version: 1.{build} image: Visual Studio 2022 configuration: Release before_build: - cmd: nuget restore -DisableParallelProcessing src\SIPSorceryMedia.SDL2.csproj build: project: src\SIPSorceryMedia.SDL2.csproj publish_nuget: false verbosity: quiet after_build: - dotnet pack src\SIPSorceryMedia.SDL2.csproj -p:NuspecFile=SIPSorceryMedia.SDL2.nuspec -c Release --no-build artifacts: - path: '**\*.nupkg' # - path: '**\*.snupkg' deploy: - provider: NuGet server: # remove to push to api_key: secure: GWtnKGaBRjWgQ8jTe+9zzlr83Gr15mS/poFyqLWWEeWAIndh0uyaBpAXxozsCcC5 skip_symbols: false symbol_server: # remove to push symbols to artifact: /.*(\.|\.s)nupkg/ on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true # deploy on tag push only - provider: NuGet server: artifact: /.*(\.|\.s)nupkg/ username: sipsorcery api_key: secure: E58r+OknoQn8+bsPRT6l3U2K4kfOpDiGCo1C75LkVg+R/RBHpY//J8UCXEfVvyRB on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true # deploy on tag push only