -0.620663 -0.501857 -0.531579 -0.286862 -0.493018 0.931711 0.897296 +-0.188629 0.836926 0.816477 -0.514478 0.70182 -0.150489 -0.656092 -0.223061 +-0.637774 0.922224 -0.366716 -0.853182 -0.165967 -0.47444 -0.15255 0.237983 +-0.959962 0.731896 0.677249 -0.947991 0.0474711 -0.464246 0.180211 0.4343 +0.471294 0.390443 0.688116 -0.0258603 0.253201 -0.524004 0.00343533 -0.197581 +0.498937 -0.79427 -0.387358 -0.200615 -0.781537 0.0654888 -0.0235635 0.910196 +-0.654484 0.841849 0.349937 0.278838 0.641925 0.914998 -0.901531 0.22933 +-0.283348 0.922009 -0.824676 -0.71865 -0.791757 -0.625036 -0.321023 0.854829 +0.0107176 -0.664931 0.239071 0.40789 -0.654548 -0.848005 -0.750935 -0.713981 +0.506206 0.495062 -0.304657 -0.643287 0.723505 0.241457 0.119593 0.371297 +0.180474 0.468024 0.988186 -0.48715 -0.991846 0.244942 0.0528599 0.0637469 +0.833889 -0.11873 -0.17861 -0.189427 -0.298778 0.55161 0.243032 0.545208 +0.722107 -0.0935925 0.516911 -0.487714 -0.745494 -0.379238 0.257987 -0.666524 +0.497401 0.842661 0.209398 0.760874 -0.923557 0.1712 0.0554442 0.195015 +-0.936423 -0.663775 -0.104996 0.00741343 -0.744289 -0.617282 0.594674 0.979071 +0.208138 0.782254 -0.158247 0.222795 0.579382 0.147957 -0.114167 0.960539 +-0.923005 -0.898775 -0.0621371 0.552772 -0.858906 -0.068227 0.865541 0.5706 +0.781961 0.640867 -0.809071 0.136981 -0.356763 -0.0792435 0.297144 -0.538134 +-0.221544 -0.354654 0.4786 0.333252 -0.174252 -0.244583 0.869017 -0.0716268 +0.848776 0.283365 0.868168 0.0538657 -0.532768 0.579825 -0.506475 0.345407 +-0.652467 0.0745767 -0.161587 0.0106741 -0.00559021 0.74463 0.533452 -0.450377 +-0.541299 -0.547479 0.713555 -0.706911 0.158814 -0.232027 -0.642914 -0.11275 +-0.345691 -0.477523 0.309209 -0.576494 -0.709177 0.254141 0.88782 -0.0494284 +0.00376162 0.476296 0.324455 -0.0231295 0.75273 -0.678247 -0.766696 0.992602 +-0.392655 0.221898 -0.996051 0.643405 -0.289373 0.555213 -0.966631 0.388454 +0.399735 -0.0782908 0.282509 0.809283 0.0621044 0.686929 -0.287878 0.146168 +0.468366 -0.599108 0.491734 0.415345 -0.597701 -0.188818 -0.321578 0.439873 +0.933667 0.912003 -0.689847 0.776399 0.132141 -0.0142812 0.841542 0.904968 +0.932671 -0.205578 0.107385 0.059832 0.510427 -0.0480776 -0.67251 0.621484 +-0.100876 0.549002 0.634983 -0.119785 -0.446428 -0.391563 0.403919 0.590761 +-0.0603544 0.45941 0.25589 0.579738 -0.983069 -0.459147 -0.0990035 0.0473122 +0.954596 0.633348 0.609027 -0.12728 -0.442261 -0.953808 -0.452732 0.578247 +0.0964376 0.993204 0.940248 0.510918 0.32833 -0.98558 -0.614856 -0.511803 +0.761979 -0.582177 0.478123 0.168238 0.191916 -0.600198 -0.60908 0.438701 +0.779942 0.212245 -0.551264 0.909407 0.112989 0.237651 0.659996 -0.871192 +0.0781793 0.62752 -0.608189 0.948704 -0.494867 0.79049 0.940317 -0.817677 +-0.87335 0.831035 0.457211 0.991613 -0.673819 0.715329 -0.923197 0.650651 +0.505027 0.455998 0.244774 0.620398 0.896838 -0.0624675 -0.294483 -0.714691 +-0.807255 -0.184722 -0.606469 0.0510232 0.179566 -0.0579363 -0.174412 -0.863459 +0.710181 -0.587959 -0.998859 -0.779537 0.221212 -0.918746 -0.626431 0.0818739 +-0.881738 -0.0697553 0.506168 -0.434019 -0.935939 -0.120315 0.219988 -0.846367 +0.375305 -0.854521 0.182392 -0.314735 0.30013 -0.474127 -0.841578 -0.627124 +0.52294 0.382034 0.54439 0.0941296 -0.679883 -0.380568 0.572685 0.711513 +-0.316525 0.277625 0.983235 0.518219 0.241373 0.743714 0.0649138 -0.20638 +0.693347 0.403006 -0.464385 -0.823494 -0.321207 0.918251 0.647452 -0.502137 +0.441142 0.647581 0.632004 0.487662 0.731203 0.863621 0.463359 0.786659 +0.384 -0.0455528 0.481857 0.413089 -0.458782 -0.667023 0.522426 0.29537 +-0.82415 -0.550388 -0.255981 -0.735899 -0.380215 -0.627895 -0.234079 0.944972 +0.893836 0.735363 -0.769291 0.944714 0.285597 -0.0938004 -0.123621 0.755603 +-0.888358 0.278655 0.92245 -0.598397 -0.230367 0.748407 0.520847 0.348698 +-0.896829 -0.145125 0.962619 -0.92495 0.451189 -0.261137 -0.286005 -0.679152 +-0.539385 0.775541 -0.0944589 0.367213 0.542262 -0.346505 -0.532552 0.139301 +0.977876 0.734137 0.408733 0.485077 0.972942 -0.759233 0.735209 -0.552718 +-0.943534 0.544304 0.0340769 0.887574 0.901972 -0.674539 0.0974603 0.926637 +-0.330129 -0.703179 -0.577478 0.0477279 0.188415 0.855658 0.152493 -0.0639507 +-0.232286 0.224599 -0.370838 -0.712825 0.675681 0.00981678 0.389022 0.0244613 +-0.399395 0.894336 0.551905 0.89118 -0.444561 0.764462 -0.303071 0.141737 +0.786329 0.673323 0.477762 -0.167822 0.71861 0.664168 -0.268925 0.0828351 +0.863814 -0.929986 -0.434447 0.898087 -0.0612498 0.757239 -0.258106 -0.0494983 +0.392358 0.420596 0.134843 -0.944536 -0.672695 -0.387 -0.65693 0.562342 +0.881747 -0.842434 -0.0466943 -0.516486 -0.14465 -0.743237 0.874053 -0.0565631 +0.0330436 -0.311132 -0.173063 0.210661 -0.25813 0.318614 0.198463 -0.630609 +-0.166034 -0.966343 0.488652 -0.836782 0.809192 -0.263693 0.743423 -0.139854 +-0.448914 0.728159 -0.371649 0.183715 -0.382062 -0.611343 0.360754 -0.750939 +0.725689 -0.275327 0.566848 -0.258814 -0.89277 -0.198909 0.874353 -0.27228 +0.25559 -0.404302 -0.887753 0.832919 -0.60103 -0.480956 0.772441 0.973311 +0.814496 0.535915 0.530017 -0.528991 -0.287927 0.471753 0.607369 -0.930765 +0.255896 0.792492 -0.72809 -0.515453 -0.327744 -0.130237 -0.962123 -0.945513 +-0.791085 -0.155853 -0.759945 0.17272 0.012639 0.71853 -0.295496 -0.962142 +-0.738404 -0.942573 0.219774 -0.242158 -0.79843 0.567457 -0.269836 0.573959 +0.999862 -0.292232 0.296913 0.154585 -0.0319392 -0.101248 -0.0284865 0.566198 +-0.270317 0.0990491 0.800965 -0.972202 -0.758828 -0.524636 -0.795831 0.0511171 +0.74104 0.756612 -0.777225 0.890035 -0.0559034 -0.177004 0.0648665 0.159184 +0.722954 -0.44605 -0.930824 -0.892966 0.94335 -0.801206 -0.183307 0.882795 +0.071331 0.312503 -0.0158416 -0.384237 0.11333 0.190089 -0.532708 0.89314 +0.560323 0.165608 -0.487801 0.839083 0.777147 0.619958 -0.326733 -0.48473 +-0.959508 0.596919 -0.347908 -0.28008 0.708603 -0.00157721 0.895788 -0.556427 +-0.330629 0.710724 -0.820599 0.278355 -0.190401 0.0906331 0.498114 -0.751765 +-0.333808 0.420045 -0.497672 0.946621 0.0894518 -0.432735 -0.813018 0.373842 +0.426476 -0.225521 0.45047 0.819105 0.865342 -0.921414 -0.725207 -0.425674 +-0.281437 0.995249 -0.529129 -0.677178 -0.601884 0.0964011 0.361923 -0.301413 +-0.664911 0.927445 0.739841 -0.37735 -0.0321333 -0.925231 0.257107 0.0908388 +-0.176315 -0.843917 0.273098 0.716013 0.123057 0.70907 -0.217759 -0.686514 +0.733115 -0.0402991 0.0794695 0.546967 0.874903 0.170671 0.692598 0.649382 +0.116708 0.113768 0.641518 0.0478678 -0.137072 -0.241049 0.762593 0.292057 +-0.490503 -0.604258 0.0301591 -0.551319 0.302458 0.900232 0.561375 0.133538 +0.768615 0.121881 -0.720506 0.681753 -0.984649 -0.0141507 -0.930949 0.0295205 +-0.042986 -0.762953 -0.0271066 -0.0377672 0.199279 0.867505 0.494154 -0.93018 +0.990379 -0.300296 -0.549796 0.408229 -0.861129 -0.196474 0.457403 0.546383 +-0.390446 0.157214 -0.0581865 0.846007 -0.152204 0.591226 -0.703394 0.535103 +-0.332402 -0.532502 0.315163 0.111102 0.822611 0.735132 0.962867 0.336456 +0.808038 0.369777 0.0355726 -0.328323 0.362608 -0.635222 -0.31314 -0.477716 +0.810855 -0.941815 0.240262 0.999463 0.299438 -0.182634 0.168391 -0.956243 +-0.410342 -0.887757 -0.825826 0.476632 -0.633834 0.967322 0.287407 -0.803921 +-0.727006 -0.72843 0.216492 -0.807746 0.965501 0.845416 -0.179987 0.172446 +0.496043 0.741301 -0.192255 0.0823884 0.260061 0.376388 0.895602 -0.492551 +-0.67124 0.524929 0.424585 -0.588839 -0.918418 0.833771 -0.666691 -0.395147 +0.70891 -0.546548 -0.494552 0.765338 0.351682 0.208478 0.309074 -0.783014 +-0.414118 0.216203 0.311043 -0.769911 0.25044 -0.914296 0.505495 -0.862396 +-0.661161 0.318837 -0.323545 -0.749562 0.238528 -0.864356 0.0969031 0.343573 +0.910163 -0.0435227 -0.306567 -0.91579 0.758843 -0.735411 -0.657015 0.067253 +0.0824448 -0.143139 0.000233853 -0.669545 0.979572 -0.171555 -0.00872194 -0.281785 +0.553714 -0.0448039 -0.297894 -0.269935 0.0816493 -0.817265 -0.25409 0.816555 +-0.910175 0.453318 0.0867426 0.65485 0.408334 -0.109336 0.461691 0.673779 +-0.53455 0.371076 -0.413704 -0.303239 -0.20085 0.627329 -0.142815 -0.277738 +-0.376888 -0.239065 0.720016 0.992076 -0.966696 -0.850758 -0.604795 0.39294 +-0.268847 0.142458 -0.491271 -0.25731 0.839292 -0.403519 0.276029 0.275732 +-0.272131 -0.649085 -0.397107 -0.473747 0.19504 -0.315186 -0.332551 0.953764 +0.829421 -0.277897 0.291972 -0.431647 0.319913 0.532588 -0.648084 0.792957 +0.32397 0.325757 -0.530295 0.875518 0.530823 -0.369587 0.977863 -0.806537 +0.5498 -0.512532 0.631372 -0.219018 -0.309337 -0.791233 0.126655 -0.668416 +-0.907103 -0.593879 -0.258768 -0.929844 0.31005 0.643959 0.199629 0.539163 +-0.157051 -0.0516952 -0.924173 -0.313176 -0.951263 0.925897 -0.487796 0.898177 +-0.856732 -0.994336 0.980966 -0.988833 0.120569 0.071028 -0.546373 0.314786 +0.445977 -0.957414 0.668461 -0.363623 -0.943982 0.283875 0.509337 0.141872 +-0.638478 0.152685 -0.0681733 0.038048 -0.773979 0.927497 0.659393 0.135351 +-0.940054 0.211372 0.528711 -0.50352 0.805783 -0.510394 -0.569456 -0.694606 +0.0995063 -0.891677 0.57187 -0.0835409 0.565456 -0.58246 0.992037 0.395467 +0.275065 0.529805 -0.155233 0.176407 -0.0336307 0.896007 -0.9481 -0.81459 +-0.237838 -0.994235 -0.109618 0.173412 -0.748352 -0.882013 0.387504 0.673715 +0.822711 0.0505035 -0.110435 -0.783284 0.166197 0.0547938 0.927833 0.147362 +-0.657396 0.340709 0.40621 0.679443 -0.0472974 0.883564 0.82865 0.495513 +-0.0387411 0.711403 0.235356 0.777087 0.303619 0.594127 0.0310233 -0.757835 +-0.109776 -0.193426 -0.497913 0.853871 0.123684 0.176588 0.0694529 -0.201389 +-0.0402764 0.83056 0.175167 -0.107285 -0.739853 -0.232708 0.541223 0.677185 +0.501453 0.569484 -0.510039 -0.34945 0.0179517 0.943833 -0.158113 -0.919172 +-0.493293 -0.971963 -0.212403 -0.643734 0.443588 -0.641623 -0.211297 -0.466253 +-0.0285846 0.0773716 0.0650886 0.980142 -0.458166 0.0895902 0.789982 0.714124 +0.255996 -0.769745 -0.0267572 -0.166986 -0.530757 -0.915754 0.720455 -0.116985 +0.782805 -0.949967 -0.99872 0.61993 0.255601 0.802841 0.552145 0.315338 +0.084646 0.0161256 -0.0109366 0.443328 0.748397 0.30841 -0.415378 0.618193 +-0.507773 0.272894 0.858081 0.257301 -0.119435 -0.306529 -0.497836 0.704057 +0.661695 0.386045 0.397397 -0.532988 0.505115 0.188356 0.425434 -0.406217 +-0.0724046 -0.0522931 0.618651 -0.746365 0.585327 -0.164312 0.388168 -0.829286 +0.327152 -0.611959 -0.104688 -0.439687 -0.989773 0.593231 -0.359783 -0.100241 +0.395388 0.228014 -0.361063 -0.592886 0.237209 -0.85933 -0.952566 -0.567496 +-0.425794 0.707947 -0.217454 -0.948841 -0.951188 0.427717 0.649977 0.451391 +-0.0809486 0.762827 -0.208069 0.761946 0.195246 0.330323 -0.712674 0.385718 +-0.713438 -0.0104818 0.373325 -0.158264 -0.558272 -0.935253 -0.180376 0.257992 +0.963579 -0.467634 -0.991456 0.73661 0.420621 0.611541 0.129878 -0.139247 +0.121076 -0.232961 -0.685685 0.175954 0.636974 0.106251 0.771119 -0.486818 +0.0236844 0.845598 0.0274395 0.794204 -0.937526 0.593828 -0.677017 -0.46641 +-0.0135729 -0.615094 -0.398661 -0.833819 -0.523664 -0.0747468 0.2075 0.892752 +-0.846625 -0.545092 -0.043494 0.667598 -0.934632 -0.468268 -0.682847 0.355478 +0.137197 -0.336166 -0.205873 0.956068 -0.551939 -0.292111 0.62029 -0.690471 +-0.0719763 0.243208 0.906418 -0.861834 0.826217 -0.213284 0.0212987 -0.233671 +0.0813541 0.170654 0.403923 -0.187356 -0.816106 -0.151359 0.105874 -0.401042 +0.839184 0.347649 -0.0576062 0.760529 0.391581 0.9243 -0.352764 0.961582 +0.502812 0.134488 0.341987 0.788667 0.503163 0.692971 -0.780474 0.0476577 +0.0412754 -0.350309 0.454983 0.312676 0.135271 -0.523718 -0.418448 -0.362349 +-0.197467 -0.358567 -0.105724 -0.338137 0.461614 -0.0580483 0.303333 -0.0102347 +0.219552 0.908984 0.285955 -0.793621 0.608321 -0.35922 -0.554176 -0.939427 +0.549849 0.31185 0.952824 -0.612367 -0.0122756 -0.859247 -0.707739 0.599578 +0.755847 -0.487411 -0.746853 -0.356608 -0.491911 0.465175 -0.783563 0.508618 +0.747822 0.40923 -0.84765 0.00950605 -0.459484 0.215416 0.843092 -0.900749 +-0.332525 -0.528359 -0.896191 0.602761 -0.0746646 -0.976921 0.10818 -0.704926 +-0.476777 -0.739367 0.915101 0.256158 0.407109 0.512779 0.016504 -0.390586 +0.481183 -0.791426 -0.862797 -0.457648 0.183429 -0.921095 -0.586662 0.357809 +0.778921 0.753544 0.436628 0.964292 0.391287 -0.9507 0.180487 0.87763 +-0.915636 -0.357254 -0.0276632 0.0985259 0.365129 0.632246 0.0456464 0.826809 +0.162956 -0.551402 -0.100095 0.375576 0.929266 -0.768643 0.453956 -0.558734 +0.387555 0.00583336 0.0956637 0.150533 0.535709 0.224147 0.459317 -0.328455 +-0.302872 0.997435 0.693767 -0.580299 -0.923281 0.38768 0.910991 -0.944723 +0.263872 -0.00554942 0.922022 0.966055 -0.916112 0.953158 -0.0659692 0.67065 +0.771442 0.564864 -0.0156295 0.887604 0.702961 -0.705951 -0.818255 -0.528323 +-0.310714 -0.288474 -0.58712 0.717359 0.159609 0.551893 0.975287 0.827947 +0.65936 0.82215 0.939652 0.648182 0.252733 -0.17138 0.522031 -0.4215 +-0.706526 0.1775 -0.273366 -0.687876 0.854777 0.63618 0.398037 0.020683 +0.753955 0.0357367 0.332278 0.184082 -0.120687 -0.0202955 -0.494045 0.0165401 +0.563232 -0.762517 -0.758065 0.385607 0.0584629 0.0359835 0.564418 0.658008 +-0.814176 0.193863 0.340561 -0.467972 0.730094 -0.590777 0.266266 0.898681 +0.42032 -0.158488 0.0773322 0.629157 0.148051 0.788621 -0.0995409 -0.51202 +0.551366 -0.174213 0.211137 0.44097 0.627692 0.487515 -0.110838 -0.259599 +0.660744 0.808913 0.431178 -0.743901 -0.70084 -0.614744 0.873532 0.947402 +0.657012 0.677467 -0.88745 -0.848636 0.488145 -0.70814 0.21825 0.146662 +-0.640812 0.575023 0.305682 -0.321175 -0.789839 0.669056 -0.265304 -0.460024 +0.0602146 0.623089 -0.118032 -0.258082 0.32257 -0.434977 -0.706771 -0.730281 +0.785421 0.949763 0.00173022 0.307924 0.913622 0.945387 -0.192498 -0.78929 +0.0812777 -0.1087 -0.902461 -0.439343 -0.0509033 0.493594 -0.91322 -0.911076 +0.664665 -0.345977 -0.122002 -0.148442 0.995442 0.948341 -0.474989 0.717596 +0.560131 0.514181 -0.436591 -0.0717882 0.487307 -0.670861 -0.0540871 0.73297 +-0.345602 0.578287 0.131515 -0.470945 0.13739 -0.263547 -0.158584 0.305424 +-0.484451 -0.718533 -0.885015 -0.280674 -0.918536 0.212214 -0.176913 0.517279 +0.988947 -0.76769 -0.749337 0.300556 -0.37006 0.164866 0.228126 -0.759785 +-0.174493 -0.924436 -0.506373 0.482527 -0.956326 0.165372 0.633601 0.177169 +-0.517201 0.00372408 0.415542 -0.350327 0.222067 0.225172 0.815001 -0.0865672 +0.197375 0.222817 -0.747992 -0.503789 0.468773 -0.439407 0.033173 -0.129953 +0.827224 -0.466374 -0.495222 -0.0898777 -0.680222 -0.585435 0.916833 0.0594001 +0.959447 -0.380616 0.975301 -0.367369 0.40445 -0.823556 0.0115204 0.84144 +-0.472505 0.360614 0.206951 -0.583504 -0.625714 -0.748102 0.330881 -0.562482 +-0.990271 -0.739283 -0.191383 -0.00171732 0.546829 0.295452 0.0531057 -0.383237 +-0.72186 -0.835512 -0.705172 0.381392 -0.606595 0.77036 0.123339 -0.249107 +0.888597 0.00179132 -0.78501 0.794097 -0.651798 -0.813885 0.78348 0.297299 +0.81999 0.15467 -0.14832 -0.458069 -0.404541 0.832797 -0.630262 0.480856 +0.314595 0.0334145 -0.135598 -0.202529 0.999964 -0.198896 -0.246905 -0.513281 +-0.884823 0.558152 0.314944 0.438152 0.426111 0.895771 0.404761 -0.743871 +-0.0142195 0.576544 0.263497 0.550393 -0.177705 -0.0444126 -0.493675 0.149114 +0.788509 -0.967804 0.0512684 -0.000240066 0.968937 0.177356 0.894977 -0.0332478 +0.920454 -0.684096 -0.00578537 0.343446 0.376961 -0.825182 0.973292 0.59011 +-0.815357 0.00406678 0.781357 -0.772359 0.270754 0.888258 0.359646 0.399655 +-0.113866 -0.884301 -0.958318 -0.32709 0.840044 -0.628694 0.628969 -0.204064 +-0.438121 -0.670837 0.590836 -0.805603 -0.007223 0.575179 -0.82525 0.826362 +-0.547629 -0.954535 -0.644461 -0.955827 -0.766725 -0.351031 0.903685 -0.599275 +0.854089 -0.314952 0.0995219 0.0699437 -0.669311 0.942229 0.149795 0.537265 +0.309702 -0.824829 -0.548082 0.206617 -0.725008 0.180603 0.580146 0.615781 +-0.854342 0.479803 -0.9838 -0.099605 -0.763394 0.237341 0.934116 -0.420095 +0.115805 -0.208419 -0.087311 0.129972 -0.563641 -0.421101 -0.970127 0.137739 +0.44262 -0.177393 0.167527 -0.692812 0.599586 -0.743865 -0.772632 -0.176744 +-0.549924 -0.368415 0.30554 0.353603 -0.123664 -0.352592 0.847888 0.423067 +-0.413168 -0.0570652 0.847956 -0.918095 -0.741655 0.462271 -0.679351 -0.111826 +0.287593 0.46235 -0.579968 0.335121 0.6549 0.460653 -0.167511 0.622548 +-0.672489 0.443283 -0.203378 -0.216303 0.0656424 0.964999 0.400008 0.477621 +0.207475 -0.961349 -0.262596 -0.731828 -0.506035 -0.999647 0.751166 -0.764657 +0.467351 -0.367681 -0.953751 0.359332 0.754394 -0.999689 -0.531382 -0.871787 +0.250477 -0.796916 0.423656 0.909619 0.553729 -0.122082 0.977349 -0.467007 +0.520121 0.95428 -0.410991 -0.409846 0.546661 0.840189 -0.915785 0.98718 +-0.18025 -0.607312 0.0637037 0.37189 -0.847285 -0.180727 0.508935 -0.30391 +0.643897 0.352201 -0.662156 -0.883445 -0.235406 0.303709 -0.568661 -0.853786 +0.555629 -0.404865 -0.93202 0.41341 -0.61751 -0.304193 0.857318 0.10947 +0.712673 -0.808243 -0.0434287 0.0282617 0.200517 -0.420758 -0.663233 -0.804838 +-0.477177 0.173882 -0.980349 -0.973668 0.196806 -0.165048 0.889967 -0.527342 +-0.189642 0.0841829 -0.158568 0.690367 -0.68358 0.333694 0.835314 -0.687871 +-0.711753 -0.443409 0.998708 0.174378 0.91963 -0.664183 -0.811339 -0.656113 +0.0287801 0.0142831 0.551603 0.962091 -0.00350028 -0.531681 0.525424 0.25806 +-0.458069 0.485684 -0.0619558 0.833071 0.0482247 0.535973 -0.236037 0.867441 +-0.023838 -0.0643108 -0.996132 -0.567693 0.440262 -0.103496 -0.527486 0.464781 +-0.698311 -0.296613 0.0111023 -0.488601 -0.659732 -0.738163 -0.963845 0.230247 +-0.908222 -0.299702 -0.642994 -0.55212 0.260429 -0.226378 0.913648 -0.365756 +0.437429 0.162903 -0.195237 0.531475 0.091433 0.282727 0.203729 0.00381281 +0.0990043 0.819328 -0.611776 0.123238 0.6737 0.398916 -0.234533 -0.337256 +0.814935 -0.153293 -0.76881 0.169639 -0.338824 -0.85024 -0.273738 -0.613287 +-0.210824 -0.627221 -0.541288 -0.0872546 0.389206 0.701921 -0.782778 0.79226 +-0.909832 -0.215319 0.660727 0.775423 -0.372287 0.624207 -0.637745 0.932302 +0.842689 -0.874822 0.0611899 0.730969 -0.580852 -0.337593 0.67403 -0.244609 +0.22271 0.545747 -0.321391 0.866144 -0.615409 -0.860523 -0.670567 -0.749662 +-0.726717 0.681525 -0.87862 -0.620928 -0.606091 0.0870114 0.752608 0.857461 +-0.0590785 0.818145 -0.332715 0.360067 0.841109 0.216229 0.0631998 -0.885411 +0.955158 -0.937858 0.360506 -0.519713 -0.420515 -0.412394 0.668483 0.306322 +0.00551993 -0.873231 0.567241 -0.0486603 0.887307 0.0875648 0.479888 -0.155571 +0.904497 -0.342693 0.382679 -0.19778 0.53716 0.508197 -0.269558 -0.792825 +0.52473 -0.304597 -0.224985 0.751555 0.353214 -0.999656 0.783507 0.413489 +0.80228 0.66089 -0.584213 -0.968646 0.498895 0.162749 -0.338572 0.816104 +-0.557026 0.883686 0.343095 0.334774 0.344759 0.755417 0.136652 -0.945347 +-0.416951 -0.878276 -0.971276 -0.830583 0.798158 -0.499066 0.237057 0.266891 +-0.760204 0.386817 0.558751 0.27612 -0.285203 -0.0346366 -0.97617 0.0346681 +-0.146884 0.400747 -0.0775784 0.900523 0.017959 0.649192 -0.478388 0.674617 +0.74203 0.950873 0.685794 -0.64869 0.540257 0.513511 0.138377 0.322264 +-0.727548 0.706718 -0.000295323 0.629921 0.396159 -0.73155 -0.172958 0.0498129 +-0.878049 -0.118984 -0.213529 0.759694 0.833882 0.731587 0.97162 -0.613445 +-0.491061 0.196977 0.356361 -0.742985 -0.945365 0.274974 -0.489835 0.625618 +-0.630478 -0.36574 0.463239 -0.116383 0.783928 0.979597 -0.947382 0.560773 +-0.33433 0.104791 0.744223 -0.622755 0.0544037 0.687749 -0.376238 -0.977356 +0.530733 -0.95224 -0.583356 -0.262283 -0.837691 -0.114288 -0.498621 0.398882 +-0.85912 0.775853 0.96867 0.873247 -0.597385 -0.258265 -0.469445 -0.541538 +-0.657603 0.994144 -0.518487 0.717148 0.357168 0.781278 0.366237 -0.91158 +0.66088 0.979942 -0.0887133 -0.708632 0.394368 0.691787 -0.0560976 0.0170481 +0.421953 0.0205685 -0.456769 0.384411 -0.558128 -0.0706432 -0.337617 0.425415 +0.825493 -0.570805 -0.197645 0.826435 -0.975019 0.0510593 0.31627 -0.0646259 +-0.341256 -0.966377 -0.388371 -0.530386 -0.940404 -0.291 0.621017 0.938019 +0.207462 -0.835385 -0.933832 0.802338 0.576419 0.876296 -0.0189136 -0.62584 +0.566295 -0.204288 0.381545 -0.957756 0.229146 0.911575 -0.273125 -0.86176 +-0.159784 0.118258 -0.0928733 0.908685 -0.75321 0.17539 0.9311 0.919689 +-0.895679 -0.869722 -0.305613 0.978413 -0.260642 -0.22097 0.0108463 0.464738 +-0.921535 0.531013 -0.89864 -0.181785 -0.987569 -0.301404 -0.462394 0.0737861 +0.275929 -0.76026 0.881128 -0.806603 -0.375909 -0.117435 -0.324399 0.734031 +0.199174 0.951772 -0.786122 -0.469441 -0.660992 -0.839116 0.227365 -0.330594 +0.490465 -0.898334 0.179136 -0.984101 0.140673 0.909234 0.331808 0.915265 +0.0119734 0.416263 0.976076 0.496574 0.495028 0.0999223 0.712925 -0.870446 +0.00638765 0.296281 0.926079 -0.487033 0.584958 -0.50556 -0.439026 0.833546 +0.630958 -0.596538 0.605977 0.0390853 0.720553 0.89873 -0.543126 -0.975361 +-0.748472 0.0475716 -0.529878 -0.430742 -0.397697 -0.0979335 -0.674655 0.399633 +-0.48724 0.549792 0.658135 -0.309457 -0.883989 -0.732573 0.226791 0.930981 +0.332137 0.11424 -0.839425 -0.51136 -0.177398 0.102265 0.13192 -0.0157651 +-0.0631248 -0.227487 0.380461 -0.0747341 -0.61549 -0.529484 0.299037 0.690554 +-0.682568 0.532712 -0.0527239 -0.420051 0.867505 -0.599011 -0.0133785 -0.554751 +-0.859661 -0.463941 0.418014 -0.706624 0.611324 -0.157146 -0.279821 0.827332 +0.409209 -0.439493 0.0758388 -0.201192 -0.989339 -0.671252 0.649598 -0.763886 +-0.914459 -0.531413 0.484629 -0.590613 0.333156 -0.369144 -0.667669 0.831709 +-0.0354539 -0.354733 -0.36816 -0.664978 -0.657856 0.397374 0.136192 0.849048 +-0.187504 0.806837 -0.606356 0.617539 -0.66631 0.475744 -0.214508 0.0036764 +0.217461 0.652098 0.448925 -0.427721 0.0810363 0.467725 -0.360456 -0.857412 +-0.574992 -0.526611 -0.635704 -0.546381 -0.0412227 -0.340441 0.649255 -0.361588 +-0.674937 0.380113 -0.0846294 -0.94479 0.798474 0.402347 0.19684 0.536886 +-0.675463 -0.145289 -0.374791 0.953359 0.81581 0.498523 0.309522 0.0254998 +0.959249 0.559139 0.0918515 -0.367284 -0.10403 -0.586723 0.628689 -0.179668 +-0.513358 -0.496821 -0.293347 -0.909988 -0.880276 -0.776228 -0.615681 0.497814 +-0.319152 0.116039 0.912388 -0.241796 -0.301361 -0.514832 -0.856162 -0.247559 +-0.925836 -0.392175 0.176942 0.595711 -0.172777 -0.787395 0.183967 0.739094 +0.0525105 -0.0792188 0.350732 0.3928 -0.712205 0.207856 -0.768793 0.254312 +-0.141179 -0.219261 -0.260389 -0.16628 0.726619 0.475262 0.264393 -0.873328 +-0.850199 -0.00897556 -0.188208 -0.269785 0.461309 0.815468 0.420283 -0.807427 +-0.203922 0.784878 -0.0223819 0.962732 0.933451 0.441232 -0.0194445 -0.0915435 +-0.305227 -0.065699 0.800444 0.588996 -0.981894 -0.325637 -0.900863 0.437637 +-0.932576 -0.402177 -0.17346 0.634145 -0.0238627 0.963023 -0.697048 -0.351221 +-0.287877 -0.79217 0.760758 0.751295 0.660071 0.252603 -0.976328 -0.0297105 +-0.0206815 0.53749 -0.924362 0.92181 -0.442592 -0.605057 -0.450468 0.572781 +0.872323 -0.262186 -0.471666 -0.801154 -0.109649 0.101526 0.593327 -0.357968 +-0.426648 -0.874541 0.306597 -0.978336 0.149578 -0.158159 -0.398312 0.0457713 +-0.835031 0.381016 0.301201 0.472713 -0.147695 0.233435 0.72058 -0.178571 +0.38076 -0.0232382 -0.0441087 0.293799 -0.503988 0.688588 -0.275395 -0.476685 +0.529689 -0.941966 -0.669545 0.614952 0.318608 0.0132478 0.140862 -0.212678 +-0.423667 -0.677594 0.59492 -0.305622 -0.237802 -0.470778 0.0884266 0.535806 +0.797109 -0.145284 0.136003 0.334246 0.848925 0.900752 0.585877 -0.112343 +-0.192336 -0.908105 -0.334296 -0.715652 0.879834 -0.402718 -0.872987 0.296066 +-0.653681 -0.184739 0.940983 0.209873 0.544847 0.282653 0.339019 -0.428972 +-0.194294 -0.0596286 -0.810739 0.726835 0.451793 -0.707472 -0.950164 -0.236336 +0.637462 -0.256761 -0.670492 -0.193041 -0.915003 -0.731883 0.0366833 -0.245979 +-0.105886 0.743982 -0.740773 -0.865156 -0.87489 0.848912 0.523122 0.946026 +0.943791 0.325707 -0.671541 0.375961 -0.77914 0.430596 -0.032457 0.605194 +-0.416813 0.324276 0.131722 -0.258272 0.233975 -0.837174 0.594033 -0.505245 +0.817084 0.530562 -0.549989 0.444467 0.369909 -0.963979 0.301724 -0.0409435 +0.291737 0.278037 -0.110433 -0.692999 0.195792 0.158968 0.153503 0.196956 +0.0469962 0.823191 0.500532 0.255422 -0.840759 -0.393582 0.875076 0.992727 +-0.87556 0.237767 -0.912181 0.542862 0.163611 -0.453662 0.668599 -0.0388426 +0.509496 0.187931 0.693408 0.267075 0.047769 0.67806 0.273793 -0.90513 +0.941115 0.58601 -0.337077 -0.9097 0.450873 0.0433947 0.742621 0.913492 +-0.351252 -0.270526 -0.017284 0.292235 0.708252 -0.35782 0.313049 -0.47276 +-0.541737 0.477614 0.914302 0.187172 0.94786 -0.782811 -0.590241 0.803465 +0.435025 -0.298838 0.966699 0.491255 0.315439 0.61704 -0.395228 -0.392824 +0.0618606 0.597891 0.787649 -0.20335 0.281462 -0.341359 0.857565 -0.417426 +0.612807 0.878532 0.54191 -0.91607 0.910597 0.944217 0.28692 -0.872627 +-0.252343 0.483845 0.558156 0.837132 -0.354361 -0.824163 -0.0468551 0.598785 +0.458753 0.509112 -0.107625 0.358408 -0.773761 0.920507 0.5133 0.0146401 +0.509639 -0.86449 -0.980457 0.734108 0.190015 0.447651 -0.797752 -0.151256 +0.360296 0.0602842 -0.158694 0.522549 0.5189 0.105209 -0.804607 0.086694 +-0.652952 -0.91206 0.793921 -0.820705 -0.486369 0.0957001 0.426589 0.868367 +0.53759 -0.900937 -0.408052 0.440422 0.931243 -0.939854 0.697158 0.11263 +0.477773 0.598425 0.387298 -0.300583 0.593027 0.204957 0.279418 0.654208 +0.97629 -0.725834 -0.961116 0.794761 -0.262701 -0.494546 0.105579 -0.491426 +0.492469 0.610988 -0.318709 -0.0778782 -0.844701 0.345592 -0.564935 0.97157 +-0.572702 0.185061 0.297169 -0.0994182 -0.00171426 -0.524556 0.89236 -0.18742 +-0.920791 0.840442 -0.438821 0.255716 0.491834 -0.915584 -0.0704714 -0.0883544 +0.189995 -0.134067 0.97846 -0.787238 -0.106828 0.518955 -0.0981396 0.8735 +0.307827 -0.141964 -0.618969 0.390996 -0.845153 0.720349 -0.585495 -0.470719 +0.860287 0.957916 0.716103 0.645734 -0.443912 0.728765 -0.969215 -0.632284 +-0.630021 0.101462 0.505277 -0.31435 0.668509 0.262507 0.604366 -0.172558 +0.772381 0.101686 -0.207645 -0.649582 0.0250132 0.734477 0.646272 0.88122 +-0.97247 -0.124273 0.376311 0.202495 0.241541 -0.249191 0.274259 0.865586 +-0.488333 0.124564 -0.0907398 0.851215 -0.817624 -0.456055 0.178095 0.490173 +0.423917 0.385585 -0.351425 0.518931 0.852271 0.457764 0.622485 -0.757424 +0.429632 -0.0673521 -0.986684 -0.915105 -0.18279 -0.0054937 0.369554 -0.0413534 +-0.259525 -0.900449 0.869191 0.383346 -0.588504 0.0464366 -0.331381 -0.603107 +-0.0421066 0.521706 -0.457787 -0.859707 0.121332 -0.688289 -0.627297 0.147912 +-0.728273 -0.327037 -0.797175 0.124753 0.607685 0.515823 0.467392 0.624953 +0.64195 -0.921966 0.923367 -0.0103251 0.274991 -0.719075 0.666047 0.609565 +0.418002 0.0575557 0.185757 -0.440775 0.916628 -0.329855 0.139507 -0.459667 +-0.304674 0.664609 -0.687229 0.254551 -0.12832 0.225946 0.336273 -0.859519 +-0.746536 -0.479471 -0.48817 -0.720331 0.466456 -0.533169 0.349399 0.599752 +-0.0693433 -0.66859 -0.879882 -0.599289 0.237562 0.877683 -0.689928 0.312201 +-0.0717741 0.936356 0.287193 0.598347 0.280962 -0.415179 -0.631889 -0.759308 +-0.476299 0.500561 -0.389283 0.0752255 -0.823881 -0.629974 -0.777593 0.589724 +0.16367 -0.901747 0.137909 -0.200179 -0.310539 -0.730002 -0.753454 0.221545 +-0.823618 0.71099 0.120062 0.94313 -0.540315 -0.174294 0.0997371 -0.303804 +0.229812 0.166168 0.0178043 0.381846 -0.180521 0.73516 0.403749 -0.395635 +0.0992278 0.330474 -0.581984 -0.138663 -0.617203 -0.135819 0.600691 0.0268797 +-0.867314 -0.584255 0.809209 0.329158 0.90545 0.1753 -0.400219 -0.820276 +0.889715 -0.615202 0.422693 -0.512655 -0.28159 0.688616 0.16942 0.915295 +-0.161029 -0.515813 0.783674 -0.0141777 -0.208935 0.24286 -0.581803 0.900997 +-0.293134 -0.926263 0.11065 0.889701 -0.196972 0.240469 0.0977642 -0.269138 +0.947799 -0.692088 -0.0539804 0.98837 -0.0416007 0.883438 -0.574093 0.762027 +-0.753382 -0.476178 -0.120212 -0.250303 0.819984 -0.35557 -0.724674 -0.062026 +0.172574 -0.24731 0.490383 0.534608 -0.507587 -0.114624 0.343643 0.664548 +0.495146 -0.904574 -0.595895 0.768859 0.559969 0.467195 -0.774944 -0.95477 +-0.496379 -0.641125 0.517243 -0.275505 0.684218 -0.632928 0.711154 -0.404151 +0.384641 0.584677 -0.0372261 -0.243059 -0.511208 0.586556 -0.907605 -0.916789 +-0.765877 0.416646 -0.193778 0.299936 0.0225621 -0.559503 -0.502178 -0.568158 +-0.172914 -0.717633 -0.802751 0.0825455 0.629485 0.0559055 0.603573 -0.372429 +-0.433832 0.562259 0.441644 0.0365981 0.571727 -0.35747 -0.903666 0.170439 +-0.0182899 0.582303 0.396927 0.490243 0.428688 0.826028 -0.769244 0.131322 +-0.0649736 -0.486877 0.307647 -0.282122 0.00321377 -0.278147 0.188783 -0.79282 +-0.461419 0.0587373 0.00863312 -0.836072 0.982549 -0.9016 0.212936 0.769096 +-0.145638 0.854439 -0.722917 -0.676676 0.549161 0.770368 0.173006 -0.11283 +-0.285712 0.358843 0.35235 -0.10454 0.691551 -0.251248 0.720999 -0.941685 +-0.298927 -0.697801 -0.450239 0.780919 -0.708458 -0.815036 -0.271314 0.457595 +0.791149 -0.843316 0.986323 -0.546781 -0.255032 -0.426204 -0.280213 0.992756 +0.409801 -0.670451 0.40012 -0.39183 -0.345477 -0.42522 -0.966631 0.786546 +-0.312445 -0.0309838 -0.554719 0.140774 0.273426 0.832503 -0.157708 -0.171821 +0.876955 0.827097 0.328969 0.488356 -0.144097 -0.996807 -0.356181 -0.611194 +0.58955 -0.0291045 -0.332825 -0.197394 0.425674 -0.699252 0.642559 -0.794596 +-0.529947 -0.0193539 0.98977 -0.353262 -0.42003 -0.0451023 0.746347 -0.644907 +0.626559 0.780302 -0.308995 0.229609 -0.366871 -0.362754 -0.0219739 0.366236 +-0.820737 0.242969 0.358432 -0.452546 -0.731564 0.431045 -0.976861 0.198892 +-0.376432 0.77431 0.649057 0.319377 -0.850052 -0.58928 0.0156763 -0.812998 +-0.493896 0.41896 -0.517035 -0.811271 0.40643 -0.23912 -0.356455 0.6641 +-0.41023 0.700385 0.737752 -0.644895 -0.0700061 0.171841 -0.712709 0.679685 +0.538251 -0.777821 -0.00789328 0.261929 -0.679857 0.744825 -0.789269 -0.806872 +-0.232583 -0.195067 0.392618 -0.953142 -0.0904066 0.264567 0.543454 0.863769 +0.290802 -0.0484524 0.212338 0.70878 0.594766 -0.970906 0.383978 -0.11893 +0.857453 -0.598519 0.700796 -0.637398 -0.947281 -0.287379 -0.68622 -0.578451 +0.61569 -0.0413152 0.189581 -0.025467 0.591727 -0.384784 0.507341 -0.200527 +-0.327361 0.216689 0.278828 -0.610616 -0.924084 0.571235 0.658218 -0.0680971 +0.369076 -0.508041 0.07053 0.444586 0.423478 -0.771579 -0.973658 -0.133692 +0.689909 0.288778 -0.00930822 -0.40316 0.0746928 -0.730177 -0.455322 0.308062 +-0.75867 -0.902211 -0.767175 -0.50214 0.067032 -0.196716 -0.721929 -0.217908 +-0.418515 -0.0892808 0.334449 -0.530416 0.275294 0.628504 -0.519566 -0.494369 +-0.805554 -0.36026 0.697411 0.742628 0.980818 -0.986554 0.618374 -0.362962 +-0.781809 0.252234 -0.938689 0.307694 0.114816 0.43207 0.371939 -0.700677 +0.530469 -0.880949 -0.927973 -0.948703 0.888111 0.513933 0.541723 -0.232608 +-0.634947 0.83015 -0.854609 -0.868864 -0.741456 0.315889 0.372722 -0.512462 +-0.526706 -0.967388 -0.395551 0.967151 0.180373 -0.285083 -0.712694 -0.527483 +0.826659 0.197001 0.168898 0.802458 0.683358 0.603025 0.696586 0.786815 +-0.399333 0.491316 0.156492 0.155273 -0.664144 -0.0482588 0.715768 -0.964983 +-0.347052 0.276578 -0.427049 -0.665851 0.376211 -0.133866 0.833013 0.84972 +-0.550404 0.293952 -0.652923 0.263592 -0.66903 0.908735 0.13017 -0.207125 +0.558522 0.0243762 -0.252566 0.425635 0.970293 0.201025 -0.933472 0.485181 +0.418512 0.973218 0.934906 -0.851058 -0.923213 -0.00528692 0.663163 0.336733 +0.300305 -0.449919 -0.917818 0.56312 -0.846321 -0.209079 0.420273 0.414711 +-0.534024 0.782551 -0.195787 0.633653 -0.618581 -0.0647479 -0.559319 -0.689941 +0.118928 0.136822 -0.0326385 -0.767448 -0.983201 -0.608737 -0.538138 -0.771818 +0.0642788 -0.23575 -0.955825 0.531643 0.896696 -0.93714 -0.743735 0.83404 +-0.759699 -0.307215 0.897355 -0.912848 -0.202901 -0.503434 -0.127725 0.657111 +0.588039 0.642811 0.798735 -0.357405 0.429553 -0.8095 0.142669 0.281876 +0.731616 -0.745817 0.687116 -0.963179 -0.202882 -0.560052 0.219008 -0.577207 +0.171463 -0.789992 -0.26166 0.148791 -0.461787 -0.620984 0.800754 -0.533135 +0.146333 0.133831 0.129373 -0.38419 -0.852851 -0.963873 -0.754177 0.450762 +-0.0854603 0.463209 0.162718 0.14919 -0.398727 0.0412205 -0.741961 0.344254 +0.648451 0.533531 -0.305557 0.943382 0.259429 0.35427 -0.170163 -0.687101 +-0.384459 0.862088 -0.538926 -0.0551781 -0.162722 -0.610804 -0.342109 0.922671 +-0.707937 0.290735 0.500182 -0.917945 0.0717458 0.131323 -0.568289 -0.723669 +-0.821583 0.919702 -0.380865 -0.0226084 -0.0980169 -0.397053 -0.563419 0.710794 +0.933331 -0.210902 0.145008 -0.830874 0.545921 -0.766231 0.70935 0.380556 +-0.118949 0.833075 -0.138143 0.388361 0.294505 0.307174 -0.122785 0.242586 +-0.989216 0.278074 0.944563 -0.887136 -0.495663 0.0860985 -0.365618 0.539404 +0.327773 -0.00732701 -0.453755 0.49406 0.660355 -0.33187 0.600803 0.460809 +-0.823785 0.387044 0.260448 0.539937 -0.544437 -0.772416 0.882615 0.984641 +0.374367 0.764354 -0.356019 -0.124537 0.879582 -0.492949 -0.0903574 0.798317 +0.995688 0.216409 0.996199 0.896376 -0.227497 0.438396 -0.629191 0.420907 +-0.653814 0.570553 0.109743 -0.133596 -0.481663 0.863684 0.35997 -0.985733 +0.877632 -0.193981 0.700456 -0.519204 -0.0232916 0.408009 0.420762 0.891245 +0.32699 -0.195468 -0.745174 0.669308 0.567984 0.125155 0.369705 0.586686 +0.350518 0.857318 0.235782 -0.0613923 0.930641 0.442481 -0.0804044 -0.710929 +-0.160918 -0.982138 -0.358503 -0.523143 0.300813 -0.429542 -0.209023 0.313505 +-0.96121 -0.735214 0.238155 0.770734 -0.797954 0.685873 -0.435539 -0.481711 +0.226573 -0.947087 0.483706 0.88208 -0.280183 0.838936 -0.29229 0.391445 +-0.908792 0.486889 0.217232 -0.822105 0.414924 -0.482778 0.676449 0.183816 +0.0442115 0.623602 -0.65238 0.278868 -0.0683481 -0.255748 -0.937132 -0.459009 +0.863573 0.615655 -0.315832 0.0756595 -0.984566 -0.196992 -0.69228 0.814119 +-0.349865 -0.339028 -0.898581 0.673827 -0.976803 -0.226884 -0.38377 0.208712 +-0.399204 0.283016 0.270532 -0.602491 0.505236 0.957699 -0.688275 0.0937528 +-0.362006 -0.180131 -0.00592082 -0.640728 0.261582 0.991148 -0.900273 -0.806972 +0.583159 0.246894 -0.333407 -0.949928 0.864219 -0.751779 0.691914 0.384194 +0.519467 0.975468 0.330569 -0.90671 0.876544 0.528413 -0.257303 -0.443693 +0.975573 0.761322 0.906247 -0.379877 -0.301486 0.88182 -0.270344 -0.0292251 +0.133132 0.527226 0.684918 0.763549 -0.154507 0.694995 0.568294 -0.583042 +0.703709 0.335868 -0.598098 0.939269 -0.985655 -0.51328 0.666223 -0.134206 +-0.993873 -0.0213064 0.558352 0.758266 0.0838586 0.83138 -0.29162 -0.224693 +-0.0316652 -0.193959 -0.22978 0.317311 0.36578 0.515929 -0.0359695 -0.285163 +0.912247 -0.53452 0.973823 0.231653 -0.736281 -0.0860418 -0.834986 -0.790922 +-0.577686 -0.576915 -0.0706287 0.202458 0.782071 -0.625289 -0.776728 0.0224522 +-0.707905 0.50783 -0.061236 -0.617065 -0.618228 -0.131832 -0.153148 0.942724 +0.360483 -0.871978 0.993859 0.114053 0.757332 0.386036 -0.361646 0.207122 +0.908065 0.830837 0.869343 -0.73375 0.928219 -0.464749 -0.571267 0.586814 +-0.341393 -0.627896 -0.264869 -0.585668 0.700693 0.094233 0.20721 0.479512 +-0.457757 -0.473789 0.576526 0.301305 0.574675 -0.883921 0.449592 0.0104652 +0.138251 0.49342 -0.17178 -0.56035 -0.762154 -0.121695 -0.563466 -0.339857 +0.406129 -0.857286 -0.290089 0.12217 -0.820902 -0.73995 -0.321759 -0.956618 +-0.0963213 -0.5873 0.645211 -0.0321442 0.133028 0.918141 -0.628066 -0.916372 +0.0722743 -0.914343 0.414923 0.546207 -0.107927 -0.494056 -0.643561 0.900971 +-0.249978 -0.145655 -0.814521 0.0326581 0.231742 0.836964 -0.941829 -0.804002 +0.574748 0.744282 -0.485392 -0.812953 -0.441999 -0.373936 0.301269 -0.338922 +0.219447 0.0117936 -0.441458 0.803417 -0.335385 -0.690639 -0.478367 0.307749 +0.132945 0.488976 0.135689 0.0114681 -0.025846 -0.599261 0.326764 -0.935265 +-0.363688 0.695589 -0.5346 -0.407649 0.981315 0.0246431 -0.527814 0.230187 +-0.875594 0.456132 -0.888954 -0.698443 -0.217489 -0.475568 0.0283053 0.889665 +-0.0128877 0.291354 0.546735 0.0149985 0.383543 -0.842329 0.701909 -0.570953 +-0.571183 0.999504 -0.122796 -0.961091 -0.891756 0.71844 -0.0322515 -0.0286555 +0.82554 0.507298 -0.134212 -0.0271159 -0.977184 0.319353 0.531244 0.676701 +0.459324 -0.53799 0.985868 -0.836446 -0.0763077 -0.135364 0.450683 0.898561 +0.648359 0.841209 -0.551843 -0.860345 0.270765 0.326527 -0.879455 0.606743 +-0.402212 0.427867 0.314495 0.436551 -0.918564 -0.38591 0.796554 0.613382 +0.302905 -0.495404 -0.523858 -0.104942 -0.363109 -0.583927 -0.972001 0.0532944 +0.57196 0.904289 0.0753444 0.932419 -0.375329 -0.864336 0.610242 0.694952 +-0.0443916 0.933443 0.92164 0.496693 0.104307 0.0601594 -0.965775 -0.0209767 +0.898485 -0.622735 -0.780745 0.850789 -0.766448 0.29336 -0.335751 0.598825 +0.185243 -0.417636 0.618871 -0.00301566 -0.522258 0.593437 0.548895 0.895387 +-0.717995 0.370277 0.364839 -0.995687 -0.34362 0.16334 0.0853892 -0.909615 +-0.664666 -0.751413 -0.577684 -0.726584 0.560147 0.913928 0.906507 0.918903 +-0.784676 0.796495 0.24843 0.758365 0.648675 0.446033 -0.661835 0.229135 +-0.218507 -0.842401 -0.94384 -0.340522 -0.567136 -0.0856874 0.249805 0.851357 +-0.419823 0.868567 0.316477 0.601669 0.182882 0.744039 0.381101 -0.264542 +0.20937 -0.216538 0.995052 0.398241 -0.835791 0.128067 0.835295 0.871096 +0.68631 -0.67594 0.499961 0.819347 0.0212814 0.424364 0.225614 0.337487 +0.455317 -0.873514 -0.57145 -0.689051 0.94138 0.449968 -0.647846 -0.764756 +0.947225 0.408823 -0.923999 -0.326329 -0.724871 -0.818855 -0.691498 0.0741818 +0.324278 -0.937081 -0.887451 0.609746 -0.796141 -0.0630527 -0.475713 -0.148614 +-0.218216 0.577573 -0.328165 -0.74413 0.539602 -0.320021 0.16646 0.732442 +0.914569 -0.247973 0.322736 -0.646617 -0.465801 -0.225577 0.343479 -0.18574 +-0.622274 0.509186 0.16363 0.474264 0.247911 -0.0491472 -0.337898 -0.773024 +-0.455746 0.925947 0.271179 0.157244 0.918011 0.816703 0.723029 -0.407765 +0.135431 0.207946 0.454171 0.150807 0.39808 -0.181156 0.662142 0.998837 +-0.170967 -0.262359 -0.352112 -0.862965 -0.722295 0.0390601 -0.383904 -0.561961 +-0.500291 -0.300887 -0.140161 0.443431 0.973627 -0.793971 0.31385 -0.409709 +-0.437718 0.280706 0.0449257 0.581218 0.0743008 -0.506769 -0.858017 0.947134 +-0.162883 0.12211 0.58106 -0.967633 0.00458991 0.879703 -0.186182 0.447892 +0.49764 -0.700122 -0.0962428 -0.345036 0.12346 -0.431724 -0.186435 -0.522608 +-0.916139 0.0949659 -0.0479898 -0.178232 -0.838173 0.496476 -0.827512 -0.224191 +0.847845 -0.909976 -0.778024 0.428089 0.224087 0.0605156 0.825071 -0.676221 +-0.336896 -0.495372 -0.848476 0.650922 -0.65299 -0.0757912 0.131118 0.18207 +0.418753 0.124491 -0.185776 -0.428969 -0.305312 0.527287 -0.701612 0.600852 +0.568295 -0.835178 -0.839875 0.585269 0.659516 0.675947 -0.870419 -0.405351 +-0.0963861 0.0854124 0.0702742 0.0915023 -0.728222 0.508501 -0.429693 0.42044 +-0.76163 0.699498 -0.394918 0.609276 0.849858 -0.225132 -0.535513 -0.601581 +0.443189 0.845143 0.129504 0.899637 -0.495319 -0.521681 0.333595 0.313646 +0.197139 -0.5217 0.542349 0.00545544 -0.983832 -0.280804 -0.278377 0.772221 +0.375314 -0.336739 0.659778 0.613643 -0.98438 0.0728006 0.439172 0.412867 +0.0230588 -0.932134 0.73279 -0.349458 0.68099 -0.138023 -0.507766 -0.789176 +-0.503146 0.0273425 -0.555536 -0.519163 -0.058158 0.402099 -0.0639556 0.272505 +0.549357 0.364673 -0.956001 0.21719 -0.669472 -0.0098492 -0.258739 0.660656 +0.620616 0.407279 -0.113876 -0.52831 0.178259 0.162639 0.868408 -0.0754357 +-0.362482 0.159049 0.517145 -0.45285 -0.445442 0.289062 -0.253505 0.674218 +-0.357427 0.573968 0.310438 -0.313141 -0.405675 -0.611489 -0.0276639 -0.429119 +-0.668139 0.635528 0.593448 -0.183699 -0.156371 -0.437839 0.390206 -0.294725 +0.129772 -0.211686 -0.492115 -0.84819 0.387332 0.938125 0.218802 -0.830251 +0.474645 -0.988604 0.910576 -0.992808 -0.88129 0.312076 -0.106249 0.108644 +-0.345939 -0.385284 -0.300995 0.887221 -0.488168 -0.120372 0.086807 0.952477 +-0.531646 0.545158 0.997297 0.209956 0.127618 0.882957 0.522523 0.942717 +-0.652333 -0.376931 -0.353511 0.229265 -0.824008 0.188566 0.924286 0.360831 +0.863307 -0.518797 0.179152 -0.749976 0.411346 0.971809 -0.650945 0.569322 +0.407134 0.599725 0.559955 0.0969481 0.617985 0.634583 0.42873 -0.569662 +-0.800046 -0.00313865 -0.728843 0.36328 0.289795 -0.115441 0.792551 -0.518129 +0.777594 -0.612453 -0.240238 0.344502 -0.542242 0.221281 -0.888601 0.00326914 +0.360732 -0.682803 -0.107311 -0.928915 0.129344 -0.616168 -0.538422 -0.288398 +0.33447 -0.176508 -0.741403 0.372003 -0.879242 0.606991 -0.504806 0.724598 +0.311839 0.822131 -0.686503 0.253273 0.346116 -0.336598 0.363425 -0.774734 +-0.94456 0.141385 0.696468 -0.508014 0.474444 -0.206303 0.024932 0.730156 +-0.555203 -0.937368 -0.736873 -0.940357 0.41468 -0.317797 0.505206 -0.744362 +-0.047413 -0.168765 0.699887 -0.011384 -0.712655 -0.569805 0.509026 -0.527639 +0.0921165 -0.0872709 -0.63125 0.913504 -0.522371 -0.873718 0.774925 0.8211 +-0.835514 0.807243 -0.451478 0.562789 -0.648487 0.600922 -0.185889 0.443629 +0.138278 0.140251 -0.433804 0.911148 -0.986832 -0.643513 -0.73119 0.346114 +-0.14968 -0.870077 0.155331 0.432867 -0.245532 0.585842 -0.17101 -0.467997 +-0.174975 -0.191355 0.0111016 0.206618 -0.0788315 0.206557 0.700146 0.26407 +-0.599876 0.367874 0.554409 -0.678359 -0.434445 -0.0627907 0.866011 -0.631266 +0.40957 0.101284 -0.593199 -0.497476 0.734292 -0.048336 0.488333 -0.971627 +0.267436 0.860481 -0.110975 -0.547661 0.84888 -0.978113 0.177378 0.646281 +0.264242 -0.20734 -0.404393 -0.706742 -0.245965 -0.0312825 -0.177695 -0.590433 +-0.88398 -0.292129 0.652842 0.679528 0.714599 -0.31054 -0.955297 -0.180481 +0.108656 0.826234 0.574338 -0.666069 -0.0100122 0.0803361 0.162848 0.692929 +0.274484 0.683277 -0.938547 -0.490008 0.165304 0.269299 0.823205 -0.373988 +0.135267 0.963689 0.717366 -0.515998 -0.840342 -0.704418 0.248176 -0.920035 +0.658957 -0.859143 0.970355 -0.329009 -0.0468982 0.204005 -0.170679 0.540487 +-0.527316 0.520957 -0.358999 -0.925968 -0.945894 -0.997646 -0.991608 0.55757 +-0.817878 -0.503903 -0.487906 -0.0567896 0.193223 0.892943 -0.45561 0.700621 +-0.759023 0.0254688 -0.855266 0.874996 -0.645042 -0.551461 0.761377 -0.818556 +0.291934 0.905122 0.66748 -0.661038 -0.908079 -0.753333 -0.513899 -0.200027 +-0.962323 0.27371 0.895297 0.81511 -0.258531 -0.648807 0.979072 -0.884441 +-0.82089 -0.681966 -0.228665 0.51323 0.270095 0.87616 -0.638903 -0.951388 +-0.261658 0.43373 0.287688 -0.948697 0.549712 -0.438453 0.882343 0.107756 +-0.143884 0.941573 -0.733211 0.0388048 -0.227978 0.025673 -0.069112 -0.699991 +0.0481841 -0.986915 -0.0591436 -0.579039 -0.00163794 0.448317 -0.88231 -0.274336 +-0.0520785 -0.520813 0.587888 -0.0927612 0.564898 0.914219 -0.469238 -0.868434 +-0.689648 0.248501 -0.830505 -0.00817715 0.57733 -0.193782 0.640914 -0.770624 +0.604876 -0.600517 0.369522 -0.0248955 -0.803796 0.736926 0.235804 -0.114192 +-0.314167 0.029882 -0.0550515 0.902548 0.00129659 0.0887846 0.468247 -0.973941 +-0.125029 -0.822576 0.898125 0.149557 0.932975 0.299965 -0.825157 -0.881807 +-0.019497 0.520082 0.830331 0.613313 -0.712255 -0.293715 0.290778 0.910808 +-0.612102 0.442327 -0.826731 -0.586718 -0.745161 0.35706 0.496725 -0.337971 +-0.177036 0.143153 0.442151 0.315148 -0.0962316 -0.534935 0.251563 -0.573321 +-0.795171 0.356316 -0.110224 -0.772718 0.609462 -0.916863 0.156313 0.00807432 +0.51919 -0.688593 0.174565 0.330887 0.937521 0.119489 -0.029361 0.330447 +0.267624 0.0636108 -0.766347 0.0368321 -0.178892 0.754918 -0.584797 0.646224 +0.0543071 -0.244817 -0.133002 0.418942 0.156912 0.401098 -0.457923 -0.0086396 +0.31796 0.274109 -0.591155 -0.588633 0.53215 -0.803649 0.917343 -0.0162614 +-0.748638 0.358657 0.0837448 0.412766 0.628267 0.987513 -0.393735 -0.0351636 +0.340234 0.160149 -0.422025 0.929521 0.150872 -0.185484 0.644958 0.399877 +0.369833 0.622548 -0.746154 0.576763 -0.24731 -0.221174 0.990903 0.196575 +-0.374449 -0.308648 0.572227 -0.51462 -0.993824 0.528717 0.864524 -0.982967 +0.375885 0.907404 0.759051 -0.413531 -0.569807 -0.301615 -0.487152 0.0736406 +-0.0547878 -0.567737 0.868215 0.726428 0.939528 -0.613973 -0.151486 -0.143228 +0.774938 -0.315413 -0.592695 -0.55891 0.740951 -0.956491 -0.0730064 -0.0338408 +-0.337309 -0.0691164 0.338541 0.999386 -0.0193022 0.677588 0.734364 -0.856655 +-0.028869 -0.752533 -0.453042 0.274491 -0.637134 -0.398187 -0.272979 -0.430847 +-0.673989 -0.286274 -0.562854 0.12427 0.0936976 0.965523 -0.82514 -0.49618 +0.770816 0.680283 -0.897072 0.501658 -0.617746 -0.586719 -0.798991 -0.136963 +0.236992 -0.614045 0.173716 -0.0687633 -0.446663 -0.79013 -0.328581 0.215918 +0.493988 -0.932995 -0.30012 -0.678104 -0.818305 -0.251725 0.0404109 0.767502 +0.92366 0.596716 0.529179 0.69413 -0.228518 0.821449 0.382839 -0.0813092 +-0.381741 0.980686 -0.408197 0.108125 -0.707274 -0.134126 -0.610366 -0.228834 +0.78183 -0.91614 0.500856 0.750621 0.544451 0.905196 -0.32836 -0.978336 +0.421739 -0.272365 -0.537244 0.79915 0.673203 -0.529353 0.328073 -0.6235 +-0.312532 -0.708554 -0.077073 0.70549 -0.0736282 -0.933252 -0.768467 -0.795785 +-0.605335 0.722372 -0.143753 -0.83284 -0.787781 -0.474113 -0.484129 -0.957288 +-0.29693 0.879444 0.245028 -0.304153 0.861379 0.416688 -0.231506 0.595379 +-0.819934 0.0964443 -0.702166 0.279822 0.6926 0.64321 -0.00340714 -0.504682 +-0.623415 0.140376 0.517706 0.813064 -0.0192871 -0.225431 0.851822 -0.311111 +0.906409 -0.463039 -0.125906 -0.326015 0.461082 -0.345953 -0.711728 0.454559 +-0.463604 -0.506316 -0.95116 -0.773319 0.288355 0.75944 -0.606086 -0.826483 +0.25271 -0.9609 0.945414 0.329588 0.374626 -0.145722 0.355244 0.951757 +-0.0978388 0.0883752 0.819972 -0.346529 -0.701948 0.493288 -0.484703 -0.277412 +0.752528 0.81242 -0.91897 0.369705 -0.87697 -0.705945 -0.149767 0.801977 +0.220821 -0.327548 -0.875952 0.101745 0.179896 -0.161492 -0.536122 0.681313 +-0.49327 0.614592 0.670578 -0.884864 0.518873 -0.634202 0.632039 -0.132086 +0.606229 -0.487425 0.290243 0.890012 0.20712 0.648662 0.68404 -0.837515 +0.571455 0.935079 -0.366354 -0.815684 0.142722 -0.033437 -0.672339 0.38266 +0.302957 -0.546423 0.826827 -0.648203 -0.067578 -0.0800815 0.933293 -0.585709 +-0.880886 0.413273 0.500182 0.490237 -0.448977 0.505172 -0.712596 -0.649271 +-0.349604 0.104807 -0.559456 0.81238 0.0240454 -0.134857 -0.231669 0.714498 +0.121195 0.511282 -0.764937 0.3487 -0.230063 0.306971 0.721399 0.910368 +-0.164307 -0.964873 0.255116 0.18614 -0.0710032 0.847507 0.13844 -0.425006 +-0.0294202 -0.663732 0.391538 0.125527 0.865593 0.744081 0.983922 -0.196187 +-0.592124 0.761828 -0.993756 -0.0473521 -0.201354 0.819108 0.566071 -0.97679 +0.132186 -0.938286 -0.845578 0.509997 0.337286 -0.952651 0.205407 0.526075 +-0.805208 0.0574104 0.400985 0.838457 0.273258 -0.357216 -0.7291 -0.0218883 +-0.798725 0.293082 -0.83925 -0.405219 0.772495 -0.162703 0.776866 -0.0616743 +-0.718476 0.490894 0.922168 -0.234468 -0.864068 -0.726702 0.125183 -0.739661 +0.224734 -0.449467 0.860439 0.548208 -0.219997 0.413782 -0.0719829 -0.89865 +0.668905 0.140998 -0.237877 -0.245798 0.191338 0.624373 -0.514573 -0.610171 +-0.852263 -0.702425 -0.839297 -0.988417 0.616082 -0.317768 -0.490215 -0.964163 +-0.845807 0.818447 -0.0769468 0.149338 0.644181 0.775342 -0.986283 -0.842497 +0.461963 -0.751987 -0.186809 0.128579 0.567975 -0.00383664 -0.100185 -0.23146 +-0.676349 0.539082 -0.0532405 0.0730482 0.135735 -0.985184 -0.171993 -0.712114 +0.750988 -0.183431 -0.936489 0.809974 0.796974 -0.648548 0.928596 -0.0290144 +-0.764139 -0.574596 0.13775 0.163946 -0.0185631 -0.50541 -0.505162 0.337413 +0.169893 0.80255 0.0326267 -0.64676 0.591884 -0.931843 0.333031 -0.28657 +0.711617 0.566115 -0.873711 -0.447148 -0.837245 0.937222 -0.443066 0.916289 +0.857331 0.209462 -0.746399 -0.962531 -0.794518 -0.353599 0.333256 -0.399661 +0.124117 0.673644 -0.395684 -0.754722 -0.178277 0.200462 0.831671 0.229839 +-0.0436045 -0.130365 0.0559433 -0.238672 -0.741023 -0.314417 0.832164 0.49558 +0.629799 -0.019173 0.363436 -0.479682 -0.308177 -0.71409 0.175529 -0.0225631 +0.73007 -0.840835 0.0629785 0.685571 -0.902139 0.616732 0.0802994 0.758177 +-0.85408 -0.0471578 0.590884 -0.0601573 0.983901 0.99031 -0.123045 0.882654 +-0.0816098 0.619264 0.334403 0.588455 -0.603777 0.955431 -0.729233 0.541021 +-0.518286 0.739772 0.271152 -0.965414 0.0938647 0.138862 -0.490594 -0.741147 +0.560105 -0.41576 -0.805391 0.423555 -0.91956 0.677451 -0.203752 -0.711401 +0.0538332 0.745948 -0.903786 -0.804641 0.806175 0.803283 0.770014 0.614073 +0.363265 0.0423812 -0.612926 0.623838 0.544472 -0.480674 0.933129 -0.139225 +0.451303 0.349994 -0.559412 -0.153014 -0.489767 -0.777127 0.249253 -0.492274 +0.984653 0.891803 -0.532161 0.583266 0.500533 0.71927 0.372692 -0.356016 +0.242516 -0.323755 -0.0772472 0.774458 0.187239 -0.73274 0.00992747 0.136559 +-0.280286 0.720583 0.00711111 -0.800192 -0.18599 0.435274 0.867915 -0.938762 +-0.839105 0.432264 -0.0551969 -0.132463 0.677694 -0.152299 0.666318 -0.775609 +-0.696103 -0.207586 0.481987 0.718709 0.0788425 0.0415259 -0.719586 -0.264512 +0.685926 -0.93111 0.303224 0.964486 0.601764 0.334563 -0.00143469 -0.867682 +0.47876 0.917552 -0.187515 0.0117107 -0.0857956 -0.918814 -0.45574 0.323111 +-0.875695 0.550742 0.672556 -0.856563 -0.826559 -0.484963 0.657209 0.851605 +0.574605 0.575943 0.887362 -0.51758 -0.0200551 -0.347917 0.267176 -0.547546 +-0.918976 -0.591552 0.649176 -0.12985 -0.805604 0.173736 0.374882 -0.68857 +-0.21926 0.724924 0.195898 0.787601 -0.344664 -0.129131 0.322424 -0.535366 +0.525124 -0.603729 0.46486 0.203147 0.0071692 0.17777 0.195174 0.00580404 +-0.410431 0.968821 0.338612 0.419906 0.463063 -0.970917 0.57079 -0.498508 +-0.489366 0.477389 -0.578136 -0.823802 0.346119 0.264939 0.540363 0.530289 +-0.865168 -0.757669 -0.21785 -0.299619 -0.409155 0.507296 -0.774418 -0.658391 +0.313145 0.924497 0.310088 0.868992 0.68397 -0.340971 -0.993908 -0.521261 +-0.728798 -0.536925 -0.820468 0.34252 -0.285503 0.643448 -0.787477 0.456246 +-0.93774 0.415129 -0.76223 0.142001 0.839158 0.211896 0.571701 0.111681 +0.637235 0.74066 0.878211 -0.592206 -0.921065 0.0648644 0.937055 0.87811 +0.736866 0.564391 0.962762 0.191391 -0.216403 0.376728 -0.126834 -0.73718 +0.363034 -0.382508 -0.952172 0.0407933 -0.771018 0.0679968 0.193112 0.955135 +0.249875 -0.114678 -0.653656 0.630404 -0.655171 0.56021 -0.417841 0.404821 +0.516553 0.790057 -0.0447277 0.0893541 -0.61616 -0.120965 0.0667103 0.701047 +-0.138791 0.383357 -0.428867 -0.50136 0.753356 0.281848 0.329351 -0.251867 +-0.469273 0.932868 0.380054 -0.698884 0.865777 -0.541439 0.683625 -0.116086 +0.744073 0.0712213 -0.103272 0.290377 0.169962 0.390293 -0.421272 -0.132716 +-0.458002 0.255651 0.2176 -0.189844 -0.275522 0.269161 0.672978 -0.357882 +0.985702 -0.727281 0.177093 0.998714 -0.575635 -0.200188 -0.432139 -0.176382 +-0.782175 -0.283259 0.972121 0.682 0.0863075 0.673289 -0.364885 -0.969685 +-0.711504 0.909925 -0.665869 -0.730461 -0.0691128 -0.292889 -0.111506 -0.0508709 +-0.635981 -0.124585 0.275619 0.845636 0.189531 0.0483202 -0.726763 0.887665 +0.223439 -0.0510921 -0.636781 -0.596858 0.749651 -0.164003 0.382015 0.816413 +-0.74869 0.744953 0.121052 0.418714 -0.385632 -0.0246765 -0.269526 0.827996 +-0.568231 0.0798874 -0.342219 -0.845772 -0.790258 0.310717 0.202105 0.202828 +-0.323885 0.914455 -0.873757 0.270622 -0.418957 0.719904 0.597644 0.907295 +0.257158 -0.916077 0.603025 0.131385 0.0668849 -0.797673 0.589164 0.158948 +-0.0432224 0.433686 0.764993 0.19622 0.482428 0.324204 -0.360954 0.177113 +0.957828 0.780848 -0.39585 -0.302662 0.276713 -0.250807 0.497336 0.330121 +0.0917771 -0.239933 0.755576 -0.0689747 0.942656 0.851844 -0.768862 -0.284016 +-0.680781 -0.207689 0.687366 -0.27144 -0.839248 -0.687103 0.336797 -0.677944 +0.497782 -0.586443 -0.629759 -0.997223 -0.0645083 0.937243 0.623351 -0.70684 +-0.138731 -0.673768 0.649323 -0.592869 -0.342837 0.51589 -0.681159 0.892454 +-0.617808 0.797262 0.280719 0.105536 -0.539847 0.769287 0.071249 -0.74514 +-0.990808 -0.95357 -0.0156943 -0.756002 -0.560972 -0.126089 -0.887808 0.634765 +-0.338516 -0.208635 0.597976 0.0854396 0.012734 -0.785142 0.0792855 -0.880097 +-0.0764062 -0.745109 -0.992707 -0.36499 0.335626 0.855709 0.324398 0.586782 +0.19424 -0.233436 -0.629849 0.356724 0.239352 0.532618 0.414879 -0.333027 +-0.758608 0.274271 0.53069 0.404052 -0.866642 0.713566 -0.901068 0.134162 +0.779362 -0.148483 0.543867 0.352114 -0.873935 0.186967 0.455569 0.725477 +-0.724292 -0.614634 0.202163 0.707401 -0.131517 0.454659 -0.95477 0.599232 +-0.20645 -0.719682 0.910262 -0.498215 -0.105908 0.163284 -0.735948 -0.488258 +0.549961 -0.24555 -0.872877 0.247513 0.442833 -0.847675 -0.36074 0.64803 +-0.252879 -0.0200819 0.59895 -0.920402 0.354448 0.528694 0.548263 -0.92867 +-0.25331 0.499176 0.650107 -0.41606 -0.0754911 0.498998 0.38674 0.882336 +-0.339236 -0.922157 0.543701 0.385575 0.725525 -0.253489 0.021898 -0.0273315 +-0.765082 0.00328447 -0.523069 -0.608791 0.636323 0.811651 -0.532138 -0.329503 +0.829887 0.628225 -0.187006 0.225173 0.577276 -0.211055 -0.892871 -0.483464 +-0.854714 0.858207 -0.0122937 -0.658461 -0.400685 0.0794606 0.850258 -0.797366 +0.0412844 0.667351 0.0407451 0.470619 -0.603677 0.0745575 0.539431 -0.254839 +-0.627035 -0.391491 -0.93397 0.931188 -0.307649 -0.0688708 0.878511 0.195199 +0.39852 0.737091 0.968778 -0.913558 -0.152581 0.64097 0.516574 0.0750405 +-0.719413 -0.496848 -0.0895111 0.0880705 -0.868255 0.0107875 -0.35242 -0.313344 +0.968694 -0.355047 0.0447438 0.633007 -0.656497 0.730452 -0.729791 0.0827981 +0.148828 0.428359 0.255626 0.258297 0.732308 -0.766279 0.352883 0.633439 +-0.497561 0.313801 -0.320826 0.0157509 -0.212151 0.255642 -0.647177 -0.782837 +0.606544 0.340345 -0.711952 0.899099 -0.794337 0.895916 -0.52872 -0.57984 +-0.213266 0.276505 0.797944 -0.713508 0.50813 0.499895 0.326735 0.807792 +-0.709922 0.730355 -0.852953 -0.357618 -0.322249 0.847351 -0.0743483 0.862197 +-0.260705 0.591657 -0.338952 -0.736816 0.627804 0.760506 0.0370344 -0.935321 +-0.99483 0.591093 -0.214169 0.230625 -0.845151 0.67705 -0.587658 -0.956223 +-0.714011 -0.811036 0.328978 0.0862574 -0.102706 0.907204 0.51428 -0.950143 +0.825537 -0.47859 -0.832021 -0.371021 0.147028 0.829249 -0.460161 -0.579437 +0.78764 -0.443974 -0.875969 -0.146768 0.489363 -0.810822 -0.505045 0.0578246 +0.18689 -0.509896 0.599836 -0.957962 -0.222421 -0.594202 -0.795124 0.227071 +-0.582764 -0.481441 0.65536 0.670812 -0.853464 -0.405088 0.645927 -0.484566 +0.852138 0.965099 -0.541339 0.838131 -0.910702 0.331916 -0.985499 0.0882578 +-0.900796 0.546121 -0.917633 -0.205875 -0.691595 -0.906553 -0.736063 -0.825395 +0.200625 0.893539 -0.447126 0.992227 0.620585 -0.866923 -0.306836 -0.676149 +0.396613 -0.814164 0.689558 0.428812 0.904269 0.100758 0.428217 0.480116 +0.740828 -0.670401 0.470159 0.184116 0.269109 0.902811 0.0948181 0.105362 +-0.470444 0.704059 0.497044 -0.460645 0.28168 -0.401993 0.682203 -0.101029 +-0.315868 -0.794748 -0.33912 0.868196 0.321008 -0.72829 -0.950654 0.864021 +0.94353 -0.773946 -0.640697 -0.321068 -0.16959 0.120698 -0.34633 -0.576954 +-0.25532 0.396661 -0.324702 -0.20864 -0.196708 0.0595977 0.627613 -0.274521 +-0.1019 -0.0184179 0.813906 0.879106 -0.524246 -0.839458 -0.195182 0.762441 +-0.452872 -0.80778 -0.10844 -0.422918 0.117921 -0.157016 0.418023 -0.899701 +0.381207 0.770573 -0.160566 -0.803347 0.828906 -0.860895 -0.0287614 -0.120912 +-0.375971 -0.196977 0.99154 0.848828 0.709757 -0.941375 0.413689 0.129763 +-0.135432 0.058013 -0.481544 -0.956331 0.43369 -0.175228 0.352469 -0.45887 +-0.271131 -0.964791 0.493779 -0.688609 -0.0275484 0.857738 -0.461904 0.0176501 +-0.452812 0.21217 0.541749 -0.0785204 -0.0615199 -0.57467 0.930401 0.455529 +0.701331 -0.634906 -0.981788 -0.771684 -0.175897 -0.00150364 0.658368 -0.544372 +-0.852321 0.837309 -0.811165 0.927336 0.684412 0.60988 -0.432303 -0.408333 +-0.566062 0.0970141 0.508099 0.97831 0.407016 -0.775956 -0.68734 -0.34894 +0.975476 -0.685599 -0.423073 -0.739336 -0.569095 -0.9524 0.934161 0.243014 +0.347246 -0.226405 -0.692922 -0.851449 -0.0457676 0.0100628 -0.497241 0.344657 +-0.391049 -0.257704 0.815436 0.99096 -0.134007 0.806396 -0.772571 -0.740668 +-0.774868 0.767908 0.147976 0.620459 0.00462954 -0.830532 0.41766 -0.390938 +-0.669933 -0.0416615 0.0964868 0.869981 -0.260919 0.786493 -0.0750642 0.878016 +-0.983086 -0.721285 0.0356617 -0.466093 -0.0409097 -0.0963076 -0.217036 -0.406273 +0.904678 0.12219 -0.0578239 0.892585 0.571189 0.146081 0.00117287 -0.323423 +0.9889 -0.551748 -0.438811 -0.625866 0.938955 0.696542 0.894238 -0.69931 +-0.0320403 0.00533449 -0.0125391 0.753212 -0.0913314 0.867907 0.159279 -0.660979 +-0.65511 0.657473 0.201508 -0.435361 0.59615 -0.955151 -0.941454 -0.812843 +-0.768966 -0.64707 -0.449595 0.887056 -0.269047 -0.0377617 0.0294012 -0.737474 +-0.313229 0.21805 -0.643576 0.899066 -0.824893 0.5781 -0.861668 0.327946 +0.862799 -0.0611898 0.783653 0.549268 0.493201 0.609317 -0.96656 0.556559 +0.0133684 -0.527867 -0.703127 0.911624 0.799844 0.554397 0.495858 0.721182 +0.43908 -0.711218 -0.72413 -0.164134 0.957587 0.566734 -0.608718 0.721829 +-0.473956 0.239482 -0.291373 0.758672 0.99164 0.0452519 -0.835765 -0.406954 +0.335401 0.223394 -0.931716 0.52907 -0.810138 -0.0436743 -0.755524 -0.228909 +0.290202 0.439833 -0.709652 0.499486 -0.757529 0.487796 -0.750841 0.0809009 +-0.528943 0.567796 0.533682 0.991938 0.743309 -0.487622 -0.110081 0.0541543 +-0.548527 0.988634 -0.336844 0.56271 0.9076 0.286145 -0.505793 0.621384 +-0.222138 0.891092 -0.0905769 0.514477 -0.444262 0.257015 -0.790373 0.424378 +0.763666 -0.830123 -0.806007 0.386166 -0.13065 -0.874418 0.711468 0.977072 +-0.667453 0.774677 0.215033 -0.103045 -0.359772 -0.503882 -0.821811 -0.279899 +0.776916 -0.208781 0.846638 -0.839401 0.39327 0.574632 -0.789329 0.542864 +-0.228708 -0.734394 -0.224797 -0.509429 0.373326 -0.490687 -0.637614 -0.19727 +-0.238996 0.120953 -0.416065 0.242201 0.656018 0.727064 -0.980073 -0.857004 +-0.926125 -0.744431 0.0295663 -0.495074 0.878549 0.628895 -0.793609 -0.138656 +-0.687222 -0.23321 -0.664315 -0.715454 0.435467 0.0495123 0.488384 0.419708 +-0.470442 0.975884 0.0590026 -0.905845 -0.438891 -0.219989 -0.693973 0.177237 +-0.941501 -0.884588 0.69855 -0.874291 0.752482 -0.881729 0.708262 -0.93316 +-0.508954 0.0458766 -0.792059 -0.182322 0.984095 -0.582856 -0.185611 0.265929 +0.244162 -0.261541 -0.964351 -0.329159 -0.735968 0.51962 0.651772 0.467936 +-0.106126 -0.597183 -0.750275 0.482004 -0.280488 0.357224 -0.949281 -0.8064 +0.298672 0.657303 0.309271 -0.0669985 -0.217628 -0.200461 -0.894731 0.864302 +0.498891 -0.484504 0.237507 -0.516705 0.383922 -0.581693 -0.822732 -0.503028 +0.460454 -0.91012 0.923092 -0.684988 0.413275 0.658274 -0.0419288 -0.0735897 +-0.831778 0.507878 0.98194 -0.778413 0.35959 -0.329035 0.650998 -0.333126 +-0.756533 -0.845052 -0.314941 -0.76689 0.201538 0.722158 0.699828 0.414017 +-0.0437371 -0.12473 -0.860191 0.661535 -0.500183 0.706605 -0.769794 -0.976089 +0.466445 0.562851 -0.868875 -0.225531 -0.177627 0.927466 0.357603 -0.811161 +0.00656017 0.965209 -0.148819 -0.338462 -0.431935 -0.27027 0.274063 0.634862 +-0.347729 -0.0305922 0.0709034 -0.29585 -0.187039 -0.957732 -0.108768 -0.166879 +-0.674004 -0.844242 0.167912 0.562829 0.375394 -0.314415 -0.644618 -0.904611 +-0.0256775 0.43706 0.167703 -0.122045 0.702429 -0.717653 0.831582 0.293733 +-0.620773 0.406897 -0.0985464 -0.964972 0.775873 -0.220469 -0.787068 0.493256 +0.651429 -0.688814 -0.243897 -0.40135 0.00912411 -0.675226 0.139356 -0.863417 +0.931631 -0.193099 0.478894 0.256669 0.472224 -0.192646 -0.34663 0.883549 +0.882007 0.820255 0.0359719 0.569316 -0.138325 -0.784179 -0.684112 0.0195816 +-0.844701 -0.190503 -0.558551 -0.612184 0.918313 0.829079 0.830881 -0.854826 +-0.578573 0.39969 0.22331 -0.391696 0.208646 0.250025 -0.0790775 0.789384 +0.96743 0.354552 -0.997684 0.797462 0.754953 0.419684 0.251792 0.294725 +-0.302599 -0.104254 0.211014 -0.756029 -0.982209 -0.00602782 -0.806971 -0.277436 +-0.284363 0.133574 0.394061 0.224389 0.51931 0.517874 -0.223655 -0.707307 +-0.971639 0.516331 0.670884 -0.881815 0.686452 0.538432 -0.316087 -0.905712 +-0.651487 0.346597 0.234044 -0.991198 -0.379236 -0.802704 -0.198115 -0.917887 +0.899136 0.905529 0.347404 -0.793734 0.169635 -0.438555 0.598018 -0.218781 +-0.680534 0.0772033 -0.554705 0.829286 -0.760164 -0.51107 0.873015 -0.793705 +0.968168 0.948096 0.743962 0.408089 -0.736592 -0.357396 0.269436 0.0816785 +-0.558592 0.196167 -0.937529 -0.436037 0.854778 0.488349 0.850979 -0.955412 +0.0536734 -0.176532 -0.711782 -0.436239 -0.964954 -0.104726 0.451129 -0.326247 +-0.486387 0.102119 0.234256 -0.421192 0.679901 0.133501 -0.368829 -0.530326 +-0.0808063 -0.57331 0.284529 0.682669 0.736315 -0.853189 -0.689337 -0.514051 +0.515633 0.838775 -0.400992 0.477558 0.549116 0.858222 0.323168 -0.729244 +0.36016 0.0528929 -0.922323 -0.0994507 -0.62948 0.634095 -0.200443 -0.442672 +0.83715 0.192852 0.32838 -0.266968 0.0421914 -0.866337 -0.0508683 0.0878756 +-0.97411 0.506679 0.296452 0.578632 -0.620198 -0.611143 0.364563 0.0918438 +-0.938963 0.391992 0.431048 0.565726 -0.34927 0.359105 0.289028 -0.672549 +-0.707697 -0.939126 0.812606 0.497211 0.457878 0.0245149 -0.687045 -0.38471 +0.0381184 -0.378653 0.931786 -0.419089 -0.0757799 0.439691 -0.997946 -0.12534 +-0.686592 -0.432369 0.27564 0.569506 0.647944 0.590072 0.0103596 -0.800668 +0.896275 -0.992825 -0.0750274 -0.100862 -0.204293 -0.211665 -0.677872 0.559411 +-0.536664 0.0907233 -0.338986 0.992628 0.352235 -0.264914 0.547069 0.150407 +0.775416 -0.92695 -0.434443 0.252423 0.317467 -0.331904 -0.557603 0.565371 +0.602662 0.408342 -0.512091 0.0030728 0.139674 -0.108054 -0.57626 -0.921403 +-0.692144 -0.171722 -0.433231 0.755881 0.675493 -0.733586 -0.173277 0.638359 +0.872178 0.637127 -0.924613 0.0491817 -0.757412 -0.887708 0.139245 0.951704 +-0.138399 -0.605358 -0.986579 0.587042 -0.076026 -0.85188 0.148138 -0.496719 +-0.188072 0.651901 0.729753 -0.958166 0.7573 0.628388 -0.823715 -0.319704 +-0.319146 0.212294 -0.851686 -0.528566 0.0971639 -0.779318 0.00756588 0.805455 +0.410997 -0.456638 -0.444694 0.38088 -0.348983 0.326262 -0.80014 0.684784 +-0.0217769 -0.728861 -0.271593 0.0100282 -0.139043 -0.569559 0.490239 0.291991 +0.191743 -0.956743 -0.0334999 -0.362208 -0.232509 0.187365 -0.267504 -0.98481 +-0.314604 0.807347 -0.0374692 0.457703 0.347372 -0.350642 0.503465 0.149619 +0.291539 -0.508797 -0.865771 -0.868354 0.657237 0.425768 0.342987 0.266782 +-0.242675 -0.0154465 0.336309 0.0771463 -0.549974 0.786037 0.777519 -0.661664 +0.199167 0.488603 0.925073 -0.294805 0.427892 0.976814 0.354408 -0.730521 +0.00497342 -0.723675 -0.157526 -0.221206 0.997355 -0.555464 0.591398 0.933278 +-0.798625 -0.680423 0.0390295 0.611335 -0.831012 -0.984318 0.804702 -0.591644 +-0.740838 -0.488049 -0.126706 0.10938 -0.999446 0.447424 -0.0374583 -0.409728 +-0.136065 0.476407 0.34104 0.968761 -0.469901 0.046042 0.177945 0.473385 +0.84876 0.810754 -0.282497 -0.835941 -0.920369 -0.480077 -0.621141 -0.380246 +0.877481 0.0974775 0.323491 0.188718 -0.294873 0.522551 -0.783575 -0.141574 +0.982167 -0.989738 -0.755443 -0.76878 0.636702 0.221192 0.254922 -0.323343 +-0.548756 0.730088 -0.321251 0.819124 0.262294 -0.0876072 -0.0599837 0.787316 +-0.0506024 0.647385 0.836957 0.103114 0.133693 -0.42191 -0.588739 -0.832526 +0.185687 0.468747 0.317314 0.650843 0.576084 -0.918716 -0.75977 0.142646 +0.346399 -0.424681 0.472921 0.880896 -0.71694 -0.440967 -0.489734 0.906221 +-0.380201 -0.530744 -0.21443 0.339864 -0.725634 0.794353 -0.489858 -0.268242 +-0.671276 0.208873 -0.833296 0.70882 -0.627373 0.955747 -0.991261 -0.73811 +0.732094 0.437701 0.880486 -0.0873656 -0.613097 -0.218302 -0.794763 -0.770974 +-0.126436 -0.374331 -0.403368 -0.154457 -0.686789 0.619502 0.80511 0.267929 +-0.326694 0.681777 0.933906 -0.157628 0.805015 0.426671 0.931648 -0.786719 +0.636221 -0.648427 -0.536288 -0.586465 0.306729 0.177567 0.979236 0.862653 +-0.0380231 -0.102955 0.719217 -0.870774 -0.664426 -0.676106 -0.65329 -0.745433 +-0.239066 -0.0182126 -0.715331 -0.199561 -0.561092 0.132848 0.42576 0.25964 +-0.0566575 -0.170979 -0.32052 0.879041 0.321288 0.269939 0.128845 -0.114174 +-0.294883 -0.418883 -0.266252 0.697484 0.0452615 -0.45592 -0.426135 -0.532594 +0.798272 0.133508 -0.362077 0.879304 0.884913 0.00422937 -0.061545 -0.248595 +-0.984744 -0.245919 -0.653422 0.0505498 -0.0114522 0.784298 0.77642 -0.986146 +0.536832 0.965122 -0.261572 0.951519 -0.55871 0.249804 0.553907 0.210255 +0.936155 -0.623036 -0.254564 0.423069 0.305309 0.653012 -0.439647 0.0252214 +0.584988 -0.127235 0.974026 0.723807 0.170148 0.759473 0.144984 0.770854 +-0.356029 0.451229 0.575067 0.576722 0.258416 -0.814711 -0.165241 0.51859 +-0.00813152 0.752535 -0.677814 -0.864048 0.229436 0.284087 -0.167891 0.436235 +0.00788004 -0.102295 -0.940285 0.828367 0.511707 -0.490535 0.0463589 -0.213364 +-0.638034 0.211723 0.306107 -0.073834 0.19495 -0.447647 -0.310053 -0.0380121 +-0.515999 -0.501062 0.472227 -0.0865003 0.589588 0.551636 -0.7153 0.459155 +-0.036833 0.334123 -0.22177 -0.805148 -0.0341958 0.527742 0.532444 -0.688905 +-0.179861 0.0147959 0.675828 0.865579 0.975198 -0.319942 0.808325 -0.250338 +-0.643869 -0.34536 -0.93296 -0.186212 -0.219868 -0.801813 0.492328 -0.592899 +0.606531 -0.506318 -0.447056 0.589777 0.565654 0.146293 -0.745378 -0.0403156 +0.964409 0.940273 -0.689325 0.305467 0.335155 -0.140431 -0.500529 0.319785 +0.960005 0.964473 -0.439225 -0.519572 -0.549881 0.909096 -0.0727993 0.529965 +0.476247 0.710058 0.0500236 0.943053 0.648911 0.195795 0.267082 -0.0229792 +-0.691105 0.306259 0.928882 -0.980668 0.0603002 -0.906808 0.0815965 -0.541805 +0.472548 -0.17892 0.405938 -0.920382 -0.815499 0.173898 -0.0650522 0.963914 +-0.192959 -0.605192 0.535509 -0.538357 0.474006 -0.749047 0.450723 0.391387 +0.689136 0.572692 -0.624065 -0.763781 0.821114 -0.732775 -0.354682 0.392788 +-0.428872 0.370659 -0.689162 -0.383518 0.158126 -0.362763 -0.298015 0.397011 +0.761692 -0.52822 0.767065 -0.411002 -0.563805 -0.677213 -0.584136 0.977493 +0.0483114 0.867581 -0.369478 -0.80581 -0.754131 0.452109 -0.771292 -0.680477 +0.710463 0.280461 0.10484 0.137275 0.104904 0.697411 -0.321435 0.515745 +0.85039 -0.110204 -0.530962 -0.495014 0.234349 0.964586 -0.413498 0.0765348 +0.778326 0.915482 0.428292 0.983919 -0.101911 0.560052 0.596412 -0.940664 +-0.00820141 0.341059 0.0756779 -0.65676 -0.291455 0.102098 -0.557903 0.142224 +0.382496 -0.451592 0.0654742 0.509533 -0.439345 -0.881442 -0.877415 0.66565 +0.381352 0.695412 -0.758496 -0.646606 -0.861144 -0.1932 0.444279 -0.417724 +-0.21722 -0.0174348 0.0919835 0.0670942 -0.478538 0.0741871 0.364884 0.225702 +0.754242 -0.240633 -0.405087 -0.57317 -0.875154 -0.369001 -0.646432 -0.0200557 +-0.257041 0.823314 -0.296069 -0.5396 -0.811253 0.782266 0.795831 -0.942367 +0.284828 -0.271832 -0.0547863 -0.048904 0.124154 -0.80463 -0.445958 0.481062 +0.750048 -0.618551 -0.625226 -0.102515 0.25261 0.583137 -0.903711 -0.397957 +0.628092 0.465506 -0.519213 -0.498953 -0.765629 0.893854 -0.668678 0.538349 +0.549358 0.544621 -0.197553 0.427111 0.419775 0.402888 -0.714201 -0.96057 +-0.789757 -0.24699 -0.690532 -0.754698 -0.507021 0.782456 0.134618 0.138965 +-0.145837 -0.907271 -0.380181 -0.171594 -0.887093 0.151408 0.0399608 -0.967782 +-0.239428 -0.868745 0.243802 0.786926 0.398945 -0.851344 0.113376 0.420488 +-0.474001 -0.71242 0.371567 -0.243781 -0.562235 0.783651 -0.0692558 -0.240311 +-0.573088 0.227966 0.506406 -0.409247 0.0447546 -0.362153 -0.846627 -0.0100686 +0.218826 0.0538275 0.471391 0.664573 0.659483 -0.246342 0.205041 -0.376889 +-0.56742 -0.297886 0.983211 -0.0619457 0.187484 -0.392358 -0.445509 0.532601 +0.151181 -0.226808 -0.781219 -0.88863 0.514738 0.578417 -0.291603 -0.377932 +0.320535 -0.259863 0.585372 0.367507 0.199292 -0.199893 -0.165519 -0.916644 +-0.193659 -0.323366 0.144188 -0.447858 -0.932131 -0.789041 -0.819976 -0.512463 +-0.785872 0.654538 -0.117231 0.182413 0.611999 -0.468289 -0.858888 -0.579697 +0.890708 -0.850613 0.956204 0.803646 0.691517 0.340154 -0.578665 -0.486647 +0.775513 -0.429141 0.722566 0.908044 0.542147 0.753112 -0.232435 0.267161 +0.339155 0.0100213 -0.250798 0.470405 -0.167442 0.62331 0.96121 0.290845 +-0.525227 0.816981 -0.111607 0.113413 -0.737994 0.713929 -0.515309 -0.511189 +-0.0366259 0.105772 0.733191 -0.174168 -0.0891108 0.0959599 0.12254 -0.549979 +0.0936712 0.983153 -0.748721 -0.0702506 -0.539602 -0.967965 -0.953551 0.779744 +0.439294 0.591822 0.524557 0.83802 0.936916 0.15132 -0.145569 -0.70357 +0.0577606 -0.890423 0.645814 0.52633 -0.140477 0.629657 -0.0911898 -0.867438 +0.641718 0.872184 0.674205 0.925779 0.969978 -0.692878 -0.541211 0.932084 +0.127287 0.339392 -0.436132 0.446942 0.323184 -0.427856 0.0450793 -0.547228 +0.571856 0.456378 -0.212494 0.412581 0.60747 0.457908 -0.730449 -0.432328 +0.716379 -0.282181 -0.149145 0.423577 0.531272 -0.192534 0.522158 -0.0139067 +0.392458 -0.43031 0.440483 -0.420511 -0.0837572 0.349625 0.878125 0.612409 +-0.48793 0.610584 -0.878666 -0.294242 -0.488136 0.777345 -0.504048 0.782072 +-0.807702 -0.917127 -0.899227 0.823244 -0.415499 -0.734847 0.873002 0.342213 +0.205201 -0.138148 -0.752051 0.703676 0.189249 0.888606 0.0206145 -0.531954 +-0.300858 -0.938632 -0.328701 -0.544132 -0.749591 -0.9912 -0.345828 -0.455907 +-0.595073 -0.678245 0.866344 0.465099 -0.509859 -0.457841 0.466966 0.383943 +-0.060213 -0.710382 0.0313389 0.283458 0.187496 0.310622 -0.595371 0.601871 +0.562767 0.0377798 0.76085 -0.892 -0.0911599 0.265912 -0.618319 0.952178 +-0.840834 0.821741 -0.975384 -0.725079 0.603053 -0.639858 -0.633069 -0.808539 +-0.538151 -0.948088 -0.51558 0.274384 -0.0619097 -0.0826329 0.180303 -0.855399 +0.42251 0.144264 0.293215 0.190766 -0.715834 0.112131 0.430095 -0.493941 +0.0027466 0.256351 0.821961 0.0155914 0.978361 0.325366 -0.152935 0.713048 +0.155912 -0.702545 -0.559075 -0.621663 -0.499971 -0.790038 -0.723394 0.270965 +-0.452068 0.0941228 -0.507194 0.537582 -0.615952 -0.473029 -0.654752 0.16797 +0.975202 -0.278628 -0.37559 -0.459865 -0.494414 -0.522035 -0.700555 -0.713496 +-0.31939 -0.214 -0.179502 0.597574 -0.448232 0.899591 -0.698854 -0.890447 +-0.75038 0.689621 0.691946 -0.400412 0.98447 0.824083 -0.540418 0.273547 +0.751513 0.992589 0.44151 -0.176448 -0.258649 -0.570728 0.990564 0.825067 +-0.288471 -0.175124 0.728809 -0.856118 0.963137 -0.371374 -0.121704 -0.722621 +-0.560635 0.256014 0.783282 -0.0436413 -0.46044 0.528746 -0.729818 0.505957 +-0.457373 0.502338 -0.259939 -0.591323 -0.379924 0.0464475 -0.371124 0.390725 +0.736234 -0.0702791 0.764597 -0.0402704 0.144329 -0.954984 -0.329526 -0.484438 +-0.41639 -0.726601 -0.351723 -0.826754 0.725462 -0.0631057 0.275125 0.947095 +0.966303 -0.979173 -0.981785 0.536177 -0.937156 0.926273 -0.244539 -0.213392 +-0.430865 -0.765427 -0.626624 -0.903924 -0.899377 -0.169289 -0.681021 0.0820862 +-0.110559 0.0761014 -0.110221 0.520959 -0.201519 -0.922766 -0.592008 0.110752 +-0.781808 0.835112 -0.557839 0.615583 -0.934306 -0.409004 0.105904 -0.609772 +0.187986 -0.536589 0.525622 0.965509 0.994878 0.440683 -0.782722 -0.10285 +0.221736 0.238921 -0.507302 0.701848 -0.969081 -0.654852 -0.0478535 -0.668043 +0.513093 0.149467 -0.55545 0.51696 -0.989508 -0.887487 0.503948 -0.320804 +0.36926 -0.125893 0.751347 0.923279 -0.23921 -0.704303 -0.649616 0.9348 +-0.882768 -0.695332 -0.652699 0.769483 0.346243 0.429311 0.445164 -0.549846 +0.900309 0.00963954 0.121683 -0.144578 -0.731711 -0.693846 -0.0810501 0.877884 +-0.448573 0.669242 0.976741 -0.0972122 0.531226 0.497216 0.685044 0.606398 +-0.793498 -0.0199782 0.378773 -0.54014 0.33045 -0.0403891 -0.830269 0.126731 +0.957517 -0.0318155 -0.20254 0.284324 0.87273 -0.908624 -0.0335001 0.314938 +0.225949 -0.686549 0.151156 0.391466 -0.679554 -0.284395 0.994301 -0.90876 +-0.395586 0.774109 0.712459 0.352602 -0.635886 -0.420902 -0.850352 -0.318036 +0.48513 -0.834401 -0.434297 0.439986 0.729257 0.862742 0.0441958 -0.901788 +-0.638434 0.273707 -0.367312 0.0578474 0.877717 0.185739 -0.505204 -0.638063 +0.241206 -0.831992 -0.965704 -0.586159 0.169424 -0.585115 -0.0547658 0.50218 +0.753684 0.768991 -0.501 0.317682 -0.0585389 0.3068 0.772707 0.169542 +0.977906 -0.519445 0.226863 -0.733432 0.296144 -0.919477 0.657372 -0.853784 +0.00631976 0.662154 -0.86129 0.311983 -0.275507 -0.42741 0.360565 -0.904424 +-0.451835 0.518714 0.294816 0.70085 0.279951 0.201791 -0.78446 0.367603 +0.0279764 -0.698014 -0.872753 0.227458 -0.222103 -0.598081 -0.595641 0.59122 +-0.0892559 -0.754093 -0.131712 0.202004 -0.491409 0.718173 -0.168244 -0.754166 +0.0358621 0.146345 0.252568 -0.897618 -0.743443 0.590545 0.735712 0.129365 +0.535206 -0.549116 -0.322435 -0.120387 0.326257 0.857455 0.926268 0.846448 +-0.844808 -0.0579436 0.413073 -0.681191 -0.157148 -0.991291 0.982462 -0.372447 +-0.371312 0.474717 -0.659698 -0.250764 0.351652 -0.248735 0.376753 0.404496 +0.122821 -0.375758 -0.583352 0.390892 0.441815 0.611139 -0.750248 0.690489 +-0.619211 0.652251 -0.232602 -0.023077 0.510154 0.514604 0.707036 -0.088341 +0.365802 -0.288358 0.498475 0.622598 0.0884513 -0.502601 -0.0398956 -0.241912 +-0.449921 -0.0662473 -0.482305 -0.56115 0.844889 -0.968386 -0.236661 0.958662 +0.716409 0.464967 -0.63852 0.321524 -0.64652 0.754909 -0.585983 -0.554646 +-0.447716 -0.274164 -0.845825 -0.677412 0.299511 0.429741 -0.00783276 -0.625215 +-0.0666598 0.941849 -0.721826 0.175247 0.166758 0.946796 -0.441443 -0.545678 +-0.280745 -0.558744 0.0782417 0.822043 0.0373034 -0.767634 0.334889 -0.204475 +0.304197 -0.923993 0.924242 0.340491 0.826447 0.652876 0.636878 -0.00527523 +0.229423 0.0912072 -0.798967 -0.846361 -0.634938 -0.855099 -0.602047 -0.742035 +-0.899023 -0.613459 0.892855 0.0549564 -0.714598 0.818618 0.541846 0.0304994 +0.678134 -0.977333 -0.672914 0.1998 0.0666526 -0.0546959 -0.875247 0.177203 +0.386777 0.476735 0.0564501 0.607217 0.515895 0.299154 0.86858 -0.929842 +0.685959 0.19825 0.326267 0.93105 -0.2731 -0.223146 -0.388904 0.644691 +0.0917231 0.456785 0.300217 -0.418998 -0.756469 -0.18787 0.0257972 -0.510528 +0.774582 0.108108 0.217937 -0.678055 -0.857652 0.257642 -0.23537 -0.459661 +0.492765 0.329134 -0.750469 0.265036 -0.549458 0.800931 0.45043 0.654937 +0.545092 -0.405946 0.97829 -0.241211 -0.761309 0.0522561 0.489279 -0.181044 +0.595806 0.301203 0.00175219 0.0346104 -0.871983 -0.316493 -0.35869 0.750833 +-0.356902 -0.83915 0.463834 -0.799833 -0.765589 -0.00996312 0.618092 0.925763 +0.17807 0.475797 0.984541 0.0352228 0.910344 0.897265 0.64628 -0.943552 +-0.213075 0.931375 0.390993 0.759357 0.855887 -0.664187 -0.45863 -0.557136 +0.544188 -0.349897 -0.304036 -0.914146 -0.977609 -0.204913 -0.610554 -0.890574 +0.677751 -0.962213 -0.276768 -0.965943 -0.742092 0.744066 0.72906 0.803358 +-0.920121 0.851578 -0.508072 -0.749494 0.458986 0.72717 0.883557 0.211832 +-0.429776 -0.814513 -0.520569 0.331702 -0.0368137 0.40048 -0.0194574 0.286821 +-0.0945039 0.501176 -0.259392 -0.201334 -0.817095 0.110605 -0.38989 -0.556894 +-0.888289 0.419195 -0.941187 -0.703618 -0.74757 0.83368 0.397319 -0.648898 +0.140283 0.236167 0.576773 0.174286 -0.0770867 -0.970377 -0.507436 0.331816 +0.926226 -0.949527 -0.344011 -0.362622 0.476272 0.5664 -0.0610025 -0.926603 +-0.812599 0.379471 0.816848 -0.460453 0.0192854 -0.532238 0.64875 0.290428 +-0.704732 0.344577 -0.986519 0.380786 -0.963709 -0.298283 0.160948 0.725572 +-0.37787 -0.355922 0.520489 0.529633 0.463511 0.562887 0.558426 -0.21356 +0.711711 0.382962 -0.0321731 -0.168244 -0.891085 0.885591 -0.869937 0.338166 +0.594262 -0.141912 -0.688893 0.99811 0.739581 -0.379 -0.838501 0.737623 +-0.240775 -0.31584 -0.977945 0.220277 -0.700471 0.121494 0.786246 -0.609107 +-0.469262 0.615444 0.822334 -0.938985 0.00972204 0.201078 0.952333 0.219098 +0.161819 -0.58996 -0.709192 0.0850985 -0.350235 -0.0183066 -0.962063 0.552786 +-0.322579 0.535901 0.0831581 -0.0385795 -0.86019 0.506289 0.108535 0.627683 +0.653316 0.581975 -0.428346 -0.327397 -0.533502 0.191921 -0.835736 -0.671013 +0.23607 -0.764082 -0.427963 0.936417 0.812322 0.62325 -0.225402 0.473908 +0.360824 -0.31927 0.223129 -0.865486 -0.166944 0.156986 0.205085 0.00717569 +-0.560244 -0.836575 0.121307 0.962825 -0.239955 0.941542 -0.87634 0.756335 +0.379483 0.672066 0.920528 -0.425731 -0.8055 0.618419 -0.681839 0.566572 +-0.541926 -0.377947 0.260811 -0.651411 0.721151 0.796162 -0.541762 -0.576999 +-0.181808 0.639802 -0.975259 -0.663825 -0.118761 0.935995 0.850632 0.623139 +-0.0280611 -0.100807 -0.0115205 0.769508 0.975921 0.36622 -0.439825 0.182228 +-0.518802 0.677906 -0.922765 -0.650697 0.38278 -0.802091 -0.441567 -0.0682614 +-0.0606541 -0.82269 -0.757103 0.451062 0.68341 -0.21763 -0.189813 -0.719505 +0.328524 0.374754 -0.829575 -0.233745 0.603112 0.115447 -0.205495 0.495732 +-0.940007 -0.372071 -0.0567001 0.0815177 0.237495 -0.165586 0.102285 0.106442 +0.0587672 0.203151 -0.617669 0.246597 0.766063 -0.0441826 0.225723 -0.375256 +0.595638 -0.8969 -0.859182 0.924258 -0.850319 0.619827 -0.336612 0.87471 +0.253623 -0.703156 0.392904 0.754309 -0.413597 -0.550302 -0.466837 -0.0554813 +-0.171574 0.760164 -0.746511 -0.449427 0.861316 0.908235 0.939748 0.900948 +-0.866745 -0.989101 -0.105858 0.746067 0.880719 0.0791559 -0.148423 0.567304 +-0.340772 0.342627 -0.418369 0.0183479 0.663974 -0.210388 0.566031 -0.307053 +-0.796909 -0.861782 -0.41856 0.904874 0.257222 -0.849611 0.135816 -0.837315 +0.573607 0.976107 0.647015 0.169306 -0.0390818 -0.681147 -0.2512 0.186309 +-0.79281 -0.465743 -0.873903 0.415853 0.929572 0.928767 -0.917676 0.389418 +-0.189122 -0.81393 -0.482353 -0.945896 0.204562 -0.551815 -0.623091 -0.180186 +-0.601643 -0.736529 0.0744873 -0.971781 0.767349 -0.0454771 -0.0333532 0.370712 +0.953419 0.752331 0.167843 0.242817 0.792761 -0.455219 0.738609 0.422799 +0.683497 -0.156342 0.972546 -0.166608 0.434767 -0.492561 -0.635644 -0.262027 +0.0969455 -0.986278 -0.427855 0.499039 0.872608 -0.285313 0.861969 -0.00726473 +0.568782 -0.47187 -0.660013 -0.193908 -0.924188 -0.304503 0.194021 0.548087 +-0.395025 0.130907 0.458495 -0.657022 0.507126 0.566483 0.343297 -0.153337 +-0.164236 -0.93546 0.139193 0.758905 0.657126 0.0436321 0.708452 0.318435 +0.74236 -0.281163 0.462817 -0.485953 0.922327 0.551694 0.232885 -0.525846 +-0.455437 0.928112 0.328556 -0.227581 -0.097357 0.554065 0.944684 -0.795896 +-0.399629 -0.151192 -0.272881 0.384818 0.643247 0.503916 -0.919137 0.262122 +0.267216 -0.389761 -0.716136 0.124153 -0.183209 0.203462 0.558165 0.467073 +0.663323 0.184449 0.388718 0.0287672 -0.30326 0.426009 -0.0135387 -0.970393 +-0.846424 0.765307 0.654113 0.169023 0.428073 -0.972336 0.838171 -0.048438 +0.918883 -0.599371 -0.639186 0.707787 0.0389316 -0.500555 0.539954 0.572245 +0.546336 -0.851287 -0.571707 0.843092 -0.0696237 -0.77709 0.828392 -0.670245 +0.256247 0.170751 -0.74507 -0.916481 -0.198322 -0.0422062 0.201764 0.303284 +0.707147 0.538474 -0.46604 0.768481 0.450826 0.78801 -0.320954 0.0529201 +-0.457465 0.713165 0.261461 0.500716 -0.761406 0.0585499 0.266564 -0.194963 +0.0469887 0.372271 -0.814744 -0.493067 0.986417 -0.220578 -0.147642 -0.290298 +0.865739 -0.843325 -0.586935 0.558152 -0.607688 0.133677 -0.314835 -0.874994 +-0.28407 -0.0310837 -0.244577 -0.499961 0.0831651 0.611807 -0.803031 -0.324554 +-0.674089 -0.114628 -0.869776 -0.68684 -0.680338 -0.13748 0.968537 0.226829 +-0.106497 0.826638 0.175156 -0.690683 -0.20081 -0.663019 0.527855 -0.215508 +-0.569968 0.224708 -0.833994 -0.342232 0.560923 -0.520778 -0.75234 0.382951 +0.134161 -0.208342 -0.427726 -0.173193 -0.332348 0.299537 -0.234726 0.832925 +-0.402892 0.44751 0.670677 0.982216 -0.161869 -0.224028 -0.924491 0.755886 +0.124148 0.31867 0.241076 -0.869214 0.756065 -0.1096 0.973246 0.939339 +-0.804345 0.0404028 0.366816 -0.112333 0.48207 0.594207 0.0851084 -0.78472 +0.950464 0.0877894 0.237575 0.701777 -0.793751 -0.181089 0.0768191 0.438248 +-0.0821008 -0.0783405 0.501966 -0.543472 -0.125108 0.84544 0.580949 -0.127013 +-0.437705 -0.799327 -0.51293 -0.704008 0.559853 -0.676329 -0.188623 0.670392 +0.371978 0.763898 -0.481408 0.020204 -0.502421 0.773839 0.95058 0.179744 +-0.819678 0.051496 0.962227 -0.0892686 0.250977 0.594883 -0.246833 0.437308 +0.76584 -0.625579 -0.36399 0.667921 -0.30947 0.244496 -0.975459 -0.113815 +-0.52928 -0.580881 -0.430803 0.00414179 0.35355 -0.964707 0.839863 0.703258 +0.369541 0.682136 -0.0195639 0.372471 0.778789 0.0287528 0.940356 -0.240733 +-0.0878356 0.146325 -0.439308 -0.206156 -0.573423 -0.350959 -0.323891 -0.810204 +0.0112959 -0.249291 0.0271747 0.649374 0.942587 0.21371 -0.906037 -0.744209 +-0.010731 0.991442 0.885706 -0.109002 -0.189258 -0.389477 -0.452456 0.0842571 +0.878999 -0.117072 0.271111 0.329515 -0.921645 -0.948288 0.441989 0.526507 +0.780293 -0.439826 -0.826501 -0.532999 -0.733558 -0.876879 0.532704 0.378396 +-0.0936228 0.4803 -0.741781 0.00110437 -0.240193 -0.398467 -0.376829 0.945627 +0.856679 -0.857759 -0.661542 0.217709 0.00500074 0.621913 0.763219 -0.193151 +0.385666 -0.573166 -0.553545 -0.0550383 0.716349 -0.443558 0.531387 0.874882 +0.735574 -0.452782 0.862433 0.816191 -0.490542 0.127588 0.908425 0.535995 +-0.742564 -0.433178 0.915441 0.429457 0.741941 0.777874 -0.824876 -0.492205 +0.928933 0.595887 0.555872 -0.506634 -0.190822 0.405726 -0.280609 -0.896837 +0.163702 0.249171 0.255146 -0.533572 -0.378421 0.745034 0.750554 -0.783449 +-0.320676 -0.344093 0.0856638 0.164454 0.249587 0.959115 0.676873 0.531421 +0.694168 -0.948914 0.284541 0.549565 -0.392633 0.754276 -0.714306 -0.735648 +-0.190019 -0.52543 -0.05979 -0.120959 0.522829 -0.255097 -0.0403621 -0.7353 +-0.328844 -0.0182174 0.11135 -0.477302 0.791178 0.0611149 -0.0462498 -0.175987 +0.269369 -0.929168 -0.726463 0.54813 -0.937998 0.745038 -0.293154 -0.654064 +0.551288 -0.502471 0.486128 0.651546 0.369143 -0.349521 0.144616 -0.109417 +0.765235 0.877474 -0.845408 0.351489 -0.63105 -0.769469 -0.457141 -0.234768 +0.311318 0.300883 0.299567 -0.327209 -0.576271 -0.643474 -0.360074 0.981788 +0.981298 0.608698 0.0826749 -0.114287 0.743939 0.49706 -0.566342 -0.879508 +0.0800737 -0.893772 -0.912034 0.187454 -0.692667 0.522734 0.0485591 -0.645851 +-0.324429 -0.700755 0.267917 0.0402615 -0.699743 0.992684 -0.579391 -0.431563 +0.996279 -0.924962 -0.939793 0.920964 0.689077 -0.395117 -0.017921 -0.216873 +0.0636556 0.895646 -0.317375 -0.733031 -0.701854 -0.490877 -0.198355 0.129399 +-0.687348 0.719909 0.641067 0.916343 0.316081 0.816246 -0.221022 -0.14204 +0.0855796 0.67265 -0.562649 -0.147528 -0.39122 -0.611359 -0.43629 0.80869 +-0.922597 0.76178 -0.862715 -0.372038 -0.671139 0.477378 -0.502672 -0.808751 +0.253303 0.457268 0.831574 -0.773127 -0.483561 -0.24741 0.957302 -0.929012 +0.197971 -0.53769 -0.109346 0.948488 -0.686124 0.0339448 -0.118122 -0.519184 +-0.844502 0.692427 -0.688552 -0.532634 -0.759507 -0.260971 -0.796699 -0.404532 +0.0865159 -0.780443 -0.893265 0.286129 -0.963133 0.404368 -0.106939 -0.754019 +0.856322 -0.56223 0.490658 -0.128994 -0.070527 0.611366 0.172883 -0.0892844 +0.104858 0.1888 -0.648231 0.405203 0.182899 -0.215067 -0.680568 0.415602 +-0.197065 0.405019 -0.680563 0.489857 0.7812 -0.000321634 0.251133 -0.163168 +-0.0828464 -0.845147 0.138025 0.0712586 0.561523 0.418024 -0.0945405 -0.772312 +0.0421709 -0.603521 -0.893089 -0.310384 0.338777 -0.285234 -0.235222 -0.849502 +0.425383 0.769619 -0.354696 -0.719294 -0.107823 0.440272 0.985391 -0.252171 +0.146365 0.0889267 -0.401725 -0.183417 0.981461 0.486241 0.681473 -0.258455 +0.952971 -0.679307 -0.725955 0.166804 -0.461048 0.483991 0.805641 0.564412 +-0.391718 -0.885734 -0.338494 -0.758048 0.62324 -0.904924 -0.511931 -0.313077 +-0.427775 -0.462631 0.571049 0.309519 -0.633172 -0.524454 0.774625 -0.141569 +-0.27132 0.746114 -0.330058 -0.485489 -0.506717 0.00733686 0.793065 0.48465 +-0.149967 0.0249565 -0.377554 0.635322 0.926616 0.316265 0.0518561 -0.601899 +0.221472 0.121239 0.574847 0.521096 0.559327 0.942286 -0.724584 -0.855785 +-0.119323 0.0382661 -0.628763 0.436192 0.94491 -0.501119 -0.679026 -0.745567 +-0.768534 -0.877493 0.168443 -0.116303 -0.271442 -0.232377 -0.272922 -0.438878 +-0.555787 0.0546222 0.667032 -0.599897 -0.398251 -0.194041 0.7088 -0.579869 +0.945534 -0.464931 -0.976692 -0.794661 0.51902 0.652344 -0.560435 0.902057 +-0.254705 -0.567206 -0.817415 0.840607 0.740243 0.598916 0.391895 -0.394496 +-0.100858 -0.392356 -0.0955732 0.744395 -0.098339 0.356142 0.185845 0.181413 +0.0203355 -0.788697 -0.600303 0.697847 -0.700404 0.902197 -0.74871 0.302692 +-0.885 -0.338142 -0.266243 0.17608 -0.576465 -0.502188 -0.596151 -0.878618 +0.44483 0.832059 -0.173066 0.456706 0.642328 0.724746 -0.1925 -0.893404 +0.443883 -0.456011 -0.770323 -0.997234 -0.952226 -0.892065 0.20022 0.953866 +-0.711862 -0.993364 0.907505 -0.579022 -0.925414 0.500686 -0.275635 0.565904 +0.423131 -0.0968551 -0.478523 0.0238519 0.316365 0.854634 0.904365 -0.131348 +-0.548285 0.578612 -0.275744 0.407103 0.316615 -0.882478 -0.473928 0.285793 +0.63222 0.455825 0.386028 0.207057 -0.66896 -0.628345 -0.0808006 -0.807238 +0.711269 -0.784493 0.4599 0.0397161 0.527732 -0.732751 -0.601908 0.218853 +0.283443 -0.692185 0.566496 -0.68177 0.928101 0.79579 -0.493063 0.144516 +-0.149631 -0.846303 0.652118 0.841565 -0.495354 0.36171 -0.320881 -0.766979 +0.505737 0.522733 0.76624 0.202624 0.89359 0.0311913 0.872182 0.0149582 +0.574351 -0.633518 -0.825413 0.154435 -0.141215 0.140963 -0.487547 0.417802 +-0.666241 0.565788 0.756247 0.868203 -0.116211 0.75985 0.585547 0.830323 +-0.626712 -0.45364 -0.195443 0.448415 0.104229 -0.664431 0.669827 0.192545 +-0.0324374 -0.140675 -0.500651 -0.305651 -0.645708 0.988018 0.553351 -0.549405 +-0.122066 0.225076 -0.818105 -0.996791 -0.547578 -0.881317 0.752254 -0.694483 +0.476205 0.584487 -0.490537 0.5268 -0.31787 -0.482516 0.533979 0.00115596 +0.899264 0.0182342 -0.868973 0.867343 0.650678 -0.994781 -0.102045 -0.0269937 +-0.0750363 -0.453265 0.702007 -0.00121795 -0.972748 0.834929 -0.633961 -0.71164 +0.985972 -0.589411 -0.809588 0.55176 -0.351489 -0.544948 0.954608 -0.346856 +-0.699835 -0.484832 -0.834155 -0.368864 0.608062 0.0825367 0.760286 -0.0527428 +-0.799013 -0.765432 0.974613 -0.684831 0.60186 0.999952 0.79829 -0.225519 +0.690754 -0.501941 0.324644 0.316548 -0.078213 0.936501 0.980851 -0.816268 +0.0774005 -0.555405 -0.154659 0.348248 -0.467778 -0.324692 -0.629435 -0.656457 +-0.200646 0.82515 0.14657 -0.806379 -0.759421 0.0829597 -0.374377 -0.00215195 +-0.77514 0.415386 0.983687 -0.0142301 0.980576 0.600523 0.146038 -0.0822019 +-0.538879 0.116211 -0.818458 -0.740589 -0.488668 0.314551 0.649157 -0.443189 +-0.285181 0.200458 0.332028 0.3074 -0.523374 -0.551051 0.220338 -0.34828 +-0.923755 -0.1266 -0.601394 -0.0253203 -0.828103 0.490856 0.266744 -0.408953 +0.0542938 -0.215857 0.386484 -0.78468 0.0258582 0.795984 -0.183508 -0.571211 +0.552468 -0.356369 -0.196538 0.734811 -0.118357 -0.128739 0.840145 -0.93725 +-0.154347 0.873422 -0.194153 0.872663 -0.356444 0.363519 -0.273476 -0.696162 +0.583401 -0.53281 0.731566 -0.444695 -0.472582 -0.663451 0.91995 0.650943 +-0.404663 0.840018 -0.120633 -0.471824 -0.752747 -0.475972 0.646036 -0.547903 +-0.233779 0.0825393 0.942899 0.158798 0.623666 -0.631099 0.00203193 -0.235393 +-0.585184 0.883392 0.132245 -0.438164 -0.161598 -0.0969587 0.000618285 0.79207 +-0.932912 0.537109 0.367195 0.524085 -0.414115 0.494211 0.9536 -0.80306 +0.386435 -0.988085 -0.936921 0.714699 0.625112 -0.866318 -0.942141 0.336779 +0.764189 0.0251004 -0.848174 0.665548 0.147669 0.254436 -0.264234 -0.896245 +0.325485 0.754366 0.0447624 -0.585063 0.719863 -0.0696208 -0.622733 -0.387195 +-0.169277 -0.113223 0.421046 -0.0531837 -0.405825 -0.230418 -0.983003 -0.711747 +0.336613 0.164089 -0.745039 -0.807313 -0.736208 -0.10126 0.824618 -0.920568 +0.909828 -0.622685 0.332989 0.00830162 0.38507 -0.397409 0.648477 0.529428 +0.0101819 0.62799 0.33955 -0.789978 -0.969035 -0.0619933 -0.626062 -0.888456 +-0.920535 0.031577 0.209105 0.355139 -0.0742127 0.841699 0.0614381 -0.0995839 +0.985094 0.130549 0.317291 -0.966487 0.510734 0.961951 0.183114 -0.805229 +-0.652149 0.7594 -0.487267 -0.787221 0.851975 -0.873241 0.439256 0.499765 +0.541152 0.0770298 0.605506 -0.582985 -0.949134 0.0863542 0.518711 -0.496535 +0.399843 0.912941 0.268388 -0.865712 0.107298 -0.571469 0.534591 -0.976143 +-0.338867 -0.93816 0.979595 -0.325682 -0.945629 0.546945 0.828186 -0.897783 +0.241588 0.801397 0.266351 0.916368 -0.861289 0.520631 -0.350318 0.409777 +0.610429 -0.083441 0.83093 -0.670309 -0.164084 0.604357 0.0783674 -0.42118 +0.36577 -0.508371 0.416979 -0.139311 0.883315 0.362692 0.183672 0.69271 +-0.28885 0.696964 0.211831 0.489029 0.226392 0.953463 0.10962 -0.73453 +0.986815 0.600921 0.0449613 0.110881 0.578612 -0.604654 -0.810103 0.771854 +0.902732 -0.495443 -0.734904 -0.520157 0.62146 0.460401 -0.969393 -0.0602119 +-0.539116 -0.706347 -0.74457 0.971574 0.2893 0.484338 0.77608 0.282123 +0.547443 0.29363 -0.94728 -0.163755 0.388137 0.689701 0.165507 -0.452441 +0.209506 0.769668 -0.468422 0.0512967 -0.0155995 0.369681 -0.0416683 0.385239 +0.536443 -0.640138 0.0763071 0.705092 0.989851 0.828893 -0.60472 -0.28465 +-0.494723 0.921693 0.0495236 0.173518 0.741574 -0.959035 0.990642 0.353335 +0.651272 0.178445 -0.61107 0.500453 0.341522 -0.837734 -0.990673 -0.36227 +0.763702 -0.274026 0.195442 0.452955 0.676666 -0.0271457 0.441324 -0.609185 +0.423997 -0.701139 -0.410888 0.0778383 0.878795 0.15746 -0.994007 0.113326 +-0.334275 -0.442163 0.12964 -0.481628 -0.968939 -0.225538 -0.279952 -0.348539 +0.73095 0.933779 -0.804383 0.526414 0.479168 0.988399 -0.941287 0.394242 +-0.0340086 0.705096 -0.554178 -0.844025 0.165571 0.223001 0.283481 0.437085 +0.0834355 -0.563229 0.578883 0.0711771 0.619632 -0.0333454 0.186991 0.701669 +-0.321065 0.418618 -0.401531 0.405464 0.119774 -0.488364 -0.541451 0.298125 +-0.930117 -0.714498 0.96836 -0.544415 0.0404438 0.107046 -0.494357 -0.294113 +0.7649 0.891545 -0.952906 -0.0227346 0.406766 0.859156 0.300293 0.187083 +-0.391863 -0.0590129 -0.849673 0.888853 -0.925853 0.894784 0.774522 0.667416 +-0.788453 0.313785 0.0735782 -0.9446 0.0881703 -0.877804 0.115091 0.690123 +-0.298138 0.199317 -0.897659 -0.76291 -0.672211 0.439996 0.169136 -0.9143 +-0.0962146 -0.160769 0.261731 0.550875 0.97825 -0.837458 -0.890215 0.16264 +-0.655996 0.400844 -0.753987 0.144687 -0.640398 0.67667 -0.345467 0.181287 +-0.992709 0.0882317 -0.240251 0.369297 0.557474 0.425089 0.39905 0.542164 +-0.550886 -0.303266 0.414447 0.951891 -0.900641 -0.637662 -0.739914 0.599469 +0.129487 0.241247 0.196362 0.403789 0.21839 0.877744 -0.282078 0.132361 +-0.0054312 0.918197 0.188897 -0.902218 0.103391 0.139808 0.393467 -0.199445 +-0.923921 0.373623 -0.853978 0.340359 -0.57419 0.536 -0.926296 0.632232 +0.707454 0.338353 0.127895 -0.196444 -0.0319703 -0.305862 0.704341 0.618947 +0.919735 -0.750654 0.176572 -0.802977 -0.0707223 -0.320515 -0.110584 0.473198 +-0.645532 0.562394 -0.0586577 -0.265339 0.144387 0.85353 0.308196 -0.946138 +0.527819 0.914607 0.524667 0.94169 -0.185767 0.570622 0.605907 -0.423411 +-0.804722 -0.684955 -0.456404 0.365336 -0.040309 0.428063 -0.133152 0.178633 +-0.992572 0.386273 0.33409 0.865669 0.158053 -0.554986 -0.729363 0.969722 +-0.409773 -0.373148 -0.471849 0.602634 0.164685 0.783269 0.112875 0.581757 +-0.977761 -0.0302597 0.904442 0.950423 0.0675092 -0.897506 0.236307 -0.216288 +-0.277661 0.868341 0.540508 0.24097 0.443353 0.33287 -0.989548 -0.194153 +0.865029 -0.71969 0.251391 -0.806809 0.887908 0.434057 0.505243 0.37496 +0.315971 -0.163629 0.432174 0.383298 0.746031 -0.815984 -0.18584 -0.408601 +-0.555325 0.129052 -0.0885912 -0.190683 0.782567 -0.225434 -0.429651 0.483977 +0.710882 0.298927 0.713428 -0.976695 -0.275012 -0.970883 -0.47833 0.938195 +-0.409982 0.791796 -0.476071 0.11307 -0.584786 0.826539 0.869438 -0.499075 +-0.504735 -0.789846 0.837696 -0.718721 0.89905 -0.211661 0.700321 -0.263882 +-0.424087 -0.195272 0.104407 0.561988 0.315623 0.581878 0.720829 -0.253763 +0.625601 -0.577368 -0.371724 -0.80142 -0.715806 0.0741293 0.778703 0.244978 +-0.868092 -0.163168 -0.707758 -0.822344 0.501819 0.74799 0.0668078 0.812413 +0.729534 0.702338 -0.134075 0.449142 0.785552 -0.701911 0.179284 0.695407 +-0.570295 -0.551425 0.291994 0.821019 0.71508 -0.664581 -0.980156 0.888598 +0.0281019 0.283294 -0.741183 0.300605 0.703548 0.109526 -0.98041 -0.28747 +-0.97019 -0.365164 -0.0386638 -0.835926 0.114051 -0.429095 -0.374637 -0.710279 +0.321577 -0.245106 -0.560334 -0.106617 0.1186 -0.49623 -0.992678 0.110437 +0.882378 -0.636962 -0.713416 0.0834107 -0.925594 -0.352722 0.656507 -0.736961 +0.584289 -0.175682 0.247739 0.617296 -0.354663 0.629163 -0.902824 0.953023 +0.0768384 -0.717327 -0.083367 -0.618186 -0.818971 0.947659 0.653877 -0.354289 +-0.887622 0.432379 0.0866054 -0.280477 0.0676555 -0.842187 -0.0842995 -0.430422 +0.173128 -0.520141 -0.087196 -0.662103 0.961155 -0.930147 0.416494 0.584796 +0.303029 0.493141 0.374201 0.472777 -0.446954 -0.793685 -0.87863 0.619676 +0.0513011 -0.987674 0.196521 -0.998323 -0.408941 -0.466114 0.361032 0.238023 +0.319364 -0.744774 0.826224 -0.727136 0.134271 0.169153 -0.350912 0.910232 +0.62319 -0.639507 0.455339 0.958609 -0.133199 0.738603 -0.785951 0.35698 +-0.426425 0.0968416 -0.356231 -0.864742 0.319383 -0.493453 0.67159 0.332411 +0.602833 0.613828 -0.63591 0.514773 -0.645953 0.319409 -0.970493 0.541499 +0.0162915 -0.59027 -0.403851 0.45786 -0.385471 0.854787 -0.728109 0.0384164 +-0.508749 0.25453 0.0775355 0.997228 -0.957396 -0.198614 -0.945542 -0.695928 +-0.160811 0.659122 -0.937518 -0.974774 0.310763 -0.971708 -0.0595999 -0.0528106 +0.461159 -0.365737 -0.702777 -0.978425 0.0990154 -0.327472 -0.962762 0.350789 +0.795224 0.381523 -0.938263 0.479238 -0.632396 -0.0509792 0.0153148 -0.265597 +-0.0848166 0.379515 -0.291117 0.694128 0.748272 -0.493666 -0.815691 -0.6926 +-0.165031 -0.0891072 0.158474 0.10956 -0.19114 -0.77 -0.780464 0.434505 +-0.139721 -0.544348 -0.750748 -0.293889 0.757612 0.818742 -0.228336 -0.544192 +-0.858 0.358474 0.543263 0.455568 -0.598232 -0.917574 0.380048 0.780082 +-0.515837 -0.855985 0.82244 -0.477901 0.646268 -0.570199 -0.430683 0.717503 +0.717701 0.699 0.462546 0.752024 -0.981553 -0.201349 -0.761635 0.330898 +-0.479242 -0.289216 -0.0796746 -0.135831 -0.888534 -0.978519 -0.193643 0.963184 +-0.116307 0.539999 0.936034 0.531333 -0.407026 -0.506016 -0.307663 -0.91202 +-0.881043 0.537134 -0.0208986 0.790174 0.160322 0.86974 0.0347648 0.556077 +0.149292 0.89986 -0.451053 0.640971 -0.179916 -0.34306 -0.837172 0.193749 +-0.126208 -0.0227467 -0.0916505 0.872552 -0.451527 -0.225225 -0.536412 -0.484111 +0.85332 -0.370758 -0.219432 0.806461 -0.771842 0.299293 0.826374 -0.377133 +0.0974112 -0.294711 0.0150352 -0.0237784 0.723876 -0.0288437 0.787362 0.340541 +-0.358887 -0.925932 -0.0877449 0.149521 -0.941664 -0.822475 0.48412 0.420145 +0.891805 -0.435028 0.640123 -0.100903 -0.913005 -0.802434 0.221251 -0.926006 +-0.59743 -0.998152 -0.159239 -0.121085 0.0891031 -0.19614 0.71132 0.509863 +-0.766773 -0.965367 -0.66386 -0.934419 0.898039 0.44383 -0.595711 0.275202 +-0.733219 0.715742 0.559052 0.840434 -0.600565 -0.908047 0.498603 0.211169 +0.583786 -0.813278 -0.822209 -0.632192 0.929584 0.111599 -0.0819159 -0.483515 +0.0372694 0.0395407 0.61394 0.302753 -0.844206 0.851324 -0.426415 0.692142 +0.864924 -0.373763 -0.444911 -0.939984 -0.523362 -0.0627783 -0.398258 0.191987 +0.00846989 -0.0237791 -0.064829 0.429948 -0.635047 -0.657757 -0.93342 -0.525435 +0.0152487 0.89563 -0.908316 0.151498 0.534151 -0.23771 -0.247125 0.676604 +0.718967 -0.391562 -0.509936 0.0940794 -0.591401 -0.0237542 0.0989418 0.667505 +0.642065 -0.808021 -0.668695 0.825106 -0.89777 0.436322 0.0146317 -0.84359 +0.947917 0.247783 0.797738 0.904664 -0.304274 -0.860577 0.583235 -0.15636 +0.802703 -0.648104 -0.74956 -0.903054 0.298878 0.673866 0.32473 -0.0477731 +0.360735 0.617388 0.0941327 -0.469065 0.784298 0.627796 0.0719741 -0.468131 +0.831949 0.890218 0.302191 -0.024926 0.554097 -0.391123 0.543936 0.710791 +-0.13657 -0.858949 -0.565543 -0.202202 0.904933 -0.522611 -0.700196 -0.0706605 +0.68578 0.785019 -0.373929 0.320873 -0.22783 -0.983629 0.20534 0.0679298 +0.054554 -0.285939 0.0105797 0.00241309 -0.961614 0.760555 -0.712269 0.18321 +0.112195 -0.928513 -0.917439 0.447439 0.694376 0.0474544 -0.957016 0.415338 +0.565741 -0.179495 0.15515 -0.130722 0.309835 0.391258 0.300341 0.782176 diff --git a/ann/test/test2-query.pts b/ann/test/test2-query.pts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..987c96b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/test2-query.pts @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +0.0902484 -0.207129 -0.419567 0.485743 0.826225 -0.30962 0.694758 0.987088 +-0.410807 -0.465182 -0.836501 0.490184 0.588289 0.656408 0.325807 0.38721 +-0.532226 -0.727036 -0.52506 -0.853508 0.28637 0.938617 -0.864754 0.622397 +-0.408646 -0.522319 0.0388774 -0.893642 0.385806 0.890013 -0.38066 -0.524536 +0.916427 -0.941696 0.219294 -0.971436 -0.706532 0.566439 -0.0591963 0.27756 +0.692452 -0.210879 0.927987 0.587037 0.610211 0.895158 -0.228196 -0.314064 +-0.13253 0.711121 0.605841 0.771335 -0.945103 0.356652 0.00215608 -0.54444 +0.0611156 0.921316 0.245255 0.92896 0.562614 0.160313 -0.457179 -0.432326 +-0.813199 -0.0630237 0.149021 0.0301869 0.669399 0.984082 -0.304983 0.480589 +0.311004 0.515906 -0.667349 -0.464028 -0.554472 0.123471 -0.932191 0.153486 +0.488214 -0.456547 0.695901 -0.693933 -0.775879 -0.940794 0.710796 -0.79388 +-0.73914 -0.733084 0.300943 0.0726274 -0.722715 -0.414562 0.463033 -0.378469 +-0.178166 -0.846243 -0.319029 0.186783 -0.364517 0.915747 -0.300208 -0.599272 +-0.544192 0.173829 -0.0957917 0.889828 0.775796 0.148865 -0.430932 0.0342097 +-0.969596 -0.545995 -0.98045 -0.57569 0.465756 -0.166752 0.622912 -0.580526 +0.0918901 0.635361 -0.934228 -0.0273098 0.65055 0.227406 -0.628807 0.213824 +0.216987 -0.653221 -0.789576 0.6252 0.124467 0.477613 -0.259097 0.913287 +0.587512 0.377176 -0.393846 0.293478 0.275818 -0.298198 0.063539 -0.592623 +0.867649 0.64842 -0.929959 0.677208 -0.302289 -0.230779 0.267189 -0.140577 +-0.360362 0.910053 -0.26718 0.167234 -0.0203549 -0.190717 -0.291433 0.756657 +0.637052 0.538531 0.200832 0.420082 0.688092 0.500134 0.78368 -0.542742 +0.00257324 0.53221 -0.899835 0.503303 -0.46265 0.13425 -0.66756 0.125758 +-0.28673 -0.255891 0.0805643 0.154396 -0.304337 0.942248 0.404729 -0.530016 +0.330364 -0.469459 0.492101 0.923757 -0.0870035 0.114578 -0.321104 0.586945 +0.104922 -0.620678 -0.27497 0.905927 0.219188 -0.495436 -0.762684 0.557364 +-0.665582 -0.75013 -0.249321 0.667873 -0.288485 -0.765806 -0.45304 0.919665 +-0.493835 0.239472 -0.917625 0.418003 0.273087 0.54198 -0.836992 -0.842215 +-0.576808 -0.958153 0.73833 0.0770337 -0.82097 0.0731924 -0.192127 -0.369044 +-0.204979 -0.564608 -0.792166 0.356056 -0.50905 -0.217096 -0.45753 -0.998959 +0.735413 0.347442 -0.644887 0.178 0.935974 -0.630639 -0.624678 0.946812 +0.72101 -0.881322 -0.0914539 0.80997 0.619855 0.299585 -0.0544264 -0.932907 +-0.454196 0.903609 0.216595 -0.515838 0.650697 0.322145 -0.0598022 0.29879 +0.56218 0.548496 0.116056 -0.109011 0.35975 0.375862 -0.473017 0.179013 +0.790441 0.202804 0.370116 -0.299956 -0.789657 0.66881 -0.429629 -0.203547 +0.870951 -0.240769 0.472253 -0.874723 -0.67061 -0.434253 0.661868 -0.515051 +-0.45736 0.0815795 0.924138 0.0979838 -0.00884649 0.0643335 0.803118 -0.542487 +-0.177146 -0.625442 -0.840198 -0.158722 -0.596283 -0.673887 -0.738309 0.439504 +0.186587 -0.465294 0.81993 0.754213 -0.929469 0.5224 -0.567962 -0.0020964 +-0.727445 0.654887 0.237451 -0.81993 0.461061 -0.330429 -0.423304 -0.11565 +-0.638766 -0.623638 0.33871 -0.295169 -0.864833 0.715051 -0.443567 0.530583 +0.81889 0.288548 -0.558678 -0.588774 -0.961246 0.46669 0.585559 0.566684 +-0.336336 0.911721 -0.353767 -0.387489 -0.0397957 -0.544424 0.388611 -0.49438 +0.389995 -0.989308 0.0531768 -0.119235 0.8707 0.190555 -0.829453 -0.0377095 +-0.754985 0.722122 -0.486071 -0.0543854 -0.00514588 -0.0407811 -0.923871 0.768664 +-0.257839 -0.963332 0.27127 0.90108 0.2946 0.295975 0.133463 -0.203565 +0.128047 -0.0221978 0.565967 0.441817 -0.885341 -0.294394 0.752 0.655274 +0.455767 -0.659883 0.40248 0.600338 -0.83844 -0.844635 -0.436961 -0.694439 +0.494475 -0.85312 -0.703241 -0.0320226 -0.0312604 -0.804464 -0.967423 0.134369 +-0.823558 0.72077 0.692424 -0.331696 0.28281 0.956438 -0.512021 0.343271 +-0.120567 0.85007 -0.634148 0.479445 0.999095 -0.362764 -0.547786 0.0405272 +-0.759062 -0.595061 0.891393 -0.772615 0.699682 0.433783 0.496053 0.989183 +-0.830714 0.673363 -0.774558 -0.428386 -0.163786 -0.576139 0.870208 -0.403316 +-0.358526 -0.816022 -0.40667 0.888208 0.0927729 0.567724 -0.993948 -0.315037 +0.173889 0.324026 0.971654 0.445513 -0.836598 -0.335657 -0.193173 0.544429 +-0.383334 0.0514736 -0.667312 -0.650427 -0.173149 -0.785155 -0.427284 -0.773588 +-0.942451 -0.429928 -0.296064 0.478439 -0.21067 -0.583727 -0.172756 -0.867286 +0.0722371 0.969577 -0.667728 -0.673244 0.975295 -0.468511 0.283715 -0.838649 +-0.135551 0.0966441 -0.899046 -0.107455 -0.233247 -0.784231 -0.273956 -0.735285 +-0.0414323 0.633082 0.756714 -0.941008 0.7334 -0.558333 0.515249 -0.0495845 +0.151553 0.897797 0.535985 -0.435869 0.276652 0.950385 -0.588415 -0.908762 +0.836871 -0.309154 0.542942 -0.555574 0.296423 -0.852823 0.0586046 0.907905 +-0.037232 -0.50382 0.828129 0.852639 -0.187631 0.110954 -0.520551 0.2231 +-0.669727 -0.670437 -0.395765 0.938759 -0.71912 -0.299401 -0.857412 0.136054 +-0.426925 -0.323029 0.847521 -0.768077 -0.737279 -0.73427 0.409976 -0.424011 +-0.485806 -0.842531 0.425504 0.928987 0.885911 0.193509 -0.786534 -0.0521742 +0.477176 0.948246 -0.81151 -0.461006 0.140611 -0.0403634 0.904953 0.527849 +0.278327 -0.960566 -0.745472 0.449632 -0.221733 -0.67303 0.0901394 -0.365342 +0.350109 0.412389 0.22772 -0.743153 0.374894 -0.674853 -0.940435 0.284267 +0.0780486 0.00241877 -0.793647 -0.801883 -0.931572 -0.906159 -0.325908 0.129096 +0.251037 -0.32573 -0.0132674 0.16178 -0.391019 0.541115 0.186404 0.804935 +-0.457725 0.0676978 -0.679403 -0.287371 -0.0475436 -0.433919 -0.777655 -0.648854 +-0.0915583 -0.911684 -0.450737 0.330562 0.51434 -0.989688 -0.394102 0.621241 +-0.475504 -0.0645391 0.836504 0.636607 -0.294769 0.747648 -0.23722 0.750184 +-0.767895 -0.446372 0.758335 -0.407514 -0.304965 0.551426 0.467747 0.962403 +-0.550376 0.261992 0.65622 -0.274081 0.87838 0.931551 -0.329732 0.0551602 +0.911471 0.324545 0.0503461 -0.796273 0.150228 0.760694 -0.428716 -0.677338 +0.320243 0.908401 -0.406211 -0.0914938 -0.0383119 0.971036 -0.996626 -0.420682 +-0.632748 0.159697 0.350173 0.188661 -0.463423 -0.79209 -0.321071 -0.849934 +-0.493952 0.59222 -0.239915 0.0675535 -0.209439 -0.896104 0.215966 -0.804748 +0.470257 -0.814033 0.0936659 -0.279521 0.631632 -0.00510561 -0.694679 -0.554847 +0.0193325 -0.515019 -0.502347 -0.0691725 0.0823693 0.218677 0.484909 0.230698 +0.411173 -0.360974 -0.0687193 0.982974 -0.62282 -0.808528 0.391168 0.509953 +-0.123533 0.573365 0.918135 -0.570049 0.0766659 0.916687 -0.189227 0.105294 +-0.436078 0.565401 0.107861 -0.321394 -0.681098 0.372357 -0.911342 -0.836162 +0.20572 0.550261 -0.578777 -0.236365 -0.582914 0.473617 -0.745445 -0.401362 +-0.268776 -0.00963149 -0.870677 -0.315329 -0.327188 0.571639 -0.922104 -0.889744 +-0.653846 0.42571 0.484338 0.786735 -0.924095 -0.777902 0.424617 -0.11099 +0.314249 -0.488492 -0.09607 -0.285476 -0.257726 -0.803911 -0.806167 0.4756 +-0.41036 -0.669857 -0.36997 0.551767 -0.906633 0.189437 -0.684472 -0.449454 +-0.813612 -0.0906479 0.286132 0.680878 0.675851 0.0646878 -0.2403 -0.310925 +-0.685114 0.0677462 -0.95481 -0.179017 0.857301 -0.87579 -0.329674 0.562246 +0.0735071 -0.575949 0.50454 -0.686882 -0.0657996 0.874931 0.927272 -0.333088 +-0.245092 -0.109308 -0.713837 -0.613438 -0.0236157 0.140357 -0.512282 -0.518118 +0.184375 -0.865972 0.707001 -0.612003 0.67617 -0.709794 -0.885369 0.826005 +-0.157901 0.836454 0.245372 0.589479 -0.930075 0.106183 0.420879 -0.510301 +-0.466877 -0.115361 -0.736242 0.493482 -0.785855 -0.55306 0.617798 -0.904856 +-0.830296 0.557992 -0.204564 -0.500123 0.153565 -0.773108 0.287265 0.823092 +0.986858 -0.323913 -0.914362 0.535652 -0.535098 -0.945814 0.974316 0.434805 +0.732686 0.221111 0.559403 0.584674 -0.447866 0.508206 0.907212 -0.782827 +-0.970814 -0.13434 -0.550199 0.523038 -0.373701 -0.359454 0.0321578 0.840907 diff --git a/ann/test/ b/ann/test/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..980b6898 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + validate on + stats query_stats + dim 8 + data_size 5000 +read_data_pts test2-data.pts + query_size 100 +read_query_pts test2-query.pts + bucket_size 1 + near_neigh 3 + split_rule suggest + shrink_rule none +build_ann + epsilon 0.0 +run_queries standard +run_queries priority + epsilon 0.10 +run_queries standard +run_queries priority + epsilon 0.50 +run_queries standard +run_queries priority diff --git a/ann/test/ b/ann/test/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01a5c198 --- /dev/null +++ b/ann/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------ +ann_test: Version 1.0 + Copyright: David M. Mount and Sunil Arya. + Latest Revision: Mar 1, 2005. +------------------------------------------------------------ + +validate = on (Warning: this may slow execution time.) +stats = query_stats +[Read Data Points: + data_size = 5000 + file_name = test2-data.pts + dim = 8 +] +[Read Query Points: + query_size = 100 + file_name = test2-query.pts + dim = 8 +] +[Build ann-structure: + split_rule = suggest + shrink_rule = none + data_size = 5000 + dim = 8 + bucket_size = 1 + process_time = 0.18 sec + (Structure Statistics: + n_nodes = 9999 (opt = 10000, best if < 100000) + n_leaves = 5000 (0 contain no points) + n_splits = 4999 + n_shrinks = 0 + empty_leaves = 0 percent (best if < 50 percent) + depth = 17 (opt = 12, best if < 196) + avg_aspect_ratio = 2.03396 (best if < 20) + ) +] +(Computing true nearest neighbors for validation. This may take time.) +[Run Queries: + query_size = 100 + dim = 8 + search_method = standard + epsilon = 0 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0.0008 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 269.6 : 154.1 ]< 68 , 1046 > + splitting_nodes = [ 448.2 : 259.2 ]< 100 , 1858 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 717.8 : 412.6 ]< 168 , 2904 > + points_visited = [ 269.6 : 154.1 ]< 68 , 1046 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.1975 : 0.1075 ]< 0.0446 , 0.6974 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 8.492 : 4.716 ]< 1.939 , 32.61 > + average_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] +[Run Queries: + query_size = 100 + dim = 8 + search_method = priority + epsilon = 0 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0.0011 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 237.7 : 131.6 ]< 68 , 801 > + splitting_nodes = [ 408.1 : 227.7 ]< 100 , 1398 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 645.8 : 358.5 ]< 168 , 2149 > + points_visited = [ 237.7 : 131.6 ]< 68 , 801 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.1679 : 0.08993 ]< 0.0472 , 0.5492 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 10.83 : 6.344 ]< 2.638 , 38.3 > + average_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] +[Run Queries: + query_size = 100 + dim = 8 + search_method = standard + epsilon = 0.1 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0.0006 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 200.9 : 115.8 ]< 51 , 762 > + splitting_nodes = [ 344.9 : 202.4 ]< 77 , 1407 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 545.9 : 317.4 ]< 128 , 2169 > + points_visited = [ 200.9 : 115.8 ]< 51 , 762 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.1548 : 0.08517 ]< 0.0348 , 0.5494 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 6.606 : 3.703 ]< 1.513 , 25.14 > + average_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] +[Run Queries: + query_size = 100 + dim = 8 + search_method = priority + epsilon = 0.1 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0.0007 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 176.1 : 101.1 ]< 49 , 629 > + splitting_nodes = [ 314.3 : 186.9 ]< 77 , 1285 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 490.4 : 286.6 ]< 128 , 1914 > + points_visited = [ 176.1 : 101.1 ]< 49 , 629 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.1309 : 0.07112 ]< 0.0374 , 0.4332 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 8.205 : 4.999 ]< 2.032 , 33.27 > + average_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] +[Run Queries: + query_size = 100 + dim = 8 + search_method = standard + epsilon = 0.5 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0.0002 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 83.07 : 46.06 ]< 23 , 264 > + splitting_nodes = [ 163.4 : 94.86 ]< 42 , 512 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 246.5 : 140.2 ]< 67 , 776 > + points_visited = [ 83.07 : 46.06 ]< 23 , 264 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.0765 : 0.03992 ]< 0.0182 , 0.2192 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 3.224 : 1.734 ]< 0.891 , 9.572 > + average_error = [ 0.0009039 : 0.009619 ]< 0 , 0.1516 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] +[Run Queries: + query_size = 100 + dim = 8 + search_method = priority + epsilon = 0.5 + near_neigh = 3 + true_nn = 13 + query_time = 0.0004 sec/query (biased by perf measurements) + (Performance stats: [ mean : stddev ]< min , max > + leaf_nodes = [ 69.72 : 38.29 ]< 21 , 246 > + splitting_nodes = [ 146.8 : 81.69 ]< 40 , 475 > + shrinking_nodes = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + total_nodes = [ 216.5 : 118.8 ]< 65 , 721 > + points_visited = [ 69.72 : 38.29 ]< 21 , 246 > + coord_hits/pt = [ 0.06206 : 0.03155 ]< 0.0182 , 0.194 > + floating_ops_(K) = [ 3.608 : 1.989 ]< 1.126 , 12.28 > + average_error = [ 0.001425 : 0.011 ]< 0 , 0.1516 > + rank_error = [ 0 : 0 ]< 0 , 0 > + ) +] diff --git a/brokenfft/brokenfft.cpp b/brokenfft/brokenfft.cpp index bd7dce0c..0786107c 100644 --- a/brokenfft/brokenfft.cpp +++ b/brokenfft/brokenfft.cpp @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const int PLUGIN::buffersizes[BUFFERSIZESSIZE] = { PLUGIN::PLUGIN(audioMasterCallback audioMaster) : AudioEffectX(audioMaster, NUM_PROGRAMS, NUM_PARAMS) { - FPARAM(bufsizep, P_BUFSIZE, "wsize", 0.5f, "samples"); + FPARAM(bufsizep, P_BUFSIZE, "wins", 0.5f, "samples"); FPARAM(shape, P_SHAPE, "shape", 0.0f, ""); FPARAM(method, P_METHOD, "how", 0.0f, "which"); diff --git a/dfx-library/dfxmidi.cpp b/dfx-library/dfxmidi.cpp index c43867a2..ea528531 100644 --- a/dfx-library/dfxmidi.cpp +++ b/dfx-library/dfxmidi.cpp @@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ void DfxMidi::insertNote(int currentNote) } // shift every note up a position (normal scenario) - for (int notecount = NUM_NOTES-1; notecount > 0; notecount--) - noteQueue[notecount] = noteQueue[notecount-1]; + for (int nc = NUM_NOTES - 1; nc > 0; nc--) + noteQueue[nc] = noteQueue[nc - 1]; // then place the new note into the first position noteQueue[0] = currentNote; } @@ -617,4 +617,4 @@ MIDI events over and over and over for every processing block until a new MIDI event is received. This fact about processEvents() is not explained in the SDK and I spent FOREVER with a malfunctioning plugin until I figured this out. -*/ \ No newline at end of file +*/ diff --git a/exemplar/exemplar.cpp b/exemplar/exemplar.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..369dba1a --- /dev/null +++ b/exemplar/exemplar.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ + +/* DFX Exemplar! */ + +#include "exemplar.h" + +#include + +#define DIMENSION 5 + +#if defined(TARGET_API_VST) && TARGET_PLUGIN_HAS_GUI + #ifndef __DFX_EXEMPLAREDITOR_H + #include "exemplareditor.hpp" + #endif +#endif + +/* this macro does boring entry point stuff for us */ +DFX_ENTRY(Exemplar); +DFX_CORE_ENTRY(ExemplarDSP); + + +PLUGIN::PLUGIN(TARGET_API_BASE_INSTANCE_TYPE inInstance) + : DfxPlugin(inInstance, NUM_PARAMS, NUM_PRESETS) { + + initparameter_indexed(P_BUFSIZE, "wsize", 9, 9, BUFFERSIZESSIZE, kDfxParamUnit_samples); + initparameter_indexed(P_SHAPE, "wshape", WINDOW_TRIANGLE, WINDOW_TRIANGLE, MAX_WINDOWSHAPES); + + initparameter_indexed(P_MODE, "mode", MODE_CAPTURE, MODE_CAPTURE, NUM_MODES); + capturemode = true; + + /* modes */ + setparametervaluestring(P_MODE, MODE_MATCH, "match"); + setparametervaluestring(P_MODE, MODE_CAPTURE, "capture"); + + long i; + /* set up values for windowing */ + char bufstr[64]; + for (i=0; i < BUFFERSIZESSIZE; i++) { + if (buffersizes[i] > 1000) + sprintf(bufstr, "%ld,%03ld", buffersizes[i]/1000, buffersizes[i]%1000); + else + sprintf(bufstr, "%ld", buffersizes[i]); + setparametervaluestring(P_BUFSIZE, i, bufstr); + } + + setparametervaluestring(P_SHAPE, WINDOW_TRIANGLE, "linear"); + setparametervaluestring(P_SHAPE, WINDOW_ARROW, "arrow"); + setparametervaluestring(P_SHAPE, WINDOW_WEDGE, "wedge"); + setparametervaluestring(P_SHAPE, WINDOW_COS, "best"); + for (i=NUM_WINDOWSHAPES; i < MAX_WINDOWSHAPES; i++) + setparametervaluestring(P_SHAPE, i, "???"); + + long delay_samples = buffersizes[getparameter_i(P_BUFSIZE)]; + setlatency_samples(delay_samples); + settailsize_samples(delay_samples); + + setpresetname(0, "Exemplar Default"); /* default preset name */ + makepresets(); + + /* allow MIDI keys to be used to control parameters */ + dfxsettings->setAllowPitchbendEvents(true); + dfxsettings->setAllowNoteEvents(true); + +#if !TARGET_PLUGIN_USES_DSPCORE + addchannelconfig(1, 1); /* mono */ +#endif + + #ifdef TARGET_API_VST + #if TARGET_PLUGIN_USES_DSPCORE + DFX_INIT_CORE(ExemplarDSP); /* we need to manage DSP cores manually in VST */ + #endif + /* if you have a GUI, need an Editor class... */ + #if TARGET_PLUGIN_HAS_GUI + editor = new ExemplarEditor(this); + #endif + #endif +} + +PLUGIN::~PLUGIN() { + +#ifdef TARGET_API_VST + /* VST doesn't have initialize and cleanup methods like Audio Unit does, + so we need to call this manually here */ + do_cleanup(); +#endif +} + +PLUGINCORE::PLUGINCORE(DfxPlugin * inInstance) + : DfxPluginCore(inInstance) { + /* determine the size of the largest window size */ + long maxframe = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < BUFFERSIZESSIZE; i++) + maxframe = (buffersizes[i] > maxframe) ? buffersizes[i] : maxframe; + + /* add some leeway? */ + in0 = (float*)malloc(maxframe * sizeof (float)); + out0 = (float*)malloc(maxframe * 2 * sizeof (float)); + + /* prevmix is only a single third long */ + prevmix = (float*)malloc((maxframe / 2) * sizeof (float)); +} + + +PLUGINCORE::~PLUGINCORE() { + /* windowing buffers */ + free (in0); + free (out0); + + free (prevmix); +} + +void PLUGINCORE::reset() { + + framesize = buffersizes[getparameter_i(P_BUFSIZE)]; + third = framesize / 2; + bufsize = third * 3; + + + shape = getparameter_i(P_SHAPE); + + bool newcapture = MODE_CAPTURE == getparameter_i(P_MODE); + if (newcapture != capturemode) { + /* switching modes. this can be expensive, since we have + to build the */ + /* FIXME HERE */ + } + + + /* set up buffers. Prevmix and first frame of output are always + filled with zeros. XXX memset */ + + for (int i = 0; i < third; i ++) { + prevmix[i] = 0.0f; + } + + for (int j = 0; j < framesize; j ++) { + out0[j] = 0.0f; + } + + /* start input at beginning. Output has a frame of silence. */ + insize = 0; + outstart = 0; + outsize = framesize; + + dfxplugin->setlatency_samples(framesize); + /* tail is the same as delay, of course */ + dfxplugin->settailsize_samples(framesize); +} + +void PLUGINCORE::processparameters() { + + #ifdef TARGET_API_VST + /* this tells the host to call a suspend()-resume() pair, + which updates initialDelay value */ + if (getparameterchanged(P_BUFSIZE) || + getparameterchanged(P_MODE)) + dfxplugin->setlatencychanged(true); + #endif +} + +/* this processes an individual window. Basically, this is where you + write your DSP, and it will be always called with the same sample + size (as long as the block size parameter stays the same) and + automatically overlapped. */ +void PLUGINCORE::processw(float * in, float * out, long samples) { + +#if 0 + /* this sounds pretty neat, actually. */ + for(long i = 0; i < samples; i ++) { + out[i] = in[i] * in[(i + (samples >> 1)) % samples]; + } +#endif + + /* memmove(out, in, samples * sizeof (float)); */ + +} + +/* classify a series of samples according to the point. + + XXX--right now, it uses a stationary Haar wavelet. + So we take the dot product of 'in' with wavelets w0,...wd + of the following form: + + in/2 + w0 ~~~~____ + in/2 + + in/4 + w1 ~~__~~__ + + + in/8 + w2 ~_~_~_~_ + + + ... etc. + */ + +/* assumes samples is a power of two. */ +void PLUGINCORE::classify(float * in, ANNpoint out, long samples) { + out = annAllocPt(DIMENSION); + + /* dth wavelet switches from 1 to -1 each s samples. */ + int freq = samples; + + for(int d = 0; d < DIMENSION; d++) { + freq >>= 1; + if (freq) { + int i = 0; + float prod = 0.0; + while (i < samples) { + /* up */ + { + for(int j = 0; j < freq; j ++) { + prod += in[i + j]; + } + } + i += freq; + /* down */ + { + for(int j = 0; j < freq; j ++) { + prod -= in[i + j]; + } + } + i += freq; + } + out[d] = prod; + } else { + /* oops, we went to zero sample-length peaks... + our dimension is too high for this window size + */ + out[d] = 0.0; + } + } + +} + + +/* this windowing process function reads samples one at a time + from the true input. It simultaneously copies samples from + the beginning of the output buffer to the true output. + We maintain that out0 always has at least 'third' samples + in it; this is enough to pick up for the delay of input + processing and to make sure we always have enough samples + to fill the true output buffer. + + If the input frame is full: + - calls wprocess on this full input frame + - applies the windowing envelope to the tail of out0 (output frame) + - mixes in prevmix with the first half of the output frame + - increases outsize so that the first half of the output frame is + now available output + - copies the second half of the output to be prevmix for next frame. + - copies the second half of the input buffer to the first, + resets the size (thus we process each third-size chunk twice) + + If we have read more than 'third' samples out of the out0 buffer: + - Slide contents to beginning of buffer + - Reset outstart + +*/ + +/* PERF: + - use memcpy and arithmetic instead of + sample-by-sample copy + - can we use tail of out0 as prevmix, instead of copying? + - can we use circular buffers instead of memmoving a lot? + (probably not) +*/ + + +void PLUGINCORE::process(const float *tin, float *tout, unsigned long samples, bool replacing) { + int z = 0; + + for (unsigned long ii = 0; ii < samples; ii++) { + + /* copy sample in */ + in0[insize] = tin[ii]; + insize ++; + + if (insize == framesize) { + /* frame is full! */ + + /* in0 -> process -> out0(first free space) */ + processw(in0, out0+outstart+outsize, framesize); + + float oneDivThird = 1.0f / (float)third; + /* apply envelope */ + + switch(shape) { + + case WINDOW_TRIANGLE: + for(z = 0; z < third; z++) { + out0[z+outstart+outsize] *= ((float)z * oneDivThird); + out0[z+outstart+outsize+third] *= (1.0f - ((float)z * oneDivThird)); + } + break; + case WINDOW_ARROW: + for(z = 0; z < third; z++) { + float p = (float)z * oneDivThird; + p *= p; + out0[z+outstart+outsize] *= p; + out0[z+outstart+outsize+third] *= (1.0f - p); + } + break; + case WINDOW_WEDGE: + for(z = 0; z < third; z++) { + float p = sqrtf((float)z * oneDivThird); + out0[z+outstart+outsize] *= p; + out0[z+outstart+outsize+third] *= (1.0f - p); + } + break; + case WINDOW_COS: + for(z = 0; z < third; z ++) { + float p = 0.5f * (-cosf(PI * ((float)z * oneDivThird)) + 1.0f); + out0[z+outstart+outsize] *= p; + out0[z+outstart+outsize+third] *= (1.0f - p); + } + break; + } + + /* mix in prevmix */ + for(int u = 0; u < third; u ++) + out0[u+outstart+outsize] += prevmix[u]; + + /* prevmix becomes out1 */ + memcpy(prevmix, out0 + outstart + outsize + third, third * sizeof (float)); + + /* copy 2nd third of input over in0 (need to re-use it for next frame), + now insize = third */ + memcpy(in0, in0 + third, third * sizeof (float)); + + insize = third; + + outsize += third; + } + + /* send sample out */ + #ifdef TARGET_API_VST + if (replacing) + #endif + tout[ii] = out0[outstart]; + #ifdef TARGET_API_VST + else tout[ii] += out0[outstart]; + #endif + + outstart ++; + outsize --; + + /* make sure there is always enough room for a frame in out buffer */ + if (outstart == third) { + memmove(out0, out0 + outstart, outsize * sizeof (float)); + outstart = 0; + } + } +} + + +void PLUGIN::makepresets() { + /* initialize presets here, see geometer for an example. */ +} diff --git a/exemplar/exemplar.h b/exemplar/exemplar.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5aa9bad --- /dev/null +++ b/exemplar/exemplar.h @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + +/* Windowingstub, starring the Super Destroy FX Windowing System! */ + +#ifndef __DFX_EXEMPLAR_H +#define __DFX_EXEMPLAR_H + +#include "dfxplugin.h" +#include "ANN/ANN.h" + +/* change these for your plugins */ +#define PLUGIN Exemplar +#define NUM_PRESETS 16 + +#define BUFFERSIZESSIZE 14 +const long buffersizes[BUFFERSIZESSIZE] = { + 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, + 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, +}; + + +// PLUGIN ## DSP +#define PLUGINCORE ExemplarDSP + +/* the types of window shapes available for smoothity */ +enum { WINDOW_TRIANGLE, + WINDOW_ARROW, + WINDOW_WEDGE, + WINDOW_COS, + NUM_WINDOWSHAPES, + MAX_WINDOWSHAPES=16 +}; + +enum { MODE_CAPTURE, + MODE_MATCH, + NUM_MODES, }; + +/* the names of the parameters */ +enum { P_BUFSIZE, P_SHAPE, + P_MODE, + NUM_PARAMS, +}; + + +class PLUGIN : public DfxPlugin { +public: + PLUGIN(TARGET_API_BASE_INSTANCE_TYPE inInstance); + virtual ~PLUGIN(); + +private: + /* set up the built-in presets */ + void makepresets(); +}; + +class PLUGINCORE : public DfxPluginCore { +public: + PLUGINCORE(DfxPlugin * inInstance); + virtual ~PLUGINCORE(); + + virtual void reset(); + virtual void processparameters(); + virtual void process(const float *in, float *out, unsigned long inNumFrames, bool replacing=true); + + long getwindowsize() { return third; } + + private: + + /* Exemplar stuff */ + /* classifies a window */ + void classify(float * in, ANNpoint out, long samples); + + + + /* input and output buffers. out is framesize*2 samples long, in is framesize + samples long. (for maximum framesize) + */ + float * in0, * out0; + + /* bufsize is 3 * third, framesize is 2 * third + bufsize is used for outbuf. + */ + long bufsize, framesize, third; + + void processw(float * in, float * out, long samples); + + int shape; + + /* third-sized tail of previous processed frame. already has mixing envelope + applied. + */ + float * prevmix; + + /* number of samples in in0 */ + int insize; + + /* number of samples and starting position of valid samples in out0 */ + int outsize; + int outstart; + + bool capturemode; + +}; + +#endif diff --git a/exemplar/exemplardefs.h b/exemplar/exemplardefs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00cbfc31 --- /dev/null +++ b/exemplar/exemplardefs.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + +/* You need to redefine this stuff in order to make your plugin. + see dfxplugin.h for details. */ + +#define PLUGIN_NAME_STRING "DFX EXEMPLAR" +#define PLUGIN_ID 'DFex' +#define PLUGIN_VERSION 0x00010100 +#define PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINT "ExemplarEntry" + +#define TARGET_PLUGIN_USES_MIDI 1 +#define TARGET_PLUGIN_IS_INSTRUMENT 0 +#define TARGET_PLUGIN_USES_DSPCORE 1 + +#ifndef TARGET_PLUGIN_HAS_GUI +#define TARGET_PLUGIN_HAS_GUI 0 +#endif + +/* only necessary if using a custom GUI */ +#define PLUGIN_EDITOR_ENTRY_POINT "ExemplarEditorEntry" + +// optional +#define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_STRING "the cow says..." +#define PLUGIN_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION_STRING "the cow says..." diff --git a/slowft/slowft.cpp b/slowft/slowft.cpp index 01783f1d..14456383 100644 --- a/slowft/slowft.cpp +++ b/slowft/slowft.cpp @@ -171,10 +171,16 @@ void PLUGINCORE::processw(float * in, float * out, long samples) { /* argument to sin, cosine. */ float arg = freq * seconds * SLOWFT_2PI; - + sines[key] += sin(arg) * in[s]; cosines[key] += cos(arg) * in[s]; } + + /* XXX this normalization is wrong: it should be the + maximum possible score, which is the area under + the curve of abs(sin(..)) within the region. */ + sines[key] /= (float)samples; + cosines[key] /= (float)samples; /* go to next key */ freq *= HALFSTEP_RATIO; @@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ void PLUGINCORE::processw(float * in, float * out, long samples) { int maxkey = 0; { float maxval = 0.0; - for(int k = 0; k < NUM_KEYS; k ++) { + for(int k = 12; k < NUM_KEYS; k ++) { float tval = abs(sines[k]) + abs(cosines[k]); if (tval > maxval) { maxkey = k;