- Barcelona, Spain
- @sleistner
sleistner / vimified
Forked from zaiste/vimifiedUltimate, kick-ass VIM configuration on top of Vundle.
sleistner / backbone-rails
Forked from aflatter/backbone-railsShips backbone and underscore to your Rails 3.1 application through the new asset pipeline. Rails 3.0 is supported via generators.
Run Jasmine specs in a headless WebKit browser
sleistner / vim-tree
Forked from svenfuchs/vim-treevim filesystem tree plugin in ruby
rmanalan / jshint.vim
Forked from hallettj/jslint.vimVIM plugin and command line tool for running JSHint <https://jshint.com/>. Shamelessly forked from https://github.com/halletj/jslint.vim
matej / MBProgressHUD
Forked from jdg/MBProgressHUDMBProgressHUD, an iOS activity indicator view
ignu / screw-unit
Forked from nathansobo/screw-unitactive fork of screw-unit to add support for mocking, and possibly other customizations
carlosbrando / remarkable
Forked from remarkable-rb/remarkableSimplifying tests!
thatcher / env-js
Forked from jeresig/env-jsA pure-JavaScript browser environment.
relevance / blue-ridge
Forked from jgehtland/javascript_testingFramework for JavaScript Testing (currently a Rails Plugin)
leahneukirchen / rack
Forked from rack/racka modular Ruby webserver interface | personal fork | PLEASE BRANCH/SEND PULL REQUESTS/FILE BUGS AT rack/rack