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🧩 DataRec: A Framework for Standardizing Recommendation Data Processing and Analysis"

This is the official GitHub repo for the paper "DataRec: A Framework for Standardizing Recommendation Data Processing and Analysis".

Table of Contents

What is DataRec

DataRec is a Python framework that focuses on the data management phase of recommendation systems. It aims to promote standardization, interoperability, and best practices for processing and analyzing recommendation datasets.


  • Dataset Management: Supports reading and writing various data formats (data, csv, tsv, txt, JSON) and allows dynamic format specification.
  • Reference Datasets: Includes commonly used recommendation datasets with traceable sources and versioning.
  • Filtering Strategies: Implements popular filtering techniques.
  • Splitting Strategies: Implements widely used data splitting strategies.
  • Data Characteristics Analysis: Enables computing data characteristics that impact recommendation performance.
  • Interoperability: Designed to be modular and compatible with existing recommendation frameworks by allowing dataset export in various formats.

Installation guidelines

Please make sure to have the following installed on your system:

  • Python 3.9.0 or later

you first need to clone this repository:

git clone https://link_finale

You may create the virtual environment with the requirements files we included in the repository, as follows:

$ python3.9 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


DataRec includes several commonly used recommendation datasets to facilitate reproducibility and standardization. These datasets have been carefully curated, with traceable sources and versioning information maintained whenever possible. For each dataset, DataRec provides metadata such as the number of users, items, and interactions and data characteristics known to impact recommendation performance (e.g., sparsity and user/item distribution shifts). The dataset collection in DataRec is continuously updated to include more recent and widely used datasets from the recommendation systems literature. The most recent and widely-used version is included when the original data source is unavailable to ensure backward compatibility.

The following datasets are currently included in DataRec:

Dataset Name Source
Amazon Book
Toys and Games
Sports and Outdoors
Video Games
Clothing, Shoes, and Jewelry
MovieLens 1M
Amazon Beauty
Alibaba Fashion
MovieLens 20M

Filtering Strategies

DataRec implements various filtering techniques commonly applied to recommendation datasets:

  • k-Core Filtering: Retains only users and items with at least k interactions. Variants include k-Core User (filtering out users with less than k interactions), k-Core Item (filtering out items with less than k interactions), and Iterative k-Core (iteratively removing users and items until convergence).
  • Binarization: A common preprocessing step for implicit feedback data, where ratings over threshold are set to 1, while the remaining set to 0.
  • Session Filtering: Techniques for filtering sessions/baskets of items, such as retaining only sessions of a certain length or removing sessions with long inactivity periods.
  • Action Filtering: Filtering out specific types of user-item interactions (e.g., removing negative interactions like dislikes or low ratings).
  • n-Rounds k-Core: An extension of k-core filtering that iterates the process for n rounds, allowing more aggressive pruning of the dataset.

These filtering strategies can be used independently or combined to preprocess the data according to the requirements of the recommendation task and algorithm.

Splitting Strategies

DataRec provides implementations of wide data-splitting strategies for recommendation systems:

  • Holdout Split: Allocates a percentage of the dataset for testing; the remainder is partitioned into training and validation sets.
  • Leave N Out: Extracts randomly N transactions per user for testing, N (can also be set as a different value) transaction validation, and the remaining for training. Supports the variant Leave One Out where N is set to 1 for test and validation sets.
  • Leave N Last: Extracts the final N transaction per user for testing, the next N transactions for validation, and the remaining for training. Supports variants like Leave One Last Item, where only the last and the second-to-last are retained for testing and validation, respectively.
  • Temporal Split: Segments historical interactions by timestamp, allocating a percentage of each user's most recent interactions for testing (Temporal User) or using a global time cutoff with all interactions after that point for testing (Temporal Global).
  • User Split: Adaptation of the methods above but stratified for each user.


The following table contains a list of articles included in our literature review for DataRec:

Title Year Conference
KGTORe: Tailored Recommendations through Knowledge-aware GNN Models 2023 RecSys
Revisiting Graph based Collaborative Filtering: A Linear Residual Graph Convolutional Network Approach 2020 AAAI
Graph-based regularization on embedding layers for recommendation 2020 TOIS
Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation 2020 ICBD
S3-Rec: Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Recommendation with Mutual Information Maximization 2020 CIKM
Dynamic graph neural networks for sequential recommendation 2022 TKDE
Graph Convolution Machine for Context-aware Recommender System 2022 FCS
Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks 2021 SIGIR
Dual Graph enhanced Embedding Neural Network for CTR Prediction 2021 SIGKDD
Knowledge-aware Coupled Graph Neural Network for Social Recommendation. 2021 AAAI
Social Recommendation with Implicit Social Influence 2021 SIGIR
Self-Supervised Multi-Channel Hypergraph Convolutional Network for Social Recommendation 2021 WWW
Explore User Neighborhood for Real-time E-commerce Recommendation 2021 ICDE
LightGCN: Simplifying and Powering Graph Convolution Network for Recommendation 2020 SIGIR
Knowledge Graph Self-Supervised Rationalization for Recommendation 2023 KDD
Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation 2022 SIGIR
Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation 2023 WWW
Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation 2023 WSDM
Automated Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation 2023 WWW
Self-Supervised Graph Learning for Recommendation 2021 SIGIR
Are Graph Augmen- tations Necessary?: Simple Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation 2022 SIGIR
XSimGCL: To- wards extremely simple graph contrastive learning for recommendation. 2022 Arxiv
LightGCL: Simple Yet Effective Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation 2023 ICLR
Learning to Denoise Unreliable Interactions for Graph Collaborative Filtering 2022 SIGIR
Disentangled Contrastive Collaborative Filtering 2023 SIGIR
Graph Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Augmentation for Recommendation 2022 PKDD
Adaptive Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation 2023 KDD
Graph-less Collaborative Filtering 2023 WWW
A review-aware graph contrastive learning framework for recommendation 2022 SIGIR
Multi- level Contrastive Learning Framework for Sequential Recommendation 2022 CIKM
Hypergraph Contrastive Collaborative Filtering 2022 SIGIR
A Multi-Strategy-Based Pre-Training Method for Cold-Start Recommendation 2023 TOIS
Multi-level Cross-view Contrastive Learning for Knowledge-aware Recommender System 2022 SIGIR
Knowledge-Adaptive Contrastive Learning for Recommendation 2023 WSDM
Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks for Multi-behavior Recommendation 2022 IJCAI
Multi-view multi-behavior contrastive learning in recommendation 2022 DASFAA
Socially-aware self-supervised tri-training for recommendation 2022 KDD
Self-supervised graph co-training for session-based recommendation 2022 CIKM
Double-scale self-supervised hypergraph learning for group recommendation 2021 CIKM
Feature-Level Deeper Self-Attention Network With Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation 2023 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Ensemble Modeling with Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Sequential Recommendation 2023 SIGIR
Session-aware recommendation: A surprising quest for the state-of-the-art 2021 Information Sciences
Utilizing Human Memory Processes to Model Genre Preferences for Personalized Music Recommendations 2021 Information Sciences
Contextual and Sequential User Embeddings for Large-Scale Music Recommendation 2020 RecSys
Incorporating time-interval sequences in linear TV for next-item prediction 2022 Expert Systems With Applications
Assessment that matters: balancing reliability and learner-centered pedagogy in MOOC assessment 2020 LAK
Session‑aware news recommendations using random walks on time‑evolving heterogeneous information networks 2020 UMUAI
Towards long-term fairness in recommendation 2021 WSDM
Deep reinforcement learning framework for category-based item recommendation 2021 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Diff4Rec: Sequential Recommendation with Curriculum-scheduled Diffusion Augmentation 2023 MM: International Multimedia Conference
Diffusion Recommender Model 2023 SIGIR
FISSA: Fusing item similarity models with self-attention networks for sequential recommendation 2020 RecSys
Personalized prompt learning for explainable recommendation. 2023 SIGIR
Rexplug: Explainable recommendation using plug-and-play language model. 2021 SIGIR
Recommender systems with generative retrieval 2024 NIPS
Contrastvae: Contrastive variational autoencoder for sequential recommendation 2022 CIKM

Next Updates

  • ⏳ improving logger
  • ⏳ improving signatures
  • ⏳ documentation
