Lists (4)
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An optimized PNG decoder suitable for microcontrollers and PCs
A driver for HUB75E RGB LED Matrix Panels driven from the Parallax Propeller V2
This is a drop-in replacement for the ESP8266 SDK PWM
Native Android application for WLED
An Arduino API that sits on top of Linux and other operating systems. This lets you run Arduino code on Raspberry PI, desktops, etc... All as a standard user-space application.
π§ An easy-to-use API for devices that use Tuya's cloud services. Documentation:
Bias Lighting and Ambient Light firmware, designed for Firefly Luciferin.
LGFX based Gauge Decoration and Animation library π§
SPI LCD graphics library for ESP32 (ESP-IDF/ArduinoESP32) / ESP8266 (ArduinoESP8266) / SAMD51(Seeed ArduinoSAMD51)
ESP32-TUX - ESP32 / ESP32-XX Touch UX Template using LVGL to get you started
A wrapper for Mongoose to help build into Arduino framework
Arduino library for Fast mapping and constraining
Arduino Library for the GAMMA function to adjust brightness of LED's etc.
Arduino library to calculate the running average by means of a circular buffer.
Using an ESP32 Camera board to create self organising LEDs
This is tinyAVR (ATtiny13, ATtiny25, ATtiny45, ATtiny85, etc.) library for DS18B20 temperature sensor.
depau / ESPAsyncWebServer
Forked from me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServerAsync Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32
High speed USB serial port LED strip driver for HyperHDR using ESP32 or ESP32-S2 devices. Multi-segment & multi-core support.
awawa-dev / HyperSerialWLED
Forked from Aircoookie/WLEDFork of the WLED (esp8266, esp32 inc. S2, S3, C3) with AWA protocol with data integrity check at @2000000 speed for use with HyperHDR.
OSHW Advanced LED Audio Visualizer based around a hacky Discrete Fourier Transform
arduino / arduino-esp32
Forked from espressif/arduino-esp32Arduino core for the ESP32
Polyglot examples for the 01Space ESP32-C3FH4-RGB board
A library for arduino to read value of MPU9250.
A Walkie-Talkie based around the ESP32 using UDP broadcast or ESP-NOW