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96 lines (74 loc) · 2.21 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (74 loc) · 2.21 KB

====================== 03/19/16 22:30:12

Last Edited Text

\ is to escape the backtick and not part of the command `[ beginning of last edited `] end of last edited


Use substitute to count occurances :%s/pattern//gn

The n flag at the end is no op and therefore you just see the matches echoed in the
Vim command line

:h regexp


Marks [a-Z] are local
Marks [A-Z] are global (between files)

Marks '[ and '] delimit the last modified text
	- This is useful if you want to do something with text you just pasted or
	  something similar

'a goes to a
`a also goes to a


(number)  Absolute line number
.         Current line
$         Last line in the file
%         The current file
't        Location of mark t
/pattern/ The next line where pattern occurs
?pattern? The previous line where pattern occurs

:h range

Moving Lines

	moves the line at mark a to the line before the next occurrence of Moving

	moves the line starting with test to the line before the next occurrence of Moving


Press C-f in command line mode to get a list of the last few commands in a buffer. You can edit a command as text and then hit enter to run it


Registers 1-9 are delete registers. They work like a stack

Registers are executable as macros. If you pull into a register you can execute that text as a macro since macro registers and copy/paste registers are the same group of registers


Count Operator Motion

External Tools

To read in a file or output from a command :r file_name :r !external command

To run the current line through the stdin of an external command :.![cmd]

From normal mode to run the current line as a command !!sh


:h ins-completion

Vim Surround

cs"' change surrounding " to ' ds" delete surrounding " yss( Add surrounding braces cst" change html tag to "

Vim Commentary

gcc toggle comment on a line gcap toggle comment on a paragraph