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Verifying Electron-Cash Downloads using File Hashes

PLEASE NOTE: sha256sum is known as gsha256sum in MACOS

  1. Download the SHA256SUMS file to the same directory as the installer.

    cd Downloads


Compare the file hashes

sha256sum -c SHA256.Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg.txt 2>&1

If the file hashes match, "OK" will be displayed on your screen.

Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg: OK

If the hashes do not match, then there was a problem with either the download or a problem with the server. You should download the file again.

Manual Verification of File Hashes

Download the SHA256SUMS files


View the SHA256SUMS file

cat SHA256.Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg.txt
670d6851908720195d58a1d94a53e77e4120e0e98f6940ee93a76f4468e2c6c5  Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg

Generate a SHA256 hash of the file you downloaded

sha256sum Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg
670d6851908720195d58a1d94a53e77e4120e0e98f6940ee93a76f4468e2c6c5  Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg

Now compare the hash that your machine calculated with the corresponding hash in the SHA256SUMS file.

When both hashes match exactly then the downloaded file is almost certainly intact.

Verifying Electron-Cash Downloads using GNU Privacy Guard


gpg --verify <SIGNATURE> <FILE>

Detailed Steps

  1. Create your private key with

     gpg --generate-key

    Choose RSA/DSA key with 4096 bits. Enter your name, email and make sure to choose a strong password.

  2. Download the public key of the person/institution you want to verify. For TrueCrypt, their public key is available here.

  3. Import the person’s public key into your key ring

     gpg --import TrueCrypt-Foundation-Public-Key.asc

    You should see output similar to

     gpg: key 21810A542031C02C: public key "Calin Culianu (NilacTheGrim)         <[email protected]>" imported
     gpg: Total number processed: 1
     gpg:               imported: 1
  4. You need to sign the person’s public key with your private key, to tell GPG that you “accept” the key.

     gpg --list-keys
     pub   dsa2048 2017-08-20 [SC]
     uid           [ unknown] Calin Culianu (NilacTheGrim) <[email protected]>
     sub   elg2048 2017-08-20 [E]

    The “name” of their key is long string on the second line.

  5. Sign their public key with:

     gpg --sign-key D465135F97D0047E18E99DC321810A542031C02C
  6. Download the corresponding signature file

  7. Now you can verify the signature of the file you downloaded

     gpg --verify Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg.sig

    Example of successful output

     gpg: assuming signed data in 'Electron-Cash-3.1-macosx.dmg'
     gpg: Signature made Sat  6 Jan 03:51:06 2018 AEDT
     gpg:                using DSA key 21810A542031C02C
     gpg: checking the trustdb
     gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
     gpg: depth: 0  valid:   2  signed:   1  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 2u
     gpg: depth: 1  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 1-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
     gpg: next trustdb check due at 2020-01-12
     gpg: Good signature from "Calin Culianu (NilacTheGrim) <[email protected]>" [full]

Installing GnuPG MAC OS

Can be installed using Homebrew

brew install gpg